Deutsche Bank Commodities

Deutsche Bank Commodity Indices

January 2015

Free Writing Prospectus Filed Pursuant to Rule 433 Registration Statement No.
333-184193 Dated January 13, 2015




[] Optimum Yield Indices

* DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC Index * DB Commodity Booster --
Bloomberg ERAC TV 14 Index * DB Commodity Booster - Benchmark Index

[] Mean Reversion Indices

* DBLCI - MR Index

* DBLCI - Mean Reversion Enhanced ex Nat Gas ERAC Index * DB MR Enhanced 15
Index * DBLCI - MR+ Index

[] Market Neutral Indices

* DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index * DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC Index

[] Long-Short Indices

* DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index

[] DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index [] Optimum Yield Enhanced Indices

       * DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg Index * DB Commodity
Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy Index * DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index
* DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10 Index Appendix [] Appendix

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date




Executive Summary
The Evolution of Commodity Markets

[] Commodities are an asset class in their own right and exhibit unique
characteristics such as historically low correlation with traditional asset
classes and a positive correlation with inflation [] An investment in a
commodity index is a simple way for investors to gain exposure to the asset
class while insulating them from the mechanics of rolling futures and posting
collateral.  This transparent, rule-based  roll mechanism eliminates human
intervention [] Deutsche Bank is one of the largest providers of non-benchmark
commodity indices with a comprehensive suite of commodity index products aimed
at enhancing beta returns and extracting market neutral alpha returns in the
commodity space [] As the commodity market has evolved, Deutsche Bank has
created new indices that may benefit from the special features of the asset

Deutsche Bank Commodities




DB Commodity -- Family of Indices

[] The Deutsche Bank suite of Commodity indices seeks to enhance returns by
altering traditional commodity index construction rules related to: Relative
value asset allocation (Mean Reversion); Market momentum filter (Momentum);
Futures Rolling Methodology (Optimized Yield); Controlled Risk (Target
Volatility) and Risk Parity

                                                Mean                            Optimized Yield
DB Commodity Indices                                   Momentum Optimized Yield                 Risk Parity Target Volatility
                                             Reversion                             Enhanced
DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC                                   []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC TV 14                             []                                          []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark                                        []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DBLCI-MR                                          []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DBLCI-MR+                                         []         []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced ex NG ERAC       []                     []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB MR Enhanced 15                                 []                     []                                          []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Harvest ERAC                                                []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC                                          []                                          []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22                                                      []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index                                        []                           []             []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark
Bloomberg                                                                                []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark LE                                                    []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC                                                            []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- --------------- --------------- ----------- -----------------
DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10                                                         []                          []
-------------------------------------------- --------- -------- ---------------                 -----------

Deutsche Bank Commodities





[] Optimum Yield Indices

* DB Commodity Booster - Bloomberg ERAC Index * DB Commodity Booster -
Bloomberg ERAC TV 14 Index * DB Commodity Booster - Benchmark Index

[] Mean Reversion Indices

* DBLCI - MR Index

* DBLCI - Mean Reversion Enhanced ex Nat Gas ERAC Index * DB MR Enhanced 15
Index * DBLCI - MR+ Index

[] Market Neutral Indices

* DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index * DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC Index

[] Long-Short Indices

* DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index

[] DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index [] Optimum Yield Enhanced Indices

       * DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg Index * DB Commodity
Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy Index * DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index
* DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10 Index Appendix [] Appendix

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date




DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC
Index Summary

[] Composition of DB Commodity Booster Bloomberg ERAC Index: The DB Commodity
Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC Index has the same base weights as the Bloomberg
Commodity Index.  Weights are rebalanced annually.

[] Optimizing Roll Returns: Employs Deutsche Bank's proprietary optimum yield
("OY") technology, which rolls an expiring contract into the contract that
maximizes positive roll yield (in a backwardated market) or minimizes negative
roll yield (in a contango market) from the list of tradable futures which
expire in the next 13 months [] Embedded Cost: 0.70%  per annum []
Transparency: Rule-based  index with the closing level and weights published
daily on Bloomberg (DBCMBDEN)

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker Commodities 1 ERAC: Excess Return After CostName of



DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC
Index Construction

[] Replicates the Bloomberg Commodity Index by using OY indices thereby
providing similar commodity exposure while seeking to manage returns more

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name
Commodities 1 Weights shown are: Current Weight (Base Weight). Current weights
are as of 31 Dec 2014Name of event/date 6
2 ERAC: Excess Return After Cost



DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC
Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis (1)
------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
                             DB Commodity   Bloomberg
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Booster --                    SandP-GSCI
                             Bloomberg ERAC Commodity
Annualized Returns           0.6%           -3.3%          -6.2%
Volatility                   16.9%          18.2%          24.2%
Sharpe Ratio(2)              0.04           -0.18          -0.26
Maximum Drawdown             -54.3%         -57.1%         -71.6%
   Start Date                Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
   End Date                  Mar-09         Mar-09         Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -51.7%         -54.5%         -67.8%
  Start Date                 Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Feb-09         Feb-09         Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          46% / -48.8%   39.9% / -52.7% 74.8% / -64.8%
  Rolling 3 Months           24.2% / -38.5% 24.7% / -39.7% 34.4% / -53.4%
Average Monthly Returns      0.2%           -0.1%          -0.3%
% Months with Gains          55.8%          55.0%          53.3%
  Bloomberg Commodity        0.97           1.00           0.91
  SandP-GSCI                   0.89           0.91           1.00
---------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Index Sector Exposure (1)
------------------------- --------------------------
Sector                    Current Weight (%)
Energy                                         24.30
Precious Metal                                 16.80
Industrial Metal                               18.65
Agriculture                                    40.27
------------------------- --------------------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                    Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                  DB Commodity Booster        Bloomberg
Calendar Year          -- Bloomberg ERAC      Commodity    SandP-GSCI
2005                                  29.73%       17.54%      21.61%
2006                                  11.79%        -2.71%    -19.07%
2007                                  15.87%       11.08%      26.81%
2008                                 -30.94%      -36.61%     -47.29%
2009                                  18.97%       18.72%      13.30%
2010                                  16.13%       16.67%       8.88%
2011                                   -9.77%     -13.37%      -1.23%
2012                                    0.21%       -1.14%     -0.01%
2013                                 -11.24%        -9.58%     -1.28%
2014                                 -17.16%      -17.04%     -33.08%
2015 YTD                                0.00%        0.00%      0.00%
Annualized Return                       0.64%       -3.28%     -6.16%
----------------- --------------------------- ------------ ----------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC
has been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 12 October 2010
(the " Speaker name Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance
Deutsche Bank history and no actual investment which allowed tracking of the
performance of the Index was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the
results shown before the Live Date are hypothetical and do not Commodities
reflect actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how
the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any investment product
based on the DB Commodity Booster --Name of event/date Bloomberg ERAC Index
would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees and / or costs. Data
from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 December 2014. See Risk Considerations for more
2 Sharpe Ratio = annualized return / volatility. ERAC = Excess Return After
Cost. Statistics shown are either for excess return indices or ERAC indices. 7



DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg TV 14 ERAC
Index Summary

[] Composition: Same base weights as the Bloomberg Commodity Index

[] Optimizing Roll Returns: Employs Deutsche Bank's proprietary optimum yield
("OY") technology, which rolls an expiring contract into the contract that
maximizes positive roll yield (in a backwardated market) or minimizes negative
roll yield (in a contango market) from the list of tradable futures which
expire in the next 13 months[] Target Volatility: Varies its exposure to the DB
Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC Index with a view to target a volatility of
14%.  Exposure is capped at 500%.

[] Transparency: Rule-based  index with the closing level and weights published
daily on Bloomberg (DBCMBTVN)

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name Commodities 1 ERAC: Excess Return After
CostName of event/date



DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg TV 14 ERAC
Index Construction

[] Index replicates the Bloomberg Commodity Index by using the corresponding OY
indices, thereby providing similar commodity exposure while seeking to manage
roll returns more efficiently.

[] Applies Target Volatility technology with the aim of achieving a smoother
return profile, as well as benefit from the historically negative correlation
between index returns and realized volatility.

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name
Commodities 1 Weights shown are: Current Weight (Base Weight). Current weights
are as of 31 Dec 2014Name of event/date 9
2 ERAC: Excess Return After Cost



DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg TV 14 ERAC
Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis (1)
------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
                             DB Commodity         DB Commodity
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Booster -- Bloomberg Booster --     Bloomberg
                             ERAC TV 14           Bloomberg ERAC Commodity
Annualized Returns           -0.6%                0.6%           -3.3%
Volatility                   14.9%                16.9%          18.2%
Sharpe Ratio                 -0.04                0.04           -0.18
Maximum Drawdown             -53.6%               -54.3%         -57.1%
   Start Date                Jul-08               Jul-08         Jul-08
   End Date                  Dec-14               Mar-09         Mar-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -36.9%               -51.7%         -54.5%
  Start Date                 Jul-14               Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Dec-14               Feb-09         Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          41% / -31.6%         46% / -48.8%   39.9% / -52.7%
  Rolling 3 Months           21.6% / -24.4%       24.2% / -38.5% 24.7% / -39.7%
Average Monthly Returns      0.1%                 0.2%           -0.1%
% Months with Gains          55.8%                55.8%          55.0%
  Booster Bloomberg ERAC     0.92                 1.00           0.97
  Bloomberg Commodity        0.90                 0.97           1.00
---------------------------- -------------------- -------------- --------------

Index Sector Exposure (1)
-------------------------------- --------------------------
Current Exposure to DB Commodity
Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC                       104.48%
Sector                           Current Weight (%)
Energy                                                24.30
Precious Metal                                        16.80
Industrial Metal                                      18.65
Agriculture                                           40.27
-------------------------------- --------------------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                   Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                        DB Commodity      DB Commodity     Bloomberg
                  Booster -- Bloomberg          Booster --
Calendar Year               ERAC TV 14  Bloomberg ERAC     Commodity
2005                            29.49%            29.73%       17.54%
2006                            10.23%            11.79%       -2.71%
2007                            15.91%            15.87%       11.08%
2008                            -16.19%          -30.94%      -36.61%
2009                            12.73%            18.97%       18.72%
2010                            15.63%            16.13%       16.67%
2011                             -8.94%            -9.77%     -13.37%
2012                             -2.25%             0.21%      -1.14%
2013                            -16.79%          -11.24%       -9.58%
2014                            -29.65%          -17.16%      -17.04%
2015 YTD                          0.00%             0.00%       0.00%
Annualized Return                -0.60%             0.64%      -3.28%
----------------- --------------------- ------------------ ----------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Booster-- Bloomberg TV 14
ERAC has been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 12 October
2010 (the "Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance Deutsche Bank
history and no actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of
the Index was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown
before the Live Date are hypothetical and do not reflectSpeaker name
Commodities actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of
how the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any investment
product based on the DB Commodity Booster-- Bloomberg TV 14Name of event/date
ERAC Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees and / or
costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more
2 ERAC = Excess Return After Cost. Statistics shown are either for excess
return indices or ERAC indices. Current weights shown are for DB Commodity
Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC Index 10



DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark
Index Summary

[] Composition: Same base weights as the SandP GSCI Index

[] Optimizing Roll Returns: Employs Deutsche Bank's proprietary optimum yield
("OY") technology, which rolls an expiring contract into the contract that
maximizes positive roll yield (in a backwardated market) or minimizes negative
roll yield (in a contango market) from the list of tradable futures which
expire in the next 13 months[] Transparency: Rule-based  index with the closing
level and weights published daily on Bloomberg (DBCMBSEU)

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark
Index Construction

[] Replicates the SandP GSCI Index by using OY indices thereby providing similar
commodity exposure while seeking to manage returns more effectively

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name
Commodities 1 Weights shown are: Current Weight (Base Weight). Current weights
are as of 31 Dec 2014Name of event/date 12



DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark
Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis (1)
------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
                             DB Commodity   Bloomberg
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Booster --                    SandP-GSCI
                             Benchmark      Commodity
Annualized Returns           -0.2%          -3.3%          -6.2%
Volatility                   21.7%          18.2%          24.2%
Sharpe Ratio                 -0.01          -0.18          -0.26
Maximum Drawdown             -64.6%         -57.1%         -71.6%
   Start Date                Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
   End Date                  Feb-09         Mar-09         Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -60.7%         -54.5%         -67.8%
  Start Date                 Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Feb-09         Feb-09         Feb-09
Max / Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          76.3% / -56.7% 39.9% / -52.7% 74.8% / -64.8%
  Rolling 3 Months           33.4% / -47.4% 24.7% / -39.7% 34.4% / -53.4%
Average Monthly Returns      0.2%           -0.1%          -0.3%
% Months with Gains          52.5%          55.0%          53.3%
  Bloomberg Commodity        0.89           1.00           0.91
  SandP-GSCI                   0.98           0.91           1.00
---------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Index Sector Exposure (1)
------------------------- ---------------------------
Sector                    Current Weight (%)
Energy                                         62.40
Precious Metal                                   3.59
Industrial Metal                                 8.86
Agriculture and Livestock                        25.17
------------------------- ---------------------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                  Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                           DB Commodity    Bloomberg  SandP-GSCI
Calendar Year       Booster -- Benchmark   Commodity
2005                                41.80%     17.54%   21.61%
2006                                -2.31%     -2.71%  -19.07%
2007                                25.49%     11.08%   26.81%
2008                               -36.65%    -36.61%  -47.29%
2009                                20.31%     18.72%   13.30%
2010                                 9.69%     16.67%     8.88%
2011                                -0.55%    -13.37%    -1.23%
2012                                 0.60%     -1.14%    -0.01%
2013                                -1.86%     -9.58%    -1.28%
2014                               -31.03%    -17.04%  -33.08%
2015 YTD                             0.00%      0.00%     0.00%
Annualized Return                   -0.16%     -3.28%    -6.16%
----------------- ------------------------ ---------- -----------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark has
been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 15 December 2007
(the " Speaker name Live Date"). The index has very limited performance
Deutsche Bank history and no actual investment which allowed tracking of the
performance of the Index was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the
results shown before the Live Date are hypothetical and do not Commodities
reflect actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how
the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any investment product
based on the DB Commodity Booster --Name of event/date Benchmark Index would
have been lower than the Index as a result of fees and / or costs. Data from 31
Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more information.
2 Statistics shown are for excess return indices. 13




[] Optimum Yield Indices

* DB Commodity Booster - Bloomberg ERAC Index * DB Commodity Booster -
Bloomberg ERAC TV 14 Index * DB Commodity Booster - Benchmark Index

[] Mean Reversion Indices

* DBLCI - MR Index

* DBLCI - Mean Reversion Enhanced ex Nat Gas ERAC Index * DB MR Enhanced 15
Index * DBLCI - MR+ Index

[] Market Neutral Indices

* DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index * DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC Index

[] Long-Short Indices

* DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index

[] DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index [] Optimum Yield Enhanced Indices

       * DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg Index * DB Commodity
Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy Index * DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index
* DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10 Index Appendix [] Appendix

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date




Index Summary

[] Components: Tracks the performance of a basket of 6 commodity futures:
Aluminum, WTI Crude Oil, Heating Oil, Gold, Corn, and Wheat [] Dynamic Weights:
Seeks to underweight relatively expensive commodities and overweight relatively
cheap commodities among six of the most liquid futures contracts in four
sectors: Energy, Base Metals, Precious Metals, Agriculture.  The commodity
weight is determined formulaically based on the ratio between a one-year and
five-year moving average price [] Rebalancing: A rebalancing will occur
whenever one of the commodities undergoes a "trigger event. " A trigger event
occurs when the one-year moving average price of the commodity trades +/--  5%
than the five-year moving average [] Roll Frequency and Method: Fixed monthly
roll for Energy components, fixed yearly roll for Metals and Agriculture
components [] Transparency: Rule-based  index with the closing level and
weights published daily on Bloomberg (DBLCMMCL)

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



Index Construction

[] Invests in 6 liquid commodity contracts.  Over-weights  cheap commodities
and under-weights  expensive ones

Source: Deutsche Bank, 2014

Deutsche Bank Notes: Speaker name Commodities 1 Base Weights of DBLCI-MR
IndexNam of event/date
2 Current Weights as of 31 Dec 2014



Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis (1)
-------------------------------------- ------ ----------------------
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014    DBLCI-MR       DBLCI  Bloomberg Commodity
Annualized Returns      3.1%           -2.4%  -3.3%
Volatility              20.9%          22.0%  18.2%
Sharpe Ratio            0.15           -0.11  -0.18
Maximum Drawdown        -62.8%         -65.7% -57.1%
   Start Date           Jul-08         Jul-08 Jul-08
   End Date             Feb-09         Dec-14 Mar-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -59.0%    -61.9% -54.5%
  Start Date            Jul-08         Jul-08 Jul-08
  End Date              Feb-09         Feb-09 Feb-09
Max / Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months     84% / -56.3%   83.1% / -60.7% 39.9% / -52.7%
  Rolling 3 Months      33.3% / -43.1% 28.4% / -47.4% 24.7% / -39.7%
Average Monthly Returns 0.4%           0.0%   -0.1%
% Months with Gains     56.7%          52.5%  55.0%
  DBLCI                 0.90           1.00   0.91
  Bloomberg Commodity   0.84           0.91   1.00
----------------------- -------------- ------ ----------------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                  Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
Calendar Year      DBLCI-MR     DBLCI Bloomberg Commodity
2005                     2.96% 13.89%   17.54%
2006                   39.22%    3.06%   -2.71%
2007                   42.49%  34.67%   11.08%
2008                   -35.43% -39.60%  -36.61%
2009                   22.29%  10.17%   18.72%
2010                   13.62%  12.33%   16.67%
2011                    -2.47%  -1.13%  -13.37%
2012                     3.33%   0.79%   -1.14%
2013                    -9.05%  -9.58%   -9.58%
2014                   -19.41% -26.48%  -17.04%
2015 YTD                 0.00%   0.00%    0.00%
Annualized Return        3.07%  -2.42%   -3.28%
----------------- ------------ -------- -------------------------

Deutsche Bank Notes: Speaker name
Commodities 1 Source: Bloomberg. Past performance is not necessarily indicative
of how the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any investment
product based on the DBLCI -- MR Index wouldName of event/date have been lower
than the Index as a result of fees and / or costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004 till
31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more information.
2 Statistics shown are for excess return indices. 17



DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced ex NG ERAC
Index Summary

[] Components: Tracks the performance of a basket of 11 commodities: Aluminum,
Nickel, Zinc, Copper, Lead, WTI Crude Oil, Gold, Silver, Corn, Wheat and

[] Wheat : Wheat exposure is taken through an equally-weighted  basket of
Chicago Wheat, Minneapolis Wheat and Kansas Wheat [] Dynamic Weights and
Diversification: Seeks to underweight relatively expensive commodities and
overweight relatively cheap commodities among twelve of the most liquid
commodities in four sectors: Energy, Base Metals, Precious Metals, Agriculture.
 In order to avoid concentration and ensure adequate diversification, single
commodity allocations are first subject to a 32% cap and then to 18% cap on
subsequent commodities.

[] Optimizing Roll Returns: Deutsche Bank's proprietary Optimum Yield ("OY")
technology rolls an expiring contract into the contract that maximizes positive
roll yield (in a backwardated market) or minimizes negative roll yield (in a
contango market) from the list of tradable futures which expire in the next 13
months[] Rebalancing: A rebalancing will occur if on the monthly rebalance
date, the one-year  moving average price of one or more commodities trade +/--
5% than the five-year  moving average

[] Embedded Cost: 1.00%  per annum

[] Transparency: Rule-based  index with the closing level and weights published
daily on Bloomberg (DBLCMNGU)

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name Commodities 1 ERAC: Excess Return After
CostName of event/date



DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced ex NG ERAC
Index Construction

[] Invests in 11 liquid commodity contracts.  Over-weights  cheap commodities
and under-weights  expensive ones [] Employs OY technology seeking to maximize
roll yield by selecting the optimum futures contract

Deutsche Bank Source: Deutsche Bank, 2014Speaker name Commodities Notes: Name
of event/date
1 Base Weights of DBLCI-MR Enhanced ex NG ERAC Index. Current Weights as of 31
Dec 2014
2 ERAC: Excess Return After Cost 19



DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced ex NG ERAC
Performance Analysis

Index Sector Exposure (1)
------------------------- --------------------------
Sector                    Current Weight (%)
Energy                                         20.37
Precious Metal                                 29.64
Industrial Metal                               18.13
Agriculture                                    31.86
------------------------- --------------------------

Performance Analysis (1)
------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
                             DBLCI Mean                    Bloomberg
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Reversion Enhanced DBLCI-MR   Commodity
                             ex NG ERAC
Annualized Returns           6.5%           3.1%           -3.3%
Volatility                   20.3%          20.9%          18.2%
Sharpe Ratio                 0.32           0.15           -0.18
Maximum Drawdown             -50.9%         -62.8%         -57.1%
 Start Date                  Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
 End Date                    Dec-08         Feb-09         Mar-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -46.9%         -59.0%         -54.5%
 Start Date                  Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
 End Date                    Feb-09         Feb-09         Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
 Rolling 12 Months           72.9% / -43.2% 84% / -56.3%   39.9% / -52.7%
 Rolling 3 Months            38.1% / -38.4% 33.3% / -43.1% 24.7% / -39.7%
Average Monthly Returns      0.7%           0.4%           -0.1%
% Months with Gains          55.8%          56.7%          55.0%
 DBLCI -- MR                 0.90           1.00           0.84
 Bloomberg Commodity         0.86           0.84           1.00
---------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                  Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                              DBLCI Mean           Bloomberg
                  Reversion Enhanced ex   DBLCI-MR
Calendar Year                    NG ERAC           Commodity
2005                               11.93%    2.96%    17.54%
2006                               29.59%   39.22%    -2.71%
2007                               34.65%   42.49%    11.08%
2008                              -25.15%  -35.43%   -36.61%
2009                               55.25%   22.29%    18.72%
2010                               19.46%   13.62%    16.67%
2011                               -9.69%   -2.47%   -13.37%
2012                                3.22%    3.33%    -1.14%
2013                              -12.66%   -9.05%    -9.58%
2014                              -14.69%  -19.41%   -17.04%
2015 YTD                            0.00%    0.00%     0.00%
Annualized Return                   6.53%    3.07%    -3.28%
----------------- ----------------------- -------- --------------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced ex NG
ERAC has been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 30 August
2012 (the "Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance Deutsche Bank
history and no actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of
the Index was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown
before the Live Date are hypothetical and do not reflectSpeaker name
Commodities actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of
how the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any investment
product based on the DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced ex NGName of event/date
ERAC Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees and / or
costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more
information. 20
2 ERAC = Excess Return After Cost. Statistics shown are either for excess
return indices or ERAC indices.



DB MR Enhanced 15
Index Summary

[] Components: Tracks the performance of a basket of 12 commodities: Aluminum,
Nickel, Zinc, Copper, Lead, WTI Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Gold, Silver, Corn,
Wheat and Soybeans [] Wheat(1) : Wheat exposure is taken through an
equally-weighted  basket of Chicago Wheat, Minneapolis Wheat and Kansas Wheat
[] Dynamic Weights and Diversification(2): Seeks to underweight relatively
expensive commodities and overweight relatively cheap commodities among twelve
of the most liquid commodities in four sectors: Energy, Base Metals, Precious
Metals, Agriculture.  In order to avoid concentration and ensure adequate
diversification, single commodity allocations except Agriculture commodities
are first subject to a 32% cap and then to 18% cap on subsequent commodities.
Agriculture commodities are subject to a cap of 18%[] Optimizing Roll Returns:
Deutsche Bank's proprietary Optimum Yield ("OY") technology rolls an expiring
contract into the contract that maximizes positive roll yield (in a
backwardated market) or minimizes negative roll yield (in a contango market)
from the list of tradable futures which expire in the next 13 months[] Target
Volatility: Exposure to the DBLCI Mean Reversion Enhanced is reset monthly in
order to target a realized volatility of 15%.  Exposure is capped at 300%.

