Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (Rule 14a-101)


           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement

[ ]  Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as permitted
     by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12

                              Concord Camera Corp.

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     3)   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     5)   Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and  identify the  filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration  statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount previously paid:


     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     3)   Filing Party:


     4)   Date Filed:


                                      THE INNOVATOR

                              CONCORD CAMERA CORP.
                            4000 Hollywood Boulevard
                   Presidential Circle-6th Floor, North Tower
                            Hollywood, Florida 33021


                          TO BE HELD DECEMBER 18, 2008

Notice is hereby given that an Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Concord Camera
Corp., a New Jersey  corporation,  (the  "Company") will be held at the Marriott
Residence Inn at Aventura Mall, 19900 West Country Club Drive, Aventura, Florida
33180, on Thursday,  December 18, 2008, beginning at 10:00 a.m., local time, for
the following purposes:

      1. To approve the  dissolution  of the Company and the Plan of Dissolution
and Liquidation, substantially in the form attached hereto as Annex A;

      2. To elect Ira B. Lampert,  Ronald S. Cooper, Morris H. Gindi, William J.
O'Neill, Jr. and Roger J. Beit as directors for a term of office expiring at the
2009 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  or until their  respective  successors are
duly elected and qualified;

      3. To  ratify  the  appointment  of BDO  Seidman,  LLP as the  independent
registered public accounting firm of the Company for the fiscal year ending June
27, 2009; and

      4. To transact such other  business as may properly come before the Annual
Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

Only holders of record of the Company's common stock, no par value, at the close
of business  on  November 7, 2008,  will be entitled to notice of and to vote at
the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

In order to be admitted to the Annual  Meeting,  a  shareholder  must present an
admission  ticket or proof of ownership of Company  stock on the record date. If
your shares are held in the name of a bank,  broker or other holder of record, a
brokerage  statement  or letter  from a bank or broker is an example of proof of
ownership. Any holder of a proxy from a shareholder must present the proxy card,
properly  executed,  and an admission  ticket to be admitted.  Shareholders  and
proxy  holders  must  also  present  a form of  photo  identification  such as a
driver's license or passport.

An admission  ticket is on the back cover page of your proxy  statement.  If you
plan to attend the Annual Meeting, please keep this ticket and bring it with you
to the Annual Meeting. If you receive this proxy statement  electronically,  you
can obtain a ticket in advance of the Annual  Meeting by printing the final page
of this proxy statement.

                                      THE INNOVATOR

Please  sign and date the  enclosed  form of proxy and return it in the  postage
paid,  self-addressed  envelope provided for your  convenience.  Management asks
that you do this  whether  or not you plan to attend  the  meeting.  Should  you
attend,  you may,  if you wish,  withdraw  your  proxy  and vote your  shares in

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                          Scott L. Lampert
Hollywood, Florida
November 18, 2008

                              CONCORD CAMERA CORP.

                                   TO BE HELD
                           THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2008

This proxy  statement is furnished by the Board of Directors,  or the Board,  of
Concord Camera Corp. in connection with the  solicitation of proxies to be voted
at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the Company that will be held at the
Marriott  Residence  Inn at  Aventura  Mall,  19900  West  Country  Club  Drive,
Aventura, Florida 33180 on Thursday, December 18, 2008, beginning at 10:00 a.m.,
local time,  and all  adjournments  thereof,  for the  purposes set forth in the
accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting. References to the "Company" or "we", "us"
or "our" are all references to Concord Camera Corp.

Our Board has fixed the close of business  on  November  7, 2008,  as the record
date for the determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of and to vote at
the annual  meeting or any  adjournments  thereof.  As of that date,  there were
issued and outstanding  5,913,610  shares of our common stock, no par value, our
only class of voting  securities  outstanding.  Each  share of our common  stock
entitles the holder to one vote. The presence, in person or by proxy, of holders
of a majority of all of our outstanding common stock constitutes a quorum at the
annual meeting.  Shares of our common stock  represented by proxies that reflect
abstentions and "broker non-votes" (i.e., common stock represented at the annual
meeting by proxies  held by brokers or  nominees  as to which (i) the brokers or
nominees have not received  instructions  from the beneficial  owners or persons
entitled to vote and (ii) the broker or nominee does not have the  discretionary
voting  power  on a  particular  matter)  will be  counted  for the  purpose  of
determining  the  existence of a quorum at the Annual  Meeting,  but will not be
counted  as a vote  cast for the  purpose  of  determining  the  number of votes
required to approve a proposal.

Any  shareholder  giving a proxy  will  have the  right to revoke it at any time
prior to the time it is voted.  A proxy may be revoked  by:  (i) giving  written
notice  to us at or prior to the  Annual  Meeting,  attention:  Secretary;  (ii)
signing  another  proxy with a later  date;  or (iii)  attendance  and voting in
person  at the  Annual  Meeting.  Attendance  at the  Annual  Meeting  will  not
automatically  revoke the proxy.  All shares of our common stock  represented by
effective  proxies  will be voted at the annual  meeting  or at any  adjournment
thereof.  Unless  otherwise  specified  in the proxy  (and  except  for  "broker
non-votes"  described above),  shares of our common stock represented by proxies
will  be  voted:  (i) FOR  the  approval  of our  dissolution  and  the  Plan of
Dissolution  and  Liquidation;  (ii)  FOR  the  election  of  each  of the  five
directors; (iii) FOR the approval of the ratification of BDO Seidman, LLP as the
independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for the fiscal year
ending June 27,  2009;  and (iv) in the  discretion  of the proxy  holders  with
respect to such other matters as may properly come before the Annual Meeting.

All information in this proxy  statement gives effect to a two-for-one  split of
our common stock effective on April 14, 2000, to shareholders of record on March
27, 2000,  and a one-for-five  split of our common stock,  effective on November
21, 2006, to shareholders of record on November 20, 2006.

Our  executive  offices are located at 4000  Hollywood  Boulevard,  Presidential
Circle-6th Floor, North Tower, Hollywood, Florida 33021. Mailing to shareholders
of record on  November  7, 2008 of the  Notice  of Annual  Meeting,  this  proxy
statement and the accompanying form of proxy will commence on or around November
18, 2008.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE ANNUAL MEETING ................................1

DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION ..................................................10

PLAN OF LIQUIDATION ..........................................................14

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS ...................................................19

THE PLAN OF DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION ......................................20

SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA ......................................................39

PROPOSAL TWO:  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS .........................................41

COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS .........................................50



OTHER INFORMATION ............................................................82

ANNEX A PLAN OF DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION .................................A-1

ANNEX B QUARTERLY INFORMATION ...............................................B-1



What is the Purpose of the Annual Meeting?

At the Annual Meeting, shareholders will consider and vote on proposals to:

      o     approve our  dissolution and the Plan of Dissolution and Liquidation
            of the Company,  substantially  in the form attached hereto as Annex
            A, referred to as the "plan of liquidation";

      o     elect Ira B. Lampert,  Ronald S. Cooper, Morris H. Gindi, William J.
            O'Neill,  Jr.  and Roger J. Beit as  directors  for a term of office
            expiring at the 2009 Annual Meeting of  shareholders  or until their
            respective successors are duly elected and qualified; and

      o     ratify  the  appointment  of BDO  Seidman,  LLP  as the  independent
            registered public accounting firm of the Company for the fiscal year
            ending June 27, 2009.

We may also transact such other  business as may properly come before the Annual
Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

Who Is Entitled to Vote?

The record date for the Annual Meeting is November 7, 2008. Only shareholders of
record at the close of  business  on that date are  entitled to notice of and to
vote at the Annual  Meeting.  At the close of  business on the record date there
were 5,913,610 shares of common stock outstanding.

A list of shareholders entitled to vote will be available at the Annual Meeting.
In addition,  the list will be open to the examination of any  shareholder,  for
any  purpose  germane to the Annual  Meeting,  at our  address set forth in this
Proxy Statement between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., local time, on any
business day from November 25, 2008 up to the time of the Annual Meeting.

What If My Shares Are Held in "Street Name" by a Broker?

If you are the  beneficial  owner of shares  held in "street  name" by a broker,
your  broker,  as the record  holder of the  shares,  is  required to vote those
shares in accordance with your instructions.  If you do not give instructions to
your broker,  your broker is only entitled to vote on the proposal regarding the
election of  directors,  as  described  in proposal 2, and the  ratification  of
auditors,  as described in proposal 3. Your broker will not be permitted to vote
your shares with respect to our  dissolution  and the plan of liquidation  and a
"broker non-vote" will occur, which will be counted towards the quorum, but will
not be counted as a vote cast for the purpose of determining the number of votes
required to approve the proposals.

How Do I Vote?

You may vote by mail. If you properly  complete and sign the accompanying  proxy
card and return it in the enclosed envelope, it will be voted in accordance with
your instructions. The

enclosed envelope requires no additional postage if mailed in the United States.
If your  shares  are held in  "street  name" by a broker or other  nominee,  you
should check the voting form used by that firm to determine  whether you will be
able to vote by telephone or on the Internet.

You may vote in person at the meeting.  If you plan to attend the Annual Meeting
and wish to vote in person,  we will give you a ballot at the meeting.  However,
if your shares are held in the name of your broker,  bank or other nominee,  you
will need to obtain a proxy form from the  institution  that  holds your  shares
indicating that you were the beneficial owner of our common stock on November 7,
2008, the record date for voting at the Annual Meeting.

May I Change My Vote After I Submit My Proxy?

Yes, you may revoke your proxy and change your vote at any time before the polls
close at the Annual Meeting by:

      o     signing another proxy with a later date;

      o     giving  written  notice  of the  revocation  of  your  proxy  to our
            Secretary at or prior to the meeting; or

      o     voting in person at the Annual Meeting.

What If I Do Not Specify How My Shares Are to be Voted?

If you submit an executed  proxy but do not  indicate  how your shares are to be
voted, your shares will be voted

      o     "FOR"  the  proposal  to  approve  our  dissolution  and the plan of

      o     "FOR" the proposal to elect Ira B. Lampert, Ronald S. Cooper, Morris
            H. Gindi, William J. O'Neill, Jr. and Roger J. Beit as directors for
            a term of office expiring at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
            or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified;

      o     "FOR" the proposal to ratify the appointment of BDO Seidman,  LLP as
            the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for
            the fiscal year ending June 27, 2009; and

      o     In the  discretion  of the proxy  holders with respect to such other
            business  as may  properly  come  before the  Annual  Meeting or any
            adjournments thereof.

What Is Required for a Quorum?

The  holders of shares  entitled to cast a majority of the votes at a meeting of
shareholders  constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual
Meeting.  Proxies marked as abstentions and any broker non-votes (shares held by
brokers  which are  represented  at the  meeting  but with  respect to which the
broker is not


empowered to vote on a particular  proposal)  will be included as shares present
for purposes of determining whether or not there is a quorum.

What if a Quorum is Not Present at the Annual Meeting?

Under our bylaws, if a quorum is not present at any meeting of the shareholders,
the  shareholders  entitled to vote at the meeting have the power to adjourn the
meeting from time to time until a quorum is present.  If a quorum is not present
at the Annual  Meeting,  we expect to attempt to adjourn  the Annual  Meeting to
solicit additional  proxies.  In such event, the persons named in the proxy card
will have the authority  to, and currently  intend to, vote your shares in favor
of adjournment.

What Vote is Required to Approve the Proposals at the Annual Meeting?

      o     To approve the dissolution and plan of liquidation:  The affirmative
            vote of a majority of the votes cast by the holders of shares of our
            common  stock  present or  represented  and  entitled to vote at the
            Annual  Meeting.  Members  of our  current  Board and our  executive
            officers who held as of the record  date,  an aggregate of 1,909,783
            shares  of  common  stock  (approximately  32.3% of the  outstanding
            shares of common  stock as of the record date) have  indicated  that
            they will vote all of their shares FOR  approval of the  dissolution
            of the Company and the plan of liquidation.

      o     To elect Ira B. Lampert,  Ronald S. Cooper, Morris H. Gindi, William
            J. O'Neill,  Jr. and Roger J. Beit as directors for a term of office
            expiring at the 2009 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  or until their
            respective   successors   are  duly  elected  and   qualified:   The
            affirmative  vote of a plurality of the votes cast by the holders of
            shares of our common stock  present or  represented  and entitled to
            vote at the Annual Meeting.

      o     To ratify the  appointment  of BDO Seidman,  LLP as the  independent
            registered public accounting firm of the Company for the fiscal year
            ending  June 27,  2009:  The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the
            votes cast by the  holders  of shares  present  or  represented  and
            entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.

What If I Do Not Vote on the Proposals Presented?

If a shareholder  abstains from voting or does not vote,  either in person or by
proxy, on the proposal to:

      o     approve our dissolution and the plan of liquidation, it will have no
            effect on the outcome of the vote for the proposal.

      o     elect Ira B. Lampert,  Ronald S. Cooper, Morris H. Gindi, William J.
            O'Neill,  Jr.  and Roger J. Beit as  directors  for a term of office
            expiring at the 2009 Annual Meeting of  shareholders  or until their
            respective successors are duly elected and qualified, votes that are
            withheld with respect to this matter will be excluded  entirely from
            the  vote and will  have no  effect,  other  than  for  purposes  of
            determining the presence of a quorum.


      o     ratify  the  appointment  of BDO  Seidman,  LLP  as the  independent
            registered public accounting firm of the Company for the fiscal year
            ending June 27,  2009,  it will have no effect on the outcome of the
            vote for the proposal.

What Will Happen If  Shareholders Do Not Approve our Dissolution and the Plan of

If our  shareholders do not approve our dissolution and the plan of liquidation,
our Board will continue to explore what, if any, alternatives are then available
for the future of the  Company.  We believe  the value of our  business  will be
materially  adversely  impacted after the announcement of the  recommendation by
our Board of our  dissolution  and the adoption of the plan of  liquidation.  In
particular,  pending  our  shareholders'  vote on our  dissolution  and  plan of
liquidation,  we have ceased  manufacturing  products,  purchasing materials and
products  and  undertaking  commitments  for  sales of our  products,  except as
necessary to complete the manufacture and sale of materials and products that we
have remaining in inventory.  As a result,  we believe that many, if not all, of
our customers,  including our major customers, will transition their business to
our competitors.  Therefore,  if our shareholders do not approve our dissolution
and plan of liquidation, we will not be able to continue to operate our business
as it existed prior to the  announcement  of our Board's  recommendation  of our
dissolution  and the adoption of the plan of liquidation  and we may not be able
to operate our business at all.

Can I Still Sell My Shares?

Yes,  you  may  sell  your  shares  at this  time,  but it may be  difficult  or
impossible to sell your shares in the near future.

Our common stock is currently  listed on the NASDAQ  Global Market and currently
you may sell your  shares on this  trading  market.  However,  we are subject to
financial and market-related tests and various qualitative standards established
by NASDAQ to maintain our listing on the NASDAQ  Global  Market.  We may also be
delisted if we fail to meet NASDAQ Global  Market's other  quantitative  listing
requirements or its qualitative standards.

On October 1, 2008, we received a notice from the NASDAQ Stock Market ("NASDAQ")
indicating  that our securities  were subject to delisting due to our failure to
file our Form 10-K for the period ended June 28, 2008.  On November 7, 2008,  we
filed our Form 10-K with the Commission and NASDAQ, thereby regaining compliance
with all  requirements  for continued  listing on the NASDAQ Global  Market.  On
November 10, 2008, we received a notice from NASDAQ  indicating  that our filing
delinquency resulting from our delay in filing our Form 10-K had been cured and,
therefore,  our securities  would remain listed on the NASDAQ Global Market.  We
had previously  received a deficiency  notice from NASDAQ indicating that we did
not file our  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the period  ended  December 28,
2007.  After we filed our  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the  period  ended
December 28, 2007 on March 31, 2008,  NASDAQ  notified us that at that time,  we
were in compliance with the listing requirements.


If our  dissolution  and the plan of  liquidation  are  approved,  we  expect to
voluntarily  delist our common stock from the NASDAQ  Global  Market,  close our
stock  transfer books and prohibit  transfers of record  ownership of our common
stock after filing a certificate of dissolution with the State of New Jersey.

How Does the Board of Directors Recommend I Vote on the Proposals?

Our Board recommends that you vote:

      o     "FOR"  the  proposal  to  approve  our  dissolution  and the plan of

      o     "FOR" the proposal to elect Ira B. Lampert, Ronald S. Cooper, Morris
            H. Gindi, William J. O'Neill, Jr. and Roger J. Beit as directors for
            a term of office expiring at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
            or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified;

      o     "FOR" the proposal to ratify the appointment of BDO Seidman,  LLP as
            the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for
            the fiscal year ending June 27, 2009.

Why has the  Board of  Directors  Recommended  Our  Dissolution  and the Plan of

Our Board has  determined  that it is not  advisable  to continue to operate our
business on an independent  basis and that the distribution of our net assets in
a  liquidation  has a  greater  probability  of  producing  more  value  to  our
shareholders  than other  alternatives.  See  "Proposal  One -  Approval  of our
Dissolution and the Plan of Dissolution and Liquidation - Background and Reasons
for the  Dissolution  and the Plan of  Liquidation."  Accordingly,  based on the
Special  Committee's  review of strategic  alternatives and  recommendation,  on
October 29, 2008, our Board adopted a resolution  approving our  dissolution and
the plan of liquidation.

What  will  Happen  if   Shareholders   Approve  the  Dissolution  and  Plan  of

If shareholders approve our dissolution and the plan of liquidation, we will:

      o     file a Certificate of Dissolution with the Department of Treasury of
            the State of New Jersey,  specifying  the date (no later than ninety
            days after the filing)  upon which the  Certificate  of  Dissolution
            will become effective and we will be dissolved;

      o     conduct business  operations only to the extent necessary to wind up
            our business  affairs and withdraw from any jurisdiction in which we
            are  qualified  to do  business,  except  as  necessary  to sell our
            non-cash assets and for the proper winding up of our Company;

      o     sell  all of our  non-cash  assets  and  properties  (including  our
            intellectual property and other intangible assets);

      o     settle and pay or attempt to  adequately  provide for the payment of
            all of our known liabilities;


      o     establish  a  contingency  reserve  designed  to settle  and pay any
            additional   liabilities,   including  contingent   liabilities  and
            expenses of the dissolution and liquidation; and

      o     make one or more  distributions  to our  shareholders  of  available
            liquidation proceeds.

When will Shareholders Receive Payment of any Available Liquidation Proceeds?

If our shareholders approve our dissolution and the plan of liquidation, we will
distribute available  liquidation proceeds, if any, to shareholders as our Board
deems appropriate.  We are currently unable to predict the precise timing of any
distributions  pursuant to the plan of  liquidation.  Distributions  may be made
over the next few years,  although if we are unable to sell our non-cash assets,
if the proceeds of the sales of our non-cash  assets are less than  anticipated,
if we are unable to settle or otherwise  resolve existing claims for the amounts
anticipated or if  unanticipated  claims are made against us,  distributions  to
shareholders may be delayed and made over a longer period of time. The timing of
any  distributions  will be  determined  by our Board and will  depend  upon our
ability  to  sell  our  non-cash  assets  and  resolve  and  pay  our  remaining
liabilities, including contingent claims.

How Much Can  Shareholders  Expect to Receive if Our Dissolution and the Plan of
Liquidation is Approved at the Annual Meeting?

At this time, we cannot  predict with  certainty  the amount of any  liquidating
distributions  to our  shareholders.  However,  based on  information  currently
available  to us,  assuming,  among other  things,  no  unanticipated  actual or
contingent liabilities, we estimate that over time shareholders will receive one
or more distributions  that in the aggregate range from  approximately  $3.25 to
$4.82 per share. This range of estimated  distributions  represents our estimate
of the amount to be distributed to shareholders during the liquidation, but does
not represent the minimum or maximum distribution  amount.  Actual distributions
could be higher or lower.

This  estimated  range is based upon,  among other  things,  the fact that as of
September  27,  2008,  we  had   approximately   $43.3  million  in  cash,  cash
equivalents,   restricted  cash   equivalents  and  short-term  and  non-current
investments,  and expect to use cash of  approximately  $33.0 million to satisfy
liabilities on our unaudited balance sheet after September 27, 2008. In addition
to  converting  our  remaining  non-cash  assets  to  cash  and  satisfying  the
liabilities  currently on our balance sheet,  we have used and anticipate  using
cash for a number of items, including but not limited to:

      o     ongoing  operating  losses of at least $4.2 million after  September
            27, 2008;

      o     employee  severance and related costs of at least $6.4 million after
            September 27, 2008; and

      o     professional fees of at least $0.2 million after September 27, 2008.

As of September 27, 2008, the carrying value of our auction rate  securities was
approximately  $17.1  million.  This  amount  reflects  an  unrealized  loss  of
approximately  $5.1  million  which was  recorded as of June 28, 2008 due to our
determination that the fair value of these securities was


less than their par value.  The current  disruptions  in the credit markets have
adversely  affected  the  auction  market  for  these  types of  securities.  As
previously reported, during our fiscal year ended June 28, 2008 ("Fiscal 2008"),
we experienced  failed  auctions for certain of our auction rate securities that
have gone to auction resulting in our inability to sell these securities. During
Fiscal  2008,  we received net proceeds of $6.9 million from the sale of auction
rate  securities at 100% of par value,  of which $1.9 million was received after
market  uncertainties  and liquidity issues arose in the market for auction rate
securities.  Additionally, we have experienced redemptions of approximately $1.8
million of our auction rate  securities at 100% of par value  subsequent to June
28, 2008 and have  consented  to tender $2.1 million in par value of our auction
rate  securities  pursuant to an offer by the issuer to purchase such securities
for approximately $1.9 million.  However,  we are unable at this time to predict
whether the purchase of the tendered  auction rate  securities will be completed
or when we will be able to sell our remaining  auction rate  securities  and for
what amount.  Although issuers and market makers are exploring alternatives that
may improve liquidity of our auction rate securities,  and the New York Attorney
General and the SEC  recently  entered into an agreement  with  Citigroup  under
which Citigroup agreed to use its best efforts to facilitate issuer  redemptions
of auction rate  securities of  institutional  investors such as us, there is no
assurance that such efforts will be successful and,  therefore,  there is a risk
that  there  could  be a  further  decline  in the  value  of our  auction  rate
securities.  Continued  failed  auctions  may  affect  the  fair  value of these
securities and require us to further adjust the carrying value of the investment
through  an  impairment  assessment  and we may  receive  less than  anticipated
proceeds  when we sell  these  securities,  which  would  reduce  the  amount of
distributions  shareholders  receive  in the  dissolution  and  liquidation.  In
addition,  we are  unable at this time to  predict  the  ultimate  amount of our
liabilities  because the settlement of our existing  liabilities could cost more
than we  anticipate  and we may  incur  additional  liabilities  arising  out of
contingent  claims  that  have not been  quantified,  are not yet  reflected  as
liabilities  on our balance  sheet and have not been  included in the  estimated
range of potential  distributions,  such as liabilities relating to our existing
lawsuits  and claims that have not been  resolved  and  lawsuits and claims that
could be brought against us in the future.  Therefore,  if any payments are made
with  respect  to  the  foregoing,  the  estimated  range  of  distributions  to
shareholders will be negatively impacted and less than estimated.  We are unable
at this time to predict  what amount,  if any,  may be paid on these  contingent
claims.  If the  ultimate  amount of our  liabilities  is  greater  than what we
anticipate, the distribution to our shareholders may be substantially lower than
anticipated.  Therefore,  we are  unable at this  time to  predict  the  precise
nature,  amount and timing of any  distributions due in part to our inability to
predict the ultimate amount of our liabilities.

For further  information  regarding the expected  amount of the  distribution to
shareholders, see Liquidation Analysis and Estimates on page 28.

When will the Liquidation be Complete?

The liquidation pursuant to the plan of liquidation will be completed as soon as
practicable.  The exact  period  required  for  liquidation  will  depend on our
ability  to  sell  our  non-cash  assets,   settle  or  otherwise   resolve  our
liabilities,  including contingent liabilities,  and complete the dissolution of
the Company and its subsidiaries.


Do Directors  and Officers  Have  Interests in Our  Dissolution  and the Plan of
Liquidation That Differ From Mine?

In considering  the  recommendation  of our Board to approve our dissolution and
the plan of  liquidation,  you  should be aware that some of our  directors  and
officers  might have  interests  that are different  from or in addition to your
interests as a shareholder. These interests include:

      o     our current  directors  and  executive  officers  hold  options with
            exercise  prices  above  $4.82 to purchase  an  aggregate  of 64,033
            shares  of common  stock.  These  options  have a  weighted  average
            exercise price of $28.92 per share, which options are vested or will
            become  fully  vested  prior to our  dissolution  and will  give the
            option   holders  a  right  to   receive  a  pro  rata   portion  of
            distributions to shareholders to the extent the distributions exceed
            the option exercise price;

      o     our  current  Chairman  and CEO,  under the terms of his  employment
            agreement,   will  receive  a  $500,000  payment  triggered  by  the
            shareholders'   approval  of  our   dissolution   and  the  plan  of
            liquidation  and he has  agreed  to  waive  an  additional  $500,000
            payment triggered by the  shareholders'  approval of our dissolution
            and the plan of  liquidation  that he would be entitled to under the
            terms of his employment agreement; and

      o     we have prepaid  coverage  under our director and officer  liability
            insurance  policy for the benefit of our current,  former and future
            directors  and  officers  through  September  30, 2009 and intend to
            maintain such insurance  coverage and/or "tail"  insurance  coverage
            until  completion  of the  dissolution  and execution of the plan of
            liquidation  and to continue to indemnify our directors and officers
            following our dissolution.

In  addition,  under  the  terms of their  employment  agreements,  our  current
executive  officers  will receive an aggregate of  approximately  $1,852,000  in
severance  payments in connection  with the  termination or non-renewal of their

For  information  as to the  number of shares of our common  stock  beneficially
owned by our directors and officers, see page 76.

What are the Tax Consequences of the Liquidation?

As a result of our  liquidation,  for federal  income tax purposes  shareholders
will recognize a gain or loss equal to the difference between (1) the sum of the
amount of cash  distributed  to them and the aggregate  fair market value of any
property  distributed  to them,  and (2) their tax basis for their shares of our
stock. A shareholder's  tax basis in the  shareholder's  shares will depend upon
various factors,  including the shareholder's  cost and the amount and nature of
any distributions  received with respect to the shares.  Any loss generally will
be recognized only when the final distribution from us has been received,  which
could be a few years after our dissolution.

A  brief  summary  of  the  material  federal  income  tax  consequences  of our
dissolution  and  the  plan of  liquidation  appears  on  page 35 of this  proxy
statement.  Tax  consequences  to  shareholders  may differ  depending  on their
circumstances.  You should consult your tax advisor as to the tax effect of your
particular circumstances.


Do I Have Dissenters' Appraisal Rights?

No.  Under New Jersey  law,  shareholders  will not have  dissenters'  appraisal
rights with respect to the dissolution and the plan of liquidation.

What Do Shareholders Need to do Now?

After carefully reading and considering the information  contained in this proxy
statement, each shareholder should complete and sign the enclosed proxy card and
return it in the enclosed return envelope as soon as possible so that his or her
shares may be represented at the meeting.  A majority of shares entitled to vote
must be  represented  at the  meeting  to  enable  us to  conduct  a vote on our
dissolution and the plan of liquidation at the meeting.

Who Can Help Answer Questions?

If you have any additional questions about the proposed dissolution and the plan
of  liquidation,   you  should  contact  the  Company's   Legal   Department  at
954-331-4243.  Our annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 28, 2008,
filed on November 7, 2008 with the Securities and Exchange Commission,  which we
refer to as the Commission,  and including financial  statements,  are available
free of charge through the  Commission's  electronic  data system at www.sec.gov
and on the Company's  website at  www.concord-camera.com.  To obtain  additional
copies of our  filings,  or this proxy  statement,  which we will provide to you
free of charge,  either write to Concord Camera Corp., 4000 Hollywood Blvd., 6th
Floor North Tower,  Hollywood,  Florida 33021,  Attention:  Legal  Department or
access our website at www.concord-camera.com.  Our other public filings can also
be accessed at the Commission's web site at www.sec.gov.




This summary highlights information from this proxy statement that we believe is
the most important  information to be considered by  shareholders in determining
how to vote on the  dissolution  and the plan of  liquidation  described in this
proxy  statement.  This summary may not contain all of the  information  that is
important  to you,  and we  encourage  you to read this proxy  statement  in its
entirety. The information contained in this summary is qualified in its entirety
by, and should be read in conjunction with, the detailed  information  appearing
elsewhere in this proxy statement. We have included references to other portions
of this proxy  statement  to direct you to a more  complete  description  of the
topics presented in this summary.

Proposal for Dissolution and Plan of Liquidation (See page 20)

Our  Board has  recommended  our  dissolution  and the  adoption  of the plan of
liquidation  attached  hereto  as  Annex  A.  If our  shareholders  approve  our
dissolution  and the plan of  liquidation,  our non-cash  assets will be sold or
otherwise disposed of, our liabilities will be paid or otherwise  resolved,  and
any remaining assets  anticipated to be in the form of cash, will be distributed
to our shareholders.

Reasons for Approving Dissolution and the Plan Liquidation (See page 20)

In  determining  to recommend  our  dissolution  and the adoption of the plan of
liquidation on October 29, 2008, our Board carefully reviewed and considered the
terms  and  conditions  of  the  plan  of  liquidation   and  the   transactions
contemplated by the plan of liquidation, as well as other alternatives available
to us. Despite devoting substantial time, effort and resources,  we had not been
able to  identify  a buyer or  strategic  partner  willing  to firmly  commit to
acquire us, in whole or in part,  on  financial  and other terms which the Board
viewed  as  reasonably  likely  to  provide  greater  realizable  value  to  our
shareholders  than the complete  dissolution  and  liquidation of the Company in
accordance with the plan of  liquidation.  Our Board also reviewed and carefully
considered a liquidation analysis prepared by us and reviewed and analyzed by an
independent  asset recovery  company  engaged by the Board's  Special  Committee
which reflects estimated  liquidating  distributions to shareholders of $3.25 to
$4.82 per share.  Our Board  determined  that our dissolution and liquidation in
accordance  with the plan of  liquidation  would provide the maximum  realizable
value available to shareholders.

Plan of Liquidation (See page 26)

Under the plan of liquidation:

      o     our Company will be dissolved;

      o     non-cash assets will be sold and monetized or otherwise disposed of;

      o     known liabilities will be settled and paid or otherwise resolved;

      o     reserves will be established for contingent liabilities; and




      o     our remaining assets, anticipated to be in the form of cash, will be
            distributed to our shareholders.

Distributions to Shareholders (See page 28)

Based on the liquidation analysis prepared by us and reviewed and analyzed by an
independent  financial  advisor  engaged by the Board's  Special  Committee,  we
estimate that over time shareholders will receive one or more distributions that
in the  aggregate  range from  approximately  $3.25 to $4.82 per  share.  Actual
distributions could be higher or lower.

The  amount  and  timing  of  liquidating  distributions  are  subject  to  many
uncertainties, including our ability to sell and monetize our non-cash assets in
the time  frames  and for the  amounts  estimated  or at all and our  ability to
predict the ultimate amount of our existing liabilities,  some of which have not
been finally resolved and/or  quantified.  In addition,  we may incur additional
liabilities,  such as  liabilities  relating to  lawsuits  that could be brought
against us in the future,  and the  settlement  of our existing  liabilities  or
contingent  claims could cost more than we  anticipate,  which could result in a
substantially lower distribution to our shareholders.  Therefore,  we are unable
at  this  time  to  predict  the  precise  nature,  amount  and  timing  of  any
distributions due in part to our inability to predict the ultimate amount of our

Risks Associated with the Plan of Liquidation (See page 14)

Risks associated with the plan of liquidation  include,  but are not limited to,
the following:

      o     shareholders  may  not  approve  our  dissolution  and  the  plan of

      o     our anticipated timing of the dissolution and liquidation may not be

      o     we cannot  determine with certainty the amount of  distributions  to

      o     continued  failure of  auctions of our auction  rate  securities  or
            sales of our auction rate  securities  below their current  carrying
            value can effect the timing of the  dissolution  and liquidation and
            the amount of distributions  shareholders receive in the dissolution
            and liquidation;

      o     we may not be able to sell our property in The People's  Republic of
            China,  also  known  as the  PRC,  or,  if we are  able to sell  our
            property,  the net  proceeds  from  such  sale may be less  than the
            amount estimated or its current carrying value;

      o     we  may  not be  able  to  settle  all  of  our  liabilities  to our

      o     shareholders   could  be  liable  to  the   extent  of   liquidating
            distributions received, if contingent reserves are not sufficient to
            satisfy our liabilities;

      o     shareholders  may not be able to recognize a loss for federal income
            tax purposes until they receive a final distribution from us;




      o     our stock  transfer  books will close on the final record date after
            which it may not be possible for  shareholders to trade their shares
            of our stock;

      o     we expect to  terminate  registration  of our common stock under the
            Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  which will  substantially  reduce
            publicly available information about us;

      o     no further shareholder  approval will be required for sales or other
            disposition  of  assets or other  actions,  unless  required  by New
            Jersey law;

      o     our  Board  may,  subject  to  New  Jersey  law,  abandon  or  delay
            implementation  of the plan of  liquidation  even if approved by our

      o     we may be the potential target of an acquisition; and

      o     our Board  members  may have a  potential  conflict  of  interest in
            recommending   approval   of  the   dissolution   and  the  plan  of

Our Officers and Directors May Have Interests in Our Dissolution and the Plan of
Liquidation  That are Different from Their Interests as  Shareholders  (See page

Under the terms of his employment  agreement,  our current Chairman and CEO will
receive a  $500,000  payment  triggered  by the  shareholders'  approval  of our
dissolution  and plan of  liquidation  and he has agreed to waive an  additional
$500,000 payment triggered by the shareholders'  approval of our dissolution and
plan of  liquidation  that he  would  be  entitled  to  under  the  terms of his
employment agreement.

In addition,  our current  executive  officers have employment  agreements which
provide  for the payment of the  severance  amounts set forth in the table below
upon the termination or non-renewal of their employment agreements.

Name                 Title                                              Amount
----                 -----                                            ----------
Ira B. Lampert       Chairman, Chief Executive Officer                $1,073,000
                     and President

Blaine A. Robinson   Vice President- Finance, Treasurer                 $244,000
                     and Assistant Secretary

Urs W. Stampfli      Senior Vice President and Director of              $296,000
                     Global Sales & Marketing

Scott Lampert        Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary     $239,000




In addition to the shares of our common stock owned by officers  and  directors,
which are set forth on page 74,  officers and directors hold options to purchase
our stock. Information concerning these options is set forth on page 31.

In connection with our  dissolution  and the plan of  liquidation,  we intend to
continue to indemnify  our  directors  and officers and have  purchased and will
maintain  throughout  the wind down  period a  director  and  officer  liability
insurance  policy  and/or a  "tail"  insurance  policy  for the  benefit  of our
current, former and future directors and officers.

Appraisal Rights (See page 35)

Shareholders  will not have  dissenters  appraisal  rights  with  respect to the
dissolution and the plan of liquidation.

Certain United States Federal Income Tax Consequences (See page 35)

As a  result  of our  liquidation,  for  United  States  federal  tax  purposes,
shareholders  generally  will  recognize  gain or loss  equal to the  difference
between (i) the sum of the amount of cash  distributed to them and the aggregate
fair market value, at the time of distribution,  of any property  distributed to
them (including  transfers of assets to a liquidating trust), and (ii) their tax
basis in their shares of our capital stock. Any loss generally may be recognized
only when the final distribution from us has been received.

A brief  summary  of  certain  United  States  federal  and  foreign  income tax
consequences of our dissolution and the plan of liquidation appears beginning on
page 34 of this proxy  statement.  Tax  consequences to shareholders  may differ
depending on their circumstances.  You should consult your tax advisor as to the
tax effects of your particular circumstances.



                             THE PLAN OF LIQUIDATION

You should consider the following risks in deciding  whether to vote in favor of
the  proposal  to  approve  our  dissolution  and the  plan of  liquidation.  In
addition,  we strongly urge you to consider the other  information  set forth in
this proxy  statement and those risks set forth under the caption "Risk Factors"
and  elsewhere in our Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June
28, 2008,  filed with the  Commission  and  incorporated  by reference into this
proxy statement.

Our Shareholders May Not Approve our Dissolution and Plan of Liquidation.

Our  dissolution  in accordance  with the plan of  liquidation is dependent upon
approval  by  our  shareholders.   If  our  shareholders  fail  to  approve  our
dissolution and the plan of liquidation,  we will then evaluate the alternatives
available  to us at that time,  including,  but not  limited to,  continuing  to
operate our business or selling our business, non-cash assets or the company. We
believe the announcement of the  recommendation  by our Board of our dissolution
and the  adoption  of the  plan of  liquidation  and the  filing  of this  proxy
statement  will result in the loss of customers,  suppliers  and other  business
relationships. Pending our shareholders' vote on our dissolution and the plan of
liquidation,  we have ceased  manufacturing  products,  purchasing materials and
products  and  undertaking  commitments  for  sales of our  products,  except as
necessary to complete the manufacture and sale of materials and products that we
have remaining in inventory.  As a result,  we believe that many, if not all, of
our customers, including our two major customers, will transition their business
to  our  competitors.  Therefore,  if  our  shareholders  fail  to  approve  our
dissolution  and the plan of  liquidation,  our business will be materially  and
adversely  impacted  and we will not be able to continue to operate our business
as it existed prior to the recommendation of our dissolution and the adoption of
the plan of liquidation by our Board and may not be able to operate our business
at all.

Our Anticipated Timing of the Dissolution and Liquidation May Not be Achieved.

As soon as practicable after the Annual Meeting, if our shareholders approve our
dissolution  and the plan of  liquidation,  we intend to file a  certificate  of
dissolution  with the Department of Treasury of the State of New Jersey and sell
and monetize our remaining  non-cash assets.  There are a number of factors that
could  delay our  anticipated  timetable,  including,  but not  limited  to, the

      o     lawsuits or other claims asserted against us;

      o     legal, regulatory or administrative delays;

      o     inability to sell and  monetize or delays in selling and  monetizing
            certain non-cash assets on terms acceptable to us;

      o     delays in settling our remaining liabilities; and


      o     delays in liquidating  and dissolving  subsidiaries  in domestic and
            foreign jurisdictions.

We Cannot Determine With Certainty the Amount of Distributions to Shareholders.

