Washington, D.C. 20549

Report of Foreign Issuer
September 12, 2006

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Commission file number:  001-31232


(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

Russian Federation

(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

16, Yauzsky Boulevard

Moscow 109028

Russian Federation

(Address of principal executive offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

Form 20-F  x  Form 40-F  o

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Yes  o  No  x


Q U A R T E R L Y   R E P O R T

of Issuer of Emissive Securities

for the second quarter of 2006


Issuer’s code










Location: 109028, Moscow, Yauzsky Boulevard, 16/15, office 306
Postal address: 109028, Moscow, Yauzsky Boulevard, 16/15, office 306

Information contained in the present Quarterly Report is subject to disclosure in conformity with the legislation of Russian Federation relating to securities.

Representative by power of attorney
dated 01.07.2005 №01/07-01


/s/ R.V. Bolotovsky





“14” August 2006



R.V. Bolotovsky





Chief Accountant






/s/ L.N. Bykovskaya


“14” August 2006



L.N. Bykovskaya




(place for stamp)

Contact person: Mukhin Mikhail Mikhailovich

Legal adviser

Tel.: (095) 105-5805 (ext. 1371)
Fax: (095) 733-9736


Internet page(s) displaying information contained in this quarterly report: /

Table of contents




Brief data on the persons, members of the Issuer’s executive bodies, information on bank accounts, the

auditor, the appraiser and the Issuer’s financial consultant, as well as on other persons, having signed the quarterly report.



Persons, members of the Issuer’s executive bodies



Information on the Issuer’s bank accounts



Information on the Issuer’s auditor (auditors)



Information on the Issuer’s appraiser



Information on the Issuer’s consultants



Information on other persons having signed the quarterly report






Basic information on the Issuer’s financial and economic status



Indicators of the Issuer’s financial and economic activities



Issuer’s market capitalization



Issuer’s obligations




Accounts payable




Issuer’s credit history




Issuer’s obligations from security granted to third parties




Other Issuer’s obligations



Objectives of the issue and spheres where funds received from securities issue shall be used



Risks associated with acquisition of placed securities (securities to be placed)




Industry risks




Country and regional risks




Financial risks




Legal risks




Risks relating to the Issuer’s business







Detailed information on the Issuer



Issuer’s background and development




Data on the Issuer’s firm name (name)




Data on the Issuer’s state registration




Data on the Issuer’s creation and development




Contact information








Branches and representations of the Issuer



Principal economic activities of the Issuer




Issuer’s industry branch




Issuer’s principal economic activities




Main types of products (works, services)




Raw materials and Issuer’s suppliers




Markets for products (works, services) of the Issuer




License information




Issuer’s joint activities




Additional requirements to issuers that are investment funds or insurance companies.




Additional requirements to issuers, whose principal activity is mining operations.




Additional requirements to issuers, whose principal activity is rendering of communication services.



Issuer’s planned activities in future



Issuer’s participation in the industry, banking and financial groups, holdings, concerns and associations



Subsidiaries and dependent economic entities of the Issuer



Composition, structure and cost of the Issuer’s fixed assets, information on acquisition, replacement, withdrawal of the fixed assets, as well as on all encumbrances of the Issuer’s fixed assets




Fixed assets







Information on financial and economic activities of the Issuer



Results of the financial and economic activities of the Issuer




Profits and losses





Factors having affected the amount of the proceeds from sale of goods, products, works, services and the


amount of profits (losses) from the Issuer’s principal business.


4.2 Liquidity of the Issuer and adequacy of the Issuer’s equity and working capital


4.3 Size and structure of the Issuer’s equity and working capital




4.3.1 Size and structure of the Issuer’s equity and working capital




4.3.2 Investments of the Issuer
 Long-Term Investments
 Short-Term Investments




4.3.3 Intangible Assets of the Issuer






4.4 Information on the Issuer’s R&D Policies and Expenses, Including Licenses, Patents, New Products, and Research


4.5 Tendencies in the sphere of the Issuer’s principal activities and their analysis




V. Detailed information on the persons in the Issuer’s management and its business activities monitoring bodies and brief information on the Issuer’s staff (employees)


5.1 Information on the structure and competence of the Issuer’s executive bodies


5.2 Information on the persons, member of the Issuer’s executive bodies


5.3 Information on remunerations, benefits and/or reimbursements per each management body of the Issuer


5.4 Information on the bodies monitoring the Issuer’s business activities, their structure and powers


5.5 Information on the persons in the bodies monitoring the Issuer’s business activities


5.6 Information on remunerations, benefits and/or reimbursements for the body monitoring the Issuer’s business activities


5.7 Information on the Issuer’s staff (employees), its educational background and structure, and changes in the numbers of the Issuer’s staff (employees)


5.8 Information on any obligations of the Issuer before its staff (employees) related to their possible participation in the Issuer’s authorized stock (share fund)






Information on the Issuer’ participants (shareholders) and interested party transactions it has contracted


6.1 Information on the general number of the Issuer’s shareholders


6.2 Information on the Issuer’s shareholders holding no less than 5% from its authorized stock or no less than 5% of its ordinary shares, as well as the information on the participants (shareholders) of such entities holding no less than 20% of the authorized stock (share fund) or no less than 20% of its ordinary shares


6.3 Information on the state or municipal body’s share in the authorized stock of the Issuer, existence of a special right (“golden share”)


6.4 Information on restrictions to take part in the Issuer’s authorized stock


6.5 Information on changes in the composition and participation shares of the Issuer’s shareholders that possess at least 5% of the Issuer’s authorized stock or at least 5% of the Issuer’s common stock


6.6 Information on the interested parties transactions the Issuer effected


6.7 Information on Accounts Receivable






Issuer’s business accounting and other financial information


7.1 Issuer’s annual accounting reports


7.2 Quarterly accounting reports for the last accomplished quarter ended


7.3 The Issuer’s consolidated accounting reports for the last complete financial year


7.4 The data on Issuer’s accounting policy


7.5 Information on total exports and export share in total sales


7.6 Data on cost of the Issuer’s immovable property and material changes in the Issuer’s property after the end of the last complete financial year


7.7 Information on any court proceedings the Issuer is involved in, in case such court proceedings may affect the Issuer’s business operations






Additional information on the Issuer and on the placed securities


8.1 Additional information on the Issuer




8.1.1 Information on the amount, the structure of the authorized stock of the Issuer




8.1.2 Information on changes in the authorized stock of the Issuer




8.1.3 Information on formation and use of the reserve fund and other funds of the Issuer




8.1.4 Information on the convocation and holding procedure for the meeting of the Issuer’s supreme management body



8.1.5 Information on commercial organizations where the Issuer holds no less than 5% of the authorized stock (share

fund) or no less than 5% of the ordinary shares



8.1.6 Information on material transactions that the Issuer has contracted



8.1.7 Information on the Issuer’s credit ratings

8.2 Information on each of the Issuer’s share category (type)

8.3 Information on prior issues of the Issuer’s securities other than the Issuer’s shares



8.3.1 Information on issues, of which all securities have been redeemed (cancelled)



8.3.2 Information on the issues, the securities under which still circulate



8.3.3 Information on issues, for the securities of which the Issuer is in default

8.4 Information on the person(s) having provided security for the bonds of the issue

8.5 Conditions guaranteeing fulfillment of obligations on the bonds of the issue

8.6 Information on the organizations registering rights to issued securities of the Issuer

8.7 Information on legislative acts regulating capital import and export issues, which can affect payment of dividends, interest and other amounts to non-residents

8.8 Procedure for taxation of revenues from the Issuer’s securities placed and in the process of placement

8.9 Information on announced (accrued) and paid dividends on the Issuer’s shares, as well as on income on the Issuer’s bonds

8.10 Other information


Attachment 1


Attachment 2



Issuer’s full proprietary name.
Open Joint Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods”

Issuer’s abbreviated name
WBD Foods

Issuer’s location
109028, Moscow, Yauzsky Boulevard, 16/15, office 306

Data on Issuer’s contact tel. numbers and email
Tel (095) 105-58-05

Internet page(s) displaying information contained in this quarterly report:

Data on Issuer’s shares.

Category: Common

Form of Shares: Registered, uncertificated

Nominal Price of One Share: 20  rubles

Quantity of Shares placed: 44 000 000

Data on Issuer’s bonds

Series Number: 01

Type: interest-bearing

Category: nonconvertible bearer bonds

Form of Securities: Certificated

Nominal Price of One Security of the issue: 1000 rubles

Quantity of Securities: 1 500 000

Other Material Information on Issuer’s Securities.


This quarterly report contains evaluations and forecasts of the Issuer’s authorized executive bodies regarding the future events and/or actions, perspective development in the industry branch where the Issuer carries out its principal business, and the results of the Issuer’s activities, including the Issuer’s plans, probability of certain events and certain actions to be undertaken.  Investors should not fully rely on the evaluations and forecasts made by the Issuer’s executive bodies, as the actual results of its activities in future might differ from those forecast due to various reasons.  Acquisition of the Issuer’s securities is associated with risks described in this quarterly report.



1.1          Persons, members of the Issuer’s executive bodies

Board of Directors

Chairman: David Iakobachvili

Born: 1957

Members of Issuer’s Board of Directors:

Dubinin, Mikhail Vladimirovich

Born: 1969

Orlov, Alexander Sergeevich

Born: 1948

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

Scherbak, Vladimir Nikolaevich

Born: 1939

Tutelyan, Victor Alexandrovich

Born: 1942

Yushvaev, Gavril Abramovich,

 Born: 1957

Yasin, Eugeny Grigorievich

Born: 1934

Guy de Selliers

Born: 1952

Michael A. O’Neill

Born: 1945

Ernest Linwood Tipton

Born: 1934

Issuer’s individual and collective administrative/managerial staff.