[] Rebalancing: A rebalancing will occur if on the monthly rebalance date, the
one-year  moving average price of one or more commodities trade +/--  5% than
the five-year  moving average [] Transparency: The DB MR Enhanced 15 is a
rule-based  index with the closing level and weights published daily on
Bloomberg (DBLCMTEU)

Deutsche Bank Notes: Speaker name
Commodities 1 Until Feb 2012 exposure to Wheat in the Mean Reversion Enhanced
Index was taken entirely through Chicago Wheat futuresNam of event/dat
2 Until Feb 2012 the single commodity weighting cap was 35% (currently 32%) and
the subsequent individual cap was 20% (currently 18%) 21



DB MR Enhanced 15
Index Construction

[] Invests in 12 liquid commodity contracts.  Over-weights  cheap commodities
and under-weights  expensive ones

[] Employs OY technology seeking to maximize roll yield and Target Volatility
technology with the aim of obtaining a smoother return profile

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name
Commodities 1 Base Weights of DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced IndexName of
2  Current Weights of DBLCI-Mean Reversion Enhanced Index as of 31 Dec 2014



DB MR Enhanced 15
Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis (1)
------------------------------------------- ------------------ --------------
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         DB MR          DBLCI -- Mean      Bloomberg
                             Enhanced 15    Reversion Enhanced Commodity
Annualized Returns           1.3%           1.3%               -3.3%
Volatility                   15.8%          19.6%              18.2%
Sharpe Ratio                 0.08           0.06               -0.18
Maximum Drawdown             -53.5%         -56.2%             -57.1%
 Start Date                  Jul-08         Jul-08             Jul-08
 End Date                    Dec-14         Dec-14             Mar-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -35.6%         -53.8%             -54.5%
 Start Date                  Jul-14         Jul-08             Jul-08
 End Date                    Dec-14         Feb-09             Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
 Rolling 12 Months           51.8% / -31.1% 71.2% / -46.5%     39.9% / -52.7%
 Rolling 3 Months            22.8% / -24.6% 36% / -37.4%       24.7% / -39.7%
Average Monthly Returns      0.2%           0.3%               -0.1%
% Months with Gains          51.7%          51.7%              55.0%
 DBLCI-MR                    0.91           1.00               0.85
 Bloomberg Commodity         0.80           0.85               1.00
---------------------------- -------------- ------------------ --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                     Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                  DB MR Enhanced 15            DBLCI -- Mean  Bloomberg
Calendar Year                           Reversion Enhanced    Commodity
2005                            15.77%                 10.43%      17.54%
2006                            30.96%                 28.54%      -2.71%
2007                            24.84%                 26.67%      11.08%
2008                            -11.82%               -26.29%     -36.61%
2009                            18.57%                 37.53%      18.72%
2010                              5.99%                 5.29%      16.67%
2011                            -16.78%               -21.87%     -13.37%
2012                             -5.02%                -4.42%      -1.14%
2013                             -9.29%                -7.37%      -9.58%
2014                            -24.66%               -14.64%     -17.04%
2015 YTD                          0.00%                 0.00%       0.00%
Annualized Return                 1.26%                 1.26%      -3.28%
----------------- --------------------- --------------------- -----------

                   1 Source: Bloomberg. DB MR Enhanced 15 has been
retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 28 September 2009 (the
"Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance history and no Deutsche
Bank actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of the Index
was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown before the
Live Date are hypothetical and do not reflect actualSpeaker name Commodities
returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index will
perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on the
DB MR Enhanced 15 Index would have beenName of event/dat lower than the Index
as a result of fees and / or costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. See
Risk Considerations for more information.
2 Statistics shown are for excess return indices. 23



Index Summary

[] Components: Tracks the performance of 6 commodity futures: Aluminum, WTI
Crude Oil, Heating Oil, Gold, Corn and Wheat [] Dynamic Weights: Seeks to
underweight relatively expensive commodities and overweight relatively cheap
commodities among six of the most liquid futures contracts in four sectors:
Energy, Base Metals, Precious Metals, Agriculture[] Dynamic Allocation: The
"Plus" strategy aims to preserve excess returns generated by the DBLCI-MR  by
adjusting its exposure monthly to reflect upward and downward momentum cycles.

    A sample set of returns for each period ranging between one and twelve
months are calculated.  The weight assigned to DBLCI-MR  is based on the number
of periods with positive returns [] Rebalancing: A rebalancing in the
underlying index (DBLCI-MR) will occur whenever one of the commodities
undergoes a "trigger event. " A trigger event occurs when the one-year moving
average price of the commodity trades +/--  5% than the five-year moving
average [] Roll Frequency and Method: Fixed monthly roll for Energy components,
fixed yearly roll for Metals and Agriculture components [] Transparency:
Rule-based  index with the closing level, weights and exposure published daily
on Bloomberg (DBLCMPUE)



Index Construction

[] Invests in 6 liquid commodity contracts.  Over-weights  cheap commodities
and under-weights   expensive ones [] Aims to offer upside exposure to DBLCI-MR
 but limit potential drawdowns by employing a momentum algorithm

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name
1 Base Weights of DBLCI-MR Index
Commodities 2 Current Weights of DBLCI-MR Index as of 31 Dec 2014Name of
3 Returns are calculated as of 6(th) business day of each month, from Dec 2013
to Dec 2014. 25



Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis (1)
------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         DBLCI MR+      DBLCI-MR       Bloomberg
Annualized Returns           4.5%           3.1%           -3.3%
Volatility                   14.1%          20.9%          18.2%
Sharpe Ratio                 0.32           0.15           -0.18
Maximum Drawdown             -33.8%         -62.8%         -57.1%
  Start Date                 Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Jun-10         Feb-09         Mar-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -27.1%         -59.0%         -54.5%
  Start Date                 Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Nov-08         Feb-09         Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          81.8% / -31.4% 84% / -56.3%   39.9% / -52.7%
  Rolling 3 Months           28.4% / -26.7% 33.3% / -43.1% 24.7% / -39.7%
Average Monthly Returns      0.4%           0.4%           -0.1%
% Months with Gains          47.5%          56.7%          55.0%
  DBLCI -- MR                0.83           1.00           0.84
  Bloomberg Commodity        0.69           0.84           1.00
---------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                  Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
Calendar Year        DBLCI MR+  DBLCI-MR  Bloomberg Commodity
2005                     -4.53%     2.96%                 17.54%
2006                     24.53%   39.22%                   -2.71%
2007                     38.57%   42.49%                  11.08%
2008                     -0.67%   -35.43%                 -36.61%
2009                      8.87%   22.29%                  18.72%
2010                      2.36%   13.62%                  16.67%
2011                     -2.84%    -2.47%                 -13.37%
2012                     -2.45%     3.33%                  -1.14%
2013                     -7.36%    -9.05%                  -9.58%
2014                     -2.85%   -19.41%                 -17.04%
2015 YTD                  0.00%     0.00%                   0.00%
Annualized Return         4.52%     3.07%                  -3.28%
----------------- ------------- --------- -----------------------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DBLCI MR+ has been retrospectively
calculated and did not exist prior to 20 June 2007 (the "Live Date"). The Index
has very limited performance history and no actual investment Deutsche Bank
which allowed tracking of the performance of the Index was possible before its
Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown before the Live Date are hypothetical
and do not reflect actual returns. PastSpeaker name Commodities performance is
not necessarily indicative of how the Index will perform in the future. The
performance of any investment product based on the DBLCI MR+ Index would have
been lower than the IndexName of event/dat as a result of fees and / or costs.
Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more
2 Statistics shown are for excess return indices. 26




[] Optimum Yield Indices

* DB Commodity Booster - Bloomberg ERAC Index * DB Commodity Booster -
Bloomberg ERAC TV 14 Index * DB Commodity Booster - Benchmark Index

[] Mean Reversion Indices

* DBLCI - MR Index

* DBLCI - Mean Reversion Enhanced ex Nat Gas ERAC Index * DB MR Enhanced 15
Index * DBLCI - MR+ Index

[] Market Neutral Indices

* DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index * DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC Index

[] Long-Short Indices

* DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index

[] DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index [] Optimum Yield Enhanced Indices

       * DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg Index * DB Commodity
Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy Index * DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index
* DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10 Index Appendix [] Appendix

Deutsche Bank Speaker name
Commodities Name of event/date 27



DB Commodity Harvest ERAC
Index Summary

[] Market Neutral Strategy: The DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index goes short the
SandP Goldman Sachs Light Energy Index and long the DB Commodity Booster --
Benchmark Light Energy Index, an Optimum Yield version of the SandP Goldman Sachs
Light Energy Index, in an attempt to provide market-neutral exposure, and to
generate returns from DB's optimum yield technology.

[] Optimizing Roll Returns: Deutsche Bank's proprietary optimum yield ("OY")
technology rolls an expiring contract into the contract that maximizes positive
roll yield (in a backwardated market) or minimizes negative roll yield (in a
contango market) from the list of tradable futures which expire in the next 13

[] Embedded Cost: 0.60%  per annum

[] Transparency: Rule based index with the closing level and weights published
daily on Bloomberg (DBLCHNUE)

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name Commodities 1 ERAC: Excess Return After
CostName of event/date



DB Commodity Harvest ERAC
Index Construction

[] Strategy aims to generate alpha from roll returns by going long the OY index
and short the benchmark index

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name
1 Weights shown are: Current Weight (Base Weight). Current weights are as of 31
Dec 2014
Commodities 2 ERAC: Excess Return After CostName of event/date 29



DB Commodity Harvest ERAC
Performance Analysis

Index Sector Exposure (1)
------------------------------------ -----------------------
Index                                Current Weight (%)
DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark                        100
Light Energy
SandP Goldman Sachs Light Energy Index                   --100
------------------------------------ -----------------------

Performance Analysis (1)
----------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------
                                          DB Commodity Booster
                             DB Commodity                      SandP-GSCI
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Harvest ERAC -- Benchmark         Light Energy
                                          Light Energy
Annualized Returns           2.9%         0.5%                 -3.2%
Volatility                   3.0%         17.6%                19.0%
Sharpe Ratio                 0.98         0.03                 -0.17
Maximum Drawdown             -6.5%        -56.8%               -60.9%
 Start Date                  Feb-09       Jul-08               Jul-08
 End Date                    Mar-14       Mar-09               Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -5.3%        -53.8%               -42.0%
 Start Date                  Jun-07       Jul-08               Jul-08
 End Date                    Sep-07       Feb-09               Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
 Rolling 12 Months           17% / -4.9%  51.7% / -50.3%       48.2% / -55.8%
 Rolling 3 Months            6.4% / -5.6% 24.8% / -42.4%       26.1% / -44.6%
Average Monthly Returns      0.2%         0.2%                 -0.1%
% Months with Gains          62.5%        52.5%                52.5%
 Booster Benchmark LE        -0.38        1.00                 0.98
 SandP GSCI Light Energy       -0.51        0.98                 1.00
---------------------------- ------------ -------------------- --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                   Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                                           DB Commodity
                  DB Commodity                                 SandP-GSCI
                                   Booster -- Benchmark
                   Harvest ERAC                             Light Energy
Calendar Year                                 Light Energy
2005                       10.17%                   28.51%        15.51%
2006                       12.30%                     9.15%        -3.77%
2007                        -0.44%                  17.49%        17.16%
2008                       10.61%                   -33.20%      -40.39%
2009                         0.58%                  17.02%        15.17%
2010                        -1.38%                  16.11%        16.94%
2011                         1.58%                   -5.21%        -7.28%
2012                        -0.89%                    1.46%         1.60%
2013                        -2.02%                   -9.40%        -8.16%
2014                         0.16%                  -19.32%      -20.02%
2015 YTD                     0.00%                    0.00%         0.00%
Annualized Return            2.93%                    0.50%        -3.18%
----------------- ---------------- ------------------------ -------------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Harvest ERAC has been
retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 14 October 2008 (the
"Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance history and no Deutsche
Bank actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of the Index
was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown before the
Live Date are hypothetical and do not reflect actualSpeaker name Commodities
returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index will
perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on the
DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index would haveName of event/dat been lower than the
Index as a result of fees and / or costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec
2014. See Risk Considerations for more information. 30
2 ERAC = Excess Return After Cost. Statistics shown are either for excess
return indices or ERAC indices.



DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC
Index Summary

[] Market Neutral Strategy: The DB Commodity Harvest Index goes short the SandP
Goldman Sachs Light Energy Index and long the DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark
Light Energy Index, an Optimum Yield version of the SandP Goldman Sachs Light
Energy Index, in an attempt to provide market-neutral exposure, and to generate
returns from DB's optimum yield technology [] Optimizing Roll Returns: Deutsche
Bank's proprietary optimum yield ("OY") technology rolls an expiring contract
into the contract that maximizes positive roll yield (in a backwardated market)
or minimizes negative roll yield (in a contango market) from the list of
tradable futures which expire in the next 13 months [] Target Volatility:
Varies exposure to the DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index with a view to target a
volatility of 10%.  Exposure is capped at 500%.

[] Transparency: Rule based index with the closing level and weights published
daily on Bloomberg (DBCMHVEG)

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name Commodities 1 ERAC: Excess Return After
CostName of event/date



DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC
Index Construction

[] Strategy aims to generate alpha from roll returns and to smoothen the return
profile by varying exposure to the underlying index in response to changes in
realized volatility

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name
Commodities 1 Weights shown are: Current Weight (Base Weight). Current weights
are as of 31 Dec 2014Name of event/date 32
2 ERAC: Excess Return After Cost



DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC
Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis (1)
----------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------
                             DB Commodity                    SandP-GSCI
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Harvest -- 10 ERAC Commodity    Light Energy
                                                Harvest ERAC
Annualized Returns           7.9%               2.9%         -3.2%
Volatility                   10.4%              3.0%         19.0%
Sharpe Ratio                 0.76               0.98         -0.17
Maximum Drawdown             -29.7%             -6.5%        -60.9%
  Start Date                 Jun-10             Feb-09       Jul-08
  End Date                   Mar-14             Mar-14       Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -17.2%             -5.3%        -42.0%
  Start Date                 Jun-07             Jun-07       Jul-08
  End Date                   Sep-07             Sep-07       Feb-09
Max / Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          49.1% / -21.5%     17% / -4.9%  48.2% / -55.8%
  Rolling 3 Months           20% / -17.6%       6.4% / -5.6% 26.1% / -44.6%
Average Monthly Returns      0.7%               0.2%         -0.1%
% Months with Gains          62.5%              62.5%        52.5%
  DB Commodity Harvest ERAC 0.96                1.00         -0.51
  SandP-GSCI Light Energy      -0.49              -0.51        1.00
---------------------------- ------------------ ------------ --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                     Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                      DB Commodity                               SandP-GSCI
                                       Commodity Harvest
                  Harvest -- 10 ERAC                          Light Energy
Calendar Year                                           ERAC
2005                            34.80%                10.17%         15.51%
2006                            36.68%                12.30%         -3.77%
2007                            -2.51%                 -0.44%        17.16%
2008                            39.69%                10.61%        -40.39%
2009                             1.85%                 0.58%         15.17%
2010                            -5.88%                 -1.38%        16.94%
2011                             3.51%                 1.58%         -7.28%
2012                            -6.10%                 -0.89%         1.60%
2013                            -9.13%                 -2.02%        -8.16%
2014                             0.52%                 0.16%        -20.02%
2015 YTD                         0.00%                 0.00%          0.00%
Annualized Return                7.88%                  2.93%        -3.18%
----------------- -------------------- ---------------------- -------------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC has been
retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 14 October 2008 (the "
Speaker name Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance history
Deutsche Bank and no actual investment which allowed tracking of the
performance of the Index was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the
results shown before the Live Date are hypothetical and do not reflect
Commodities actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of
how the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any investment
product based on the DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERACName of event/date Index
would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees and / or costs. Data
from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more
information. 33
2 ERAC = Excess Return After Cost. Statistics shown are either for excess
return indices or ERAC indices.




[] Optimum Yield Indices

* DB Commodity Booster - Bloomberg ERAC Index * DB Commodity Booster -
Bloomberg ERAC TV 14 Index * DB Commodity Booster - Benchmark Index

[] Mean Reversion Indices

* DBLCI - MR Index

* DBLCI - Mean Reversion Enhanced ex Nat Gas ERAC Index * DB MR Enhanced 15
Index * DBLCI - MR+ Index

[] Market Neutral Indices

* DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index * DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC Index

[] Long-Short Indices

* DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index

[] DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index [] Optimum Yield Enhanced Indices

       * DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg Index * DB Commodity
Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy Index * DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index
* DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10 Index Appendix [] Appendix

Deutsche Bank Speaker name
Commodities Name of event/date 34



DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22
Index Summary

[] Concept: The Index goes long the top 11 backwardated commodities, and short
the remaining 11 commodities, from a universe of 22 commodities.  The
hypothesis is that the backwardated commodities' basket will outperform the
basket of the remaining commodities.

[] Components: 22 commodities futures spanning the energy, industrial metals,
agriculture and precious metals sectors.

[] Summary: The strategy goes long the 11 commodities with the most
backwardation (or least contango) with a weight of 1/11 each and shorts the
remaining 11 commodities with a weight of 1/11 each.

-- Short exposure is provided via front month contracts

-- Long exposure is provided via OY Enhanced single commodity Indices

[] 'Backwardation' Measure: Backwardation for each commodity is measured as the
weighted backwardation of the basket of contracts included in the Optimum Yield
Enhanced Index for such commodity.

[] Rebalancing: The index is rebalanced every month at the end of the 2(nd)
index business day of the month.

[] Transparency: Rule-based  index with the closing level published daily on
Bloomberg (DBRCBWUE)

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22
Index Construction

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22
Performance Analysis

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
------------------------------------------------------ -------------
                     Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                         DB Commodity
                  Backwardation Alpha       SandP GSCI   Bloomberg
Calendar Year                            22            Commodity
2005                               40.71%      21.61%       17.54%
2006                               48.18%      -19.07%       -2.71%
2007                               10.97%      26.81%       11.08%
2008                               26.71%      -47.29%     -36.61%
2009                               35.40%      13.30%       18.72%
2010                                 3.73%       8.88%      16.67%
2011                                 8.35%      -1.23%     -13.37%
2012                                -3.31%      -0.01%       -1.14%
2013                                 5.15%      -1.28%       -9.58%
2014                              -16.52%      -33.08%     -17.04%
2015 YTD                             0.00%       0.00%        0.00%
Annualized Return                  14.23%       -6.16%       -3.28%
----------------- ------------------------- ---------- -------------

Performance Analysis (1)
---------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
                        DB Commodity                          Bloomberg
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014                           SandP GSCI
                        Backwardation Alpha 22                Commodity
Annualized Returns      14.2%                  -6.2%          -3.3%
Volatility              13.5%                  24.2%          18.2%
Sharpe Ratio            1.05                   -0.26          -0.18
Maximum Drawdown        -24.7%                 -71.6%         -57.1%
  Start Date            Apr-12                 Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date              Dec-14                 Feb-09         Mar-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -14.9%            -67.8%         -54.5%
  Start Date            Apr-12                 Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date              Jul-12                 Feb-09         Feb-09
Max / Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months     67.4% / -18.7%         74.8% / -64.8% 39.9% / -52.7%
  Rolling 3 Months      24.4% / -17.1%         34.4% / -53.4% 24.7% / -39.7%
Average Monthly Returns 1.2%                   -0.3%          -0.1%
% Months with Gains     66.7%                  53.3%          55.0%
  SandP GSCI              0.00                   1.00           0.91
  Bloomberg Commodity   0.02                   0.91           1.00
----------------------- ---------------------- -------------- --------------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 has
been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 15 October 2012 (the
"Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance history Deutsche Bank and
no actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of the Index was
possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown before the Live
Date are hypothetical and do not reflectSpeaker name Commodities actual
returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index will
perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on the
DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22Name of event/date Index would have been
lower than the Index as a result of fees and / or costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004
till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more information. 37
2 Statistics shown are for excess return indices.




[] Optimum Yield Indices

* DB Commodity Booster - Bloomberg ERAC Index * DB Commodity Booster -
Bloomberg ERAC TV 14 Index * DB Commodity Booster - Benchmark Index

[] Mean Reversion Indices

* DBLCI - MR Index

* DBLCI - Mean Reversion Enhanced ex Nat Gas ERAC Index * DB MR Enhanced 15
Index * DBLCI - MR+ Index

[] Market Neutral Indices

* DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index * DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC Index

[] Long-Short Indices

* DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index

[] DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index [] Optimum Yield Enhanced Indices

       * DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg Index * DB Commodity
Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy Index * DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index
* DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10 Index Appendix [] Appendix

Deutsche Bank Speaker name
Commodities Name of event/date 38



DB Commodity Risk Parity 18
Index Summary

[] Risk Parity: Provides exposure to 4 commodity sector indices such that risk
contribution of each to the resulting portfolio is equal.  Risk contribution is
determined by using past 3 month realized volatilities and correlations.
Volatility is targeted at 18% by leveraging the equal risk weighted portfolio;
such leverage is capped at 300%.

[] Components: The 4 sector indices used to construct the index are: DBLCI-OY
Energy Index,  DBLCI-OY  Industrial Metal Index, DBLCI-OY  Precious Metal Index
and DBLCI-OY  Agriculture Index.

[] Rebalancing: Each month, sector exposures are adjusted with the aim of
achieving equal risk contributions and a volatility of 18%.

[] Optimizing Roll Returns: All 4 sector indices employ Deutsche Bank's
proprietary optimum yield ("OY") technology, which rolls an expiring contract
into the contract that maximizes positive roll yield (in a backwardated market)
or minimizes negative roll yield (in a contango market) from the list of
tradable futures which expire in the next 13 months[] Transparency: Rule-based
index with the closing level and weights published daily on Bloomberg

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



DB Commodity Risk Parity 18
Index Construction

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name Commodities 1 Current weights are as of 31 Dec
2014Name of event/date



DB Commodity Risk Parity 18
Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis (1)
-------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
                             DB Commodity                   Bloomberg
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014                         SandP GSCI
                             Risk Parity 18                 Commodity
Annualized Returns           3.4%            -6.2%          -3.3%
Volatility                   19.9%           24.2%          18.2%
Sharpe Ratio                 0.17            -0.26          -0.18
Maximum Drawdown             -62.1%          -71.6%         -57.1%
  Start Date                 Apr-11          Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Dec-14          Feb-09         Mar-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -42.6%          -67.8%         -54.5%
  Start Date                 Jul-14          Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Dec-14          Feb-09         Feb-09
Max / Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          118.5% / -37.6% 74.8% / -64.8% 39.9% / -52.7%
  Rolling 3 Months           47.9% / -28.8%  34.4% / -53.4% 24.7% / -39.7%
Average Monthly Returns      0.5%            -0.3%          -0.1%
% Months with Gains          51.7%           53.3%          55.0%
  SandP GSCI                   0.74            1.00           0.91
  Bloomberg Commodity        0.84            0.91           1.00
---------------------------- --------------- -------------- --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                  Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                  DB Commodity                 Bloomberg
                                    SandP GSCI
Calendar Year       Risk Parity 18             Commodity
2005                        57.65%     21.61%       17.54%
2006                        26.76%    -19.07%       -2.71%
2007                        20.15%     26.81%       11.08%
2008                       -17.48%    -47.29%      -36.61%
2009                        26.22%     13.30%       18.72%
2010                        27.90%      8.88%       16.67%
2011                         -7.48%     -1.23%     -13.37%
2012                          1.63%     -0.01%      -1.14%
2013                       -26.18%      -1.28%      -9.58%
2014                       -37.23%    -33.08%      -17.04%
2015 YTD                      0.00%     0.00%        0.00%
Annualized Return             3.37%     -6.16%      -3.28%
----------------- ----------------- ---------- ------------------

                   1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 has been
retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 12 December 2010 (the
"Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance history Deutsche Bank and
no actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of the Index was
possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown before the Live
Date are hypothetical and do notSpeaker name Commodities reflect actual
returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index will
perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on the
DB Commodity Risk Parity 18Name of event/date
Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees and / or costs.
Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more
information. 41
2 Statistics shown are for excess return indices.