We cannot determine at this time the amount of distributions to our shareholders
pursuant to the plan of liquidation.  This determination depends on a variety of
factors, including, but not limited to, the amount required to satisfy or settle
known and unknown  liabilities,  the  resolution of  litigations,  including our
existing lawsuits, and other contingent  liabilities,  the net proceeds, if any,
from the sale and monetization of our remaining  non-cash assets,  including our
accounts receivable, inventory, property in the PRC and auction rate securities,
and other factors.  Examples of uncertainties  that could reduce the value of or
eliminate distributions to our shareholders include unanticipated costs relating

      o     the defense,  satisfaction or settlement of lawsuits or other claims
            that may be made or threatened against us in the future;

      o     the pending lawsuits and claims against us, including in the event a
            proposed settlement in a pending lawsuit is rejected by the court or
            is not effected for any other reason;

      o     delays in our  liquidation  and  dissolution,  including  due to our
            inability to sell and monetize non-cash assets or settle claims; and

      o     delays in our  liquidating  and dissolving  subsidiaries in domestic
            and foreign jurisdictions.

As a result,  we cannot  determine with certainty the amount of distributions to
our shareholders.

Continued  Failure of Auctions of our Auction  Rate  Securities  or Sales of our
Auction Rate Securities Below their Current Carrying Value Can Affect the Timing
of the Dissolution and Liquidation and the Amount of Distributions  Shareholders
Receive in the Dissolution and Liquidation.

As of September 27, 2008, the carrying value of our auction rate  securities was
approximately $17.1 million. This carrying value is net of an unrealized loss of
approximately  $5.1 million  which was recorded as of September  27, 2008 due to
our  determination  that the fair value of these  securities as of that date was
less than their par  value.  During our  fiscal  year  ended June 28,  2008,  we
received net  proceeds of $6.9 million from the sale of auction rate  securities
at  100%  of par  value,  of  which  $1.9  million  was  received  after  market
uncertainties  and  liquidity  issues  arose  in the  market  for  auction  rate
securities.  Additionally, we have experienced redemptions of approximately $1.8
million of our auction rate  securities at 100% of par value  subsequent to June
28, 2008 and have  consented  to tender $2.1 million in par value of our auction
rate  securities  pursuant to an offer by the issuer to purchase such securities
for approximately $1.9 million.  However,  we are unable at this time to predict
whether the purchase of the tendered  auction rate  securities will be completed
or when we will be able to sell our remaining  auction rate  securities  and for
what amount. Issuers and market makers are exploring


alternatives  that may improve  liquidity of our auction rate securities and the
New York Attorney General and the Commission  recently entered into an agreement
with the investment  bank that sold us our auction rate  securities  under which
the  investment  bank  agreed  to use its  best  efforts  to  facilitate  issuer
redemptions of auction rate  securities of  institutional  investors such as us.
However,  we cannot  assure  you that  these  efforts  will be  successful  and,
therefore, there is a risk that there could be a further decline in value of our
auction rate securities.  Continued failed auctions may affect the fair value of
these  securities,  and require us to further  adjust the carrying  value of the
investment  through  an  impairment  assessment  and we may  receive  less  than
anticipated  proceeds  when we sell these  securities,  which  would  reduce the
amount of distributions shareholders receive in the dissolution and liquidation.

We May Not be Able to Sell our Property in The People's Republic of China or, if
We are Able to Sell our  Property,  the Net Proceeds  From Such Sale May be Less
than the Amount Estimated or its Current Carrying Value.

Our ability to sell our property in the PRC is substantially  dependent upon the
current real estate market and economic  conditions in the area of the PRC where
the property is located.  The PRC real estate market and business environment is
currently under  significant  pressure,  in part due to the worldwide  financial
crisis  Additionally,  we are  uncertain  what  impact our  announcement  of the
recommendation  by our Board of our  dissolution and the adoption of the plan of
liquidation will have on our ability to sell our property.  We cannot assure you
that we will be able to sell our property in the PRC for the amount estimated or
its carrying value for purposes of calculating  the potential  distributions  to
shareholders or at all.

We May Not be Able to Settle All of our Liabilities to Creditors.

We have current and future liabilities to creditors.  Our estimated distribution
to  shareholders  takes into  account all of our known  liabilities  and certain
possible  contingent  liabilities and our best estimate of the amount reasonably
required to satisfy such liabilities.  As part of the wind-down process, we will
attempt to settle all liabilities with our creditors.  We cannot assure you that
unknown  liabilities that we have not accounted for will not arise, that we will
be able to settle all of our  liabilities  or that they can be  settled  for the
amounts we have estimated for purposes of calculating  the range of distribution
to shareholders. If we are unable to reach an agreement with a creditor relating
to a liability,  that creditor may bring a lawsuit against us. Amounts  required
to settle  liabilities or defend lawsuits in excess of the amounts  estimated by
us will  reduce  the  amount  of net  proceeds  available  for  distribution  to

Shareholders Could Be Liable to the Extent of Liquidating Distributions Received
if Contingent Reserves are Insufficient to Satisfy our Liabilities.

If we fail to create an adequate contingency reserve for payment of our expenses
and  liabilities,  or if we transfer our assets to a  liquidating  trust and the
contingency  reserve and the assets held by the liquidating  trust are less than
the amount ultimately found payable in respect of expenses and liabilities, each
shareholder  could  be  held  liable  for  the  payment  to  creditors  of  such
shareholder's  pro rata  portion of the  deficiency,  limited,  however,  to the
amounts  previously  received by the shareholder in distributions from us or the
liquidating trust. Accordingly, you


could be required to return  some or all  distributions  made to you. In such an
event, you could receive nothing under the plan of liquidation.

If a court holds at any time that we have failed to make adequate  provision for
our expenses and liabilities or if the amount ultimately  required to be paid in
respect of such  liabilities  exceeds the amount  available from the contingency
reserve and the assets of the  liquidating  trust,  if any, our creditors  could
seek an  injunction  against  the  making  of  distributions  under  the plan of
liquidation  on the  grounds  that the amounts to be  distributed  are needed to
provide for the payment of our expenses and  liabilities.  Any such action could
delay  or  substantially   diminish  the  cash   distributions  to  be  made  to
shareholders  and/or holders of beneficial  interests of the  liquidating  trust
under the plan of liquidation.

Shareholders May Not Be Able to Recognize a Loss for Federal Income Tax Purposes
Until They Receive a Final Distribution From Us.

As a result of our  liquidation,  for United States federal income tax purposes,
shareholders will recognize gain or loss equal to the difference between (i) the
sum of the amount of cash  distributed  to them and the  aggregate  fair  market
value at the time of distribution of any property distributed to them (including
transfers of assets to a liquidating  trust),  and (ii) their tax basis in their
shares of our capital stock.  Any loss may generally be recognized only when the
final distribution has been received from us.

In Connection With the Dissolution,  Our Stock Transfer Books Will Close,  After
Which it May Not Be Possible  for  Shareholders  to Trade in, or  Transfer,  Our

In connection  with the  dissolution,  we intend to delist our common stock from
the  NASDAQ  Global  Market,  close our  stock  transfer  books and  discontinue
recording  transfers  of our common  stock at which time common  stock and stock
certificates  evidencing the common stock will not be assignable or transferable
on our books except by will, intestate succession or operation of law.

We Expect to Terminate  Registration  of Our Common  Stock Under the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934,  as Amended,  Which Will  Substantially  Reduce  Publicly
Available Information About the Company.

Our common stock is currently  registered  under the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended,  or the Exchange Act, which requires that we, and our officers
and directors with respect to Section 16 of that Act, comply with certain public
reporting and proxy  statement  requirements  thereunder.  Compliance with these
requirements  is  costly  and   time-consuming.   We  anticipate  that,  if  our
shareholders  approve our dissolution  and the plan of liquidation,  in order to
curtail   expenses,   we  will,  after  filing  a  certificate  of  dissolution,
discontinue  making filings under the Exchange Act. However,  we anticipate that
we would  continue to file with the  Commission  current  reports on Form 8-K to
disclose material events relating to our dissolution and the plan of liquidation
until the  effectiveness  of the  termination of the  registration of our common
stock by filing a Form 15 with the Commission.


No Further Shareholder Approval Will Be Required.

Approval of our dissolution and the plan of liquidation requires the affirmative
vote of a majority of the votes cast at a meeting  duly called at which a quorum
is  present.  If our  shareholders  approve  our  dissolution  and  the  plan of
liquidation,  we will be  authorized  to  cease  operations,  sell,  license  or
otherwise  dispose of our  non-cash  assets and  dissolve  the  Company  and its
subsidiaries without further approval of our shareholders, unless required to do
so by New Jersey law.

Our Board May Abandon or Delay Implementation of the Plan of Liquidation Even if
Approved by our Shareholders.

Even if our  shareholders  approve our  dissolution and the plan of liquidation,
our Board has reserved the right, in its discretion,  to the extent permitted by
New Jersey law, to abandon or delay  implementation  of the plan of liquidation,
in order,  for  example,  to permit us to pursue new business  opportunities  or
strategic transactions.

We May be the Potential Target of an Acquisition.

Until we  dissolve  and  terminate  registration  of our common  stock,  we will
continue to exist as a public  company.  We could become an acquisition  target,
through a  hostile  tender  offer or other  means,  as a result of our  business
operations,  non-cash assets,  cash holdings or for other reasons.  If we become
the target of a successful  acquisition,  the Board could potentially  decide to
either delay or,  subject to applicable New Jersey law,  revoke our  dissolution
and the plan of liquidation,  and our  shareholders may not receive any proceeds
that would have otherwise been distributed in connection with the liquidation.

Our Board  Members  May have a Potential  Conflict  of Interest in  Recommending
Approval of our Dissolution and the Plan of Liquidation.

As a result of the right to acquire shares of our common stock pursuant to stock
options that may be exercised,  compensation and benefits payable as a result of
termination of employment or other events, an  indemnification  insurance policy
purchased for the benefit of directors and/or our indemnification obligations to
directors,  members of our Board may be deemed to have a  potential  conflict of
interest  in   recommending   approval  of  our  dissolution  and  the  plan  of


                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

The  statements  contained in this proxy  statement  and the  documents  that we
incorporate by reference into this proxy statement that are not historical facts
are  "forward-looking  statements"  (as  such  term is  defined  in the  Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995), which can be identified by the use of
forward-looking  terminology such as:  "estimates,"  "projects,"  "anticipates,"
"expects,"  "intends,"  "believes," "plans," "forecasts" or the negative thereof
or other  variations  thereon or comparable  terminology,  or by  discussions of
strategy that involve risks and  uncertainties.  Our actual results could differ
materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result
of certain  factors.  For a  discussion  of some of the factors that could cause
actual results to differ,  see the discussion under "Risk Factors" above and the
risk factors  included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June
28, 2008, which is being delivered with this proxy statement. We wish to caution
the reader that these forward-looking statements, including, without limitation,
statements  regarding the dissolution and liquidation of the company pursuant to
the  terms  of  the  plan  of   liquidation,   the  amount  of  any  liquidating
distributions  and  the  timing  of any  liquidating  distributions,  and  other
statements  contained  in  this  proxy  statement  and  the  documents  that  we
incorporate by reference into this proxy  statement  regarding  matters that are
not historical  facts,  are only estimates or  predictions.  No assurance can be
given that future results will be achieved.  Actual events or results may differ
materially as a result of risks facing us or actual  results  differing from the
assumptions underlying such statements. Any forward-looking statements contained
in this proxy  statement and the documents that we incorporate by reference into
this proxy  statement  represent our estimates only as of the date of this proxy
statement,  or as of such earlier dates as are indicated herein,  and should not
be relied upon as representing our estimates as of any subsequent date. While we
may elect to update  forward-looking  statements  at some  point in the  future,
unless required by applicable law, we specifically disclaim any obligation to do
so, even if our estimates change.


                                  PROPOSAL ONE:



Our Board is proposing our  dissolution and the plan of liquidation for approval
by our  shareholders at the Annual  Meeting.  Our Board approved our dissolution
and the plan of liquidation by unanimous vote on October 29, 2008. A copy of the
plan of  liquidation  is  attached as Annex A to this proxy  statement.  Certain
material features of the plan of liquidation are summarized below. (See also the
more  complete  summary  of the  plan of  liquidation  beginning  on  page  26.)
Shareholders should read the plan of liquidation in its entirety.

If our shareholders approve our dissolution and the plan of liquidation, we will
file a Certificate of Dissolution of the Company with the Department of Treasury
of the State of New Jersey. Thereafter, we will conduct business operations only
to the extent necessary to wind up our business  affairs,  terminate  commercial
agreements and  relationships and withdraw from any jurisdiction in which we are
qualified to do business, sell our properties and non-cash assets, including our
intellectual  property and other intangible assets, settle and pay or attempt to
adequately  provide  for the  payment  of all of our  liabilities,  establish  a
contingency  reserve  designed  to settle  and pay any  additional  liabilities,
including contingent liabilities and expenses of the dissolution and liquidation
and  make  distributions  to  shareholders,  in  accordance  with  the  plan  of

Our Board may, at any time,  retain one or more third  parties to assist  and/or
complete the plan of liquidation and the liquidation of our remaining assets and
distribute  proceeds  from  the  sale of  non-cash  assets  to our  shareholders
pursuant  to the  plan  of  liquidation.  These  third  parties  may  involve  a
liquidating  trust,  which,  if  created,  would  succeed  to all of the  assets
transferred to it, and would assume related  liabilities  and  obligations.  Our
Board may appoint one or more of our  directors or officers or third  parties to
act as trustee or  trustees  of such  liquidating  trust.  Your  approval of our
dissolution  and the plan of liquidation  will also  constitute your approval of
any such transfer and timeframe and the appointment of such trustees.

During the  liquidation  of our assets,  we may pay to our officers,  directors,
employees and agents,  or any of them,  including,  but not limited to, lawyers,
accountants,  auditors,  tax advisors and other professionals,  compensation for
services  rendered in connection  with the  implementation  and execution of the
plan  of  liquidation.  Your  approval  of  our  dissolution  and  the  plan  of
liquidation   will   constitute  your  approval  of  the  payment  of  any  such

Background and Reasons for the Proposed Dissolution and the Plan of Liquidation


We  incorporated  in New  Jersey  in  1982.  We  design,  develop,  manufacture,
outsource and sell easy-to-use 35mm single-use and traditional film cameras.  We
manufacture  and  assemble  most of our  single-use  cameras  and certain of our
traditional  film  cameras  at  our  manufacturing  facilities  in the  PRC  and
outsource the manufacture of certain of our single-use and traditional


film cameras for sale to retail sales and distribution  customers,  who we refer
to as RSD customers.  We sell our private label and  brand-name  products to our
RSD customers worldwide either directly or through third-party distributors.

In  addition  to  our  single-use  and  traditional  film  camera  products,  we
previously sold digital cameras. In fiscal 2004, we initiated a strategic review
process to determine  how we may better  compete in the digital  camera  market,
increase sales of our  single-use  cameras and reduce our operating  costs.  The
strategic  review,  which continued through Fiscal 2007, led to our initiating a
restructuring  plan and  cost-reduction  initiatives and resulted in our exiting
the digital camera market in Fiscal 2007.

In Fiscal 2005, we initiated a new business initiative to identify,  assess and,
as appropriate,  commercialize  new business  opportunities  and products.  As a
result of this initiative,  we have introduced a limited number of new products.
To date,  sales of our new products  have not been material and we are no longer
marketing or selling such new products.

The Film Camera Market

Our  products  include  35mm  single-use  and  traditional  film  cameras.   Our
single-use cameras are inexpensive,  easy-to-use cameras that are sold preloaded
with 35mm film and  batteries  and are  designed to be used for only one roll of
film by the consumer.  They include outdoor,  flash, zoom and underwater models.
After use, the consumer  returns the entire  camera to the photo  processor  who
extracts the film and either disposes of the used  single-use  camera or returns
and/or sells it for recycling uses.

Our  traditional  film  cameras are  inexpensive,  easy-to-use  cameras that are
designed to be  reloaded  with 35mm silver  halide  film  multiple  times by the
consumer.  They range from entry-level to fully featured zoom models and include
models used by certain RSD  customers to support  special  promotion and loyalty
programs offered to their customers.

We sell our 35mm single-use and traditional  film cameras under the Polaroid and
Polaroid  FunShooter  brands and under private label brands to our RSD customers
worldwide  either  directly or through  third-party  distributors.  We designed,
developed and  manufactured  most of our  single-use  cameras and outsourced the
manufacture of certain of our single-use and traditional film cameras.

Based on  available  third-party  market  research  data,  after years of robust
growth,  the North  America  single-use  camera  market  reached its peak of 218
million  units  sold in  calendar  year  2004.  Total  North  America  sales  of
single-use cameras declined to 202 million units in calendar year 2005, declined
to 172 million units in calendar year 2006, declined to an estimated 129 million
units in calendar  year 2007 and are projected to decline to 91 million units in
calendar year 2008.  Similarly,  based on available  third-party market research
data, in the U.S.  market,  the calendar year 2005 traditional film camera sales
in the United States were reported at 4.3 million units, a 36% decrease from the
previous year. The decline of traditional film cameras continued during calendar
year 2006 at  approximately  53% and during calendar year 2007 at  approximately
45% and is projected to decline  during  calendar  year 2008 a further 54%, with
sales projected at 0.5 million units.


In addition to the declining markets, the single-use camera and traditional film
camera markets are highly competitive with many companies  marketing products to
the retail  market.  Our key  competitors  in the  single-use  camera market are
FujiFilm  Corporation  and Eastman  Kodak Company  ("Kodak"),  both of whom have
greater  resources  than we have or may  reasonably  be  expected to have in the
foreseeable  future and are our sole  suppliers of film for our 35mm  single-use
and traditional film camera products. In addition, Kodak is our largest supplier
of used single-use cameras, which we recycle and sell to our customers.

As a result of the market  challenges  that we have faced,  we have  experienced
substantial  operating losses since fiscal 2004. Our operating losses during our
2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 fiscal years were $44.9 million,  $19.6 million, $11.7
million and $12.6 million,  respectively, on net sales of $174.3 million, $137.5
million, $86.7 million and $74.1 million, respectively.

Strategic Alternatives

On August 14,  2006,  our Board  established  a committee  of the Board,  or the
Special Committee,  consisting of three independent  directors,  to investigate,
evaluate   and/or   analyze   strategic   alternatives   for  us  and  make  any
recommendations  to our Board with respect to such strategic  alternatives  that
the Special  Committee  determines to be appropriate.  Our Board established the
Special  Committee due to the continuing  decline in our primary  product market
and the accompanying losses being incurred by us on an annual basis.

On or around December 14, 2006, the Special  Committee  retained Raymond James &
Associates,  Inc., or Raymond James, to act as the Special Committee's financial
advisor  in  connection  with  the   consideration  of  the  various   strategic
alternatives for us. The Special  Committee also retained an outside law firm to
advise it on related matters.

Between December 14, 2006, and March 20, 2007,  representatives of Raymond James
conducted substantial due diligence on our Company,  business and operations and
an analysis of our then current  situation,  including our then current business
and financial positions,  our cash position,  the historical  performance of our
stock, and other matters.  Based on the analysis  performed by Raymond James and
other  information,   the  Special  Committee   considered  several  alternative
strategies,  including: (i) continuing current operations; (ii) making strategic
acquisitions;  (iii) a sale or other disposition of all or a significant part of
the  Company or its  business;  (iv) a  "going-private"  transaction;  and (v) a
liquidation  of the Company.  Raymond  James  continued its analysis of our then
current  situation,  including  visiting  some of our  locations,  including our
manufacturing  facility in the PRC,  and  reviewing  appraisals  of the value of
certain of our assets.

During  2007,  our Board met to consider  strategies  to address our  continuing
financial  losses and our  deteriorating  financial  condition (see the selected
consolidated  financial and operating data on page 38), business and operations,
and  determined  that the  prospects for our business were likely to continue to
deteriorate due to continuing  declines in the global  single-use camera market,
both in unit volumes and selling prices, and our likely continued  difficulty in
competing and realizing a profit as a small public company.

On June 25, 2007,  the Special  Committee  authorized  Raymond  James to seek an
acquirer  for the Company.  Raymond  James and the Special  Committee  contacted
domestic and international


strategic and financial merger and acquisition prospects.  During the process of
identifying  and  evaluating   various  merger  and  acquisition   alternatives,
interested parties executed  confidentiality  agreements and received non-public
evaluation materials about our business and operations.  Throughout the process,
members of our management  team assisted  representatives  of Raymond James with
their efforts. We participated in numerous telephonic and in-person business and
financial  overview  presentations and made ourselves  available for a number of
question and answer sessions,  conference calls and meetings.  During this time,
the Special Committee held more than twenty formal meetings. However, efforts by
Raymond James to secure an acquirer were not successful.

Concurrently with the Special Committee's effort to seek an acquirer for us, the
Special Committee  authorized our management to conduct discussions with certain
third parties about their interest in a possible collaboration, joint venture or
sale  of  the  Company  or  specific  Company  assets.  Management  had  several
discussions  with these  third  parties  between  April 2007 and  October  2008.
However, none of these third parties were willing to firmly commit to acquire us
on  financial  and other terms which the Board  viewed as  reasonably  likely to
provide  greater   realizable  value  to  our  shareholders  than  the  complete
dissolution  and  liquidation  of the  Company  in  accordance  with the plan of

Throughout  Fiscal  2008,  we  continued  to  assess  our  ability  to  continue
manufacturing,  marketing and/or selling single-use  cameras. We determined that
it would not be advisable  to continue  our  business as a small public  company
based on a number of factors,  including the continuing market decline,  both in
unit volumes and selling  prices,  the increased cost of certain  components and
labor, the significant  competition and volatility in this industry, the lack of
market acceptance of our new products,  the likelihood that we would continue to
incur  significant  net losses for an extended period of time, and, that even if
successful,  the  realization of significant  returns on our  investments in the
camera business or new products were uncertain and could take years to achieve.

On October 29, 2008, the Special  Committee and our Board each held meetings for
the purpose of considering  our  dissolution and the plan of liquidation and the
other  alternatives  available to us. The Special  Committee  and our Board also
considered  information concerning our financial results for our Fiscal 2008 and
the first quarter of Fiscal 2009,  our  financial  forecast for the remainder of
Fiscal 2009, our liquidation analysis, a report of the results of the review and
analysis of our liquidation analysis by Focus Management Group USA, Inc., a firm
engaged by the Special Committee to review and analyze our liquidation analysis,
and other information  concerning our operations and financial  condition.  Also
present at these meetings were members of  management.  At these  meetings,  the
terms of the proposed plan of liquidation and our Board's  fiduciary duties were
discussed.  Management  presented our analysis of the alternatives  available to
us,  including  continuing  operations and  liquidation,  and the forecasted net
assets that we and the Special Committee's advisor,  Focus Management Group USA,
Inc.,  believed would be available for distribution to shareholders  pursuant to
the plan of  liquidation.  After  lengthy  discussions,  our  Board  unanimously
adopted the plan of liquidation  and  recommended  our  dissolution,  subject to
shareholder  approval.  Our Board  concluded that our  dissolution in accordance
with the plan of  liquidation  was  advisable  and in the best  interests of our


At the October 29, 2008 meeting,  in order to protect  shareholder value pending
our shareholders' vote on our dissolution and the plan of liquidation, our Board
also  authorized  us to,  among  other  things,  cease  manufacturing  products,
purchasing  materials and products and undertaking  commitments for sales of our
products,  except as necessary to complete the manufacture and sale of materials
and products  that we have  remaining in  inventory,  and commence  sales of our
non-cash remaining assets.

Our Board believed that a liquidation  and  distribution of our net assets after
satisfaction or settlement of our liabilities and the costs of liquidation had a
greater  probability  of  producing  more value to our  shareholders  than other
alternatives,  especially  in light of our  inability to  successfully  sell our
operating  assets for more than their  estimated  liquidation  value.  Among the
factors that our Board considered were the following:

      o     our inability to find a buyer or strategic partner;

      o     the low probability that we would obtain, within a reasonable period
            of time under the  circumstances,  any viable  offer to engage in an
            attractive alternative transaction;

      o     an operating loss from our continuing operations for Fiscal 2009 and
            the likelihood that we would continue to incur  operating  losses in
            future years from our current source of revenue;

      o     the significant  risks associated with focusing solely on single-use
            and traditional film camera sales,  including the risk that positive
            operating  cash flow or  operating  income would not be achieved and
            that a  significant  amount  of our cash  could be spent to fund our
            operations and new products  without any assurance of the success of
            our business model;

      o     the maturity of the single-use and traditional  film camera markets,
            intense  competition  and  volatility  within these  markets and our
            position within these markets;

      o     the lack of market acceptance of the new,  non-photographic products
            introduced  by the  Company and the risk that we will not be able to
            introduce other  successful new products within a reasonable  period
            of time;

      o     our Board's belief that a liquidation  and  distribution  of our net
            assets after  satisfaction  or settlement of our liabilities and the
            costs of  liquidation  could produce more value to our  shareholders
            than if the shareholders  held their shares,  because as of the date
            of our Board's  recommendation of the dissolution of the Company and
            the adoption of the plan of liquidation,  the estimated value of our
            assets in excess of likely  liabilities and the costs of liquidation
            exceeded,  and for some time had  exceeded,  the market value of our
            outstanding common stock;

      o     our  Board's  belief that it would be in the best  interests  of our
            shareholders  to allow our  shareholders  to  determine  how to best
            utilize  available net assets rather than us pursuing an acquisition
            strategy  involving  the  investment of our cash and other assets in
            businesses outside of our traditional business model;


      o     prevailing  economic  conditions  both  generally  and  specifically
            relating to the single-use and traditional film camera markets; and

      o     the  possibility  that our common  stock would be delisted  from the
            NASDAQ Global Market in the future if we do not meet their continued
            listing  requirements as a result of continued  operating losses and
            lower prices for shares of our common stock.

Our Board also identified and considered  potential negative factors involved in
the plan of liquidation,  including the possibility that  liquidation  would not
yield  distributions  to shareholders in excess of the amount that  shareholders
could have  received  upon a sale of the Company or a sale of shares on the open
market,  the uncertainty of our timing of distributions  to  shareholders,  that
shareholders  will lose the opportunity to capitalize on the potential  business
opportunities  and possible  future  growth of our business and on our potential
future success had we elected to pursue an acquisition strategy or otherwise use
our available cash to continue as a going concern and develop new products, that
distributions might not be made in the near future and that under applicable law
our  shareholders  could be required to return to  creditors  some or all of the
distributions made to shareholders in the liquidation.

The foregoing  discussion of the information  and positive and negative  factors
considered and given weight by our Board is not intended to be  exhaustive.  Our
Board did not  quantify or  otherwise  assign  relative  weights to the specific
factors considered in reaching its determination.

Prior to and at the October 29, 2008 meeting,  our Board received comparisons of
our  estimated  liquidation  value to the prices at which our  common  stock was
trading at different  points in time and analyzed the results of our and Raymond
James' investigation of various acquisition and strategic  opportunities and our
financial forecast for the remainder of Fiscal 2009. Our Board determined not to
continue to operate the  Company and to return the net  proceeds  after the sale
and  monetization of our non-cash  assets and  satisfaction or settlement of our
liabilities  and the costs of  liquidation  to our  shareholders  to allow  each
shareholder to make such shareholder's own investment  decisions.  Based on this
information, our Board believes that distribution to our shareholders of the net
proceeds after the sale and monetization of our non-cash assets and satisfaction
or  settlement of our  liabilities  and the costs of  liquidation  will have the
highest  probability  of returning  the greatest  value to the  shareholders  as
compared to other alternatives.

If our  shareholders do not approve our dissolution and the plan of liquidation,
our Board will explore the  alternatives  then  available  for the future of the
Company.  We believe the value of our business will be materially  and adversely
impacted after the announcement of the recommendation of our dissolution and the
adoption  of the plan of  liquidation  by our Board and the filing of this proxy
statement.  In  particular,  in order to protect  shareholder  value pending our
shareholders'  vote on our  dissolution  and the  plan of  liquidation,  we have
ceased manufacturing products, purchasing materials and products and undertaking
commitments  for sales of our  products,  except as  necessary  to complete  the
manufacture  and  sale of  materials  and  products  that we have  remaining  in
inventory.  As a result,  we believe  that many,  if not all, of our  customers,
including  our  major   customers,   will  transition   their  business  to  our
competitors.  Therefore,  if our shareholders do not approve our dissolution and
the plan of liquidation, we will not be able to continue to operate our


business as it existed prior to our Board's  recommendation  of our  dissolution
and the adoption of the plan of  liquidation  and may not be able to operate our
business at all.  These  factors  raise  substantial  doubt about our ability to
continue as a going concern.  Consequently,  our independent  registered  public
accounting firm has included an explanatory  paragraph  addressing these factors
in their  report in our Annual  Report on Form 10-K for our fiscal  year  ending
June 28, 2008.

Description of Plan of Liquidation

The  plan  of  liquidation  provides  that  the  Company  will be  dissolved  in
accordance  with the  Business  Corporation  Act of New Jersey,  or the Business
Corporation  Act, and will  continue its  activities  thereafter  solely for the
purposes of preserving the value of its assets,  winding up its affairs,  paying
its  liabilities  and  distributing  the  balance  of  its  net  assets  to  its

Pursuant to the plan of liquidation,  the Company is authorized to sell, license
or  otherwise  dispose of all of its  non-cash  assets to the extent and at such
times and for such consideration as the Board deems in the best interests of the
Company and its  shareholders.  No further vote of shareholders will be required
in connection  with the sale of assets,  unless  required by New Jersey law. The
Company will collect its accounts receivable and other debts and claims owing to
the Company to the extent feasible and cost efficient.

The plan of  liquidation  requires  the  Company  to  settle  and  pay,  or make
reasonable  provision  to pay, all  liabilities  which are now known to or later
identified by the Company,  and to establish a reserve  reasonably  likely to be
sufficient to satisfy claims against the Company,  including  claims pursuant to
existing and future  lawsuits.  We also must reserve funds sufficient to pay the
estimated expenses to complete the dissolution and liquidation.

Our Board may, at its option,  elect to follow  procedures  set forth in Section
14A:12-12 of the  Business  Corporation  Act,  which  provides  that we may give
notice of the  dissolution  to all persons having a claim against us pursuant to
Section  14A:12-12 of the Business  Corporation Act, and settle and pay, or make
adequate  provision for payment of, all claims made against us and not rejected.
Any  creditor  who does not make a claim  pursuant  to the notice  given will be
barred forever from suing on such claim, unless the creditor can show good cause
for not having previously filed his claim.

Any proceeds  remaining  after payment of liabilities  and making the provisions
for known and unknown  contingent  claims as set forth above will be distributed
to the shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings. Such distributions may
occur in a single distribution or in series of distributions in such amounts and
at such times as our Board,  or if a liquidating  trust is utilized as described
below, the trustee or trustees of the trust determine.

The plan of  liquidation  provides  that our Board may at any time  transfer our
assets  and   liabilities   to  a  liquidating   trust  which  would  then  have
responsibility for disposing assets,  settling and paying liabilities and making
distributions  to  shareholders.   Such  a  transfer  would  be  pursuant  to  a
liquidating  trust  agreement  with a  trustee  or  trustees  on such  terms and
conditions as may be approved by our Board.  Our Board would appoint the trustee
or trustees,  which could be an officer or director of the Company.  Shareholder
approval of the  dissolution  and the plan of liquidation  will also  constitute
shareholder  approval  of any of the  Board's  trustee  appointments  and of any
liquidating  trust  agreement.  In  the  event  of a  transfer  of  assets  to a
liquidating trust,


we would distribute,  pro rata to our shareholders,  beneficial interests in the
trust.  Although the  recipients of such  interests  would be treated for United
States federal tax purposes as having  received their pro rata share of property
transferred to the liquidating trust and having contributed such property to the
liquidating  trust and will  thereafter  take into  account  for  United  States
federal  tax  purposes  their  allocable  portion  of any  income,  gain or loss
realized by the trust,  the  recipients of interests  will not receive the value
thereof unless and until the trust distributes cash or other assets to them.

Costs during the period after our shareholders'  approval of the dissolution and
the plan of  liquidation  will  include  wind  down  costs of our  business  and
operations  and related  operating  costs and  administrative  costs,  including
legal, accounting,  financial, tax and other professional advisory fees incurred
during the wind-up phase.  The plan of liquidation  authorizes our Board, in its
discretion, to pay compensation to officers,  directors,  employees,  agents and
representatives,   including  legal,   accounting,   financial,  tax  and  other
professional  advisors, in connection with carrying out the plan of liquidation.
If the Board determines, particularly in light of the familiarity and experience
with the  Company of our current  officers,  to continue  the  employment  of or
otherwise  retain one or more of such officers in  connection  with carrying out
the plan of  liquidation,  such person(s) would receive  compensation  which our
Board  determines is appropriate in light of their ongoing  duties.  Shareholder
approval of our  dissolution  and the plan of liquidation  will also  constitute
shareholder  approval  of any  decision  by our Board to  continue  to employ or
otherwise  retain  one or  more  of our  officers  to  carry  out  the  plan  of
liquidation.  The  person(s)  or entities who or which are retained to carry out
the wind-up of the  Company's  affairs and  otherwise  implement and execute the
plan of liquidation  will be responsible for performing their duties in a manner
intended to result in the maximum amount of cash distributions being made to our
shareholders as soon as reasonably practicable, consistent with the discharge of
or adequate  provision  for our then  existing  liabilities  and any  contingent
liabilities, now known or later identified.

We  will  continue  to  indemnify  our  officers,  directors  and  employees  in
accordance   with  our   certificate  of   incorporation   and  any  contractual
arrangements  that  currently  exist with  respect to acts or  omissions of such
persons in  connection  with the approval,  implementation  and execution of the
plan of liquidation  and have  purchased and will maintain  director and officer
liability insurance policies and/or "tail" insurance policies for the benefit of
our current, former and future directors and officers.

Under New Jersey  law,  in the event we fail to create an  adequate  contingency
reserve for payment of our expenses and liabilities,  or should such contingency
reserve and the assets held by the  liquidating  trust be exceeded by the amount
ultimately  found  payable  in  respect  of  expenses  and   liabilities,   each
shareholder  could  be  held  liable  for  the  payment  to  creditors  of  such
shareholder's pro rata share of such excess,  limited to the amounts theretofore
received by such shareholder from us or from the liquidating trust in connection
with the  liquidation.  Under New Jersey law,  creditors are barred from suing a
shareholder on any claim or enforcing a claim against a shareholder, unless that
claim was filed against the shareholder within 5 years after the corporation was


Liquidation Analysis and Estimates

The Company has  estimated,  as of September 27, 2008,  the  following  range of
estimated values for our assets, estimated liabilities and estimated costs up to
and during the wind down of operations  and  liquidation.  These ranges of value
represent our estimate of amounts to be realized during the liquidation,  but do
not  represent the minimum or maximum  possible  amounts that could be realized.
There  can be no  assurance,  however,  that we will  incur  costs or be able to
settle our liabilities or dispose of our assets within the indicated  ranges, or
at all. We have sought independent  appraisals for certain,  but not all, of our
assets and liabilities.

                                                                                Range of Estimated Values
                                                                                   Low             High
                                                                                 -------          -------
                                                                        (in thousands, except per share amounts)
(i)    Estimated Assets
       Estimated assets                                                          $68,142          $68,142
       Decrease in the carrying value of the assets at end of
         liquidation period compared to the estimated fair value                    (562)            (562)
                                                                                 -------          -------
           Total estimated assets (a)                                            $67,580          $67,580
                                                                                 -------          -------
(ii)   Estimated Liabilities
       Estimated liabilities                                                     $32,954          $32,954
       Increase (decrease) in the carrying value of the liabilities
         at end of liquidation period compared to the estimated fair
         value                                                                       374           (3,411)
       Contingency reserves and off balance sheet commitments (b)                  4,201            1,678
                                                                                 -------          -------
           Total estimated liabilities                                           $37,529          $31,221
                                                                                 -------          -------
(iii)  Estimated Operating Costs during and after wind down of operation
       Net loss during wind down period (c)                                       $4,231          $ 1,357
       Employee severance costs (d)                                                6,372            6,372
       Professional, legal, tax, accounting and consulting fees
         incurred in connection with dissolution and liquidation                     205              155
                                                                                 -------          -------
           Net loss during liquidation period                                    $10,808          $ 7,884
                                                                                 -------          -------
(iv)   Estimated Net Proceeds Available for Distribution to
       Shareholders                                                              $19,243          $28,475
                                                                                 =======          =======

(v)    Estimated Net Proceeds Available for Distribution per
       Outstanding Common Share (e)                                              $  3.25          $  4.82
                                                                                 =======          =======


(a)  Includes  cash,  cash  equivalents  and  long-term  investments,  estimated
     proceeds from the  collection of accounts  receivables,  sale of inventory,
     return of security  deposits  and the sale and  disposition  of  long-lived
     assets.  Assumes (i) all finished goods will be sold at or above cost and a
     decrease  in carrying  value of  approximately  $297,000  of  residual  raw


     material inventory;  (ii) accounts  receivable  realization between 90% and
     98%; (iii) auction rate securities  realization of approximately 77% of par
     value;  and (iv) net proceeds  after taxes of $4 million to $5 million from
     the sale of the PRC land and buildings.  However, the Company currently has
     the ability and intent to hold its auction rate securities until a recovery
     of par value.

(b)   Includes payments related to certain contract  terminations,  reserves for
      wind down costs,  reserve for deductible  amount  payable under  insurance
      policy,  reserve for a certain  performance bond obligation and payment to
      our  Chairman  and CEO  triggered  by the  shareholders'  approval  of our
      dissolution and plan of liquidation.  Does not include certain  contingent
      liabilities  and claims,  such as  liabilities  relating  to our  existing
      lawsuits and claims that have not been  resolved,  and lawsuits and claims
      that could be brought against us in the future. Therefore, if any payments
      are  made in  respect  of  such  contingent  liabilities  or  claims,  the
      estimated  range  of  distributions  to  shareholders  will be  negatively
      impacted and less than estimated.

(c)   Includes  payroll  related costs,  overhead,  and operating  costs such as
      rent, insurance and professional fees, taxes and other operating costs.

(d)   Includes: (i) $1,073,000 to our Chairman and CEO pursuant to the severance
      benefit provision of his May 1, 1997 employment  agreement,  as thereafter
      amended,  the term of which  currently  expires  on June  30,  2009;  (ii)
      $779,000 to our other executive officers pursuant to the severance benefit
      provisions of their respective employment agreements;  (iii) $3,784,000 to
      our  non-executive  employees  in  the  PRC  and  Hong  Kong  pursuant  to
      applicable laws or the severance  benefit  provisions of their  respective
      employment agreements; and (iv) $736,000 to our non-executive employees in
      the United States and Europe pursuant to the severance benefit  provisions
      of their respective employment agreements.

