Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 6-K



For the month of March, 2019.

Commission File Number 33-65728



(Translation of registrant’s name into English)


El Trovador 4285, Santiago, Chile (562) 2425-2000

(Address of principal executive office)


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Santiago, Chile. March 27, 2019.- Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (SQM) (NYSE: SQM; Santiago Stock Exchange: SQM-B, SQM-A) reports the translation of its financial statements for the twelve months ended December 31, 2018, the Spanish version of which was filed with the Chilean Commission for the Financial Market (Comisión para el Mercado Financiero or “CMF”) on February 27, 2019.








For the period ended

December 31, 2018


Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries

In Thousands of United States Dollars



This document includes:

-Report of Independent Register Public Accounting Firms
-Consolidated Classified Statements of Financial Position
-Consolidated Statements of Income by Function
-Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
-Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
-Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile



  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Table of Contents –Consolidated Financial Statements


Consolidated Classified Statements of Financial Position 7
Consolidated Statements of Income by Function 9
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 11
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 12
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity 14
Note 1 Identification and Activities of the Company and Subsidiaries 16
1.1 Historical background 16
1.2 Main domicile where the Company performs its production activities 16
1.3 Codes of main activities 16
1.4 Description of the nature of operations and main activities 16
1.5 Other background 18
Note 2 Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements 20
2.1 Accounting period 20
2.2 Consolidated financial statements 20
2.3 Basis of measurement 21
2.4 Accounting pronouncements 22
2.5 Basis of consolidation 27
Note 3 Significant accounting policies 30
3.1 Classification of balances as current and non-current 30
3.2 Functional and presentation currency 30
3.3 Foreign currency translation 30
3.4 Subsidiaries 32
3.5 Consolidated statement of cash flows 32
3.6 Financial assets 32
3.7 Financial liabilities 33
3.8 Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 33
3.9 Financial instrument offsetting 33
3.10 Reclassification of financial instruments 33
3.11 Derivative and hedging financial instruments 33
3.12 Available for sale financial assets 35
3.13 Derecognition of financial instruments 35
3.14 Derivative financial instruments 35
3.15 Fair value initial measurements 36
3.16 Deferred acquisition costs from insurance contracts 36
3.17 Classification Leases 36
3.18 Trade and other receivables 36
3.19 Inventory measurement 37
3.20 Investments in associates and joint ventures 38


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


3.21 Transactions with non-controlling interests 39
3.22 Related party transactions 39
3.23 Property, plant and equipment 39
3.24 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment, continued 40
3.25 Goodwill 40
3.26 Intangible assets other than goodwill 41
3.27 Research and development expenses 42
3.28 Prospecting expenses 42
3.29 Impairment of non-financial assets 43
3.30 Minimum dividend 43
3.31 Earnings per share 43
3.32 Trade and other payables 44
3.33 Interest-bearing borrowings 44
3.34 Other provisions 44
3.35 Obligations related to employee termination benefits and pension commitments 45
3.36 Compensation plans 45
3.37 Revenue recognition 45
3.38 Finance income and finance costs 46
3.39 Income tax and deferred taxes 46
3.40 Segment reporting 47
3.41 Responsibility for Information and Estimates Made 48
3.42 Environment 49
Note 4 Changes in accounting estimates and policies (consistent presentation) 49
4.1 Changes in accounting estimates 49
4.2 Changes in accounting policies 49
Note 5 Financial risk management 50
5.1 Financial risk management policy 50
5.2 Risk Factors 51
5.3 Risk measurement 69
Note 6 Background of companies included in consolidation 70
6.1 Parent’s stand-alone assets and liabilities 70
6.2 Parent entity 70
Note 7 Board of Directors, Senior Management And Key management personnel 71
7.1 Board of Directors and Senior Management 71
7.2 Key management personnel compensation 74
Note 8 Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests 75
8.1 Background on companies included in consolidation 75
8.2 Assets, liabilities, results of consolidated subsidiaries 78
8.3 Detail of transactions between consolidated companies 82


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


8.4 Background on non-controlling interests 85
Note 9 Equity-accounted investees 86
9.1  Investments in associates recognized according to the equity method of accounting 86
9.2 Assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses of associates 89
9.3 Other information 90
9.4 Disclosures on interest in associates 90
Note 10 Joint Ventures 92
10.1 Policy for the accounting of equity accounted investment in joint ventures 92
10.2 Disclosures of interest in joint ventures 92
10.3 Investment in joint ventures accounted for under the equity method of accounting 94
10.4 Assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses from joint ventures: 98
10.5 Other Joint Venture disclosures: 99
Note 11 Cash and cash equivalents 100
11.1 Types of cash and cash equivalents 100
11.2 Short-term investments, classified as cash equivalents 100
11.3 Information on cash and cash equivalents by currency 101
11.4 Amount restricted (unavailable) cash balances 101
11.5 Short-term deposits, classified as cash equivalents 102
11.6 Other information 104
Note 12 Inventories 105
Note 13 Related party disclosures 107
13.1 Related party disclosures 107
13.2 Relationships between the parent and the entity 107
13.3 Detailed identification of the link between the Parent and subsidiary 108
13.4 Detail of related parties and related party transactions 111
13.5 Trade receivables due from related parties, current: 112
13.6 Trade payables due to related parties, current: 112
Note 14 Financial instruments 113
14.1 Types of other financial assets 113
14.2 Trade and other receivables 114
14.3 Hedging assets and liabilities 117
14.4 Financial liabilities 119
14.5 Trade and other payables 133
14.6 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 134
14.7 Financial asset and liability categories 135
14.8 Fair value measurement of assets and liabilities 137
14.9 Financial assets pledged as a guarantee 141
14.10 Estimated fair value of financial instruments and financial derivatives 142
14.11 Nature and scope of risks arising from financing instruments 143


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Note 15 Intangible assets and goodwill 144
15.1 Balances 144
15.2 Disclosures on intangible assets and goodwill 144
Note 16 Property, plant and equipment 150
16.1 Types of property, plant and equipment 150
16.2 Reconciliation of changes in property, plant and equipment by type: 152
16.3 Detail of property, plant and equipment pledged as guarantee 156
16.4 Impairment of assets 156
16.5 Additional Information 156
Note 17 Other current and non-current non-financial assets 157
Note 18 Employee benefits 158
18.1 Provisions for employee benefits 158
18.2 Policies on defined benefit plan 158
18.3 Other long-term benefits 159
18.4 Post-employment benefit obligations 160
18.5 Staff severance indemnities 161
18.6 Executive compensation plan 163
Note 19 Provisions and other non-financial liabilities 164
19.1 Types of provisions 164
19.2 Description of other provisions 165
19.3 Other current liabilities 166
19.4 Changes in provisions 167
Note 20 Disclosures on equity 168
20.1 Capital management 168
20.2 Disclosures on preferred share capital 169
20.3 Disclosures on reserves in equity 171
20.4 Dividend policies 174
20.5 Interim and provisional dividends 176
Note 21 Earnings per share 178
Note 22 Contingencies and restrictions 179
22.1 Lawsuits and other relevant events 179
22.2 Restrictions to management or financial limits 186
22.3 Environmental contingencies 187
22.4 Tax contingency 189
22.5 Contingencies regarding the Changes to the Contracts with Corfo. Appeal No. 10301-2018, Santiago Court of Appeals: 191
22.6 Restricted or pledged cash 193
22.7 Securities obtained from third parties 194
22.8 Indirect guarantees 195


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Note 23 Lawsuits and complaints 197
Note 24 Sanction proceedings 200
Note 25 Environment 201
25.1 Disclosures of disbursements related to the environment 201
25.2 Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment 202
25.3 Description of each project, indicating whether these are in process or have been finished 212
Note 26 Mineral resource exploration and evaluation expenditure 218
Note 27 Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income by function of expenses, included according to their nature 219
27.1 Revenue from operating activities 219
27.2 Cost of sales 221
27.3 Other income 222
27.4 Administrative expenses 222
27.5 Other expenses by function 223
27.6 Other income (expenses) 223
27.7 Impairment of gains and reversal of impairment losses 224
27.8 Summary of expenses by nature 224
27.9 Finance expenses 225
Note 28 Reportable segments 226
28.1 Reportable segments 226
28.2 Reportable segment disclosures: 228
28.3 Statement of comprehensive income classified by reportable segments based on groups of products 230
28.4 Revenue from transactions with other Company’s operating segments 232
28.5 Disclosures on geographical areas 232
28.6 Disclosures on main customers 232
28.7 Segments by geographical areas as of December 31, 2018  and 2017 233
28.8 Property, plant and equipment classified by geographical areas 234
Note 29 Borrowing costs 235
29.1 Costs of capitalized interest, property, plant and equipment 235
Note 30 Effect of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates 236
Note 31 Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates 238
Note 32 Income tax and deferred taxes 243
32.1 Current and non-current tax assets 243
32.2 Current tax liabilities 244
32.3 Income tax and deferred taxes 244
Note 33 Assets held for sale 256
Note 34 Events occurred after the reporting date 257
34.1 Authorization of the financial statements 257


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


34.2 Disclosures on events occurring after the reporting date 257
34.3 Details of dividends declared after the reporting date 261


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Consolidated Classified Statements of Financial Position










As of December 31,




As of December 31,



Current assets             
Cash and cash equivalents  11.1   556,066    630,438 
Other current financial assets  14.1   312,721    366,979 
Other current non-financial assets  17   49,186    26,883 
Trade and other receivables, current  14.2   464,855    446,875 
Trade receivables due from related parties, current  13.5   44,554    59,132 
Current inventories  12   913,674    902,074 
Current tax assets  32.1   57,110    32,291 
Current assets other than those classified as held for sale or disposal      2,398,166    2,464,672 
Non-current assets or groups of assets classified as held for sale  33   1,430    1,589 
Total current assets      2,399,596    2,466,261 
Non-current assets             
Other non-current financial assets  14.1   17,131    42,879 
Other non-current non-financial assets  17   27,540    19,262 
Trade receivables, non-current  14.2   2,275    1,912 
Investments classified using the equity method of accounting  9.1-10.3   111,549    152,630 
Intangible assets other than goodwill  15.1   188,283    113,787 
Goodwill  15.1   34,718    37,972 
Property, plant and equipment  16.1   1,454,823    1,429,354 
Tax assets, non-current  32.1   32,179    32,179 
Total non-current assets      1,868,498    1,829,975 
Total assets      4,268,094    4,296,236 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Consolidated Classified Statements of Financial Position, (continued)




Liabilities and Equity






As of December 31,




As of December 31,



Current liabilities           
Other current financial liabilities  14.4   23,585    220,328 
Trade and other payables, current  14.5   163,751    196,280 
Trade payables due to related parties, current  13.6   9    1,365 
Other current provisions  19.1   106,197    63,445 
Current tax liabilities  32.2   47,412    75,402 
Provisions for employee benefits, current  18.1   20,085    22,421 
Other current liabilities  19.3   194,624    168,804 
Total current liabilities      555,663    748,045 
Non-current liabilities             
Other non-current financial liabilities  14.4   1,330,382    1,031,507 
Other non-current provisions  19.1   31,822    30,001 
Deferred tax liabilities  32.3   175,361    205,283 
Provisions for employee benefits, non-current  18.1   37,064    33,932 
Total non-current liabilities      1,574,629    1,300,723 
Total liabilities      2,130,292    2,048,768 
Equity  20          
Share capital      477,386    477,386 
Retained earnings      1,623,104    1,724,784 
Other reserves      (14,999)   (14,349)
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent      2,085,491    2,187,821 
Non-controlling interests      52,311    59,647 
Total equity      2,137,802    2,247,468 
Total liabilities and equity      4,268,094    4,296,236 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Consolidated Statements of Income by Function




      January to December 









Revenue  27.1   2,265,803    2,157,323 
Cost of sales  27.2   (1,483,524)   (1,394,822)
Gross profit      782,279    762,501 
Other income  27.3   32,048    17,827 
Administrative expenses  27.4   (118,126)   (101,171)
Other expenses by function  27.5   (36,907)   (53,600)
Impairment of income and reversal of impairment losses (impairment losses) determined in accordance with IFRS 9      2,967    (8,038)
Other gains (losses)  27.7   6,404    543 
Profit (loss) from operating activities      668,665    618,062 
Finance income      22,533    13,499 
Finance costs  27.8-29   (59,914)   (50,124)
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method  9-10   6,351    14,452 
Foreign currency translation differences  30   (16,597)   (1,299)
Profit (loss) before taxes      621,038    594,590 
Income tax expense, continuing operations  32.3   (178,975)   (166,173)
Profit (loss) from continuing operations      442,063    428,417 
Profit attributable to             
Owners of the Parent      439,830    427,697 
Non-controlling interests      2,233    720 
Profit for the year      442,063    428,417 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Consolidated Statements of Income by Function, (continued)




      January to December 
   Note  2018   2017 
      US$   US$ 
Earnings per share             
Common shares             
Basic earnings per share (US$ per share)  21   1.6711    1.6250 
Diluted common shares             
Diluted earnings per share (US$ per share)  21   1.6711    1.6250 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income




   January to December 
   2018   2017 
Statement of comprehensive income  ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Profit (loss) for the year   442,063    428,417 
Other comprehensive income          
Items of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit for the year, before taxes          
Other comprehensive income, before taxes, gains (losses) from new measurements of defined benefit plans   (1,337)   (1,392)
Total other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit for the year, before taxes   (1,337)   (1,392)
Items of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit for the year, before taxes          
Foreign currency exchange difference          
Foreign currency exchange gains I(losses) before taxes   (1,219)   (5,446)
Other comprehensive income before taxes   (1,219)   (5,446)
Financial assets held for sale          
Gain (loss) from revaluations of financial assets held for sale, net of tax   (5,547)   (26)
Other comprehensive income before taxes   (5,547)   (26)
Financial assets measured at fair value with changes in other comprehensive income          
Gain (loss) from cash flow hedges   5,723    2,184 
Other comprehensive income, net of tax   5,723    2,184 
Total other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit for the year   (1,043)   (3,288)
Other items of other comprehensive income before taxes   (2,380)   (4,680)
Income taxes related to items of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit for the year          
Income taxes related to new measurements of defined benefit plans in other comprehensive income   396    282 
Accumulated income taxes related to items of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit for the year   396    282 
Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit (loss) for the year          
Income tax related to financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss   1,498    (550)
Cumulative income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit (loss) for the year   1,498    (550)
Total other comprehensive income   (486)   (4,948)
Total comprehensive income   441,577    423,469 
Comprehensive income attributable to          
Owners of the Parent   439,180    422,736 
Non-controlling interests   2,397    733 
Total comprehensive income   441,577    423,469 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows




Consolidated Statements of cash flows








Cash flows from operating activities          
Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services   2,284,514    2,082,366 
Cash receipts from premiums and benefits, annuities and other benefits from policies entered   2,140    2,967 
Cash payments to suppliers for the provision of goods and services   (1,201,674)   (959,213)
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees   (230,007)   (227,103)
Other payments related to operating activities (1)   (21,240)   (34,956)
Net cash generated from (used in) operating activities   833,733    864,061 
Dividends received   8,815    2,091 
Interest paid   (59,565)   (18,964)
Interest received   22,533    13,499 
Income taxes paid   (240,115)   (148,568)
Other incomes (outflows) of cash (2)   (40,562)   (8,122)
Net cash generated from (used in) operating activities   524,839    703,997 
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities          
Cash flows arising from the loss of control of subsidiaries and other businesses   69,988    - 
Payments made to acquire interest in joint ventures   (19,989)   (38,088)
Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment   61    229 
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment   (244,693)   (142,144)
Proceeds from sales of intangible assets   14,056    8,640 
Purchases of intangible assets   (74,374)   - 
Proceeds from the repayment of advances and loans granted to third parties   (204)   78 
Other inflows (outflows) of cash (2)   69,151    (76,782)
Net cash generated from (used in) investing activities   (187,004)   (248,067)


(1) Includes a payment of ThUS$30,000 made to the SEC and the DOJ, which was provisioned in 2016 and paid in 2017.

(2) Other inflows (outflows) of cash from operating activities include increases (decreases) net of Value Added Tax.

(3) Other inflows (outflows) of cash include investments and redemptions of time deposits and other financial instruments that do not qualify as cash and cash equivalent in accordance with IAS 7, paragraph 7, since they mature in more than 90 days from the original investment date.


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, (continued)










Cash flows used in financing activities          
Proceeds from long-term loans   256,039    - 
Proceeds from short-term borrowings   120,000    143,000 
Repayment of borrowings   (213,000)   (126,712)
Dividends paid   (550,352)   (373,933)
Net cash generated used in financing activities   (387,313)   (357,645)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before the effect of changes in the exchange rate   (49,478)   98,285 
Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held   (24,894)   17,484 
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents   (74,372)   115,769 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   630,438    514,669 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   556,066    630,438 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity




2018  Share
   Cash flow
   Reserve for
gains (losses)
from financial
assets measured
at fair value
through other
gains (losses)
from defined
benefit plans



to owners of
the Parent
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Equity at beginning of the year   477,386    (24,913)   2,248    2,937    (5,953)   11,332    (14,349)   1,724,784    2,187,821    59,647    2,247,468 
Increase (decrease) due to changes in accounting policy   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (1,680)   (1,680)   -    (1,680)
Restated opening balance of equity   477,386    (24,913)   2,248    2,937    (5,953)   11,332    (14,349)   1,723,104    2,186,141    59,647    2,245,788 
Profit for the year   -    -    -         -    -    -    439,830    439,830    2,233    442,063 
Other comprehensive income   -    (1,394)   5,723    (4,048)   (931)   -    (650)   -    (650)   164    (486)
Comprehensive income   -    (1,394)   5,723    (4,048)   (931)   -    (650)   439,830    439,180    2,397    441,577 
Dividends   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (539,830)   (539,830)   (9,733)   (549,563)
Increase (decrease) due to transfers and other changes   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Increase (decrease) in equity   -    (1,394)   5,723    (4,048)   (931)   -    (650)   (100,000)   (100,650)   (7,336)   (107,986)

Equity as of December 31, 2018

   477,386    (26,307)   7,971    (1,111)   (6,884)   11,332    (14,999)   1,623,104    2,085,491    52,311    2,137,802 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




  Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity




2017  Share
   Cash flow
   Reserve for
gains (losses)
from financial
assets measured
at fair value
through other
gains (losses)
from defined
benefit plans



to owners of
the Parent
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Equity at beginning of the year   477,386    (19,463)   64    3,513    (4,834)   7,832    (12,888)   1,781,576    2,246,074    61,198    2,307,272 
Profit for the year   -    -    -         -    -    -    427,697    427,697    720)   428,417 
Other comprehensive income   -    (5,450)   2,184    (576)   (1,119)   -    (4,961)   -    (4,961)   13    (4,948)
Comprehensive income   -    (5,450)   2,184    (576)   (1,119)   -    (4,961)   427,697    422,736    733    423,469 
Dividends   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (480,989)   (480,989)   (2284)   (483,273)
Increase (decrease) due to transfers and other changes   -    -    -    -    -    3,500    3,500    (3,500)   -    -    - 
Increase (decrease) in equity   -    (5,450)   2,184    (576)   (1,119)   3,500    (1,461)   (56,792)   (58,253)   (1,551)   (59,804)

Equity as of December 31, 2017 

   477,386    (24,913)   2,248    2,937    (5,953)   11,332    (14,349)   1,724,784    2,187,821    59,647    2,247,468 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 1Identification and Activities of the Company and Subsidiaries


1.1Historical background


Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. "SQM" is an open stock corporation founded under the laws of the Republic of Chile and its Chilean Tax Identification Number is 93.007.000-9.


The Company was incorporated through a public deed dated June 17, 1968 by the public notary of Santiago Mr. Sergio Rodríguez Garcés. Its existence was approved by Decree No. 1,164 of June 22, 1968 of the Ministry of Finance, and it was registered on June 29, 1968 in the Registry of Commerce of Santiago, on page 4,537 No. 1,992. SQM’s headquarters are located at El Trovador 4285, Floor 6, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile. The Company's telephone number is +56 2 2425-2000.


The Company is registered with the Commission for Financial Markets (CMF) (formerly the Chilean Superintendence of Securities and Insurance (SVS)) under number 184 of March 18, 1983 and is therefore subject to oversight by that entity.