[] Optimum Yield Indices

* DB Commodity Booster - Bloomberg ERAC Index * DB Commodity Booster -
Bloomberg ERAC TV 14 Index * DB Commodity Booster - Benchmark Index

[] Mean Reversion Indices

* DBLCI - MR Index

* DBLCI - Mean Reversion Enhanced ex Nat Gas ERAC Index * DB MR Enhanced 15
Index * DBLCI - MR+ Index

[] Market Neutral Indices

* DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index * DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC Index

[] Long-Short Indices

* DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index

[] DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index [] Optimum Yield Enhanced Indices

       * DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg Index * DB Commodity
Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy Index * DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index
* DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10 Index Appendix [] Appendix

Deutsche Bank Speaker name
Commodities Name of event/date 42



DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg
Index Summary

[] Composition: Same base weights as the Bloomberg Commodity Index.  Weights
are rebalanced annually [] Optimizing Roll Returns: Employs Deutsche Bank's
proprietary Optimum Yield Enhanced ("OY Enhanced") technology, which provides
exposure to 3 different contracts on each commodity's curve, with a view to
maximizing volatility adjusted implied roll yield.  Exposure to the 3 contracts
is assessed and rebalanced monthly -- Exposure to short-term  contract (front
month), medium-term  and long-term  contracts (pre- defined schedule based on
liquidity) -- For livestock, exposure is to three-month  forward contracts []
Transparency: Rule-based  index with the closing level published daily on
Bloomberg (DBCMODUE)

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg
Index Construction

[] Index replicates the Bloomberg Commodity index by using OY Enhanced indices
thereby providing similar commodity exposure while seeking to manage roll
returns more effectively

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name
Commodities 1 Weights shown are: Rebalance Weights for 2014Name of event/date



DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg
Performance Analysis

Index Sector Exposure (1)
------------------------- ---------------------------
Sector                    Rebalance Weight (%)
Energy                                          31.79
Precious Metal                                  15.67
Industrial Metal                                16.59
Agriculture and Livestock                         35.94
------------------------- ---------------------------

Performance Analysis (1)
------------------------------------------------ -------------- --------------
                             DB Commodity        Bloomberg
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Booster OYE                        SandP-GSCI
                             Bloomberg Commodity Commodity
Annualized Returns           3.3%                -3.3%          -6.2%
Volatility                   16.0%               18.2%          24.2%
Sharpe Ratio(2)              0.21                -0.18          -0.26
Maximum Drawdown             -52.1%              -57.1%         -71.6%
   Start Date                Jul-08              Jul-08         Jul-08
   End Date                  Mar-09              Mar-09         Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -49.4%              -54.5%         -67.8%
  Start Date                 Jul-08              Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Feb-09              Feb-09         Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          50.7% / -45.6%      39.9% / -52.7% 74.8% / -64.8%
  Rolling 3 Months           24.3% / -36.9%      24.7% / -39.7% 34.4% / -53.4%
Average Monthly Returns      0.4%                -0.1%          -0.3%
% Months with Gains          55.8%               55.0%          53.3%
  Bloomberg Commodity        0.97                1.00           0.91
  SandP-GSCI                   0.89                0.91           1.00
---------------------------- ------------------- -------------- --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                    Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                             DB Commodity      Bloomberg
                  Booster OYE Bloomberg                     SandP-GSCI
Calendar Year                     Commodity    Commodity
2005                                   34.94%       17.54%      21.61%
2006                                   14.89%        -2.71%    -19.07%
2007                                   19.35%       11.08%      26.81%
2008                                  -27.14%      -36.61%     -47.29%
2009                                   21.67%       18.72%      13.30%
2010                                   16.88%       16.67%       8.88%
2011                                    -6.80%     -13.37%      -1.23%
2012                                     1.11%       -1.14%     -0.01%
2013                                  -10.78%        -9.58%     -1.28%
2014                                  -14.03%      -17.04%     -33.08%
2015 YTD                                 0.00%        0.00%      0.00%
Annualized Return                        3.32%       -3.28%     -6.16%
----------------- ---------------------------- ------------ ----------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark
Bloomberg has been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 31
October 2011 (the "Live Date"). The Index has very limited Deutsche Bank
performance history and no actual investment which allowed tracking of the
performance of the Index was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the
results shown before the Live Date areSpeaker name Commodities hypothetical and
do not reflect actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative
of how the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any investment
product based on the DBName of event/date Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark
Bloomberg Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees and /
or costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for
more information. 45
2 Statistics shown are for excess return indices.



DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy
Index Summary

[] Composition: Same base weights as the SandP GSCI Light Energy Index.  Weights
are rebalanced annually

[] Optimizing Roll Returns: Employs Deutsche Bank's proprietary Optimum Yield
Enhanced ("OY Enhanced") technology, which provides exposure to 3 different
contracts on each commodity's curve, with a view to maximizing volatility
adjusted implied roll yield.  Exposure to the 3 contracts is assessed and
rebalanced monthly -- Exposure to short-term  contract (front month),
medium-term  and long-term  contracts (pre- defined schedule based on
liquidity) -- For livestock, exposure is to three-month  forward contracts []
Transparency: Rule-based  index with the closing level published daily on
Bloomberg (DBRCOSUE)

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy
Index Construction

[] Index replicates the SandP GSCI Light Energy by using OY Enhanced indices
thereby providing similar commodity exposure while seeking to manage roll
returns more effectively

Deutsche Bank Note: Speaker name
Commodities 1 Weights shown are: Rebalance Weights for 2014Nam of event/date 47



DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy
Performance Analysis

Index Sector Exposure (1)
------------------------- ----------------------------
Sector                    Rebalance Weight (%)
Energy                                          39.09
Precious Metal                                    5.96
Industrial Metal                                14.73
Agriculture and Livestock                         40.25
------------------------- ----------------------------

Performance Analysis (1)
------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
                             DB Commodity   Bloomberg      SandP-GSCI
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Booster OYE    Commodity      Light Energy
                             Benchmark LE
Annualized Returns           2.9%           -3.3%          -3.2%
Volatility                   16.9%          18.2%          19.0%
Sharpe Ratio(2)              0.17           -0.18          -0.17
Maximum Drawdown             -55.3%         -57.1%         -60.9%
   Start Date                Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
   End Date                  Mar-09         Mar-09         Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -52.3%         -54.5%         -58.0%
  Start Date                 Jul-08         Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Feb-09         Feb-09         Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          56.7% / -48.7% 39.9% / -52.7% 48.2% / -55.8%
  Rolling 3 Months           24.5% / -41.1% 24.7% / -39.7% 26.1% / -44.6%
Average Monthly Returns      0.4%           -0.1%          -0.1%
% Months with Gains          54.2%          55.0%          52.5%
  Bloomberg Commodity        0.94           1.00           0.97
  SandP-GSCI Light Energy      0.98           0.97           1.00
---------------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                  Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                       DB Commodity      Bloomberg    SandP-GSCI
                          Booster OYE    Commodity Light Energy
Calendar Year           Benchmark LE
2005                              34.84%      17.54%      15.51%
2006                              12.68%       -2.71%     -3.77%
2007                              20.90%      11.08%      17.16%
2008                             -29.98%     -36.61%     -40.40%
2009                              17.27%      18.72%      15.17%
2010                              17.10%      16.67%      16.94%
2011                              -1.82%     -13.37%      -7.27%
2012                               1.65%       -1.14%      1.59%
2013                              -8.99%       -9.58%     -8.16%
2014                             -16.65%     -17.04%     -20.02%
2015 YTD                           0.00%        0.00%      0.00%
Annualized Return                  2.95%       -3.28%     -3.18%
----------------- ---------------------- ------------ -----------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Light
Energy has been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 30
November 2011 (the "Live Date"). The Index has very limited Deutsche Bank
performance history and no actual investment which allowed tracking of the
performance of the Index was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the
results shown before the Live Date are hypothetical andSpeaker name Commodities
do not reflect actual returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative
of how the Index will perform in the future. The performance of any investment
product based on the DB Commodity Booster OYEName of event/dat Benchmark Light
Energy Index would have been lower than the Index as a result of fees and / or
costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more
information. 48
2 Statistics shown are for excess return indices.



DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC
Index Summary

[] Composition: DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index (the "Index") has the same
base weights as the SandP GSCI Light Energy Index.  Weights are rebalanced
annually [] Market Neutral Strategy: For each constituent commodity, the Index
provides long exposure to the single commodity OY Enhanced Index and volatility
adjusted short exposure to the corresponding SandP GSCI Index.  The Index seeks
to provide market-neutral exposure, and to generate returns from carry using
DB's Optimum Yield Enhanced methodology [] Volatility Weighting: Every month,
the long leg exposure for each constituent commodity is reset to 100%.
Exposure to the short leg is set to (--100%) * 3-month  realized volatility of
the single commodity OY Enhanced Index / 3-month  realized volatility of the
single commodity GSCI index[] Embedded Cost: 0.75%  per annum [] Transparency:
Rule-based  index with the closing level published daily on Bloomberg

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC
Index Construction

[] Strategy aims to generate alpha from roll returns by going long the single
commodity OY Enhanced index and short volatility weighted exposure to the
single commodity Benchmark Light Energy index

Deutsche Bank Speaker name
Commodities Name of event/date 50



DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC
Performance Analysis

Index Sector Exposure (1)
------------------------- ----------------------------
Sector                    Rebalance Weight (%)
Energy                                          39.09
Precious Metal                                    5.96
Industrial Metal                                14.73
Agriculture and Livestock                         40.25
------------------------- ----------------------------

Performance Analysis (1)
------------------------------------------ -------------- --------------
                             DB Commodity  DB Commodity   SandP-GSCI Light
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Curve Alpha   Booster OYE    Energy
                             ERAC          Benchmark LE
Annualized Returns           4.7%          2.9%           -3.2%
Volatility                   2.5%          16.9%          19.0%
Sharpe Ratio(2)              1.93          0.17           -0.17
Maximum Drawdown             -5.5%         -55.3%         -60.9%
   Start Date                Jun-11        Jul-08         Jul-08
   End Date                  Jan-14        Mar-09         Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -2.4%         -52.3%         -58.0%
  Start Date                 Feb-12        Jul-08         Jul-08
  End Date                   Jul-12        Feb-09         Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          19.4% / -4.1% 56.7% / -48.7% 48.2% / -55.8%
  Rolling 3 Months           6.7% / -2.4%  24.5% / -41.1% 26.1% / -44.6%
Average Monthly Returns      0.4%          0.4%           -0.1%
% Months with Gains          62.5%         54.2%          52.5%
  OYE Benchmark LE           0.18          1.00           0.98
  SandP-GSCI Light Energy      0.04          0.98           1.00
---------------------------- ------------- -------------- --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                  Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                  DB Commodity     DB Commodity     SandP-GSCI Light
                     Curve Alpha     Booster OYE              Energy
Calendar Year                ERAC  Benchmark LE
2005                        17.04%           34.84%            15.51%
2006                        10.63%           12.68%            -3.77%
2007                         5.83%           20.90%            17.16%
2008                        11.82%          -29.98%           -40.40%
2009                         2.31%           17.27%            15.17%
2010                         0.57%           17.10%            16.94%
2011                         3.98%           -1.82%            -7.27%
2012                        -1.17%            1.65%             1.59%
2013                        -2.21%           -8.99%            -8.16%
2014                         0.34%          -16.65%           -20.02%
2015 YTD                     0.00%            0.00%             0.00%
Annualized Return            4.74%            2.95%            -3.18%
----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC has been
retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 30 November 2011 (the
"Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance history and Deutsche Bank
no actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of the Index was
possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown before the Live
Date are hypothetical and do not reflect actualSpeaker name Commodities
returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index will
perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on the
DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index wouldNam of event/date have been lower than
the Index as a result of fees and / or costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec
2014. See Risk Considerations for more information. 51
2 ERAC = Excess Return After Cost. Statistics shown are either for excess
return indices or ERAC indices.



DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10
Index Summary

[] Composition: DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index (the "Index") has the same
base weights as the SandP GSCI Light Energy Index.  Weights are rebalanced
annually [] Market Neutral Strategy: For each constituent commodity, the Index
provides short exposure to the corresponding single commodity SandP GSCI Index
and volatility adjusted long exposure to the OY Enhanced Index.  The Index
seeks to provide market-neutral exposure, and to generate returns from carry
using DB's Optimum Yield Enhanced methodology [] Volatility Weighting: Every
month, the long leg exposure for each constituent commodity is reset to 100%.
Exposure to the short leg is set to (--100%) * 3-month  realized volatility of
the single commodity OY Enhanced Index / 3-month  realized volatility of the
single commodity GSCI index[] Target Volatility: DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC
10 Index varies exposure to the DB

Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index with a view to target a volatility of 10%.
Exposure is capped at 600%.

[] Transparency: Rule-based  index with the closing level published daily on
Bloomberg (DBRCOCUE)

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10
Index Construction

[] Strategy aims to generate alpha from roll returns by going long the single
commodity OY Enhanced index and short volatility weighted exposure to the
single commodity Benchmark Light Energy

Commodities Name of event/date 53



DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10
Performance Analysis

Index Sector Exposure (1)
------------------------- ----------------------------
Sector                    Rebalance Weight (%)
Energy                                          39.09
Precious Metal                                    5.96
Industrial Metal                                14.73
Agriculture and Livestock                         40.25
------------------------- ----------------------------

Performance Analysis (1)
-------------------------------------------- ------------- --------------
                             DB Commodity    DB Commodity  SandP-GSCI Light
Jan 2005 -- Dec 2014         Curve Alpha     Curve Alpha   Energy
                             ERAC 10         ERAC
Annualized Returns           19.5%           4.7%          -3.2%
Volatility                   10.1%           2.5%          19.0%
Sharpe Ratio(2)              1.93            1.93          -0.17
Maximum Drawdown             -29.1%          -5.5%         -60.9%
   Start Date                Aug-11          Jun-11        Jul-08
   End Date                  Jan-14          Jan-14        Feb-09
Max Monthly Consecutive Loss -13.1%          -2.4%         -58.0%
  Start Date                 Feb-12          Feb-12        Jul-08
  End Date                   Jul-12          Jul-12        Feb-09
Max/Min Returns
  Rolling 12 Months          114.8% / -20.7% 19.4% / -4.1% 48.2% / -55.8%
  Rolling 3 Months           37.2% / -12.4%  6.7% / -2.4%  26.1% / -44.6%
Average Monthly Returns      1.6%            0.4%          -0.1%
% Months with Gains          62.5%           62.5%         52.5%
  Curve Alpha ERAC           0.95            1.00          0.04
  SandP-GSCI Light Energy      0.05            0.04          1.00
---------------------------- --------------- ------------- --------------

Year on Year Performance Comparison (1)
                  Annual Returns for Excess Return / ERAC Indices
                  DB Commodity     DB Commodity     SandP-GSCI Light
                     Curve Alpha      Curve Alpha             Energy
Calendar Year            ERAC 10              ERAC
2005                        97.40%           17.04%            15.51%
2006                        56.71%           10.63%            -3.77%
2007                        28.09%            5.83%            17.16%
2008                        50.11%           11.82%           -40.40%
2009                         4.87%            2.31%            15.17%
2010                         4.96%            0.57%            16.94%
2011                        11.37%            3.98%            -7.27%
2012                        -8.25%           -1.17%             1.59%
2013                       -12.80%           -2.21%            -8.16%
2014                         1.62%            0.34%           -20.02%
2015 YTD                     0.00%            0.00%             0.00%
Annualized Return           19.47%            4.74%            -3.18%
----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------

                  1 Source: Bloomberg. DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10 has
been retrospectively calculated and did not exist prior to 30 November 2011
(the "Live Date"). The Index has very limited performance Deutsche Bank history
and no actual investment which allowed tracking of the performance of the Index
was possible before its Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown before the
Live Date are hypothetical and do notSpeaker name Commodities reflect actual
returns. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Index will
perform in the future. The performance of any investment product based on the
DB Commodity Curve AlphaName of event/date ERAC 10 Index would have been lower
than the Index as a result of fees and / or costs. Data from 31 Dec 2004 till
31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more information. 54
2 ERAC = Excess Return After Cost. Statistics shown are either for excess
return indices or ERAC indices.




[] Optimum Yield Indices

* DB Commodity Booster - Bloomberg ERAC Index * DB Commodity Booster -
Bloomberg ERAC TV 14 Index * DB Commodity Booster - Benchmark Index

[] Mean Reversion Indices

* DBLCI - MR Index

* DBLCI - Mean Reversion Enhanced ex Nat Gas ERAC Index * DB MR Enhanced 15
Index * DBLCI - MR+ Index

[] Market Neutral Indices

* DB Commodity Harvest ERAC Index * DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC Index

[] Long-Short Indices

* DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index

[] DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index [] Optimum Yield Enhanced Indices

       * DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg Index * DB Commodity
Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy Index * DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC Index
* DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10 Index Appendix [] Appendix

Deutsche Bank Speaker name
Commodities Name of event/date 55



Types of Returns in a Commodity Index
Total Return vs. Excess Return

Stock and Bond returns come from two sources:

[] Underlying price movement

[] Dividends (Stocks) or Coupons (Bonds)

Commodity returns come from three sources:

[] Collateral Yield [] Interest earned on capital held as collateral[] Spot
Return [] Change in front month futures contract

[] Roll Return [] Process of buying a futures contract at a premium (negative
roll) or discount (positive roll) to the spot price

   Excess Return = Spot Return + Roll Return Total Return = Excess Return +
Collateral Yield

Collateral yield of 3-Month US Treasury Bills is added to the DB Commodity
excess return version indices to create the DB Commodity total return version

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



Mean Reversion

[] As illustrated below, the mean reversion methodology overweights "cheap"
commodities and underweights "expensive" commodities based on their respective
5y moving average price vs.  1y moving average price

Heavy investment in Corn and Wheat as agricultural commodities are the most
historically undervalued.  Captures the 2006 Ags rally.  Underweighting in
Energy also contributed to good performance as energy prices declined
significantly in 2006

[] In 2008 the index increased its weight to Aluminum and reduced its weight to
Energy, which was then at historical highs.  In retrospect, while the
under-weighting  in Energy was a good decision, the overweight in Aluminum was
not, as Aluminum prices declined significantly

[] In 2009 the index was overweight in Aluminum and Oil and gained from rallies
in both.  However, it was underweight in Gold and missed out on the Gold rally

Deutsche Bank 1 Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Source:Speaker name Bloomberg
Commodities 2 The Mean Reversion strategy may not always result in
outperformance to benchmark commodity indices. As a long-only commodity index,
if all underlying commodity prices fall,Name of event/date the DBLCI -- Mean
Reversion will also likely result in a negative performance 57
3 Data is as of 31 Dec 2014. DBLCI and DBLCI-MR are calculated retrospectively
prior to their Index Live Dates




[] DBLCI-MR Plus(TM) Excess Return is a dynamic allocation strategy based on
the performance of the DBLCI-MR (TM)   Excess Return Index[] Mandatory
rebalancing takes place on a monthly basis [] At each monthly rebalancing, the
allocation in the DBLCI-MR (TM)   Excess Return strategy is determined based on
the performance of the DBLCI-MR (TM)   Excess Return over the previous 12
months [] Twelve performance indicators are built, reflecting the performance
of DBLCI-MR (TM)   Excess Return over previous 12-months,  11-months,  10-
months[]  3-months,  2-months,  1-month   [] The allocation or component weight
to commodities is proportional to the number of times the DBCLI-MR (TM)
Excess Return performance is greater than zero.  The current allocation is 0.0%
 (see table) [] Rules based momentum strategy with no human intervention, only
execution [] The allocation can be as low as 0% and as high as 100%

DBLCI-MR (Lookback Returns as of 8(th) Dec 2014)
      1 Month -5.4%
------------- ----------------------------------
      2 Month -6.0%
------------- ----------------------------------
      3 Month -9.9%
------------- ----------------------------------
      4 Month -13.2%
------------- ----------------------------------
      5 Month -14.8%
------------- ----------------------------------
      6 Month -17.1%
------------- ----------------------------------
      7 Month -18.9%
------------- ----------------------------------
      8 Month -19.4%
------------- ----------------------------------
      9 Month -17.2%
------------- ----------------------------------
     10 Month -14.2%
------------- ----------------------------------
     11 Month -11.7%
------------- ----------------------------------
     12 Month -15.7%
------------- ----------------------------------

Deutsche Bank Speaker name
Commodities Notes:  Returns are calculated as of 6 Name  event/date (th)
business day of each month, from Dec 2013 to Dec 2014.



Optimized Yield
Contract Selection to Create an "Optimal Yield"

Contract selection and roll return can have a significant impact in the overall
return of the index

[] Deutsche Bank's proprietary optimum yield ("OY") technology rolls into the
contract that maximizes positive roll yield (in a backwardated market) or
minimizes negative roll yield (in a contango market) from the list of tradable
futures which expire in the next 13 months

[] Longer dated contracts typically have less negative carry when the curve
slopes upward (contango)

[] Shorter dated contracts typically offer greater positive carry when the
curve slopes downward (backwardation)

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



Optimized Yield Index
Contract Selection

[] When: The OY index rolls out of a currently held contract one month prior to
delivery month of the contract

[] New Contract Selection:

-- the new contract is selected on the first business day of the month from the
list of eligible contracts -- eligible contracts for selection are contracts
with delivery months 2 months after current month to 13 months after current
month -- the eligible contract with the highest annualized implied roll yield
is selected.  If two or more contracts are tied for the maximum roll yield, the
contract with the shorter tenor is selected

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



Optimized Yield Index
Contract Selection (Cont'd)

[] Implied Roll Yield measurement:

-- implied roll yield for each eligible contract is measured as:  [] 1[][][]
 []PC(t, b)[][] F (t ,i ,b )[] Y (t, i) =[][] []1  [] PC(t, i)[]

      -- Y(t,i): on any day t, the implied roll yield for entering into the
commodity futures contract with exchange expiration month i -- PC(t,b): Closing
price of the base commodity future b -- PC(t,i): Closing price of any eligible
futures contract i -- F(t,i,b): Fraction of year between expiry dates of the
base futures contract b and the futures contract with exchange expiration month
i.  Calculated as number of calendar days between dates divided by 365 -- b:
Base commodity future is the commodity future currently in the index [] Roll
Period is 2nd to 5th business days of the month [] OY index rolls a specified
number of units of the commodity every day during the roll period

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



Optimum Yield

Annualized Excess returns from Jan 2005 to Dec 2014. Most Optimum Yield indices
have outperformed corresponding front-month rolling indices.