(e)   Based upon 5,913,610  shares of common stock  outstanding and 1,300 vested
      stock options with an exercise price of under $4.82 per share  outstanding
      as of  September  27,  2008.  Under  our  stock  option  plans,  upon  our
      dissolution,  all then-outstanding  options will, to the extent vested and
      not  exercised,  terminate in exchange for the right to receive a pro rata
      portion of our  distributions  to  shareholders  (less the option exercise
      price and any tax withholding amounts) as if the option had been exercised
      prior to  dissolution.  We will deduct from payments to option holders the
      aggregate  exercise  price of the options  (estimated to be  approximately
      $4,600 in the aggregate  with respect to options with an exercise price of
      under $4.82 per share), meaning that an option holder will not receive any
      distributions  unless  and  until  the  aggregate  amount of the per share
      distributions exceeds the per share exercise price of the option.

The method we used in estimating the values and value ranges of our assets other
than  cash  and cash  equivalents  is  inexact  and may not  approximate  values
actually realized.  In addition,  our estimates of our liabilities and operating
costs are subject to numerous  uncertainties  beyond our control and also do not
reflect any unknown liabilities or contingent  liabilities that may materialize.
For these reasons, the actual net proceeds


distributed to shareholders in liquidation could be significantly  less than the
estimated amounts shown.

Since the terms of any disposition of assets pursuant to the plan of liquidation
have not been  determined and all liabilities and potential costs of liquidation
have not been identified or finally  resolved,  we have concluded that pro forma
financial information  concerning the plan of liquidation cannot be presented in
any  meaningful  fashion.  The following  table sets forth a  reconciliation  of
relevant portions of the estimates set forth above under  "Liquidation  Analysis
and  Estimates"  with the  Company's  shareholders  equity,  as set forth in its
unaudited balance sheet as of September 27, 2008.

                                                            Range of Aggregate
                                                               Values (000's)
                                                              Low        High
                                                           --------    --------
Total shareholders' equity as of September 27, 2008        $ 35,188    $ 35,188
Net (decrease) increase in carrying value of assets and
     liabilities as of September 27, 2008 compared to the
     estimated fair value at end of liquidation period         (936)      2,849
Estimated net loss during liquidation period                (10,808)     (7,884)
Estimated off balance sheet obligations and contingent
     liabilities                                             (4,201)     (1,678)
                                                           --------    --------
Estimated net proceeds available for distribution to
     shareholders                                          $ 19,243    $ 28,475
                                                           ========    ========

Interests of Certain  Officers and Directors in the  Dissolution and the Plan of

In considering  our Board's  recommendation  to approve the  dissolution and the
plan of  liquidation,  you should be aware that our officers and directors  have
interests  that may be  different  from or in  addition to your  interests  as a

As  of  October  27,  2008,  our  executive   officers  and  directors  held  or
represented,  directly or indirectly, an aggregate of 1,909,783 shares of common
stock  (approximately  32.3% of the outstanding shares of common stock as of the
record date) and no options to purchase  shares of common stock with an exercise
price less than the high end of our anticipated liquidation proceeds range.

There will be no  accelerated  vesting of  options  as a result of  approval  by
shareholders,   and   implementation,   of  our  dissolution  and  the  plan  of


The table below sets forth information  concerning stock options held by each of
our executive officers and directors, as of October 27, 2008.

                                                                                       Total "In-The-Money" Options
          Name, Title              Total Outstanding Options      Exercise Price        Shares             Value
Ira B. Lampert
   Chairman, Chief Executive
   Officer and Director                     52,600                    $29.85                --                --
Ronald S. Cooper
   Director                                      --                      --                 --                --
Morris H. Gindi
   Director                                      --                      --                 --                --
William J. O'Neill, Jr.
   Director                                      --                      --                 --                --
Roger J. Beit
   Director                                      --                      --                 --                --
Blaine A. Robinson
   Vice President - Finance,
   Treasurer and Assistant                   3,000                    $27.75
   Secretary                                 1,000                     $8.80                --                --
Urs W. Stampfli
   Senior Vice President and
   Director of Global Sales &
   Marketing                                 3,733                    $29.85                --                --
                                               900                    $29.85
Scott L. Lampert                               600                    $27.50
   Vice President, General                   1,800                    $13.83
   Counsel and Secretary                       400                     $5.70                --                --

Certain  of  our  current  executive  officers  and  directors  are  parties  to
agreements  with the Company  providing  for  severance or other  benefits  upon
termination  of  employment,  including  as a  result  of  our  liquidation  and
dissolution.  Below is  information  concerning  such officers and directors and
their agreements with us.

Ira B. Lampert,  Chairman,  Chief Executive Officer and President. Mr. Lampert's
employment agreement provides that if we terminate Mr. Lampert's employment with
us without cause or if there is a constructive  termination  without cause,  Mr.
Lampert  would be  entitled  to receive  his  accrued  compensation  (including,
without  limitation,  any earned but unpaid bonus or long-term incentive awards,
any  amount  of  base  salary  accrued  or  earned  but  unpaid,   any  deferred
compensation  earned  but  unpaid,  any  accrued  but  unused  vacation  pay and
unreimbursed  business  expenses  (the "Accrued  Amounts"),  his base salary and
continuation  of his  benefits (or the economic  equivalent  of such  benefits),
additional  life  and  disability  insurance  and  certain  perquisites  for the
scheduled balance of the term of his employment agreement, which expires on June
30, 2009, and for an additional 12 months  thereafter,  and a prorated bonus for
the year in  which  the  termination  occurred  (based  upon  the  target  bonus
opportunity, if any, for that year).


Under the terms of Mr. Lampert's employment agreement, "constructive termination
without  cause" is defined as a termination of Mr.  Lampert's  employment at his
initiative  following the occurrence,  without his prior written consent, of one
or more of the following events (except in consequence of a prior  termination):
(i) a reduction in or elimination of (A) Mr.  Lampert's then current annual base
salary,  (B)  his  bonus  opportunity  for  which  he is  eligible,  or (C)  his
opportunity for any long-term incentive award for which he is eligible under his
employment  agreement or the  termination or material  reduction of any employee
benefit or  perquisite  he  enjoys;  (ii) the  failure  to elect or reelect  Mr.
Lampert to any of the  positions  described in the  employment  agreement or his
removal,  without cause, from any such position;  (iii) a material diminution in
Mr. Lampert's duties as our Chairman and CEO or the assignment to Mr. Lampert of
duties which are materially  inconsistent  with such duties or which  materially
impair Mr.  Lampert's  ability to function  as our  Chairman  and CEO;  (iv) the
failure to continue Mr. Lampert's  participation  in any incentive  compensation
plan for which he is eligible  unless a plan providing a  substantially  similar
opportunity is substituted;  (v) the relocation of our principal  office, or Mr.
Lampert's own office  location as assigned to him by us, to a location more than
50 miles from Hollywood,  Florida;  or (vi) our failure to obtain the assumption
in  writing  of our  obligation  to  perform  the  employment  agreement  by any
successor  to all or  substantially  all of our assets  within 45 days after the
merger, consolidation, sale or similar transaction resulting in such succession,
provided  that  Mr.  Lampert  may  not  treat  such  failure  as a  constructive
termination  without cause unless such failure is not cured within 10 days after
receipt of notice thereof by such successor from Mr. Lampert.

If Mr. Lampert voluntarily resigns, he will only receive the Accrued Amounts and
benefits provided in benefit plans.

Under the terms of Mr.  Lampert's  employment  agreement,  a "change in control"
includes the approval by the Company of any plan of  liquidation  providing  for
the  distribution of all or  substantially  all of our assets.  If a termination
without cause or  constructive  termination  without cause  followed a change in
control of the  Company,  Mr.  Lampert  would be  entitled to receive the salary
continuation  and  benefits  and the  additional  12 months  salary and benefits
identified  above as a lump-sum  payment  without  any  discount.  In  addition,
subject to limited exceptions,  any benefits,  including options, in which he is
not at such time fully vested  would  become fully vested and any options  would
remain exercisable for the full stated term of the option, except in the case of
our  dissolution in which event options fully vested prior to  dissolution  will
terminate upon dissolution and, as to those terminated options, Mr. Lampert will
be entitled to receive his pro rata share of any  liquidating  distributions  to
Company shareholders (less the option exercise price and taxes withheld, if any)
as if he had exercised the options immediately prior to our dissolution.  If the
severance payments to Mr. Lampert under his employment agreement follow a change
in control and, together with other amounts paid to Mr. Lampert,  exceed certain
threshold  amounts and are  determined  to  constitute  a parachute  payment (as
defined in Section  280G(b)(2) of the Internal  Revenue Code), Mr. Lampert is to
receive  an  additional  amount to cover the  federal  excise  tax with  respect
thereto on a "grossed up" basis.

Under the terms of Mr. Lampert's employment agreement,  as amended to date, if a
change in control of the Company occurs and Mr. Lampert  remains  employed by us
thereafter,  we will be obligated  to pay Mr.  Lampert  $500,000  within 30 days
after the date of the change in control and annually  during the remaining  term
of his employment with us on the first business day of each


calendar  year  following  the change of  control.  Mr.  Lampert  has waived any
entitlement to any such payment beyond the initial $500,000 payment.

If Mr. Lampert is terminated without cause by us as of January 1, 2009 following
the approval of our dissolution and the plan of liquidation by the  shareholders
of the  Company  (a change of  control  under his  agreement),  he will  receive
payments of $2,168,000,  which includes the initial  $500,000  change of control

Blaine A. Robinson, Vice President - Finance, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary.
Mr. Robinson's  employment  agreement,  as amended to date, can be terminated by
him or by us for any reason or no reason upon  providing 30 days written  notice
to the other party. The agreement provides that if the termination by us for any
reason  other than cause or no reason is  effective  before such  notice  period
expires,  we are required to pay Mr.  Robinson his base salary and car allowance
for the  remainder  of the notice  period.  Additionally,  if we  terminate  Mr.
Robinson  for any reason  other than cause or for no  reason,  Mr.  Robinson  is
entitled to receive (i) up to 12 months' base salary and car allowance, with the
combination  of notice and  severance  payments  not to exceed 12  months'  base
salary  and car  allowance,  and  (ii)  reimbursement  of  premiums  paid by Mr.
Robinson for medical,  dental and vision insurance coverages during the 12 month
post-employment  period.  If Mr.  Robinson  is  terminated  without  cause by us
following the approval of our  dissolution  and the plan of  liquidation  by the
shareholders of the Company  without 30 days' written notice by the Company,  he
will receive severance and insurance payments of $244,000.

Urs W. Stampfli, Senior Vice President and Director of Global Sales & Marketing.
Under the terms of Mr.  Stampfli's  employment  agreement,  if we terminate  his
employment  at any  time  without  cause,  or if  Mr.  Stampfli  terminates  his
employment  during  or  after  the  stated  term  of  his  employment  agreement
(currently  to expire on January  1,  2009),  he is  entitled  to (i)  severance
payments equal to 12 months consisting of his then base salary and car allowance
and (ii) reimbursement of premiums paid by Mr. Stampfli for medical,  dental and
vision insurance  coverages during the 12 month  post-employment  period. If Mr.
Stampfli  is  terminated  without  cause by us  following  the  approval  of our
dissolution and the plan of liquidation by the  shareholders of the Company,  he
will receive severance and insurance payments of $296,000.

Scott Lampert,  Vice  President,  General Counsel and Secretary.  Mr.  Lampert's
employment agreement,  as amended to date, can be terminated by him or by us for
any  reason or no reason  upon  providing  30 days  written  notice to the other
party. The agreement provides that if the termination by us for any reason other
than cause or no reason is effective  before such notice period expires,  we are
required to pay Mr.  Lampert his base salary and car allowance for the remainder
of the notice period.  Additionally,  if we terminate Mr. Lampert for any reason
other than cause or for no reason,  Mr. Lampert is entitled to receive (i) up to
12 months' base salary and car  allowance,  with the  combination  of notice and
severance  payments not to exceed 12 months' base salary and car allowance,  and
(ii)  reimbursement  of premiums  paid by Mr.  Lampert for  medical,  dental and
vision insurance  coverages during the 12 month  post-employment  period. If Mr.
Lampert  is  terminated  without  cause  by us  following  the  approval  of our
dissolution  and the plan of  liquidation  by the  shareholders  of the  Company
without 30 days' written  notice by the Company,  he will receive  severance and
insurance payments of $239,000.


While no determination has yet been made by our Board regarding the continuation
of or retention of one or more  employees,  or the retention of other persons or
entities,  to carry out the wind-up of our affairs and  otherwise  implement and
execute the plan of liquidation,  the plan of liquidation  authorizes our Board,
in its discretion, to pay compensation to officers, directors, employees, agents
and representatives in connection with carrying out the plan of liquidation.  If
the Board  determines,  particularly  in light of the familiarity and experience
with the  Company of our current  officers,  to continue  the  employment  of or
otherwise  retain one or more of such officers in  connection  with carrying out
the plan of  liquidation,  such person(s) would receive  compensation  which the
Board determines is appropriate in light of their ongoing duties.

In connection with the plan of  liquidation,  we intend to continue to indemnify
our directors  and officers and have  purchased and will maintain a director and
officer  liability  insurance  policy  and/or  "tail"  insurance  policy for the
benefit of our current, former and future directors and officers.

Report of Focus Management Group USA, Inc.

In conjunction with its review of the strategic alternatives that were available
to us, the Special Committee initially retained Focus Management Group USA, Inc.
("Focus") to review and assess a preliminary liquidation analysis,  assist us in
any  other  matters  that we may  request  and  discuss  with  us our  financial
condition and opportunities.  The Special Committee recently authorized Focus to
review and assess a current liquidation analysis and to provide a written report
and opinion  prior to the Special  Committee  making its  recommendation  to our
Board. We did not impose any limitations  upon Focus with respect to the reviews
and  assessments,  procedures  followed or factors  considered  in rendering its
opinion.  Our  management  cooperated  fully with Focus in  connection  with its

Focus has  delivered  to the Special  Committee  its written  report and opinion
dated as of October 27, 2008. This opinion  concludes that,  subject to the risk
factors  related to the  auction  rate  securities  and our  ability to sell our
property in the PRC, our liquidation  analysis is based upon a solid  foundation
of historical  financial values,  reasonable,  sound and attainable  liquidation
assumptions and a detailed and complete plan and timeline of future events.

In rendering its opinion, Focus:

      o     reviewed the current liquidation analysis prepared by our management
            and supporting  documentation  for material balance sheet categories
            and confirmed certain balances using  information  prepared by third

      o     reviewed the liquidation  project plan and timeline  prepared by our

      o     reviewed certain publicly available  financial and other information
            concerning our company; and

      o     held discussions with members of our senior management regarding the
            liquidation analysis and our businesses and prospects.

Focus' opinion does not constitute a recommendation to any shareholder as to how
the shareholder should vote at the Annual Meeting.


Pursuant to an engagement  letter,  we agreed to pay Focus their  customary fees
and to reimburse Focus for any reasonable  expenses  incurred in connection with
their engagement. We also agreed to indemnify Focus and its directors, officers,
employees and representatives  against certain claims,  liabilities and expenses
arising out of Focus'  engagement.  We have not previously  engaged Focus in any
transaction other than as noted herein.

Regulatory Approvals

Except for the  requirements  of New Jersey law and the  Exchange  Act, no other
federal or state  regulatory  requirements  must be complied  with or  approvals
obtained in connection  with the  dissolution  and liquidation of the Company in
accordance with the plan of liquidation. As to foreign jurisdictions,  there are
certain  regulatory  approvals  required in connection  with the dissolution and
liquidation of the Company's foreign subsidiaries; the Company intends to obtain
such required regulatory approvals.

Dissenting Shareholders' Rights

Under New Jersey law, our  shareholders are not entitled to appraisal rights for
their  shares  of common  stock  with  respect  to the  dissolution  and plan of

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

The following  discussion is a general  summary of certain United States federal
income tax consequences to our shareholders  that are anticipated to result from
our  liquidation  and  dissolution.  This  discussion  does not  purport to be a
complete  analysis of all the potential tax effects.  Moreover,  the  discussion
does not  address  the tax  consequences  that  may be  relevant  to  particular
categories of investors  subject to special  treatment  under the federal income
tax laws (such as dealers in securities, banks, insurance companies,  tax-exempt
organizations,  mutual  funds,  foreign  persons and persons who acquired  their
stock upon the exercise of employee stock options or otherwise as compensation).
It also does not  address  any tax  consequences  arising  under the laws of any
state, local or foreign jurisdiction.  The discussion is based upon the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, Treasury regulations,  rulings of the Internal
Revenue Service,  or IRS, and judicial decisions now in effect, all of which are
subject to change at any time, possibly with retroactive  effect.  Distributions
pursuant to the plan of liquidation  may occur at various times and in more than
one tax year. No assurance can be given that the tax treatment  described herein
will remain unchanged at the time of such distributions.

The  following  discussion  has no  binding  effect on the IRS or the courts and
assumes that we will liquidate in accordance with the plan of liquidation in all
material respects. No ruling has been requested from the IRS with respect to the
anticipated  tax treatment of the plan of  liquidation,  and we will not seek an
opinion of counsel with respect to such anticipated tax treatment.

As a result of our  liquidation,  as described in more detail below, for federal
income tax purposes, shareholders generally will recognize gain or loss equal to
the difference between (i) the sum of the amount of cash distributed to them and
the aggregate fair market value,  at the time of  distribution,  of any property
distributed to them (including  transfers of assets to a liquidating trust), and
(ii) their tax basis in their shares of our capital stock.


A  shareholder's  gain or loss will be computed on a "per share"  basis.  We may
make more than one  liquidating  distribution,  each of which will be  allocated
proportionately to each share of stock owned by a shareholder. The value of each
liquidating  distribution will be applied against and reduce a shareholder's tax
basis in his or her shares of stock.  Gain will be  recognized  as a result of a
liquidating  distribution  to the extent that the  aggregate  amount of cash and
value of that  distribution and prior  liquidating  distributions  received by a
shareholder  with respect to a share exceeds his or her tax basis in that share.
Any loss generally may be recognized  only when the final  distribution  from us
has been received and then only if the amount of cash and aggregate value of all
liquidating distributions with respect to a share is less than the shareholder's
tax  basis in that  share.  Gain or loss  recognized  by a  shareholder  will be
capital gain or loss,  provided the shares are held as capital assets,  and will
be long-term  capital gain or loss if the  shareholder's  holding period for the
shares  exceeds one year. If it were to be determined  that  distributions  made
pursuant to the plan of  liquidation  were not  liquidating  distributions,  the
result  could be  treatment of  distributions  as dividends  taxable at ordinary
income rates if we were to have any current or accumulated  earnings and profits
for federal income tax purposes (which we do not expect to have).

Upon any distribution of property,  the shareholder's tax basis in such property
immediately  after the distribution will be its fair market value at the time of
distribution.  The gain or loss realized upon the  shareholder's  future sale of
that property will be measured by the difference  between the  shareholder's tax
basis in the property at the time of such sale and the amount realized from such

After the close of each taxable year, we will provide  shareholders  and the IRS
with a  statement  of the amount of cash  distributed  to  shareholders  and, if
applicable,  our best  estimate as to the value of any property  distributed  to
them during that year.  There is no  assurance  that the IRS will not  challenge
that  valuation.  As a result of such a  challenge,  the  amount of gain or loss
recognized by shareholders might be changed.

It is  possible  that  we  will  have  liabilities  not  fully  covered  by  our
contingency  reserve for which the shareholders  will be liable up to the extent
of any  liquidating  distributions  they have  received.  This  liability  could
require  a  shareholder  to  satisfy a portion  of this  liability  out of prior
liquidating  distributions received from us and a liquidating trust. Payments by
shareholders  in  satisfaction  of these  liabilities  generally would produce a
capital  loss,  which,  in the hands of  individual  shareholders,  could not be
carried  back to  prior  years to  offset  any  capital  gains  recognized  from
liquidating distributions in those years.

Consequences to Option holders

Terminated  (Unexercised) Options.  Holders of incentive stock options, or ISOs,
and  non-statutory  stock  options  who do not  exercise  the  options  prior to
termination  of the  options  upon our  dissolution  and who  receive a pro rata
portion  of  distributions  to  shareholders  in  respect  of  their  terminated
unexercised  options  will be subject  to tax at  ordinary  income  rates on the
amounts received.

Non-Statutory  Options.  Holders of  non-statutory  options who  exercise  their
options  prior to the  termination  of the  options  upon our  dissolution  will
recognize ordinary compensation income


equal to the excess of the value of the stock at the time of  exercise  over the
exercise price. Any additional gain upon liquidation will be short-term,  if the
stock is held for one year or less at the time of  liquidation.  Ordinary income
and short-term capital gain are subject to tax at a current maximum rate of 35%.

Incentive Stock Options.  Generally,  holders of ISOs who exercise their options
prior to the  termination of the options upon our dissolution are not subject to
regular income tax at the time of exercise.  However, the difference, or spread,
between the fair market value of the stock  received on the date of exercise and
the exercise price is included in the  employee's  alternative  minimum  taxable
income  in the  year  of  exercise.  If the  employee  makes  a  sale  or  other
disposition,  within two years after grant or within one year after exercise, of
stock  received  on the  exercise  of an  ISO,  the  employee  forfeits  ISO tax
treatment  and  recognizes   ordinary   compensation   income  in  the  year  of
disposition,  generally  equal  to the  spread  on the  date  of  exercise.  Any
additional  gain is capital gain,  which will be short-term if the stock is held
for one year or less at the time of liquidation.  Ordinary income and short-term
capital gain are currently  subject to tax at a maximum  income tax rate of 35%.
Although an early disposition of stock generally does not avoid the inclusion of
the  spread  at  exercise  in  alternative  minimum  taxable  income,  an  early
disposition made in the year of exercise usually negates any alternative minimum
tax liability.

Accordingly,  holders of ISOs who  exercise  their  options  within the two-year
period  preceding the liquidation will be treated as having made a disqualifying
disposition  and will  recognize  ordinary  compensation  income  in the year of
liquidation equal to the spread on the date of exercise.  It is anticipated that
the liquidation will, for this purpose,  be deemed to occur within the year 2008
and  accordingly  holders of ISOs who  exercise  their  options in 2008 will not
include the spread in the computation of the alternative minimum tax.

Liquidating Trust

If we transfer assets to a liquidating trust, a shareholder  generally should be
treated for federal  income tax purposes as having  received a pro rata share of
the property  transferred  to the  liquidating  trust,  reduced by the amount of
known  liabilities  assumed by the  liquidating  trust or to which the  property
transferred is subject,  and having  contributed  such assets and liabilities to
the liquidating  trust. Our transfer of assets to a liquidating trust will cause
a shareholder  to be treated in the same manner for federal  income tax purposes
as if the  shareholder  had  received  a  distribution  directly  from  us.  The
liquidating  trust should not be subject to federal income tax, assuming that it
is  treated as a  liquidating  trust for  federal  income  tax  purposes.  After
formation of the  liquidating  trust,  a shareholder  must take into account for
federal income tax purposes the  shareholder's  allocable portion of any income,
gain or loss recognized by the liquidating trust. As a result of our transfer of
assets to the  liquidating  trust and the ongoing  operations of the liquidating
trust, shareholders may be subject to tax, whether or not they have received any
actual  distributions  from the  liquidating  trust  with which to pay such tax.
There can be no assurance that the  liquidating  trust  described in the plan of
liquidation  will be  treated  as a  liquidating  trust for  federal  income tax


Taxation of Non-United States Shareholders

Foreign  corporations or persons who are not citizens or residents of the United
States  should  consult their tax advisors with respect to the U.S. and non-U.S.
tax consequences of the plan of liquidation.

State and Local Tax

Shareholders  may also be  subject to state or local  taxes and  should  consult
their tax advisors with respect to the state and local tax  consequences  of the
plan of liquidation.

The  foregoing  summary of United  States  federal  income tax  consequences  is
included for general  information  only and does not constitute  legal advice to
any  shareholder.  The tax  consequences  of the  plan of  liquidation  may vary
depending  upon  the  particular   circumstances  of  each   shareholder.   Each
shareholder  should  consult  his or her own tax advisor  regarding  the federal
income tax consequences of the plan of liquidation as well as any state,  local,
and foreign tax consequences.

Vote Required and Board Recommendations

Approval of our dissolution and the plan of liquidation requires the affirmative
vote of a majority of the votes cast at a meeting  duly called at which a quorum
is present.  Members of our current Board and our executive officers who held as
of November 7, 2008, the record date for  determining  shareholders  entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting, an aggregate of 1,909,783 shares of
common stock  (approximately  32.3% of the outstanding shares of common stock as
of October 27, 2008) have  indicated  that they will vote all of their shares in
favor of the proposal.

Our Board of Directors believes that the dissolution of the Company and the plan
of liquidation  are in the best interests of our  shareholders  and recommends a
vote for this proposal.  It is intended that shares  represented by the enclosed
form of proxy will be voted IN FAVOR of this proposal unless otherwise specified
in such proxy.


                             SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

On  October  29,  2008,  our  Board  voted  to adopt a plan of  dissolution  and
liquidation subject to shareholder  approval.  The information  presented herein
does not include  any  adjustments  necessary  to reflect  the  possible  future
effects on the  recoverability  of the assets or settlement of liabilities  that
may result  from  adoption of the plan of  dissolution  and  liquidation  or our
potential inability to complete such a plan in an orderly manner.

You  should  read  the  selected  financial  data set  forth  below  along  with
"Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations" and our consolidated  financial  statements and the related notes in
our  Annual  Report  on Form 10-K for the year  ended  June 28,  2008,  which is
incorporated  by reference into this proxy  statement and is delivered with this
proxy  statement,   and  "Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial
Condition and Results of Operations"  and the condensed  consolidated  financial
statements and related notes as of and for the quarter ended September 27, 2008,
which are included in Annex B to this proxy statement.

                                                                                                             (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
                                                                                                               For the    For the
                                                                                                               Quarter    Quarter
                                                                                                                Ended       Ended
($ in thousands except               July 3,        July 2,        July 1,       June 30,       June 28,      Sept. 27,   Sept. 29,
per share data)                       2004           2005           2006           2007           2008           2008       2007
                                    --------       --------       --------       --------       --------      ---------  -----------
Net sales                           $203,132       $174,348       $137,529       $ 86,653       $ 74,149       $17,669    $21,698
Cost of products sold                188,954        180,130        122,928         77,452         66,613        14,500     18,683
                                    --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       -------    -------
Gross profit (deficit)                14,178         (5,782)        14,601          9,201          7,536        33,169      3,015
Operating expenses                    43,426(b)      39,794         34,873         22,584         22,006(a)      3,103       5015
                                    --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       -------    -------
Operating (loss) income              (29,248)       (45,576)       (20,272)       (13,383)       (14,470)           66     (2,000)
Interest expense                         715            931            374            336            501           187         77
Other income, net                       (500)        (1,770)        (1,142)        (1,999)        (1,566)       (1,406)      (315)
                                    --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       -------    -------
(Loss) income before income
    taxes and extraordinary
    gain                             (29,463)       (44,737)       (19,504)       (11,720)       (13,405)        1,285     (1,762)
Provision (benefit) for taxes          7,537            186            107              6           (798)            4          1
                                    --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       -------    -------
(Loss) income before
    extraordinary gain               (37,000)       (44,923)       (19,611)       (11,726)       (12,607)        1,281     (1,763)
Extraordinary gain                     5,778(c)          --             --             --             --            --         --
                                    --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       -------    -------
Net (loss) income                   $(31,222)      $(44,923)      $(19,611)      $(11,726)      $(12,607)        1,281    $(1,763)
                                    ========       ========       ========       ========       ========       =======    =======

Net (loss) income per common share:
Basic and diluted:
(Loss) income before
    extraordinary gain              $  (6.45)(d)   $  (7.70)(d)   $  (3.36)(d)   $  (1.99)(d)   $  (2.13)      $  0.22    $ (0.30)
Extraordinary gain                      1.00(d)          --             --             --             --            --         --
                                    --------       --------       --------       --------       --------       -------    -------
  Basic  and diluted (loss) income
    per common share                $  (5.45)      $  (7.70)      $  (3.36)      $  (1.99)      $  (2.13)      $  0.22    $ (0.30)
                                    ========       ========       ========       ========       ========       =======    =======


Working capital                     $100,603       $ 61,761       $ 46,843       $ 39,019       $ 16,931       $18,618    $38,025
                                    ========       ========       ========       ========       ========       =======    =======
Total assets                        $189,517       $146,756       $104,742       $ 82,504       $ 70,602       $68,142    $79,081
                                    ========       ========       ========       ========       ========       =======    =======
Total debt                          $  9,170       $  2,936       $     --       $  2,756       $ 17,621       $14,032    $ 2,328
                                    ========       ========       ========       ========       ========       =======    =======
Total stockholders' equity          $127,125       $ 82,303       $ 62,967       $ 51,644       $ 33,902       $35,188    $49,824
                                    ========       ========       ========       ========       ========       =======    =======

(a)  Includes $5.9 million of asset impairment charges.

(b)   Includes $0.7 million of variable stock-based compensation expense.

(c)   Represents the excess of estimated fair value of net assets  acquired over
      cost (negative goodwill) for the Jenimage acquisition.

(d)   On October 26, 2006,  our Board of Directors  approved,  without action by
      the  shareholders,  a  Certificate  of  Amendment  to our  Certificate  of
      Amendment  to implement a  one-for-five  split of our common stock with an
      effective date of November 21, 2006. All issued shares of our common stock
      (including  treasury  shares and shares held in trust) and  per-share  and
      related  stock  option  amounts have been  retroactively  adjusted for the
      reverse stock split in the accompanying selected financial data.


                                  PROPOSAL TWO:

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Nominees for Election of Directors

Pursuant to Article  III of our  By-Laws,  as  amended,  the Board has fixed the
number of directors  constituting  the entire Board at five.  All five directors
are to be elected  at the Annual  Meeting,  each to hold  office  until the 2009
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  and until his  successor  is duly  elected and
qualified.  In voting for  directors,  each  shareholder is entitled to cast one
vote for each  share of our common  stock held of record,  either in favor of or
against the  election of each  nominee,  or to abstain from voting on any or all
nominees.  Although  management  does not  anticipate  that any nominee  will be
unable or unwilling to serve as  director,  in the event of such an  occurrence,
proxies may be voted in the  discretion  of the persons named in the proxy for a
substitute  designated  by the  Board,  unless  the Board  decides to reduce the
number of directors  constituting the Board. The election of directors  requires
the  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the votes cast by the holders of shares
of our common stock  present or  represented  and entitled to vote at the Annual

Our Board  recommends a vote FOR Ira B.  Lampert,  Ronald S.  Cooper,  Morris H.
Gindi,  William J.  O'Neill,  Jr. and Roger Beit to hold  office  until the 2009
Annual Meeting of Shareholders  and until their  successors are duly elected and
qualified.  Proxies that do not withhold the  authority to vote for the nominees
will be voted FOR each of the nominees.

The following sets forth information  provided by the nominees,  all of whom are
currently  serving as directors of the Company and all of whom have consented to
serve if reelected by our shareholders.

                               Year First Elected/      Positions and Offices
Name of Nominee           Age   Nominated Director         with the Company
------------------------ ----  -------------------  ----------------------------
Ira B. Lampert            63          1993          Chairman of the Board, Chief
                                                        Executive Officer and
Ronald S. Cooper          70          2000          Director
Morris H. Gindi           64          1988          Director
William J. O'Neill, Jr.   66          2001          Director
Roger J. Beit             51          2008          Director

Ira B.  Lampert has been a directore  Company  since 1993 and the  Chairman  and
Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company since 1994.  For the calendar year 1995
and again from 1998 through the present, Mr. Lampert also served as President of
the Company.  Mr. Lampert is a member of the Queens College  Foundation Board of
Trustees  (Queens College is part of the City University  System of New York), a
member  of  the  Advisory  Board  of the  Boys &  Girls  Republic,  a  nonprofit
organization for underprivileged children, and serves on the Boards of


Trustees of the Mount Sinai Medical Center Foundation,  Inc. and the Mount Sinai
Medical Center of Florida, Inc.

Ronald S. Cooper has been a director of the Company since 2000.  Mr. Cooper is a
co-founder  and principal of LARC  Strategic  Concepts,  LLC, a consulting  firm
focusing on emerging growth companies. Mr. Cooper retired from Ernst & Young LLP
in September  1998,  having joined the firm in 1962. He became a partner in 1973
and was Managing  Partner of the firm's Long  Island,  New York office from 1985
until he retired.

Morris H. Gindi has been a director of the Company  since  1988.  Mr.  Gindi has
served as the Chief Executive  Officer of Notra Trading Inc., an import agent in
the home textiles industry,  since 1983 and as Chief Executive Officer of Morgan
Home Fashions,  a  manufacturer  and  distributor of home textiles,  since 1995.
These two  businesses  import and  distribute  merchandise  to all levels of the
retail trade. Mr. Gindi's career in the home textiles  industry has spanned four

William J.  O'Neill,  Jr. has been a director  of the Company  since  2001.  Mr.
O'Neill  has  served as Dean of the  Business  School at Suffolk  University  in
Boston,  Massachusetts since 2001. From 1969 to 1999, he held various management
positions at Polaroid Corporation, most recently as Executive Vice President and
President,  Corporate  Business  Development.  In  addition,  Mr.  O'Neill  is a
director of AdvanSource  Biomaterials  Corporation (AMEX:ASB), a manufacturer of
cardiovascular devices, EDGAR Online, Inc. (NASDAQ:EDGR), a provider of business
and financial  information on global companies,  the Design Management Institute
and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.

Roger J. Beit has been a director  of the  Company  since  2008.  Mr. Beit is an
executive  of Harvest  Investments,  LLC, an owner of  multi-family  residential
properties. Mr. Beit was previously a manager of Coopers and Lybrand's Hartford,
Connecticut  office. In addition,  Mr. Beit was recommended as a director to the
Director  Affairs  Committee by the MT Trading LLC,  Sondra Beit, RH Trading LLC
and LTC Racing LLC group,  which is the beneficial owner of approximately  23.2%
of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  Mr. Beit,  the husband of Sondra Beit, is the
authorized spokesperson and representative and has investment authority over the
investment account in which such shares are held.

Corporate Governance

Our common stock is listed on the NASDAQ Global Market ("NASDAQ").  Although not
required by NASDAQ's  corporate  governance  rules, our Board adopted  Corporate
Governance   Guidelines  that  address  governance  issues  and  set  forth  our
governance  principles  including  director   qualification,   Board  structure,
director compensation, management succession and periodic performance evaluation
of the  Board  and its  committees.  Our  Corporate  Governance  Guidelines  are
available on our website: www.concord-camera.com under


About Concord--Investor Relations--Corporate Governance Guidelines. We have also
adopted  a code of ethics  that  applies  to our  principal  executive  officer,
principal  financial officer,  principal  accounting officer and controller,  as
well as all other employees and our directors. The code of ethics, which we call
our Code of Conduct, is available on our website:  www.concord-camera.com  under
About  Concord--Investor  Relations--Code of Conduct. If we make any substantive
amendments  to,  or  grant a waiver  (including  an  implicit  waiver)  from,  a
provision  of our  Code of  Conduct  that  applies  to our  principal  executive
officer,   principal   financial  officer,   principal   accounting  officer  or
controller,  and that  relates to any  element of the code of ethics  definition
enumerated in Item 406(b) of Regulation S-K, promulgated under the Exchange Act,
we will disclose such amendment or waiver on our website and in a Current Report
on Form 8-K filed with the Commission.

Independence of Board Members and Audit Committee Financial Experts

Pursuant  to  NASDAQ's  listing  standards,  a  majority  of our  Board  must be
comprised of "independent" directors as defined in Rule 4200 of NASDAQ's listing
standards.  The Board has reviewed the  independence  standard set forth in Rule
4200 and has  determined  that each of our directors  other than Mr.  Lampert is
independent under Rule 4200.

The Board has determined  that we have at least one "audit  committee  financial
expert"  serving on our Audit  Committee,  as defined under  applicable  federal
securities laws and regulations, who has the "financial sophistication" required
under the listing standards of the NASDAQ Global Market. Both Messrs. Cooper and
O'Neill satisfy the criteria for these  standards.  Mr. Cooper has over 35 years
of experience in the field of public  accounting,  retiring in 1998 from Ernst &
Young  LLP.  Mr.  O'Neill  was  Chief  Financial  Officer  (and  Executive  Vice
President)  of Polaroid from 1990 to 1998,  having held various other  positions
with Polaroid including that of Corporate  Controller for four years. All of the
members of the Audit Committee are "independent," as defined under, and required
by, the federal  securities  laws and the rules  promulgated by the  Commission,
including  Rule  10A-3(b)(i)  under the  Exchange  Act,  as well as the  listing
standards of the NASDAQ Global Market.

Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors

Our Board met 8 times during Fiscal 2008. Our  independent  directors  generally
meet in executive session without  management  present as part of each regularly
scheduled meeting of the Board. In addition, the independent directors also meet
separately from Board meetings from time to time in their discretion.  In Fiscal
2008,  all directors  attended 75% or more of the Board meetings and meetings of
the committees on which they served.

Directors are expected to attend our annual meetings of shareholders pursuant to
our Corporate Governance Guidelines.  Because the Board holds one of its regular
meetings in conjunction with our annual meetings of shareholders,  unless one or
more members of the Board are unable to attend,  all of the members of the Board
are present for the annual  meeting.  All four of our directors in 2007 attended
the 2007 annual meeting in person.

Our Board has an Audit Committee, a Compensation and Stock Option Committee,  an
Executive  Committee,  a Director Affairs  Committee and a Marketing and Product
Development  Committee.  The members of each committee are appointed annually by
the Board.


As of August 14, 2006, the Board established a Special  Committee,  comprised of
our then three independent  directors,  Messrs.  O'Neill (Chairman),  Cooper and
Gindi, to investigate,  evaluate and analyze strategic alternatives. The Special
Committee met 16 times during Fiscal 2008.

Our Audit Committee, which is a separately designated,  standing audit committee
established in accordance  with Section  3(a)(58)(A) of the Exchange Act has the
following members: Messrs. Cooper (Chairman), Gindi and O'Neill, each of whom is
independent  as  defined  in  listing  standards  applicable  to us.  The  Audit
Committee assists our Board in its oversight of the quality and integrity of our
accounting,  auditing and financial reporting  practices.  The Audit Committee's
role includes  discussing with management our processes to manage financial risk
and for compliance with  significant  applicable  legal,  ethical and regulatory
requirements.  The Audit Committee is directly  responsible for the appointment,
compensation,  retention  and  oversight of the  independent  registered  public
accounting  firm  engaged  to prepare or issue  audit  reports on our  financial
statements or to perform other audit, review or attestation services for us. The
Audit  Committee  relies on the expertise  and  knowledge of management  and the
independent  registered  public  accounting  firm in carrying out its  oversight
responsibilities.  The  specific  responsibilities  in  carrying  out the  Audit
Committee's oversight role are delineated in the Audit Committee Charter, a copy
of which was included as Appendix A to our 2007 proxy  statement  filed with the
Commission on October 29, 2007. See the Audit Committee  Report below. The Audit
Committee met 4 times during Fiscal 2008.