Individual executive body and members of collective executive body:

Chairman of the Management board

Tony Denis Maher

Born: 1956


Members of the Management Board

Anisimov, Dmitry Aleksandrovich

Born: 1961

Kuzymin Oleg Egorovich

Born: 1969

Eliseeva, Vera Vladimirovna

Born: 1958

Kagan, Marina Gennadyevna

Born: 1968

Kraynov, Gennady Konstantinovich

Born: 1951

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the Issuer:

Tony Denis Maher

Born: 1956

1.2          Information on the Issuer’s bank accounts




Type of


Account Number


Name and Location of the Bank












Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 1 00700 883 027 Correspondent A/C No. 30101810300000000202 BIC 044252202


COMMERCIAL BANK CITIBANK CJSC 125047 Moscow, Gashek Str. 8-10
INN 7710401987





Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 4 00000 030 108 Correspondent A/C No. 30101810900000000460 BIC 044585460


Moscow, Leontyevsky Per. 21/1, Bldg 1
INN 7729065633





Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 4 00070 027 130 Correspondent A/C No. 30101810900000000466 BIC 044525466


113035 Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya Str. 3
INN 7706074960





Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 7 00070 000 569 Correspondent A/C No. 30101810500000000219 BIC 044525219


107996 Moscow, Kuznetsky Most Str. 15
INN 7702000406





Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 2 01500 000 016 Correspondent A/C No. 30101810200000000593 BIC 044525593


117049 Moscow, Mytnaya Str. 1, Bldg 1
INN 7728168971





Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 6 38360 104 497 Correspondent A/C No. 30101810400000000225 BIC 044525225


117997 Moscow, Vavilov Str. 19
INN 7707083893







Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 9 38000 110 483 Correspondent A/C No. 30101 810 4 00000 000 225 BIC 044525225


117997 Moscow, Vavilov Str. 19
INN 7707083893





Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 6 00090 020 670 Correspondent A/C No. 30101810700000000187 BIC 044525187


Vneshtorgbank OJSC
107996 Moscow, Kuznetsky Most Str. 16
INN 7702070139





Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 4 00010 544 422 Correspondent A/C No. 30101810300000000545 BIC 044525545


International bank of Moscow CJSC
119034 Moscow, Prechistenskaya nab., 9
INN 7710030411





Settlement A/C No. 40702 810 4 00001 401 757 Correspondent A/C No. 30101810200000000700 BIC 044525700


Raiffeisenbank Austria CJSC
129090 Moscow, Troitskaya Str. 17/1


1.3. Data on Issuer’s public accountant / auditor.

Name and abbreviation: Closed Joint Stock Company «Ernst and Young Vneshaudit», ZAO «Ernst and Young Vneshaudit»

Location: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya naberegnaya, d.77, str.1

Tel.: (095) 755-97-00

Fax : (095) 755 97-01


Information on auditor’s license

License number: E 003246

Date of issue of license: 17.01.2003

Period of validity: up to 17.01.2008

Organization that issued the license: RF Ministry of Finance

Financial year (years) in which auditor provided independent analysis of book-keeping and accounting of the issuer:  2004 год

Factors that can influence on the independence of the auditor from the issuer: no such

Measures taken by the issuer to decrease influence of such factors: As long as there are no such factors, that can influence on the independence of the auditor from the issuer, no such measures were taken by the issuer. The internal Independence policy has being established by the auditor, including responsibility of the senior staff to disclose information on any alterations regarding the share holding of public companies owned by such persons and to confirm such share ownership quarterly.

Auditor’s selection procedure:

Presence of tender procedure regarding selection of the auditor and its conditions:

As long as there is no state ownership exceeding 25% of Company’s chartered capital and according item 2 of art. 7 of Federal law “About audit activities” on 07/08/2001 #119-ФЗ the issuer is not obliged to conduct open tender on auditors selection.

Procedure of nomination for auditor of the company and approval of it with the stockholder’s meeting: Pursuant to Federal law “About joint-stock companies” on 24/12/1995 # 208-ФЗ and Charter of WBD Foods auditor should be approved by the stockholder’s meeting, at the suggestion of the Board of directors, after the approval of the nomination of the auditor by the Audit committee of the Board of directors and Internal audit service.

Information on special audit services provided by the auditor: no such

Information on essential interests, connecting auditor (auditor’s officials) with issuer (issuer’s officials): no such


Information on the auditors share interest regarding the issuer:  no such

Information on issuer’s loaning the auditor: no such

Information on presence of close connection between auditor and issuer and relationship of auditor’s and issuer’s senior staff: no such

Information on the officials who combine jobs by the issuer and by the auditor: no such

Auditor compensation’s determination procedure : Pursuant to the Charter of WBD Foods the amount of auditor’s compensation should by determined by the Board of directors and assigned in the audit contract. Preliminary such compensation should be approved by the Audit committee of the BOD and by Internal audit service.

Information on unpaid auditor’s compensation for provided services: no such

Name and abbreviation: Closed Joint Stock Company BDO Unicon, ZAO BDO Unicon (further  Closed Joint Stock Company «BDO UniconRuf» and Closed Joint Stock Company «Unicon/MS Konsultatsionnaya gruppa»)

Location: 117545, Moscow, Varshavskoye shosse, d.125, str.1, section 11

Tel.: (095) 797-56-65

Fax.: (095) 319-59-09


Information on auditor’s license

License number: E  000547

Date of issue of license: 25.06.2002 г.

Period of validity: дo 24.06.2007г.

Organization that issued the license: RF Ministry of Finance

Financial year (years) in which auditor provided independent analysis of book-keeping and accounting of the issuer: 2003, 2002

Factors that can influence on the independence of the auditor from the issuer: no such

Measures taken by the issuer to decrease influence of such factors: As long as there are no such factors, that can influence on the independence of the auditor from the issuer, no such measures were taken by the issuer. The internal Independence policy has being established by the auditor, including responsibility of the senior staff to disclose information on any alterations regarding the share holding of public companies owned by such persons and to confirm such share ownership quarterly.

Auditor’s selection procedure:

Presence of tender procedure regarding selection of the auditor and its conditions:

As long as there is no state ownership exceeding 25% of Company’s chartered capital and according item 2 of art. 7 of Federal law “About audit activities” on 07/08/2001 #119-ФЗ the issuer is not obliged to conduct open tender on auditors selection.

Procedure of nomination for auditor of the company and approval of it with the stockholder’s meeting: Pursuant to Federal law “About joint-stock companies” on 24/12/1995 # 208-ФЗ and Charter of WBD Foods auditor should be approved by the stockholder’s meeting, at the suggestion of the Board of directors, after the approval of the nomination of the auditor by the Audit committee of the Board of directors and Internal audit service.

Information on special audit services provided by the auditor: no such

Information on essential interests, connecting auditor (auditor’s officials) with issuer (issuer’s officials): no such

Information on the auditors share interest regarding the issuer:  no such

Information on issuer’s loaning the auditor: no such

Information on presence of close connection between auditor and issuer and relationship of auditor’s and issuer’s


senior staff: no such

Information on the officials who combine jobs by the issuer and by the auditor: no such

Auditor compensation’s determination procedure : Pursuant to the Charter of WBD Foods the amount of auditor’s compensation should by determined by the Board of directors and assigned in the audit contract. Preliminary such compensation should be approved by the Audit committee of the BOD and by Internal audit service.

Information on unpaid auditor’s compensation for provided services: no such

Name and abbreviation: Limited Liability Company «Ernst and Young», OOO «Ernst and Young»

Location: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya naberegnaya, d.77, str.1

Tel.: (095) 755-97-00

Fax : (095) 755 97-01


Information on auditor’s license

License number: 002138

Date of issue of license: 30.09.2002

Period of validity: up to 30.09.2007

Organization that issued the license: RF Ministry of Finance

Financial year (years) in which auditor provided independent analysis of book-keeping and accounting of the issuer: auditor conducted audit analysis of consolidate financial statements of the issuer (GAAP) for 2004 year,

Factors that can influence on the independence of the auditor from the issuer: no such

Measures taken by the issuer to decrease influence of such factors: As long as there are no such factors, that can influence on the independence of the auditor from the issuer, no such measures were taken by the issuer. The internal Independence policy has being established by the auditor, including responsibility of the senior staff to disclose information on any alterations regarding the share holding of public companies owned by such persons and to confirm such share ownership quarterly.

Auditor’s selection procedure:

Presence of tender procedure regarding selection of the auditor and its conditions:

As long as there is no state ownership exceeding 25% of Company’s chartered capital and according item 2 of art. 7 of Federal law “About audit activities” on 07/08/2001 #119-ФЗ the issuer is not obliged to conduct open tender on auditors selection.

Procedure of nomination for auditor of the company and approval of it with the stockholder’s meeting: Pursuant to Federal law “About joint-stock companies” on 24/12/1995 # 208-ФЗ and Charter of WBD Foods auditor should be approved by the stockholder’s meeting, at the suggestion of the Board of directors, after the approval of the nomination of the auditor by the Audit committee of the Board of directors and Internal audit service.

Information on special audit services provided by the auditor: no such

Information on essential interests, connecting auditor (auditor’s officials) with issuer (issuer’s officials): no such

Information on the auditors share interest regarding the issuer:  no such

Information on issuer’s loaning the auditor: no such

Information on presence of close connection between auditor and issuer and relationship of auditor’s and issuer’s senior staff: no such

Information on the officials who combine jobs by the issuer and by the auditor: no such

Auditor compensation’s determination procedure : Pursuant to the Charter of WBD Foods the amount of auditor’s compensation should by determined by the Board of directors and assigned in the audit contract. Preliminary such compensation should be approved by the Audit committee of the BOD and by Internal audit service.


Information on unpaid auditor’s compensation for provided services: no such

Name and abbreviation: Ernst and Young (CIS) Limited

Location: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya naberegnaya, d.77, str.1

Tel.: (095) 755-97-00

Fax: (095) 755 97-01


Information on auditor’s license:

License is not required for providing the analysis of consolidate financial statements (GAAP) of the issuer

Financial year (years) in which auditor provided independent analysis of book-keeping and accounting of the issuer:    auditor provided analysis of the consolidate financial statements (GAAP) of the issuer for 2002 and 2003 years.

Factors that can influence on the independence of the auditor from the issuer: no such

Measures taken by the issuer to decrease influence of such factors: As long as there are no such factors, that can influence on the independence of the auditor from the issuer, no such measures were taken by the issuer. The internal Independence policy has being established by the auditor, including responsibility of the senior staff to disclose information on any alterations regarding the share holding of public companies owned by such persons and to confirm such share ownership quarterly.

Auditor’s selection procedure:

As long as there are no any legal requirements regarding the procedure of selection of the auditor which will provide analysis of the consolidate financial statements (GAAP) of the issuer, there is no any obligatory procedure.

Procedure of nomination for auditor of the company and approval of it with the stockholder’s meeting: Pursuant to Federal law “About joint-stock companies” on 24/12/1995 # 208-ФЗ and Charter of WBD Foods auditor should be approved by the stockholder’s meeting, at the suggestion of the Board of directors, after the approval of the nomination of the auditor by the Audit committee of the Board of directors and Internal audit service.

Information on special audit services provided by the auditor: no such

Information on essential interests, connecting auditor (auditor’s officials) with issuer (issuer’s officials): no such

Information on the auditors share interest regarding the issuer:  no such

Information on issuer’s loaning the auditor: no such

Information on presence of close connection between auditor and issuer and relationship of auditor’s and issuer’s senior staff: no such

Information on the officials who combine jobs by the issuer and by the auditor: no such

Auditor compensation’s determination procedure : Pursuant to the Charter of WBD Foods the amount of auditor’s compensation should by determined by the Board of directors and assigned in the audit contract. Preliminary such compensation should be approved by the Audit committee of the BOD and by Internal audit service.

Information on unpaid auditor’s compensation for provided services: no such

1.4          Information on the Issuer’s appraiser

The appraiser has not been employed in the accounting quarter.

1.5          Information on the Issuer’s consultants

Financial consultants for the purpose of the preparation and signing of the securities prospectus issue and this report were not employed.


1.6          Information on other persons having signed the quarterly report

In relation to other persons having signed the quarterly report and not indicated in the previous articles of this section:

Lydia N. Bykovskaya
Tel: (095) 105 5805
Fax: (095) 105 5805


2.1           Indicators of the Issuer’s financial and economic activities

Indicators of the Issuer’s financial and economic activities from January 1, 2006 till June 30, 2006.