1.2Main domicile where the Company performs its production activities


The Company’s main domiciles are: Calle Dos Sur plot No. 5 - Antofagasta; Arturo Prat 1060 - Tocopilla; Administration Building w/n - Maria Elena; Administration Building w/n Pedro de Valdivia - María Elena, Anibal Pinto 3228 - Antofagasta, Kilometer 1378 Ruta 5 Norte Highway - Antofagasta, Coya Sur Plant w/n - Maria Elena, kilometer 1760 Ruta 5 Norte Highway - Pozo Almonte, Salar de Atacama (Atacama Saltpeter deposit) potassium chloride plant w/n - San Pedro de Atacama, potassium sulfate plant at Salar de Atacama w/n – San Pedro de Atacama, Minsal Mining Camp w/n CL Plant CL, Potassium– San Pedro de Atacama, formerly the Iris Saltpeter office w/n, Commune of Pozo Almonte, Iquique.


1.3Codes of main activities


The codes of the main activities as established by the CMF, as follows:


-1700 (Mining)


-2200 (Chemical products)


-1300 (Investment)


1.4Description of the nature of operations and main activities


Our products are mainly derived from mineral deposits found in northern Chile. We mine and process caliche ore and brine deposits. The caliche ore in northern Chile contains the only known nitrate and iodine deposits in the world and is the world’s largest commercially exploited source of natural nitrates. The brine deposits of the Salar de Atacama, a salt-encrusted depression in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, contain high concentrations of lithium and potassium as well as significant concentrations of sulfate and boron.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 1Identification and Activities of the Company and Subsidiaries (continued)


1.4Description of the nature of operations and main activities, continued


From our caliche ore deposits, we produce a wide range of nitrate-based products used for specialty plant nutrients and industrial applications, as well as iodine and iodine derivatives. At the Salar de Atacama, we extract brines rich in potassium, lithium, sulfate and boron in order to produce potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, lithium solutions and bischofite (magnesium chloride). We produce lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide at our plant near the city of Antofagasta, Chile, from the solutions brought from the Salar de Atacama. We market all of these products through an established worldwide distribution network.


Our products are sold in over 110 countries through our worldwide distribution network, with the majority of our sales derived from countries outside Chile.


Our products are divided into six categories: specialty plant nutrients; iodine and its derivatives; lithium and its derivatives; potassium chloride and potassium sulfate; industrial chemicals and other commodity fertilizers, , described as follows:


Specialty plant nutrition: We produce four main types of specialty plant nutrients: potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate, sodium potassium nitrate and specialty blends. We also sell other specialty fertilizers including third party products. All of these specialty plant nutrients are used in either solid or liquid form mainly on high value crops such as vegetables, fruits and flowers. Our nutrients are widely used in crops that employ modern agricultural techniques such as hydroponics, green housing, fertigation (where fertilizer is dissolved in water prior to irrigation) and foliar application. Specialty plant nutrients have certain advantages over commodity fertilizers, such as rapid and effective absorption (without requiring nitrification), superior water solubility, increased soil pH (which reduces soil acidity) and low chloride content. One of the most important products in this business line is potassium nitrate, which is sold in crystalline or prill form, allowing for multiple application methods. Crystalline potassium nitrate products are ideal for application by fertigation and foliar sprays, and potassium nitrate prills are suitable for soil applications.


The new needs of more sophisticated customers demand that the industry provide integrated solutions rather than individual products. Our products, including customized specialty blends that meet specific needs along with the agronomic service provided, allow to create plant nutrition solutions that add value to crops through higher yields and better quality production. Because our products are derived from natural nitrate compounds or natural potassium brines, they have certain advantages over synthetically produced fertilizers, including the presence of certain beneficial trace elements, which makes them more attractive to customers who prefer products of natural origin. As a result, specialty plant nutrients are sold at a premium price compared to commodity fertilizers.


Iodine: We believe that we are the world’s leading producer of iodine and iodine derivatives, which are used in a wide range of medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications, including x-ray contrast media, polarizing films for LCD and LED, antiseptics, biocides and disinfectants, in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, electronics, pigments and dye components.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 1Identification and Activities of the Company and Subsidiaries (continued)


1.4Description of the nature of operations and main activities, continued


Lithium: We are a leading producer of lithium carbonate, which is used in a variety of applications, including electrochemical materials for batteries, frits for the ceramic and enamel industries, heat-resistant glass (ceramic glass), air conditioning chemicals, continuous casting powder for steel extrusion, primary aluminum smelting process, pharmaceuticals and lithium derivatives. We are also a leading supplier of lithium hydroxide, which is primarily used as an input for the lubricating greases industry and for certain cathodes for batteries.


Industrial chemicals: We produce three industrial chemicals: sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate and potassium chloride. Sodium nitrate is used primarily in the production of glass, explosives, and metal treatment. Potassium nitrate is used in the manufacturing of specialty glass, and it is also an important raw material for the production of frits for the ceramics and enamel industries. Solar salts, a combination of potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate, are used as a thermal storage medium in concentrated solar power plants. Potassium chloride is a basic chemical used to produce potassium hydroxide, and it is also used as an additive in oil drilling as well as in food processing, among other uses.


Potassium: We produce potassium chloride and potassium sulfate from brines extracted from the Salar de Atacama. Potassium chloride is a commodity fertilizer used to fertilize a variety of crops including corn, rice, sugar, soybean and wheat. Potassium sulfate is a specialty fertilizer used mainly in crops such as vegetables, fruits and industrial crops.


Other products and services: We also sell other fertilizers and blends, some of which we do not produce. We are the largest company that produces and distributes the three main potassium sources: potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate and potassium chloride. This business line also includes revenue from commodities, services, interests, royalties and dividends.


1.5Other background




As of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017, the workforce was as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
Employees  SQM S.A.   Other
   Total   SQM S.A.   Other
Executives   33    89    122    43    77    120 
Professionals   115    1,078    1,193    143    942    1,085 
Technicians and operators   260    3,287    3,547    248    3,177    3,425 
Foreign employees   11    417    428    19    272    291 
Overall total   419    4,871    5,290    453    4,468    4,921 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 1Identification and Activities of the Company and subsidiaries (continued)


1.5Other background, continued


Main shareholders


The following table shows information about the main shareholders of the Company’s Series A or Series B shares in circulation as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, in line with information provided by the Central Securities Depository:


The following table presents the information about the beneficial ownership of Series A and Series B shares of the Company as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, with respect to each shareholder that, to our knowledge, owns more than 5% of the outstanding Series A or Series B shares. The following information is derived from our registry and reports managed by the Central Securities Depository and informed to the CMF and the Chilean Stock Exchanges.


Shareholder as of December 31, 2018  No, of Series A with
   % of Series A
   No, of Series B with
   % of Series B
   % of total
Inversiones TLC SPA   62,556,568    43.80%   -    -    23.77%
Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A. (*)   44,894,152    31.43%   10,093,154    8.38%   20.89%
The Bank of New York Mellon, ADRs   -    -    35,254,267    29.29%   13.39%
Potasios de Chile S.A. (*)   18,179,147    12.73%   -    -    6.91%
Banco de Chile via non-resident third party accounts   15,687    0.01%   10,703,812    8.89%   4.07%
Inversiones Global Mining (Chile) Limitada (*)   8,798,539    6.16%   -    -    3.34%
Banco Itaú through Corpbanca on behalf of foreign investors   -    -    8,085,730    6.72%   3.07%
Banco Santander via foreign investor accounts   -    -    7,138,685    5.93%   2.71%
Banchile C de B S A   528,092    0.37%   4,028,611    3.35%   1.73%
Inversiones la Esperanza de Chile Limitada   3,711,598    2.60%   46,500    0.04%   1.43%


(*) Total Pampa Group 32% (2.247.895 Series B shares are in the custody of different brokers).


Shareholder as of December 31, 2017  No, of Series A with
   % of Series A
   No, of Series B with
   % of Series B
   % of total
The Bank of New York Mellon, ADRs   -    -    54,599,961    45.36%   20.74%
Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A.(*)   44,894,152    31.43%   7,007,688    5.82%   19.72%
Inversiones El Boldo Limitada   29,330,326    20.54%   16,363,546    13.59%   17.36%
Inversiones RAC Chile Limitada   19,200,242    13.44%   2,202,773    1.83%   8.13%
Potasios de Chile S.A.(*)   18,179,147    12.73%   -    -    6.91%
Inversiones PCS Chile Limitada   15,526,000    10.87%   1,600,000    1.33%   6.51%
Inversiones Global Mining (Chile) Limitada (*)   8,798,539    6.16%   -    -    3.34%
Banco de Chile via non-resident third party accounts   -    -    8,394,289    6.97%   3.19%
Banco Itau via Investor Accounts   19,125    0.01%   7,017,504    5.83%   2.67%
Banco Santander via foreign investor accounts   -    -    4,593,336    3.82%   1.75%


(*) Total Pampa Group 29,97%


On December 31, 2018 the total number of shareholders had risen to 1,508.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements


2.1Accounting period


These consolidated financial statements cover the following periods:


-Consolidated Statements of Financial Position as of December 31, 2018 and, 2017.
-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity for ended December 31, 2018 and 2017.
-Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for ended December 31, 2018 and 2017.
-Consolidated Statements of Direct-Method Cash Flows for ended December 31, 2018 and 2017.


2.2Consolidated financial statements


The consolidated financial statements of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and its Subsidiaries were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (hereinafter “IFRS”) and represent the full, explicit and unreserved adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (the “IASB”).


These consolidated financial statements fairly reflect the Company’s financial position, the comprehensive results of operations, changes in equity and cash flows occurring during the periods ended on December 31, 2018 and, 2017.


IFRS establish certain alternatives for their application. Those applied by the Company are detailed in this Note.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (continued)


2.2Consolidated financial statements, continued


The accounting policies used in the preparation of these consolidated annual accounts comply with each IFRS in force at their date of presentation.


For the closing date of these consolidated financial statements certain reclassifications have been made for the captions other non-current financial assets, Intangible assets other than goodwill, Goodwill as of December 31, 2017 to correct the prior year presentation. These revisions were not considered material to the previously issued financial statements.


A reconciliation of such differences is presented as follows:


Prior Caption 


New Presentation 


Reclassification as of

December 31, 2017


Other non-current financial assets  Investments classified using the equity method of accounting   20,000 
Intangible assets other than goodwill  Property, plant and equipment   7,839 
Goodwill  Investments classified using the equity method of accounting   6,205 


2.3Basis of measurement


The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except for the following:


-Inventories are recorded at the lower of cost and net realizable value.
-Financial derivatives at fair value; and
-Staff severance indemnities and pension commitments at actuarial value
-Certain financial investments classified as available for sale measured at fair value with an offsetting entry in other comprehensive income.
-Other current and non-current assets and financial liabilities at amortized cost


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (continued)


2.4Accounting pronouncements


New accounting pronouncements


a)        The following standards, interpretations and amendments are mandatory for the first time for annual periods beginning on January 1, 2018:


Standards and Interpretations   Mandatory for annual
periods beginning on or
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments - Published in July 2014. The IASB published the complete version of IFRS 9, which replaces the guidance in IAS 39. This final version includes requirements regarding the classification and measurement of financial assets and liabilities and a new model for the recognition of expected credit losses that replaces the incurred loss impairment model used today. It also includes the final hedging part of IFRS 9 that was issued in November 2013.   01/01/2018

IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers – Published in May 2014. This standard establishes principles for reporting useful information to users of financial statements about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from an entity's contracts with customers. The core principle is that an entity recognizes revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. It replaces IAS 11 Construction Contracts; IAS 18 Revenue; IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes; IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate; IFRIC 18 Transfers of Assets from Customers; and SIC-31 Revenue-Barter Transactions Involving Advertising Services.


IFRIC 22 “Foreign Currency  Transactions and Advance Consideration”. Published in December 2016. This Interpretation applies to a foreign currency transaction (or part of one) if an entity recognizes a non-financial asset or non-financial liability arising from the payment or receipt of an advance consideration prior to the entity recognizing the related asset, expense or income (or the applicable portion thereof). The interpretation provides a guideline for the transaction date to be used for both single payments/receipts and situations when there are multiple payments/receipts. Its objective is to reduce diversity in practice.   01/01/2018


Amendments and improvements   Mandatory for annual
periods beginning on or

Amendment to IFRS 2 Share-based Payments. Published in June 2016. The amendment clarifies the measurement basis for cash-settled, share-based payments and the accounting for modifications that change an award from cash-settled to equity-settled. It also introduces an exception to the principles in IFRS 2 that will require an award to be treated as if it was wholly equity-settled, where an employer is obliged to withhold an amount for the employee’s tax obligation associated with a share-based payment.



Amendment to IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”. Published in April 2016. The amendment provides clarifications with regard to identifying performance obligations in contracts with customers, , accounting for licensing involving intellectual property and assessing principal versus agent considerations (i.e. recording revenue on a gross basis versus the net amount it retains). New and amended illustrative examples have been added for each of those areas of guidance, as well as additional practical expedients related to transition to the new revenue standard.


Amendment to IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures” in regard to measuring an associate or joint venture at fair value. Published in December 2016.   01/01/2018


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (continued)


2.4Accounting pronouncements, continued


b)        Standards, interpretations and amendments issued that had not become effective for financial statements beginning on January 1, 2018 and which the Company has not adopted early are as follows:


Standards and Interpretations   Mandatory for annual
periods beginning on or

On January 13, 2016, the IASB published IFRS 16 Levies. IFRS 16 introduces a comprehensive model to identify lease agreements and accounting treatments for both lessees and lessors. When the application of IFRS 16 goes into effect, it will replace the current lease guidelines including IAS 17 Leases and the related interpretations.


IFRS 16 makes a distinction between leases and service contracts based on the fact that an identified asset is controlled by an entity. Under IAS 17, the distinction between operating leases (outside the statement of financial position) and financial leases is removed for the accounting of the lessees, and is replaced by a model where an right-of-use asset and the corresponding liability must be recognized by lessees for all leases, except short-term leases and low-value asset leases.


The right-of-use asset is initially measured at cost and subsequently measured at cost (subject to certain exceptions) less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, adjusted by any remeasurement of the lease liability. The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that have not been paid as of that date. Subsequently, the lease liability is adjusted for interest and lease payments, as well as lease modifications, among others. In addition, the classification of cash flows will also be affected considering that under IAS 17, operating lease payments are presented as operating cash flows; while under the IFRS 16 model, lease payments will be divided between the portion of principal and interest payments, which will be presented as financing and operating cash flows or financing, respectively.


In contrast to accounting for lessees, IFRS 16 substantially maintains the accounting requirements of IAS 17 for lessors, and continues to require lessees to classify leases as either operating or financial leases.


Additionally, IFRS 16 requires more extensive disclosures.


IFRS 16 is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019. Early application is permitted for entities that apply IFRS 15 on or before the initial application of IFRS 16. Entities can apply IFRS 16 using either a retrospective full application approach or a modified retrospective application approach. If the latter approach is chosen, an entity is not required to restate comparative financial information and the cumulative effect of the initial application of IFRS 16 must be presented as an adjustment to the initial balance of retained earnings (or other equity component, when appropriate).



El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (continued)


2.4Accounting pronouncements, continued


Standards and Interpretations   Mandatory for annual
periods beginning on or
IFRIC 23   Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments. Published in June 2016. This interpretation clarifies how to apply the recognition and measurement requirements in IAS 12, when there is uncertainty over income tax treatments.   01/01/2019


Amendments and improvements   Mandatory for annual
periods beginning on or

Amendment to IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments”. Published in October 2017. The amendment permits more assets to be measured at amortized cost than under the previous version of IFRS 9, in particular some prepayable financial assets with negative compensation. The assets affected, which include some loans and debt securities, would otherwise have been measured at fair value through profit and loss (FVTPL). For them to qualify for amortized cost measurement, the negative compensation must be “reasonable compensation for early termination of the contract.”



Amendment to IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures” Published in October 2017. This amendment clarifies that companies should apply IFRS 9 to account for long-term interests in an associate or joint venture to which the equity method is not applied. The Board IASB has published an example that illustrates how companies should apply the requirements of IFRS 9 and IAS 28 to long-term interests in an associate or joint venture.



Amendment to IFRS 3 “Business Combinations” Published in December 2017. The amendment clarified that gaining control of a company that is a joint venture deals with a business combination that is achieved in stages. The acquirer must remeasure previously held interests in that business at fair value at the date of acquisition.



Amendment to IFRS 11 “Joint Arrangements” Published in December 2017. The amendment clarified that when an entity obtains joint control of a business that is a joint operation, the entity does not remeasure previously held interests in that business.



Amendment to IAS 12 Income Taxes - Published in December 2017. This modification clarified that the income tax consequences of dividends on financial instruments classified as equity should be recognized when the past transactions or events that generated distributable profits were originally recognized



Amendment to IFRS 23 “Loan Costs” Published in December 2017. This amendment clarifies that the borrowing costs of specific borrowings that remain outstanding after the related qualifying asset is ready for intended use or for sale will be considered as part of the general borrowing costs of the entity.


Amendment to IAS 19 Employee Benefits - Published in February 2018. The amendment requires entities to use updated assumptions to determine the current service cost and net interest for the remainder of the period after a modification, reduction or settlement of the plan; and to recognize in profit or loss as part of the cost of the past service, or a profit or loss in the settlement, any reduction in a surplus, even if that surplus was not previously recognized because it did not exceed the upper limit of the asset.   01/01/2019


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (continued)


2.4Accounting pronouncements, continued


Amendments and improvements   Mandatory for annual
periods beginning on or
Amendment to IFRS 3 “Definition of a business” Published in October 2018. This amendment revises the definition of a business. Based on the feedback received by the IASB, the application of the current guidance is frequently seen as too complex, and results in too many transactions that qualify as business combinations.   01/01/2020


The following amendment was issued by the IASB and was originally scheduled to take effect in 2016. However, the organization has changed its position and the mandatory effective date is yet to be determined.


Amendment to IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Statements” and IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures”. Published in September 2014. These amendments address an inconsistency between the requirements in IFRS 10 and those in IAS 28 in dealing with the sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint venture. The main consequence of the amendments is that a full gain or loss is recognized when a transaction involves a business (whether it is housed in a subsidiary or not). A partial gain or loss is recognized when a transaction involves assets that do not constitute a business, even if these assets are housed in a subsidiary.   Undetermined


Management believes the adoption of the standards, interpretations and amendments applicable as of Tuesday, January 1, 2019, will have no significant impact on the Company’s financial statements.


During 2018, the Administration has made an initial assessment of the possible impact of the adoption of IFRS 16 as of the effective term of the new standard, which was determined through the evaluation of lease contracts, assets that, according to their nature and lease terms must be recorded at the date of initial application as right-to-use assets, and this will incur amortization expenses over the term of the contract or the useful life of the asset, whichever is shorter. Based on this evaluation, the Company concludes that the effects of the adoption of IFRS 16 will not significantly affect its Consolidated Financial Statements.


Of the lease contracts signed under IFRS 16, the following right-of-use assets, among others, were identified: trucks, cranes, excavators, structures (buildings, warehouses, shops, land), where SQM has the power (control) to direct their activities and to use them for the contract term, without the supplier changing the operating instructions.


To estimate the initial measurement, the Company built a debt curve based on public debt instruments held by the company at the valuation date. The rates used to deduct the right-of-use asset and the lease liability were estimated based on currency (USD, UF and CLP) and contract terms.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (continued)


2.4Accounting pronouncements, continued


The initial application method of the aforementioned standard chosen by the Company is the full application of a modified approach of retrospective application version B, where the right to use is equated to the aforementioned liability, with no equity adjustment.


The values corresponding to right-to-use assets and lease liabilities in contracts qualified under IFRS 16 amount to ThUS$25,033.


For the adoption of IFRS 15 - Revenue from Contracts with Customers, the Company undertook a detailed assessment of its performance obligations underlying revenue recognition, such as the performance obligation to transport products to customers, in line with the terms and conditions previously established in contracts and there is no significant impact - the performance obligation has been satisfied. With regard to products invoiced with a deferred shipment date, the transfer of control has been assessed over and above the transfer of risks and benefits established in the previous standard and a prepayment is estimated in revenue recognition, without a significant impact. Other considerations were also assessed, such as rebates, discounts, guarantees, financing components and product personalization. Based on this analysis, the Company has concluded that these last items will not generate an impact nor are significant changes expected in the recording of revenue as a result of applying this new standard, except for the impact on disclosures. The Company has established the procedures and controls for beginning to apply IFRS 15 as of January 1, 2018. It recognizes the cumulative effect of applying IFRS 15 as an adjustment to the opening balance of equity as of that date, without being necessary to make adjustments to the comparative information for periods.