Our  Compensation and Stock Option Committee  consists of Messrs.  O'Neill,  Jr.
(Chairman) and Cooper,  each of whom is independent as defined in the applicable
listing standards. The Compensation and Stock Option Committee assists our Board
in the  discharge  of  its  responsibilities  relating  to  compensation  of our
directors and executive officers. Its specific areas of oversight include:

      o     Compensation  of our  Chief  Executive  Officer  ("CEO"),  our other
            executive officers and any other Company officer,  employee or agent
            having a familial relationship with the CEO;

      o     Establishment  of annual  and  long-term  performance  goals for our
            executive officers in light of approved performance goals;

      o     Compensation of our directors;

      o     Management development and succession; and

      o     Administration  of  equity  plans  and other  officer  and  director
            compensation arrangements.

The  Compensation  and Stock  Option  Committee  has the  authority  to employ a
compensation  consultant  to  assist  in its  evaluation  of  executive  officer
compensation.  Our  CEO  has  historically  played  a  significant  role  in the
determination of compensation.  We expect that the Compensation and Stock Option
Committee  will  continue  to  solicit  input  from  our  CEO  with  respect  to
compensation decisions affecting other members of our senior management.  A copy
of the Compensation and Stock Option Committee  Charter was attached as Appendix
B to our 2007


proxy  statement  filed with the  Commission on October 29, 2007.  During Fiscal
2008, the  Compensation  and Stock Option  Committee had no meetings and acted 3
times by unanimous written consent in lieu of a meeting.

Our Director Affairs  Committee,  consisting of Messrs.  Lampert  (Chairman) and
O'Neill, recommends to the independent directors of the Board those persons who,
in the  opinion of the  members of the  Director  Affairs  Committee,  should be
invited to stand for election to the Board as management nominees at any and all
ensuing  meetings of our  shareholders.  The  Director  Affairs  Committee  also
evaluates  new  candidates  and current  directors,  and reviews,  evaluates and
recommends changes to our corporate governance  practices.  The Director Affairs
Committee met 1 time during Fiscal 2008.

Pursuant to NASDAQ's listing standards,  director nominees must be selected,  or
recommended  for  the  Board's  selection,  either  by:  (i) a  majority  of the
independent  directors  or (ii) a  nominations  committee  comprised  solely  of
independent  directors.  We do not have a  standing  nominating  committee.  The
Director  Affairs  Committee  recommends  but does  not  nominate  nominees  for
election to our Board.  Nominees are  selected by a majority of the  independent
directors  on the  Board,  all of whom are  "independent"  as  independence  for
nominating  committee  members  is  defined  in the  applicable  NASDAQ  listing
standards.  Because a majority of the independent  directors select our director
nominees with input and advice from the Director Affairs  Committee,  we believe
it is not necessary to have a separately  designated  nominating  committee.  In
accordance with NASDAQ's listing requirements, the Board has adopted resolutions
addressing the  nominations  process.  The nominations  process  resolutions are
available on our website at www.concord-camera.com under About Concord--Investor
Relations--Corporate Governance Guidelines.

Director Nominations Process

The Director  Affairs  Committee may use multiple  sources to identify  director
candidates,  including  its own contacts  and  referrals  from other  directors,
management,  the Company's advisers and director search firms. In addition,  the
Director Affairs Committee will consider candidates that shareholders recommend.
Shareholder suggestions of one or more nominees for election to the Board may be
sent in writing to the Director  Affairs  Committee,  Attention:  Chairman,  c/o
Concord  Camera  Corp.,  Presidential  Circle - 6th  Floor,  North  Tower,  4000
Hollywood  Boulevard,  Hollywood,  Florida 33021. The Director Affairs Committee
evaluates  candidates that  shareholders  recommend in the same manner and using
the same criteria it uses to evaluate candidates recommended by other sources.

The Director Affairs  Committee has determined that all candidates for our Board
shall, at a minimum,  possess high personal and professional  ethical standards,
integrity and values;  an inquiring  mind,  intelligence,  practical  wisdom and
informed  judgment;  the ability to work  effectively and collegially with other
directors;  a willingness  and ability to devote the required  amount of time to
carrying out the duties and responsibilities of Board and committee  membership;
and a commitment to representing the long-term interests of our shareholders. In
addition,  the Director Affairs Committee also considers certain other qualities
and skills in  accordance  with  criteria  established  by the Director  Affairs
Committee from time to time,


including  without   limitation  the  candidate's   independence  and  financial
literacy,   and  the  extent  to  which  the   candidate   possesses   pertinent
policy-making,  business and  professional  experience in government,  business,
finance,   technology,   marketing,  sales,  manufacturing,   worldwide  diverse
operations and cultures, and other areas related to our business activities.

The  Director  Affairs  Committee  reviews  each   recommendation  for  director
candidates  (including   shareholder   recommendations)  and  makes  an  initial
determination  as to whether the  candidate  has the ability to meet the minimum
criteria, which the Director Affairs Committee may modify from time to time. The
Director  Affairs  Committee  may,  in its  discretion,  confirm  a  candidate's
willingness to serve on the Board,  verify a candidate's  education,  employment
records  and  references,  conduct  background  investigations  and  arrange for
in-person  meetings  with the  Director  Affairs  Committee  or the full  Board.
Following its determination as to the qualified candidates, the Director Affairs
Committee recommends to the independent directors of the Board those persons who
should be invited to stand for election.  Pursuant to the  Corporate  Governance
Guidelines,  in  evaluating  the  suitability  of  individual  candidates,   the
independent  directors  take into account many factors,  including a candidate's
understanding  of  marketing,  finance  and other  disciplines  relevant  to the
success  of a  publicly-traded  company  in  today's  business  environment;  an
understanding of our business and industry on a technical level; and educational
and professional background.  The independent directors evaluate each individual
in the context of the Board as a whole,  with the  objective of  recommending  a
group  that can best  perpetuate  the  success  of the  business  and  represent
shareholder  interests  through  the  exercise  of  sound  judgment,  using  its
diversity  of  experience.  Pursuant to our  By-Laws,  the nominees to stand for
election  to the  Board  are then  selected  by a  majority  of the  independent
directors on the Board. The independent directors are free to select nominees in
addition to, or instead of, those recommended by the Director Affairs Committee.

Communications  with the Board

A shareholder may communicate  directly with the Board by addressing a letter to
the Board of Directors of Concord Camera Corp. c/o Chairman, Presidential Circle
-  North  Tower,  4000  Hollywood  Boulevard,  Hollywood,  Florida  33021.  If a
shareholder  would  like  the  letter  to be  forwarded  directly  to one of the
Chairmen  of the five  standing  committees  of the  Board,  he or she should so
indicate.  If no specific  direction is indicated,  the  Chairman's  office will
review the letter and forward it to the appropriate Board member(s).

Communications with the Audit Committee

The Audit  Committee has established  procedures for the receipt,  retention and
treatment of complaints  regarding  accounting,  internal accounting controls or
auditing  matters and the  confidential,  anonymous  submission  by employees of
concerns  regarding   questionable   accounting  and  auditing  matters.   These
procedures  are  described  in our Code of  Conduct  which is  available  on our
website at www.concord-camera.com under About Concord--Investor  Relations--Code
of Conduct.


Audit Committee Report

The members of the Audit Committee of the Board are Messrs.  Cooper  (Chairman),
Gindi and O'Neill.  The primary  purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the
Board  in its  general  oversight  of the  Company's  accounting  and  financial
reporting processes. The Audit Committee's functions are more fully described in
its  charter,  which the Board has  adopted.  The Audit  Committee  reviews  and
reassesses the adequacy of its charter on an annual basis. A copy of its current
charter is  included as  Appendix A to our 2007 proxy  statement  filed with the
Commission on October 29, 2007.  The Board  annually  reviews the NASDAQ listing
standards'  definition  of  independence  for audit  committee  members  and has
determined  that each member of the Audit  Committee is  independent  under that

Management is responsible for the preparation, presentation and integrity of the
Company's financial  statements,  accounting and financial reporting  principles
and  internal  controls  and  procedures  designed  to  ensure  compliance  with
accounting  standards  and  applicable  laws  and  regulations.   The  Company's
independent  registered public accounting firm, BDO Seidman, LLP, is responsible
for  performing  an  independent  annual  audit  of the  consolidated  financial
statements  and  expressing  an opinion  on the  conformity  of those  financial
statements with United States  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  The
Audit  Committee's  policy  is  that  all  services  rendered  by the  Company's
independent  auditor are either  specifically  approved or pre-approved  and are
monitored both as to spending level and work content to maintain the appropriate
objectivity and independence of the independent  auditor.  The Audit Committee's
policy provides that the Audit  Committee has the ultimate  authority to approve
all audit  engagement  fees and terms and that the Audit Committee shall review,
evaluate and approve the engagement proposal of the independent auditor.

In  conjunction  with its  activities  during Fiscal 2008,  the Audit  Committee
reviewed  and  discussed  our interim  unaudited  and annual  audited  financial
statements with the Company's independent registered public accounting firm with
and without management  present,  and with management.  The members of the Audit
Committee  discussed  the agreed  upon  quarterly  procedures  and annual  audit
procedures  performed by the independent  registered  public  accounting firm in
connection  with the quarterly  interim  unaudited and annual audited  financial
statements with management of the Company and its independent  registered public
accounting  firm.  The members of the Audit  Committee  also  discussed with the
Company's independent  registered public accounting firm the matters required to
be discussed by SAS 61  (Codification  of Statements on Auditing  Standards,  AU
Section 380), as amended by Statement of Auditing Standards No. 90. In addition,
the Audit Committee  received from the Company's  independent  registered public
accounting  firm the written  disclosures  and the letter required by applicable
requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, and discussed its
independence  with the independent  registered  public accounting firm. Based on
the foregoing  reviews and discussions,  the Audit Committee  recommended to the
Board,  and the Board  approved,  that the Fiscal 2008 annual audited  financial
statements  be included in the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for Fiscal
2008 for filing with the Commission.


       Audit Committee

       Ronald S. Cooper, Chairman
       Morris H. Gindi
       William J. O'Neill, Jr.

Certain Relationships and Related Party Transactions

Transactions with Related Persons

During  Fiscal  2008,  there  were no,  and  there  are no  currently  proposed,
transactions  or series of similar  transactions  in which the  amount  involved
exceeded or will exceed $120,000 and in which any related person,  including any
current  director,  executive  officer,  holder of more  than 5% of our  capital
stock, or entities affiliated with them, had a material interest.

Review, Approval or Ratification of Transactions with Related Parties

The Audit Committee  Charter requires review and approval of any transactions or
courses of dealing with parties related to us.

Reverse Stock Split

On October 26, 2006, our Board approved,  without action by the shareholders,  a
Certificate  of Amendment to our  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to implement a
one-for-five  split of our common stock with an  effective  date of November 21,
2006. All shares of our common stock, including related stock option amounts and
applicable  option exercise  prices,  have been adjusted in this proxy statement
for the reverse stock split.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires our directors, executive officers and
holders of ten percent (10%) or more of our common stock, or Reporting  Persons,
to file initial  reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of our
common  stock and any other equity  securities  with the  Commission.  Reporting
Persons are required to furnish us with copies of all Section 16(a) reports they
file. Based on a review of the copies of the reports furnished to us and written
representations  from our directors and executive officers that no other reports
were  required,  with  respect to Fiscal  2008,  we believe  that the  Reporting
Persons timely complied with all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to

Executive Officers

Set forth  below is the name and age,  as of  November  7, 2008,  of each of our
executive officers,  together with certain biographical  information for each of
them (other than Ira B. Lampert,  for whom biographical  information is provided
above under "Nominees for Election of Directors"):


Name of Executive Officer   Age         Position and Offices with the Company
-------------------------   ----    --------------------------------------------
Ira B. Lampert               63     Chairman, Chief Executive Officer
                                       and President (principal executive
Blaine A. Robinson           49     Vice President - Finance, Treasurer and
                                       Assistant Secretary (principal financial
                                       and accounting officer)
Urs W. Stampfli              57     Senior Vice President and Director of Global
                                       Sales & Marketing
Scott L. Lampert             47     Vice President, General Counsel and

Blaine A.  Robinson,  our Vice  President  - Finance,  Treasurer  and  Assistant
Secretary  since  April  2006,  joined  us in  February  2003  as our  Corporate
Controller and has served as our Principal  Accounting  Officer since  September
20, 2004 and, effective April 1, 2006, as our Principal Financial Officer. Prior
to joining us, from May 2002 to February  2003,  Mr.  Robinson  was  employed by
Spherion Corporation and served as a financial and accounting  consultant to the
Company.   Previously,  Mr.  Robinson  served  as  Chief  Financial  Officer  of
Green2go.com,  Inc. from March 2000 to September  2001 and  Assistant  Corporate
Controller of AutoNation,  Inc. from March 1997 to March 2000. He holds a Master
of Business Administration from the University of Florida, a Bachelor of Science
in  Accounting  from Florida  Atlantic  University  and a Bachelor of Science in
Finance from the University of Florida. Mr. Robinson is a member of the American
Institute of Certified Public  Accountants,  the Florida  Institute of Certified
Public Accountants and Financial Executives Institute.

Urs W. Stampfli joined us in May 1998 as Director of Global Sales and Marketing,
and became a Vice  President  of the  Company  in April  2000 and a Senior  Vice
President of the Company in February 2002. From 1990 to April 1998, Mr. Stampfli
was Vice President,  Marketing,  Photo Imaging  Systems of Agfa Division,  Bayer

Scott L. Lampert, who is no relation to Ira B. Lampert, joined us in May 1999 as
Patent/Intellectual  Property  Attorney and served as Intellectual  Property and
Business Development Counsel from August 2001 until August 2005 and as Associate
General  Counsel of the Company  from August 2005 until taking up his new duties
as Vice President,  General Counsel and Secretary of the Company effective April
1, 2006. Prior to joining the Company,  Mr. Lampert was in private practice.  He
holds a Juris Doctor cum laude from Nova Southeastern  University,  a Masters of
Business  Administration  from Fordham  University  and a Bachelor of Science in
Engineering from Tulane  University.  Mr. Lampert is a member of the Florida Bar
and is  licensed  to  practice  before the United  States  Patent and  Trademark



Executive Compensation Policy

We design our  executive  officer  compensation  program to reward our executive
officers for our financial and operating  performance,  their leadership and the
creation of shareholder  value.  To achieve our business  goals,  it is critical
that we be able to attract,  motivate and retain highly talented  individuals at
all  levels  of the  organization  who  are  committed  to our  core  values  of
excellence, integrity and teamwork.

We seek to maintain an executive  compensation program that attracts,  motivates
and  retains  executive   officers  and  rewards  them  for  our  financial  and
operational  performance and maintains our competitive position in our industry.
It is  our  belief  that  compensation  should  be  based  on the  level  of job
responsibility,  individual  performance and company  performance.  As employees
progress to higher levels in the organization and shoulder additional duties, an
increasing  proportion of their pay should be linked to our  performance,  since
they are more able to affect  our  results.  Additionally,  compensation  should
reflect the value of the job in the marketplace.  In order to attract and retain
a highly skilled work force,  we must remain  competitive  with the pay of other
employers who compete with us for talent.  Although the programs and  individual
pay levels will always reflect differences in job responsibilities,  geographies
and  marketplace  considerations,  the overall  structure  of  compensation  and
benefit programs is designed to be broadly similar across our workforce.

For Fiscal 2009 and future fiscal years, we believe that the total  compensation
for our executive officers should contain incentive cash compensation and equity
compensation awards to further incentivize our executive officers to achieve our
financial  and  operational  goals,  to align  the  financial  interests  of the
executive  officers  with the  creation of  shareholder  value and to retain our
executive  officers by  maintaining a  compensation  program that is competitive
with other employers who compete with us for talent.

Role of Compensation and Stock Option Committee

Our Compensation and Stock Option Committee (the "Committee"),  comprised of two
independent directors, Messrs. O'Neill (Chairman) and Cooper, is responsible for
developing and approving the compensation program for our executive officers. In
addition,  the  Committee  administers  our  equity-based  incentive  plans  and
oversees such other benefit plans as we may from time to time establish.

Pursuant to our By-Laws,  compensation  of our CEO and any executive  officer or
employee  having a familial  relationship  to him is determined by a majority of
our independent  directors (based on the Committee's  recommendation)  or by the

Role of Executive Officers

Under the terms of the  Committee's  charter,  our CEO may not be present during
deliberations  or voting  regarding his own  compensation  or any other officer,
employee or agent of the Company


having a familial  relationship to him. The  compensation of all other executive
officers is  determined  by the  Committee.  Our CEO has  historically  played a
significant role in the  recommendation  of the amounts of base salary and other
forms  of cash  and  equity-based  compensation  to be paid to  other  executive
officers.  Specifically, the CEO reviews the individual performance of the other
executive  officers and provides the Committee with (i) evaluations of the other
executive officers, including an evaluation of each person's performance and how
such   individual   performance   affected   Company   performance,   and   (ii)
recommendations  regarding changes to such executive officer's compensation.  We
expect  that the  Committee  will  continue  to solicit  input from our CEO with
respect to compensation affecting the other executive officers.

Considerations  Regarding  Compensation  Decisions  Relating  to  our  Executive

Our financial and operating  performance  since 2004 has greatly limited the use
by  the  Committee  and  Board  of  cash  incentive   compensation   and  equity
compensation  awards to compensate our executive  officers.  Since the launch of
our restructuring and cost-reduction initiatives in fiscal 2004, the achievement
of the  restructuring and  cost-reduction  objectives and the ability of each of
the executive  officers to fulfill their  responsibilities  with fewer resources
has represented a significant factor in the evaluation of the executive officers
and compensation recommendations by the Committee and the Committee's assessment
of the CEO's recommendations.

In  connection   with  the  Committee's   periodic   reviews  and  approvals  of
compensation  decisions affecting our executive officers other than the CEO, the
Committee strives to remain competitive with industry compensation  practices of
other employers who compete with us for talent.  The Committee reviews available
information,  including  information  published in secondary sources,  regarding
prevailing  salaries and compensation  programs offered to executive officers by
employers  who compete  with us for talent.  The  Committee,  however,  does not
currently  use a peer group of companies to benchmark  the  compensation  of the
executive  officers.  The  Committee  believes  compensation  for  each  of  our
executive  officers is competitive  with other employers who compete with us for

Principal Components of Compensation of Our Executive Officers

The principal  components of the compensation we have  historically  paid to our
executive officers have consisted of:

      o     Base salary;

      o     Non-incentive plan cash bonuses;

      o     Cash   incentive   compensation   under  the   terms  of   incentive
            compensation plans;

      o     Equity  compensation,  typically in the form of grants of options to
            purchase shares of our common stock; and

      o     Perquisites.


For Fiscal 2008, the principal  components of compensation paid to our executive
officers were base salary and  perquisites.  For Fiscal 2009, we anticipate  the
principal  components of compensation to be paid to our executive  officers will
be base salary and perquisites.

Base Salary

Base salary is the fixed element of our employees' annual cash compensation.  We
provide base  salaries to recognize  the  experience,  competencies,  skills and
individual performance of our CEO and our other executive officers.

The  Committee  periodically  reviews  the base  salary  of our CEO and the base
salaries  of  our  other  executive   officers  based  on  the  evaluations  and
recommendations  of the CEO.  The  Committee,  in its  periodic  reviews of base
salaries  and in its  decisions  to  approve  any  changes to the amount of base
salaries  for the  executive  officers,  considers  various  factors such as the
relevant employment agreement,  the executive's  responsibilities,  performance,
years of experience and leadership,  our performance,  and competitive  salaries
within the marketplace for similarly situated  executives.  The CEO periodically
reviews the base salaries of our other executive  officers and recommends to the
Committee any changes to such base salaries.

During Fiscal 2008, Mr. Ira Lampert's  annual base salary  remained at $900,000.
Mr. Lampert's base salary has not been increased since we amended his employment
agreement  effective July 1, 2005.  During Fiscal 2008,  2007 and 2006, the base
salaries for our other  executive  officers were increased in  conjunction  with
their  promotion  to a new  executive  officer  position  and the  corresponding
increase in their  responsibilities,  in the case of Messrs.  Robinson and Scott
Lampert, or as a result of consideration of the various factors described above,
in the case of Messrs. Stampfli and Angeli.

On April 1, 2006,  Mr.  Robinson was  appointed as our Vice  President--Finance,
Treasurer and Assistant Secretary and Principal Financial Officer. During Fiscal
2008, Mr.  Robinson's  annual base salary remained at $220,000.  Mr.  Robinson's
base salary has not been increased since October 1, 2006.

On April 1, 2006,  Mr. Scott Lampert was appointed our Vice  President,  General
Counsel and  Secretary.  During  Fiscal 2008,  Mr. Scott  Lampert's  annual base
salary  remained  at  $220,000.  Mr.  Scott  Lampert's  base salary has not been
increased since October 1, 2006.

As a result  of an  evaluation  of the  various  factors  described  above,  the
Committee  approved an increase in the annual base salary of Gerald Angeli,  the
Company's  former Senior Vice President and Director of Operations,  to $275,000
effective January 1, 2007, and Mr. Angeli's employment  agreement was amended to
reflect the increase.  Mr.  Angeli's base salary had  previously  been increased
from  $225,000 to $250,000  during Fiscal 2006 and the CEO  recommended  and the
Committee  approved  an  additional  increase of $25,000  during  Fiscal 2007 to
remain  competitive  with  respect to the base  salaries of  similarly  situated
executives in the  marketplace.  Mr. Angeli's Terms of Employment was terminated
without cause effective July 1, 2008.


As a result  of an  evaluation  of the  various  factors  described  above,  the
Committee  approved an increase in Mr. Stampfli's annual base salary to $275,000
effective January 1, 2007, and Mr. Stampfli's  employment  agreement was amended
to reflect the increase. Mr. Stampfli's base salary had previously been $250,000
during the prior four years, and the CEO recommended and the Committee  approved
such  increase  to remain  competitive  with  respect  to the base  salaries  of
similarly situated executives in the marketplace.

Our Chief Executive Officer

We entered into an amendment to Mr. Lampert's  employment agreement effective as
of July 1, 2005, at the end of our 2005 fiscal year, to provide a four-year term
that  expires on June 30, 2009 with an annual  base  salary of $900,000  and, in
accordance with Mr. Lampert's  proposal,  to end our obligation to make $500,000
annual  contributions  to a  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement  Plan  ("SERP")
adopted  for his  benefit.  Mr.  Lampert  elected  to  terminate  his SERP as of
November  28,  2005.  Pursuant to the  termination  election,  we made the final
distribution under Mr. Lampert's SERP as of August 6, 2007, subject, however, to
Mr. Lampert's rights in the event of a change in control (See page 70).

Our  Deferred  Delivery  Plan  allows  designated  executive  officers to elect,
subject to the approval of the  Committee,  to defer the gains on certain  stock
option  exercises  by deferring  delivery of the "profit"  shares to be received
upon exercise of the options.  In Fiscal 2008, we made the final distribution to
Mr. Lampert of 66,202 shares, the delivery of which he had elected to defer upon
the exercise of options in Fiscal 2004.

The Committee  approved Mr. Lampert's  compensation  structure under the amended
employment agreement based on the following considerations: (i) his then current
employment terms; (ii) the complex international structure and operations of the
Company,  which are  equivalent  to those of much larger  complex  international
corporations;  (iii) the parity of CEO pay with our other executive  officers at
that time; and (iv) the extensive  worldwide travel and time  requirements  that
the CEO position entails.  However,  while taking this information into account,
the Committee did not attempt to "benchmark" Mr. Lampert's  compensation against
the compensation of other chief executive officers. The Committee also took into
consideration that Mr. Lampert voluntarily reduced his base salary from $900,000
to $800,000  per annum for the period from July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005 and our
January 1, 2005 contribution to his SERP from $500,000 to $350,000.

We have  undergone a complex  organizational  restructuring  and stringent  cost
reductions as a result of the  initiatives  that we adopted  during prior fiscal
years.  Because of such initiatives and other  recommendations of our Board that
were implemented, we believe that we have successfully reduced the number of our
senior  executives  and  managers  without  adversely  affecting  our ability to
operate  efficiently and to accomplish our goals. The reduction in the number of
executive officers,  however,  has increased the responsibilities of each of our
employees,  officers  and  especially  of our CEO. In  approving  Mr.  Lampert's
compensation,  the  Committee  considered  these  factors  and  his  strong  and
effective  leadership  during this  transitional  period.  The Committee is also
aware  that  Mr.   Lampert's   compensation   is  based  on  our  long-term  and
long-standing  contractual  obligations to him and that these  obligations  were


negotiated  at a time  when we were  managed  by a larger  number  of  executive
officers,   whose  average  compensation   significantly  exceeded  the  average
compensation of our current executive officers and was more closely aligned with
the CEO's compensation.  As a result,  despite the current disparity between Mr.
Lampert's  compensation and our other executive officers, the Committee believes
that Mr. Lampert is appropriately  compensated for the increased  responsibility
and oversight that our current  organizational  structure  demands of him and in
light of our contractual obligations to him.

Non-Incentive Plan Bonus Compensation

During  Fiscal  2008,  the  executive  officers  did  not  earn or  receive  any
non-incentive  plan  bonuses.  We  have  not  historically  paid  guaranteed  or
discretionary  non-incentive plan bonuses to our executive officers. We may from
time to time pay bonuses in connection with our initial hiring or appointment of
an  executive  officer and a change in an executive  officer's  responsibilities
with us. The Committee, however, has historically relied on cash incentive plans
to reward and  incentivize  our  executive  officers  relating  to  company  and
individual performance.

Incentive Compensation

We made no incentive compensation awards to our executive officers during Fiscal

The most recent incentive compensation awards, in the form of deferred long-term
compensation  under our Amended and Restated 2002  Long-Term Cash Incentive Plan
(the "2002 LTCIP"),  were made as of August 3, 2003 for the  performance  period
comprising  the two fiscal years ended June 29, 2002 and June 28, 2003  ("fiscal
2002" and "fiscal  2003").  The deferred  compensation  was distributed in three
equal annual installments to certain of our executive officers, of which Messrs.
Ira B. Lampert and Stampfli  continue to be employed by us.  Distributions  were
made to Mr. Stampfli as of August 6, 2004, 2005 and 2006. Mr. Lampert elected to
delay the vesting of his 2002 LTCIP award by one year and received distributions
as of August 6, 2005, 2006 and 2007. All the awards granted under the 2002 LTCIP
have been distributed.  The amounts paid out to Messrs. Lampert and Stampfli are
included on the Nonqualified  Deferred  Compensation  Table that appears in this
proxy statement. See also "Nonqualified Deferred Compensation" under the caption
"Executive Compensation" below.

During the three last completed  fiscal years,  all our executive  officers were
eligible  to receive  awards  under our Amended and  Restated  Annual  Incentive
Compensation  Plan, as amended through June 30, 2004 (the "2004 AICP"),  and our
Long Term Incentive Compensation Plan Commencing Fiscal 2004 (the "LTIP"), which
replaced the 2002 LTCIP. However, based on our financial performance, we made no
awards to any of our executive  officers under either the 2004 AICP or the LTIP.
The 2004 AICP was linked to our annual financial performance, under which awards
could have been made after the end of each fiscal year,  provided  that we met a
pre-determined return-on-equity target established by the Committee and approved
by our  Board or the  Board  waived  the  target.  The LTIP  was  linked  to our
long-term   financial   performance  and  the   achievement  of   pre-determined
performance  criteria based on overlapping  three-year fiscal cycles.  The first
cycle was  comprised  of our  fiscal  years  ended  July 3,  2004,  July 2, 2005
("Fiscal  2005")  and July 1, 2006  ("Fiscal  2006").  Since we did not meet the
performance criteria


that the Committee  established during the three-year cycle, no LTIP awards were
made after the end of Fiscal 2006.

In September  2007, the Board approved in principle the  establishment  of a new
annual  incentive  compensation  plan (the "Fiscal 2008 AICP") for our executive
officers,  other than our  current  CEO,  who  voluntarily  opted not to receive
awards under the Fiscal 2008 AICP,  to be  administered  by the  Committee.  The
action of the Board in approving in principal  the  establishment  of the Fiscal
2008  AICP  was  motivated  by the  belief  that  our  long-term  financial  and
operational success depended on further  incentivizing our executive officers by
linking their financial  interests to our performance.  The Fiscal 2008 AICP was
intended to provide cash awards to our eligible  executive officers based on our
achievement  of  certain  performance  metrics  during a fiscal  year.  To date,
neither the Board nor the  Committee  approved  any  potential  incentive  award
opportunity for any eligible executive officer under the Fiscal 2008 AICP.

Equity Compensation

Pursuant to the requirements of our current equity compensation plans, executive
officers who are not new hires are not eligible to receive  equity  compensation
awards  under  the  plans.  As a result,  we were not able to grant  any  equity
compensation awards to our executive officers during Fiscal 2007 or Fiscal 2008.
Accordingly,  the Board adopted and our shareholders approved at our 2007 annual
meeting held on December 13, 2007 a Fiscal 2008 Incentive Plan (the "Fiscal 2008
Plan") for our executive  officers,  other than our current CEO, who voluntarily
opted not to receive awards under the Fiscal 2008 Plan. The Fiscal 2008 Plan was
intended to: (i)  incentivize  our  executive  officers to achieve our strategic
goals;  (ii) align the financial  interests of the  executive  officers with the
creation  of  shareholder  value;  and (iii)  attract,  motivate  and retain key
executive  officers  by  providing   compensatory   incentives  and  maintaining
competitive  compensation  levels. To date, no equity  compensation  awards have
been granted under the Fiscal 2008 Plan.

Historically,  our Board has granted  awards of stock  options to our  executive
officers  upon their being hired as Company  employees,  or during their term of
employment with us in conjunction with their being appointed executive officers,
consistent  with our obligation to grant the options  typically  memorialized in
the employment  agreement  that we enter into with them. Our Board's  historical
practice has been to grant equity-based awards to attract,  retain, motivate and
reward our  employees,  particularly  our executive  officers,  and to encourage
their ownership of an equity interest in us. Such grants have consisted of stock
options,  which under our 2002 Incentive Plans consisted of non-qualified  stock
options,  that is, options that do not qualify as incentive  stock options under
Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

All prior stock option awards to our executive officers and other employees have
been granted with  exercise  prices equal to the market value of the  underlying
shares of common stock on the grant date, as determined  by the  Committee.  All
equity-based   awards  have  been  reflected  in  our   consolidated   financial
statements,  based upon the applicable  accounting  guidance.  Effective July 3,
2005,  we  adopted  the  fair  value  recognition  provisions  of  Statement  of
Accounting Standards


("SFAS") No. 123R, "Share-Based Payment," as interpreted by Financial Accounting
Standards Board ("FASB") Staff Positions Nos. 123R-1,  123R-2,  123R-3,  123R-4,
123R-5 and 123R-6.

Our current  incentive  plans and the Fiscal 2008 Plan do not provide for awards
of incentive  stock  options.  The ordinary  income  recognized by our executive
officers and other employees upon exercise of nonqualified  stock options should
be deductible for federal income tax purposes. Historically, we have not granted
any form of equity under our incentive plans other than stock options. The stock
option  awards  have had no  conditions  to  vesting  other  than the  awardee's
continued  employment  with us and the  passage of time.  Under the Fiscal  2008
Plan, we may grant  non-qualified  stock  options,  stock  appreciation  rights,
restricted and unrestricted shares, performance-based nonqualified stock options
and other stock-based awards.

We do not  have  any  program,  plan  or  practice  that  requires  us to  grant
equity-based  awards on  specified  dates,  and we have not made  grants of such
awards  that were  timed to precede or follow  the  release  or  withholding  of
material non-public information.  It is possible that we will establish programs
or policies regarding the timing of equity-based awards in the future. Authority
to make  equity-based  awards to executive  officers  rests with the  Committee,
which considers the  recommendations of our CEO. As a NASDAQ-listed  company, we
are subject to NASDAQ listing  standards that, in general,  require  shareholder
approval of equity-based plans.

Clawback Policy

In  accordance  with Section 304 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002,  if we are
required to restate our financial  statements due to our material  noncompliance
with any financial reporting requirement under the federal securities laws, as a
result of  misconduct,  our CEO and  Principal  Financial  Officer  are  legally
required to reimburse us for any bonus or other  incentive-based or equity-based
compensation he or they receive from us during the twelve-month period following
the  first  public  issuance  or filing  with the  Commission  of the  financial
document embodying such financial reporting requirement,  as well as any profits
they realize from the sale of our securities during this twelve-month period.

Severance and Change-in-Control Payments

Our Board  believes  that we should  provide  reasonable  severance  benefits to
employees,  recognizing that we must be competitive with our severance practices
in order to attract and retain  employees  and that it may be difficult  for the
employees to find comparable employment within a short period of time. Our Board
also believes it prudent that we should  separate from  terminated  employees as
soon as  practicable.  In many instances,  therefore,  the termination of a U.S.
employee  has been made  effective  immediately  upon the  communication  of the
termination  rather than at the expiration of any minimum advance notice period.
In such situations,  we have continued to pay, on a post-termination basis, base
salary  compensation  to the  terminated  employee  under his or her  employment
agreement, if any, for the specified advance notice period. For employees of our
offices and facilities outside the United States,  local laws may mandate longer
notice periods,  during which our employees must remain in their positions,  and
require  severance  payments.  None of our executive  officers is subject to the
laws of any jurisdiction other than the United States and the State of Florida.


Each of our executive  officers'  employment  agreements  provides for severance
payments.  See "Potential  Payments upon Termination or Change in Control" below
for a detailed discussion of each executive officer's severance arrangement. Our
Board believes that these severance arrangements are a necessary recruitment and
retention  device,  as most companies with which we compete for executive talent
will have severance  arrangements in place. Our severance and  change-in-control
arrangements are the direct result of specific  negotiations  between management
and each individual executive officer. Any changes to our severance arrangements
with our  executive  officers will result from  specific  negotiations  and will
result in amendments to their employment agreements.

Other than our CEO, none of our executive officers has change-in-control payment
arrangements with the Company. Our employment agreement with Mr. Ira B. Lampert,
as amended to date, contains  termination  provisions that are more complex than
those in place  for our  other  executive  officers.  The  compensation  due Mr.
Lampert  in the event of the  termination  of his  employment  agreement  varies
depending on the nature of the termination and, depending on the type and timing
of the  termination,  provides  for  substantial  compensation  payments  to Mr.
Lampert.  Mr.  Lampert's  employment  agreement  also  provides for  substantial
payments  to him in the event we  undergo a change in  control.  For  additional
information  regarding the termination  and change in control  provisions of Mr.
Lampert's employment agreement, see "Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans for
Named Executive  Officers" and "Potential Payments upon Termination or Change in
Control"  in  this  proxy  statement.   The  termination  and  change-in-control
provisions of Mr. Lampert's employment agreement, which may be more favorable to
him than those in effect for chief  executive  officers of  companies  currently
comparable  to us in terms of size,  revenue,  profitability  and/or  nature  of
business,  are the result of our long-standing,  contractual  obligations to him
negotiated with him several years ago.

Other Benefits

We believe that establishing  competitive  benefit packages for our employees is
an important  factor in attracting  and retaining  highly  qualified  personnel.
Executive  officers are eligible to participate  in all of our employee  benefit
plans,  such as  medical,  dental,  vision,  group  life  insurance,  disability
coverage and our 401(k) plan, in each case on the same basis as other  full-time
employees.  In Fiscal  2007,  in order to boost  employee  morale and retain our
current   employees,   we  provided  a  one-time  matching   contribution,   the
preponderance  of which was funded by  forfeitures  of non-vested  contributions
made in prior years, to all our employees (including our executive officers) who
participated in the 401(k) plan during Fiscal 2006. We do not currently  provide
a matching  contribution under our 401(k) plan. All full-time employees are also
entitled to vacation and other paid holidays.  We believe that our commitment to
provide the employee benefits described above shows our commitment to the health
and  well-being of our employees  which in turn leads to a more  productive  and
successful work life that will enhance results for us and our shareholders.

We provide to each of Messrs.  Ira B. Lampert and Stampfli a term life insurance
policy for such  beneficiaries as he designates,  and to each of Messrs.  Ira B.
Lampert and Stampfli additional long-term  disability coverage.  We may and have
purchased key-man life insurance on the life of Mr. Ira B. Lampert, which we can
use to satisfy our obligations under his employment agreement


in the event of his death. We also pay the disability  insurance policy premiums
on behalf of Mr. Ira B. Lampert, which would reduce the amount of any payment we
would  owe him under  his  employment  agreement  if his  employment  with us is
terminated due to disability. See "Potential Payments upon Termination or Change
in Control"  below for a detailed  discussion  of the  termination  payment that
would be due to Mr. Lampert under the terms of his  employment  agreement in the
event of disability.

Our officers and employees located in offices and facilities  outside the United
States may have somewhat  different  employee  benefit plans than those we offer
domestically,  typically  based on certain  legal  requirements  in such foreign


We provide our executive officers with perquisites that further their ability to
develop and promote our business interests and reflect competitive  practices at
similarly situated companies.  Currently,  our perquisites include an automobile
allowance for each executive officer. Our CEO receives additional perquisites in
accordance with his employment  terms,  including:  (i) expenses  related to his
automobile allowance; (ii) partial housing costs; (iii) reimbursement of certain
taxes;  (iv) payment of life  insurance  (which we also pay on behalf of Messrs.
Angeli and Stampfli) and  disability  insurance  premiums  (which we also pay on
behalf of Mr. Stampfli);  and (v) reimbursement of a portion of his country club
dues.  The types and amounts of  perquisites  awarded to the executive  officers
result  from  negotiations  between  us  and  the  executive  officers  and  are
memorialized  in  their  employment  agreements.   Additionally,  the  executive
officers are eligible to participate in the Flexible Perquisite Spending Account
Program for  Corporate  Officers  that was first  effective  for the fiscal year
ended June 29, 2002 (the "Flexible Perquisite Program"),  pursuant to which each
executive  officer  would be  allocated  up to $10,000  for  certain  qualifying
personal  expenses,  such as income tax preparation,  estate planning  expenses,
airline and  health/fitness  club memberships and other  miscellaneous  expenses
approved by our CEO at his discretion. Since Fiscal 2005, no employee, including
the executive officers, has participated in the Flexible Perquisite Program.

Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code

Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally does not allow a deduction
for annual  compensation in excess of $1,000,000 paid to our executive officers.
This  limitation  on  deductibility  does  not  apply to  certain  compensation,
including  compensation  that is payable  solely on account of the attainment of
one or more  performance  goals. Our policy is generally to preserve the federal
income tax  deductibility of compensation  and to qualify eligible  compensation
for the performance-based  exception in order for compensation not to be subject
to the  limitation on  deductibility  imposed by Section  162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code. We may, however,  approve  compensation that may not be deductible
if we determine  that the  compensation  is in our best interests as well as the
best interests of our shareholders.


Compensation Committee Report

The  Compensation  and Stock Option  Committee  has reviewed and  discussed  the
Compensation  Discussion  and Analysis  contained in this proxy  statement  with
management.  Based on its review and discussions with management with respect to
the  Compensation  Discussion and Analysis,  the  Compensation  and Stock Option
Committee recommended to the Board that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
be  included  in this  proxy  statement  on  Schedule  14A for  filing  with the

     Compensation and Stock Option Committee

     William J. O'Neill, Jr., Chairman
     Ronald S. Cooper

     October 29, 2008

The  compensation  committee  report above shall not be deemed to be "soliciting
material" or to be "filed" with the  Commission,  nor shall such  information be
incorporated  by reference  into any future filing under the  Securities  Act of
1933 or the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  each as amended,  except to the
extent that we specifically incorporate it by reference into such filing.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

The membership of the Compensation and Stock Option Committee during Fiscal 2008
consisted of Messrs. O'Neill and Cooper. No member of the Compensation and Stock
Option  Committee is now or ever was an officer or an employee of ours or any of
our  subsidiaries.  None of our  executive  officers  serves  as a member of the
compensation  committee  or as a  director  of any  entity  one or more of whose
executive officers serves as a member of our Board or our Compensation and Stock
Option Committee.  There were no compensation committee interlocks during Fiscal


Executive Compensation

Summary Compensation Table

The following table sets forth information  regarding  compensation earned in or
with respect to Fiscal 2008 by:

      o     The person who served as our Chief  Executive  Officer during Fiscal

      o     The person  who served as our  Principal  Financial  Officer  during
            Fiscal 2008; and

      Our three most highly compensated executive officers, other than our Chief
Executive Officer and our Principal  Financial  Officer,  each of whom earned in
excess of $100,000 for Fiscal 2008. In this section,  we refer to these officers
collectively as our named executive officers.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                      Option       All Other
                                                           Salary     Awards     Compensation           Total
Name and Principal Position                        Year     ($)      ($)(10)          ($)                ($)
-------------------------------                    ----   ---------  --------- ------------------  -----------------
Ira B. Lampert,                                    2008    900,000         --      546,044    (1)      1,446,044
       Chairman, Chief                             2007    900,000         --      334,792    (2)      1,234,792
       Executive Officer
       and President
Blaine A. Robinson,                                2008    220,000         --        9,000    (3)       229,000
       Vice President - Finance,                   2007    217,500         --       12,919    (4)       230,419
       Treasurer and Assistant
Gerald J. Angeli,                                  2008    275,000         --      319,865    (5)       594,865
       Senior Vice President, Director             2007    262,500         --       12,550    (6)       275,050
       of Operations and Assistant
       Secretary (former officer)
Urs W. Stampfli,                                   2008    275,000         --       18,416    (7)       293,416
       Senior Vice President and                   2007    262,500         --       22,616    (8)       285,116
       Director of Global
       Sales & Marketing
Scott L. Lampert,                                  2008    220,000         --        9,000    (3)       229,000
       Vice President,                             2007    217,500      1,334       12,664    (9)       231,498
       General Counsel and

(1)  Represents  (a)  automobile  allowance  and costs of  $35,844;  (b) partial
     housing costs of $48,000; (c) reimbursement of certain taxes of $60,798 and
     a portion  of  country  club dues of  $8,984;  (d) our  payment of life and
     disability  insurance  premiums on behalf of Mr.  Lampert of  $48,184;  (e)
     $229,234,  which was the fair market  value of 66,202  shares of our common
     stock  delivered to Mr.  Lampert on July 2, 2007,  the delivery of


     which he had elected to defer for two years under the terms of our Deferred
     Delivery Plan; and (f) $45,000 of accrued but unused vacation time.

(2)   Represents  (a)  automobile  allowance  and costs of $30,534;  (b) partial
      housing costs of $48,000;  (c)  reimbursement  of certain taxes of $58,323
      and a portion of country club dues of $4,198; (d) a one-time  contribution
      to our 401(k) Plan on behalf of Mr. Lampert of $3,750;  (e) our payment of
      life and  disability  insurance  premiums  on  behalf  of Mr.  Lampert  of
      $41,527; (f) $79,229,  which was the fair market value of 35,609 shares of
      our common stock  delivered to Mr. Lampert on August 9, 2006, the delivery
      of which he had  elected  to defer  for two  years  under the terms of our
      Deferred  Delivery  Plan;  and (g) $69,231 of accrued but unused  vacation

(3)   Represents automobile allowance of $9,000.

(4)   Represents  (a)  automobile   allowance  of  $9,000  and  (b)  a  one-time
      contribution to our 401(k) Plan on behalf of Mr. Robinson of $3,919.

(5)   Represents  (a)  automobile  allowance  of  $12,000,  (b)  payment of life
      insurance  premium of $550,  (c)  $10,315 of accrued  but unused  vacation
      payout and (d) $297,000 of accrued but unpaid  severance  payout.  On June
      24,  2008,  the Terms of  Employment  between us and Gerald J.  Angeli was
      terminated without cause effective July 1, 2008.

(6)   Represents  (a)  automobile  allowance  of $12,000 and (b) payment of life
      insurance premium of $550.

(7)   Represents (a) automobile allowance of $12,000 and (b) our payment of life
      and disability insurance premiums on behalf of Mr. Stampfli of $6,416.

(8)   Represents  (a) automobile  allowance of $12,000;  (b) our payment of life
      and disability insurance premiums on behalf of Mr. Stampfli of $6,416; and
      (c) a one-time  contribution  to our 401(k) Plan on behalf of Mr. Stampfli
      of $4,200.

(9)   Represents  (a)  automobile   allowance  of  $9,000  and  (b)  a  one-time
      contribution to our 401(k) Plan on behalf of Mr. Scott Lampert of $3,664.

(10)  Reflects the dollar amount  recognized for financial  statement  reporting
      purposes  in  accordance  with FAS 123R with  respect  to fiscal  2007 for
      options  granted  in prior  years to the extent an annual  installment  or
      installments   vested  during  fiscal  2007.  These  amounts  reflect  our
      accounting  expense for these awards and do not  correspond  to the actual
      value that may be recognized by the named executive officers. Please refer
      to note 11 to the  financial  statements in our Annual Report in Form 10-K
      for the fiscal  year  ended  June 30,  2007.  Pursuant  to SEC rules,  the
      amounts  shown  exclude  the impact of  estimated  forfeitures  related to
      service-based vesting conditions.

Grants of Plan-Based Awards

No grant of an equity or non-equity award was made to any of our named executive
officers during Fiscal 2008 under any plan.


               Narrative Disclosure to Summary Compensation Table

Executive Employment Arrangements

Ira B. Lampert

Effective as of July 1, 2005, the employment  agreement  dated as of May 1, 1997
between us and Mr.  Lampert was amended to provide a four-year term that expires
on July 1, 2009 and,  in  accordance  with Mr.  Lampert's  proposal,  to end our
obligation  to make a $500,000  annual  contribution  to a SERP  adopted for Mr.
Lampert's benefit. The agreement provides for an annual base salary of $900,000.

Mr. Lampert's employment agreement entitles him to participate  generally in all
pension,  retirement,  insurance,  savings,  welfare and other employee  benefit
plans and arrangements and fringe benefits and perquisites maintained by us from
time to time for senior  executives  of a comparable  level.  In addition to any
life  and  disability  insurance  provided  pursuant  to one of our  plans,  Mr.
Lampert's  employment  agreement  requires  us to provide  long-term  disability
coverage with a $352,000 annual benefit and a $1,000,000  lump-sum payment to be
credited against the amount of base salary due to Mr. Lampert under the terms of
his employment  agreement in the event that Mr. Lampert's  employment with us is
terminated due to his disability and term life insurance, for such beneficiaries
as are designated by Mr. Lampert, of $5 million face value.  Notwithstanding the
terms  of Mr.  Lampert's  employment  agreement,  it is Mr.  Lampert's  and  our
understanding  that  the  foregoing  $1,000,000  lump-sum  payment  will  not be
provided to Mr.  Lampert  and that the amount of the base salary  payable to Mr.
Lampert if his employment  with us is terminated  due to his disability  will be
payable in accordance with our regular payroll  practices and will be reduced by
disability benefits,  currently payable at the rate of $600,000 per annum, under
disability  insurance policies that we provide for his benefit. In addition,  we
may purchase  key-man life  insurance on the life of Mr.  Lampert,  which may be
used to satisfy our obligations under Mr. Lampert's  employment agreement in the
event of his death.  We currently  maintain $5 million in key-man life insurance
on the life of Mr. Lampert.

Pursuant  to Mr.  Lampert's  employment  agreement,  we  adopted  a SERP for his
benefit.  A  specified  amount,  most  recently  $350,000,  was  credited to Mr.
Lampert's SERP account each year.  These yearly credits were 100% vested and not
subject to forfeiture.  Mr. Lampert voluntarily reduced the amount of the credit
made in January 2005 from  $500,000 to  $350,000.  Effective as of July 1, 2005,
Mr.  Lampert  voluntarily  released  us from our  obligation  to make a $500,000
annual  contribution to his SERP. However, if control of the Company changes and
Mr. Lampert remains  employed by us thereafter,  we will be obligated to pay Mr.
Lampert  $500,000  within 30 days after the date of the  change in  control  and
annually  during  the  remaining  term of his  employment  with us on the  first
business day of each calendar year following the change in control.

Beginning  in fiscal  2000,  as a result of the  deferral  of certain  incentive
compensation  awards,  additional  credits were made to Mr.  Lampert's SERP for,
among other things,  the LTCIP award (described below under "Deferred  Long-Term
Compensation"). In August 2007, the remaining


vested account balance in Mr.  Lampert's SERP was distributed to him,  following
which Mr. Lampert had no undistributed nonqualified deferred compensation.

Blaine A. Robinson

Mr. Robinson's  employment  agreement,  as amended to date,  provides for (i) an
annual  base  salary of $210,000  effective  April 1, 2006 and an increase  from
$210,000 to $220,000,  which was effective  October 1, 2006 upon Mr.  Robinson's
satisfaction of certain  performance  objectives mutually agreed upon by our CEO
and Mr.  Robinson;  (ii) an annual  automobile  allowance  of $9,000;  and (iii)
automatic renewals of Mr. Robinson's  employment with us until terminated either
by us for "cause" (as defined in the  agreement)  or at any time by either party
for any  reason or no reason  with 30 days'  prior  written  notice to the other
party. Mr. Robinson's employment agreement entitles him to participate generally
in all  pension,  retirement,  insurance,  savings,  welfare and other  employee
benefit plans and arrangements and fringe benefits and perquisites maintained by
us from time to time for senior executives of a comparable level.

Gerald J. Angeli

Mr. Angeli's employment agreement,  which was terminated effective July 1, 2008,
provided for an annual base salary of $275,000  effective January 1, 2007 and an
annual automobile allowance of $12,000. Mr. Angeli's employment agreement had an
initial  three-year  term  beginning  January 1, 2003 and  renewed  annually  on
January  1  unless  sooner  terminated  by us for  "cause"  (as  defined  in the
agreement)  or by either  party for any reason or no reason  with three  months'
prior  written  notice to the other party.  Mr.  Angeli's  employment  agreement
entitled him to  participate  generally in all pension,  retirement,  insurance,
savings,  welfare and other employee  benefit plans and  arrangements and fringe
benefits  and  perquisites  maintained  by us  from  time  to  time  for  senior
executives of a comparable level.

Mr. Angeli received two grants of deferred  compensation in 2001 and 2004, which
are described under "Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans for Named Executive
Officers"  below.  In December 2005, the vested account  balance in Mr. Angeli's
SERP,  consisting  of the  principal  and  accumulated  interest of the deferred
compensation  in the form of  non-elective  deferrals,  was  distributed  to Mr.
Angeli  pursuant  to  elections  that  he  made  in  November  2005.  Additional
installments  that vested  during  Fiscal 2007,  consisting of the principal and
accumulated  interest,  were  distributed  to Mr.  Angeli during Fiscal 2007. In
accordance with Mr. Angeli's  election in November 2005, the remaining  unvested
funds in Mr.  Angeli's  SERP,  which  consisted  of  principal  and  accumulated
interest  in an amount of  $26,655  at June 30,  2007,  was  distributed  to him
immediately  as each  installment  vested  until July 1, 2008 when Mr.  Angeli's
employment  with us was terminated  and Mr. Angeli  forfeited the balance of the
remaining funds. See "Nonqualified Deferred Compensation" below.

Urs W. Stampfli

Mr. Stampfli's employment agreement,  as amended to date, provides for an annual
base  salary of  $275,000  effective  January  1, 2007 and an annual  automobile
allowance of $12,000. Mr. Stampfli's employment agreement will expire on January
1, 2009 unless sooner terminated by us


for "cause" (as defined in the agreement) or by either party with 30 days' prior
written notice to the other party. Mr. Stampfli's  employment agreement entitles
him to participate  generally in all pension,  retirement,  insurance,  savings,
welfare and other employee  benefit plans and  arrangements  and fringe benefits
and  perquisites  maintained by us from time to time for senior  executives of a
comparable level.

A credit was made to Mr.  Stampfli's SERP for the LTCIP award  (described  below
under "Deferred Long-Term  Compensation").  In December 2005, the vested account
balance in his SERP, consisting of the principal and accumulated interest of the
first two  installments  of the LTCIP award,  was  distributed  to Mr.  Stampfli
pursuant to  elections  that he made in November  2005.  The third  installment,
consisting  of the  principal  and  accumulated  interest on the third and final
installment of the LTCIP award in an amount of $94,795,  was  distributed to Mr.
Stampfli in August  2006.  Following  this  distribution,  Mr.  Stampfli  had no
undistributed  nonqualified deferred  compensation.  See "Nonqualified  Deferred
Compensation" below.

Scott L. Lampert

Mr. Scott Lampert's employment  agreement,  as amended to date, provides for (i)
an annual base salary of $210,000  effective  April 1, 2006 and an increase from
$210,000 to $220,000,  which was  effective  October 1, 2006 upon Mr.  Lampert's
satisfaction of certain  performance  objectives mutually agreed upon by our CEO
and Mr.  Lampert;  (ii) an annual  automobile  allowance  of  $9,000;  and (iii)
automatic annual renewals of Mr.  Lampert's  employment with us until terminated
either by us for "cause" (as defined in the  agreement) or at any time by either
party for any  reason or no reason  with 30 days'  prior  written  notice to the
other party.  Mr.  Lampert's  employment  agreement  entitles him to participate
generally  in all pension,  retirement,  insurance,  savings,  welfare and other
employee  benefit plans and  arrangements  and fringe  benefits and  perquisites
maintained by us from time to time for senior executives of a comparable level.

Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans for Named Executive Officers

Pursuant to Mr. Ira Lampert's  employment  agreement,  we adopted a SERP for his
benefit. A specified amount of deferred compensation, which was $500,000 through
June 30, 2005, was credited to his SERP account each year.  These yearly credits
were 100% vested and not  subject to  forfeiture.  As a result of the  Company's
poor financial  performance,  Mr. Lampert  voluntarily reduced the amount of the
credit that was made in January 2005 from $500,000 to $350,000.  Effective as of
July 1, 2005, we were no longer obligated to make $500,000 annual  contributions
to Mr. Lampert's SERP. However, if a change of control of the Company occurs and
Mr. Lampert remains  employed by us thereafter,  we will be obligated to pay Mr.
Lampert  $500,000  within 30 days after the date of the  change of  control  and
annually  during the remaining  term of his employment on the first business day
of each  calendar year  following  the change of control.  A "change of control"
under Mr. Lampert's  employment  agreement includes  shareholders  approval of a
dissolution and plan of liquidation.  In the event the shareholders  approve the
proposed dissolution and plan of liquidation, Mr. Lampert would be entitled to a
$500,000 payment within days after the shareholders'  approval and would also be
entitled to an  additional  $500,000  payment on the first  business day of each
calendar year following the shareholders' approval, provided Mr. Lampert remains
employed by us. Mr. Lampert has waived any


entitlement to any such payment  beyond the initial  $500,000  payment.  We also
approved a one-time grant of deferred  compensation to Mr. Lampert in the amount
of  $1,549,998  which  vested in three equal annual  installments  on January 1,
2001,  January 1, 2002, and January 1, 2003, and Mr.  Lampert's SERP was amended
to  include  appropriate  terms  to  govern  this  one-time  grant  of  deferred

Effective as of April 19, 2000, we adopted a SERP for Mr. Stampfli's  benefit in
connection  with a one-time grant of deferred  compensation  of $110,000 to him,
which vested in three equal annual  installments on January 1, 2001,  January 1,
2002 and January 1, 2003.

In  connection  with a one-time  grant of $115,000 in deferred  compensation  to
Gerald  J.  Angeli,  we  adopted  a SERP for his  benefit  as of July 31,  2001.
Pursuant to Mr. Angeli's SERP, the grant vested, so long as Mr. Angeli continued
to be employed by us, in five annual  installments on June 11, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2005 and 2006. As of March 22, 2004, Mr.  Angeli's SERP was amended  pursuant to
an amendment to his employment  agreement  granting him an additional  amount of
$50,000 in deferred compensation. The additional grant vested and would continue
to vest,  so long as Mr.  Angeli  continued  to be employed by us, in five equal
annual installment of $10,000 each on March 22, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
As Mr. Angeli's  employment  with us was terminated  effective July 1, 2008, Mr.
Angeli  forfeited the balance of this additional grant that had not vested as of
the termination date.

Each  time  we  credited  an  executive's  account  under a SERP  agreement,  we
simultaneously  contributed  an  equal  amount  to a trust  established  for the
purpose of accumulating funds to satisfy the obligations incurred by us pursuant
to the SERP.  In addition,  each account  under a SERP  agreement was subject to
adjustment  for  income,  expenses,  gains or  losses  sustained  as a result of
investment  of the SERP funds as directed  by the  executive  (or an  investment
manager chosen by the executive) in his sole discretion, except that we directed
the investment,  in accordance with our Cash Investment Policy, which sets forth
the Board's  guidelines  for the  investment  of Company  cash,  of any unvested
balances in an account  established  as a result of the deferred  LTCIP award to
Mr.  Lampert.  See  "Deferred  Long-Term  Compensation"  below  for  information
regarding SERP elections made by Messrs. Lampert, Angeli and Stampfli,  pursuant
to which we made distributions to them from their respective SERPs during Fiscal

Although the SERP agreements for Messrs.  Lampert,  Stampfli and Angeli have not
been terminated, each SERP participant elected to terminate his participation in
his SERP as a result of the adoption of Section 409A under the Internal  Revenue
Code. Any remaining  balances as of December 31, 2005 were  distributed (or will
be  distributed  immediately  upon  vesting)  to the SERP  participants,  and no
elective or non-elective  contributions have been made to any of the SERPs since
Section 409A was adopted.

Deferred Long-Term Compensation

As of August 6, 2003,  Messrs. Ira B. Lampert and Stampfli were awarded $670,474
and $274,021,  respectively,  of deferred compensation under the 2002 LTCIP with
respect to the fiscal 2002-2003  performance  period,  the distribution of which
was contingent on their continued employment with us.


The LTCIP award to Mr. Stampfli  vested,  so long as he continued to be employed
by us, in three equal annual  installments  on August 6, 2004, 2005 and 2006, or
immediately  upon: (i) a change of control of the Company;  or (ii) his death or

Mr.  Lampert  voluntarily  agreed to delay the vesting of his LTCIP award by one
year,  and it vested in three equal  installments  beginning  on August 6, 2005,
2006 and 2007,  instead of August 6, 2004, 2005 and 2006.  Otherwise,  the LTCIP
award granted to Mr. Lampert had  substantially the same terms and conditions as
the award granted to Mr.  Stampfli,  except that, in addition to the events that
would have accelerated the vesting of Mr.  Stampfli's award, Mr. Lampert's award
provides for immediate  vesting in the event of  termination  without  cause,  a
constructive  termination of employment  without cause or the non-renewal of his
employment agreement.

Mr. Lampert's SERP and Mr.  Stampfli's SERP were amended to include  appropriate
terms to govern the LTCIP awards. We contributed the foregoing amounts to trusts
established  for the purpose of holding funds to satisfy our  obligations  under
the LTCIP awards.

Management Equity Provisions of 1993 Incentive Plan

In  August  1995,  the  Committee  approved  stock  purchase  awards  under  the
Management  Equity  Provisions  ("MEP") of our 1993 Incentive  Plan. We received
commitments  for the purchase of 888,000 shares (the "Purchased  Shares").  Each
purchaser  was also granted the right to receive a contingent  restricted  stock
award covering a number of shares equal to the number of shares he had purchased
based upon  attainment of increases in shareholder  value in accordance with the

In November 1995, each then participating member of the MEP group entered into a
Voting  Agreement  pursuant  to  which  each  member  agreed  to vote all of his
Purchased Shares and contingent  restricted stock awarded pursuant to the MEP in
accordance  with the  determination  of the holder of a  majority  of all of the
Purchased  Shares and contingent  restricted  stock held by the  purchasers.  To
effect the foregoing,  each of the members delivered an irrevocable proxy to Mr.
Ira B. Lampert.  In February  1997,  the Voting  Agreement  and the  irrevocable
proxies were  amended and  restated to govern the options to purchase  shares of
our common stock ("Option  Shares") awarded to the then members of the MEP group
in December 1996 in lieu of the contingent restricted stock.

During Fiscal 2006, the MEP group  consisted of Mr. Ira B. Lampert and Mr. Keith
L. Lampert, our former Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. The
MEP was terminated on November 16, 2006 and Mr. Ira B. Lampert  relinquished the
voting  proxy he held to vote the  21,000  Purchased  Shares  held by Mr.  Keith
Lampert. In April 2007, Mr. Ira B. Lampert purchased the 21,000 Purchased Shares
from Mr. Keith Lampert in a private transaction.

Outstanding Equity Awards at 2008 Fiscal Year-End

The following table provides information at June 28, 2008 regarding  unexercised
stock options that we granted to each of our named executive officers.


                Outstanding Equity Awards at 2008 Fiscal Year-End

                        Number of         Number of
                       Securities        Securities
                       Underlying        Underlying
                       Unexercised       Unexercised
                         Options           Options        Option
                           (#)               (#)         Exercise    Option
                     ---------------- ------------------   Price   Expiration
Name                   Exercisable       Unexercisable      ($)       Date
--------             ---------------- ------------------ --------  ----------
Ira B. Lampert             52,600              --          29.85    4/23/2010
Blaine A. Robinson          3,000              --          27.75    2/10/2013
                              600            400(1)         8.80    9/21/2014
Gerald J. Angeli           13,500              --          29.85    4/16/2010
Urs W. Stampfli             3,733              --          29.85    4/23/2010
Scott L. Lampert            1,800              --          13.83    6/13/2009
                              900              --          29.85    9/06/2010
                              600              --          27.50    9/16/2011
                              160            240(2)         5.70    3/29/2016
(1)  These stock options vest in five equal annual installments,  with the first
     installment having vested on August 13, 2005.

(2)  These stock options vest in five equal annual installments,  with the first
     installment having vested on August 1, 2006.

Option Exercises and Stock Vested during Fiscal 2008

In Fiscal 2008, none of our named executive officers exercised any Company stock
options or similar awards nor did any stock awards vest.

Pension Benefits

None of our named  executive  officers  is  covered  by a pension  plan or other
similar benefit plan that provides for payments or other benefits at,  following
or in  connection  with  retirement,  except  for the  SERPs,  which  constitute
nonqualified defined contribution plans. The earnings and distributions  related
to the SERPs during Fiscal 2008 are disclosed below under "Nonqualified Deferred

Nonqualified Deferred Compensation

The table below provides  information about nonqualified  deferred  compensation
arrangements  with our named executive  officers.  Please refer to the Narrative
Disclosure to Summary  Compensation  Table - Supplemental  Executive  Retirement
Plans for Named Executive Officers, for a discussion of the SERP accounts of our
named executive officers.


           Nonqualified Deferred Compensation at 2008 Fiscal Year-End

                               Aggregate         Aggregate         Aggregate
                              Earnings in      Withdrawals/     Balance at Last
                           Last Fiscal Year    Distributions    Fiscal Year End
                               ($)(1)(2)            ($)               ($)
                           ----------------    -------------    ---------------
Ira B. Lampert                      1,209          247,918(3)               --
Blaine A. Robinson                      --              --                  --
Gerald J. Angeli                        --          12,636(4)           12,053
Urs W. Stampfli                         --              --                  --
Scott L. Lampert                        --              --                  --

(1)  Amounts  reflected in this column were not reported as  compensation to the
     named executive officers in our summary  compensation table for Fiscal year

(2)   Earnings on nonqualified compensation disclosed in this table are based on
      the  rate of  return  of the  investment  options  selected  by the  named
      executive officer,  except that the Company directed the investment of any
      unvested balances in an account  established as a result of the 2002 LTCIP
      award to Mr. Ira Lampert in accordance with its cash investment policy.

(3)   Represents  distributions  of the principal that vested during Fiscal 2008
      and accumulated interest under awards approved on August 6, 2003 under the
      2002 LTCIP in effect for the performance  period  comprising  fiscal years
      2002 and 2003. The 2002 LTCIP awards made to Messrs.  Lampert and Stampfli
      for this  performance  period were in the form of contingent  non-elective
      deferred  compensation to be earned over three years and governed by terms
      and  conditions  of  their  respective  SERPs.  See  Executive  Employment
      Arrangements, "Deferred Long-Term Compensation," above.

(4)   Represents  distributions  from Mr.  Angeli's SERP of the  principal  that
      vested during Fiscal 2008 and accumulated  interest  thereon in connection
      with deferrals of Mr. Angeli's salary.

Potential Payments upon Termination or Change in Control

Ira B. Lampert

The  compensation  due  Mr.  Lampert  in the  event  of the  termination  of his
employment agreement with us varies depending on the nature of the termination.

Termination  upon  Death  or  Disability.  Mr.  Lampert's  employment  agreement
provides  that if his  employment  with us is  terminated  by reason of death or
disability,  Mr.  Lampert  or his  legal  representative  would be  entitled  to
receive, in addition to accrued compensation (including, without limitation, any
earned but unpaid bonus or long-term incentive awards, any amount of base salary
accrued or earned but unpaid, any deferred  compensation  earned but unpaid, any
accrued but unused vacation pay and unreimbursed business expenses (the "Accrued
Amounts")),  his base salary for the  scheduled  balance of the term (payable in
the case of death in a lump  sum),  a  prorated  bonus for the year in which the
death or disability  occurred,  and any other or additional benefits owed to Mr.
Lampert under our then applicable employee benefit plans or policies, subject in
the case of disability to offset against the base salary payment by the


amount of any disability  benefits provided to him by us or under any disability
insurance that we provide or pay for.

Under  Mr.  Lampert's  employment  agreement,  "disability"  is  defined  as his
inability,  due to physical or mental incapacity,  to substantially  perform his
duties and  responsibilities  under the employment agreement for a period of 180
consecutive days or for 180 days during a 365-day period.

If we had terminated Mr. Lampert's employment with us by reason of death on June
28, 2008,  Mr.  Lampert's  legal  representative  would have  received from us a
lump-sum payment in the approximate amount of $983,000.

If we had terminated Mr. Lampert's  employment with us due to disability on June
28,  2008,  Mr.  Lampert  would have  received  from us over the  balance of his
employment term payments in accordance with our regular payroll practices in the
approximate amount of $383,000.

Termination for Cause or Resignation.  If we terminate Mr. Lampert's  employment
for cause, or he voluntarily  resigns,  he will only receive the Accrued Amounts
and  benefits  provided  in  benefit  plans.  Under  Mr.  Lampert's   employment
agreement,  "cause" is  defined  as: (i) Mr.  Lampert  is  convicted  of a crime
involving   moral   turpitude   (excluding   offenses   such  as  driving  while
intoxicated);  or (ii) Mr.  Lampert (A)  perpetrates a fraud upon the Company or
(B) materially  breaches his employment  agreement which causes,  in the case of
clause (B), material economic harm to the Company.

If we  had  terminated  Mr.  Lampert's  employment  for  cause  or  he  resigned
voluntarily on June 28, 2008, Mr. Lampert would have received from us a lump-sum
payment in the approximate amount of $83,000.

Termination  or  Constructive  Termination  without  Cause.  If we terminate Mr.
Lampert's  employment  with us  without  cause  or if  there  is a  constructive
termination  without cause, Mr. Lampert would be entitled to receive the Accrued
Amounts,  his base salary and  continuation  of his  benefits  (or the  economic
equivalent of such benefits),  the additional life and disability  insurance and
certain  perquisites for the scheduled balance of the term and for an additional
12 months thereafter, and a prorated bonus for the year in which the termination

Under the terms of Mr. Lampert's employment agreement, "constructive termination
without  cause" is defined as a termination of Mr.  Lampert's  employment at his
initiative  following the occurrence,  without his prior written consent, of one
or more of the following events (except in consequence of a prior  termination):
(i) a reduction in or elimination of (A) Mr.  Lampert's then current annual base
salary,  (B)  his  bonus  opportunity  for  which  he is  eligible,  or (C)  his
opportunity for any long-term incentive award for which he is eligible under his
employment  agreement or the  termination or material  reduction of any employee
benefit or  perquisite  he  enjoys;  (ii) the  failure  to elect or reelect  Mr.
Lampert to any of the  positions  described in the  employment  agreement or his
removal,  without cause, from any such position;  (iii) a material diminution in
Mr. Lampert's duties as our Chairman and CEO or the assignment to Mr. Lampert of
duties which are materially  inconsistent  with such duties or which  materially
impair Mr.


Lampert's  ability to  function  as our  Chairman  and CEO;  (iv) the failure to
continue Mr.  Lampert's  participation  in any incentive  compensation  plan for
which he is eligible unless a plan providing a substantially similar opportunity
is substituted; (v) the relocation of our principal office, or Mr. Lampert's own
office  location as assigned to him by us, to a location more than 50 miles from
Hollywood,  Florida;  or (vi) our failure to obtain the assumption in writing of
our  obligation to perform the  employment  agreement by any successor to all or
substantially all of our assets within 45 days after the merger,  consolidation,
sale or similar  transaction  resulting in such  succession,  provided  that Mr.
Lampert may not treat such failure as a constructive  termination  without cause
unless such failure is not cured within 10 days after receipt of notice  thereof
by such successor from Mr. Lampert.

The relocation of our principal office from New Jersey to Florida resulted in an
amendment  to Mr.  Lampert's  employment  agreement  dated  August 25, 1998 that
provided him with relocation  expenses  estimated to be $15,000 and continuation
of the partial reimbursement of his housing costs of $4,000 per month.

If we had terminated Mr. Lampert's  employment with us without cause or if there
had been a constructive  termination without cause on June 28, 2008, Mr. Lampert
would have received payments in accordance with our regular payroll practices in
the approximate  amount of $2,219,000,  payable for the scheduled balance of his
employment term and for an additional 12 months thereafter.

Termination  following  a Change in  Control.  Under the terms of Mr.  Lampert's
employment agreement,  a "change in control" is defined as the occurrence of any
one of the following events:  (i) any "person," as such term is used in Sections
3(a)(9)  and 13(d) of the  Exchange  Act  (other  than Mr.  Lampert),  becomes a
"beneficial  owner,"  as such term is used in Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the
Exchange  Act,  of 25% or more of our voting  shares;  (ii) the  majority of our
Board consists of individuals other than "incumbent directors," which term means
the  members  of the Board on the date of Mr.  Lampert's  employment  agreement;
provided  that any  person  becoming a  director  subsequent  to such date whose
election or nomination for election was supported by two-thirds of the directors
who  then  comprised  the  "incumbent  directors"  will be  considered  to be an
"incumbent  director";  (iii) we adopt any plan of liquidation providing for the
distribution  of  all  or  substantially   all  of  our  assets;   (iv)  all  or
substantially  all of the assets of our  business  are disposed of pursuant to a
merger,  consolidation or other transaction (unless our shareholders immediately
prior to such  merger,  consolidation  or other  transaction  beneficially  own,
directly or indirectly,  in substantially  the same proportion as they owned our
voting shares,  the voting shares or other ownership  interests of the entity or
entities, if any, that succeed to our business);  or (v) we combine with another
company  and we  are  the  surviving  corporation  but,  immediately  after  the
combination,  our  shareholders  immediately  prior  to  the  combination  hold,
directly or indirectly, 50% or less of the voting shares of the combined company
(there being excluded from the number of shares held by such  shareholders,  but
not from the voting  shares of the  combined  company,  any shares  received  by
affiliates of the other company in exchange for stock of such other company).

If a termination without cause or constructive  termination followed a change in
control of the  Company,  Mr.  Lampert  would be  entitled to receive the salary
continuation benefit as a lump-


sum payment without any discount.  In addition,  subject to limited  exceptions,
any benefits,  including  options,  in which he is not at such time fully vested
would become fully vested and any options would remain  exercisable for the full
stated term of the option.  If the severance  payments to Mr.  Lampert under his
employment agreement follow a change in control and, together with other amounts
paid to Mr.  Lampert,  exceed  certain  threshold  amounts and are determined to
constitute a parachute payment (as defined in Section 280G(b)(2) of the Internal
Revenue  Code),  Mr.  Lampert is to receive  an  additional  amount to cover the
federal excise tax with respect thereto on a "grossed up" basis.

Under the terms of Mr. Lampert's employment agreement,  as amended to date, if a
change in control of the Company occurs and Mr. Lampert  remains  employed by us
thereafter,  we will be obligated  to pay Mr.  Lampert  $500,000  within 30 days
after the date of the change in control and annually  during the remaining  term
of his  employment  with us on the  first  business  day of each  calendar  year
following  the change of  control.  In the event the  shareholders  approve  the
proposed dissolution and plan of liquidation, Mr. Lampert would be entitled to a
$500,000 payment within days after the shareholders'  approval and would also be
entitled to an  additional  $500,000  payment on the first  business day of each
calendar year following the shareholders' approval, provided Mr. Lampert remains
employed  by us. Mr.  Lampert  has waived any  entitlement  to any such  payment
beyond the initial $500,000 payment.

If a change in  control  had  occurred  on June 28,  2008 that  resulted  in the
termination  of Mr.  Lampert's  employment  with us, he would  have  received  a
lump-sum payment in the approximate amount of $2,219,000.

Blaine A. Robinson

Mr. Robinson's  employment  agreement,  as amended to date, can be terminated by
him or by us for any reason or no reason upon  providing 30 days written  notice
to the other party. The agreement provides that if the termination by us for any
reason  other than cause or no reason is  effective  before such  notice  period
expires,  we are required to pay Mr.  Robinson his base salary and car allowance
for the  remainder  of the notice  period.  Additionally,  if we  terminate  Mr.
Robinson  for any reason  other than cause or for no  reason,  Mr.  Robinson  is
entitled to receive (i) up to 12 months' base salary and car allowance, with the
combination  of notice and  severance  payments  not to exceed 12  months'  base
salary  and car  allowance,  and  (ii)  reimbursement  of  premiums  paid by Mr.
Robinson for medical,  dental and vision insurance coverages during the 12 month
post-employment  period.  "Cause" is defined as: (i)  continued  failure to obey
reasonable  instructions  of the person(s) to whom Mr.  Robinson  reports;  (ii)
continued neglect of duties and responsibilities; (iii) willful misconduct; (iv)
fraud or dishonesty; (v) any action in bad faith that is to our detriment and/or
the  detriment  of any of our  subsidiaries  or  affiliates;  or (vi) failure to
comply with any of the non-compete  provisions or our Code of Conduct annexed as
exhibits to the employment  agreement.  If Mr. Robinson's  employment terminates
for any reason at all,  voluntarily or  involuntarily,  benefits provided to him
will terminate as of the last day of employment,  unless otherwise  specified in
any employee benefit plan or unless otherwise required by law.


If we had terminated Mr.  Robinson's  employment on June 28, 2008, he would have
received payments in accordance with our regular payroll practices in the amount
of $244,000.

Gerald J. Angeli

Mr.  Angeli's  employment  agreement  can be  terminated by him or by us for any
reason or no reason upon  providing  three months'  written  notice to the other
party.  The agreement  provides that if the termination is effective before such
notice  period  expires,  we are required to pay Mr.  Angeli his base salary and
automobile  allowance for the remainder of the notice period.  As  consideration
for the  non-competition  covenants set forth in his employment  agreement,  Mr.
Angeli will receive (i) up to 12 months' base salary and  automobile  allowance,
payable in accordance with our regular payroll  practices,  with the combination
of notice and  non-compete  payments  not to exceed 12 months'  base  salary and
automobile  allowance,  and (ii)  reimbursement of premiums paid by Mr. Robinson
for  medical,  dental  and  vision  insurance  coverages  during  the  12  month
post-employment period.

On June 24,  2008,  we provided  Mr.  Angeli  notice of the  termination  of his
employment  agreement  effective  July 1,  2008  and he will  therefore  receive
payments in accordance with our regular payroll practices totaling approximately

If Mr. Angeli's employment  terminated for cause, he was not entitled to receive
any severance  payment.  Under the terms of Mr. Angeli's  employment  agreement,
"cause" is defined as: (i) continued failure to obey reasonable  instructions of
the person(s) to whom Mr. Angeli reports;  (ii) continued  neglect of duties and
responsibilities;  (iii) willful misconduct;  (iv) fraud or dishonesty;  (v) any
action in bad faith that is to our detriment  and/or the detriment of any of our
subsidiaries  or  affiliates;  or  (vi)  failure  to  comply  with  any  of  the
non-compete  provisions  or our  Code of  Conduct  annexed  as  exhibits  to the
employment agreement.

Urs W. Stampfli

Under the terms of Mr.  Stampfli's  employment  agreement,  if we terminate  his
employment  at any  time  without  cause,  or if  Mr.  Stampfli  terminates  his
employment  during  or  after  the  stated  term  of  his  employment  agreement
(currently  to expire on January  1,  2009),  he is  entitled  to (i)  severance
payments equal to 12 months consisting of his then base salary and car allowance
and (ii) reimbursement of premiums paid by Mr. Stampfli for medical,  dental and
vision insurance coverages during the 12 month post-employment  period.  "Cause"
is defined under Mr. Stampfli's  employment  agreement as: (i) continued failure
to obey reasonable  instructions of the person(s) to whom Mr. Stampfli  reports;
(ii) continued neglect of duties and responsibilities; (iii) willful misconduct;
(iv) fraud or dishonesty;  (v) any action in bad faith which is to our detriment
and/or the detriment of any of our  subsidiaries or affiliates;  or (vi) failure
to comply with any of the non-compete  provisions or our Code of Conduct annexed
as exhibits to the employment agreement.