6 moths of 2006


Value of issuer’s net assets, thou. rubles




Ratio of attracted funds to capital and reserves,%




Ratio of short-term liabilities to capital and reserves,%




Coverage of debt service payments, rubles




Level of overdue debt,%




Receivables turnover, times




Dividend payments as percentage of profits




Labor efficiency, thou.RUR per person




Depreciation as percentage of earnings,%





The issuer doesn’t have any overdue debts

2.2 Issuer’s market capitalization

The arranger of the sales at the equity market is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).  The Issuer’s market capitalization calculated as the derivation of the number of shares expressed in ADRs, and the price of one share (ADR), amounts to:

As of 31.12.2001


RUR 699 085 000 (as of the present date the issue’s market capitalization is calculated as the equivalent

of the issue’ net assets value).

As of 31.12.2002


US$17.95 x 44,000,000 = US$789,800,000

As of 31.12.2003


US$17.00 x 44,000,000 = US$748,000,000

As of 31.12.2004


US$14.31 x 44,000,000 = US$629,640,000

As of 31.12.2005


US$24.03 x 44,000,000 = US$1,057,320,000

As of 31.03.2006


US$28.36 x 44,000,000 = US$1,247,840,000

As of 30.06.2006


US$34.50 x 44,000,000 = US$1,518,000,000


The price of one share (ADR) corresponds to the price of one share (ADR) set within the recent transaction contracted as at the last date of the accounting period.


2.3          Issuer’s obligations

2.3.1 Accounts Payable, thou.rubles

Breakdown of the Issuer’s debt as of 30.06.2006.

Type of debt


Payment date




Within one year


Within one year








Accounts payable to suppliers and contractors, thousand RUR






Including overdue, thousand RUR






Sums payable to the personnel, thousand RUR






Including overdue, thousand RUR






Sums payable to the state budget and off-budget funds, thousand RUR






Including overdue, thousand RUR






Other debts






Including overdue, thousand RUR






Credits, thousand RUR






Including overdue, thousand RUR






Loans, total, thousand RUR






Including overdue, RUR thousand






Including bonded debt, thousand RUR






Included overdue bonded debt, thousand RUR






Total, RUR






Including overdue, RUR thousand







Of WBD Foods’ accounts payable as at June 30, 2006, Lianozovo Dairy OJSC accounted for 14 469 thousand rubles, or 22,13 % of total accounts payable (65374 thousand rubles).

2.3.2                     Issuer’s credit history

Type of liability


Name of the creditor




Term of credit
(loan) / 
maturity date


Overdue liabilities, including 
overdue principal and/or interest,  
number of days of delay


Short-term credit, USD


Alfa-Bank OAO








Short-term credit, USD


Alfa-Bank OAO








Long-term credit, USD






2008 г.




Bonded debt, thousand RUR


Issue organizer Troyka-Dialog Investment Company ZAO, International Moscow Bank – paying agent




2006 г.




Short-term credit, RUR


Raiffeisenbank Austria ZAO


110 000






Short-term credit, RUR


Raiffeisenbank Austria ZAO


197 845






Bonded debt, thousand RUR


Raiffeisenbank Austria ZAO


3 000 000


2010 г.






2.3.3       Issuer’s obligations from security granted to third parties

Agreements on 
granted sureties


Date of 




Amount of 




Sum in 
thousand rubles 
as at 30.06.06






Raiffeisenbank Austria ZAO


16 325




16 325






Raiffeisenbank Austria ZAO


76 000




76 000








1 134 349




37 365








65 800




2 110






Dairy OAO, Timashevsk


2 949 180




40 558






Labinov V.V.


58 000




1 184








2 348 476




32 297






Siberian Milk OAO


2 510 160




38 836






Siberian Milk OAO


958 466










Sberbank of Russia


154 000




64 708






Sberbank of Russia


223 044




4 658












272 481



2.3.4       Other Issuer’s obligations

There are no other Issuer’s obligations.

2.4          Objectives of the issue and spheres where funds received from securities issue shall be used

The aim of bonds series 02 emissions is to refinance of issuer’s current activities and financing of investment program.

Company makes significant capital investments, including investments related to extension of current activity, modernization of equipment and acquisition of new entities. In order to accomplish investment program, including new entities acquisition expenditures, company spent 117,1 mln USD in 2003, 77,9 mln USD in 2004, in 2005 it’s planned to spend approximately 100 mln USD.

On acquisition of entities in Russia and CIS it was invested about 63 mln USD for the period from 2002 to 2005. WBD invests significant amounts on modernization of the acquired assets, conducts reconstruction and extension of productive capacity according to advanced standards of equipment and technology, specifically all diaries are equipped with modern weighing-and-filling and manufacturing equipment. Reconstruction of diaries and installation of new productive capacities allows to increase productions quality.

According to the strategy to produce diary products in the region where they will be consumed, regional production areas are equipped with Tetra Pak (Sweden) production lines. These lines are designed to pack milk, juices, nectars in cardboard packages, as well as yoghurts packages, curd and milk deserts, production of juices and juice containing products packed in plastic bottles.

Capital investments for the recent few years have been planned in the amount of 100 mln USD per year and will be invested in infrastructure, modernization of acquired entities, equipment of warehouses and maintenance of production capacities.

2.5. Risks associated with acquisition of placed securities (securities to be placed)

The issuer describes risks and uncertainties, that our management believes to are essential, but but these risks and uncertainties may not be the only ones we face.    Additional risks and uncertainties, including those we currently do not know or deem immaterial, could result in a decline in the price of issuer’s securities.

Due to the specifics of the Issuer’s principal business, its risks, which might lead to reduction of the securities price, are conditional, to a greater extent, on the consolidated risks of the companies controlled by the Issuer directly or indirectly.


For the purposes of this section the terms “Company”, “WBD Group”, “group of companies WBD”, “WBD” shall mean both the Issuer separately, and together with the companies it controls.

2.5.1. Risks Relating to Industry

The influence of the possible depression in the industry and the issuer’s proposed reaction regarding such depression and its obligations under securities:

1.               The food industry’s growth potential is constrained by population growth, which has been falling in Russia, and growth in personal income. Our success depends, in part, on our ability to expand our business faster than populations are growing in the markets that we serve, or notwithstanding declines in the populations in those markets. One way to achieve that growth is to enhance our portfolio by adding products and greater production capacity in faster growing and more profitable categories. In the past, we have experienced delays in the installation of new production equipment due to internal technical integration issues as well as delays by vendors and other third-party suppliers in installing and testing new production lines. Future delays in new equipment installation could inhibit our ability to add products and expand our production capacity, cause our output volume to suffer and, consequently, have a material adverse effect on our results of operations.

2.              Demand for dairy and certain beverage products depends primarily on demographic factors and consumer preferences, as well as factors relating to discretionary consumer spending, including the general condition of the economy and general levels of consumer confidence. The willingness of consumers to purchase branded food and beverage products depends, in part, on local economic conditions. In periods of economic uncertainty, consumers tend to purchase more economy brands and, to the extent that our business strategy depends on the expansion of the sales of premium brands and value-added products, our results of operations could suffer. Reduced consumption of our products in any of our key markets could reduce our turnover and profitability.

3.              Although juice consumption in Russia continues to increase, our juice product sales volume decreased in 2004 and 2005 due to vigorous market competition from other domestic producers and increased activity by foreign producers. Continued and/or increased competition among juice producers in Russia may cause a continued decline in the sales volumes of our juice products, as well as affect our juice prices and profit margins and, consequently, may materially adversely affect our results of operations.

4.              We also compete with other brands for shelf space in retail stores and marketing focus by our independent distributors and retailers, and our independent distributors and retailers offer other products, sometimes including their own brands, that compete directly with our products. In addition, retailers in Russia typically charge food and beverage producers, including us and our competitors, for shelf space. If independent distributors and retailers give higher priority to other brands, purchase less of, or even refuse to buy, our products, seek substantial discounts, charge unreasonable prices for shelf space, fail to offer sufficient shelf space, or devote inadequate promotional support to our brands, it could lower our turnover and reduce our competitiveness and profitability.

5.              Independent distributors may export our products to countries where such products do not meet the requirements of applicable legislation. The consequent recalls of our products and the associated negative publicity may adversely affect our reputation in the Russian Federation, the CIS and abroad, and materially adversely affect our results of operations. In exporting our products, we attempt to meet the standards and requirements of applicable legislation governing the import of food products into the importing country.

6.              New regulations impacting food producers in Russia could cause us to incur substantial additional compliance costs or administrative penalties which may have a material adverse effect on our business and financial results. The regulation of food production and quality has been undergoing a constant reform in the past decade and frequently changes. At the moment WBD complies with all requirements and standards, and in case of their changes and failure to comply with the new legislation, WBD will try to get necessary permissions to extend the period on matching WBD activities in accordance with new legislation.


7. Increased domestic production by our foreign competitors could reduce our competitive advantages against them, which would have a material adverse effect on our market share and results of operations. A number of our foreign competitors, such as Danone, Parmalat, Lactalis, Campina, Ehrmann, Onken and Pascuale, have begun to invest in domestic production facilities, while others, such as Coca-Cola, have acquired domestic producers. These investments and acquisitions reduce the competitive advantages that we have over foreign competitors without domestic production capability. A continuation of this trend may result in increased competition for qualified personnel and higher labor costs, and would have a material adverse effect on our business and results of operations.

In order to minimize possible adverse effect in industry on WBD activities, WBD provides a strategy directed on the expansion of production, proposed to develop new categories of production.  The aim of this strategy is to extend consumer’s demand in existing market segments and to develop new market segments. Successful completion of this strategy partially depends on ability to foresee taste and preferences of consumers and to offer production corresponding to consumer’s expectations.

Risks related to possible changes of prices on raw material and services used be the issuer in its activities and influence of these changes on the issuer’s activities and performance of its obligations under securities:

1.       Rise in prices and lack of packaging and raw materials.

Our success depends, in part, on our continued ability to be an efficient producer in a highly competitive industry. If we cannot continue to control costs through productivity gains or by eliminating redundant costs resulting from acquisitions, our results of operations will suffer. In particular, price increases and shortages of packaging and raw materials could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations. For example, our results of operations may be affected by the availability and pricing of packaging materials, principally cardboard and plastic containers, and raw materials, principally raw milk and juice concentrate. We are substantially dependent upon one supplier of packaging materials, Tetra Pak, which may make us more vulnerable to changes in global supply and demand and their effect on price and availability of these materials. Additionally, weather conditions and other factors beyond our control significantly influence the price and availability of our raw materials. A number of our raw materials, such as juice concentrate and sugar, are international commodities and are subject to international price fluctuations, and we experienced significant increases in raw milk prices during 2003, 2004 and 2005.