   Iodine and               Others   Iodine and   Total 
AREA  Derivatives   Lithium   QI   Potassium   Products   Derivatives   million US$ 
Products   781.8    325.0    734.8    108.3    267.5    44.6    2,262.8 
Services   -    -    -    -    -    4.0    4.0 
Total   781.8    325.0    734.8    108.3    267.5    48.5    2,266.8 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (continued)


2.5Basis of consolidation




These are all those entities where Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. has control over directing their financial and operational policies. This is generally accompanied by a share of more than half of the voting rights. Subsidiaries apply the same accounting policies of their Parent.


To account for the acquisition, the Company uses the acquisition method. Under this method the acquisition cost is the fair value of assets delivered, equity securities issued, and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of exchange. Identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities and contingencies assumed in a business combination are measured initially at fair value at the acquisition date. For each business combination, the Company will measure non-controlling interest of the acquiree either at fair value or as proportional share of net identifiable assets of the acquiree. For more information, please see Note 8.1.


Companies included in consolidation:


            Ownership interest 
      Country of     12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
TAX ID No.  Foreign subsidiaries  origin  Functional currency  Direct   Indirect   Total   Total 
Foreign  Nitratos Naturais Do Chile Ltda.  Brazil  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  Nitrate Corporation Of Chile Ltd.  United Kingdom  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM North America Corp.  USA  US$   40.0000    60.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Europe N.V.  Belgium  US$   0.5800    99.4200    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  Soquimich S.R.L. Argentina.  Argentina  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  Soquimich European Holding B.V.  Netherlands  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Corporation N.V.  Netherlands  US$   0.0002    99.9998    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQI Corporation N.V.  Netherlands  US$   0.0159    99.9841    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Comercial De México S.A. de C.V.  Mexico  US$   0.0100    99.9900    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  North American Trading Company  USA  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  Administración y Servicios Santiago S.A. de C.V.  Mexico  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Peru S.A.  Peru  US$   0.9800    99.0200    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Ecuador S.A.  Ecuador  US$   0.0040    99.9960    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Nitratos Mexico S.A. de C.V.  Mexico  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQMC Holding Corporation L.L.P.  USA  US$   0.1000    99.9000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Investment Corporation N.V.  Netherlands  US$   1.0000    99.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Brasil Limitada  Brazil  US$   1.0900    98.9100    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM France S.A.  France  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Japan Co. Ltd.  Japan  US$   0.1597    99.8403    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  Royal Seed Trading Corporation A.V.V.  Aruba  US$   1.6700    98.3300    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Oceania Pty Limited  Australia  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  Rs Agro-Chemical Trading Corporation A.V.V.  Aruba  US$   98.3333    1.6667    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Colombia SAS  Colombia  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Australia PTY  Australia  Australian dollar   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SACAL S.A.  Argentina  Argentine peso   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (continued)


2.5Basis of consolidation, continued


            Ownership interest 
      Country of     12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
TAX ID No.  Foreign subsidiaries  origin  Functional currency  Direct   Indirect   Total   Total 
Foreign  SQM Indonesia S.A.  Indonesia  US$   0.0000    80.0000    80.0000    80.0000 
Foreign  SQM Virginia L.L.C.  USA  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Italia SRL  Italy  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  Comercial Caimán Internacional S.A.  Panama  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Africa Pty.  South Africa  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Lithium Specialties LLC  USA  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Iberian S.A.  Spain  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Beijing Commercial Co. Ltd.  China  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    100.0000 
Foreign  SQM Thailand Limited  Thailand  US$   0.0000    99.996    99.996    99.996 
Foreign  SQM Internacional N.V.  Belgium  US$   0.5800    99.4200    100.0000    0.0000 
Foreign  SQM (Shanghai) Chemicals Co. Ltd.  China  US$   0.0000    100.0000    100.0000    0.0000 


            Ownership interest 
      Country of     12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
TAX ID No.  Domestic subsidiaries  origin  Functional currency  Direct   Indirect   Total   Total 
96.801.610-5  Comercial Hydro  S.A.  Chile  US$   0,0000    60,6383    60,6383    60,6383 
96.651.060-9  SQM Potasio S.A.  Chile  US$   99,9999    0,0000    99,9999    99,9999 
96.592.190-7  SQM Nitratos S.A.  Chile  US$   99,9999    0,0001    100,0000    100,0000 
96.592.180-K  Ajay SQM Chile S.A.  Chile  US$   51,0000    0,0000    51,0000    51,0000 
86.630.200-6  SQMC Internacional  Ltda.  Chile  Ch$   0,0000    60,6381    60,6381    60,6381 
79.947.100-0  SQM Industrial S.A.  Chile  US$   99,0470    0,9530    100,0000    100,0000 
79.906.120-1  Isapre Norte Grande Ltda.  Chile  Ch$   1,0000    99,0000    100,0000    100,0000 
79.876.080-7  Almacenes y Depósitos Ltda.  Chile  Ch$   1,0000    99,0000    100,0000    100,0000 
79.770.780-5  Servicios Integrales de Tránsitos y Transferencias S.A.  Chile  US$   0,0003    99,9997    100,0000    100,0000 
79.768.170-9  Soquimich Comercial S.A.  Chile  US$   0,0000    60,6383    60,6383    60,6383 
79.626.800-K  SQM Salar S.A.  Chile  US$   18,1800    81,8200    100,0000    100,0000 
78.053.910-0  Proinsa Ltda.  Chile  Ch$   0,0000    60,5800    60,5800    60,5800 
76.534.490-5  Sociedad Prestadora de Servicios de Salud Cruz del Norte S.A.  Chile  Ch$   0,0000    100,0000    100,0000    100,0000 
76.425.380-9  Exploraciones Mineras S.A.  Chile  US$   0,2691    99,7309    100,0000    100,0000 
76.064.419-6  Comercial Agrorama Ltda. (a)  Chile  Ch$   0,0000    42,4468    42,4468    42,4468 
76.145.229-0  Agrorama S.A.  Chile  Ch$   0,0000    60,6377    60,6377    60,6377 
76.359.919-1  Orcoma Estudios SPA  Chile  US$   51,0000    0,0000    51,0000    51,0000 
76.360.575-2  Orcoma SPA  Chile  US$   100,0000    0,0000    100,0000    100,0000 
76.686.311-9  SQM MaG SpA.  Chile  US$   0,0000    100,0000    100,0000    100,0000 


(a)The Company consolidated Comercial Agrorama Ltda. as it has the control of this company’s relevant activities.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 2Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (continued)


2.5Basis of consolidation, continued


Subsidiaries are consolidated using the line-by-line method, adding the items that represent assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses of similar content, and eliminating those related to intragroup transactions.


Profit or loss of subsidiaries acquired or divested during the year are included in profit or loss accounts consolidated from the date control is transferred to the Group, or up to the date control is lost, as applicable.


Non-controlling interest represents the equity of a subsidiary not directly or indirectly attributable to the Parent.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies


3.1Classification of balances as current and non-current


In the attached consolidated statement of financial position, balances are classified in consideration of their recovery (maturity) dates; i.e. those maturing within a period equal to or less than 12 months are classified as current counted from the closing date of the consolidated financial statements and those with maturity dates exceeding the aforementioned period are classified as non-current.


The exception to the foregoing relates to deferred taxes, which are classified as non-current, regardless of the maturity they have.


3.2Functional and presentation currency


The Company’s consolidated financial statements are presented in United States dollars (“U.S. dollars”), which is the Company’s functional and presentation currency and is the currency of the main economic environment in which it operates.


Consequently, the term foreign currency is defined as any currency other than the U.S. dollar.


The consolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of United States dollars without decimals.


3.3Foreign currency translation


(a)Group entities:


The revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities of all entities that have a functional currency other than the presentation currency are converted to the presentation currency as follows:


-Assets and liabilities are converted at the closing exchange rate prevailing on the reporting date.


-Revenues and expenses of each profit or loss account are converted at monthly average exchange rates.


-All resulting foreign currency translation gains and losses are recognized as a separate component in translation reserves.


In consolidation, foreign currency differences arising from the translation of a net investment in foreign entities are recorded in equity (other reserves). At the date of disposal, such foreign currency translation differences are recognized in the statement of income as part of the gain or loss from the sale.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.3Foreign currency translation, continued


The main exchange rates and the adjustment unit used to translate monetary assets and liabilities, expressed in foreign currency at the end of each period in respect to U.S. dollars, are as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   US$   US$ 
Brazilian real   3.87    3.02 
New Peruvian sol   3.37    3.08 
Argentine peso   37.74    18.40 
Japanese yen   110.38    113.00 
Euro   0.87    0.83 
Mexican peso   19.68    19.65 
Australian dollar   1.42    1.28 
Pound Sterling   0.79    0.74 
South African rand   14.35    12.35 
Ecuadorian dollar   1.00    1.00 
Chilean peso   694.77    614.75 
Chinese yuan   6.88    6.51 
Indian rupee   69.93    63.84 
Thai baht   32.53    32.85 
Turkish lira   5.27    3.79 
UF (*)   39.68    43.59 


(*) The Unidad de Fomento (UF) is an indexed monetary unit used in Chile, calculated based on the variation in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It is represented as dollars to UF.


(b)Transactions and balances


Non-monetary transactions in currencies other than the functional currency (Dollar) are translated to the respective functional currencies of Group entities at the exchange rate on the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the reporting date are retranslated to the functional currency at the exchange rate at that date. All differences are recorded in the statement of income except for all monetary items that provide an effective hedge for a net investment in a foreign operation. These items are recognized in other comprehensive income on the divestment, when they are recognized in the statement of income. Charges and credits attributable to foreign currency translation differences on those hedge monetary items are also recognized in other comprehensive income.


Non-monetary assets and liabilities that are measured at historical cost in a foreign currency are retranslated to the functional currency at the historical exchange rate of the transaction. Non-monetary items that are measured based on fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rate at the date on which the fair value is determined.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)




SQM S.A. uses the level of control it has in subsidiaries as a basis to determine their share in the consolidated financial statements. This control consists of the Company’s ability to exercise power in the subsidiary, exposure, or right, to variable performance from its share in the investee and the ability to use its power on the investee to have an influence on the amount of the investor’s performance.


The Company prepares the consolidated financial statements using consistent accounting policies for the entire Group. The consolidation of a subsidiary commences when the Company has control over the subsidiary and stops when control ceases.


3.5Consolidated statement of cash flows


Cash equivalents correspond to highly-liquid short-term investments that are easily convertible into known amounts of cash. They are subject to insignificant risk of changes in their value and mature in less than three months from the date of acquisition of the instrument.


For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and cash equivalents as defined above.


The statement of cash flows includes movements in cash performed during the year, determined using the direct method.


3.6Financial assets


Corporate management (“Management”) determines the classification of its financial assets at the time of initial recognition, on the basis of the business model for the management of financial assets and the characteristics of contractual cash flows from the financial assets. In accordance with IFRS 9, financial assets are initially measured at fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset classified at amortized cost, the incurred transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset.


The Company assesses, at each reporting date, whether there is objective evidence that an asset or group of assets is impaired. An asset or group of financial assets is impaired if and only if there is evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events occurring after the initial recognition of the asset or group of assets. For the recognition of impairment, the loss event has to have an impact on the estimate of future cash flows from the asset or groups of financial assets.


As of January 1, 2018, the Company classifies its financial assets in the following categories: at fair value (be it through other comprehensive income or through profit or loss), and at amortized cost. The classification depends on the entity’s business model for managing financial assets and the contractual terms for cash flows.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.7Financial liabilities


Management determines the classification of its financial liabilities at the time of initial recognition. As established in IFRS 9, financial liabilities at the time of initial recognition are measured at fair value, less transaction costs that may have been incurred and are directly attributable to the issue of the financial liability Subsequently, they are measured according to their classification, which can be financial liabilities at fair value with changes in profit or financial liabilities at amortized cost.


3.8Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss


Financial liabilities are classified as at fair value through profit and loss when they are held for trading or designated as such upon initial recognition. Gains and losses from liabilities held for trading are recognized in profit and loss. This category includes derivative instruments not designated for hedge accounting.


3.9Financial instrument offsetting


The Company offsets an asset and liability if and only if it presently has a legally enforceable right of setting off the amounts recognized and has the intent of settling for the net amount of realizing the asset and settling the liability simultaneously.


3.10Reclassification of financial instruments


At such time when the Company changes its business model for managing financial assets, it will reclassify those financial assets affected by the new business model.


Financial liabilities could not be reclassified.


3.11Derivative and hedging financial instruments


Derivatives are recognized initially at fair value as of the date on which the derivatives contract is signed and, they are subsequently assessed at fair value. The method for recognizing the resulting gain or loss depends on whether the derivative has been designated as an accounting hedge instrument and, if so, it depends on the type of hedging, which may be as follows:


a)Fair value hedge of assets and liabilities recognized (fair value hedges);

b)Hedging of a single risk associated with an asset or liability recognized or a highly probable forecast transaction (cash flow hedge).


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.11Derivative and hedging financial instruments, continued


At the beginning of the transaction, the Company documents the relationship that exists between hedging instruments and those items hedged, as well as their objectives for risk management purposes and the strategy to conduct different hedging operations.


The Company also documents its evaluation both at the beginning and at the end of each period if the derivatives used in hedging transactions are highly effective to offset changes in the fair value or in cash flows of hedged items.


The fair value of derivative instruments used for hedging purposes is shown in Note 14.3 (hedging assets and liabilities). Changes in the cash flow hedge reserve are classified as a non-current asset or liability if the remaining expiration period of the hedged item is more than 12 months, and as a current asset or liability if the remaining expiration period of the entry is less than 12 months.


Derivatives that are not designated or do not qualify as hedging derivatives are classified as current assets or liabilities, and changes in the fair value are directly recognized through profit or loss.


a)Fair value hedge


Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as fair value hedges are recorded in profit or loss, together with any changes in the fair value of the hedged asset or liability that are attributable to the hedged risk. The gain or loss relating to the effective portion of interest rate swaps that hedge fixed rate borrowings is recognized in profit or loss within finance costs, together with changes in the fair value of the hedged fixed rate borrowings attributable to interest rate risk. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognized in profit or loss within other income or other expenses. If the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, the adjustment to the carrying amount of a hedged item for which the effective interest method is used is amortized to profit or loss over the period to maturity using a recalculated effective interest rate.


b)Cash flow hedges


Amounts taken to equity are transferred to profit or loss when the hedged transaction affects profit or loss, as when the hedged interest income or expense is recognized when a projected sale occurs. When the hedged entry is the cost of a non-financial asset or liability, amounts taken to other reserves are transferred to the initial carrying value of the non-financial asset or liability.


If the expected firm transaction or commitment is no longer expected to occur, the amounts previously recognized in equity are transferred to profit or loss. If a hedge instrument expires, is sold, finished, or exercised without any replacement, or if a rollover is performed or if its designation as hedging is revoked, the amounts previously recognized in other reserves are maintained in equity until the expected firm transaction or commitment occurs.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.12Available for sale financial assets


Available for sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets, which have been designated as available for sale and are not classified in any of the previous categories of financial instruments. Available for sale financial instruments are initially recognized at fair value plus any directly attributable transaction costs.


Subsequent to initial recognition, they are recognized at fair value and changes other than impairment losses are recognized in other comprehensive income and presented in equity in the fair value reserve. If an investment is derecognized, the accumulated gain or loss is reclassified to profit or loss.


3.13Derecognition of financial instruments


In accordance with IFRS 9, the Company derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or it transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash flows in a transaction in which substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are transferred; and the control of the financial assets has not been retained.


The Company derecognizes a financial liability when its contractual obligations or a part of these are discharged, paid to the creditor or legally extinguished.


3.14Derivative financial instruments


The Company maintains derivative financial instruments to hedge its exposure to foreign currencies. Derivative financial instruments are recognized initially at fair value; attributable transact ion costs are recognized when incurred. Subsequent to initial recognition, any changes in the fair value of such derivatives are recognized in profit or loss as part of gains and losses.


The Company permanently assesses the existence of embedded derivatives, both in its contracts and financial instruments, As of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017, there were no embedded derivatives.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.15Fair value initial measurements


From the initial recognition, the Company measures its assets and liabilities at fair value plus or minus transaction costs incurred that are directly attributable to the acquisition of a financial asset or issuance of a financial liability


3.16Deferred acquisition costs from insurance contracts


Acquisition costs from insurance contracts are classified as prepayments and correspond to insurance contracts in force, recognized using the straight-line method and on an accrual basis, and are recognized under other non-financial assets.


3.17Classification Leases


(a) Lease - Finance lease


Leases are classified as finance leases when the Company substantially owns all the risks and rewards inherent in the ownership of the asset. Finance leases are capitalized at the commencement of the lease term at the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments.


Each finance lease payment is apportioned between the liability and the finance charges so as to obtain the constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. The respective lease obligations, net of finance charges, are included in other non-current liabilities. The interest part of the finance cost is charged to the consolidated financial statements for the lease term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each year.


(b) Lease - Operating lease


Leases where the lessor retains a significant part of the risks and benefits derived from the property are classified as operating leases. Operating lease payments (net of any incentive received by the lessor) should be recognized as an expense in the income statement or capitalized (as appropriate) over the lease term on a straight-line basis.


3.18Trade and other receivables


The Company’s trade receivables are maintained to obtain contractual cash flows (charge and collect) and do not contain a significant financing component, being recognized at the transaction price defined in IFRS 15.


In turn, the Company applies the simplified approach described in IFRS 9 for expected credit losses from the loans to customers portfolio, as these are short-term financial instruments shorter than 12 months, with no significant financing component and they continue until expiration. This approach enables the use of the estimate of expected credit loss throughout the life of the instrument.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.18Trade and other receivables, continued


Receivables with a low probability of recovery are fully provisioned, are to measure the expected credit losses of the rest of the portfolio, it is segmented by grouping the trade receivables based on the characteristics of shared credit risk and late payment. The expected loss rates are obtained from the default rates over the last seven years. To covert historic loss in projected loss, the Company uses the behavior of the implicit default probability indicator in the prices of financial derivatives that cover the risk of non-payment of sovereign bonds in countries where the Company generates income from product sales.


The application of IFRS 9 had an impact as of January 1, 2018, due to the application of the new impairment model described in the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements, resulting in an increased impairment of ThUS$2,301, which was carried over to equity under IAS 8. (For more information, see Note 14.2)


3.19Inventory measurement


The method used to determine the cost of inventories is the weighted average monthly cost of warehouse storage.


In determining production costs for own products, the company includes the costs of labor, raw materials, materials and supplies used in production, depreciation and maintenance of the goods that participate in the production process, the costs of product movement necessary to maintain stock on location and in the condition in which they are found, and also includes the indirect costs of each task such as laboratories, process and planning areas, and personnel expenses related to production, among others.


For finished and in-process products, the company has four types of provisions, which are reviewed quarterly:


1.Provision associated with the lower value of stock, which is directly identified with the product that generates it and involves three types: provision of lower realizable value, which corresponds to the difference between the inventory cost of intermediary or finished products, and the sale price minus the necessary costs to bring them to the same conditions and location as the product with which they are compared; provision for future uncertain use that corresponds to the value of those products in process that are likely not going to be used in sales based on the company’s long-term plans; reprocessing costs of products that are unfeasible for sale due to current specifications.


2.Provision associated with physical differences in inventory: a provision is made for differences that exceed the tolerance considered in the respective inventory process (production units in Chile and the port of Tocopilla carry out at least two inventories a year, the business subsidiaries depend on the last zero ground obtained, but in general it is at least once a year), these differences are recognized immediately.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.19Inventory measurement, continued


3.Potential errors in the determination of stock: The company has an algorithm that is reviewed at least once a year and corresponds to diverse percentages assigned to each inventory based on the product, location, complexity involved in the associated measurement, rotation and control mechanisms.


4.Provisions undertaken by business subsidiaries: these are historical percentages that are adjusted as zero ground is attained based on normal inventory management.


Inventories of raw materials, materials and supplies for production are recorded at acquisition cost. Cyclical inventories are performed in warehouses, as well as general inventories every three years. Differences are recognized the moment they are detected. The company has a provision that makes quarterly calculations from percentages associated with each type of material (classification by warehouse and rotation). These percentages use the lower value resulting from deterioration or obsolescence as well as potential losses. This provision is reviewed at least annually, and considers the historical profit and loss obtained in the inventory processes.


3.20Investments in associates and joint ventures


Interests in companies over which joint control is exercised (joint venture) or where an entity has a significant influence (associates) are recognized using the equity method of accounting. Significant influence is presumed to exist when interest greater than 20% is held in the capital of an investee.