Deutsche Bank 1 All indices have been retrospectively calculated and did not
exist prior to 31 May 2006 (the " Speaker name Live Date"). Indices have very
limited performance history and no actual investment Commodities which allowed
tracking of the performance of these Indices was possible before their Live
Date. Accordingly, the results shown before the Live Date are hypothetical and
do notName of event/date reflect actual returns. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of how the Indices will perform in the future. See Risk
Considerations for more information.
2 Data from 31 Dec 2004 till 31 Dec 2014. Source: Bloomberg 62



Target Volatility
Applying Volatility Targeting to Potentially Control Risk

                                                                             Step II                                  Step III
                              Step I                       Volatility Based Participation:
     Rebalancing           Realized Volatility Monitoring Participation = Target Volatility /             Return Vol Target =
 Participation Index x
    Once a Month          Based on Last 90 Days Returns     Realized Volatility, subject to              Underlying Index Return
                                                          certain maximum and minimum
                                               3 Month                                                     Underlying
                                  Realized Volatility                        Vol Target Allocation       Index Return
 Target Return
                      Month           (Annualized %)                                                 (%)              (%)
                      12                          10.00                                         150.00            +5.00
                      13                          12.50                                         120.00            --1.00
Numerical Example:    14                            5.00                                        300.00            +3.00
  Volatility Target =
           15%        15                            7.50                                        200.00            --2.00
                      16                          15.00                                         100.00            --5.00
                      17                          20.00                                           75.00           +1.00
                      18                          30.00                                           50.00         --10.00
                      --- --- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------



Risk-Parity Technology

[] On each rebalance date we calculate the total index risk, (R)p, on that date
according to the formula

 4 4
RP = [][]WiWj[] i[] j []ij
 i=1 j =1

          [] Where the volatility and dollar-weighting of the i(t)(h)  sector
index is given by i i, respectively, and the correlation between ([]) (and W)
the indices is given by ([])ij. To calculate ([])i and ([])ij we have used
90-day  historical levels based on log returns  [] The amount of risk
contributed, i, to the portfolio by the i(th) sector index is then calculated
according to

                                                       Wi[]i []Wj[] j []ij  j
                                              RCi =  RP

[] We then solve the above set of non linear equations for each (W)i with the
following constraints
1) (W)i [] 0 for each i
2) (RC)1 (= RC)2 (= RC)3 (= RC)4
3) (R)P = TV, where TV is some pre-defined   target level of portfolio risk

[] Constraints 1) and 2) above are necessary and sufficient for any risk-parity
 formulation, but using only these two constraints leaves one degree-of-freedom
   open.  Constraint 3) above fixes this final degree-of-freedom    by imposing
an overall leverage on the index in an attempt to target a constant level of
(user-specified)  risk within the portfolio of sector exposures

Deutsche Bank Speaker name
Commodities Name of event/date 64



Overview of OY Enhanced

[] For each commodity, exposure is provided to 3 sub-indices :
-- Short-Term  Index: invests in the front month contract - the same as GSCI
-- Medium-Term  Index: invests in a long-term  liquid contract
-- Long-Term  Index: invests in an even longer-term  liquid contract

[] Roll: Each sub-index  rolls into its target contract between the 2  (nd) and
6(th) business days of each month

[] Rebalance: Exposure to each sub-index  is computed at the close of the 1st
business day of each month.  Rebalance is implemented at the close of the 2(nd)
business day of the month

Deutsche Bank Commodities



Construction of OY Enhanced

[] The Optimum Yield Enhanced (OYE) indices diversify their exposure over three
points of the relevant commodity's forward curve, the short term contract, the
medium term contract and the long term contract

[] The methodology considers implied roll yields as well as historical
volatility of curve shape to determine the exposure to be provided to the 3
different contracts.

[] Exposure to the three contracts is rebalanced on a monthly basis, thereby
providing the flexibility to react to any change in curve shape.

Deutsche Bank Commodities



OY Enhanced Roll

[] Choice of contracts for each component index is illustrated with Sugar below

[] Table above shows the contracts into which each index will roll in the month
mentioned in the top row [] Short-Term  Index:  [] Rolls into H contract in
Jan, K in Feb, etc.  In Sep, it rolls into H contract of the next year.
          [] This roll schedule matches the SandP GSCI index roll schedule (roll
period for the 2 indices is different -- GSCI rolls between 5(th) and 9th
business days of the month; OYE rolls between 2nd and 6th business days of the
month) [] Medium-Term  Index:  [] For each commodity, 2 named contracts per
year are specified as Liquid Contracts.  For Sugar, these are H and V.
          [] The Medium-Term  contract provides exposure to the first Liquid
Contract available whose delivery month is after the Short-term  Index
contract's delivery month [] Long-Term  Index:  [] Provides exposure to the
first Liquid Contract available whose delivery month is after the Medium-Term
Index's delivery contract [] Unnecessary trading is avoided by maintaining
continuity in contract exposures.  E. g.  In Jun, the Long-term   Index rolls
out of H * contract, the Medium-Term  Index rolls out of V and into H *, and
the Short-Term  Index rolls into V.  As a result, exposure is maintained to the
H * and V contracts (although there might be a change in weights due to a
change in Sharpe Ratios)

Deutsche Bank Commodities



OY Enhanced Rebalance

[] For each commodity, exposure across the 3 sub-indices  is computed as
1. Compute Implied Roll Return for each sub-index

 (1/ T )
                                            [] Price of Spot Contract[]
Implied Roll Return = [][][][] []1[] Price of Target Contract[]

[] Spot Contract: Contract Short-Term Index rolled into in the previous month
[] Target Contract: Contract Short-Term Index will roll into in the current
month.  If this is the same as Spot Contract, then it is replaced by the next
available GSCI contract [] T: Days between expiry dates of Target Contract and
Spot Contract / 365
2. Compute Volatility for each sub-index
[] Compute daily returns, r(s), of the Spot Contract for last 61 business days
[] Compute daily returns, r(t), of the Target Contract for last 61 business
days [] Compute spread returns: r(spread) = r(t) -- r(s) [] Compute annualized
volatility of spread returns
      3. Compute Sharpe Ratio for each sub-index    Implied Roll Return Sharpe
Ratio =  Volatility

4. Transform Sharpe Ratio of each sub-index  to a Probability Measure
[] Probability Measure = Cumulative probability on a standard normal
distribution for the computed Sharpe Ratio.  The higher the Sharpe Ratio, the
higher will be the Probability Measure.  In this way, a Sharpe Ratio which can
be negative or positive is transformed to a measure that is always positive and
lies between 0 and 1.
5. Compute Exposures
[] Normalize the Probability Measures so they add to 100%
[] Exposure to each sub-index  = the normalized Probability Measure
[] The rebalance calculation is performed at the end of the 1(st) business day
of every month

Deutsche Bank Commodities



Liquid Contracts for Optimum Yield Enhanced Indices

 Commodity          Liquid Contracts
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
 WTI Crude Oil  Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
  Natural Gas   Jan                  Jul
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
   Heating Oil  Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
RBOB Gasoline   Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
Brent Crude Oil Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
     Gas Oil    Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
       Gold     Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
      Silver    Jul                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
   Soybeans     Jul                  Nov
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
      Corn      Jul                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
     Wheat      Jul                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
  Soybean Oil   Jul                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
      Sugar     Mar                  Oct
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
     Coffee     Jul                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
     Cotton     Jul                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
Kansas Wheat    Jul                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
     Cocoa      Mar                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
     Copper     Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
   Aluminum     Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
       Zinc     Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
      Nickel    Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ---------------- ---
      Lead      Jun                  Dec
--------------- --- ================ ---

Deutsche Bank Commodities



Comparative Performance Statistics

                                                                Annualized Returns for Various Indices

                                              ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------

                                              YTD Return [] 1 Year Return   3 Year Return   5 Year Return   10 Year Return
 Volatility [] Sharpe
Beta Allocation Indices

 DBLCI (TM)                                           0.00%        -26.48%         -12.48%           -5.74%           -2.42%
 21.98%           -0.11
 SandP GSCI (TM)                                        0.00%        -33.08%         -12.89%           -6.61%           -6.16%
 24.16%           -0.25
 Bloomberg Commodity (SM)                             0.00%        -17.04%           -9.47%          -5.60%           -3.28%
 18.16%           -0.18
Optimum Yield Based Indices

 DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC               0.00%        -17.16%           -9.66%          -5.04%            0.64%
 16.88%           0.04
 DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC TV 14         0.00%        -29.65%         -16.95%           -9.63%           -0.60%
 14.90%           -0.04
 DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark                    0.00%        -31.03%         -12.00%           -5.77%           -0.16%
 21.72%           -0.01
Mean Reversion Based Indices

 DBLCI-MR                                             0.00%        -19.41%           -8.83%          -3.44%            3.07%
 20.87%           0.15
 DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced ex NG ERAC          0.00%        -14.69%           -8.36%          -3.66%            6.53%
 20.27%           0.32
 DBLCI MR Enhanced 15                                 0.00%        -24.66%         -13.39%         -10.55%             1.26%
 15.77%           0.08
 DBLCI MR+                                            0.00%          -2.85%          -4.24%          -2.67%            4.52%
 14.12%           0.32
Market Neutral Indices

 DB Commodity Harvest ERAC                            0.00%           0.16%          -0.92%          -0.52%            2.93%
 3.00%           0.98
 DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC                      0.00%           0.52%          -4.98%          -3.53%            7.88%
 10.40%           0.76
 DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22                  0.00%        -16.52%           -5.31%          -0.94%          14.23%
 13.50%           1.05
 DB Commodity Risk Parity 18                          0.00%        -37.23%         -22.16%         -11.03%             3.37%
 19.94%           0.17
Optimum Yield Enhanced Based Indices

 DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg         0.00%        -14.03%           -8.11%          -3.31%            3.32%
 15.99%           0.21
 DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark LE                0.00%        -16.65%           -8.28%          -2.38%            2.95%
 16.92%           0.17
 DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC                        0.00%           0.34%          -1.02%           0.28%            4.74%
 2.46%           1.93
 DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10                     0.00%           1.62%          -6.65%          -1.01%          19.47%
 10.08%           1.93
Other Asset Classes

 Equities (SandP 500)                                   0.00%         13.69%          20.37%          15.45%             7.67%
 20.45%           0.37
 Fixed Income (US Govt. All Total Return)             0.00%           8.48%           4.04%           4.50%            4.65%
 2.69%           1.73
--------------------------------------------- ------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------
 ------------- ------ -----

                   Notes: Statistics shown for "Other asset classes" are
computed using Total Return Indices. Sharpe Ratio for these indices is computed
using a threshold return of zero. All indices have been  retrospectively
calculated and did not exist prior to their respective Live Date. Indices have
very limited performance history and no actual investment which allowed
tracking of the Deutsche Bank  performance of these Indices was possible before
their Live Date. Accordingly, the results shown before the Live Date are
hypothetical and do not reflect actual returns. PastSpeaker name Commodities
performance is not necessarily indicative of how the Indices will perform in
the future. Data till 31 Dec 2014. See Risk Considerations for more
information.Name of event/date
 1 YTD returns are not annualized 70  2 Annualised vol of the daily lognormal




DB Commodity Indices                            Delta 1 Structures Structures with Vanilla
DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC                    []                     []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC TV 14              []                     []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark                         []                     []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DBLCI-MR                                                  []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DBLCI-MR+                                                 []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced ex NG ERAC               []                     []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB MR Enhanced 15                                         []                     []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Harvest ERAC                                 []                     []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC                           []                     []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index                 []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index                         []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg              []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy           []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC                             []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10                          []
----------------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------