Seasonal difference between the demand for dairy products and the supply of raw milk and the increasing prices of raw milk could result in a significant increase raw milk price. The demand for our dairy products is significantly higher during the winter months, when Russian raw milk production is at its lowest. Conversely, during the summer months we generally experience depressed demand for dairy products in many markets, while raw milk production is at its peak. If we are unable to mitigate this inverse relationship successfully, either through the purchase of raw milk during the winter at commercially competitive prices or through the use of powder milk, our production costs will increase significantly in the winter, reducing our profitability. In addition, the average weighted raw milk purchase price increased for us in ruble terms by approximately 11% in 2003, 17% in 2004 and 14% in 2005. The price increases are due, in part, to the raw milk shortages caused by the ongoing decline of dairy cattle in Russia. These increases adversely affected our dairy product profit margins in 2003, 2004 and 2005, and continued increases in raw milk prices could further reduce our profitability. The shortage of high quality raw milk, coupled with the raw milk price increases, may also limit our ability to expand our production of high margin value-added dairy products.

2. Our substantial reliance on independent retailers and independent distributors for the distribution of our products could lower our turnover and reduce our competitiveness. We sell our products either directly to retailers, including supermarkets, grocery shops and restaurants, or to independent distributors for resale to retail outlets. We expect sales to retailers and independent distributors to continue to represent a significant portion of our revenues. Our operations and distribution costs could be affected by the increasing consolidation of these entities, particularly as these customers become more sophisticated and attempt to force lower pricing and increased promotional programs. For example, in the spring of 2001, several Russian supermarket chains formed a loose alliance which publicly announced its intention not to purchase our products. Although these supermarket chains now purchase our products, they may not continue to do so, and they or other supermarket chains may attempt a


similar consolidation of market power in the future. In addition, we expect the merger of two of Russia’s largest supermarket chains, Perekryostok and Pyatyorochka, announced in April 2006, to further strengthen the negotiating leverage of supermarket chains in their dealings with us. A number of large Western retailers, such as the Turkish retailer Ramenka, the German retailer Metro and the French retailer Auchan, have also opened stores in the Moscow region, and we expect that the presence of these retailers will increase price competition. We also compete with other brands for shelf space in retail stores and marketing focus by our independent distributors and retailers, and our independent distributors and retailers offer other products, sometimes including their own brands, that compete directly with our products. In addition, retailers in Russia typically charge food and beverage producers, including us and our competitors, for shelf space. If independent distributors and retailers give higher priority to other brands, purchase less of, or even refuse to buy, our products, seek substantial discounts, charge unreasonable prices for shelf space, fail to offer sufficient shelf space, or devote inadequate promotional support to our brands, it could lower our turnover and reduce our competitiveness and profitability.

3. Efficient advertising in conditions of advertising service price growth.

Our success also depends on our continued ability to be an effective advertiser in a market where media inflation on leading national television channels exceeded 25% in 2005. A substantial increase in the prices of any of the foregoing, which we may not be able to pass on to customers through price increases, or a protracted interruption in supply with respect to packaging or raw materials, could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.

4. Increasing tariffs and restructuring in the transport sector could have a materially adverse effect on our business.

Railway transportation is one of our principal means of transporting supplies and juice and water products to our facilities and customers, accounting for approximately 62% of our juice transportation expenses in 2005. Currently, the Russian government sets rail tariffs and may further increase these tariffs as it did in 2003, 2004 and 2005. Railroad tariffs increased by approximately 40%, 32% and 18% in ruble terms in 2003, 2004 and 2005. In 2003, legislation was enacted which sets out the framework for the reorganization of the Russian Railways Ministry into OAO Russian Railroads, a joint-stock company, to be followed by the eventual privatization of certain of its functions by 2007. It is currently unclear whether this reorganization and privatization will be completed in accordance with the timetable contemplated in the legislation or at all. If the privatization of Russian Railroads or other factors result in increased railway transport costs, thereby decreasing our profit margins, our results of operations could be materially adversely affected.

Alteration of factors that could not be fully included in production price, as well as frustration of packaging and raw material supply, can have an adverse effect on the financial results of the company.  However, taking into consideration, the scale and diversification of business in conjunction with efficient management, the named factors could not exert sufficient influence on WBD operations and its ability to execute its obligations under placed securities.

Risks, related to possible production price changes and/or other services provided by the issuer:

Keen competition between juice and diary producers on internal and external markets, as well as distribution of production by retail and independent distributors, confines our ability to increase prices on our production.  Rise of prices along with the growth of process costs and less aggressive price policy of other competitors, may lead to the decrease of demand on the issuer’s production as well as decrease of sales volume. However, WBD does not consider the fact of possible production price changes to be sufficient and influencing the company’s operations and execution of the company’s obligations under its securities because of the active work being held with the purpose of decreasing process costs: optimization of expenses and their structure.

2.5.2. Country and regional risks

Risks, related to political and economical situation in the country (countries) and in the whole region, where the issuer is registered as a tax payer:

·                  Since 1991, Russia has sought to transform itself from a one-party state with a centrally-planned economy to a democracy with a market economy. As a result of the sweeping nature of the reforms, and the failure


of some of them, the Russian political system remains vulnerable to popular dissatisfaction, including dissatisfaction with the results of privatizations in the 1990s, as well as to demands for autonomy from particular regional and ethnic groups. Current and future changes in the government, major policy shifts or lack of consensus between various branches of the government and powerful economic groups could disrupt or reverse economic and regulatory reforms. In addition, the Russian presidential elections scheduled for 2008 could bring more volatility to the market. Any disruption or reversal of reform policies could lead to political or governmental instability or the occurrence of conflicts among powerful economic groups, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects and the value of the shares and ADSs.

Regional peculiarities (in the regions where the main daughter companies of WBD are located), exert insufficient influence on the company’s activities, and are taken into consideration by the management of the company in the process of performing the financial and business activities.

Risks, related to possible military conflicts and declarations of state of emergency and strikes: these risks are not significant, as since WBD’s main activity is located in economically and socially stable region far from the regions where military conflicts are possible.

At the moment WBD does not have any program on proposed measures in case of adverse influence of the possible downward situation in the country, taking into consideration positive forecasts, regarding the country’s development and the development of the region as a whole.  In case of certain risks related to the adverse influence of thesituation in the country and region on the company’s activity, the company can take specific measures, including crisis management aimed to mobilize the company’s activities and reduce to the maximum such adverse influence of the political situation in the country and region.

Risks related to the geographical position of the country (countries) and region, where the issuer is registered as a tax payer and/or performs its main activities, including possible natural disasters, and possible suspension of transport communications as a result of remoteness:

Russian infrastructure is in a terrible plight, as a result it can lead to the disruption of the company’s normal economic activities .  A large number of infrastructure objects was put into operation as far back as the soviet period, and there have not been any investments or technical maintenance regarding these objects over the recent decade. A great part of railroads and roads are in terrible conditions as well as objects of energy industry; communication systems and housing objects. For example, the explosion and fire in May 2005, on one of Moscow electricity substation, which was put into operation in 1963, led to the electricity outage in many districts of Moscow and neighboring regions. As a result underground traffic was paralyzed at many stations, thousands of people were blocked for several hours in the tunnels.  The blackout caused problems with electric transport, and as a result led to road and transport incidents and traffic jams, as well as problems with water and energy supply of offices and apartment buildings, affected mobile communication services. Exchange trade, banking activities, as well as activities of many shops and markets were suspended. Roads in Russia are in bad condition;at the same time the quality of many roads does not comply with the minimal quality requirements. The Russian government actively examines the plans on restructuring the railway systems, power networks and telephone lines. Such restructuring may lead to the rise of cost of such services. Aggravation of the condition of infrastructure objects in Russia impairs national economy and may cause the disruption of goods and services delivery , as well as the rise of operating expenses.

In case of force-majeur circumstances, including natural disasters, possible suspension of traffic , acts of terrorism an so on, WBD shall take all measures to minimize losses incurred,  recover normal activity of the company, or, in exceptional circumstances, WBD may suspend the operations of the subsidiaries under force-majeur.

2.5.3. Financial risks

Risk, related to ruble exchange rate changes :

WBD activity is subject to the influence of financial risks related to the ruble exchange rate in view of using borrowed capital in foreign currency.


Until recently, the ruble has fluctuated dramatically against the U.S. dollar, in some instances falling in value. A significant portion of our costs and expenditures, including costs of packaging, juice concentrate and certain other raw materials, as well as capital expenditures and borrowings (including our $150 million loan participation notes due 2008), are either denominated in, or closely linked to, the U.S. dollar, while substantially all of our revenues are denominated in rubles. As a result, the devaluation of the ruble against the U.S. dollar can adversely affect us by increasing our costs in ruble terms. Additionally, if the ruble declines against the U.S. dollar and price increases cannot keep pace, we could have difficulty repaying or refinancing our U.S. dollar-denominated indebtedness, including our notes. The devaluation of the ruble also results in losses in the value of ruble-denominated assets, such as ruble deposits. The decline in the value of the ruble against the U.S. dollar also reduces the U.S. dollar value of tax savings arising from the depreciation of our property, plant and equipment, since their basis for tax purposes is denominated in rubles at the time of the investment. Increased tax liability would increase total expenses.

Other financial risks

Our short-term and long-term debt agreements, including the loan agreement relating to our $150 million loan participation notes due 2008, contain covenants that impose operating and financial restrictions on us and our subsidiaries. These restrictions significantly limit, and in some cases prohibit, among other things, our and certain of our subsidiaries’ ability to incur additional debt, provide guarantees, create liens on assets or enter into business combinations. Failure to comply with these restrictions would constitute a default under our debt agreements, including the loan agreement relating to our $150 million loan participation notes due 2008, and any of our other senior debt containing cross-default provisions could become immediately due and payable, which would materially adversely affect our business, financial conditions and results of operations. In addition, some of our debt agreements contain provisions which permit our lenders to require us to repay our debt to them in the event of a deterioration in our financial condition.

2.5.4. Risks Relating to the Russian Legal System and Russian Legislation

Weaknesses relating to the legal system and legislation create an uncertain environment for investment and for business activity in Russia.

Russia is still developing the legal framework required to support a market economy. The following risks relating to the Russian legal system create uncertainties with respect to the legal and business decisions that we make, many of which do not exist in countries with more developed market economies:

·       inconsistencies between and among, the Constitution, federal and regional laws, Presidential decrees and governmental, ministerial and local orders, decisions, resolutions and other acts;

·       conflicting local, regional and federal rules and regulations;

·       the lack of judicial and administrative guidance on interpreting legislation;

·       the relative inexperience of judges and courts in interpreting legislation;

·       lack of independent judiciary;

·                     a high degree of discretion on the part of governmental authorities, which could result in arbitrary actions such as suspension or termination of our licenses; and

·       poorly developed bankruptcy procedures that are subject to abuse.

Furthermore, several fundamental laws have only recently become effective. The recent nature of much of Russian legislation, the lack of consensus about the scope, content and pace of economic and political reform and the rapid evolution of the Russian legal system in ways that may not always coincide with market developments place the enforceability and underlying constitutionality of laws in doubt and results in ambiguities, inconsistencies and anomalies. In addition, Russian legislation often contemplates implementing regulations that have not yet been promulgated, leaving substantial gaps in the regulatory infrastructure. All of these weaknesses could affect our ability to enforce our rights under our permits and under our contracts, or to defend ourselves against claims by others. We cannot assure you that regulators, judicial authorities or third parties will not challenge our internal procedures and by-laws or our compliance with applicable laws, decrees and regulations.