Under this method, the investment is recognized in the statement of financial position at cost plus changes, subsequent to the acquisition, and considering the proportional share in the equity of the associate. For such purposes, the interest percentage in the ownership of the associate is used. The associated goodwill acquired is included in the carrying amount of the investee and is not amortized. The debit or credit to profit or loss reflects the proportional share in the profit or loss of the associate.


Unrealized gains for transactions with affiliates or associates are eliminated according to the Company’s interest percentage in such entities. Unrealized losses are also eliminated, except if the transaction provides evidence of impairment loss of the transferred asset.


Changes in the equity of associates are recognized on a proportional basis with a charge or credit to “Other reserves” and classified according to their origin.


Reporting dates of the associate, the Company and related policies are similar for equivalent transactions and events under similar circumstances.


In the event that the significant influence is lost or the investment is sold or is held as available for sale, the equity method is discontinued, suspending the recognition of the proportional share of profit or loss.


If the resulting amount according to the equity method is negative, the share of profit or loss is reflected as zero in the consolidated financial statements, unless a commitment exists by the Company to reinstate the Company’s equity position, in which case the related provision for risks and expenses is recorded.


Dividends received by these companies are recorded by reducing the equity value, and the proportional share of profit or loss recognized according to the equity share are included in the consolidated profit or loss accounts in the caption “Equity share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures that are accounted for using the equity method of accounting”.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.21Transactions with non-controlling interests


Non-controlling interests are recorded in the consolidated statement of financial position within equity, but separate from equity attributable to the owners of the Parent.


3.22Related party transactions


Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries are part of the Company’s normal operations within its scope of business activities. Conditions for such transactions are those normally effective for those types of operations with regard to terms and market prices. These transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. The expiration conditions vary according to the originating transaction.


3.23Property, plant and equipment


The assets tangible property, plant and equipment assets are stated at acquisition cost, net of the related accumulated depreciation, amortization and impairment losses that they might have experienced.


In addition to the price paid for the acquisition of tangible property, plant and equipment, the Company has considered the following concepts as part of the acquisition cost, as applicable:


1.Accrued interest expenses during the construction period that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets, which are those that require a substantial period prior to being ready for use. The interest rate used is that related to the project’s specific financing or, should this not exist, the average financing rate of the investor company.


2.The future costs that the Company will have to experience, related to the closure of its facilities at the end of their useful life, are included at the present value of disbursements expected to be required to settle the obligation. Having initially recognized provisions for closure and refurbishment, the corresponding cost is capitalized as an asset in Property, plant and equipment and amortized in line with the amortization criteria for the associated assets.


Construction-in-progress is transferred to property, plant and equipment in operation once the assets are available for use and the related depreciation and amortization begins on that date.


Extension, modernization or improvement costs that represent an increase in productivity, ability or efficiency or an extension of the useful lives of property, plant and equipment are capitalized as a higher cost of the related assets. All the remaining maintenance, preservation and repair expenses are charged to expense as they are incurred.


The replacement of full assets, which increase the asset’s useful life or its economic capacity, are recorded as a higher value of property, plant and equipment with the related derecognition of replaced or renewed elements.


Gains or losses which are generated from the sale or disposal of property, plant and equipment are recognized as income (or loss) in the period, and calculated as the difference between the asset’s sales value and its net carrying value.


Costs derived from the daily maintenance of property, plant and equipment are recognized when incurred.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.24Depreciation of property, plant and equipment, continued


Property, plant and equipment are depreciated through the straight-line distribution of cost over the estimated technical useful life of the asset, which is the period in which the Company expects to use the asset. When components of one item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are recorded as separate assets. Useful lives are reviewed on an annual basis.


Fixed assets associated with the Salar de Atacama consider useful life to be the lesser value between the technical useful life and the years remaining until 2030.


In the case of mobile equipment, depreciation is performed depending on the hours of operation


The useful lives used for the depreciation and amortization of assets included in property, plant and equipment in years are presented below.


Classes of property, plant and equipment 

Minimum life or

rate (years)


Maximum life

or rate (years)


life or average

rate in years

Mining assets   3    8    7 
Energy generating assets   3    16    7 
Buildings   2    40    11 
Supplies and accessories   2    16    6 
Office equipment   2    20    6 
Transport equipment   2    20    9 
Network and communication equipment   3    15    5 
IT equipment   2    16    4 
Machinery, plant and equipment   1    28    9 
Other property, plant and equipment   1    26    6 




Goodwill acquired represents the excess in acquisition cost on the fair value of the Company's ownership of the net identifiable assets of the subsidiary on the acquisition date. Goodwill acquired related to the acquisition of subsidiaries is included in goodwill, which is subject to impairment tests annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired, and is stated at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Gains and losses related to the sale of an entity include the carrying value of goodwill related to the entity sold.


This intangible asset is assigned to cash-generating units with the purpose of testing impairment losses. It is allocated based on cash-generating units expected to obtain benefits from the business combination from which the aforementioned goodwill acquired arose.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.26Intangible assets other than goodwill


Intangible assets other than goodwill mainly relate to water rights, emission rights, commercial brands, costs for rights of way for electricity lines, license costs and the development of computer software and mining property and concession rights, client portfolio and commercial agent.


(a)Water rights


Water rights acquired by the Company relate to water from natural sources and are recorded at acquisition cost. Given that these assets represent legal rights granted in perpetuity to the Company, they are not amortized, but are subject to annual impairment tests.


(b)Rights of way for electric lines


As required for the operation of industrial plants, the Company has paid rights of way in order to install wires for the different electric lines on third party land. These rights are presented under intangible assets. Amounts paid are capitalized at the date of the agreement and charged to the statement of income, according to the life of the right of way.


(c)Computer software


Licenses for IT programs acquired are capitalized based on their acquisition and customization costs. These costs are amortized over their estimated useful lives.


Expenses related to the development or maintenance of IT programs are recognized as an expense as and when incurred. Costs directly related to the production of unique and identifiable IT programs controlled by the Group, and which will probably generate economic benefits that are higher than its costs during more than a year, are recognized as intangible assets. Direct costs include the expenses of employees who develop information technology software and general expenses in accordance with corporate charges received.


The costs of development for IT programs recognized as assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives.


(d)Mining property and concession rights


The Company holds mining property and concession rights from the Chilean and Australian Governments. Property rights are usually obtained at no initial cost (other than the payment of mining patents and minor recording expenses) and once the rights on these concessions have been obtained, they are retained by the Company while annual patents are paid. Such patents, which are paid annually, are recorded as prepaid assets and amortized over the following twelve months. Amounts attributable to mining concessions acquired from third parties that are not from the Chilean Government are recorded at acquisition cost within intangible assets.


(e)Client portfolio


The period for exploiting these portfolios is unlimited so they are considered assets with an indefinite useful life and are therefore not subject to amortization. However, they are subjected to an annual impairment test and the corresponding amounts are recorded in the profit or loss.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.26Intangible assets other than goodwill continued


(f)Commercial agent


The rights obtained through the acquisition of the commercial agent of Sociedad Agrocom Ltda. corresponded to the fair value of that company’s line of business. The period for exploiting these rights is unlimited so they are considered assets with an indefinite useful life and are therefore not subject to amortization. However the indefinite useful life is subject to review for every reporting period, to see whether indefinite useful life continues to apply.


3.27Research and development expenses


Research and development expenses are charged to profit or loss in the period in which the expenditure was incurred.


3.28Prospecting expenses


The Company holds mining concessions for exploration and exploitation of ore. The Company gives the following treatment to expenses associated with exploration and assessment of these resources:




Once the rights have been obtained, the Company records the disbursements directly associated with the exploration and assessment of the deposit as an at cost asset. These disbursements include the following items:


-Disbursements for geological surveys, drilling, borehole extraction and sampling, activities related to the technical assessment and commercial viability of the extraction, and in general, any disbursement directly related to specific projects where the objective is to find ore resources.


If the technical studies determine that the ore grade is not economically viable, the asset is directly charged to profit and loss. If determined otherwise, the asset described above is associated with the extractable ore tonnage which is amortized as it is used. These assets are presented in the other non-current assets category, reclassifying the portion related to the area to by extracted that year as stock.


·Expenses related to metal exploration are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are registered.


·Salar de Atacama exploration expenses are presented in non-current assets in the property, plant and equipment category and correspond mainly to wells that can also be used in the extraction of the deposit and/or monitoring. These are amortized over 10 years.


·Mt Holland exploration expenses primarily consider exploration boreholes and complementary studies for the lithium ore study of the area. These expenses will begin to be amortized in the development stage.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.29Impairment of non-financial assets


Assets subject to depreciation and amortization are also subject to impairment testing, provided that an event or change in the circumstances indicates that the amounts in the accounting records may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the excess of the book value of the asset over its recoverable amount.


The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher between the fair value of an asset or cash generating unit (“CGU”) less costs of sales and its value in use, and is determined for an individual asset unless the asset does not generate any cash inflows that are clearly independent from other assets or groups of assets.


When the carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is considered an impaired asset and is reduced to its net recoverable amount.


In evaluating value in use, estimated future cash flows are discounted using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessment, the value of money over time and the specific asset risks.


To determine the fair value less costs to sell, an appropriate valuation model is used.


Impairment losses from continuing operations are recognized with a debit to profit or loss in the categories of expenses associated with the impaired asset function, except for properties reevaluated previously where the revaluation was taken to equity.


For assets other than acquired goodwill, an annual evaluation is carried out to determine whether any previously recognized impairment losses have already decreased or ceased to exist. If this should be the case, the recoverable amount is estimated. A previously recognized impairment loss is only reversed if there have been changes in the estimates used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last time an impairment loss was recognized. If this is the case, the carrying value of the asset is increased to its recoverable amount. This increased amount cannot exceed the carrying value that would have been determined, net of depreciation, if an asset impairment loss had not been recognized in prior years. This reversal is recognized with a credit to profit or loss.


3.30Minimum dividend


As required by Chilean law and regulations, our dividend policy is decided upon from time to time by our Board of Directors and is announced at the Annual Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, which is generally held in April of each year. Shareholder approval of the dividend policy is not required. However, each year the Board must submit the declaration of the final dividend or dividends in respect of the preceding year, consistent with the then-established dividend policy, to the Annual Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for approval. As required by the Chilean Companies Act, unless otherwise decided by unanimous vote of the holders of issued shares, we must distribute a cash dividend in an amount equal to at least 30% of our consolidated net income for that year (determined in accordance with CMF regulations), unless and to the extent the Company has a deficit in retained earnings.


3.31Earnings per share


The basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing the profit for the year attributable to the ordinary owners of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.


The Company has not conducted any type of operation of potential dilutive effect that would entail the disclosure of diluted earnings per share.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.32Trade and other payables


Trade and other payables are measured at fair value plus all costs associated with the transaction. Subsequently, these are carried out at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method.


3.33Interest-bearing borrowings


At initial recognition, interest-bearing borrowings are measured at fair value net of transaction costs incurred. Subsequently, they are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Amortized cost is calculated considering any premium or discount from the acquisition and includes costs of transactions which are an integral part of the effective interest rate.


These are recorded as non-current when their expiration period exceeds twelve months and as current when the term is lower than such term. Interest expense is calculated in the year in which it is accrued following a financial criterion.


3.34Other provisions


Provisions are recognized when:


-The Company has a present obligation or constructive obligation as the result of a past event.


-It is more likely than not that certain resources must be used, including benefits, to settle the obligation.


-A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.


In the event that the provision or a portion of it is reimbursed, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset solely if there is certainty of income.


In the consolidated statement of income, the expense for any provision is presented net of any reimbursement.


Should the effect of the value of money over time be significant, provisions are discounted using a discount rate before tax that reflects the liability’s specific risks. When a discount rate is used, the increase in the provision over time is recognized as a finance cost


The Company’s policy is to maintain provisions to cover risks and expenses based on a better estimate to deal with possible or certain and quantifiable responsibilities from current litigation, compensations or obligations, pending expenses for which the amount has not yet been determined, collaterals and other similar guarantees for which the Company is responsible. These are recorded at the time the responsibility or the obligation that determines the compensation or payment is generated.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.35Obligations related to employee termination benefits and pension commitments


Obligations towards the Company’s employees comply with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreements in force, which are formalized through collective employment agreements and individual employment contracts, except for the United States, which is regulated in accordance with employment plans in force up to 2002. (See more details in Note 18.4).


These obligations are valued using actuarial calculations, according to the projected unit credit method which considers such assumptions as the mortality rate, employee turnover, interest rates, retirement dates, effects related to increases in employees’ salaries, as well as the effects on variations in services derived from variations in the inflation rate. The criteria in force contained in the revised IAS 19 are also taken into account.


Actuarial gains and losses that may be generated by variations in defined, pre-established obligations are directly recorded in other comprehensive income.


Actuarial losses and gains have their origin in departures between the estimate and the actual behavior of actuarial assumptions or in the reformulation of established actuarial assumptions.


The discount rate used by the Company for calculating the obligation was 4.642% and 5.114% for the periods ended December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, respectively.


The Company’s subsidiary SQM North America has established pension plans for its retired employees that are calculated by measuring the projected obligation using a net salary progressive rate net of adjustments for inflation, mortality and turnover assumptions, deducting the resulting amounts at present value using a 3.75% interest rate for 2018 and 4.50% for 2017. The net balance of this obligation is presented under the non-current provisions for employee benefits (refer to Note 18.4).


3.36Compensation plans


Compensation plans implemented through benefits provided in share-based payments settled in cash are recognized in the financial statements at their fair value, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards No. 2 "Share-based Payments.” Changes in the fair value of options granted are recognized with a charge to payroll on a straight-line basis during the period between the date on which these options are granted and the payment date (see Note 18.6).


3.37Revenue recognition


The Company's revenues are predominantly sales of products, where its main performance obligation is to transfer the products under agreements in which the transfer of control, risks, property benefits, and in general, the fulfillment of the Company's performance obligations, occur at the same time.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.38Finance income and finance costs


Finance income is mainly composed of interest income in financial instruments such as term deposits and mutual fund deposits. Interest income is recognized in profit or loss at amortized cost, using the effective interest rate method.


Finance costs are mainly composed of interest on bank borrowing expenses, interest on bonds issued and interest capitalized for borrowing costs for the acquisition, construction or production or qualifying assets.


Borrowing costs and bonds issued are recognized in profit or loss using the effective interest rate method.


For finance costs accrued during the construction period that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets, the effective interest rate related to the project’s specific financing is used. If none exists, the average financing rate of the subsidiary making the investment is utilized.


Borrowing and financing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset are capitalized as part of that asset’s cost.


3.39Income tax and deferred taxes


Corporate income tax for the year is determined as the sum of current taxes from the different consolidated companies.


Current taxes are based on the application of the various types of taxes attributable to taxable income for the year.


Differences between the book value of assets and liabilities and their tax basis generate the balance of deferred tax assets or liabilities, which are calculated using the tax rates expected to be applicable when the assets and liabilities are realized.


In conformity with current Chilean tax regulations, the provision for corporate income tax and taxes on mining activity is recognized on an accrual basis, presenting the net balances of accumulated monthly tax provisional payments for the fiscal period and associated credits. The balances of these accounts are presented in current income taxes recoverable or current taxes payable, as applicable.


Tax on companies and variations in deferred tax assets or liabilities that are not the result of business combinations are recorded in the statement of income accounts or equity accounts in the consolidated statement of financial position, considering the origin of the gains or losses which have generated them.


At each reporting period, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets has been reviewed and reduced to the extent where there will not be sufficient taxable income to allow the recovery of all or a portion of the deferred tax assets. Likewise, as of the date of the consolidated financial statements, deferred tax assets that are not recognized were evaluated and not recognized as it was more likely than not that future taxable income will allow for recovery of the deferred tax asset.


likely than not that the temporary differences will be reversed in the near future and that there will be taxable income with which they may be used.


With respect to deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associated companies and interest in joint ventures, deferred tax assets are recognized solely provided that it is more


The deferred income tax related to entries directly recognized in equity is recognized with an effect on equity and not with an effect on profit or loss.


Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally receivable right of offsetting tax assets against tax liabilities and the deferred tax is related to the same tax entity and authority.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.40Segment reporting


IFRS 8 requires that companies adopt a “management approach” to disclose information on the operations generated by its operating segments. In general, this is the information that management uses internally for the evaluation of segment performance and making the decision on how to allocate resources for this purpose.


An operating segment is a group of assets and operations responsible for providing products or services subject to risks and performance that are different from those of other business segments. A geographical segment is responsible for providing products or services in a given economic environment subject to risks and performance that are different from those of other segments operating in other economic environments.


For assets and liabilities, the allocation to each segment is not possible given that these are associated with more than one segment, except for depreciation, amortization and impairment of assets, which are directly allocated to the applicable segments, in accordance with the criteria established in the costing process for product inventories.


The following operating segments have been identified by the Company:


-Specialty plant nutrients


-Industrial chemicals


-Iodine and derivatives


-Lithium and derivatives




-Other products and services


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)


3.41Responsibility for Information and Estimates Made


The Management of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and its subsidiaries is responsible for the information contained in these consolidated financial statements, which expressly indicate that all the principles and criteria included in IFRS, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), have been applied in full.


In preparing the consolidated financial statements of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and its subsidiaries, Management has made judgments and estimates to quantify certain assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and commitments included therein. Basically, these estimates refer to:


-Estimated useful lives are determined based on current facts and past experience, and take into consideration the anticipated physical life of the asset, the potential for technological obsolescence, and regulations. See Notes 3.22, 15 and 16.


-Impairment losses of certain assets - Assets, including property, plant and equipment, exploration assets, goodwill and intangible assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts exceed their recoverable amounts. If an impairment assessment is required, the assessment of fair value often requires estimates and assumptions such as discount rates, exchange rates, commodity prices, future capital requirements and future operating performance. Changes in such estimates could impact the recoverable values of these assets. Estimates are reviewed regularly by management. See Notes 15 and 16.


-Assumptions used in calculating the actuarial amount of pension-related and severance indemnity payment benefit commitments. See Note 18.


-Contingencies – The amount recognized as a provision, including legal, contractual, constructive and other exposures or obligations, is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the related liability, including any related interest charges, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. In addition, contingencies will only be resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur. Therefore, the assessment of contingencies inherently involves the exercise of significant judgment and estimates of the outcome of future events. The Company assesses its liabilities and contingencies based upon the best information available, relevant tax laws and other appropriate requirements. See Notes 19 and 22.


-Provisions on the basis of technical studies that cover the different variables affecting products in stock (density and moisture, among others), and related allowance.


-Obsolescence to ensure that the carrying value of inventory is not in excess of the net realizable Inventory valuation requires judgment to determine obsolescence and estimates of provisions for value. See Note 12.


Despite the fact that these estimates have been made on the basis of the best information available on the date of preparation of these consolidated financial statements, certain events may occur in the future and oblige their amendment (upwards or downwards) over the next few years, which would be made prospectively, recognizing the effects of the change in estimates in the related future consolidated financial statements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 3Significant accounting policies (continued)




In general, the Company follows the criteria of considering amounts used in environmental protection and improvement as environmental expenses. However, the cost of facilities, machinery and equipment used for the same purpose are considered property, plant and equipment, as the case may be.


Note 4Changes in accounting estimates and policies (consistent presentation)


4.1Changes in accounting estimates


In the preparation of the consolidated financial statements of the Company and subsidiaries, the management has made estimates regarding the useful lives of Properties, Plants and Equipment, assumptions used for the actuarial calculation of employee benefits, contingencies and provisions (for more information, see Note 3.45)


4.2Changes in accounting policies


As of December 31, 2018, the Company’s consolidated financial statements present no changes in accounting policies or estimates compared to the prior period (for further details refer to Note 3.40).


As of December 31, 2018, the consolidated financial statements of the Company present changes in the accounting policies with respect to the previous period due to application of IFRS 9 and IFRS 15 from January 1, 2018


The consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2018 and, 2017 and the statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the periods ended December 31, 2018 and 2017, have been prepared in accordance with the IFRS.


The accounting principles and criteria were applied consistently.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial risk management


5.1Financial risk management policy


The Company’s financial risk management policy is focused on safeguarding the stability and sustainability of the Company and its subsidiaries with regard to all such relevant financial uncertainty components.


The Company’s operations are subject to certain financial risk factors that may affect its financial position or results. The most significant risk exposures are market risk, liquidity risk, currency risk, doubtful accounts risk, and interest rate risk, among others.