If we had terminated Mr. Stampfli's  employment  without cause on June 28, 2008,
he would have received payments in accordance with our regular payroll practices
totaling $296,000.


Scott L. Lampert

Mr. Scott Lampert's employment agreement,  as amended to date, can be terminated
by him or by us for any  reason  or no reason  upon  providing  30 days  written
notice to the other party. The agreement  provides that if the termination by us
for any reason  other than cause or no reason is  effective  before  such notice
period expires, we are required to pay Mr. Scott Lampert his base salary and car
allowance for the remainder of the notice period. Additionally,  if we terminate
Mr. Scott  Lampert for any reason  other than cause or for no reason,  Mr. Scott
Lampert  is  entitled  to  receive  (i) up to 12  months'  base  salary  and car
allowance,  with the combination of notice and severance  payments not to exceed
12 months' base salary and car  allowance,  and (ii)  reimbursement  of premiums
paid by Mr. Scott  Lampert for medical,  dental and vision  insurance  coverages
during the 12 month post-employment period. "Cause" is defined as: (i) continued
failure to obey  reasonable  instructions  of the  person(s)  to whom Mr.  Scott
Lampert reports;  (ii) continued neglect of duties and  responsibilities;  (iii)
willful misconduct;  (iv) fraud or dishonesty; (v) any action in bad faith which
is to  our  detriment  and/or  the  detriment  of any  of  our  subsidiaries  or
affiliates;  or (vi) failure to comply with any of the non-compete provisions or
our Code of Conduct  annexed as exhibits  to the  employment  agreement.  If Mr.
Scott  Lampert's  employment  terminates  for any reason at all,  voluntarily or
involuntarily,  benefits  provided to him will  terminate  as of the last day of
employment,  unless  otherwise  specified in any employee benefit plan or unless
otherwise required by law.

If we had  terminated  Mr. Scott  Lampert's  employment on June 28, 2008 without
cause,  he would have received  payments in accordance  with our regular payroll
practices in the amount of $239,000.

Compensation of Directors

The following table sets forth certain information regarding the compensation of
our directors during Fiscal 2008 (other than Ira B. Lampert, who is omitted from
the  table  as  his   compensation   information  is  provided  in  the  summary
compensation  table and he does not receive any additional  compensation for his
services as a director).


                        Fiscal 2008 Director Compensation

                                                                           Change in
                             Fees                                        Pension Value
                            Earned                                            and
                            or Paid                      Non-Equity       Nonqualified
                            --------  Stock    Option  Incentive Plan       Deferred         All Other
                            in Cash   Awards   Awards   Compensation      Compensation     Compensation     Total
Name                        ($)(1)     ($)     ($)(2)        ($)            Earnings            ($)          ($)
--------------------------  --------  ------   ------  ---------------   --------------    ------------    ------
Ronald S. Cooper             69,500      --       --          --               --                --        69,500
Morris H. Gindi              62,000      --       --          --               --                --        62,000
William J. O'Neill, Jr.      83,000      --       --          --               --                --        83,000

(1)  Reflects  the amount of cash  compensation  earned in Fiscal 2008 for Board
     and Committee service.

(2)  Each independent director had no stock options outstanding as of the end of
     Fiscal 2008.

Retainers and Fees

Directors who are our employees  receive no  additional  compensation  for their
services as directors. During Fiscal 2008, each non-employee member of the Board
was paid the  following:  (i) an annual fee of $15,000 for serving on the Board;
(ii) a $2,500  annual fee for each Board  committee on which he served or $3,500
for  serving  as  Chairman,  except  that the  Chairman  of the Audit  Committee
received $10,000 and the Chairman of the Compensation and Stock Option Committee
received  $5,000  in  light  of  the  additional  duties  and   responsibilities
associated  with chairing those  committees;  and (iii) $1,000 for each Board or
committee meeting attended whether in person or telephonically.

Annual  and  meeting  fees are paid  quarterly  in  arrears.  We  reimburse  all
reasonable  expenses  incurred by both  employee and  non-employee  directors in
connection with such meetings.  Independent  directors do not receive additional
compensation for meeting separately in executive session.

In addition to the  aforementioned  fees, the Chairman of the Special  Committee
receives an annual  retainer of $25,000 and each of the other two members of the
Special Committee receives an annual retainer of $15,000. The retainers are paid
quarterly in arrears  beginning  with the quarter  ended  September 30, 2006 and
continuing thereafter for as long as the Special Committee remains in existence.
Each member of the Special  Committee,  which consists of the three  independent
directors  who serve on the Board,  is also paid $1,000 for each  meeting of the
Special Committee attended.


Equity Compensation

We do not currently grant options or restricted stock to our directors. Prior to
January 20, 2003,  we awarded stock  options to each  independent  director upon
appointment to the Board and upon each  anniversary of his appointment  pursuant
to the 1993 Incentive Plan. The 1993 Incentive Plan expired on December 1, 2003.
At June 28, 2008,  each option granted to our  independent  directors  under the
1993 Incentive Plan had expired.



The following table sets forth certain  information as of October 27, 2008 about
the beneficial ownership of our common stock by: (i) each person or group who we
know  beneficially  owns more than 5% of our common stock;  (ii) each  director;
(iii)  each  named  executive  officer;  and (iv) all  directors  and  executive
officers as a group.

                                                                                   Amount and Nature
                                                                                     of Beneficial      Percent of
Name of Beneficial Owner                                                              Ownership(1)       Class(1)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------        ------------------    ----------
(i) Beneficial Owners of More Than 5% of the Common Stock
     MT Trading LLC, Roger Beit, Sondra Beit, RH Trading LLC and                       1,371,142(2)        23.2%
     LTC Racing LLC as a group
       c/o  MT Trading LLC 530 Silas Deane Highway,
       Suite 130 Wethersfield, CT 06109
     MT Trading LLC                                                                    1,104,414(2)        18.7%
     530 Silas Deane Highway, Suite 130
     Wethersfield, CT 06109
     Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc.                                                      490,899(3)         8.3%
     1299 Ocean Avenue, 11th Floor
     Santa Monica, CA 90401
     Everest Special Situations Fund, L.P.                                               431,015(4)         7.3%
     Platinum House, 21 Ha' arba'a Street
     Tel Aviv, Israel 64739
     Daniel Zeff                                                                         496,494(5)         8.4%
     50 California Street, Suite 1500
     San Francisco, CA 94111
(ii) Directors
     Ira B. Lampert                                                                      585,641(6)         9.8%
     Ronald S. Cooper                                                                      2,600(7)         *
     Morris H. Gindi                                                                       3,000(8)         *
     William J. O'Neill, Jr.                                                                  --            *
     Roger J. Beit                                                                     1,371,142(2)        23.2%
(iii)Named Executive Officers
     Scott L. Lampert                                                                      3,460(9)         *
     Blaine A. Robinson                                                                    3,600(9)         *
     Urs W. Stampfli                                                                       3,733(9)         *
     Gerald J. Angeli                                                                         --            *
(iv) Directors and executive officers as a group 8 persons(10)                         1,973,176           33.0%

*    Indicates less than one percent (1%).

(1)   For  purposes  of this  table,  beneficial  ownership  was  determined  in
      accordance with Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, based upon  information
      furnished by the persons  listed or contained in filings made by them with
      the Commission;  the inclusion of shares as beneficially  owned should not
      be construed as an admission that such shares are  beneficially  owned for
      purposes of Section 16 of the Exchange Act. As of October 27,


      2008, we had 5,913,610 shares of common stock issued and outstanding.  All
      shares were owned  directly with sole voting and  investment  power unless
      otherwise indicated.

(2)   Based on  information  contained in a Form 4 filed with the  Commission on
      November  17, 2005 by MT Trading  LLC as to its  beneficial  ownership  at
      November 16, 2005, a Form 4 filed with the Commission on November 14, 2005
      by LTC Racing LLC as to its  beneficial  ownership at November 10, 2005, a
      Form 4 filed with the  Commission on October 27, 2005 by RH Trading LLC as
      to its  beneficial  ownership at October 25, 2005, a Form 4 filed with the
      Commission  on September  1, 2005 by Sondra Jay Beit as to her  beneficial
      ownership at August 31, 2005, and additional discussions between us and MT
      Trading LLC. The 1,104,414 shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by MT
      Trading LLC at November 16, 2005  constitute the majority of the 1,371,142
      shares  beneficially  owned by MT Trading LLC and the other members of the
      group listed first in this  footnote.  Director Roger Beit, the husband of
      Sondra Beit,  is the  authorized  spokesperson  and  representative  of MT
      Trading  LLC,  Sondra  Beit,  RH  Trading  LLC and LTC  Racing LLC and has
      investment  authority over the investment account in which such shares are
      held.  Therefore,  Mr. Beit may be deemed to hold  voting and  dispositive
      power  with  respect  to all  shares of common  stock  held by each of the
      persons  referred  to in this  footnote.  Mr.  Beit  disclaims  beneficial
      ownership of securities  held by these persons except to the extent of his
      pecuniary interest therein.

(3)   Based on a Schedule 13G/A filed with the Commission on February 6, 2008 by
      Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. as to its beneficial  ownership at December
      31, 2007.

(4)   Based on information contained in a Schedule 13D filed with the Commission
      on September 11, 2008 by Everest Special  Situations  Fund, L.P. as to its
      beneficial ownership at September 11, 2008.

(5)   Based  on  information  contained  in a  Schedule  13D/A  filed  with  the
      Commission on May 27, 2008 by Daniel Zeff as to his  beneficial  ownership
      at May 23, 2008.

(6)   Represents:  (i) 52,600  shares  that may be  acquired  pursuant  to stock
      options  exercisable  within 60 days after October 27, 2008;  (ii) 527,441
      shares owned, as to all of which Mr. Lampert has sole  dispositive  power;
      and (iii) 5,600 shares held by a  ss.501(c)(3)  charitable  trust of which
      Mr. Lampert is a trustee with voting and dispositive power.

(7)   Includes 2,600 shares,  as to all of which Mr. Cooper has sole dispositive

(8)   Includes 3,000 shares held by the Notra Trading Inc. Profit Sharing Plan &
      Trust,  a  retirement  plan  of  which  Mr.  Gindi  is  a  co-trustee  and

(9)   Represents   shares  that  may  be  acquired  pursuant  to  stock  options
      exercisable within 60 days after October 27, 2008.

(10)  The group is comprised of Messrs. Ira B. Lampert,  Cooper, Gindi, O'Neill,
      Beit, Robinson, Scott Lampert, Stampfli and Angeli.


Fiscal Year-End Equity Compensation Plan Information

The following  table sets forth  aggregated  information  concerning  our equity
compensation plans outstanding at June 28, 2008.

                                                         Number of
                                                      Securities to be                            Number of Securities
                                                        Issued upon                               Remaining Available
                                                        Exercise of                               for Future Issuance
                                                        Outstanding                                   Under Equity
                                                     Options, Warrants      Weighted-Average       Compensation Plans
Plan Category                                            and Rights        Exercise Price of       (excluding shares
                                                     Outstanding at FY    Outstanding Options,    reflected in the 1st
                                                          End (#)         Warrants and Rights           column)
Equity Compensation Plans
         Approved by Shareholders................         86,407                $26.40                       --
Equity Compensation Plans
         Not Approved by Shareholders............          53,277                $22.91                 206,757
Total............................................         139,684                $25.07                 206,757

At June 28, 2008, we had a total of seven  compensation plans under which shares
of our common  stock were  authorized  for issuance  that were  adopted  without
shareholder approval: (i) the 2002 Incentive Plan for Non-Officer Employees, New
Recruits  and  Consultants  (the  "First  2002  Incentive  Plan")  and the  2002
Incentive Plan for New Recruits (the "Second 2002 Incentive Plan";  collectively
with the First 2002 Incentive Plan, the "2002 Plans");  and (ii) five individual
stock  option  plans,  four of which were issued to  employees  (two of whom are
executive  officers) as an inducement to their employment with us and one (1) of
which was issued to a consultant as a retention inducement.  None of the options
issued  under any of these plans  qualifies  as an  incentive  stock  option for
federal tax purposes.

At June 28, 2008,  99,600 and 100,000  shares of our common stock were  reserved
for issuance pursuant to outstanding options granted under and options available
for grant  under the First 2002  Incentive  Plan and the Second  2002  Incentive
Plan, respectively. New recruits (including officers), non-officer employees and
consultants  in our  service  are  eligible  to  participate  in the First  2002
Incentive  Plan.  Only  new  recruits  (including   officers)  are  eligible  to
participate in the Second 2002 Incentive Plan. The 2002 Plans generally  provide
for the granting of stock, stock options, stock appreciation rights,  restricted
shares or any  combination  of the  foregoing to eligible  participants.  Shares
subject to any  outstanding  options  under each of these plans which  expire or
otherwise  terminate prior to exercise will be available for subsequent issuance
under  the  plan.  Except  as  otherwise  required  by  law  or  the  plan,  the
Compensation  and Stock Option  Committee or the Board  determine which eligible
individuals  are to receive option grants,  the number of shares subject to each
such grant,  the vesting  schedule  for the option  grant,  the maximum term for
which any granted option is to remain  outstanding,  and the exercise price. The
exercise  price may not be less than the fair market value of the option  shares
on the grant date.


At June 28,  2008,  30,217  shares of our  common  stock in the  aggregate  were
reserved for issuance  under  individual  stock option plans that were issued to
employees  (two of whom  are  executive  officers)  as an  inducement  to  their
becoming  employed by us, and to a consultant as an inducement for his continued
services,  or were  subsequently  received  by the  employee or  consultant,  in
exchange  for  their  inducement  option,  in  connection  with a  stock  option
repricing program.  These plans were adopted for inducement of new employees and
consultants  and have  substantially  the same terms and  conditions  as options
issued under the 2002 Plans.  These stock options generally vest in three annual
installments  beginning on the first anniversary of the employee's start date or
the grant date,  have an exercise price equal to the closing price of the Common
Stock on the date of grant, and expire ten years after the grant date. For those
stock options that were received in exchange for the person's inducement option,
the vesting  schedule and expiration date of the inducement  option were carried
forward into the person's repriced stock option.  The consultant's  stock option
began vesting on the date of grant, continued vesting in annual installments and
became vested in full on April 24, 2004 since the  consultant  continued to make
his services available to us.


                                 PROPOSAL THREE:


BDO Seidman,  LLP ("BDO Seidman"),  an independent  registered public accounting
firm, was appointed by the Audit Committee to audit our financial statements for
Fiscal  2009.  We expect that a  representative  of BDO Seidman  will attend the
Annual  Meeting,  will  have an  opportunity  to make a  statement  if he or she
desires to do so and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.

The following table presents fees for  professional  audit services  provided by
BDO Seidman for the audit of our annual financial  statements during Fiscal 2008
and Fiscal 2007 (in thousands):

                                                         FY 2008       FY 2007
                                                         -------       -------
Audit Fees                                                 $302          $453
Audit Related Fees                                           31            --
Tax Fees                                                     --            --
All Other Fees                                               --            --
                                                           ----          ----
Total                                                      $333          $453
                                                           ====          ====

Audit  Fees  includes  fees for  services  rendered  for the audit of our annual
consolidated  financial statements,  the review of financial statements included
in our quarterly  reports on Form 10-Q, and consents and other services normally
provided in connection with statutory and regulatory  filings or engagements for
those fiscal years.

Audit-Related  Fees  would  principally   include  fees  for  due  diligence  in
connection with potential transactions and accounting consultations.

Tax Fees would include fees for services rendered for tax compliance, tax advice
and tax planning. We obtain these types of services from a professional services
firm other than BDO Seidman.

All Other Fees would include fees for all other services  rendered to us that do
not constitute Audit Fees, Audit-Related Fees or Tax Fees.

In  considering  the nature of the services  provided by BDO Seidman,  the Audit
Committee  determined  that such services are  compatible  with the provision of
independent  audit services.  The Audit Committee  discussed these services with
BDO Seidman and management to determine that they are permitted  under the rules
and regulations concerning auditor independence promulgated by the Commission to
implement the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002, as well as the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants.


Approval Policy

All services rendered by our independent  auditors are pre-approved by the Audit
Committee in  accordance  with our Audit and Non-Audit  Pre-Approval  Policy for
independent  auditor  services and are monitored  both as to spending  level and
work content by the Audit Committee to maintain the appropriate  objectivity and
independence of the core service of the independent registered public accounting
firm, which is the audit of our  consolidated  financial  statements.  Under the
policy,  the terms and fees of annual audit services,  and any changes  thereto,
must be approved by the Audit Committee.

The policy also sets forth  detailed  pre-approved  categories  of other  audit,
audit-related  and  other  non-audit  services  that  may  be  performed  by our
independent  auditors during the fiscal year,  subject to the dollar limitations
set by the Audit  Committee.  The Audit  Committee  may, in accordance  with the
policy,  delegate  to any of its  members  the  authority  to approve  audit and
non-audit  services  to be  performed  by the  independent  auditors.  Any Audit
Committee member who exercises this delegated authority must report any approval
decisions to the Audit  Committee at its next scheduled  meeting.  The foregoing
pre-approval requirements are subject to the de minimis exceptions for non-audit
services described in Section 10A(i)(1)(B) of the Exchange Act that are approved
by the Audit Committee prior to completion of the audit.

The Board is seeking  shareholder  ratification of its selection of BDO Seidman.
If  shareholders do not ratify the appointment of BDO Seidman as our independent
registered  public  accounting firm for Fiscal 2009 at the annual  meeting,  the
Audit Committee may reconsider the selection.

Our Board  recommends  a vote FOR the  ratification  of the  appointment  of BDO
Seidman as our independent  registered  public  accounting firm for Fiscal 2009.
Ratification  of the  appointment of BDO Seidman as our  independent  registered
public  accounting  firm for Fiscal  2009  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a
majority of the votes cast by the holders of shares present or  represented  and
entitled to vote at the annual meeting.


                                OTHER INFORMATION

Shareholder Proposals for the 2009 Annual Meeting

Pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the  Exchange  Act,  our  shareholders  may present
proper  proposals for inclusion in our proxy statement and form of proxy and for
consideration  at the next annual meeting by submitting their proposals to us in
a timely manner. Any shareholder of the Company who wishes to present a proposal
for  inclusion in the proxy  statement  and form of proxy for action at the 2009
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  must comply with our By-Laws and the rules and
regulations of the  Commission,  each as then in effect.  Such proposals must be
mailed to us at our offices at 4000 Hollywood  Boulevard,  Presidential Circle -
6th Floor, North Tower, Hollywood,  Florida 33021, attention:  Secretary.  Under
the rules of the Commission,  any shareholder  proposal intended to be presented
at the 2009 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  must be received no later than June
30, 2009 in order to be considered for inclusion in our proxy statement and form
of proxy relating to such meeting. If a shareholder  notifies us of an intent to
present a proposal at the 2009 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders at any time after
September  13,  2009  (and  for any  reason  the  proposal  is  voted on at that
meeting),  it will be  considered  untimely and our proxy  holders will have the
right to exercise  discretionary  voting authority with respect to the proposal,
if  presented  at the  meeting,  without  including  information  regarding  the
proposal in our proxy materials.

Proxy Solicitation

In addition to  solicitation by mail, the directors and employees of the Company
may solicit proxies from  shareholders by telephone or other electronic means or
in person. Any director or employee of the Company who solicits proxies will not
receive  additional  compensation  for  such  services.  We do not  expect  that
specially  engaged paid solicitors will solicit  proxies.  Although we might use
such  solicitors if we deem them  necessary,  we have not made  arrangements  or
contracts with any such solicitors as of the date of this Proxy Statement.

Expenses of Solicitation

We will bear the cost of this proxy solicitation.  In addition to the use of the
mails,  some of our regular  employees,  without  additional  remuneration,  may
solicit  proxies  personally  or by telephone or  facsimile.  We will  reimburse
brokers,  dealers,  banks,  and other  custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries for
their  reasonable  expenses in forwarding  solicitation  materials to beneficial
owners of our common stock.

Incorporation by Reference

The Commission  allows us to "incorporate by reference"  certain  information we
file with the Commission, which means that we can disclose important information
by  referring  you to  documents  previously  filed  with  the  Commission.  The
information  incorporated  by  reference  is  considered  a part of  this  proxy

Our Annual Report on Form 10-K, which is being mailed to shareholders along with
this proxy statement,  is incorporated herein by reference,  except with respect
to information superseded by


information  contained in this proxy statement.  To obtain  additional copies of
our  Commission  filings,  which we will  provide to you free of charge,  either
write to Concord  Camera Corp.,  4000  Hollywood  Blvd.,  6th Floor North Tower,
Hollywood,  Florida 33021, Attention:  Legal Department or access our website at
www.concord-camera.com.  Our other  public  filings  can also be accessed at the
Commission's web site at www.sec.gov.

Other Business

As of the date of this proxy  statement,  our Board  knows of no  business to be
presented at the Annual Meeting other than as set forth in this proxy statement.
If  other  matters  properly  come  before  the  Annual  Meeting,  or any of its
adjournments,  the persons  named as proxies  will vote on such matters in their


                                     ANNEX A


      This Plan of  Dissolution  and  Liquidation  (the  "Plan") is  intended to
accomplish the dissolution  and complete  liquidation of Concord Camera Corp., a
New Jersey corporation (the "Company"),  in accordance with Section 14A:12-4 and
other  applicable  provisions  of the  Business  Corporation  Act of New  Jersey
("BCANJ")  and in accordance  with Sections 331 and 336 of the Internal  Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

      1. Approval and Adoption of Plan.

      This Plan shall be  effective  when all of the  following  steps have been

            (a) The  Company's  Board of  Directors  (the  "Board")  shall  have
adopted a resolution or resolutions with respect to the following:

                  (i)  Dissolution  and  Complete  Liquidation:  The Board shall
determine  that it is deemed  advisable  for the  Company  to be  dissolved  and
liquidated completely.

                  (ii)  Adoption of the Plan:  The Board shall approve this Plan
as  the  appropriate  means  for  carrying  out  the  dissolution  and  complete
liquidation of the Company.

                  (iii)  Sale of  Assets  and  Distributions:  The  Board  shall
determine  that,  as part of the Plan,  it is deemed  expedient  and in the best
interests of the Company to sell and monetize  all or  substantially  all of the
Company's  non-cash assets,  satisfy,  discharge  and/or  otherwise  resolve the
Company's debts and other  liabilities and distribute any remaining  proceeds to
the Company's shareholders, as appropriate.

            (b)  Adoption  of  this  Plan  by the  Company's  Shareholders.  The
majority of the votes cast by holders of shares of common  stock of the Company,
no par value (the  "Common  Stock"),  entitled to vote shall have  approved  and
adopted this Plan, including the dissolution of the Company and those provisions
authorizing the Board to sell all or substantially all of the Company's non-cash
assets, at the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Company or at a special
meeting of the shareholders of the Company called for such purpose by the Board.

      2. Dissolution and Liquidation Period.

            (a) Once the Plan is  effective,  the steps set forth below shall be
completed  at  such  times  as the  Board,  in its  absolute  discretion,  deems
necessary,  appropriate  or advisable.  Without  limiting the  generality of the
foregoing,  the Board may direct the officers of the Company to proceed with the
following  steps to effect the dissolution and liquidation of the Company or may
instruct the officers of the Company to delay the taking of any of the following
steps until the Company has performed such actions as the Board or such officers
determine to be necessary,  appropriate or advisable for the Company to maximize
the value of the Company's assets upon liquidation; provided that such steps may
not be delayed longer than is permitted by applicable law.


                  (i) The filing of a Certificate  of Dissolution of the Company
(the  "Certificate of  Dissolution")  pursuant to Section 14A:12-4 of the BCANJ,
specifying the date (no later than ninety (90) days after the filing) upon which
the Certificate of Dissolution will become effective (the "Effective Date"), and
the completion of all actions that may be necessary, appropriate or desirable to
dissolve and terminate the corporate existence of the Company;

                  (ii) The cessation of all of the Company's business activities
and the withdrawal of the Company from any jurisdiction in which it is qualified
to do  business,  except and insofar as  necessary  for the sale of its non-cash
assets and for the proper winding up of the Company pursuant to Section 14A:12-9
of the BCANJ;

                  (iii) The negotiation and  consummation of sales of all of the
non-cash  assets and properties of the Company,  including the assumption by the
purchaser or purchasers of any or all liabilities of the Company, insofar as the
Board  or  the  officers  of  the  Company  deem  such  sales  to be  necessary,
appropriate or advisable;

                  (iv) The creation of a  contingency  reserve in such amount as
the Board determines to be necessary,  appropriate or advisable,  for settlement
and  payment  of  liabilities,  claims  and  obligations,  including  contingent
liabilities,  of the Company and expenses of the dissolution and liquidation. If
there are insufficient assets to pay all liabilities,  claims and obligations in
full,  liabilities,  claims  and  obligations  shall  be  paid or  provided  for
according to their priority,  and among  liabilities,  claims and obligations of
equal priority, ratably to the extent of assets legally available therefore.

                  (v) The distribution of the remaining funds of the Company and
the distribution of remaining unsold non-cash assets of the Company,  if any and
if practicable, to its shareholders.

            (b) If the Board  determines to follow the  procedures  described in
Section 14A:12-12 of the BCANJ, then the additional steps set forth below shall,
to the extent necessary or appropriate, be taken:

                  (i) The  giving of notice of the  dissolution  to all  persons
having a claim against the Company  pursuant to Section  14A:12-12 of the BCANJ;
and the rejection of any such claims in accordance with Section 14A:12-14 of the

                  (ii) The  rejection  of any such  claims  in  accordance  with
Section  14A:12-14  and the  payment,  or the making of adequate  provision  for
payment, of all such claims made against the Company and not rejected.

            (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company shall not be required
to follow the procedures  described in Section  14A:12-12 of the BCANJ,  and the
adoption of the Plan by the Company's  shareholders  shall  constitute  full and
complete  authority  for the  Board and the  officers  of the  Company,  without
further  shareholder  action, to proceed with the dissolution and liquidation of
the Company in accordance with any applicable provision of the BCANJ.


      3. Authority of Officers and Directors After the Effective Date.

            (a) The Board and the  officers  of the  Company  shall  continue in
their  positions  for the  purpose of winding up the  affairs of the  Company as
contemplated  by New Jersey law.  The Board may appoint  officers and either the
Board or the officers of the Company may hire  employees and retain  independent
contractors in connection  with the winding up process.  The Board is authorized
to pay to the  Company's  officers,  directors  and  employees,  or any of them,
compensation or additional  compensation  above their regular  compensation,  in
money or other property,  in recognition of the  extraordinary  efforts they, or
any of them, will be required to undertake, or actually undertake, in connection
with the successful implementation of this Plan.

            (b) Adoption of this Plan by holders of shares of Common  Stock,  as
provided in Section  1(b) of this Plan,  shall  constitute  the  approval by the
Company's  shareholders of the Board's  authorization of the payment of any such

            (c) The  adoption of the Plan by the  Company's  shareholders  shall
constitute  full and  complete  authority  for the Board and the officers of the
Company,  without further  shareholder  action (except as otherwise  required by
mandatory provisions of New Jersey law, including Section  14A:12-9(2)(d) of the
BCANJ), to do and perform any and all acts and to make,  execute and deliver any
and all agreements, conveyances,  assignments, transfers, certificates and other
documents  of any kind and  character  which  the  Board or such  officers  deem
necessary,  appropriate or advisable: (i) to sell, dispose, convey, transfer and
deliver the assets of the Company,  whether before or after the Effective  Date,
(ii) to satisfy,  settle or provide for the  satisfaction  or  settlement of the
Company's liabilities, claims and obligations, including contingent liabilities,
in accordance with the BCANJ,  (iii) to distribute all of the remaining funds of
the  Company  and any unsold  non-cash  assets of the  Company to the  Company's
shareholders,  and (iv) to dissolve the Company in  accordance  with the laws of
the State of New Jersey and cause its withdrawal from all jurisdictions in which
it is authorized to do business.

      4. Conversion of Non-Cash Assets Into Cash or other Distributable Form.

      Subject to approval by the Board,  the  officers,  employees and agents of
the  Company,  shall,  as promptly as feasible  and whether  before or after the
Effective Date, proceed to collect all sums due or owing to the Company, to sell
and convert  into cash any and all  corporate  non-cash  assets and,  out of the
assets of the Company,  to satisfy,  settle and pay or otherwise resolve or make
adequate provision for the satisfaction, settlement and payment or resolution of
all debts,  liabilities,  claims and  obligations  of the  Company  pursuant  to
Section 2 above,  including  all expenses of the sale of non-cash  assets and of
the dissolution and liquidation provided for by the Plan.

      5. Contingency Reserve.

      It is specifically contemplated that the Board may establish a contingency
reserve of such amount as the Board or officers of the Company  determine  to be
necessary,  appropriate or advisable ("Contingency Reserve"), for the settlement
and  payment  of  liabilities,  claims  and  obligations,  including  contingent
liabilities, of the Company and expenses in connection with


completion of the Plan. If any of the money set aside in the Contingency Reserve
is not ultimately required for the settlement and payment of liabilities, claims
and obligations,  including contingent liabilities,  of the Company and expenses
in  connection  with  completion  of the Plan,  the Company may, in the absolute
discretion of the Board,  either make a second  distribution to its shareholders
of the unused portion of such money or donate the unused portion of the money to
a charitable  organization  if such unused  portion is  determined to be, at the
sole discretion of the Board, de minimis.

      6. Professional Fees and Expenses.

            (a) It is specifically  contemplated  that the Board or the officers
of the  Company  may  authorize  the  payment  of  retainer  fees to law  firms,
accounting  firms,  auditing  firms,  tax advisors and other  professionals  and
consultants  selected  by the  Board  for  fees  and  expenses  of the  Company,
including,  among  other  things,  to cover any costs  payable  pursuant  to the
indemnification  of the Company's  officers or members of the Board  provided by
the  Company  pursuant  to  its  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  the  BCANJ  or

            (b)  In  addition,  in  connection  with  and  for  the  purpose  of
implementing  and  assuring  completion  of this Plan,  the Company  may, in the
absolute  discretion  of the  Board  or the  officers  of the  Company,  pay any
brokerage,  agency and other fees and expenses of persons rendering  services to
the  Company  in  connection  with  the  collection,  sale,  exchange  or  other
disposition of the Company's  property and assets and the implementation of this

      7. Indemnification.

      The Company shall continue to indemnify its officers, directors, employees
and  agents  in  accordance  with  its  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and  any
contractual  arrangements,  for actions  taken prior to and after the  Effective
Date,  in  connection  with this Plan and the  winding up of the  affairs of the
Company.  The Board,  in its absolute  discretion,  is  authorized to obtain and
maintain  insurance,  including,  without  limitation,  directors  and  officers
liability insurance, as may be necessary,  appropriate or advisable to cover the
Company's obligations hereunder.

      8. Liquidating Trust.

      The Board may but is not  required to establish a  Liquidating  Trust (the
"Liquidating  Trust") and  distribute  assets of the Company to the  Liquidating
Trust.  The  Liquidating  Trust may be established by agreement with one or more
Trustees  selected by the Board.  If the  Liquidating  Trust is  established  by
agreement  with one or more  Trustees,  the  trust  agreement  establishing  and
governing the Liquidating Trust shall be in form and substance determined by the
Board.  The  Trustees  shall in  general  be  authorized  to take  charge of the
Company's  property,  and to sell and  convert  into cash any and all  corporate
non-cash  assets and collect the debts and  property  due and  belonging  to the
Company,  with power to prosecute  and defend,  in the name of the  Company,  or
otherwise,  all such  suits as may be  necessary  or  proper  for the  foregoing
purposes,  and to appoint an agent under it and to do all other acts which might
be done by the Company that may be necessary,  appropriate  or advisable for the
final settlement of the unfinished business of the Company.


      9. Liquidating Distributions.

            (a)  Liquidating  distributions,  in cash or in kind,  shall be made
after the  adoption of the Plan by the  shareholders,  and after the filing of a
Certificate  of  Dissolution  of the Company as provided in Section 2 above,  at
such  time  or  times  as  the  Board  deems   appropriate,   to  the  Company's
shareholders,  pro rata in accordance with the respective  number of shares then
held of record; provided that in the opinion of the Board adequate provision has
been made for the  satisfaction,  settlement  and payment or  resolution  of all
known, unascertained or contingent debts, obligations, claims and liabilities of
the  Company  (including  costs and  expenses  incurred  and  anticipated  to be
incurred in connection with the sale of non-cash assets and complete liquidation
of the Company).  All  determinations as to the time for and the amount and kind
of distributions  to shareholders  shall be made in the exercise of the absolute
discretion of the Board and in accordance with Section 14A:12-16 of the BCANJ.

            (b) Any assets  distributable  to any creditor or shareholder of the
Company who is unknown or cannot be found,  or who is under a disability and for
whom there is no legal representative,  shall escheat to the applicable state or
be treated as abandoned property pursuant to applicable state law.

      10. Amendment, Modification or Abandonment of Plan.

      If for any reason the Company's Board determines that such action would be
in the best interests of the Company,  it may amend,  modify or abandon the Plan
and all action contemplated  thereunder,  notwithstanding  shareholder approval,
without additional shareholder approval,  prior to the filing of the Certificate
of  Dissolution,  or at  any  time  after  the  filing  of  the  Certificate  of
Dissolution,  to the extent permitted by the BCANJ; provided,  however, that the
Company will not amend or modify the Plan under circumstances that would require
additional  shareholder approval under the BCANJ and the federal securities laws
without  complying  with the BCANJ and the  federal  securities  laws.  Upon the
abandonment of the Plan, the Plan shall be void.

      11. Cancellation of Stock and Stock Certificates.

            (a) After known  liabilities  of the  Company  have been paid to the
full  extent  possible,  and the  remaining  assets  of the  Company  have  been
distributed to the  shareholders,  the shareholders  shall surrender any and all
certificates  representing  the stock of the  Company  and shall have no further
rights against the Company,  whether arising out of each shareholder's status as
a shareholder or as a creditor of the Company.

            (b)  Following  the filing of a Certificate  of  Dissolution  of the
Company,  the Company's  share  transfer books shall be closed and the Company's
capital stock and stock certificates evidencing the Company's capital stock will
be treated as no longer being outstanding.

      12. Liquidation under Section 331 and 336.

      It is  intended  that this Plan  shall be a plan of  complete  liquidation
within the terms of Sections  331 and 336 of the Code.  The Plan shall be deemed
to authorize such action as, in the


opinion  of counsel  for the  Company,  may be  necessary  to  conform  with the
provisions of said Sections 331 and 336.

      13. Filing of Tax Forms.

      The appropriate officer of the Company is authorized and directed,  within
thirty  (30) days after the  effective  date of the Plan,  to execute and file a
United  States  Treasury  Form 966 pursuant to Section 6043 of the Code and such
additional  forms  and  reports  with the  Internal  Revenue  Service  as may be
appropriate in connection with this Plan and the carrying out thereof.


                                     ANNEX B
                              QUARTERLY INFORMATION

Financial Statements (Unaudited)

   Condensed consolidated balance sheets as of  September 27, 2008
   (Unaudited) and June 28, 2008 ...........................................B-1

   Condensed consolidated statements of operations (Unaudited) for
   the quarter ended  September 27, 2008 and September 29,  2007 ...........B-2

   Condensed consolidated statements of cash flows (Unaudited) for
   the quarter ended September 27, 2008 and September 29, 2007 .............B-3

   Notes to condensed consolidated financial statements (Unaudited) ........B-4

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations ..................................................B-17

Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk .................B-26

                              QUARTERLY INFORMATION


Concord Camera Corp. and Subsidiaries
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in thousands)

                                                                        27, 2008      June 28,
                                                                       (Unaudited)     2008
                                                                        ---------    ---------
Current Assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                                          $ 220,001    $  19,041
     Restricted cash                                                        6,200        6,200
     Short-term investments                                                   300        1,750
     Accounts receivable, net                                               8,782       10,478
     Inventories                                                           10,755       10,431
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                593          821
     Assets held for sale                                                   3,814        3,814
                                                                        ---------    ---------
                           Total current assets                            50,445       52,535
Long-term investments                                                      16,768       16,768
Property, plant and equipment, net                                            744          868
Other assets                                                                  185          431
                                                                        ---------    ---------
                           Total  assets                                $  68,142    $  70,602
                                                                        =========    =========

                 Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current Liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings under financing  facilities                  $  14,032    $  17,621
     Accounts payable                                                      11,271       10,583
     Accrued royalties                                                      1,540        2,206
     Accrued expenses                                                       4,495        4,364
     Other current liabilities                                                489          830
                                                                        ---------    ---------
                           Total current liabilities                       31,827       35,604
Other long-term liabilities                                                 1,127        1,096
                                                                        ---------    ---------
                           Total liabilities                               32,954       36,700

Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' Equity:
     Blank check preferred stock, no par value,
         1,000 shares authorized, none issued                                  --           --

     Common stock, no par value, 20,000 shares
         authorized; 6,261 shares issued
         as of September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008                       143,860      143,860
     Additional paid-in capital                                             5,202        5,197
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                  (5,082)      (5,082)
     Accumulated deficit                                                 (103,799)    (105,080)
                                                                        ---------    ---------
                                                                           40,181       38,895
     Less: treasury stock, at cost, 347 shares as
            of  September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008                       (4,993)      (4,993)

                                                                        ---------    ---------
                           Total stockholders' equity                      35,188       33,902
                                                                        ---------    ---------
                           Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $  68,142    $  70,602
                                                                        =========    =========

See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


Concord Camera Corp. and Subsidiaries
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data)

                                                          For the quarter ended
                                                         September    September
                                                          27, 2008     29, 2007
                                                         ---------    ---------
Net sales                                                 $ 17,669     $ 21,698
Cost of products sold                                       14,500       18,683
                                                          --------     --------
Gross profit                                                 3,169        3,015
Selling expenses                                             1,099        2,173
General and administrative expenses                          2,004        2,842
                                                          --------     --------
Operating income (loss)                                         66       (2,000)
Interest expense                                               187           77
Other income, net                                           (1,406)        (315)
                                                          --------     --------
Income (loss) before  provision for income taxes             1,285       (1,762)
Provision for income taxes                                       4            1
                                                          --------     --------
Net income (loss)                                         $  1,281     $ (1,763)
                                                          ========     ========
Net income (loss) per common share:
Basic and diluted income
   (loss) per common share                                $   0.22     $  (0.30)
                                                          ========     ========
Weighted average
   common shares outstanding - basic and diluted             5,914        5,914
                                                          ========     ========

See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


Concord Camera Corp. and Subsidiaries
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(in thousands)

                                                         For the quarter ended
                                                        September      September
                                                         27, 2008      29, 2007
                                                        ---------      ---------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income (loss)                                        $  1,281      $ (1,763)
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to
   net cash provided by (used in) operating
   Depreciation and amortization                              231           804
   Gain on disposal of property, plant and
   equipment                                                 (164)           --
   Share-based compensation                                     5             5
   Unrecognized tax benefit                                    --           (62)
   Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
        Accounts receivable, net                            1,696         2,434
        Inventories                                          (324)       (2,770)
        Prepaid expenses and other current
        assets                                                180           512
        Other assets                                          246            --
        Accounts payable                                      688           434
        Accrued expenses                                      132          (242)
        Accrued royalty                                      (666)       (1,060)
        Other current liabilities                            (340)         (336)
        Other long-term liabilities                            30            29
                                                         --------      --------
   Net cash provided by (used in) operating
        activities                                          2,995        (2,015)
                                                         --------      --------
Cash flows from investing activities:
   Proceeds from sales of available-for-sale
      investments                                           1,450        23,175
   Purchases of available-for-sale investments                 --       (19,850)
   Purchases of property, plant and equipment                  (5)           (7)
   Proceeds from sale of property, plant and
      equipment                                               110            --
                                                         --------      --------
   Net cash provided by  investing activities               1,555         3,318
                                                         --------      --------
Cash flows from financing activities:
   Repayments under financing facilities, net              (3,590)         (428)
                                                         --------      --------
   Net cash used in financing activities                   (3,590)         (428)
                                                         --------      --------
   Net increase  in cash and cash equivalents                 960           875
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the
      period                                               19,041         3,853
                                                         --------      --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period           $ 20,001      $  4,728
                                                         ========      ========

See Note 6-  Supplemental  Cash Flow  Information in the  accompanying  notes to
condensed consolidated financial statements.