2.5.5. Risks relating to the Issuer’s Business

Risks relating to the Issuer’s Business, that can influence Issuer’s financial and economic activities are immaterial.


Risks relating to judicial disputes, in which issuer took part:

WBD is not a subject to any judicial disputes, which could affect WBD activities significantly. In the judgment of administration, there are no any possible judicial disputes or claims, that can significantly affect on WBD activities or financial condition of the issuer.

Risks relating to impossibility to extend license period:

These risks are immaterial, as since WBD have all appropriate licenses, that in long term protect its immaterial goods.

At the same time WBD could not be able to protect its immaterial goods properly, and it may affect adversely on the company’s financial condition and hinder the growth of the company. Taking into consideration the importance of firm-names, company took measures to protect its immaterial goods, including registration of trade mark “WBD”. But these measures may be insufficient, company’s immaterial goods rights may be broken and taken for the third party’s own. Besides there are less possibilities to protect immaterial goods in Russia and CIS countries (the places of company’s principal activities) in comparison with countries of Western Europe and North America.  In case WBD failed to protect its immaterial goods, it will affect adversely on financial conditions and on possible growth of economic activity.

Inability to protect some of our firm-names and images, apply for registration of which had been taken into consideration, could affect adversely on WBD sales and bring to rise of expenses on advertising and lead to ill-influence on the company’s financial condition. In case of refusal of firm-names registration as a trade mark, WBD will not be able to support the proper protection of these firm-names or images and to prohibit the use of them by the third parties, it’ll decrease benefits of advertisements where such firm-names and images are used. This can influence adversely on our sales, because we are using these firm-names in our production, and it can make us to develop new sales program and cause rise of advertising expenses and influence our financial results adversely.

Risks relating to possible liability of the issuer under the third parties obligations? Including obligations of its subsidiaries:

Russian civil code as well as corporative law determines that shareholders of Russian joint-stock company do not bear any responsibility under the company’s debts and bear only risks of loss of their investments within the limits of their shares.  At the same time, there is exception to the rule, when the mother company has a right to give obligatory instructions to its subsidiaries, including contractual relations. Under certain conditions, mother company could bear joint responsibility under deals arranged by its subsidiary in pursuance of such obligatory instruction. Besides, mother company bears vicarious responsibility under the obligations of its subsidiaries in case of subsidiary’s bankruptcy due to mother company’s activities. Accordingly, risks of responsibility of the issuer under obligations of its subsidiaries couldn’t be excepted, because issuer directly or indirectly owns 50% and more percents of charter capital of its subsidiaries and is a mother company. Assignment of responsibility that could be vicarious in case of bankruptcy of the issuer’s subsidiary or joint regarding contractual relations in pursuance of execution by the subsidiary obligatory instructions of mother company, could affect on issuer’s activities adversely.

Risks relating with loss of consumers that purchase production on the sum that is not less then 10% of total revenue should be considered as insignificant.

Various risks factors relating to issuer’s activity:

1.               The failure of our geographic expansion strategy could hamper our continued growth and profitability.

Our expansion strategy depends, in part, on funding growth in additional markets, on our ability to identify attractive opportunities in markets that will grow and on our ability to manage the operations of acquired or newly established businesses. Should growth decline in our existing markets, not increase as anticipated in markets in which we have recently acquired or established businesses, or not increase in markets into which we subsequently expand, our geographic expansion strategy may not be successful and our business and profitability may suffer.

Our growth strategy relies on acquisitions and establishing new businesses, and our future growth, results of operations and market share would be adversely affected if we fail to identify suitable targets, outbid competing bidders or finance acquisitions on acceptable terms.


Our strategy depends on us being a large manufacturer in the dairy and juice sectors so that we can benefit from economies of scale, better satisfy customer needs and compete effectively against other producers. Our growth will suffer if we are unable to implement our acquisition strategy, whether because we fail to identify suitable targets, outbid competing bidders or finance acquisitions on acceptable terms or for any other reason. Furthermore, any acquisitions or similar arrangements may harm our business if we are unsuccessful in our integration process or fail to achieve the synergies and savings we expect.

2. The integration of our businesses, as well as of any businesses we may acquire in the future, requires significant time and effort from our senior management, who are also responsible for managing our existing operations. Integration of our businesses may be difficult, as our culture may differ from the cultures of the businesses we acquire or consolidate, unpopular cost cutting measures may be required and control over cash flows may be difficult to establish. Any difficulties encountered in the transition and integration process could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations.

3. Our management information system may be inadequate to support our future growth

Our management information system is less developed in certain respects than those of food producers in more developed markets and may not provide our management with as much or as accurate information as those in more developed markets. In addition, we may encounter difficulties in the ongoing process of implementing and enhancing our management information system.

4. Difficulty in obtaining adequate managerial and operational resources may restrict our ability to expand our operations successfully.

We have experienced rapid growth and development in a relatively short period of time. Management of such growth has required significant managerial and operational resources and is likely to continue to do so. Our future operating results depend, in significant part, upon the continued contributions of a limited number of our key senior management and technical personnel.

We will need to continue to improve our operational and financial systems and managerial controls and procedures to keep pace with our growth. We will also have to maintain close coordination among our logistical, technical, accounting, finance, marketing and sales personnel. Management of growth will require, among other things:

·      the ability to integrate new acquisitions into our operations;

·      continued development of financial and management systems controls and information technology systems;

·      implementation of adequate internal control over financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures;

·      increased marketing activities;

·      hiring and training of new personnel; and

·      coordination among our logistical, technical, accounting, finance, marketing and sales personnel.

Our success will depend, in part, on our ability to continue to attract, retain and motivate qualified personnel. Competition in Russia, and in the other countries where we operate, for personnel with relevant expertise is intense, due to the limited number of qualified individuals. Although we attempt to structure our compensation packages in a manner consistent with evolving standards of the Russian labor market, we are not insured against damage that may be incurred in case of the loss or dismissal of our key personnel. Departures of senior management may be disruptive to our business and our success will depend, in part, on continuity in our senior management team.

5. Issuer’s operations are based on stable functioning of communication systems and software, used in operations of issuer and subsidiaries. Thus, malfunction in functioning of any of such components could entail certain problems in issuer’s operations.



3.1.         Issuer’s background and development

3.1.1. Data on Issuer’s proprietary name

Issuer’s full proprietary name.

Open Joint Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods”

Abbreviated name.

WBD Foods

Data on Issuer’s name and organizational & legal changes.

Limited liability Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods”

WBD Foods

Introduced: April 16, 2001

Reasons for entity type changes: according to the shareholders general meeting decision on reorganization of Limited liability Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” by means of transformation in open joint-stock company (proxy of shareholders general meeting on March 23, 2001 #23-04)

The present name introduced: May 31, 2001

In case such proprietary name or abbreviated name of the issuer is similar to proprietary name or abbreviated name of another entity, the issuer should name such entity and give its comments on how they should be identified:

As far as we know our proprietary name or abbreviated name is not similar to proprietary name or abbreviated name of any other entities.

In case the proprietary name of the issuer was registered as a trade mark or service mark, issuer should provide information on such registration.

Proprietary name of the issuer was registered as “Wimm-Bill-Dann” trade mark in different modifications.

Trade mark: Wimm-Bill-Dann

Date of registration: 25.05.1994

Number of registration’s certificate: 117667

Registration’s period of validity: 24.09.2012

Trade mark: Wimm-Bill-Dann and image of small animal with brush

Date of registration: 25.05.1994

Number of registration’s certificate: 117698

Registration’s period of validity: 24.09.2012

Trade mark: WIMM-BILL-DANN is what you want

Date of registration: 28.04.1995

Number of registration’s certificate: 125261

Registration’s period of validity: 31.08.2013

Trade mark: WIMM-BILL-DANN is what you want and image of small animal and oranges

Date of registration: 10.05.1995г.

Number of registration’s certificate: 125307

Registration’s period of validity: 08.02.2014г.

Trade mark: WIMM-BILL-DANN is what you want

Date of registration: 19.05.2000

Number of registration’s certificate: 188686

Registration’s period of validity: 10.11.2008


Trade mark: Wimm-Bill-Dann

Date of registration: 31.08.2000

Number of registration’s certificate: 193409

Registration’s period of validity: 10.11.2008

Trade mark: WIMM-BILL-DANN is what you want

Date of registration: 17.01.2003

Number of registration’s certificate: 235617

Registration’s period of validity: 24.08.2011

Trade mark: WIMM-BILL-DANN is what you want

Date of registration: 05.03.2003

Number of registration’s certificate: 237746

Registration’s period of validity: 24.08.2011

Trade mark: Bio Max + Вимм-Билль-Данн (of red font in circle)

Date of registration: 23.04.2003

Number of registration’s certificate: 244489

Registration’s period of validity: 27.04.2011

Trade mark: WIMM-BILL-DANN is what you want

Date of registration: 18.07.2003г.

Number of registration’s certificate: 251933

Registration’s period of validity: 24.08.2011

Trade mark: Вимм-Билль-Данн

Date of registration: 08.12.2004

Number of registration’s certificate: 279887

Registration’s period of validity: 19.03.2014

Trade mark: ВИММ-БИЛЛЬ-ДАНН то, что ты хочешь

Date of registration: 15.03.2005г.

Number of registration’s certificate: 284154

Registration’s period of validity: 11.12.2013

Trade mark: продукт компании «Вимм-Билль-Данн»

Date of registration: 25.03.2005г.

Number of registration’s certificate: 285116

Registration’s period of validity: 10.03.2014

3.1.2. Data on Issuer’s state registration record

Issuer’s state registration date: May 31, 2001

State registration certificate No. (Or other document verifying Issuer’s state registration) P-15968.16

Organization that performed Issuer’s state registration: State Registration Chamber attached to Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Moscow Registration Chamber

OGRN       1037700236738

The date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 19.02.2003.

The name of the registrar: Inderdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Levies No. 39, Moscow

3.1.3. Data on Issuer’s establishment and development.

Term of Issuer’s existence: since 31.05.2003

Issuer is established for an indefinite term

History of the Issuer’s Foundation and Activities.

Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” (hereinafter referred to as the Issuer or the Company) was registered on May 31, 2001. The purpose of its creation was to consolidate several production and trading companies, whose shares had been privately owned by a group of persons and were transferred to the Company by including them in authorized capital during its creation in 2001. Control over and management of the WBD Group


are the Issuer’s principal areas of activity. In keeping with Article 4 of the Issuer’s Charter, “The main purpose of the Company is to fully satisfy the demand of legal entities and private persons in products (works, services), produced (performed, provided) in accordance with its charter activity, and to receive profits. On February 14, 2002, OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods completed the public issue of and registered common shares represented by American depositary receipts (ADR) at the New York Stock Exchange under the “WBD” symbol. Each ADR represents one basic common share of the Company.