There could also be additional risks, which are either unknown or known but not currently deemed to be significant, which could also affect the Company’s business operations, its business, financial position, or profit or loss.


The financial risk management structure includes identifying, determining, analyzing, quantifying, measuring and controlling these events. Management and, in particular, Finance Management, is responsible for constantly assessing the financial risk. The Company uses derivatives to hedge a significant portion of those risks.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors


5.2.1   Risks Relating to Our Business


We could be subject to numerous risks as a result of legal proceedings and deferred prosecution agreements with U.S. and Chilean governmental authorities in relation to certain payments made by SQM between the tax years 2009 and 2015


Following the investigations, the SII and the Chilean Public Prosecutor brought a number of criminal and administrative proceedings against (i) Patricio Contesse G., the Company’s former CEO whose employment was terminated in May 2015, (ii) Mr. Contesse and the Company’s then-current CEO, Patricio de Solminihac, and CFO (now CEO), Ricardo Ramos, in their capacities as the Company’s tax representatives and (iii) five then-current and former members of the Company’s Board of Directors. All the claims against Messrs. de Solminihac and Ramos were subsequently dismissed. The lawsuits against Mr. Contesse and the Board members are continuing.


On October 14, 2015, two class action complaints then pending against the Company, our former CEO and then-current CEO and CFO, alleging violations of the U.S. securities laws in connection with the subject matter of the investigations described above, were consolidated into a single action in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. On November 13, 2015, our former CEO and then-current CEO and CFO were voluntarily dismissed from the case without prejudice. On January 15, 2016, the lead plaintiff filed a consolidated class action complaint exclusively against the Company. On January 10, 2018, the lead plaintiff filed a motion to certify a class consisting of all persons who purchased SQM American Depositary Shares (“ADS”) between June 30, 2010 and March 18, 2015, and such motion remains pending before the court.


During 2015, the ad-hoc committee of the Board of Directors (the “ad-hoc Committee”) established in February 2015 to conduct an internal investigation into the matters that were the subject of the SII and Chilean Public Prosecutor investigation, also conducted an investigation into whether the Company faced possible liability under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA"). The ad-hoc Committee engaged its own separate counsel, Shearman & Sterling LLP, which presented a report to the Board of Directors on December 15, 2015.


Following the presentation by the ad-hoc Committee of its findings to the Board of Directors, the Company voluntarily shared the findings of the ad-hoc Committee investigation with authorities in Chile and the U.S. (including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”)).


On January 13, 2017, the Company and the DOJ reached agreement on the terms of a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (“DPA”) that would resolve the DOJ’s inquiry, based on alleged violations of the books and records and internal controls provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Among other terms, the DPA called for the Company to pay a monetary penalty of US$15,487,500, and engage a compliance monitor for a term of two (2) years. Upon successful completion of the three (3) year term of the DPA, all charges against the Company will be dismissed. On the same date, the SEC agreed to resolve its inquiry through an administrative cease and desist order, arising out of the alleged violations of the same accounting provisions of the FCPA. Among other terms, the SEC order called for the Company to pay an additional monetary penalty of US$15 million.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.1   Risks Relating to Our Business (continued)


On January 26, 2018, the Eighth Lower Criminal Court of Santiago approved a deferred prosecution agreement proposed by the Chilean Public Prosecutor relating to SQM and its subsidiaries, SQM Salar and SQM Nitratos S.A., to suspend an investigation against these entities related to potential corruption issues and responsibility for the lack of supervision and management. Under the deferred prosecution agreement, SQM, SQM Salar and SQM Nitratos S.A., have not admitted responsibility in the matter subject to the investigation but agreed to pay an aggregate amount of (i) Ch$900,000,000 to the Chilean government, and (ii) Ch$1,650,000,000 to various charitable organizations. As of January 26, 2018, these amounts were equivalent to approximately US$1.5 million and US$2.8 million, respectively. In addition, the companies have agreed to provide the Chilean Public Prosecutor with a report on the enhancements to their compliance program, implemented in recent years, with special emphasis on the incorporation of best practices in various jurisdictions. On August 17, 2018, the Eighth Lower Criminal Court of Santiago considered the conditions and decided to terminate the legal process.


In the event that the applicable regulatory authorities believe that the terms of the DPA or the deferred prosecution agreement with the Chilean Public Prosecutor are not complied with, it is possible that such regulatory authorities may reinstate the suspended proceedings against us and may bring further action against us, including in the form of additional inquiries or legal proceedings. Responding to our regulators’ inquiries and any future civil, criminal or regulatory inquiries or proceedings diverts our management’s attention from day-to-day operations. Additionally, expenses that may arise from responding to such inquiries or proceedings, our review of responsive materials, any related litigation or other associated activities may continue to be significant. Current and former employees, officers and directors may seek indemnification, advancement or reimbursement of expenses from us, including attorneys’ fees, with respect to the current inquiry or future proceedings related to this matter. The occurrence of any of the foregoing or adverse determination in litigation or other proceedings or similar actions could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, cash flows, results of operations and the prices of our securities.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.1   Risks Relating to Our Business (continued)


We identified a material weakness in our internal controls over payments directed by the office of the former Chief Executive Officer


In the past, our management determined that the Company did not maintain effective control over payments directed by the office of the former CEO. This determination was reported in our annual report for the year ended December 31, 2014 on Form 20-F, filed with the SEC on May 18, 2015.


We believe we have taken the necessary steps to remediate the identified material weakness and enhance our internal controls. However, any failure to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting could (i) result in a material misstatement in our financial reporting or financial statements that would not be prevented or detected, (ii) cause us to fail to meet our reporting obligations under applicable securities laws or (iii) cause investors to lose confidence in our financial reporting or financial statements, the occurrence of any of which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition, cash flows, results of operations and the prices of our securities.


Volatility of world lithium, fertilizer and other chemical prices and changes in production capacities could affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


The prices of our products are determined principally by world prices, which, in some cases, have been subject to substantial volatility in recent years. World lithium, fertilizer and other chemical prices constantly vary depending upon the relationship between supply and demand at any given time. Supply and demand dynamics for our products are tied to a certain extent to global economic cycles, and have been impacted by circumstances related to such cycles. Furthermore, the supply of lithium, certain fertilizers or other chemical products, including certain products that we provide, varies principally depending on the production of the major producers, (including us) and their respective business strategies.


World prices of potassium-based fertilizers (including some of our specialty plant nutrients and potassium chloride) fluctuated as a result of the broader global economic and financial conditions. During the second half of 2013, potassium prices declined as a result of an unexpected announcement made by the Russian company Uralkali (“Uralkali”) that it was terminating its participation in Belarus Potash Corporation (“BPC”). As a result of the termination of Uralkali’s participation in BPC, there was increased price competition in the market. In 2018, the average price for our potassium chloride and potassium sulfate business line was approximately 14% higher than in 2017. Our sales volumes for this business line were approximately 38% lower in 2018 compared to 2017. We cannot assure you that potassium-based fertilizer prices and sales volumes will not decline in the future.


Iodine prices followed an upward trend beginning at the end of 2008 and continuing through 2012, reaching an average price of approximately US$53 per kilogram in 2012, over 40% higher than average prices in 2011. During the following years, supply growth outpaced demand growth, causing a decline in iodine prices. We obtained an average price for iodine of approximately US$24 per kilogram in 2018, approximately 23% more than average prices obtained in 2017. We cannot assure you that iodine prices or sales volumes will not continue to decline in the future.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.1   Risks Relating to Our Business (continued)


In 2018, lithium demand continued to grow creating tight market conditions and increasing prices by 26% compared to 2017, driven mostly by an increase in demand related to battery use. During the second half of 2018, lithium supply increased, and prices slightly decreased in the fourth quarter. We cannot assure you that lithium prices and sales volumes will not decline in the future.


We expect that prices for the products we manufacture will continue to be influenced, among other things, by worldwide supply and demand and the business strategies of major producers. Some of the major producers (including us) have increased or have the ability to increase production. As a result, the prices of our products may be subject to substantial volatility. High volatility or a substantial decline in the prices or sales volumes of one or more of our products could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Our sales to emerging markets and expansion strategy expose us to risks related to economic conditions and trends in those countries


We sell our products in more than 110 countries around the world. In 2018, approximately 34% of our sales were made in emerging market countries: 8% in Latin America (excluding Chile); 8% in Africa and the Middle East (excluding Israel); 8% in Chile and 11% in Asia and Oceania (excluding Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and Singapore). We expect to expand our sales in these and other emerging markets in the future. In addition, we may carry out acquisitions or joint ventures in jurisdictions in which we currently do not operate, relating to any of our businesses or to new businesses in which we believe we may have sustainable competitive advantages. The results of our operations and our prospects in other countries in which we establish operations will depend, in part, on the general level of political stability and economic activity and policies in those countries. Future developments in the political systems or economies of these countries or the implementation of future governmental policies in those countries, including the imposition of withholding and other taxes, restrictions on the payment of dividends or repatriation of capital, the imposition of import duties or other restrictions, the imposition of new environmental regulations or price controls or changes in relevant laws or regulations, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations in those countries.


Our inventory levels may vary for economic or operational reasons


In general, economic conditions or operational factors can affect our inventory levels. Higher inventories carry a financial risk due to increased need for cash to fund working capital and could imply increased risk of loss of product. At the same time, lower levels of inventory can hinder the distribution network and process, thus impacting sales volumes. There con be no assurance that inventory levels will remain stable. These factors could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.1   Risks Relating to Our Business (continued)


New production of iodine or lithium from current or new competitors in the markets in which we operate could adversely affect prices


In recent years, new and existing competitors have increased the supply of iodine and lithium, which has affected prices for both products. Further production increases could negatively impact prices. There is limited information on the status of new iodine or lithium production capacity expansion projects being developed by current and potential competitors and, as such, we cannot make accurate projections regarding the capacities of possible new entrants into the market and the dates on which they could become operational. If these potential projects are completed in the short term, they could adversely affect market prices and our market share, which, in turn, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


We have a capital expenditure program that is subject to significant risks and uncertainties


Our business is capital intensive. Specifically, the exploration and exploitation of reserves, mining and processing costs, the maintenance of machinery and equipment and compliance with applicable laws and regulations require substantial capital expenditures. We must continue to invest capital to maintain or to increase our exploitation levels and the amount of finished products we produce.


In addition, we require environmental permits for our new projects. Obtaining permits in certain cases may cause significant delays in the execution and implementation of new projects and, consequently, may require us to reassess the related risks and economic incentives. We cannot assure you that we will be able to maintain our production levels or generate sufficient cash flow, or that we will have access to sufficient investments, loans or other financing alternatives, to continue our activities at or above present levels, or that we will be able to implement our projects or receive the necessary permits required for them in time. Any or all of these factors may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


High raw materials and energy prices could increase our production costs and cost of sales, and energy may become unavailable at any price


We rely on certain raw materials and various energy sources (diesel, electricity, liquefied natural gas, fuel oil and others) to manufacture our products. Purchases of energy and raw materials we do not produce constitute an important part of our cost of sales. In addition, we may not be able to obtain energy at any price if supplies are curtailed or otherwise become unavailable. To the extent we are unable to pass on increases in the prices of energy and raw materials to our customers or we are unable to obtain energy, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be materially adversely affected.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.1   Risks Relating to Our Business (continued)


Our reserve estimates are internally prepared and not subject to review by external geologists or an external auditing firm and could be subject to significant changes, which may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations


Our caliche ore mining reserve estimates and our Salar de Atacama brine mining reserve estimates are prepared by our own geologists and hydrogeologists and are not subject to review by external geologists or an external auditing firm. Estimation methods involve numerous uncertainties as to the quantity and quality of the reserves, and reserve estimates could change upwards or downwards. A downward change in the quantity and/or quality of our reserves could affect future volumes and costs of production and therefore have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Quality standards in markets in which we sell our products could become stricter over time


In the markets in which we do business, customers may impose quality standards on our products and/or governments may enact stricter regulations for the distribution and/or use of our products. As a result, if we cannot meet such new standards or regulations, we may not be able to sell our products. In addition, our cost of production may increase in order to meet any such newly imposed or enacted standards or regulations. Failure to sell our products in one or more markets or to important customers could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Chemical and physical properties of our products could adversely affect their commercialization


Since our products are derived from natural resources, they contain inorganic impurities that may not meet certain customer or government standards. As a result, we may not be able to sell our products if we cannot meet such requirements. In addition, our cost of production may increase in order to meet such standards. Failure to meet such standards could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations if we are unable to sell our products in one or more markets or to important customers in such markets.


Our business is subject to many operating and other risks for which we may not be fully covered under our insurance policies


Our facilities and business operations in Chile and abroad are insured against losses, damage or other risks by insurance policies that are standard for the industry and that would reasonably be expected to be sufficient by prudent and experienced persons engaged in businesses similar to ours.


We may be subject to certain events that may not be covered under our insurance policies, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Additionally, as a result of major earthquakes and unexpected rains and flooding in Chile, as well as other natural disasters worldwide, conditions in the insurance market have changed and may continue to change in the future, and as a result, we may face higher premiums and reduced coverage, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.1   Risks Relating to Our Business (continued)


Changes in technology or other developments could result in preferences for substitute products


Our products, particularly iodine, lithium and their derivatives, are preferred raw materials for certain industrial applications, such as rechargeable batteries and liquid-crystal displays (LCDs). Changes in technology, the development of substitute products or other developments could adversely affect demand for these and other products which we produce. In addition, other alternatives to our products may become more economically attractive as global commodity prices shift. Any of these events could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


We are exposed to labor strikes and labor liabilities that could impact our production levels and costs


Over 93% of our employees are employed in Chile, of which approximately 65% were represented by 22 labor unions as of December 31, 2018. We are exposed to labor strikes and illegal work stoppages that could impact our production levels. If a strike or illegal work stoppage occurs and continues for a sustained period of time, we could be faced with increased costs and even disruption in our product flow that could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Chilean Law No. 20,123, known as the Subcontracting Law, provides that when a serious workplace accident occurs, the company in charge of the workplace must halt work at the site where the accident took place until authorities from either the National Geology and Mining Service (Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería or “Sernageomin”), the Labor Board (Dirección del Trabajo or “Labor Board”), or the National Health Service (Servicio Nacional de Salud), inspect the site and prescribe the measures such company must take to minimize the risk of similar accidents taking place in the future. Work may not be resumed until the applicable company has taken the prescribed measures, and the period of time before work may be resumed may last for a number of hours, days, or longer. The effects of this law could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


On September 8, 2016, Chilean Law No. 20,940 was published and modified the Labor Code by introducing, among other things, changes to the formation of trade unions, the election of inter-company union delegates, the presence of women on union boards, anti-union practices and related sanctions, and collective negotiations. Due to these changes to the labor regulations, we may face an increase in our expenses that may have a significant adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.1   Risks Relating to Our Business (continued)


Lawsuits and arbitrations could adversely impact us


We are party to a range of lawsuits and arbitrations involving different matters as described in Note 22.1. Although we intend to defend our positions vigorously, our defense of these actions may not be successful and responding to such lawsuits and arbitrations diverts our management’s attention from day-to-day operations. Adverse judgments or settlements in these lawsuits may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, our strategy of being a world leader includes entering into commercial and production alliances, joint ventures and acquisitions to improve our global competitive position. As these operations increase in complexity and are carried out in different jurisdictions, we may be subject to legal proceedings that, if settled against us, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


We have operations in multiple jurisdictions with differing regulatory, tax and other regimes


We operate in multiple jurisdictions with complex regulatory environments that are subject to different interpretations by companies and respective governmental authorities. These jurisdictions may have different tax codes, environmental regulations, labor codes and legal framework, which adds complexity to our compliance with these regulations. Any failure to comply with such regulations could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Environmental laws and regulations could expose us to higher costs, liabilities, claims and failure to meet current and future production targets


Our operations in Chile are subject to national and local regulations relating to environmental protection. In accordance with such regulations, we are required to conduct environmental impact studies or statements before we conduct any new projects or activities or significant modifications of existing projects that could impact the environment or the health of people in the surrounding areas. We are also required to obtain an environmental license for certain projects and activities. The Environmental Evaluation Service (Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental) evaluates environmental impact studies submitted for its approval. The public, government agencies or local authorities may review and challenge projects that may adversely affect the environment, either before these projects are executed or once they are operating, if they fail to comply with applicable regulations. In order to ensure compliance with environmental regulations, Chilean authorities may impose fines up to approximately US$9 million per infraction, revoke environmental permits or temporarily or permanently close facilities, among other enforcement measures.


Chilean environmental regulations have become increasingly stringent in recent years, both with respect to the approval of new projects and in connection with the implementation and development of projects already approved, and we believe that this trend is likely to continue. Given public interest in environmental enforcement matters, these regulations or their application may also be subject to political considerations that are beyond our control.


We regularly monitor the impact of our operations on the environment and on the health of people in the surrounding areas and have, from time to time, made modifications to our facilities to minimize any adverse impact. Future developments in the creation or implementation of environmental requirements or their interpretation could result in substantially increased capital, operation or compliance costs or otherwise adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.1   Risks Relating to Our Business (continued)


The success of our current investments at the Salar de Atacama and Nueva Victoria is dependent on the behavior of the ecosystem variables being monitored over time. If the behavior of these variables in future years does not meet environmental requirements, our operation may be subject to important restrictions by the authorities on the maximum allowable amounts of brine and water extraction.


Our future development depends on our ability to sustain future production levels, which requires additional investments and the submission of the corresponding environmental impact studies or statements. If we fail to obtain approval or required environmental licenses, our ability to maintain production at specified levels will be seriously impaired, thus having a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


In addition, our worldwide operations are subject to international and other local environmental regulations. Since environmental laws and regulations in the different jurisdictions in which we operate may change, we cannot guarantee that future environmental laws, or changes to existing environmental laws, will not materially adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Our water supply could be affected by geological changes or climate change


Our access to water may be impacted by changes in geology, climate change or other natural factors, such as wells drying up or reductions in the amount of water available in the wells or rivers from which we obtain water, that we cannot control. Any such change may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Any loss of key personnel may materially and adversely affect our business


Our success depends in large part on the skills, experience and efforts of our senior management team and other key personnel. The loss of the services of key members of our senior management or employees with critical skills could have a negative effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. If we are not able to attract or retain highly skilled, talented and qualified senior managers or other key personnel, our ability to fully implement our business objectives may be materially and adversely affected.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.2   Risks Relating to Chile


As we are a company based in Chile, we are exposed to Chilean political risks


Our business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects could be affected by changes in policies of the Chilean government, other political developments in or affecting Chile, legal changes in the standards or administrative practices of Chilean authorities or the interpretation of such standards and practices, over which we have no control.


Changes in regulations regarding, or any revocation or suspension of our concessions could negatively affect our business


Any changes to regulations to which we are subject or adverse changes to our concession rights, or a revocation or suspension of our concessions, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Changes in mining or port concessions could affect our operating costs.


We conduct our mining operations, including brine extraction, under exploitation and exploration concessions granted in accordance with provisions of the Chilean constitution and related laws and statutes. Our exploitation concessions essentially grant a perpetual right (with the exception of the rights granted to SQM Salar with respect to the Salar de Atacama concessions under the Lease Agreement described above, which expires in 2030) to conduct mining operations in the areas covered by the concessions, provided that we pay annual concession fees. Our exploration concessions permit us to explore for mineral resources on the land covered thereby for a specified period of time and to subsequently request a corresponding exploitation concession.


Our subsidiary SQM Salar holds exclusive rights to exploit the mineral resources in an area covering approximately 140,000 hectares of land in the Salar de Atacama in northern Chile, of which SQM Salar is only entitled to exploit the mineral resources in 81,920 hectares. These rights are owned by Corfo and leased to SQM Salar pursuant to the Lease Agreement. Corfo cannot unilaterally amend the Lease Agreement and the Project Agreement, and the rights to exploit the resources cannot be transferred. The Lease Agreement establishes that SQM Salar is responsible for making quarterly lease payments to Corfo according to specified percentages of the value of production of minerals extracted from the Salar de Atacama brines, maintaining Corfo’s rights over the Mining Exploitation Concessions and making annual payments to the Chilean government for such concession rights. The Lease Agreement was entered into in 1993 and expires on December 31, 2030.