Deutsche Bank Speaker name
Commodities Name of event/date 71



Market Data Sources

Bloomberg Tickers and Index Live Dates
----------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------
                                                Bloomberg Ticker Index Live Date
SandP GSCI Index                                  SPGCCIP (Index)
SandP GSCI Light Energy                           SPGSLEP (Index)
Bloomberg Commodity Index                       BCOM (Index)
DBLCI                                           DBLCMACL (Index) 28 February 03
DBLCI-MR                                        DBLCMMCL (Index) 28 February 03
DBLCI -- Mean Reversion Enhanced ex NG ERAC     DBLCMNGU (Index) 30 August 2012
DB MR Enhanced 15                               DBLCMTEU (Index) 28 September 09
DBLCI-MR+                                       DBLCMPUE (Index) 20 June 07
DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark               DBCMBSEU (Index) 15 December 07
DB Commodity Booster -- Benchmark Light Energy  DBCMBLEU (Index) 15 December 07
DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC          DBCMBDEN (Index) 12 October 10
DB Commodity Booster -- Bloomberg ERAC TV 14    DBCMBTVN (Index) 12 October 10
DB Commodity Harvest ERAC                       DBLCHNUE (Index) 14 October 08
DB Commodity Harvest -- 10 ERAC                 DBCMHVEG (Index) 14 October 08
DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Bloomberg    DBCMODUE (Index) 31 October 11
DB Commodity Booster OYE Benchmark Light Energy DBRCOSUE (Index) 30 November 11
DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC                   DBRCOAEC (Index) 30 November 11
DB Commodity Curve Alpha ERAC 10                DBRCOCUE (Index) 30 November 11
DB Commodity Risk Parity 18 Index               DBCMRPTV (Index) 12 December 2010
DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index       DBRCBWUE (Index) 15 October 2012
Equities (SandP 500) Total Return                 SPTR (Index)
Fixed Income Total Return                       JHDCGBIG (Index)
----------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



Optimized Yield
Available Indices

Commodity       Contract Expiry Date Bloomberg Ticker Index Live Date
WTI Crude Oil   20-Feb-15            DBLCOCLE Index   31 May 06
Brent Crude Oil 13-Nov-15            DBLCYECO Index   31 May 06
Heating Oil     29-May-15            DBLCOHOE Index   31 May 06
RBOB Gasoline   30-Nov-15            DBLCYERB Index   31 May 06
Gasoil          10-Jul-15            DBLCYEGO Index   31 May 06
Natural Gas     27-Mar-15            DBLCYENG Index   31 May 06
Base Metals
Aluminum        21-Oct-15            DBLCOALE Index   31 May 06
Copper          18-Feb-15            DBLCYECU Index   31 May 06
Zinc            18-Feb-15            DBLCYEZN Index   31 May 06
Nickel          16-Sep-15            DBLCYENI Index   31 May 06
Lead            18-Feb-15            DBLCYEPB Index   31 May 06
Precious Metals
Gold            28-Apr-15            DBLCOGCE Index   31 May 06
Silver          27-Jan-16            DBLCYESI Index   31 May 06
Wheat           14-Jul-15            DBLCOWTE Index   31 May 06
Kansas Wheat    14-Jul-15            DBLCYEKW Index   31 May 06
Corn            14-Dec-15            DBLCOCNE Index   31 May 06
Soybean         13-Nov-15            DBLCYESS Index   31 May 06
Cotton          09-Mar-15            DBLCYECE Index   31 May 06
Sugar           30-Jun-15            DBLCYESB Index   31 May 06
Coffee          19-Mar-15            DBLCYEKC Index   31 May 06
Cocoa           13-May-15            DBLCYECC Index   31 May 06
--------------- -------------------- ---------------- ---------------

Source: DBIQ
Deutsche Bank Notes:  Speaker name
Commodities 1 Bloomberg Tickers shown are for Excess Return version of the
indices Name of event/date
2 Data as of 31 Dec 2014 73



Risk Considerations

[] The information contained in this presentation does not provide personal
investment advice.  You should consult with independent accounting, tax, legal
and regulatory counsel regarding such matters as they may apply to your
particular circumstances

Strategy Risk
[] The DB Commodity Harvest Indices adopt a market neutral strategy by taking a
long position in a specified booster index and a short position in a specified
benchmark index.  However, this market neutral strategy may not be successful,
and each index may not be able to achieve its desired objective [] The Optimum
Yield and Optimum Yield Enhanced strategies described herein aim to maximize
the potential roll benefits in backwardated markets and minimize potential roll
losses in contango markets by purchasing the relevant new futures contracts
that would generate the maximum implied roll yield.  However, indices employing
the Optimum Yield and Optimum Yield Enhanced strategies may not be successful
in achieving the desired objective [] The Target Volatility strategy described
herein aims to achieve a specified realized volatility in the base index by
adjusting the level of participation based on the historical realized
volatility of the base index.  However, indices employing the Target Volatility
strategy may not be successful in achieving the desired objective [] The Mean
Reversion strategy described herein aims to maximize returns by over-weighting
relatively cheap commodities and under-weighting relatively expensive
commodities.  However, indices employing the Mean Reversion strategy may not be
successful in achieving the desired objective [] The Risk Parity strategy
described herein aims to provide exposure to four commodity sector indices such
that risk contribution of each to the resulting portfolio, determined based on
past three months' realized volatilities and correlations, is equal.  However,
indices employing the Risk Parity strategy may not be successful in achieving
the desired objective [] The DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22 Index adopts a
long-short strategy of taking a long position in 11 of the 22 index commodities
with the highest positive roll yields in backwardated markets (or the lowest
negative roll yields in contango markets), in conjunction with the Optimum
Yield Enhanced strategy described herein, and taking a short position in the
remaining 11 index commodities.  However, the long-short strategy and Optimum
Yield Enhanced strategy employed by the DB Commodity Backwardation Alpha 22
Index may not be successful, and the index may not be able to achieve its
desired objective

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



Risk Considerations (Cont'd)

[] Commodities are speculative and highly volatile and the risk of loss from
investing in financial instruments linked to commodities or commodity indices
can be substantial Past Performance

[] An index's performance is unpredictable, and past performance is not
indicative of future performance.  We give no representation or warranty as to
the future performance of any index or investment [] Some of the indices
described herein have very limited performance history
Index Comparison

[] In this document, various performance-related  statistics, such as index
return and volatility, among others, of each Deutsche Bank proprietary index
included herein are compared with those of their related Deutsche Bank and/or
non-Deutsche  Bank indices.
Such comparisons are for information purposes only. No assurance can be given
that such Deutsche Bank proprietary indices included herein will outperform
their related Deutsche Bank and/or non-Deutsche  Bank indices in the future;
nor can assurance be given that such Deutsche Bank proprietary indices will not
significantly underperform their related Deutsche Bank and/or non- Deutsche
Bank indices in the future. Similarly, no assurance can be given that the
relative volatility levels of such Deutsche Bank proprietary indices and their
related Deutsche Bank and/or non-Deutsche  Bank indices will remain the same in
the future

[] Backtested, hypothetical or simulated performance results discussed herein
have inherent limitations.  The index methodology of each index was designed,
constructed and tested using historical market data and based on knowledge of
factors that may have possibly affected its performance.  The returns of an
index prior to such index's Live Date were achieved by means of a retroactive
application of such backtested index methodology designed with the benefit of
hindsight.  Taking into account historical events, the backtesting of
performance also differs from actual account performance because an actual
investment strategy may be adjusted any time, for any reason, including a
response to material, economic or market factors.  The backtested performance
includes hypothetical results that do not reflect the deduction of advisory
fees, brokerage or other commissions, and any other expenses that a client
would have paid or actually paid and do not account for all financial risk that
may affect the actual performance of an investment.  Past hypothetical
backtested results are neither an indicator nor guarantee of future returns.
Actual results will vary, perhaps materially, from the analysis contained

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date



Important Notes

Additional Information (including index methodology and rules) about the
Deutsche Bank proprietary indices discussed in this presentation is available
upon request by calling (212) 250-0703

Deutsche Bank AG has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus)
with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, for the offering to which
this communication relates. Before you invest, you should read the prospectus
in that registration statement and other documents that Deutsche Bank AG has
filed with the SEC for more complete information about Deutsche Bank AG and any
such offering. You may obtain these documents without cost by visiting EDGAR on
the SEC website at Alternatively, Deutsche Bank AG, any agent or
any dealer participating in the offering will arrange to send you the
prospectus if you so request by calling toll-free 1-800-311-4409

SandP GSCI SM Disclaimer
Any securities Deutsche Bank AG may issue from time to time and this
presentation are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard and
Poor's, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ("SandP"). Standard and
Poor's does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, to the
owners of any securities or any member of the public regarding the advisability
of investing in any securities or the ability of SandP GSCI Index to track
general commodity market performance. SandP's only relationship to Deutsche Bank
AG is the licensing of certain trademarks and trade names of SandP and of SandP
GSCI Index, which indices are determined, composed and calculated by SandP
without regard to Deutsche Bank AG or any securities. SandP has no obligation to
take the needs of Deutsche Bank AG or the owners of any securities into
consideration in determining, composing or calculating SandP GSCI Index. SandP is
not responsible for and have not participated in the determination of the
timing of, prices at, or quantities of any securities to be issued or in the
determination or calculation of the equation by which the SandP GSCI Index is to
be converted into cash. SandP has no obligation or liability in connection with
the administration, marketing or trading of any securities.
SandP GSCI Index is a trademark of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and has been
licensed for use by Deutsche Bank AG.

BCOM(SM) Disclaimer
"Bloomberg([R])", "Bloomberg Commodity Index(SM)" are service marks of
Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates (collectively, "Bloomberg") and have
been licensed for use for certain purposes by Deutsche Bank.
The Products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Bloomberg, UBS
AG, UBS Securities LLC ("UBS Securities") or any of their subsidiaries or
affiliates. None of Bloomberg, UBS AG, UBS Securities or any of their
subsidiaries or affiliates makes any representation or warranty, express or
implied, to the owners of or counterparties to the Product(s) or any member of
the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities or commodities
generally or in the Product(s) particularly. The only relationship of
Bloomberg, UBS AG, UBS Securities or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates to
the Licensee is the licensing of certain trademarks, trade names and service
marks and of the Bloomberg Commodity Index(SM), which is determined, composed
and calculated by Bloomberg in conjunction with UBS Securities without regard
to Deutsche Bank or the Product(s). Bloomberg and UBS Securities have no
obligation to take the needs of Deutsche Bank or the owners of the Product(s)
into consideration in determining, composing or calculating Bloomberg Commodity
Index(SM). None of Bloomberg, UBS AG, UBS Securities or any of their respective
subsidiaries or affiliates is responsible for or has participated in the
determination of the timing of, prices at, or quantities of the Product(s) to
be issued or in the determination or calculation of the equation by which the
Product(s) are to be converted into cash. None of Bloomberg, UBS AG, UBS
Securities or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates shall have any obligation
or liability, including, without limitation, to Products customers, in
connection with the administration, marketing or trading of the Product(s).
Notwithstanding the foregoing, UBS AG, UBS Securities and their respective
subsidiaries and affiliates may independently issue and/or sponsor financial
products unrelated to the Products currently being issued by Licensee, but
which may be similar to and competitive with the Products. In addition, UBS AG,
UBS Securities and their subsidiaries and affiliates actively trade
commodities, commodity indexes and commodity futures (including the Bloomberg
Commodity Index(SM) and Bloomberg Commodity Index Total Return(SM)), as well as
swaps, options and derivatives which are linked to the performance of such
commodities, commodity indexes and commodity futures. It is possible that this
trading activity will affect the value of the Bloomberg Commodity Index(SM) and

Deutsche Bank Speaker name Commodities Name of event/date