The story of WBD Group began in 1992, when the first company owned by a group of persons rented a production line at the Lianozovo Dairy and purchased the first lot of juice concentrates and packaging materials. November 25, 1992 WBD Group produced its first pack of juice under the Wimm-Bill-Dann brand. This name had been chosen in order to attract consumers, who at that point preferred imported products due to their novelty to the market, and also because of the prevailing belief in the higher quality of imported goods. From the very first appearance on the market the name Wimm-Bill-Dann turned into a brand, known to and popular among the majority of Russian consumers.

3.1.4. Contact data

Location: 109028, Moscow, Yauzsky Boulevard, 16/15, office 306

Tel.: (095) 105-5805
Fax: (095) 733-9736


Internet page(s) displaying information contained in this quarterly report:

3.1.5. Taxpayer’s identification number.


3.1.6. Issuer’s branches and representative offices

Full title: Moscow affiliate of Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods”;

Brief title: Moscow affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC

Location of the representative office: 127591, Russia, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe Street, 108, office 3

The representative office head: Novikov Dmitry Nikolaevich

The term of authority: 16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title:  Baby Food affiliate of Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” in Moscow;

Brief title: Baby Food affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC.

Location of the representative office: 127591, Russia, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe Street, 108, build. 3, office 704

The representative office head: Ryazantsev Alexandr Olegovich

The term of authority:16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title: Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” affiliate in Nizhniy Novgorod,

Brief title: Nizhniy Novgorod affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC

Location of the representative office: 603309, Russia, Nizhegorodskiy region, Nizhniy Novgorod, Larina street 19, office 202

The representative office head: Slezko Oleg Mikhailovich

The term of authority: 16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title: Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” affiliate in Timashevsk,

Brief title: Timashevsk affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC.

Location of the representative office: 352700, Russia, Krasnodar region, Timashevsk, Gybridnaya street 2, office 1

The representative office head: Bondarev Sergey Ivanovich

The term of authority: 16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title: Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” affiliate in Volgograd,

Brief title: Volgograd affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC

Location of the representative office: 400120, Russia, Volgograd region, Volgograd, Avtotransportnaya street, 43

The representative office head: Kovalev Denis Fedorovich

The term of authority: 16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title: Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” affiliate in Krasnodar,

Brief title: Krasnodar affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC.

Location of the representative office: 350000, Russia, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Vasnetsov street 39, office 39

The representative office head:  Rubtsov Dmitry Evgenevich


The term of authority: 16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title: Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” affiliate in Rostov-on-Don

Brief title: Rostov-on-Don affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC.

Location of the representative office: 344090, Russia, Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Dovator street, 150

The representative office head: Bass Konstantin Borisovich

The term of authority:16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title: Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” affiliate in St.-Petersburg

Brief title: St.-Petersburg affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC

Location of the representative office: 194292, Russia, St.-Petersburg, production zone «Parnas», 6-th Verkhniy lane 1, office 317

The representative office head: Kotsegubov Aleksey Vladimirovich

The term of authority: 16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title: Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” affiliate in Ufa

Brief title: Ufa affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC

Location of the representative office: 450038, Russia, republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, International st., 129/3

The representative office head: Kizko Petr Alexandrovich

The term of authority: 16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title: Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” affiliate in Yekaterinburg

Brief title: Yekaterinburg affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC

Location of the representative office: 620055, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 76

The representative office head: Okovity Evgeny Gennadievich

The term of authority: 16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full title: Open Joint-Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods” affiliate in Vladivostok

Brief title:  Vladivostok affiliate of WBD Foods OJSC

Location of the representative office: 690087, Russia, Primorsky region, Vladivostok, Strelochnaya st., 19, office 18

The representative office head: Palagin Alexander Vyacheslavovich

The term of authority: 16.06.06 – 16.06.09

Full proprietary nameRepresentative office of Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods OJSC in Beijing.

Abbreviated nameRepresentative office of WBD Foods in Beijing.

Location of the representative officeChinese Peoples Republic, Beijing

The decision on establishing of the representative office was adopted by the Issuer’s Board of Directors on June 16, 2004 (Minutes No.19-07 as of 19.07.2004).

The representative office head – Song Bin Bin

The term of authority – October 8, 2004 – October 8, 2007

The changes in the amount of Issuer’s brances and representative offices didn’t take place within the reporting quarter.

3.2. Description of Issuer’s primary areas of operations

3.2.1. Issuer’s branch/sectorial affiliation.

OKWED Codes:

15.98, 15.51.13, 15511, 51.34.1, 51.38.22, 74.13.1, 15.32, 55.51, 52.25.2, 15.88, 22.13, 74.14, 74.84.

3.2.2. Issuer’s primary activity

The Company has the following main types of activity:

·                  Sale of services in respect of granting use of trademarks under license agreements;

·                  Sale of consulting services;

·                  Others.


The sales volume of WBD Foods for the 6 months of 2006 is presented in the following table:

6 months of 2006




TOTAL, thou. rubles


Share of total 
revenue, %




Sales income, exclusive of VAT








including: sale of services in respect of granting use of trademarks








sale of management consulting services








software implementation services








Leasing of property















3.2.3       Main types of products (works, services)

See also section 3.2.2 of this report

Cost Price of Services Rendered, thou. rubles






6 months of 2006












Depreciation of fixed assets








Depreciation of intangible assets








Travel expenses








Wages and salaries with deductions








Forthcoming leave reserve








Hospitality costs








Informational and consulting services








Communication services























3.2.4                     Raw materials and Issuer’s suppliers

Issuer’s Administrative Expenses, thou. rubles

Expense item




6 months 2006


auxiliary materials


1 942










Routine repairs of buildings and structures






Routine repairs of machinery and equipment






Expenses associated with vehicles operations


1 736




Office equipment maintenance and repair


3 119






245 094




Other personnel expenses


49 566




Reserves for upcoming leaves


24 073




Payment for initial 2 days of incapacity






Social insurance


3 358




Pension insurance


14 725




Allocations to the Pension fund


10 883




Obligatory medical insurance


3 110




Accident insurance






Social allocations from the sum payable for the initial 2 days of incapacity






Fixed assets depreciation


4 814




Intangible assets depreciation


5 066




Office lease


145 340




Other facilities lease


9 200




Entertainment expenses


5 625




Business trip expenses within standard


8 519




Business trip expenses exceeding standard


2 531




Organization management expenses (BoD)


2 160




Communication services


7 308




Information and computing services


11 613






9 098




Audit services


22 906




Personnel training


1 243










Notary and legal fees


15 445




Medical insurance of the personnel


2 505




Other information and consulting services


15 892




Documents drawing up






Recruitment services


1 208




Other services


9 537




Notary and legal fees exceeding standard






Compensation for use of personal vehicles for business purposes








639 490






Issuer’s major suppliers within 6 months of 2006



Supplier of works,




6 months 2006
















Lianozovo Dairy PJSC


170 546




87 438






Firm of attorneys “Kuznetskiy most”






35 013






Ernst & Young LLC


27 352




14 079





3.2.5. Markets for products (works, services) of the Issuer

Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods Open Joint-Stock Company provides consultation services, as well as grants rights to use trademarks it owns through conclusion of license agreement both in the territory of the Russian Federation and in CIS countries: Kirgyzstan and Ukraine.

Through license agreements, the Issuer grants the right to use:

·                  trademarks owned by it;

·                  the RAT and LIASOFT computer programs.

The volume of services rendered by WBD Foods in the 9 months of 2005 is presented by region in the following tables:

6 months 2006




Volume of services 
rendered, thou. 


% of total volume of 
services rendered






359 578






CIS countries, total:


6 538
























6 432






















3.2.6. Data on Issuer’s licences held

Issuer holds no licenses.

3.2.7. Data on Issuer’s joint operation

None during reporting period.

3.2.8. Additional requirements to investment funds and insurance companies acting as an issuer

Not applicable.

3.2.9. Additional requirements to issuers, whose main type of activities is extraction of minerals

Not applicable.

3.2.10. Additional requirements to issuers, whose main type of activities is communication services

Not applicable.

3.3. Plans of the Issuer’s Future Activities.

We aim to retain our position as a leading nationwide producer of quality food and beverage products and to expand our production and sales in order to attain higher revenues, cash flow and earnings. To achieve these objectives, we use the following strategies:

·              Expand our geographic reach and production capacity.

·              Improve operating efficiencies and reduce costs.

·              Brand building and innovation.

·              Strengthen human resource capability.

Expand our geographic reach and production capacity. Since 2000, we have acquired production units in various regions of Russia and the CIS. By establishing large production facilities in regions with high population density and available raw materials, we have been able to avoid high transportation costs and take advantage of lower cost labor and milk resources, which can be cheaper in the regions than in Moscow. While we believe that we have achieved national reach and anticipate fewer acquisitions in the future, the fragmented nature of the dairy industry in Russia and the CIS will continue to give rise to opportunities for strategic acquisitions, constructing new capacity and attracting new customers. In turn, we expect these combined factors, along with the geographic expansion of our distribution network, to bring about an increase in our geographic coverage. We intend to continue to implement this strategy through acquisition and construction of production capacity and new equipment, including the selective acquisition of plants,

Improve operating efficiencies and reduce costs. We intend to maintain the high quality of our products, reduce our costs, increase our cash flow and improve employee productivity

Brand building and innovation. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, we believe effective brand management is key to maintaining our leading positions in the market segments where we operate. We have developed key brands in specific segments into umbrella brands. This allows us to launch new products and enter new product niches with recognized and trusted brands. At the same time, we have elevated some strong local brands into regional and national brands. Maintaining long-established regional brands allows us to fit our marketing approach to specific regional tastes and leverage existing brand identities.

Strengthen human resource capability. Operating in both maturing markets, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, and emerging markets, such as Russia’s regions and CIS markets, we are developing our human resource capability on the central group and regional levels to attract and retain skilled management with global consumer industry experience. At the same time, we believe in promoting talented people within the organization, moving people not only up the career ladder, but also into other parts of the business and other regions. In our production facilities, we have sought to make our existing employees more efficient through installation of new equipment and training.

3.4. Issuer’s participation in industrial, banking and financial groups, holdings, concerns and associations.

On May 12, 2004, the General Meeting of Shareholders of WBD Foods OJSC approved accession of the Issuer to Non-Commercial Organization “German Economic Union in the Russian Federation” (Minutes No. 20-05 dated May 20, 2004) whose Charter envisages such aims and objectives as contribution to economic cooperation


between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Russian Federation in close cooperation with the German Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Eastern German Economic Union, as well as with its head organizations.

On June 14, 2005, the General Meeting of Shareholders of WBD Foods OJSC approved the accession of the Issuer to Non-Commercial Organization “Russian Marketing Association”.

3.5. Issuer’s Subsidiaries and dependent companies.

The Issuer’s activity is inextricably linked and determined by the needs and requirements of its subsidiaries and dependent companies.