Our business is substantially dependent on the exploitation rights under the Lease Agreement and the Project Agreement, since all of our products originating from the Salar de Atacama are derived from our extraction operations under the Lease Agreement. These agreements expire in 2030 and establish a series of obligations with which SQM Salar must comply. A serious failure to comply with these obligations may jeopardize the exploitation rights under the agreements and the continuity of our operations in the Salar de Atacama. While we believe that we have taken the appropriate precautions to ensure compliance with the obligations and conditions in the agreements, there can be no assurance that we will be able to maintain such compliance, which could jeopardize the continued benefits to us of the agreements and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.2   Risks Relating to Chile (continued)


We also operate port facilities at Tocopilla, Chile, for the shipment of products and the delivery of raw materials pursuant to maritime concessions, which have been granted under applicable Chilean laws and are normally renewable on application, provided that such facilities are used as authorized and annual concession fees are paid.


Any significant adverse changes to any of these concessions could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Changes in water rights laws and other regulations could affect our operating costs


We hold water use rights that are key to our operations. These rights were obtained from the Chilean Water Authority (Dirección General de Aguas) for supply of water from rivers and wells near our production facilities, which we believe are sufficient to meet current operating requirements. However, the Chilean Water Rights Code (Código de Aguas or the “Water Code”) is subject to changes, which could have a material adverse impact on our business, financial condition and results of operations. For example, a series of bills are currently being discussed at the Chilean National Congress that seek to desalinate seawater for use in mining production processes, amend the Mining Code for water use in mining operations, amend the Political Constitution on water and introduce changes to the regulatory framework governing the terms of inspection and sanction of water. As a result, the amount of water that we can actually use under our existing rights may be reduced or the cost of such use could increase. These and potential future changes to the Water Code or other relevant regulations could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


The Chilean government could levy additional taxes on corporations operating in Chile


In Chile, there is a royalty tax that is applied to mining activities developed in the country.


On September 29, 2014, Law No. 20,780 was published (the “Tax Reform”), introducing significant changes to the Chilean taxation system and strengthening the powers of the SII to control and prevent tax avoidance. Subsequently, on February 8, 2016, Law No. 20,899 that simplifies the income tax system and modifies other legal tax provisions was published. As a result of these reforms, open stock corporations like SQM are subject to the partially integrated shareholder tax regime (sistema parcialmente integrado). The corporate tax rate applicable to us increased to 25.5% in 2017 and increased to the maximum rate of 27% in 2018.


Under the partially integrated shareholder taxation regime, shareholders bear the tax on dividends upon payment, but they will only be permitted to credit against such shareholder taxes a portion of the Chilean corporate tax paid by us on our earnings, unless the shareholder is resident in a country with a tax treaty in force with Chile. In that case, 100% of the Chilean corporate tax paid by us may be credited against the final taxes at the shareholder level.


As a result, foreign shareholders resident in a non-treaty jurisdiction will be subject to a higher effective tax rate than residents of treaty jurisdictions. There is a temporary rule in effect from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019 that treaty jurisdictions for this purpose will include jurisdictions with tax treaties signed with Chile prior to January 1, 2017, whether or not such treaties are in force. This is currently the status of the treaty signed between Chile and United States. After December 31, 2019, if no treaty is in effect, shareholders in those jurisdictions will be subject to a higher effective tax rate.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.2   Risks Relating to Chile (continued)


The Tax Reform tax increase prompted a US$52.3 million increase in our deferred tax liabilities as of December 31, 2014. In accordance with the instructions issued by the CMF, the effects generated by the change in the income tax rate were accounted for as retained earnings.


In addition, the Tax Reform may have other material adverse effects on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Likewise, we cannot assure you that the manner in which the Royalty Law (as defined below) or the corporate tax rate are interpreted and applied will not change in the future. The Chilean government may decide to levy additional taxes on mining companies or other corporations in Chile. Such changes could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Ratification of the International Labor Organization’s Convention 169 concerning indigenous and tribal peoples might affect our development plans


Chile, a member of the International Labor Organization (“ILO”), has ratified the ILO’s Convention 169 (the “Indigenous Rights Convention”) concerning indigenous and tribal people. The Indigenous Rights Convention established several rights for indigenous people and communities. Among other rights, the Indigenous Rights Convention states that (i) indigenous groups should be notified and consulted prior to the development of any project on land deemed indigenous, although veto rights are not mentioned, and (ii) indigenous groups have, to the extent possible, a stake in benefits resulting from the exploitation of natural resources in indigenous land. The extent of these benefits has not been defined by the Chilean government. The Chilean government has addressed item (i) above through Supreme Decree No. 66, issued by the Social Development Ministry. This decree requires government entities to consult indigenous groups that may be directly affected by the adoption of legislative or administrative measures, and it also defines criteria for the projects or activities that must be reviewed through the environmental evaluation system that also require such consultation. To the extent that the new rights outlined in the Indigenous Rights Convention become laws or regulations in Chile, judicial interpretations of the convention of those laws or regulations could affect the development of our investment projects in lands that have been defined as indigenous, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Chile is located in a seismically active region


Chile is prone to earthquakes because it is located along major fault lines. The most recent major earthquakes in Chile, which occurred in April 2017 in the Valparaiso region and in December 2016 in Chiloe Island, had a magnitude of 6.9 and 7.6, respectively, on the Richter scale. There were also earthquakes in 2015, 2014 and 2010 that caused substantial damage to some areas of the country. Chile has also experienced volcanic activity. A major earthquake or a volcanic eruption could have significant negative consequences for our operations and for the general infrastructure, such as roads, rail, and access to goods, in Chile. Although we maintain industry standard insurance policies that include earthquake coverage, we cannot assure you that a future seismic or volcanic event will not have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.3   Risks Relating to our Shares and to our ADSs


The price of our ADSs and the U.S. dollar value of any dividends will be affected by fluctuations in the U.S. dollar/Chilean peso exchange rate


Chilean trading in the shares underlying our ADSs is conducted in Chilean pesos. The depositary will receive cash distributions that we make with respect to the shares in Chilean pesos. The depositary will convert such Chilean pesos to U.S. dollars at the then prevailing exchange rate to make dividend and other distribution payments in respect of ADSs. If the value of the Chilean peso falls relative to the U.S. dollar, the value of the ADSs and any distributions to be received from the depositary will decrease.


Developments in other emerging markets could materially affect the value of our ADSs and our shares


The Chilean financial and securities markets are, to varying degrees, influenced by economic and market conditions in other emerging market countries or regions of the world. Although economic conditions are different in each country or region, investor reaction to developments in one country or region can have significant effects on the securities of issuers in other countries and regions, including Chile and Latin America. Events in other parts of the world may have a material effect on Chilean financial and securities markets and on the value of our ADSs and our shares.


The volatility and low liquidity of the Chilean securities markets could affect the ability of our shareholders to sell our ADSs


The Chilean securities markets are substantially smaller, less liquid and more volatile than the major securities markets in the United States. The volatility and low liquidity of the Chilean markets could increase the price volatility of our ADSs and may impair the ability of a holder to sell our ADSs into the Chilean market in the amount and at the price and time the holder wishes to do so.


Our share or ADS price may react negatively to future acquisitions and investments


As world leaders in our core businesses, part of our strategy is to look for opportunities that will allow us to consolidate and strengthen our competitive position in jurisdictions in which we currently do not operate. Pursuant to this strategy, we may carry out acquisitions or joint ventures relating to any of our businesses or to new businesses in which we believe we may have sustainable competitive advantages. Depending on our capital structure at the time of such acquisitions or joint ventures, we may need to raise significant debt and/or equity which will affect our financial condition and future cash flows. Any change in our financial condition could affect our results of operations, negatively impacting our share or ADS price.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.3   Risks Relating to our Shares and to our ADSs (continued)


ADS holders may be unable to enforce rights under U.S. securities laws


Because we are a Chilean company subject to Chilean law, the rights of our shareholders may differ from the rights of shareholders in companies incorporated in the United States, and ADS holders may not be able to enforce or may have difficulty enforcing rights currently in effect under U.S. federal or state securities laws.


Our Company is an open stock corporation incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Chile. Most of our directors and officers reside outside the United States, principally in Chile. All or a substantial portion of the assets of these persons are located outside the United States. As a result, if any of our shareholders, including holders of our ADSs, were to bring a lawsuit against our officers or directors in the United States, it may be difficult for them to effect service of legal process within the United States upon these persons. Likewise, it may be difficult for them to enforce judgments obtained in United States courts based upon the civil liability provisions of the federal securities laws in the United States against them in the United States.


In addition, there is no treaty between the United States and Chile providing for the reciprocal enforcement of foreign judgments. However, Chilean courts have enforced judgments rendered in the United States, provided that the Chilean court finds that the United States court respected basic principles of due process and public policy. Nevertheless, there is doubt as to whether an action could be brought successfully in Chile in the first instance on the basis of liability based solely upon the civil liability provisions of the United States federal securities laws.


As preemptive rights may be unavailable for our ADS holders, they have the risk of their holdings being diluted if we issue new stock


Chilean laws require companies to offer their shareholders preemptive rights whenever issuing new shares of capital stock so shareholders can maintain their existing ownership percentage in a company. If we increase our capital by issuing new shares, a holder may subscribe for up to the number of shares that would prevent dilution of the holder’s ownership interest.


If we issue preemptive rights, United States holders of ADSs would not be able to exercise their rights unless a registration statement under the Securities Act were effective with respect to such rights and the shares issuable upon exercise of such rights or an exemption from registration were available. We cannot assure holders of ADSs that we will file a registration statement or that an exemption from registration will be available. We may, in our absolute discretion, decide not to prepare and file such a registration statement. If our holders were unable to exercise their preemptive rights because we did not file a registration statement, the depositary bank would attempt to sell their rights and distribute the net proceeds from the sale to them, after deducting the depositary’s fees and expenses. If the depositary could not sell the rights, they would expire and holders of ADSs would not realize any value from them. In either case, ADS holders’ equity interests in us would be diluted in proportion to the increase in our capital stock.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial Risk Management (continued)


5.2Risk Factors (continued)


5.2.3   Risks Relating to our Shares and to our ADSs (continued)


If we were classified as a Passive Foreign Investment Company by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, there could be adverse consequences for U.S. investors


We believe that we were not classified as a Passive Foreign Investment Company (“PFIC”) for 2018. Characterization as a PFIC could result in adverse U.S. tax consequences to you if you are a U.S. investor in our shares or ADSs. For example, if we (or any of our subsidiaries) are a PFIC, our U.S. investors may become subject to increased tax liabilities under U.S. tax laws and regulations and will become subject to burdensome reporting requirements. The determination of whether or not we (or any of our subsidiaries or portfolio companies) are a PFIC is made on an annual basis and will depend on the composition of our (or their) income and assets from time to time.


Changes in Chilean tax regulations could have adverse consequences for U.S. investors


Currently cash dividends paid by us to foreign shareholders are subject to a 35% Chilean withholding tax. When the Company pays a corporate income tax on the income from which the dividend is paid, known as a “First Category Tax”, a credit for the full amount of the First Category Tax effectively reduces the rate of Withholding Tax. Changes in Chilean tax regulations could have adverse consequences for U.S. investors.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial risk management, continued


5.2.4Credit risk


A global economic downturn - and its potentially negative effects on the financial situation of our customers - could extend the payment terms of the Company's receivables by increasing its exposure to credit risk. Although measures are taken to minimize the risk, this global economic situation could mean losses with adverse material effects on the business, financial position or profit and loss of the Company's operations.


To mitigate these risks, the Company maintains active control of collection and uses measures such as the use of credit insurance, letters of credit and prepayments for a portion of receivables.


Financial investments correspond to time deposits whose maturity date is greater than 90 days and less than 360 days from the date of investment, so they are not exposed to excessive market risks.


The credit quality of financial assets that are not past due or impaired can be evaluated by reference to external credit ratings (if available) or historical information on counterparty late payment rates:


      Rating Institution   12/31/2018 
Financial institution  Financial assets  Moody´s   S&P   Fitch   ThUS$ 
Banco de Chile  Time deposits   P-1    A-1    -    7,305 
Banco de Crédito e Inversiones  Time deposits   P-1    A-1    -    27,428 
Banco Itau Corpbanca  Time deposits   P-2    A-2    -    61,946 
Banco Santander  Time deposits   -    -    -    432 
Banco Estado  Time deposits   -    -    -    3,602 
BBVA Banco Francés  Time deposits   -    -    -    84 
Nedbank  Time deposits   P-3    B    -    647 
JP Morgan US dollar Liquidity Fund Institutional  Investment fund deposits   -    -    -    133,809 
Legg Mason - Western Asset Institutional Cash Reserves  Investment fund deposits   -    -    -    132,108 
Total                     367,361 


      Rating Institution   12/31/2018 
Financial institution  Financial assets  Moody´s   S&P   Fitch   ThUS$ 
Banco Sud Americano  90 days to 1 year   -    -    -    24,898 
Banco de Crédito e Inversiones  90 days to 1 year   P-1    A-1    -    145,834 
Banco Santander  90 days to 1 year   P-1    A-1    -    23,124 
Banco Itaú-Corpbanca  90 days to 1 year   P-2    A-2    -    70,719 
Banco Security  90 days to 1 year   -    -    -    27,215 
Total                     291,790 


The following table presents comparative information as of December 2017:


      Rating Institution   12/31/2017 
Financial institution  Financial assets  Moody´s   S&P   Fitch   ThUS$ 
Banco BBVA Chile  Time deposits   P-2    A-2    -    41,860 
Banco de Crédito e Inversiones  Time deposits   P-1    A-1    F1    120,616 
Banco Santander - Santiago  Time deposits   P-1    A-1    F1    35,558 
BBVA Banco Francés  Time deposits   -    -    -    163 
Itau-Corpbanca  Time deposits   P-2    A-2    -    75,072 
JP Morgan US dollar Liquidity Fund Institutional  Investment fund deposits   -    -    -    143,333 
Legg Mason - Western Asset Institutional Cash Reserves           -    -      
Reserves  Investment fund deposits   -    -    -    144.464 
Scotiabank Sud Americano  Time deposit        -    -    12,520 
Nedank  Time deposit   P-3    B    -    3,686 
ABN Amro Bank  Time deposit   -    -    -    1,439 
Total                     578,711 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial risk management, continued


5.2.4Credit risk, Continued


      Rating Institution   12/31/2017 
Financial institution  Financial assets  Moody´s   S&P   Fitch   ThUS$ 
Banco BBVA Chile  90 days to 1 year   -    -    -    1,207 
Banco de Crédito e Inversiones  90 days to 1 year   P-1    A-1    F1    71,748 
Banco de Chile  90 days to 1 year                  4,834 
Banco Itaú-Corpbanca  90 days to 1 year   P-1    A-2    -    77,526 
Banco Santander - Santiago  90 days to 1 year   P-1    A-1    F1    163,269 
Morgan Stanley  90 days to 1 year   P-2    A-2    F1    4,191 
Banco Security  90 days to 1 year   -    -    -    28,592 
Scotiabank Sud Americano  90 days to 1 year   -    -    AA    13,765 
Total                     365,132 


5.2.5Currency risk


The functional currency of the Company is the US Dollar, due to its influence on the determination of price levels, its relation to the cost of sales and considering that a significant part of the Company’s business is conducted in this currency. However, the global nature of the Company's business generates an exposure to exchange rate variations of several currencies with the US Dollar. Therefore, the Company maintains hedge contracts to mitigate the exposure generated by its main mismatches (net between assets and liabilities) in currencies other than the US dollar against the exchange rate variation, updating these contracts periodically depending on the amount of mismatching to be covered in these currencies. Occasionally, subject to the approval of the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”), the Company ensures short-term cash flows from certain specific line items in currencies other than the US Dollar.


A significant portion of the Company’s costs, especially salary payments, is associated with the Chilean peso (the “Peso”). Therefore, an increase or decrease in its exchange rate with the US Dollar would affect the Company's profit and loss. By the fourth quarter, approximately US$400 million accumulated in expenses are associated with the Peso. A significant part of the effect of these liabilities on the Statement of Financial Position is covered by derivative instrument operations that cover the balance sheet mismatch.


As of December 31, 2018, the Company held derivative instruments classified as hedges of foreign exchange risks associated with all of the bond liabilities denominated in UF, for a fair value of US$3.9 million against the Company. As of September 30, 2018, this value amounted to US$21.3 million in favor of the Company and as of December 31, 2017, it totaled US$5 million against the Company.


As of December 31, 2018, the exchange rate value for equivalent Pesos to US Dollars was Ch$694.77 per US Dollar, as of September 30, 2018, it was Ch$660.42 per Dollar and as of December 31, 2017, it was Ch$614.75 per US Dollar.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial risk management, continued


5.2.6Interest rate risk


Interest rate fluctuations, primarily due to the uncertain future behavior of markets, may have a material impact on the financial results of the Company.


The Company maintains current and non-current financial debt valued at the LIBOR rate plus spread.


As of Monday, December 31, 2018, the Company has around 5% of its financial liabilities linked to variations in the LIBOR rate and therefore any significant increases in that rate would impact its financial position. A change of 100 base points over that rate could generate variations in finance costs of around US$0.06 million.


Additionally, as of December 31, 2018, the Company does not maintain maturities of less than 12 months on all capital of the financial debt, thereby reducing exposure to variations in interest rates.


5.2.7Liquidity risk


Liquidity risk relates to the funds needed to comply with payment obligations. The Company’s objective is to maintain financial flexibility through a comfortable balance between fund requirements and cash flows from regular business operations, bank borrowings, bonds, short term investments, and marketable securities, among others.


The Company has an important capital expense program which is subject to change over time.


On the other hand, world financial markets go through periods of contraction and expansion that are unforeseeable in the long-term and may affect SQM’s access to financial resources. Such factors may have a material adverse impact on the Company’s business, financial position and results of operations.


SQM constantly monitors the matching of its obligations with its investments, taking due care of maturities of both, from a conservative perspective, as part of this financial risk management strategy. As of December 31, 2018, the Company had unused, available revolving credit facilities with banks, for a total of approximately US$481 million.


The position in other cash and cash equivalents generated by the Company are invested in highly liquid mutual funds with an AAA risk rating.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 5Financial risk management, continued


5.2.7Liquidity risk, continued


   Nature of undiscounted cash flows 
As of December 31, 2018  Carrying amount   Less than 1 year   1 to 5 years   Over 5 years   Total 
(in millions of US$)                    
Other non-derivative financial liabilities                         
Bank borrowings   70.25    4.10    79.66    -    83.76 
Unsecured obligations   1,273.07    61.37    823.76    713.60    1,598.73 
Subtotal   1,343.32    65.47    903.42    713.60    1,682.49 
Other derivative financial liabilities                         
Hedging liabilities   (14.34)   5.52    15.64    29.27    50.43 
Derivative financial instruments   0.16    0.16    -    -    0.16 
Subtotal   (14.18)   5.68    15.64    29.27    50.59 
Trade accounts payable and other accounts payable   163.75    163.17    0.58    -    - 
Total   1,492.89    234.32    919.64    742.87    1,733.08 


   Nature of undiscounted cash flows 
As of December 31, 2017  Carrying amount   Less than 1 year   1 to 5 years   Over 5 years   Total 
(in millions of US$)                    
Other non-derivative financial liabilities                         
Bank borrowings   163.57    164.78    -    -    164.78 
Unsecured obligations   1,054.89    47.45    522.52    751.67    1,321.64 
Subtotal   1,218.46    212.23    522.52    751.67    1,486.42 
Other derivative financial liabilities                         
Hedging liabilities   28,38    37.01    (9.51)   (18.36)   9.14 
Derivative financial instruments   0,80    0.80    -    -    0.80 
Subtotal   29,18    37.81    (9.51)   (18.36)   9.94 
Trade accounts payable and other accounts payable   196,28    196.18    0.10    -    - 
Total   1,247.64    446.22    513.11    733.31    1,496.36 


5.3Risk measurement


The Company has methods to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of financial risk hedging strategies, both prospectively and retrospectively. These methods are consistent with the risk management profile of the Group.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 6Background of companies included in consolidation


6.1Parent’s stand-alone assets and liabilities


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Assets   3,737,892    3,658,528 
Liabilities   (1,652,401)   (1,470,707)
Equity   2,085,491    2,187,821 


6.2Parent entity


Pursuant to Article 99 of Law No. 18,045 of the Securities Market (the "Securities Market Law"), the Commission for Financial Market (the "CMF") may determine that a company does not have a controller in accordance with the distribution and dispersion of its ownership. On November 30, 2018, the CMF issued the ordinary letter No. 32.131 whereby it determined that Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A., Potasios de Chile S.A. and Inversiones Global Mining (Chile) Limitada (the "Pampa Group"), do not exert decisive power over the management of the Company since it does not have a predominance in the ownership that allows it to make management decisions. Therefore, the CMF has determined not to consider Grupo Pampa the controller of the Company and that the Company does not have a controller given its current ownership structure.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 7Board of Directors, Senior Management And Key management personnel


7.1Board of Directors and Senior Management


1)Board of directors


SQM S.A. is managed by a Board of Directors which is composed of 8 regular directors, 2 of whom are independent directors, who are elected for a three-year period. The present Board of Directors was elected by the shareholders at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on April 27, 2018.