                               September 27, 2008

Note 1 - Liquidation Proposal and Going Concern

On August 14, 2006, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Concord Camera
Corp., a New Jersey corporation (collectively with its consolidated
subsidiaries, the "Company" or "Concord"), established a committee ("the Special
Committee") consisting of three independent directors, to investigate, evaluate
and/or analyze strategic alternatives for the Company and make any
recommendations to the Board with respect to such strategic alternatives that
the Special Committee determines to be appropriate. With the assistance of its
financial advisor, the Special Committee considered several alternative
strategies, including: (i) continuing current operations; (ii) making strategic
acquisitions; (iii) a sale or other disposition of all or a significant part of
the Company or its business; (iv) a "going-private" transaction; and (v) a
liquidation of the Company. The Special Committee authorized its financial
advisor and management to conduct discussions and negotiate with potential
strategic and financial investors who expressed an interest in making an
investment in or acquiring the Company. However, to date, efforts by the Special
Committee's financial advisor and management to engage in a transaction with any
of these third parties have not been successful.

On October 29, 2008, based on the Special Committee's review of strategic
alternatives and recommendation, the Board recommended the dissolution of the
Company and the adoption of a plan of liquidation (the "Liquidation Proposal").
The Liquidation Proposal is subject to approval by the Company's shareholders at
the 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Annual Meeting") that is expected
to be held in December 2008. Pending the shareholders' vote on the Liquidation
Proposal, the Company has ceased manufacturing products, purchasing materials
and products and undertaking commitments for sales of its products, except as
necessary to complete the manufacture and sale of materials and products that
the Company has remaining in inventory.

The Company filed its preliminary proxy statement with the Securities and
Exchange Commission ("SEC") on November 7, 2008. Once the SEC review process is
complete, the Company will mail a copy of the definitive proxy statement to its

If the Company's shareholders approve the Liquidation Proposal, the Company will
file a certificate of dissolution with the Department of Treasury of the State
of New Jersey. Thereafter, the Company will not engage in any business
activities except for the purpose of preserving the value of its assets,
prosecuting and defending lawsuits by or against it, winding up its business and
affairs, selling and monetizing its properties and non-cash assets, including
its intellectual property and other intangible assets, paying or otherwise
settling its liabilities, including contingent liabilities, terminating
commercial agreements and relationships and preparing to make distributions to
shareholders, in accordance with the plan of liquidation.

If the Company's shareholders do not approve the Liquidation Proposal, the Board
will explore the alternatives then available for the future of the Company. The
Company believes the value of its business will be materially and adversely
impacted after the announcement of the recommendation by its Board of the
Liquidation Proposal. In particular, pending the shareholders' vote on the
Liquidation Proposal, the Company has ceased manufacturing products, purchasing
materials and products and undertaking commitments for sales of its products,
except as necessary to complete the manufacture and sale of materials and
products that it has remaining in inventory and, as a result, the Company
believes that many, if not all, of its customers, including its major customers,
will transition their business to the Company's competitors. Therefore, if the
Company's shareholders do not approve the Liquidation Proposal, the Company will
not be able to continue to operate its business as it existed prior to the
Board's recommendation of the Liquidation Proposal and may not be able to
operate its business at all.


The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the
going concern basis of accounting, which contemplates realization of assets and
liabilities in the normal course of business. Accordingly, the accompanying
statements do not include any adjustments necessary to reflect the possible
future effects on the recoverability of assets and settlement of liabilities
that may result from adoption of the plan of orderly liquidation or the
Company's inability to complete such a plan in an orderly manner.

Note 2 - Basis of Presentation:

The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States of America for interim financial information and with the
instructions to Form 10-Q and Rule 10-01 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly, they do
not include all of the information and footnotes required by accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States for complete financial
statements. In the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting of normal
recurring accruals) considered necessary for a fair presentation have been
included. Operating results for the quarter ended September 27, 2008 ("First
Quarter Fiscal 2009") are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be
expected for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009 ("Fiscal 2009"). For
comparative purposes, the quarter ended September 29, 2007, has been defined as
the ("First Quarter Fiscal 2008"). The balance sheet at June 28, 2008 has been
derived from the audited financial statements at that date, but does not include
all of the information and footnotes required by accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America for complete financial statements. The
Company and its consolidated subsidiaries manage their business on the basis of
one reportable segment. For further information, refer to the consolidated
financial statements and footnotes thereto included in the Company's Annual
Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on November 7, 2008 for the fiscal year
ended June 28, 2008 ("Fiscal 2008").


Certain amounts in the prior year have been reclassified to conform to the
current year presentation.

Reverse Split of Common Stock

On October 26, 2006, the Board approved, without action by the shareholders of
the Company, a Certificate of Amendment to the Company's Certificate of
Incorporation to implement a one-for-five split of the Company's Common Stock
with an effective date of November 21, 2006. On the effective date of the
reverse split, each five shares of issued Common Stock (including treasury
shares and shares held in trust) were converted automatically into one share of
Common Stock. The number of authorized shares of the Company's Common Stock was
reduced from 100,000,000 shares to 20,000,000 shares. All Common Stock shares
and per-share and related stock option amounts have been retroactively adjusted
for the reverse stock split in the accompanying consolidated financial
statements and footnotes.

Note 3 - Significant Customers:

During the First Quarter Fiscal 2009, the Company's sales to Walgreen Co.
("Walgreens") and sales to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. ("Wal-Mart") decreased as
compared to the First Quarter Fiscal 2008. The First Quarter Fiscal 2009
decrease in sales to Walgreens and Wal-Mart was primarily attributable to a
decrease in sales of single-use cameras and, to a lesser extent, a decrease in
sales of traditional film cameras. The loss of either of these significant
customers or any other large customer or substantially reduced sales to either
of these significant customers or any other large customer could have a material
adverse effect on the Company's results of operations if the Company's
shareholders do not approve the Liquidation Proposal.


The following table illustrates each significant customer's net sales as a
percentage of consolidated net sales during the First Quarter Fiscal 2009 and
the First Quarter Fiscal 2008.

                                        Percent of Net Sales
                                        For the quarter ended
                            September 27, 2008         September 29, 2007
                            ------------------         ------------------
        Wal-Mart                   24.8%                      36.8%
        Walgreens                  17.1%                      15.9%
                                   -----                      -----
        Total                      41.8%                      52.7%
                                   =====                      =====

Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

Principles of Consolidation

The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of
America and include the accounts of the Company. All significant intercompany
balances and transactions have been eliminated.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles in the United States of America requires management to
make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the
financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during
the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The more
significant of the Company's estimates includes sales returns and allowances,
provision for bad debts, inventory valuation charges, realizability of
intangibles, realizability of deferred tax assets, and accounting for litigation
and settlements, among others.

Foreign Currency Transactions

The Company operates on a worldwide basis and its results may be adversely or
positively affected by fluctuations of various foreign currencies against the
U.S. Dollar, specifically, the Canadian Dollar, European Euro, British Pound
Sterling, PRC Renminbi, Hong Kong Dollar and the Japanese Yen. Although certain
net sales to customers and purchases of certain components and services are
transacted in local currencies, each of the Company's foreign subsidiaries
purchases substantially all of its finished goods inventories in U.S. Dollars.
Therefore, the Company has determined the U.S. Dollar is the functional currency
for all of its subsidiaries. The accounting records for subsidiaries that are
maintained in a local currency are remeasured into the U.S. Dollar. Accordingly,
most non-monetary balance sheet items and related income statement accounts are
remeasured from the applicable local currency to the U.S. Dollar using average
historical exchange rates, producing substantially the same result as if the
entity's accounting records had been maintained in the U.S. Dollar. Adjustments
resulting from the remeasurement process are recorded into earnings. Gains or
losses resulting from foreign currency transactions and remeasurement are
included in "Other income, net" in the accompanying consolidated statements of
operations. Net foreign currency losses of approximately $0.1 million are
included in "Other income, net" for each of the First Quarter Fiscal 2009 and
the First Quarter Fiscal 2008, respectively, in the accompanying condensed
consolidated statements of operations.

Hedging Activities

During the First Quarter Fiscal 2009 and the First Quarter Fiscal 2008, the
Company had no forward exchange contracts or other derivatives outstanding and
did not participate in any other type of hedging activities.


Restricted Cash

The Company's financing facilities require a minimum cash deposit as security in
the amount of $6.2 million for borrowings outstanding under its revolving demand
financing facilities. The restricted cash amount is classified as a current
asset in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets since the borrowings it
secures are classified as a current liability. See Note 8 - Short-Term
Borrowings and Financing Facilities.


At September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008, the Company's "Short-term investments"
and "Long-term investments" as classified in the accompanying consolidated
balance sheets consisted of auction rate debt securities and are considered to
be available-for-sale securities. As of September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008,
the Company has recorded a $5.1 million unrealized loss related to its auction
rate debt securities. The Company has experienced redemptions of approximately
$0.3 million of its auction rate securities at 100% of par value subsequent to
September 27, 2008 and has consented to tender $2.1 million in par value of its
auction rate securities pursuant to an offer by the issuer to purchase such
securities for approximately $1.9 million. See Note 13, Subsequent Events.
Currently, the Company has the ability and intent to hold its auction rate
securities until a recovery of par value and does not consider its auction rate
securities to be other-than-temporarily impaired at September 27, 2008. Realized
gains and losses, interest and dividends are classified as investment income in
"Other income, net" in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations.
For the First Quarter Fiscal 2009 and First Quarter Fiscal 2008, included in
"Other income, net" in the accompanying condensed consolidated statements of
operations are approximately $0.3 million and $0.5 million, respectively, of
investment income related to the short-term investments.


Inventories, consisting of raw materials, components, work-in-process and
finished goods, are stated at the lower of cost or market value and are
determined on a first-in, first-out basis. Work-in-process and component
inventory costs include materials, labor and manufacturing overhead. The Company
records lower of cost or market value adjustments based upon changes in market
pricing, customer demand, technological developments or other economic factors
and for on-hand excess, obsolete or slow-moving inventory. See Note 7,

Assets Held For Sale

At September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008, the Company's "Assets Held for Sale" in
the accompanying consolidated balance sheets consist of certain land, building,
and improvements held for sale. The certain land, building, and improvements met
the criteria to be considered held for sale under Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 144, Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal
of Long-Lived Assets at September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008. The Company
currently anticipates that the sale of these assets will occur within the next
twelve months.

Impairment of Long-Lived and Other Assets

In accordance with SFAS No. 144, the Company continually evaluates whether
events and circumstances have occurred that provide indications of impairment.
The Company records an impairment loss when indications of impairment are
present and when the undiscounted cash flows estimated to be generated by those
assets are less than the assets' carrying amounts. The Company performs an
impairment test by summarizing the undiscounted cash flows expected to result
from the use and eventual sale of its long-lived assets. If the sum of the
undiscounted cash flows exceeds the carrying values of these assets, then the
Company concludes these carrying values are recoverable. As of September 27,
2008, the sum of the Company's undiscounted forecasted cash flows exceeded the
carrying value of its long-lived assets.


Revenue Recognition

The Company recognizes revenue, in accordance with Staff Accounting Bulletin
("SAB") No. 101, Revenue Recognition in Financial Statements, as amended by SAB
No. 104, Revenue Recognition: Corrected Copy, when title and risk of loss are
transferred to the customer, the sales price is fixed or determinable,
persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, and collectibility is probable.
Title and risk of loss generally transfer when the product is delivered to the
customer or upon shipment, depending upon negotiated contractual arrangements.
Sales are recorded net of anticipated returns which the Company estimates based
on historical rates of return, adjusted for current events as appropriate, in
accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 48, Revenue
Recognition When Right of Return Exists ("SFAS No. 48"). If actual future
returns are higher than estimated, then net sales could be adversely affected.

Sales Allowances

The Company may enter into arrangements to offer certain pricing discounts and
allowances that do not provide an identifiable separate benefit or service. In
accordance with Emerging Issues Task Force Issue No. 01-09, Consideration Given
by a Vendor to a Customer (Including a Reseller of the Vendor's Products) ("EITF
Issue No. 01-09"), the Company records these pricing discounts and allowances as
a reduction of sales. Advertising and promotional costs, which include
advertising allowances and other discounts, have been expensed as incurred. In
accordance with EITF Issue No. 01-09, which addresses the statement of
operations classification of consideration between a vendor and a retailer, the
Company records certain variable selling expenses, including advertising
allowances, other discounts and other allowances, as a reduction of sales. The
Company may enter into arrangements to provide certain free products. In
accordance with EITF Issue No. 01-09, the Company records the cost of free
products ratably into cost of products sold based upon the underlying revenue

Share-Based Compensation Expense

Effective July 3, 2005, the Company adopted the fair value recognition
provisions of SFAS No. 123R, "Share-Based Payment," as interpreted by Financial
Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") Staff Positions No. 123R-1, 123R-2, 123R-3,
123R-4, 123R-5 and 123R-6. Share-based compensation expense of approximately
$5,000 is included in income (loss) before income taxes for each of the First
Quarter Fiscal 2009 and the First Quarter Fiscal 2008, respectively.

The total income tax benefit of $0 was recognized in the consolidated statement
of operations for the share-based compensation arrangements for each of the
First Quarter Fiscal 2009 and the First Quarter Fiscal 2008, respectively. The
Company considers all of its share-based compensation expense as a component of
general and administrative expenses in the accompanying consolidated statements
of operations. In addition, no amount of share-based compensation was
capitalized as part of capital expenditures or inventory for the First Quarter
Fiscal 2009 and the First Quarter Fiscal 2008.

Income Taxes

The provision for income taxes is based on the consolidated United States
entities' and individual foreign companies' estimated tax rates for the
applicable year. Deferred taxes are determined utilizing the asset and liability
method based on the difference between financial reporting and tax bases of
assets and liabilities and are measured using the enacted tax rates and laws
that will be in effect when the differences are expected to reverse. Deferred
income tax provisions and benefits are based on the changes in the net deferred
tax asset or liability from period to period. Valuation allowances are
established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected
to be realized.


Comprehensive Income (Loss)

Comprehensive income in accordance with SFAS No. 130, Reporting Comprehensive
Income, ("SFAS No. 130") includes net income (loss) adjusted for certain
revenues, expenses, gains and losses that are excluded from net income (loss)
under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
During the First Quarter Fiscal 2009 and the First Quarter Fiscal 2008, the
Company's comprehensive income (loss) was $1.3 million and $(1.8) million,
respectively, the same as the net income (loss) for the period because the
Company did not have any items of other comprehensive income or (loss).

Income (Loss) Per Share

Basic and diluted income (loss) per share are calculated in accordance with SFAS
No. 128, Earnings per Share ("SFAS No. 128"). All applicable income (loss) per
share amounts have been presented in conformity with SFAS No. 128 requirements.
During the First Quarter Fiscal 2009 and the First Quarter Fiscal 2008, the
Company issued no shares of Common Stock on the exercise of stock options. In
the First Quarter Fiscal 2009 and the First Quarter Fiscal 2008, potentially
dilutive securities were comprised of stock options to purchase 0 and 18 shares
of Common Stock, respectively that were not included in the calculation of
diluted income (loss) per share because their impact was antidilutive. In the
First Quarter Fiscal 2008, the weighted average effect of 66,202 shares for
which delivery had been deferred under the Company's Deferred Delivery Plan was
included in the denominator of both basic and diluted income (loss) per share
calculations. The 66,202 deferred shares were delivered on July 2, 2007 and
included in the total shares outstanding during the First Quarter Fiscal 2009
and the First Quarter Fiscal 2008, respectively. See Note 2 - Basis of
Presentation, Reverse Split of Common Stock and Note 9 - Deferred Share

Note 5 - Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements:

In October 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued FASB
Staff Position ("FSP") FAS 157-3 that clarifies the application of Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 157 in a market that is not active.
FSP No. FAS 157-3 is effective October 2008, including prior periods for which
financial statements have not been issued. The adoption of FSP No. FAS 157-3 did
not have a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

In February 2008, the FASB issued FSP 157-2 that delays the effective date of
SFAS No. 157 for nonfinancial assets and nonfinancial liabilities until fiscal
years beginning after November 15, 2008 and interim periods within those fiscal

In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 160, "Noncontrolling Interests in
Consolidated Financial Statements, an Amendment of ARB No. 51" ("SFAS No. 160").
SFAS No. 160 clarifies the accounting for noncontrolling interests and
establishes accounting and reporting standards for the noncontrolling interest
in a subsidiary, including classification as a component of equity. SFAS No. 160
is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008. The Company
does not currently have any minority interests.

In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141(R), "Business Combinations"
("SFAS No. 141(R)"), which replaces SFAS No. 141. SFAS No. 141(R) requires
assets and liabilities acquired in a business combination, contingent
consideration, and certain acquired contingencies to be measured at their fair
values as of the date of acquisition. SFAS No. 141(R) also requires that
acquisition-related costs and restructuring costs be recognized separately from
the business combination. SFAS No. 141(R) is effective for fiscal years
beginning after December 15, 2008 and will be effective for business
combinations entered into after January 1, 2009.

In May 2007, the FASB issued FSP No. FIN 48-1, Definition of Settlement in FASB
Interpretation No.48 ("FSP No. FIN 48-1"), which provides guidance on how an
enterprise should determine whether a tax position is effectively settled for
the purpose of recognizing previously unrecognized tax benefits. The guidance in
FSP No. FIN 48-1 must be applied upon the initial adoption of "FIN 48" (as
defined below). The adoption of FSP No. FIN 48-1 did not have a material impact
on the Company's consolidated financial statements.


In February 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 159, "The Fair Value Option for
Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities - Including an amendment of FASB
Statement No. 115," ("SFAS No. 159") which provides companies with an option to
report selected financial assets and liabilities at their fair values. The
election is made on an instrument-by-instrument basis and is irrevocable. If the
fair value option is elected for an instrument, FASB No. 159 specifies that all
subsequent changes in fair value for that instrument must be reported in
earnings. FASB No. 159 is effective as of the beginning of an entity's first
fiscal year that begins after November 15, 2007. The adoption of SFAS No. 159
did not have a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial

In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 157, Fair Value Measurements ("SFAS
No. 157"). SFAS No. 157 defines fair value, establishes a framework for
measuring fair value under generally accepted accounting principles and expands
disclosure about fair value measurements. SFAS No. 157 applies under other
accounting pronouncements that require or permit fair value measurements, the
FASB having previously concluded in those accounting pronouncements that fair
value is the relevant measurement attribute. Accordingly, SFAS No. 157 does not
require any new fair value measurements. SFAS No. 157 is effective for fiscal
years beginning after November 15, 2007. The adoption of SFAS No. 157 did not
have a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

In June 2006, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 48, "Accounting for Uncertainty
in Income Taxes, an interpretation of FAS 109, Accounting for Income Taxes"
("FIN 48"), to create a single model to address accounting for uncertainty in
income tax positions. FIN 48 clarifies the accounting for income taxes by
prescribing a minimum probability threshold a tax position must meet to be
recognized in the financial statements. FIN 48 also provides guidance on the
measurement, derecognition and classification of recognized tax benefits,
interest and penalties, accounting for interim periods and the transition of the
accounting method upon the adoption of FIN 48. FIN 48 is effective for years
beginning after December 15, 2006. Accordingly, we adopted FIN 48 effective as
of July 1, 2007. Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Income

Note 6 - Supplemental Cash Flow Information:

Non-cash Investing Activities:
(amounts in thousands)                               First Quarter First Quarter
Deferred Share Arrangement                            Fiscal 2009   Fiscal 2008
--------------------------                           ------------- -------------
Deferred share arrangement obligation to participant     $  --         $(413)
Common stock received and held in trust                     --           413
                                                         -----         -----
                                                         $  --         $  --
                                                         =====         =====

See Note 9 - Deferred Share Arrangement for a description of the deferred share
arrangement transactions in the First Quarter Fiscal 2008.

Note 7 - Inventories:

Inventories consist of the following:
(amounts in thousands)
                                                       September 27,    June 28,
                                                           2008           2008
                                                       -------------    --------
Raw materials, components, and
  work-in-process                                          $ 3,987       $ 4,866
Finished goods                                               6,768         5,565
                                                           -------       -------
Total inventories                                          $10,755       $10,431
                                                           =======       =======

During the First Quarter Fiscal 2009 inventory carrying values approximated
their cost basis and no charges were made to reduce the carrying value of the
inventory in stock.


Note 8 - Short-Term Borrowings and Financing Facilities:

Hong Kong Financing Facilities

Concord Camera HK Limited ("CCHK"), the Company's Hong Kong subsidiary, has an
approximate US$1.0 million demand financing facility with Dah Sing Bank, Limited
("Dah Sing") and a US$5.2 million demand financing facility with The Hongkong
and Shanghai Banking Corporation ("HSBC"). The HSBC financing facility consists
of an import facility of approximately US$4.7 million and a guarantee facility
of 380,000 Euros (equal to approximately US$0.5 million). As security for the
financing facilities, among other things, CCHK provided to HSBC and Dah Sing
pledged deposits in the amount of approximately US$5.2 million and US$1.0
million, respectively. The HSBC financing facility is subject to review by HSBC
by June 15, 2009 and the Dah Sing financing facility is subject to review by Dah
Sing at any time.

The Dah Sing facilities may be used by CCHK for opening letters of credit, draft
loans, negotiating export letters of credit with a letter of guarantee, outward
bills loans, trust receipts, invoice financing, packing loans and/or advances
against receivables. The Dah Sing facilities bear interest at variable rates, as
follows: 1.5% per annum over the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate on facilities
denominated in Hong Kong Dollars; 1.5% per annum over the London Interbank
Offered Rate on facilities denominated in U.S. Dollars; and 1.5% per annum over
Dah Sing's Base Rate on facilities denominated in any other foreign currency.
The HSBC facilities bear interest at variable rates, as follows: 1.75% over the
Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate on import loans denominated in Hong Kong
Dollars and 1.75% over the Singapore Interbank Offered Rate for transactions
denominated in currency other than the Hong Kong Dollar.

United States Financing Facilities

Concord Keystone Sales Corp. ("Keystone"), the Company's United States
subsidiary, has a $15 million secured revolving line of credit (the "CIT
Facility"), which includes a letter of credit ("L/C") sub-line of $10 million,
with The CIT Group/Commercial Services, Inc. ("CIT"). The CIT Facility is
secured by a first priority lien and security interest in CIT's favor on, among
other things, Keystone's accounts receivable, other payment rights and

The borrowing base under the CIT Facility consists of (i) 90% of the eligible
accounts receivable plus (ii) the lesser of (a) 60% of the sum of the eligible
inventory and the eligible in-transit inventory or (b) 90% of the eligible
accounts receivable, minus (iii) the amount of the availability reserves. All
loans, advances and extensions of credit will be made at CIT's discretion.
Interest on the CIT Facility is payable monthly in arrears at the prime rate
announced by JP Morgan Chase Bank plus 0.25% per annum, or in Keystone's
discretion, at the one-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus 2.25%
per annum. The current term of the CIT Facility expires on October 16, 2009,
with annual renewals thereafter, unless terminated by either party upon 30 days'
written notice before the expiration of the initial term or any renewal term. In
addition, Keystone may terminate the CIT Facility at any time upon 30 days'
written notice to CIT. See Note 13, Subsequent Events.

Upon the occurrence of certain events of default, including the Company ceasing
to own and control 100% of Keystone's voting shares, CIT's obligation under the
CIT Facility to make revolving loans and assist Keystone with opening L/Cs shall
cease and CIT may declare all obligations immediately due and payable (including
principal and accrued but unpaid interest on all then outstanding obligations).
In the event Keystone was to utilize all or a portion of the CIT Facility and
CIT was to demand repayment at a time when the Company did not otherwise have
sufficient borrowing capacity or liquid assets that would enable Keystone to
repay the CIT Facility in full, CIT would be entitled to foreclose on Keystone's
pledged inventory. This could result in Keystone's inventory being sold at a
significant discount to its carrying value and could have a material adverse
effect on the Company's liquidity, ability to fund its operations, results of
operations and financial condition.

Effective April 17, 2008, the Company entered into an Express Creditline Loan
Agreement (the "Loan Agreement") with Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.
("Citigroup") for a $9 million secured revolving credit line (the "Citigroup
Facility"). Advances under the Citigroup Facility may be used by the Company to
finance business operations and general working capital and other corporate
business purposes, including, but not limited to, implementation of strategic
alternatives, distributions to shareholders and/or any other uses of cash as
determined by the Company and cannot be used to purchase,


carry or trade in securities, or reduce or retire indebtedness incurred to
purchase, carry or trade in securities. In addition to the $9 million credit
line for advances, the Citigroup Facility provided for the accrual of up to $1
million of interest, resulting in an aggregate credit limit of $10 million (the
"Loan Limit") under the Citigroup Facility. Effective October 20, 2008, the Loan
Limit was increased to $10,925,000. The Citigroup Facility is secured by a first
priority lien and security interest in the Company's remaining auction rate
securities (the "Collateral").

Under the terms of the Loan Agreement, interest on amounts outstanding under the
Citigroup Facility was payable monthly at the Open Federal Funds rate plus 1.50%
per annum from April 17, 2008 through October 21, 2008. In order to maintain its
eligibility for this interest rate, the Company was to continue to attempt to
sell the Collateral at future auctions. Effective October 21, 2008, the interest
rate was increased to the Open Federal Funds rate plus 3.25% per annum.
Citigroup may, in its sole discretion and without cause, demand full or partial
payment of any outstanding balance under the Citigroup Facility or reduce the
Loan Limit at any time. The Loan Agreement may be terminated by either party
upon thirty calendar days' prior written notice to the other party.

At September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008, the Company had $1.0 million and $3.2
million, respectively, in short-term borrowings outstanding under the Hong Kong
financing facilities described above. The weighted average borrowing rates on
the short-term borrowings as of September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008, were 5.8%
and 6.3%, respectively.

At September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008, the Company had $13.0 million and $14.4
million, respectively, in short-term borrowings outstanding under the United
States Financing Facilities. The weighted average borrowing rates on the
short-term borrowings as of September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008 were 4.9% and
4.7%, respectively.

At September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008, the Company had $1.2 million and $1.5
million, respectively, in letters of credit outstanding, which were issued
primarily to certain suppliers to guarantee payment for our purchase orders with
such suppliers. The letters of credit are issued under the Company's import
facilities that have been granted to CCHK.

Note 9 - Deferred Share Arrangement:

The Company's Deferred Delivery Plan allows designated executive officers to
elect, subject to the approval of the Compensation and Stock Option Committee of
the Company's Board of Directors, to defer the gains on certain stock option
exercises by deferring delivery of the "profit" shares to be received upon

On July 2, 2007, the Chairman took delivery of the 66,202 shares held in trust
upon expiration of the extended deferral period, reducing the deferred share
arrangement balance in stockholders' equity by $412,825. As of September 27,
2008, there were no deferred shares held in trust by the Company. See Note 2 -
Basis of Presentation, Reverse Split of Common Stock and Note 6 - Supplemental
Cash Flow Information.

Note 10 - Commitments and Contingencies:

License and Royalty Agreements

On May 10, 2004, the Company entered into a twenty year, worldwide trademark
license agreement with Jenoptik AG for the exclusive use of the Jenoptik brand
name and trademark on non-professional consumer imaging products including, but
not limited to, digital, single-use and traditional cameras, and other imaging
products and related accessories. The license agreement provides for a royalty
of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of net sales of non-professional consumer
imaging products bearing the JENOPTIK brand name for the first ten (10) years of
the license and a royalty of six-tenths of one percent (0.6%) for the second ten
(10) years of the license. There are no minimum guaranteed royalty payments. In
August 2008, the Company entered into an agreement with Jenoptik AG to terminate
the Jenoptik trademark license agreement effective January 1, 2010 in exchange
for Jenoptik AG's waiver of certain royalty payments and reimbursement to the
Company of approximately $1.1 million of the upfront license fee paid by the
Company upon entering into the license agreement in 2004. The reimbursement of
$1.1 million was recorded in "Other income, net" in


the accompanying consolidated statement of operations for the First Quarter
Fiscal 2009. As of September 27, 2008, the carrying value of the license was
$0.1 million.

Effective January 1, 2001, the Company entered into a new twenty-year license
agreement with FujiFilm Corporation ("Fuji"). Under the new license agreement,
Fuji granted the Company a worldwide non-exclusive license (excluding Japan
until January 1, 2005) to use certain of Fuji's patents and patent applications
related to single-use cameras. The license extends until the later of the
expiration of the last of the licensed Fuji patents or February 26, 2021. In
consideration of the license, the Company agreed to pay a license fee and
certain royalty payments to Fuji. During Fiscal 2008, the Company recorded an
impairment charge of $3.0 million to lower the carrying value of the Fuji
license. The Company previously amortized this asset based upon quantities of
units produced. As of September 27, 2008, the carrying value of the Fuji license
was $0. The Company also recorded as a liability a corresponding amount that was
included in licensing related obligations in "Other liabilities" in the
accompanying consolidated balance sheets at September 27, 2008 and June 28,
2008, which was equal to the present value of future license fee payments. . The
Company's ability to manufacture and sell single-use cameras depends in part on
the continuation of its right to use the Fuji patents. As a result, the Company
believes that the loss of the Fuji license prior to the expiration of the
patents would have a material adverse effect on the Company's financial position
and results of operations if the Company's shareholders do not approve the
Liquidation Proposal and the Company seeks to continue its single-use camera

On August 26, 2002, the Company entered into two Polaroid licensing agreements.
The two license agreements provided it with the exclusive (with the exception of
products already released by Polaroid into the distribution chain), worldwide
use of the Polaroid brand trademark in connection with the manufacture,
distribution, promotion and sale of single-use and traditional film based
cameras, including zoom cameras and certain related accessories. The license
agreements did not include instant or digital cameras. Each license agreement
included an initial term expiring on February 1, 2006, provided the Company the
right to renew the license under the same economic terms for an additional
three-year period and provided for the payment by the Company of $3.0 million of
minimum royalties, or $6.0 million in total for both license agreements, which
were fully credited against percentage royalties. On November 28, 2005, the
Company exercised its right to renew the single-use camera license agreement
with Polaroid for an additional three-year term expiring on February 1, 2009 in
accordance with the same economic terms included in the original agreement.
Pursuant to the terms of the single-use camera license agreement, as of February
1, 2008, the Company paid $3.0 million of minimum royalties and recorded the
payment as a prepaid asset. The Company amortizes this asset based upon a
percentage of net sales of Polaroid branded single-use cameras during the
three-year renewal term expiring February 1, 2009. In January 2006, the Company
entered into a new license agreement with Polaroid providing it with the
exclusive, worldwide use of the Polaroid brand trademark in connection with the
manufacture, distribution, promotion and sale of traditional film cameras. The
new license agreement is for a term of three years expiring on January 31, 2009
and provided for the payment by the Company of $50,000 of minimum royalties on
or before October 31, 2006, which was fully credited against percentage
royalties during the first year of the term. There are no minimum guaranteed
royalty payments under the traditional film license agreement after the first
year of the term. The Company has engaged in discussions with Polaroid regarding
the renewal of the single-use camera license agreement, but has suspended those
discussions pending the Company's shareholders' vote on the Liquidation
Proposal. If the shareholders do not approve the Liquidation Proposal, it is
uncertain whether the Company will be able to renew the single-use camera
license agreement. The Company believes that the loss of the Polaroid single-use
camera license would have a material adverse effect on its financial position
and results of operations if the Company's shareholders do not approve the
Liquidation Proposal and the Company seeks to continue its single-use camera

Additionally, the Company has other license and royalty agreements that require
the payment of royalties based on the manufacture and/or sale of certain
products. Its license and royalty agreements expire at various dates through
Fiscal 2023. Total amortization and royalty expense for all licensing and
royalty agreements for the First Quarter Fiscal 2009 and the First Quarter
Fiscal 2008, was $1.3 million and $1.5 million, respectively.

Intellectual Property Claims

From time to time, the Company receives patent infringement claims which it
analyzes and, if appropriate, takes action to avoid infringement, settle the
claim or negotiate a license. Those claims for which legal proceedings have been


against the Company are discussed in Note 11, Litigation and Settlements. The
Company has also received notifications from two entities, one of which was a
significant customer, alleging that certain of the Company's digital cameras
infringe upon those entities' respective patents. The Company has engaged in
discussions with these entities regarding resolution of the claims.

Based on the Company's initial assessment of these claims, infringement of one
or more patents is probable if the patents are valid. Based upon the licensing
discussions to date, the Company preliminarily estimates the potential royalties
due to these two claimants for digital camera sales through September 27, 2008
to be between $0 and approximately $6.7 million in the aggregate. The actual
royalty amounts, if any, for past and future sales are dependent upon the
outcome of the negotiations. The Company has notified certain of its suppliers
of its right to be indemnified by the suppliers if it is required to pay
royalties or damages to either claimant. The Company is unable to reasonably
estimate the amount of the potential loss, if any, within the range of estimates
relating to these claims. Accordingly, the Company has not accrued any amounts
related to these claims as of September 27, 2008.

Purchase Commitments

At September 27, 2008, the Company had $2.1 million in non-cancelable purchase
commitments relating to the procurement of raw materials, components and
finished goods inventory from various suppliers. In the aggregate, such
commitments are not at prices in excess of current market values and typically
do not exceed one year.

Note 11 - Litigation and Settlements:

On October 6, 2004, a patent infringement complaint was filed by Honeywell
International, Inc. and Honeywell Intellectual Properties, Inc., against 27
defendants, including the Company, in the United States District Court for the
District of Delaware. The complaint asserted that the defendants have conducted
activities which infringe U.S. Patent No. 5,280,371, entitled, "Directional
Diffuser for a Liquid Crystal Display." The complaint sought unspecified
damages, interest, attorneys' fees, costs of suit and unspecified other and
further relief from the court. The proceedings in this action against the
Company and other similarly situated defendants were stayed by the court pending
the resolution of the infringement actions against the liquid crystal display
manufacturers. It is too early to assess the probability of a favorable or
unfavorable outcome or the loss or range of loss, if any, and therefore, no
amounts have been accrued relating to this action. The Company has notified
several third parties of its intent to seek indemnity from such parties for any
costs or damages incurred by the Company as a result of this action.

In June 2006, St. Clair Intellectual Properties Consultants, Inc. filed a patent
infringement complaint against 22 defendants, including the Company, in the
United States District Court for the District of Delaware. The complaint
asserted that the defendants conducted activities which infringe U.S. Patent
Nos. 5,138,459, 6,094,219, 6,233,010 and 6,323,899. The complaint sought
injunctive relief, unspecified damages, interest, attorneys' fees, costs of suit
and unspecified other and further relief from the court. The proceedings in this
action against the Company and the other defendants were stayed by the court
until further order of the court. On October 16, 2008, the court granted the
plaintiff's motion to lift the stay. It is too early to assess the probability
of a favorable or unfavorable outcome or the loss or range of loss, if any, and,
therefore, no amounts have been accrued relating to this action. The Company is
assessing potential claims of indemnification against certain of its suppliers
with respect to this action.

The Company is also involved from time to time in routine legal matters
incidental to its business. Based upon available information, the Company
believes that the resolution of such matters will not have a material adverse
effect on its financial position or results of operations. The Company's
announcement of the Liquidation Proposal by the Board and/or the implementation
of the plan of liquidation if it is approved by the Company's shareholders may
give rise to legal claims, which may have a material adverse effect on the
Company's financial position and results of operations.


Note 12 -- Other Charges:

Cost-Reduction Initiatives and Related Charges

The Company continues to evaluate its cost structure and implement
cost-reduction initiatives as appropriate. During the First Quarter Fiscal 2009,
we incurred approximately $0.1 million in severance costs related to the
Company's current cost-reduction initiatives.

During the First Fiscal Quarter 2008, the Company recorded a $60,000 reduction
in a liability related to severance costs accrued for the elimination of certain
employee positions.

Table I -- Other Charges Liability reconciles the beginning and ending balances
of the other charges liability.

(in thousands)

Other Charges Liability
Balance as of June 28, 2008                   $ 543
Charges                                          84
Reversals                                        --
Payments                                       (330)
Balance as of September 27, 2008              $ 297

Table II -- Other Charges presents the related expenses and their classification
in the consolidated statements of operations.