Name: Open Joint-Stock Company “Lianozovo Dairy”

Location: 127591, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe shosse, d.108

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 98.02%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 98.02%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Bolotovsky, Roman Viktorovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Davidovsky, Oleg Leonidovich

Born: 1971

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Filatov, Vladislav Stanislavovich

Born: 1971

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Skopinov Viktor Grigorievich

Born: 1944

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Usikova Lyubovy Sergeevna

Born: 1955

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%


Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Usikova Lyubovy Sergeevna

Born: 1955

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: 0%

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity (with specification of the year of birth)

The authorities of the collective executive body members have not been extended.

Name: Open Joint-Stock Company “Dairy”

Location: 353760, Timashevsk, Krasnodar Region. ul. Gibridnaya, d. 2

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 70.47%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 70.47%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Bondarev Sergey Ivanovich

Born: 1955

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: 0%

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Orlov, Alexander Alexandrovich

Born: 1976

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: 0%

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Polikarpova, Natalya Leonidovna

Born: 1974

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Bondarev Sergey Ivanovich

Born: 1955

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: 0%

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not formed


Name: Closed Joint-Stock Company “Production and Analytical Group Rodnik”

Location: 103009, Moscow, Bryusov per., d. 8/10, str. 2, 2nd floor, room 13а

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 100%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 100%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: sale of juice products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

The Board of directors (Supervisory Board) is not provided

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Styazhkin Sergey Vladimirovich

Born: 1972

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: no share

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: no share

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

Name: Closed Joint Stock Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Trading Company”

Location: 103009, Moscow, Bryusov per., d. 8/10, str. 2, 2nd floor, room 17

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 83.19%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 83.19%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: sale of juice products

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

The Board of directors (Supervisory Board) is not provided

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Mirzoev, David Revazovich

Born: 1980

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: 0%

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not formed

Name: Limited Liability Company “Annino Milk”

Location: Russia, Voronezh Obalast, rabochii poselok Anna, ul. Sevastopolskaya, d. 4

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 78.56%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.


Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

The Board of directors (Supervisory Board) is not provided

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Nerovnyi Nikolai Nikolaevich

Year of birth: 1946

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: 0%

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not formed

Name: Closed Joint Stock Company “Gulkevichi Creamery”

Location: 352150, Krasnodar Region, Gulkevichi, ul. Korotkova, d. 155

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 52.24%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 52.24%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Kraynov, Gennady Konstantinovich

Born: 1951

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Krupin, Petr Borisovich

Born: 1974

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Sosidka, Evgeny Petrovich

Born: no data

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: 0%

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Kozlikin, Hikolai Parfentyevich

Born: 1954

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: 0%

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:


Collective executive body is not formed

Name: Open Joint Stock Company Baltic Milk Dairy

Location: Russia, St. Petersburg, promzona Parnas, 6 Verkhny pereulok, 1

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 100%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 100%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

The Board of directors (Supervisory Board) is not formed

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Kotsegubov Aleksey Vladimirovich

Born: 1955

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: no share

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: no share

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

Name: Limited Liability Company “Wimm-Bill-Dann Mineral Water”

Location: 109028, Moscow, Yauzsky Boulevard, d. 16/15

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 100%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: sale of mineral water.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

The Board of directors (Supervisory Board) is not provided

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Mirzoev, David Revazovich

Born: 1980

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: no share

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: no share

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

Name: Closed Joint Stock Company “Buryn Milk powder Plant”

Location: 245710, Ukraine, Sumy Region, Buryn, Konotopske shose, d. 1

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 76%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 76%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:


Kuzmin, Oleg Egorovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Orlov, Alexander Sergeevich

Born: 1948

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 3.47%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 3.47%

Voloshin, Oleg Nikolaevich

Born: 1971

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Not provided by the constitutive documents of the entity

Members of collective executive body of the entity (with specification of the year of birth)

Lut Ludmila Pavlovna, (Chairman)

Born 1952

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Misevrina Olga Fedorovna

Born 1952

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Sugeyko Grigory Vasilyevich

Born 1952

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Kotsyuba Galina Ivanovna

Born 1950

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Tarasenko Olga Borisovna

Born 1961

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Name: Open Joint Stock Company “Tuimazy Milk Plant”

Location: Republic of Bashkortostan, Tuimazy, ul. Severnaya, d. 9

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 85%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 85%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:


Kizyko Petr Aleksandrovich

Born: 1978

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: no share

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: no share

Buryan Aleksandr Ivanovich

Born: 1961

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: no share

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: no share

Anisimov Dmitry Aleksandrovich

Born: 1971

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: no share

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: no share

Kuzymin Oleg Egorovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: no share

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: no share

Ibragimov Marat Galievich

Born: 1958

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: no share

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: no share

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Dobrovolskiy Dmitriy Vladimirovich

Year of birth: 1971

Share in Issuer’s Authorised Capital Stock: no share

Share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: no share

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not formed

Name: Open Joint-Stock Company “Vladivostok Dairy”

Location: 690087, Vladivostok, ul. Strelochnaya, d. 19

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 97.44%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 97.44%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Kutuzova, Galina Arkadyevna


Born: 1974

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Palagin, Alexander Vyacheslavovich

Born: 1975

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Novoseltsev, Nikolay Fedorovich

Born: 1959

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Palagin, Alexander Vyacheslavovich

Born: 1975

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

Name: Foreign entity Limited Liability Company “Vimm-Bill-Dann Toshkent”

Location: Uzbekistan Republic, 700131, Tashkent, Akmaly-Ikramovsky region, massiv Chilanzar, ul. Zargarlik, dom 26

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 100%

This entity’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: none

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

The Board of directors has not been formed.

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Surmonin, Sergey Borisovich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not formed.

Name: Open Joint-Stock Company “Kiev Dairy Plant No.3”

Location: 255500, Ukraine, Kievskaya oblast, Vishnevoe, ul. Promyshlennaya, 7

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 94.88%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 94.88%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%


Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Anisimov, Dmitriy Alexandrovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Orlov, Alexander Sergeevich

Born: 1948

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 3.47%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 3.47%

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Kuzymin Oleg Egorovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Voloshin, Oleg Nikolaevich (Chairman of the Management Board)

Born: 1971

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Voloshin, Oleg Nikolaevich (Chairman of the Management Board)

Born: 1971

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Martynenko, Igor Nikolaevich

Born: 1973

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Name: Limited Liability Company “Valday Sanctuaries”

Location: 174350, Novgorodskaya oblasty, Okulovka, ul. Centralnaya, dom 5

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 100%

This entity’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: none

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of mineral water


Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

The Board of directors has not been formed.

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Kharuzin, Vadim Alexandrovich

Born: 1967

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not formed.

Name: Open Joint Stock Company “Obninsk diary

Location: 2490396, Russia, Kuluzhskaya oblasty, Obninsk, Kurchatova street, d.53

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary company of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 66.33%

Issuer’s share of the ordinary shares of the subsidiary: 66.33%

This entity’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: none

This entity’s share of the ordinary shares of the Issuer: none

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Baranov Alexander Igorevich

Born: 1972

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Gorelisheva Ludmila Igorevna

Born: 1958

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Pivikov Sergey Alexandrovich

Born: 1967

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Poletaeva Galina Pavlovna

Born: 1945

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Tsvetkov Alexander Valerievich

Born: 1964

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Poletaeva Galina Pavlovna

Born: 1945

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%


This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

Name: Limited liability Company “Experimental baby food plant”

Location: 307100, Russia, Kurskaya oblasty, Fatezhskiy district, Chermashnoi PST.

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary company of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 100%

Issuer’s share of the ordinary shares of the subsidiary: 100%

This entity’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: none

This entity’s share of the ordinary shares of the Issuer: none

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Board of directors is not provided

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Tsarapkin Sergey Fedorovich

Born 1978

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

Name: Limited liability Partnership “Wimm-Bill-Dann-Central Asia-Almati”

Location: 050011, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almati,Turksibskiy district, Burundayskaya street, d.93D

The grounds to consider the company a subsidiary company of the Issuer: prevailing share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 100%

Issuer’s share of the ordinary shares of the subsidiary: 100%

This entity’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: none

This entity’s share of the ordinary shares of the Issuer: none

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Board of directors is not provided

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Mironov Denis Sergeyevich

Born 1978

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

Dependent companies


Name: Open Joint Stock Company “Tsaritsino Dairy”

Location: 115201, Russian Federation, Moscow, 1st Varshavsky Proezd, d. 6/10

The grounds to consider the company a dependent company of the Issuer: share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company exceeds 20%

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 34.95%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 34.95%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Andreev, Yury Maksovich

Born: 1950

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Vlasenko, Yury Anatolyevich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Kuzymin Oleg Egorovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Skopinov Viktor Grigorievich

Born: 1944

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Evdokimov Victor Egorovich

Born 1953

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0.34%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0.34%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Savenkova Inessa Porfiryeva

Born: 1952

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not formed


Name: Open Joint Stock Company “Children’s Dairy Products Factory”

Location: 127591, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe shosse, d. 108-A

The grounds to consider the company a dependent company of the Issuer: share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company exceeds 20%

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 25.1%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 25.1%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Gagev, Aleksandr Ivanovich

Born: 1952

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Kosulnikova, Regina Alekseevna

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Orlov, Alexander Sergeevich

Born: 1948

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 3.47%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 3.47%

Tsarapkin, Sergey Fedorovich

Born: 1978

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Yudkin, Sergey Ivanovich

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Ryazantsev, Alexander Yurevich

Born: no data

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Gagev, Aleksandr Ivanovich

Born: 1952

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%


Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not formed

Name: Open joint stock company “Ufamolagroprom”

Location: 450038, Ufa, Internationalnaya street, d.129-a

The grounds to consider the company a dependent company of the Issuer: share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company exceeds 20%

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 47.7%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 47.7%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Bolotov, Aleksandr Gennadyevich

Born: 1971

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Kizyko, Petr Aleksandrovich

Born: 1978

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Murtazin, Salavat Rizovich

Born: 1956

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Kizyko, Petr Aleksandrovich

Born: 1978

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Kizyko, Petr Aleksandrovich

Born: 1978

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%


This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Popov, Konstantin Ilyich

Born: 1975

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Shtab, Natalya Anatolyevna

Born: 1975

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Shlenev, Vladimir Alekseevich

Born: 1971

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Arhipova, Irina Aleksandrovna

Born: 1960

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Khasiev, Albert Maratovich

Born: 1977

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Gabdulkhakov, Artur Lyabilovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Name: Open Joint-Stock Company “Bishkeksut”

Location: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Prospekt Chuy, d. 12А

The grounds to consider the company a dependent company of the Issuer: share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company exceeds 20%

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 39.66%

Issuer’s share of the ordinary shares of the subsidiary: 39.66%

This entity’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: none

This entity’s share of the ordinary shares of the Issuer: none

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Anisimov, Dmitry Aleksandrovich

Born: 1971

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Golikov, Konstantin Sergeevich (Chairman)

Born: 1973


This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Kuzymin Oleg Egorovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Rumyantseva, Margarita Nikolaevna

Born: no data

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

Name: Open Joint-Stock Company “Nizhny Novgorod Dairy”

Location: 603309, Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Larina, d. 19

The grounds to consider the company a dependent company of the Issuer: share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company exceeds 20%