On December 5, 2018, directors Darryl Stann and Mark F. Fracchia presented their resignations to the Board of Directors, and to date no replacements have been named.


As of December 31, 2018, the Company has the following Committees:


-Directors’ Committee: This committee comprises Hernán Büchi Buc, Laurence Golbome Riveros and Alberto Salas Muñoz and fulfills the functions established in Article 50 bis of Chilean Law no. 18.046 on publicly-held corporations.
-The Company’s Health, Safety and Environmental Matters Committee: This committee comprises Arnfinn F. Prugger, Patricio Contesse Fica and Gonzalo Guerrero Yamamoto.

-Corporate Governance Committee: Comprised of Hernán Büchi Buc. In the session held in December 2018, in consideration of the resignation of directors Darryl Stann and Mark F. Fracchia, the Board of Directors decided move forward on issues pertaining to this committee.


During the periods covered by these financial statements, there are no pending balances receivable and payable between the Company, its directors or members of Senior Management, other than those related to remuneration, fee allowances and profit-sharing. In addition, there were no transactions conducted between the Company, its directors or members of Senior Management.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 7Board of Directors, Senior Management And Key management personnel (continued)


7.1Board of Directors and Senior Management, continued


2)Directors’ Compensation


Directors’ compensation is detailed as follows:


a)The payment of a fixed, gross and monthly amount of UF 400 in favor of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SQM S.A. and of UF 350 in favor of the remaining seven Directors of SQM S.A. and regardless of the number of Board of Directors’ Meetings held or not held during the related month.

b)A payment in domestic currency in favor of the Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors consisting of a variable and gross amount equivalent to 0.12% of profit for the period effectively earned by the Company during the 2018 fiscal year.

c)A payment in domestic currency in favor of each Company’s directors excluding the Chairman of the Board, consisting of a variable and gross amount equivalent to 0.06% of profit for the period effectively earned by the Company during the 2018 fiscal year.

d)The fixed and variable amounts indicated above cannot be altered and those expressed in percentages will be paid after the related General Shareholders’ Meeting of SQM S.A. approves the Balance Sheet, Financial Statements, Annual Report, the Account Inspectors’ Report and Independent Auditor’s Report of SQM S.A. for the commercial year ended December 31, 2018.

e)The amounts expressed in UF will be paid in accordance with the value determined by the Chilean Superintendence of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF), the Central Bank of Chile (Banco Central de Chile) or another relevant institution replacing them during the last day of the calendar year applicable. The amounts reflected in or referred to in U.S. dollars will be converted to Chilean pesos and paid in Chilean pesos in accordance with the exchange rate in force when the dividend for the 2018 fiscal year is paid.

f)Therefore, the remunerations and profit sharing paid to members of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee as of December 31, 2018, amount to ThUS$3,791, and ThUS$ 3,231 as of December 31, 2017.


3)Directors’ Committee


The remuneration of the Directors Committee comprises:


a)The payment of a fixed, gross and monthly amount of UF 113 in favor of each of the 3 directors that are members of the Directors’ Committee, regardless of the number of meetings of the Directors’ Committee that have or have not been held during the month concerned.

b)The payment in domestic currency and in favor of each of the 3 directors of a variable and gross amount equivalent to 0.02% of total net profit that the Company effectively obtains during the 2018 fiscal year.

c)Approval of a budget for operating costs for the Directors’ Committee equal to the total of their joint annual remunerations plus ThUS$825.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 7Board of Directors, Senior Management And Key management personnel (continued)


7.1Board of Directors and Senior Management, continued


d)The fixed and variable amounts indicated above cannot be altered and those expressed in percentages will be paid after the related General Shareholders’ Meeting of SQM S.A. approves the Balance Sheet, Financial Statements, Annual Report, the Account Inspectors’ Report and Independent Auditor’s Report of SQM S.A. for the commercial year ended December 31, 2018.

e)The amounts expressed in UF will be paid in accordance with the value determined by the Chilean Superintendence of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF), the Central Bank of Chile (Banco Central de Chile) or another relevant institution replacing them during the last day of the calendar year applicable. The amounts reflected in or referred to in U.S. dollars will be converted to Chilean pesos and paid in Chilean pesos in accordance with the exchange rate in force when the dividend for the 2018 fiscal year is paid.


4)Health, Safety and Environmental Matters Committee:


The remuneration for this committee is composed of the payment of a fixed, gross and monthly amount of UF 50 for each of the 3 Directors on the committee, regardless of the number of meetings it has held.


5)Corporate Governance Committee


The remuneration for this committee is composed of the payment of a fixed, gross, monthly amount of UF 50 for each of the 3 Directors on the committee regardless of the number of meetings it has held.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 7Board of Directors, Senior Management And Key management personnel (continued)


7.1Board of Directors and Senior Management, continued


6)No guarantees have been constituted in favor of the directors.


7)Senior management compensation:


a)As of December 31, 2018, the global compensation paid to the 123 main executives amounts to ThUS$27,907, the global compensation paid to the 115 main executives as of December 31, 2017 amounted to ThUS$27,367. This includes monthly fixed salary and variable performance bonuses.


b)SQM S.A. has an annual bonus plan based on goal achievement and individual contribution to the Company’s results. These incentives are structured as a minimum and maximum number of gross monthly salaries and are paid once a year.


c)The Company also has retention bonuses for its executives. The value of these bonuses is linked to the Company's stock price and is payable in cash during the first quarter of 2021 (see Note 18.6).


8)No guarantees have been constituted in favor of the Company’s management.


9)The Company’s Managers and Directors do not receive or have not received any benefit during the period ended December 31, 2018 and the year ended December 31, 2017 or compensation for the concept of pensions, life insurance, paid time off, profit sharing, incentives, or benefits due to disability other than those mentioned in the preceding points.


7.2Key management personnel compensation


As of December 31, 2018, there are 123 people occupying key management positions and 115 as of December 31, 2017.


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Key management personnel compensation (1)   27,907    27,367 


(1)Corresponds to a number of executives (see Note 7.1 number 7) a).


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests


8.1Background on companies included in consolidation


The following tables detail general information as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, on the companies in which the group exercises control and significant influence:


         Country of  Functional  Ownership Interest 
Subsidiaries  TAX ID No.  Address  Incorporation  Currency  Direct   Indirect   Total 
SQM Nitratos S.A.  96.592.190-7  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   99.9999    0.0001    100.0000 
Proinsa Ltda.  78.053.910-0  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  Chilean peso   -    60.5800    60.5800 
SQMC Internacional Ltda.  86.630.200-6  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  Chilean peso   -    60.6381    60.6381 
SQM Potasio S.A.  96.651.060-9  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   99.9999    -    99.9999 
Serv. Integrales de Tránsito y Transf. S.A.  79.770.780-5  Arturo Prat 1060, Tocopilla  Chile  US dollar   0.0003    99.9997    100.0000 
Isapre Norte Grande Ltda.  79.906.120-1  Anibal Pinto 3228, Antofagasta  Chile  Chilean peso   1.0000    99.0000    100.0000 
Ajay SQM Chile S.A.  96.592.180-K  Av. Pdte. Eduardo Fri 4900, Santiago  Chile  US dollar   51.0000    -    51.0000 
Almacenes y Depósitos Ltda.  79.876.080-7  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  Chilean peso   1.0000    99.0000    100.0000 
SQM Salar S.A.  79.626.800-K  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   18.1800    81.8200    100.0000 
SQM Industrial S.A.  79.947.100-0  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   99.0470    0.9530    100.0000 
Exploraciones Mineras S.A.  76.425.380-9  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   0.2691    99.7309    100.0000 
Sociedad Prestadora de Servicios de Salud Cruz del Norte S.A.  76.534.490-5  Anibal Pinto 3228, Antofagasta  Chile  Chilean peso   -    100.0000    100.0000 
Soquimich Comercial S.A.  79.768.170-9  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   -    60.6383    60.6383 
Comercial Agrorama Ltda. (*)  76.064.419-6  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  Chilean peso   -    42.4468    42.4468 
Comercial Hydro S.A.  96.801.610-5  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   -    60.6383    60.6383 
Agrorama S.A.  76.145.229-0  El Trovador 4285 Las Condes  Chile  Chilean peso   -    60.6377    60.6377 
Orcoma Estudios SPA  76.359.919-1  Apoquindo 3721 OF 131 Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   51.0000    -    51.0000 
Orcoma SPA  76.360.575-2  Apoquindo 3721 OF 131 Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   100.0000    -    100.0000 
SQM MaG SpA  76.686.311-9  Los Militares 4290, Las Condes  Chile  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM North America Corp.  Foreign  2727 Paces Ferry Road, Building Two, Suite 1425, Atlanta, GA  United States of America  US dollar   40.0000    60.0000    100.0000 
RS Agro Chemical Trading Corporation A.V.V.  Foreign  Caya Ernesto O. Petronia 17, Orangestad  Aruba  US dollar   98.3333    1.6667    100.0000 
Nitratos Naturais do Chile Ltda.  Foreign  Al. Tocantis 75, 6° Andar, Conunto 608 Edif. West Gate, Alphaville Barureri, CEP 06455-020, Sao Paulo  Brazil  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
Nitrate Corporation of Chile Ltd.  Foreign  1 More London Place London SE1 2AF  United Kingdom  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Corporation N.V.  Foreign  Pietermaai 123, P.O. Box 897, Willemstad, Curacao  Curacao  US dollar   0.0002    99.9998    100.0000 
SQM Perú S.A.  Foreign  Avenida Camino Real N° 348 of. 702, San Isidro, Lima  Peru  US dollar   0.9800    99.0200    100.0000 
SQM Ecuador S.A.  Foreign  Av. José Orrantia y Av. Juan Tanca Marengo Edificio Executive Center Piso 2 Oficina 211  Ecuador  US dollar   0.0040    99.9960    100.0000 


(*) SQM controls Soquimich Comercial, which in turn controls Comercial Agrorama Ltda. SQM has management control over Comercial Agrorama Ltda.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests (continued)


8.1Background on companies included in consolidation, continued


         Country of  Functional  Ownership Interest 
Subsidiaries  TAX ID No.  Address  Incorporation  Currency  Direct   Indirect   Total 
SQM Brasil Ltda.  Foreign  Al. Tocantis 75, 6° Andar, Conunto 608 Edif. West Gate, Alphaville Barureri, CEP 06455-020, Sao Paulo  Brazil  US dollar   1.0900    98.9100    100.0000 
SQI Corporation N.V.  Foreign  Pietermaai 123, P.O. Box 897, Willemstad, Curacao  Curacao  US dollar   0.0159    99.9841    100.0000 
SQMC Holding Corporation.  Foreign  2727 Paces Ferry Road, Building Two, Suite 1425, Atlanta  United States of America  US dollar   0.1000    99.9000    100.0000 
SQM Japan Co. Ltd.  Foreign  From 1st Bldg 207, 5-3-10 Minami- Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokio  Japan  US dollar   0.1597    99.8403    100.0000 
SQM Europe N.V.  Foreign  Houtdok-Noordkaai 25a B-2030 Amberes  Belgium  US dollar   0.5800    99.4200    100.0000 
SQM Italia SRL  Foreign  Via A. Meucci, 5 500 15 Grassina Firenze  Italy  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Indonesia S.A.  Foreign  Perumahan Bumi Dirgantara Permai, Jl Suryadarma Blok Aw No 15 Rt 01/09 17436 Jatisari Pondok Gede  Indonesia  US dollar   -    80.0000    80.0000 
North American Trading Company  Foreign  2727 Paces Ferry Road, Building Two, Suite 1425, Atlanta, GA  United States of America  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Virginia LLC  Foreign  2727 Paces Ferry Road, Building Two, Suite 1425, Atlanta, GA  United States of America  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Comercial de México S.A. de C.V.  Foreign  Av. Moctezuma 144-4  Ciudad del Sol. CP 45050, Zapopan, Jalisco Mexico  Mexico  US dollar   0.0100    99.9900    100.0000 
SQM Investment Corporation N.V.  Foreign  Pietermaai 123, P.O. Box 897, Willemstad, Curacao  Curacao  US dollar   1.0000    99.0000    100.0000 
Royal Seed Trading Corporation A.V.V.  Foreign  Caya Ernesto O. Petronia 17, Orangestad  Aruba  US dollar   1.6700    98.3300    100.0000 
SQM Lithium Specialties Limited Partnership  Foreign  2727 Paces Ferry Road, Building Two, Suite 1425, Atlanta, GA  United States of America  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
Soquimich SRL Argentina  Foreign  Espejo 65 Oficina 6 – 5500 Mendoza  Argentina  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
Comercial Caimán Internacional S.A.  Foreign  Edificio Plaza Bancomer
Calle 50
  Panama  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM France S.A.  Foreign  ZAC des Pommiers  27930   FAUVILLE  France  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
Administración y Servicios Santiago S.A. de C.V.  Foreign  Av. Moctezuma 144-4  Ciudad del Sol. CP 45050, Zapopan, Jalisco Mexico  Mexico  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Nitratos México S.A. de C.V.  Foreign  Av. Moctezuma 144-4  Ciudad del Sol. CP 45050, Zapopan, Jalisco Mexico  Mexico  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Australia PTY  Foreign  Level 16, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney  Australia  Australian dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SACAL S.A.  Foreign  Av. Leandro N. Alem 882, piso 13 Buenos Aires  Argentina  Argentine peso   -    100.0000    100.0000 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests (continued)


8.1Background on companies included in consolidation, continued


         Country of  Functional  Ownership Interest 
Subsidiaries  TAX ID No.  Address  Incorporation  Currency  Direct   Indirect   Total 
Soquimich European Holding B.V.  Foreign  Loacalellikade 1 Parnassustoren 1076 AZ Amsterdan  Holland  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Iberian S.A  Foreign  Provenza 251 Principal 1a CP 08008, Barcelona  Spain  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Africa Pty Ltd.  Foreign  Tramore House, 3 Wterford Office Park, Waterford Drive, 2191 Fourways, Johannesburg  South Africa  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Oceanía Pty Ltd.  Foreign  Level 9, 50 Park Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Sydney  Australia  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Beijing Commercial Co. Ltd.  Foreign  Room 1001C, CBD International Mansion N 16 Yong An Dong Li, Jian Wai Ave Beijing 100022, P.R.  China  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM Thailand Limited  Foreign  Unit 2962, Level 29, N° 388, Exchange Tower Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey Bangkok  Thailand  US dollar   -    99.996    99.996 
SQM Colombia SAS  Foreign  Cra 7 No 32 – 33 piso 29 Pbx: (571) 3384904 Fax: (571) 3384905 Bogotá D.C. – Colombia.  Colombia  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 
SQM International N.V.  Foreign  Houtdok-Noordkaai 25a B-2030 Amberes  Belgium  US dollar   0.5800    99.4200    100.0000 
SQM (Shanghai) Chemicals Co. Ltd.  Foreign  Room 4703-33, 47F, No.300 Middle Huaihai Road, Huangpu district, Shanghai  China  US dollar   -    100.0000    100.0000 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests (continued)


8.2Assets, liabilities, results of consolidated subsidiaries


   Assets   Liabilities           Comprehensive
Subsidiary  Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current   Revenue   Profit (loss)   (loss) 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM Nitratos S.A.   364,492    33,716    310,062    1,621    185,487    32,532    32,546 
Proinsa Ltda.   52    -    -    -    -    -    - 
SQMC Internacional Ltda.   193    -    -    -    -    (1)   (1)
SQM Potasio S.A.   38,237    935,027    123,838    23,180    3,270    271,247    270,514 
Serv. Integrales de Tránsito y Transf. S.A.   62,355    37,594    92,154    2,054    33,392    134    118 
Isapre Norte Grande Ltda.   553    754    551    152    3,444    30    (42)
Ajay SQM Chile S.A.   18,259    1,298    1,497    389    32,758    2,400    2,400 
Almacenes y Depósitos Ltda.   264    46    -    -    -    (10)   (142)
SQM Salar S.A.   671,086    849,377    512,964    189,267    1,035,046    326,152    325,263 
SQM Industrial S.A.   904,802    702,606    489,063    100,914    779,692    82,638    82,267 
Exploraciones Mineras S.A.   3,137    30,999    6,039    -    -    2,071    2,071 
Sociedad Prestadora de Servicios de Salud Cruz del Norte S.A.   270    571    417    292    2,341    2    (19)
Soquimich Comercial S.A.   139,210    13,558    39,743    6,692    136,563    3,492    3,466 
Comercial Agrorama Ltda.   3,966    1,560    7,099    30    7,639    (1,061)   (1,062)
Comercial Hydro S.A.   4,897    28    40    8    25    119    119 
Agrorama S.A.   7,235    485    12,086    48    9,440    (1,716)   (1,700)
Orcoma SpA   -    2,360    14    -    -    -    - 
Orcoma Estudio SpA   296    4,416    63    1    -    2    2 
SQM MaG SpA   780    340    853    -    979    257    257 
SQM North America Corp.   113,630    16,274    94,939    254    271,869    (1,342)   (993)
RS Agro Chemical Trading Corporation A.V.V.   5,155    -    39    -    -    (25)   (25)
Nitratos Naturais do Chile Ltda.   30    136    3,349    -    -    127    127 
Nitrate Corporation of Chile Ltd.   5,076    -    -    -    -    -    - 
SQM Corporation N.V.   7,696    148,464    3,586    -    -    22,131    22,162 
SQM Perú S.A.   163    -    1,166    -    -    (107)   (107)
SQM Ecuador S.A.   24,529    144    21,773    72    32,181    766    766 
SQM Brasil Ltda.   108    -    706    2,254    126    (32)   (32)
SQI Corporation N.V.   56    31    72    -    -    (6)   (6)
SQMC Holding Corporation L.L.P.   25,692    16,115    1,000    -    -    3,084    3,084 
SQM Japan Co. Ltd.   78,457    210    75,948    171    204,313    208    208 
subtotal   2,480,676    2,796,109    1,799,061    327,399    2,738,565    743,092    741,241 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests (continued)


8.2Assets, liabilities, results of consolidated subsidiaries, continued


   Assets   Liabilities           Comprehensive
Subsidiary  Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current   Revenue   Profit (loss)   (loss) 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM Europe N.V.   412,691    1,825    349,252    -    985,278    17,180    17,180 
SQM Italia SRL   1,176    -    15    -    -    -    - 
SQM Indonesia S.A.   3         1    -    -    -    - 
North American Trading Company   157    145    39    -    -    (1)   (1)
SQM Virginia LLC   14,805    14,346    14,805    -         (2)   (2)
SQM Comercial de México S.A. de C.V.   110,558    3,040    81,325    -    198,180    1,327    1,327 
SQM Investment Corporation N.V.   44,476    86    5,336    946    -    (624)   (624)
Royal Seed Trading Corporation A.V.V.   86    -    18,834    -    -    31    31 
SQM Lithium Specialties LLP   15,753    3    1,264    -    -    (2)   (2)
Soquimich SRL Argentina   87    -    172    -    -    (79)   (79)
Comercial Caimán Internacional S.A.   261    -    1,122    -    -    (1)   (1)
SQM France S.A.   345    6    114    -    -    -    - 
Administración y Servicios Santiago S.A. de C.V.   128    78    370    164    2,848    10    10 
SQM Nitratos México S.A. de C.V.   90    7    56    10    763    12    12 
Soquimich European Holding B.V.   4,999    164,484    32,047    -    -    25,437    25,468 
SQM Iberian S.A.   68,754    2,235    57,931    -    138,855    2,995    2,995 
SQM Africa Pty Ltd.   59,925    1,448    48,663    -    106,514    4,871    4,871 
SQM Oceanía Pty Ltd.   3,581    -    1,990    -    2,513    (527)   (527)
SQM Beijing Commercial Co. Ltd.   12,346    9    10,163    -    13,779    (121)   (121)
SQM Thailand Limited   8,302    7    4,835    -    8,348    485    485 
298SQM Colombia SAS   4,592    279    4,830    -    3,056    (887)   (887)
SQM Australia Pty   29,856    88,587    5,005    26    -    562    562 
Sacal S.A.   3    -    -    -    -    -    - 
SQM Internacional   10,854    781    3,502    -    3,539    102    102 
SQM Shangai Chemicals Co. Ltd.   8,437    36    6,212    -    6,059    (239)   (239)
Subtotal   812,265    277,402    647,883    1,146    1,469,732    50,529    50,560 
Total   3,292,941    3,073,511    2,446,944    328,545    4,208,297    793,621    791,801 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests (continued)