(in thousands)

Other Charges                               Severance
-------------                               ---------
First Quarter Fiscal 2009
Cost of products sold                         $  84
Selling expenses                                 --
General and administrative
expense                                          --
Total                                         $  84

First Quarter Fiscal 2008
Cost of products sold                         $  --
Selling expense                                 (60)
General and administrative
expense                                          --
Total                                         $ (60)

As a result of the cost-reduction initiatives implemented in Fiscal 2008, we
expect to make cash payments totaling $0.3 million during Fiscal 2009 related to


Note 13 - Subsequent Events:

On November 10, 2008, the Company received a notice from the NASDAQ Stock Market
("NASDAQ") indicating that the Company's filing delinquency resulting from the
Company's delay in filing its Annual Report on Form 10-K for Fiscal 2008 had
been cured and therefore, the Company's securities would remain listed on the
NASDAQ Global Market. The Company was previously notified by NASDAQ that the
Company's securities were subject to delisting due to the Company's failure to
file its Annual Report on Form 10-K for Fiscal 2008. On November 7, 2008, the
Company filed its Annual Report on Form 10-K for Fiscal 2008 with the SEC and
NASDAQ, thereby regaining compliance with all requirements for continued listing
on the NASDAQ Global Market.

On November 3, 2008, Keystone received a notice from CIT that an event of
default existed under the CIT Facility as a result of the Company's press
release on October 30, 2008 that it has elected to wind down operations and
liquidate assets. Currently, CIT has not exercised its rights to accelerate
Keystone's obligation to repay the CIT Facility, but has temporarily
discontinued making loans under the CIT Facility until it receives additional
financial information regarding the Liquidation Proposal. As of September 27,
2008, the Company has approximately $3.8 million of debt outstanding under the
CIT Facility.

On November 1, 2008, in connection with the recommendation by our Board of our
dissolution and the adoption of the plan of liquidation, we provided the
required twelve months notice of termination of our processing agreement with
the PRC governmental entities, which allows us to operate in the PRC.

On October 29, 2008, our Board recommended the Liquidation Proposal. The
Liquidation Proposal is subject to approval by the Company's shareholders at the
2008 Annual Meeting, which is expected to be held in December 2008. Pending the
Company's shareholders' vote on the Liquidation Proposal, in order to protect
shareholder value, the Company has ceased manufacturing products, purchasing
materials and products and undertaking commitments for sales of its products,
except as necessary to complete the manufacture and sale of materials and
products that the Company has remaining in inventory.

If the Company's shareholders approve the Liquidation Proposal, the Company will
file a certificate of dissolution with the Department of Treasury of the State
of New Jersey. Thereafter, the Company will not engage in any business
activities except for the purpose of preserving the value of its assets,
prosecuting and defending lawsuits by or against the Company, adjusting and
winding up its business and affairs, selling and liquidating its properties and
non-cash assets, including its intellectual property and other intangible
assets, paying or otherwise settling its liabilities, including contingent
liabilities, terminating commercial agreements and relationships and preparing
to make distributions to its shareholders, in accordance with the plan of

If the Company's shareholders do not approve the Liquidation Proposal, the
Company's Board will explore the alternatives then available for the future of
the Company. The Company believes the value of its business will be materially
and adversely impacted after the announcement of the recommendation by the Board
of the Liquidation Proposal. In particular, pending the Company's shareholders'
vote on the Liquidation Proposal, the Company has ceased manufacturing products,
purchasing materials and products and undertaking commitments for sales of its
products, except as necessary to complete the manufacture and sale of materials
and products that the Company has remaining in inventory and, as a result, the
Company believes that many, if not all, of its customers, including its major
customers, will transition their business to its competitors. Therefore, if the
Company's shareholders do not approve the Liquidation Proposal, the Company will
not be able to continue to operate its business as it existed prior to the
Board's recommendation of the Liquidation Proposal and may not be able to
operate its business at all. See Note 1, Liquidation Proposal and Going Concern.

On October 20, 2008, the Company's Loan Limit under the Citigroup Facility was
increased to $10,925,000 and the Company increased its outstanding borrowings
under the Citigroup Facility equal to the Loan Limit.

On October 17, 2008, the Company consented to tender $2.1 million in par value
of its auction rate securities in connection with a tender offer by Leon Higher
Education Authority, Inc. ("Leon") that has Brazos Higher Education Service
Corporation, Inc. ("Brazos") acting as its master servicer. The tender offer
requires certain levels of participation


by the auction rate securities holders. If these levels of participation by
auction rate securities holders are attained and certain additional conditions
(described below) are met, the Company should receive cash proceeds equal to 92%
of par value of the securities tendered or approximately $1,932,000. On November
3, 2008, Brazos announced that the minimum tender conditions have not been met
for the thirteen previously announced offers to purchase or exchange student
loan backed securities, almost all of which are auction rate securities. As a
result, Leon has not selected offers in respect of which to pursue a collateral
resecuritization. The previously announced expiration date for the offer remains
unchanged at this time and therefore will expire on December 4, 2008 unless
further extended. If the offer is selected at a future time to proceed to the
resecuritization phase, Leon will announce an updated date related to this
offer, including a new expiration date. Consummation of the tender offer is
subject to additional conditions, including Leon's ability to raise the
necessary funds by resecuritizing the assets underlying the auction rate
securities to be purchased in the tender offer.


The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the
condensed consolidated financial statements and the notes to such financial
statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and our
Annual Report on Form 10-K for Fiscal 2008 filed with the SEC on November 7,
2008 ("Form 10-K").


We market and sell easy-to-use 35mm single-use and traditional film cameras. We
design, develop, manufacture and assemble most of our 35mm single-use cameras
and certain of our traditional film cameras at our manufacturing facilities in
the Peoples Republic of China ("PRC") and outsource the manufacture of certain
of our 35mm single-use and traditional film cameras. In fiscal 2006, we
significantly de-emphasized the sale of digital cameras and, in fiscal 2007, we
exited the digital camera market. Digital camera sales in fiscal 2007 were not
material and we did not sell digital cameras in fiscal 2008. We sell our private
label and brand-name products to our customers worldwide either directly or
through third-party distributors.

Throughout fiscal 2008, we assessed our ability to continue manufacturing,
marketing and/or selling single-use cameras. We determined that it would not be
advisable to continue our business as a small public company based on a number
of factors, including the continuing single-use and traditional film camera
market decline, both in unit volumes and selling prices, the increased cost of
certain components and labor, the significant competition in this industry, the
lack of market acceptance of our new non-camera products, the likelihood that we
would continue to incur significant net losses for an extended period of time,
and, that even if successful, the realization of significant returns on our
investments in the film camera business or new products was uncertain and could
take years to achieve.

Accordingly, based on the Special Committee's review of strategic alternatives
and recommendation, on October 29, 2008, our Board recommended our dissolution
and the adoption of a plan of liquidation. The dissolution and plan of
liquidation are subject to approval by our shareholders at the 2008 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders which is expected to be held in December 2008. Our
preliminary proxy statement was filed on November 7, 2008 with the SEC for its
review and is available for free on the SEC web site. Once the SEC review
process is complete, we will mail a copy of the definitive proxy statement to
our shareholders, together with instructions on voting procedures.

If our shareholders approve our dissolution and the plan of liquidation, we will
file a certificate of dissolution with the Department of Treasury of the State
of New Jersey. Thereafter, we will not engage in any business activities except
for the purpose of preserving the value of our assets, prosecuting and defending
lawsuits by or against us, winding up our business and affairs, selling and
monetizing our properties and non-cash assets, including our intellectual
property and other intangible assets, paying or otherwise settling our
liabilities, including contingent liabilities, terminating commercial agreements
and relationships and preparing to make distributions to our shareholders, in
accordance with the plan of liquidation.


If our shareholders do not approve our dissolution and the plan of liquidation,
our Board will explore the alternatives then available for the future of our
Company. We believe the value of our business will be materially adversely
impacted after the announcement of the recommendation by our Board of our
dissolution and the adoption of a plan of liquidation. In particular, pending
our shareholders' vote on our dissolution and plan of liquidation, we have
ceased manufacturing products, purchasing materials and products and undertaking
commitments for sales of our products, except as necessary to complete the
manufacture and sale of materials and products that we have remaining in
inventory and, as a result, we believe that many, if not all, of our customers,
including our major customers, will transition their business to our
competitors. These factors raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue
as a going concern. Consequently, our independent registered public accounting
firm has included an explanatory paragraph addressing these factors in their
report on our consolidated financial statements included in our Form 10-K for
fiscal 2008. Therefore, if our shareholders do not approve our dissolution and
plan of liquidation, we will not be able to continue to operate our business as
it existed prior to our Board's recommendation of our dissolution and the
adoption of a plan of liquidation and may not be able to operate our business at

NASDAQ Delisting Notification

On October 1, 2008, we received a notice from the NASDAQ Stock Market ("NASDAQ")
indicating that our securities were subject to delisting due to our failure to
file our Form 10-K. On November 7, 2008, we filed our Form 10-K with the SEC and
NASDAQ, thereby regaining compliance with all requirements for continued listing
on the NASDAQ Global Market. On November 10, 2008, we received a notice from
NASDAQ indicating that our filing delinquency resulting from our delay in filing
our Form 10-K had been cured and, therefore, our securities would remain listed
on the NASDAQ Global Market.

Executive Summary

Quarter-Over-Quarter Results of Operations

Our operating income for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 was $0.1 million as
compared to an operating loss of $(2.0) million for the first quarter of fiscal

We experienced a $0.2 million increase in our quarter-over-quarter gross profit.
The increase in the quarter-over-quarter gross profit was primarily due to an
improvement in the quarter-over-quarter manufacturing material, labor and
overhead costs variances of approximately $0.6 million partially offset by a
reduction in gross profit of approximately of $0.3 million related to a
quarter-over-quarter reduction in net sales and an increase in severance costs
of approximately $0.1 million.

Our quarter-over-quarter selling expenses decreased by approximately $1.1
million primarily due to a reduction in selling-related employee compensation
costs of $0.5 million, freight costs of $0.3 million, and royalty costs of $0.1
million and a reduction in certain other costs of $0.2 million. Selling-related
employee compensation costs decreased as a result of the elimination of certain
positions in connection with our cost-reduction initiatives. Our
quarter-over-quarter general and administrative ("G&A") expenses decreased by
$0.8 million primarily due to a reduction in G&A-related employee compensation
costs of $0.3 million, professional fees of $0.1 million (professional fees
include $0.2 million incurred in support of our cost reduction initiatives and
our evaluation of strategic alternatives related to the Special Committee's
activities), value added taxes of $0.1 million, depreciation expense of $0.1
million and a reduction of certain other costs of $0.2 million. G&A-related
employee compensation costs decreased as a result of the elimination of certain
positions in connection with our cost-reduction initiatives.


First Quarter Fiscal 2009 Results of Operations

We recorded an operating income of $0.1 million for the first quarter of fiscal

Factors contributing to the first quarter fiscal 2009 operating income were:

      1. Favorable Manufacturing Material, Labor and Overhead Cost Variances and

      2. Non-Manufacturing   Overhead  Costs  Partially  Offset by Net Sales and
         Related Gross Profit

1. Favorable Manufacturing Material, Labor and Overhead Cost Variances

During the first quarter of fiscal 2009, we experienced favorable manufacturing
material, labor and overhead cost variances attributable to a greater than
anticipated volume of production during the period that contributed an increase
in operating income of approximately $0.8 million.

2. Non-Manufacturing Overhead Costs Partially Offset by Net Sales and Related
Gross Profit

During the first quarter of fiscal 2009, our non-manufacturing selling and G&A
costs of approximately $3.1 million were partially offset by net sales and
related gross profit of approximately $2.4 million resulting in a net reduction
of operating income of approximately $0.7 million.

Critical Accounting Policies

The discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations
are based upon our consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared
in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
of America. The preparation of these consolidated financial statements requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in
the condensed consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes.
Since June 28, 2008, there have been no significant changes to the assumptions
and estimates related to those critical accounting policies. See the critical
accounting policies disclosed in our Form 10-K.

Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements

In October 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued FASB
Staff Position "(FSP") FAS 157-3 that clarifies the application of Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 157 in a market that is not active.
FSP No. FAS 157-3 is effective October 2008, including prior periods for which
financial statements have not been issued. The adoption of FSP No. FAS 157-3 did
not have a material impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

In February 2008, the FASB issued FSP 157-2 that delays the effective date of
SFAS No. 157 for nonfinancial assets and nonfinancial liabilities until fiscal
years beginning after November 15, 2008 and interim periods within those fiscal

In December 2007, the Financial Accounting Standard Board ("FASB") issued
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 160, "Noncontrolling
Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements, an Amendment of ARB No. 51"
("SFAS No. 160"). SFAS No. 160 clarifies the accounting for noncontrolling
interests and establishes accounting and reporting standards for the
noncontrolling interest in a subsidiary, including classification as a component
of equity. SFAS No. 160 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December
15, 2008. We do not currently have any minority interests.

In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141(R), "Business Combinations"
("SFAS No. 141(R)"), which replaces SFAS No. 141. SFAS No. 141(R) requires
assets and liabilities acquired in a business combination, contingent
consideration, and certain acquired contingencies to be measured at their fair
values as of the date of acquisition. SFAS No. 141(R) also requires that
acquisition-related costs and restructuring costs be recognized separately from
the business


combination. SFAS No. 141(R) is effective for fiscal years beginning after
December 15, 2008 and will be effective for business combinations entered into
after January 1, 2009.

In May 2007, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position ("FSP") No. FIN 48-1,
Definition of Settlement in FASB Interpretation No.48 ("FSP No. FIN 48-1"),
which provides guidance on how an enterprise should determine whether a tax
position is effectively settled for the purpose of recognizing previously
unrecognized tax benefits. The guidance in FSP No. FIN 48-1 must be applied upon
the initial adoption of "FIN 48" (as defined below). The adoption of FSP No. FIN
48-1 did not have a material impact on our condensed consolidated financial

In February 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 159, "The Fair Value Option for
Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities - Including an amendment of FASB
Statement No. 115," ("SFAS No. 159") which provides companies with an option to
report selected financial assets and liabilities at their fair values. The
election is made on an instrument-by-instrument basis and is irrevocable. If the
fair value option is elected for an instrument, FASB No. 159 specifies that all
subsequent changes in fair value for that instrument must be reported in
earnings. FASB No. 159 is effective as of the beginning of an entity's first
fiscal year that begins after November 15, 2007. The adoption of SFAS No. 159
did not have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements.

In September 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 157, Fair Value Measurements ("SFAS
No. 157"). SFAS No. 157 defines fair value, establishes a framework for
measuring fair value under generally accepted accounting principles and expands
disclosure about fair value measurements. SFAS No. 157 applies under other
accounting pronouncements that require or permit fair value measurements, the
FASB having previously concluded in those accounting pronouncements that fair
value is the relevant measurement attribute. Accordingly, SFAS No. 157 does not
require any new fair value measurements. SFAS No. 157 is effective for fiscal
years beginning after December 15, 2007. The adoption of SFAS No. 157 did not
have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements.

In June 2006, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 48, "Accounting for Uncertainty
in Income Taxes, an interpretation of FAS 109, Accounting for Income Taxes"
("FIN 48"), to create a single model to address accounting for uncertainty in
income tax positions. FIN 48 clarifies the accounting for income taxes by
prescribing a minimum probability threshold a tax position must meet to be
recognized in the financial statements. FIN 48 also provides guidance on the
measurement, derecognition and classification of recognized tax benefits,
interest and penalties, accounting for interim periods and the transition of the
accounting method upon the adoption of FIN 48. FIN 48 is effective for years
beginning after December 15, 2006. Accordingly, we adopted FIN 48 effective as
of July 1, 2007. The effect of the adoption of FIN 48 is disclosed in Note 4 -
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Income Taxes, in the Notes to the
Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Results of Operations

Quarter Ended September 27, 2008 Compared to the Quarter Ended September 29,

Net Sales

Net sales of our products for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 were $17.7
million, a decrease of $4.0 million, or 18.4%, as compared to net sales for the
first quarter of fiscal 2008. The decrease in net sales was due to a reduction
in sales of single-use and traditional film cameras.

Net sales from our operations in the Americas for the first quarter of fiscal
2009 were $12.8 million, a decrease of $3.4 million, or 21.0%, as compared to
the first quarter of fiscal 2008. The decrease in net sales in the Americas was
due primarily to a reduction in sales of single-use and, to a lesser extent,
traditional film cameras to our significant customers.

Net sales from our operations in Europe for the first quarter of fiscal 2009
were $3.5 million, a decrease of $0.6 million, or 14.6%, as compared to the
first quarter of fiscal 2008. The decrease in net sales in Europe was due
primarily to a decrease in sales of single-use cameras.


Net sales from our operations in Asia for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 were
$1.4 million, the same as compared to the first quarter of fiscal 2008. The
increase in net sales in Asia was due to increased sales of single-use cameras
in Japan.

Gross Profit

Gross profit for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 was $3.2 million, or 17.9% of
net sales, versus gross profit of $3.0 million, or 13.9% of net sales, in the
first quarter of fiscal 2008. The increase in the quarter-over-quarter gross
profit was primarily due to an improvement in the quarter-over-quarter
unfavorable manufacturing material, labor and overhead costs variances of
approximately $0.6 million partially offset by a reduction in gross profit of
approximately $0.3 million related to a decrease in quarter-over quarter net
sales and an increase in severance costs of approximately $0.1 million.

Product engineering, design and development costs for the first quarter of
fiscal 2009 and the first quarter of fiscal 2008, in dollars and as a percentage
of net sales, were $0.4 million, or 2.0%, and $0.5 million, or 2.3%,

Operating Expenses

Selling expenses for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 were $1.1 million, or
6.24% of net sales, compared to $2.2 million, or 10.0% of net sales, for the
first quarter of fiscal 2008. Our quarter-over-quarter selling expenses
decreased by approximately $1.1 million primarily due to a reduction in
selling-related employee compensation costs of $0.5 million, freight costs of
$0.3 million, and royalty costs of $0.1 million and a reduction in certain other
costs of $0.2 million. Selling-related employee compensation costs decreased as
a result of the elimination of certain positions in connection with our
cost-reduction initiatives.

G&A expenses for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 were $2.0 million, or 11.3% of
net sales, compared to $2.8 million, or 13.1% of net sales, for the first
quarter of fiscal 2008. Our quarter-over-quarter G&A expenses decreased by $0.8
million primarily due to a reduction in G&A-related employee compensation costs
of $0.3 million, professional fees of $0.1 million (professional fees include
$0.2 million incurred in support of our cost reduction initiatives and our
evaluation of strategic alternatives related to the Special Committee's
activities), value added taxes of $0.1 million, and depreciation expense of $0.1
million and a reduction of certain other costs of $0.2 million. G&A-related
employee compensation costs decreased as a result of the elimination of certain
positions in connection with our cost-reduction initiatives.

Share-Based Compensation

Share-based compensation expense of approximately $5,000 is included in income
(loss) before income taxes for each of the first quarter of fiscal 2009 and the
first quarter of fiscal 2008, respectively. The total income tax benefit of $0
was recognized in the consolidated statement of operations for the share-based
compensation arrangements for each of the first quarter of fiscal 2009 and the
first quarter of fiscal 2008, respectively. We consider all of our share-based
compensation expense as a component of general and administrative expenses in
the accompanying consolidated statements of operations. In addition, no amount
of share-based compensation was capitalized as part of capital expenditures or
inventory for the first quarter fiscal 2009 and the first quarter of fiscal

Interest Expense

Interest expense was approximately $0.2 million and $0.1 million for the first
quarter of fiscal 2009 and the first quarter of fiscal 2008, respectively.

Other Income, Net

Other income, net was $1.4 million and $0.3 million for the first quarter of
fiscal 2009 and the first quarter of fiscal 2008, respectively. The increase is
primarily attributable to a reimbursement to us of approximately $1.1 million
related to a portion of the upfront license fee paid by us to Jenoptik AG upon
entering into the license agreement in 2004 and foreign


exchange losses of approximately $0.1 million and a decrease in interest income
of $0.1 million due to decreases in invested balances. For further discussion,
see Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Note 10 -
Commitments and Contingencies, License and Royalty Agreements, in the Notes to
the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Income Taxes

In the first quarter of fiscal 2009 and the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007, based
upon all of the available evidence, management determined that it was not more
likely than not that its deferred income tax assets will be fully realized.
Accordingly, we recorded a valuation allowance for the entire balance of our
deferred income tax assets as of September 27, 2008 and June 28, 2008. During
the first quarter of fiscal 2009 and the first quarter of fiscal 2008, we
recorded a provision for income taxes of $4,000 and $1,000, respectively. For
further discussion, see Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies -
Income Taxes in the Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Net Income (Loss)

Net income for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 was approximately $1.3 million
or $0.22 per basic and diluted common share, as compared to a net loss of $(1.8)
million, or $(0.30) per basic and diluted common share, for the first quarter of
fiscal 2008.

Cost-Reduction Initiatives

We continue to evaluate our cost structure and implement cost-reduction
initiatives as appropriate. During the first quarter of fiscal 2009, we incurred
approximately $0.1 million in severance costs related to our ongoing
cost-reduction initiatives. During the first quarter of fiscal 2008, we recorded
a $60,000 reduction in a liability related to severance costs accrued for the
elimination of certain employee positions. For further discussion, see Note 12 -
Other Charges in the Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

We are not engaged in hedging activities and had no forward exchange contracts
outstanding at September 27, 2008. In the ordinary course of business, we enter
into operating lease commitments, purchase commitments and other contractual
obligations. These transactions are recognized in our financial statements in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of
America and are more fully discussed below.

We believe that our cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments,
anticipated cash flow from working capital and amounts available under our
credit facilities provide sufficient liquidity and capital resources for our
anticipated working capital and capital expenditure requirements for at least
the next twelve months.

Uncertainties in the Credit Markets - As of September 27, 2008, the carrying
value of our auction rate securities was $17.1 million of which $16.8 million
were classified as "Long-term investments" on our consolidated balance sheet
because of the market uncertainties and the liquidity issues in the market for
auction rate securities.

Our portfolio of auction rate securities consists of AAA rated, long-term debt
obligations secured by student loans, with approximately 100% of such collateral
being guaranteed by the U.S. Government under the Federal Family Education Loan
Program. Liquidity for these securities has been provided by an auction process
that resets the applicable interest rate at pre-determined intervals usually
every 28-35 days. In the past, the auction process allowed investors to obtain
immediate liquidity if needed by selling the securities at face value. The
current disruptions in the credit markets have adversely affected the auction
market for these types of securities. As previously reported, during fiscal 2008
we experienced failed auctions for certain of our auction rate securities that
have gone to auction, resulting in our inability to sell those securities. These
auction rate securities continue to pay interest at default rates which are
generally higher than the current market rate and there has been no change in
the ratings of these securities to date. However, in certain


instances the interest rate for some of our auction rate securities may reset to
a zero percent interest rate due to a feature of the relevant formula for
determining the interest rate. To date, only a small percentage of the auction
rate securities have reset to a zero percent interest rate for a period of time.
These securities then may reset to a higher interest rate in the future. In the
event that a greater percentage of our auction rate securities reset to a zero
percent interest rate and do not subsequently reset to a higher interest rate,
it could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results
of operations.

Based on our expected operating cash flows and other sources of cash, cash
equivalents and short-term investments, it is possible that the potential lack
of liquidity in our auction rate security investments could adversely affect our
liquidity and our ability to fund our operations. As of September 27, 2008, we
determined that the estimated value of our auction rate securities was less than
their par value and have recorded our auction rate securities at a carrying
value of $17.1 million. We have experienced redemptions of approximately $0.3
million of our auction rate securities at 100% of par value subsequent to
September 27, 2008 and have consented to tender $2.1 million in par value of our
auction rate securities pursuant to an offer by the issuer to purchase such
securities for approximately $1.9 million. See Note 13, Subsequent Events, in
the Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for further
discussion. Currently, we have the ability and intent to hold our auction rate
securities until a recovery of par value and do not consider our auction rate
securities to be other-than-temporarily impaired as of September 27, 2008.
However we cannot predict whether the purchase of the tendered auction rate
securities will be completed, whether future auctions related to our auction
rate securities will be successful or whether we will otherwise be able to sell
such securities. We continue to seek alternative short-term financing sources
for reducing our exposure to the auction rate market, but may not be able to
identify any such alternative. Although we currently have sufficient working
capital to finance our operations in the near term, if our working capital is
insufficient in the future and we are not able to monetize some or all of our
auction rate securities or other assets at that time, it could have a material
adverse effect on the our ability to finance our future ongoing operations.

Our primary source of liquidity has been provided by our short-term investments,
funds provided by the collection of accounts receivable and borrowing
availability under our financing facilities. Our borrowing capacity under the
import facility provided by HSBC was reduced during calendar year 2005 from
$24.0 million in January 2005 to $14.0 million in September 2005. In January
2006, the HSBC financing facilities were further reduced to an aggregate of
approximately $8.2 million and we were required to provide cash deposits pledged
as security in the amount of approximately $8.2 million against the facility.
During fiscal 2007, we further reduced the HSBC financing facilities by $3.0
million to $5.2 million and obtained $3.0 million of alternative financing from
two other Hong Kong-based financial institutions. During fiscal 2008, we
eliminated one of the alternative financing facilities, leaving us with an
aggregate of approximately $6.2 million with our Hong Kong-based lenders.

On October 16, 2007, Concord Keystone Sales Corp. ("Keystone"), our United
States wholly-owned subsidiary, entered into a demand financing facility with
The CIT Group/Commercial Services, Inc. ("CIT") for a $15 million secured
revolving line of credit (the "CIT Facility"), which includes a letter of credit
sub-line of $10 million. The CIT Facility is secured by a first priority lien
on, among other things, Keystone's accounts receivable and inventory.

On March 4, 2008, Keystone received notice from CIT that an event of default
existed under the CIT Facility as a result of Keystone's failure to provide CIT
with our financial information for the second quarter of fiscal 2008. As
previously reported, we delayed the filing of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
for the second quarter of fiscal 2008. We subsequently filed our Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q for the second quarter of fiscal 2008 on March 31, 2008. As
a result of this event of default, CIT notified Keystone that it would increase
the availability reserve under the CIT Facility, thereby decreasing the
borrowing base, by $500,000.

On November 3, 2008, CIT notified Keystone that an event of default existed
under the CIT Facility as a result of our press release on October 30, 2008 that
we have elected to wind down operations and liquidate assets. Currently, CIT has
not exercised its rights to accelerate our obligation to repay the CIT Facility,
but has temporarily discontinued making loans under the CIT facility until it
receives additional financial information regarding our dissolution and the plan
of liquidation.

If CIT was to demand repayment at a time when we did not otherwise have
sufficient borrowing capacity or liquid assets that would enable Keystone to
repay the CIT Facility in full, CIT would be entitled to foreclose on Keystone's


inventory. This could result in Keystone's inventory being sold at a significant
discount to its carrying value and could have a material adverse effect on our
liquidity and ability to fund our operations.

Effective April 17, 2008, we entered into an Express Creditline Loan Agreement
with Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. ("Citigroup") for a $9 million secured
revolving credit line (the "Citigroup Facility"). In addition to the $9 million
credit line for advances, the Citigroup Facility provided for the accrual of up
to $1 million of interest, resulting in a Loan Limit of $10 million (the "Loan
Limit") under the Citigroup Facility. Effective October 20, 2008, the aggregate
credit limit under the Citigroup Facility was increased to $10,925,000. The
Citigroup Facility is secured by a first priority lien and security interest in
our remaining auction rate securities (the "Collateral"). Citigroup may, in its
sole discretion and without cause, demand full or partial payment of any
outstanding balance under the Citigroup Facility or reduce the Loan Limit at any

Although the establishment of Citigroup Facility may mitigate the risk that we
may not have sufficient liquidity to fund our operations in the near term, in
the event that we were to utilize all or a portion of the Citigroup Facility and
Citigroup was to demand repayment at a time when we did not otherwise have
sufficient borrowing capacity or liquid assets that would enable us to repay the
Citigroup Facility in full, Citigroup would be entitled to foreclose on our
pledged auction rate securities. This could result in our auction rate
securities being sold at a significant discount to their face amount and a
significant reduction in the net realizable value of such securities and could
have a material adverse effect on our liquidity and ability to fund our

If our shareholders do not approve our dissolution and plan of liquidation and
we seek to continue operations, our ability to fund our operating requirements
and maintain an adequate level of working capital will depend primarily on our
ability to generate sales of our single-use and traditional film cameras and/or
new products, on our ability to continue to access our existing financing
facilities and on our ability to further reduce operating expenses. Our failure
to generate profitable sales of our single-use and traditional film cameras
and/or new products, our failure to further reduce operating expenses, and other
events including our ability to manufacture or have manufactured products at an
economically feasible cost and in sufficient quantities and changes in economic
or competitive conditions or our planned business could cause us to require
additional capital. It is uncertain whether our financing facilities will remain
available or, if they do remain available, what the terms of such facilities
will be, after our announcement of the recommendation by our Board of our
dissolution and the adoption of a plan of liquidation. In the event that we must
raise additional capital to fund our working capital needs, we may seek to raise
such capital through borrowings and/or the issuance of debt securities or equity
securities. To the extent we raise additional capital by issuing equity
securities or obtaining borrowings convertible into equity, existing
shareholders may experience ownership dilution and future investors may be
granted rights superior to those of existing shareholders. Moreover, additional
capital may not be available to us on acceptable terms, or at all.

Cash and Cash Equivalents - Cash and cash equivalents increased by $1.0 million
from $19.0 million at June 28, 2008 to $20.0 million at September 27, 2008. The
increase was primarily the result of net cash provide by operating activities of
$3.0 million, net proceeds related to sales of short-term investments of $1.5
million and net proceeds received from the sale of property, plant and equipment
of $0.1 million partially offset by $3.6 million in net cash used in repayments
under financing facilities.

Short-Term Investments - Short-term investments, including available-for-sale
investments, decreased by $1.5 million from $1.8 million at June 28, 2008 to
$0.3 million at September 27, 2008, as a result of redemptions of our auction
rate securities at 100% of par value subsequent to June 28, 2008. Current
capital market conditions have significantly reduced our ability to liquidate
our auction rate securities. For further discussion see Note - 4, Summary of
Significant Accounting Policies, Investments in the Notes to Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements

Cash Provided By (Used in) Operating Activities - Cash provided by operating
activities in the first quarter of fiscal 2009 was $3.0 million which compares
favorably to cash used in operating activities of $(2.0) million for the first
quarter of fiscal 2008. The changes in cash used in operating activities for the
respective fiscal quarters were primarily attributable to changes in net income
(loss), as adjusted for non-cash items of income and expense, accounts
receivable as a result of improved collections, lower levels of inventories as a
result of a focused effort to control inventory balances, and decreases in
accrued royalties as a result of lower overall net sales.


Cash Provided by Investing Activities - Cash provided by investing activities
was $1.6 million for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 as compared to cash
provided by investing activities of $3.3 million for the first quarter of fiscal
2008. The decrease in cash provided by investing activities was primarily due to
the net decrease in net proceeds received from the sale of available-for-sale

Cash Used In Financing Activities - Cash used in financing activities during
first quarter of fiscal 2009 was $3.6 million as compared to cash used in
financing activities of $0.4 million the first quarter of fiscal 2008. This
activity results from a net increase of repayments of our short-term borrowings
made under our financing facilities used for working capital purposes. See Note
8 - Short-Term Borrowings and Financing Facilities in the Notes to the Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements.

Operating Leases - We enter into operating leases in the ordinary course of
business (e.g., warehouse facilities, office space and equipment). The effects
of outstanding leases are not material to us in terms of either annual cash flow
or in total future minimum payments.

Purchase Commitments - See Note 10 - Commitments and Contingencies in the Notes
to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Other Contractual Obligations - We do not have any material financial guarantees
or other contractual commitments that are reasonably likely to have an adverse
effect on liquidity. See Note 8 - Short-Term Borrowings and Financing Facilities
in the Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for additional
information about the corporate guarantees we provided in connection with our
financing facilities. See also Note 10 - Commitments and Contingencies in the
Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

License Agreements - See Note 10 - Commitments and Contingencies in the Notes to
the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Intellectual Property Claims - See Note 10 - Commitments and Contingencies and
Note 11 - Litigation and Settlements in the Notes to the Condensed Consolidated
Financial Statements.

Hong Kong Financing Facilities - As of September 27, 2008, we had $1.2 million
in letters of credit outstanding, which were issued primarily to certain
suppliers to guarantee payment of our purchase orders with such suppliers. The
letters of credit are issued under the import facilities that have been granted
to CCHK. See Note 8 - Short-Term Borrowings and Financing Facilities in the
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Forward-Looking Information: Certain Cautionary Statements

The statements contained in this report that are not historical facts are
"forward-looking statements" (as such term is defined in the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995), which can be identified by the use of
forward-looking terminology such as: "estimates," "projects," "anticipates,"
"expects," "intends," "believes," "plans," "forecasts" or the negative thereof
or other variations thereon or comparable terminology, or by discussions of
strategy that involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results could differ
materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result
of certain factors. For a discussion of some of the factors that could cause
actual results to differ, see the discussion under "Risk Factors" in our Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 28, 2008 and subsequently
filed reports. We wish to caution the reader that these forward-looking
statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding the dissolution
and liquidation of our company, the amount and timing of any liquidating
distributions, expected cost reductions, anticipated or expected results of the
implementation of our cost-reduction initiatives, anticipated revenues or
capital expenditures, the expected market size for 35mm single-use and
traditional film cameras, our assessment of and estimates of royalty payments in
connection with intellectual property claims, the sufficiency of our working
capital and cash to fund our operations in the next twelve months, our belief
regarding the impact of pending litigation, and other statements contained in
this report regarding matters that are not historical facts, are only estimates
or predictions. No assurance can be given that future results will be achieved
or that future liquidating distributions will be made. Actual events or results
may differ materially as a result of risks facing us or actual results


differing from the assumptions underlying such statements. In particular, our
expected results could be adversely affected by, among other things, production
difficulties or economic conditions negatively affecting our suppliers,
customers or the market for our products, by our inability to develop and
maintain relationships with suppliers, customers or licensors, by our inability
to negotiate favorable terms with our suppliers, customers or licensors, by our
inability to liquidate our assets or settle our liabilities on favorable terms
or, subject to shareholder approval, by our decision to dissolve and liquidate
our Company. Any forward-looking statements contained in this report represent
our estimates only as of the date of this report, or as of such earlier dates as
are indicated herein, and should not be relied upon as representing our
estimates as of any subsequent date. While we may elect to update
forward-looking statements at some point in the future, we specifically disclaim
any obligation to do so, even if our estimates change.

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk.

During the reporting period, except as disclosed in our discussion relating to
auction rate securities in Part 1, Item 2 under Uncertainties in the Credit
Markets and elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, there have been no
material changes in the disclosures set forth in Part II, Item 7A in our Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 28, 2008.


                                                                             VOTE BY INTERNET - www.proxyvote.com

                                                                             Use the Internet to transmit  your voting  instructions
                                                                             and for  electronic  delivery of  information  up until
                                                                             11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date
                                                                             or meeting date.  Have your proxy card in hand when you
                                                                             access  the web site and  follow  the  instructions  to
CONCORD CAMERA CORP.                                                         obtain your records and to create an electronic  voting
4000 HOLLYWOOD BLVD., 6TH FLOOR                                              instruction form.
HOLLYWOOD, FL 33021                                                          ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF FUTURE PROXY MATERIALS

                                                                             If you would like to reduce the costs  incurred  by our
                                                                             company in mailing proxy materials,  you can consent to
                                                                             receiving all future proxy statements,  proxy cards and
                                                                             annual  reports   electronically   via  e-mail  or  the
                                                                             Internet.  To sign up for electronic  delivery,  please
                                                                             follow  the  instructions   above  to  vote  using  the
                                                                             Internet and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to
                                                                             receive or access  proxy  materials  electronically  in
                                                                             future years.

                                                                             VOTE BY PHONE - 1-800-690-6903

                                                                             Use any  touch-tone  telephone to transmit  your voting
                                                                             instructions  up until 11:59 P.M.  Eastern Time the day
                                                                             before  the  cut-off  date or meeting  date.  Have your
                                                                             proxy  card in hand when you call and then  follow  the

                                                                             VOTE BY Mail

                                                                             Mark,  sign and date your  proxy  card and return it in
                                                                             the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return it
                                                                             to Vote  Processing,  c/o Broadridge,  51 Mercedes Way,
                                                                             Edgewood, NY 11717


                                                           CNCRD1                                 KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS

CONCORD CAMERA CORP.                        For     Withhold     For All     To withhold  authority  to vote for
                                            All        All       Except      any  individual  nominee(s),   mark
                                                                             "For  All  Except"  and  write  the
    Vote On Directors                                                        number(s) of the  nominee(s) on the
                                                                             line below.

    2.   ELECTION OF DIRECTORS              [ ]        [ ]          [ ]      ___________________________________
         01)  Ira B. Lampert          04)  William J. O'Neill, Jr.
         02)  Ronald S. Cooper        05)  Roger J. Beit
         03)  Morris H. Gindi

    Vote On Proposals                                                                                     For    Against    Abstain

    1. APPROVAL  OF THE  CONCORD  CAMERA  CORP.  DISSOLUTION  AND  THE  PLAN  OF                          [ ]      [ ]         [ ]

    3. RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF BDO SEIDMAN,  LLP AS INDEPENDENT  AUDITORS                          [ ]      [ ]         [ ]

The shares represented by this proxy, when properly  executed,  will be voted in
the  manner   directed  herein  by  the   undersigned   shareholder(s).   If  no
specification  is made,  this proxy will be voted FOR all Director  nominees and
Proposals 1 and 3 listed above.  If any other  matters  properly come before the
meeting,  or if cumulative  voting is required,  the persons named in this proxy
will vote in their discretion.

Please  sign  exactly  as name or  names  appear(s)  on this  Proxy.  For  joint
accounts,  each joint  owner must sign.  Please  give full title if signing in a
representative capacity.

For address changes and/or comments,  please check this box and     [ ]
write them on the back where indicated.

Please indicate if you plan to attend        [ ]       [ ]
this meeting.
                                             Yes       No

-------------------------------------------                                     -------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------                                     -------------------------------------------
Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX]     Date                                     Signature (Joint Owners)               Date



                              CONCORD CAMERA CORP.
     4000 Hollywood Boulevard, Presidential Circle - 6th Floor, North Tower
                            Hollywood, Florida 33021



The undersigned  hereby  appoints  Blaine A. Robinson and Scott L. Lampert,  and
each of them severally,  as proxies of the undersigned,  each with full power to
appoint his  substitute,  to represent the  undersigned at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders  of Concord Camera Corp. (the "Company") to be held on December 18,
2008, and at any adjournments  thereof, and to vote thereat all shares of common
stock of the Company held of record by the  undersigned at the close of business
on November 7, 2008 in accordance with the  instructions set forth on this proxy
card and, in their discretion,  to vote such shares on any other business as may
properly  come before the meeting and on matters  incident to the conduct of the
meeting.  Any proxy  heretofore  given by the  undersigned  with respect to such
stock is hereby revoked.

     Address Changes/Comments: __________________________________________

               (If you noted any Address Changes/Comments above,
              please mark corresponding box on the reverse side.)