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 44.59%

Issuer’s share in the total amount of ordinary shares of the entity: 44.59%

Share of this legal entity in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

Share of this legal entity in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Nechaeva, Olga Igorevna

Born: 1970

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Slezko, Oleg Mikhailovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%


Styazhkin, Sergey Vladimirovich

Born: 1972

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Iakobachvili, David

Born: 1957

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 7.76%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 7.76%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Slezko Oleg Mikhailovich

Born: 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

Name: Closed Joint Stock Company “Karasuk Milk

Location: Russia, Novosibirskaya oblasty, Karasuk, Radischeva street, d.16

The grounds to consider the company a dependent company of the Issuer: share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company exceeds 20%

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 37.97%

Issuer’s share of the ordinary shares of the subsidiary: 37.97%

This entity’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: none

This entity’s share of the ordinary shares of the Issuer: none

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Gofman, Aleksandr Pavlovich

Born: 1956

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Novoseltsev Nikolay Fedorovich

Born 1959

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Kuzmin Oleg Egorovich

Born 1969

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 5.71%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 5.71%

Kiba, Victor Ivanovich

Born: 1951

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%


Plastinin, Sergei Arkadievich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 9.30%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 9.30%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Kiba, Victor Ivanovich

Born: 1951

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Name: Opened Joint Stock Company “Nazarovskoe Milk

Location: Russia, Krasnoyarsk region, Nazarovo, Arbuzova street, d.56

The grounds to consider the company a dependent company of the Issuer: share of the Issuer in the authorized stock of the company exceeds 20%

Issuer’s share in the charter capital of the legal entity: 63.53%

Issuer’s share of the ordinary shares of the subsidiary: 61.96%

This entity’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: none

This entity’s share of the ordinary shares of the Issuer: none

Description of the principal subsidiary’s activities: production and sale of milk and sour milk products.

Members of the Board of directors of the legal entity:

Vlasenko, Yuriy Anatolevich

Born: 1968

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Erizhenko, Oleg Viktorovich

Born: 1969г.

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Nemirovskiy, Alexander Isidorovich


This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Novoseltsev, Nikolai Fedorovich

Born: 1959

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Krivostchapova Larisa Sergeevna

Born: 1964

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Gandga Mikhail Karpovich

Born: 1947

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Lenshin Dmitriy Alexandrovich

Born: 1976

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%


This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Person performing the functions of individual executive body of the entity:

Erizhenko, Oleg Viktorovich

Born: 1969г.

This person’s share in the Issuer’s charter capital: 0%

This person’s share in the total amount of Issuer’s ordinary shares: 0%

Members of collective executive body of the entity:

Collective executive body is not provided

3.6. Composition, structure and cost of the Issuer’s fixed assets, information on acquisition, replacement, withdrawal of the fixed assets, as well as on all encumbrances of the Issuer’s fixed assets

3.6.1       Fixed assets

As of 30.06.2006

 Group of fixed assets


Initial value, 
thousand RUR


Accumulated depreciation,
thousand RUR


From 1 year to 2 years (incl.)






Over 2 years to 3 years (incl.)






Over 3 years to 5 years (incl.)


34 355


24 845


Over 5 years to 7 years (incl.)


6 873


3 442


Over 7 years to 10 years (incl.)


1 517




Over 10 years to 15 years (incl.)






Over 15 years to 20 years (incl.)






Over 20 years to 25 years (incl.)






With the value of less than RUR 10000








42 898


28 827



No revaluation of the fixed assets in the accounting quarter was held.


4.1          Results of the financial and economic activities of the Issuer

4.1.1       Profits and losses



6 months of 2006


Revenue, thousand RUR




Gross profit, thousand RUR




Retained (net) profit, thousand RUR




Return on equity, %




Return on assets, %




Net profit ratio, %




Return on products, sales, %




Capital turnover




Uncovered loss as of the reporting date, thousand RUR




Uncovered loss as of the reporting date and balance-sheet total ratio





4.1.2       Factors having affected the amount of the proceeds from sale of goods, products, works, services and the amount of profits (losses) from the Issuer’s principal business.

Services, thou. rubles (excluding VAT)


6 moths of 2006


Licensing of trademarks under license agreements


344 928


Management consulting services


16 224


Software implementation services


1 682


Property lease


3 054








366 150





The Issuer’s primary activity is the licensing of trademarks under license agreements. Royalty earnings depend on the total value of goods sold under trademarks owned by WBD Foods. License granting revenue continues to be the most significant part of total sale revenues in the 2 first quarters of 2006. The increase is a result of higher production volumes of dairy and juice products sold under the Issuer’s trademarks.

4.2. Liquidity of the Issuer

The following indicators are given to define the Issuer’s liquidity in the appropriate accounting period:




6 months of 2006


Working capital, thousand RUR


-3 313 434


Non-current assets to net worth




Current ratio




Quick ratio




Debt-to-equity ratio





4.3. Size, structure and adequacy of the issuer’s equity and working capital

4.3.1. Size, structure and adequacy of the issuer’s equity and working capital

Acct No. 


Description, thousands RUR


Balance as per
June 30, 2006




Authorized stock


880 000




Reserve capital






Additional capital






Retained earnings in the current year






Retained earnings in the previous years






Loss in the previous years






Targeted financing and revenues






Reserves for deferred expenses and payments











4.3.2. Investments of the Issuer Long-Term Investments

Participatory interests and shares


Balance as per June 30, 2006




in thousands 


Quantity of 


Type of Securities


Issuer’s share in the 
authorized stock, %












OJSC Bishkeksut


32 007


1 166 480






Kharkov Dairy OJSC










Karasuk Milk CJSC


4 408


350 437






Gulkevichsky Maslozavod ZAO”


9 266


1 574






Rodnik PAG ZAO


346 108


20 000






CJSC Trading Company WBD


240 206








Burynsky Powdered Milk-Producing Plant OJSC


54 825


13 038 478






Vladivostok Dairy OJSC


31 119


670 995
















Lianozovo Dairy OJSC


997 379


203 048






Nizhny Novgorod Dairy OJSC


9 417


232 500






Dairy OJSC


406 891


1 254 392






Baltic Milk dairy OJSC


367 262


2 500 000






Tuymazinsky Milk Plant OAO


47 445


40 067 779






Ufamolagroprom OJSC


96 062


29 563 200








338 952


29 415








276 487


206 355 896






Valdai Sanctuaries Ltd


300 269




Contribution to the
 authorized stock




Obninsky Dairy Plant OJSC


183 538








Kursk experimental baby food plant, OJSC






Contribution to the
authorized stock




LLC “Wimm-Bill-Dann Central Asia-Amity”






Contribution to the
authorized stock
















Long-term loans



Company Name


Investment Type


Total Loans as
per September
30, 2005, in
thousands RUR


Amount of interest
as per September
30, 2005, in
thousands RUR


Repayment Date



Kharkov Dairy OJSC


revolving credit









Karasuk Milk CJSC


revolving credit









Rubtsovsk Diary CJSC


revolving credit









TK Wimm-Bill-Dann CJSC


revolving credit









Vimm-Bill-Dann Toshkent Ltd


revolving credit









OJSC “Bishkeksut


revolving credit









Vladivostok diary OJSC


revolving credit









Vladivostok diary OJSC


revolving credit









OJSC “Zavety Ilicha”


revolving credit









OJSC “Kiev city diary plant #3”


revolving credit









OJSC “Lianozovo diary”


revolving credit









“Nizhegorodskiy” Diary OJSC


revolving credit









“Baltic milk” diary OJSC


revolving credit









Diary OJSC


revolving credit









Novokuibyshevskmoloko OJSC


revolving credit









“Za mir I trud” OJSC


revolving credit









Siberian milk OJSC


revolving credit











revolving credit









Tuimazy diary OJSC


revolving credit









Ufamolagroprom OJSC


revolving credit









Tsaritsino diary OJSC


revolving credit









Atamanskoe LLC


revolving credit









WBD Mineral water LLC


revolving credit









Valdai sanctuaries LLC


revolving credit



















Total amount of Issuer’s Long-Term Investments (thou. RUR): 9 444 684 Short-term investments (debt securities)



Company Name


Long-Term Investment Type


Total Loans as  per
June 30, 2006, in
thousands RUR


of notes



Fruktopak CJSC


promissory note















Loans granted

Long-term loans under revolving
credit (short-term part) thousands


Investment Type


Total Loans as
per June 30,
2006, in


% Amount
of interest as
per June 30,


Repayment Date










Fruktopak CJSC (short-term)


revolving credit







Ramenskiy diary CJSC (short-term)


revolving credit







Valdai sanctuaries LLC (short-term)


revolving credit







Baby food experimental plant LLC


revolving credit







OJSC “Zavety Ilicha”


revolving credit







“Za mir I trud” OJSC


revolving credit







Atamanskoe LLC


revolving credit


















Deposit balances


Investment Type


Total Investments
as per September
30, 2005, in
thousands RUR


Date of grant


Repayment Date

Dated 28.12.05









Dated 06.02.06









Dated 07.02.06









Dated 28.12.05









Dated 17.03.06









Dated 03.04.06









Dated 04.04.06









02/01 (frame agreement)









No 2150









No 2151









No 2170









No 2178









No 2184









No 2186









No 2195



























































































Total short-term investments of the issuer:  2 782 925 thousands RUR



4.3.3. Intangible Assets of the Issuer

As of June 30, 2006



Intangible Assets


Original Cost
of Intangible


Depreciation of
Intangible Assets,
thousand rubles


Depreciated Cost
of Intangible
Assets, thousand




Exclusive rights on trademarks


23 753


5 953


17 800




Exclusive rights on automated information system RAT


6 716


6 716






Exclusive rights on automated information system LIASOFT


7 710


7 490






Annual report copyright










Internal website










Exclusive right for graphic presentation and design logo






















39 828


20 366


19 462



4.4. Information on the Issuer’s R&D Policies and Expenses, Including Licenses, Patents, New Products, and Research

We invest significant financial and human resources in new product development, focusing on long-term strategic development projects that are expected to create innovative products and technologies. As of December 31, 2004, our product and technologies development departments located at Lianozovo Dairy Plant had 41 employees and our new juice product and quality department at the Ramenskiy Plant had 31 employees. These departments often cooperate with third parties such as Russian research institutions, specialized research firms and suppliers. In 2005, 2004 and 2003 we spent approximately $1.3 million, $0.6 million and $1.2 million on activities associated with new product development.

We keep track of our intellectual property and monitor the protection of our brand names and instances of copyright infringement in Russia and the CIS. The extent to which we seek protection of our trademarks outside of Russia and the CIS depends on the significance of the brand and jurisdiction concerned.

Protection of intellectual property rights is one of the key elements of the Issuer’s R&D policies.

1. Information on the creation of intellectual property within the 2 quarter of 2005

1.1.      Applications for trademarks filed :

·      trademarks filed within Russia – 7

trademarks filed within Ukraine – 2

·      Applications for patent for industrial design filed within Russia – 1;

·      International applications for patent for utility models filed – none.



2. Information on legal protection obtained for intellectual property

2.1. Trademarks





Date of


Country of