8.2Assets, liabilities, results of consolidated subsidiaries, continued


   Assets   Liabilities           Comprehensive
Subsidiary  Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current   Revenue   Profit (loss)   (loss) 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM Nitratos S.A.   353,821    39,144    324,738    4,489    100,626    5,569    5,607 
Proinsa Ltda.   59    1    -    -    -    (3)   (3)
SQMC Internacional Ltda.   219    -    -    -    -    (3)   (3)
SQM Potasio S.A.   243,513    951,448    85,279    23,092    4,129    282,442    282,874 
Serv. Integrales de Tránsito y Transf. S.A.   27,822    36,606    57,208    1,596    35,210    1,727    1,712 
Isapre Norte Grande Ltda.   561    834    590    147    1,952    44    65 
Ajay SQM Chile S.A.   17,048    1,143    779    459    23,732    2,088    2,088 
Almacenes y Depósitos Ltda.   301    50    1    -    -    (7)   83 
SQM Salar S.A.   760,900    785,082    449,049    186,451    985,654    347,790    348,313 
SQM Industrial S.A.   982,835    666,097    618,289    94,135    685,294    48,988    49,011 
Exploraciones Mineras S.A.   540    31,691    6,206    -    -    (55)   (55)
Sociedad Prestadora de Servicios de Salud Cruz del Norte S.A.   372    624    551    353    887    43    27 
Soquimich Comercial S.A.   159,943    14,395    46,180    4,632    117,745    254    277 
Comercial Agrorama Ltda.   9,977    1,852    12,388    54    13,061    (1,342)   (1,341)
Comercial Hydro S.A.   4,944    41    63    11    30    140    140 
Agrorama S.A.   11,343    625    14,956    78    14,275    (2,041)   (2,059)
Orcoma SpA   -    2,360    14    -    -    -    - 
Orcoma Estudio SpA   341    4,356    50    -    -    -    - 
SQM MaG SPA   10    -    -    -    -    -    - 
SQM North America Corp.   131,452    15,442    162,180    782    250,522    (1,384)   (1,652)
RS Agro Chemical Trading Corporation A.V.V.   5,164    -    23    -    -    (30)   (30)
Nitratos Naturais do Chile Ltda.   -    141    3,451    -    -    (111)   (111)
Nitrate Corporation of Chile Ltd.   5,076    -    -    -    -    -    - 
SQM Corporation N.V.   668    133,876    3,575    -    -    21,089    21,065 
SQM Perú S.A.   270    -    1,166    -    -    24    24 
SQM Ecuador S.A.   21,642    116    19,651    80    26,025    622    622 
SQM Brasil Ltda.   187    -    663    2,345    336    (42)   (42)
SQI Corporation N.V.   16    26    61    -    -    (1)   (1)
SQMC Holding Corporation L.L.P.   24,600    15,193    1,000    -    -    2,263    2,263 
SQM Japan Co. Ltd.   43,656    302    40,992    626    114,006    (2,168)   (2,168)
Subtotal   2,807,280    2,701,445    1,849,103    319,330    2,373,484    705,896    706,706 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests (continued)


8.2Assets, liabilities, results of consolidated subsidiaries, continued


   Assets   Liabilities           Comprehensive
Subsidiary  Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current   Revenue   Profit (loss)   (loss) 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM Europe N.V.   399,601    2,599    339,910    -    923,087    11,097    11,097 
SQM Italia SRL   1,236    -    16    -    -    (3)   (3)
SQM Indonesia S.A.   4    -    1    -    -    -    - 
North American Trading Company   158    145    39    -    -    -    - 
SQM Virginia LLC   14,807    14,348    14,807    -    -    (8)   (8)
SQM Comercial de México S.A. de C.V.   92,961    2,288    64,318    -    193,523    4,381    4,381 
SQM Investment Corporation N.V.   52,639    86    12,955    866    -    (7,198)   (7,198)
Royal Seed Trading Corporation A.V.V.   31,040    -    49,818    -    -    2,348    2,348 
SQM Lithium Specialties LLP   15,755    3    1,264    -    -    (8)   (8)
Soquimich SRL Argentina   168    -    173    -    -    (37)   (37)
Comercial Caimán Internacional S.A.   262    -    1,122    -    -    3    3 
SQM France S.A.   345    6    114    -    -    -    - 
Administración y Servicios Santiago S.A. de C.V.   162    86    531    58    2,813    47    47 
SQM Nitratos México S.A. de C.V.   49    8    30    7    301    6    6 
Soquimich European Holding B.V.   53,664    137,393    71,761    1,493    -    18,476    18,452 
SQM Iberian S.A.   57,241    1,720    48,891    -    175,936    119    119 
SQM Africa Pty Ltd.   76,888    1,514    70,561    -    101,152    1,135    1,135 
SQM Oceanía Pty Ltd.   4,151    -    2,033    -    2,045    301    301 
SQM Agro India Pvt. Ltd.   -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
SQM Beijing Commercial Co. Ltd.   8,804    16    6,518    -    3,691    151    151 
SQM Thailand Limited   12,113    5    9,128    -    5,694    43    43 
SQM Colombia SAS   278    131    33    -    -    (271)   (271)
SQM Australia Pty   25,654    24,800    -    -    -    -    - 
Sacal S.A.   6    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Subtotal   847,986    185,148    694,023    2,424    1,408,242    30,582    30,558 
Total   3,655,266    2,886,593    2,543,126    321,754    3,781,726    736,478    737,264 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests (continued)


8.3Detail of transactions between consolidated companies


a)Transactions conducted in 2018


On January 30, 2018, in SQM North America there was a capital increase of ThUS$36,251. All partners met this increase, maintaining share percentages.


On February 27, 2018, a capital contribution of ThUS$2,500 was made to SQM (Shanghai) Chemicals Co. Ltd. This company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SQM Industrial S.A.


On March 28, 2018, in SQI Corporation N,V, there was a capital increase of ThUS$40. All partners met this increase, maintaining share percentages.


As of September 30, 2018, a total of ThUS$1,282 has been paid on the capital increase in SQM Colombia SAS subscribed during 2017 by SQM Industrial S.A. The transaction had no effect on consolidated earnings.


On August 1, 2018, the company Western Australia Lithium Pty changed its corporate name to Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd., maintaining all share percentages.


On November 9, 2018, a capital increase was made in SQM Australia Pty Ltd. for ThUS$2,670. All partners attended, maintaining all share percentages.


On November 29, 2018, a capital increase was made in SQM Australia Pty Ltd. for ThUS$5,250. All partners attended, maintaining all share percentages.


On December 14, 2018, a capital increase was made in SQM Australia Pty Ltd. for ThUS$83,500. All partners attended, maintaining all share percentages.


On December 18, 2018, Proinsa Ltda. sold to SQM Industrial S.A. 1 share in Agrorama S.A, thereby ending its participation in this company.


On December 18, 2018, SQMC Internacional Ltda. sold to Agrorama S.A. 1 share in Agrorama S.A.


b)Transactions conducted in 2017


On January 1, 2017, the subsidiary SQM Iberian S.A. absorbed the joint venture SQM Vitas Spain.


On January 10, 2017, SQM Japan Co, Ltd, carried out a capital increase of ThUS$8,676. Only Soquimich European Holding B.V. subscribed shares, thereby increasing its interest from 46.24% to 84.03% and reducing the interest held by SQM S.A. from 0.54% to 0.16% and by SQM Potasio S.A. from 53.22% to 15.81%, This had no impact on the consolidated results of SQM S.A., which continues to hold 100% of SQM Japan Co. Ltd. in its consolidated statement of financial position.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation (continued)


8.3Detail of transactions between consolidated companies, continued


b)Transactions conducted in 2017, continued


On February 10, 2017, the subsidiary Compañía Minera Arfwedson SpA was created in Chile with a capital contribution from SQM S.A. equivalent to ThUS$10 for a 100% interest. On August 29, 2017, the company's name was changed to "SQM MAG SpA". The transaction had no impact on the Company's consolidated results.


On April 19, 2017, the subsidiary SACAL S.A. was incorporated with capital of ThUS$7. The company is owned by SQM Potasio S.A. (95%) and SQM Industrial S.A. (5%), The transaction had no impact on the Company's consolidated results.


On May 4, 2017 SQI Corporation NV carried out a capital increase of ThUS$15.7, which belongs to SQM S.A. (with a share of 0.01587%) and SQM Potasio S.A. (with a share of 99.98413%)


On July 31, 2017, SQM Trading was legally formed. A capital of ThUS$3,080 was recorded as of June 30, 2018. The subsidiary is owned by the Company (0.58%) and Soquimich European Holding (99.42%). The transaction had no impact on the Company's consolidated results. Subsequent to its creation, this company changed its name to SQM International N.V.


SQM International N.V. (previously SQM Trading N.V.) was incorporated on July 31, 2017, born from the partial separation of SQM Europe N.V. into SQM Europe N.V. and SQM International N.V., both of which retained the same ownership structure as before. For tax purposes in Belgium, this separation was made effective retroactively as of January 1, 2017. In the annual accounts for 2017 to be presented in 2018 to the local authorities in Belgium, the statement of financial position and transactions are separated as of the effective date. The effects of this corporation are considered in the consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2018.


During July 2017, the subsidiary SQM Agro India Private Limited was closed. The transaction had no impact on the Company's consolidated results.


On August 14, 2017, SQM Colombia SAS agreed to carry out a capital increase of ThUS$1,814.64, which was subscribed by its owner SQM Industrial S.A. To date, it has paid ThUS$641.The transaction had no impact on the Company's consolidated results.


On August 29, 2017, Compañía Minera Arfwedson SpA, changed its name to SQM MaG SpA.


On August 31, 2017, the subsidiary SQM Australia Pty Ltd, was created with initial capital of ThUS$7,000 (ThAUD8,729).This subsidiary is fully owned (100%) by SQM Potasio S.A. The functional currency of SQM Australia Pty Ltd, is the Australian dollar (AUD). Later, on December 14 of the same year, additional capital of ThUS$18,500 (AUD 24,105.5) was invested. These transactions had no impact on the Company's consolidated results.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation (continued)


8.3Detail of transactions between consolidated companies, continued


c)Transactions conducted in 2017, continued


On November 27, 2017, the corporation ACN 623 090 139 was created in Australia. It later changed its corporate name to Western Australia Lithium pty with a capital of 10 Australian dollars. The corporation is owned by SQM Australia Pty Ltd (50%) and non-related third parties (50%).


On December 26, 2017, the company SQM (Shanghai) Chemicals Co. Ltd. was legally formed. No capital contributions had been recorded as of December 31, 2018.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 8Background on companies included in consolidation and non-controlling interests (continued)


8.4Background on non-controlling interests


Subsidiary  % of interests in
the ownership held
by non-controlling
   Profit (loss) attributable to non-
controlling interests

Equity, non-controlling


   Dividends paid to non-
controlling interests
       12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
       ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Proinsa Ltda.   0.1%   -    -    -    -    -    - 
SQM Potasio S.A.   0.0000001%   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Ajay SQM Chile S.A.   49%   1,176    1,023    8,659    8,306    823    989 
SQM Indonesia S.A.   20%   -    -    1    1    -    - 
Soquimich Comercial S.A.   39.3616784%   1,375    100    41,855    49,247    8,910    1,264 
Comercial Agrorama Ltda.   30%   (318)   (403)   (481)   (184)   -    - 
Agrorama S.A.   0.001%   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Orcoma Estudios SPA   49%   -    -    2,277    2,277    -    - 
SQM (Thailand) Limited.   0.004%   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Total        2,233    720    52,311    59,647    9,733    2,253 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 9Equity-accounted investees


9.1Investments in associates recognized according to the equity method of accounting


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, in accordance with criteria established in Note 3.19, investment in associates recognized according to the equity method of accounting and joint ventures are as follows:


   Equity-accounted investees   Share in profit (loss) of associates and
joint ventures accounted for using the
equity method
   Share in other comprehensive
income of associates and joint
ventures accounted for using the
equity method, net of tax
   Share in total other comprehensive
income of associates and joint
ventures accounted for using the
equity method
Associates  12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL   10,821    15,936    596    1,483    -    -    596    1,483 
Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi AS   21,582    21,788    241    6,427    489    -    730    6,427 
Ajay North America   14,951    14,432    3,728    3,677    -    -    3,728    3,677 
Ajay Europe SARL   7,845    8,144    1,373    1,049    (439)   26    934    1,075 
Charlee SQM Thailand Co, Ltd,   -    2,301    316    393    -    -    316    393 
SQM Eastmed Turkey,   310    -    370    (25)   (21)   -    349    (25)
Kore Potash Ltd,   20,467    20,000    (1,543)   -    (1,206)   -    (2,749)   - 
Total   75,976    82,601    5,081    13,004    (1,177)   26    3,904    13,030 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 9Equity-accounted investees (continued)


9.1Investments in associates recognized according to the equity method of accounting, continued


        Country of  Share of
   Dividends received 
Associate  Description of the nature of the relationship  Domicile  incorporation  in associates   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
                ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL  Distribution and commercialization of specialty plant nutrients in the Middle East.  PO Box 71871, Abu Dhabi  United Arab Emirates   37%   5,641    - 
Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi AS  Distribution and commercialization of specialty plant nutrients in Turkey.  Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, Ikinci Kisim, 22 cadde TR07100 Antalya  Turkey   50%   -    - 
Ajay North America  Production and distribution of iodine derivatives.  1400 Industry RD Power Springs GA 30129  United States   49%   2,807    1,123 
Ajay Europe SARL  Production and commercialization of iodine derivatives.  Z,I, du Grand Verger BP 227 53602 Evron Cedex  France   50%   811    968 
SQM Eastmed Turkey  Production and commercialization of specialty products.  Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, Ikinci Kisim, 22 cadde TR07100 Antalya  Turkey   50%   -    - 
Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd.  Distribution and commercialization of specialty plant nutrients.  31 Soi 138 (Meesuk) LLapdrawrd, Bangkapi, 10240 Bangkok  Thailand   40%   362    - 
Kore Potash Ltd.  Prospecting, exploration and mining development.  L 3 88 William St Perth, was 6000  Australia   17,52%   -    - 
Total                 9,621    2,091 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 9Equity-accounted investees (continued)


9.1Investments in associates recognized according to the equity method of accounting, continued


The companies described in the table below are related parties of the following associates:


(1)Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi AS

(2)Terra Tarsa B.V

(3)Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL


Company  Description of the nature of the relationship  Domicile  Country of
  Share of
ownership in
Terra Tarsa B,V, (1)  Distribution and trading of specialty plant nutrients,  Herikerbergweg 238, Luna Arena, 1101CM Amsterdam PO Box 23393, 1100DW Amsterdam Zuidoost  Holland   50%   -    - 
Plantacote N,V, (1)  Sale of CRF and production and sales of WSNPK  Houtdok-Noordkaai 25a, 2030 Antwerpen, Belgium  Belgium   100%   -    - 
Doktolab Tarim Arastima San, Tic As (1)  Laboratory services  27, Cd, No:2, 07190 Aosb 2, Kısım/Döşemealtı, Antalya, Turkey  Turkey   100%   -    - 
Terra Tarsa Ukraine LLC (2)  Distribution and trading of specialty plant nutrients,  74800 Ukraine, Kakhovka, 4 Yuzhnaya Str,  Ukraine   100%   -    - 
Terra Tarsa Don LLC (2  Distribution and sale of specialty fertilizers  Zorge Street, house 17, 344090, Rostov-on-Don  Russian Federation   100%   -    - 
Internacional Technical and Trading Agenies Co. WLL (3)  Distribution and trading of specialty plant nutrients, in the Middle East  P.O Box: 950918 Amman 11195  Jordania   50%   -    - 
Total                 -    - 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 9Equity-accounted investees (continued)


9.2Assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses of associates


   Assets   Liabilities       Gain (loss) from
Associate  Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current   Revenue   operations   income   income 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL   32,093    2,847    5,695    -    33,098    1,611    (1)   1,610 
Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi AS   66,498    12,242    27,067    8,509    74,144    481    978    1,459 
Ajay North America   21,644    12,409    3,542    -    40,290    7,608    -    7,608 
Ajay Europe SARL   21,219    1,214    6,743    -    36,337    2,747    (878)   1,869 
SQM Eastmed Turkey   1,724    2,160    1,829    1,434    3,192    740    (42)   698 
Kore Potash Ltda.   6,659    148,426    2,180    -    -    (8,198)   (6,882)   (15,080)
Total   149,837    179,298    47,056    9,943    187,061    4,989    (6,825)   (1,836)


   Assets   Liabilities       Gain (loss) from
Associate  Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current   Revenue   operations   income   income 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL   44,801    2,032    3,764    -    35,131    4,008    (4)   4,004 
Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi AS   81,057    10,731    36,960    11,251    75,269    12,854    (4,367)   8,487 
Ajay North America   19,426    12,498    2,470    -    36,185    7,505    -    7,505 
Ajay Europe SARL   23,555    1,266    8,534    -    32,310    2,098    2,208    4,306 
Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd.   8,585    712    3,292    255    13,618    981    414    1,395 
SQM Eastmed Turkey   3,981    2,671    4,487    2,260    2,389    (49)   (12)   (61)
Total   181,405    29,910    59,507    13,766    194,902    27,397    (1,761)   25,636 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 9Investment in Associates (continued)


9.3Other information


The Company has no participation in unrecognized losses in investments in associates.


The Company has no investments that are not accounted for according to the equity method.


The equity method was applied to the Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017.


The basis of preparation of the financial information of associates corresponds to the amounts included in the financial statements in conformity with the entity’s IFRS.


9.4Disclosures on interest in associates


a) Transactions conducted in 2018:


During the first quarter, SQM S.A. increased its capital in Kore Potash Ltd, by ThUS$ 3,000.


In March 2018 the company Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WLL paid dividends of ThUS$ 10,890. 50% of the distributed dividend was charged to retained earnings subsequent to 2014, in line with the Company’s statutes that establish that 37% of the distributed dividend corresponds to SQM. The remaining 50% was charged to retained earnings generated between 2004 and 2014, in line with the Company’s statutes that establish that 50% of the distributed dividend corresponds to SQM.


In March 2018 the company Ajay North America paid dividends of ThUS$ 1,432.


In June 2018, the associate company Doktor Tarsa Tarim, made a capital increase of 86 million Turkish Lira (ThUS$ 18,753), which was generated by the reclassification of retained earnings.


In June 2018 the company Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WLL paid dividends of ThUS$ 4,348. 50% of the distributed dividend was charged to retained earnings subsequent to 2014, in line with the Company’s statutes that establish that 37% of the distributed dividend corresponds to SQM. The remaining 50% was charged to retained earnings generated between 2004 and 2014, in line with the Company’s statutes that establish that 50% of the distributed dividend corresponds to SQM.


In June 2018 the company Ajay North America paid dividends of ThUS$1,432.


In June 2018 the company Ajay North Europe SARL paid dividends of ThUS$1,622.


In June 2018 the company Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd. paid dividends of ThUS$906.


In September 2018, the company Ajay North America paid dividends of ThUS$1,432.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 9Investment in Associates (continued)


9.4Disclosures on interest in associates, continued


a) Transactions conducted in 2018, continued:


In September 2018 the company Ajay North America paid total dividends of ThUS$1,432.


On November 14, 2018, Soquimich European Holdings B.V. sold its share in Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd., generating a loss of ThUS$759.


In 2018, the company Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S., changed its functional currency from Turkish Lira to the United States Dollar.


In December 2018 the company Ajay North America paid total dividends of ThUS$1.432.


b) Transactions conducted in 2017:


As of December 31, 2017, a capital increase was registered for Plantacote N.V. in a sum of ThUS$4,208 (equivalent to Th€3,500), which is 100% owned by the associate company Doktor Tarsa Tarim. The functional currency of Plantacote N.V. is the Euro. The contribution was made under the heading “Subordinated loan from Dr. Tarsa”. This contribution had no impact on the Company's consolidated results.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 10Joint Ventures


10.1Policy for the accounting of equity accounted investment in joint ventures


The method for recognizing joint ventures is that in which participation is initially recorded at cost, and subsequently adjusted, considering changes after the acquisition in the portion of the entity’s net assets that correspond to the investor. Profit or loss for the period will include the portion of the entity’s entire profit or loss that correspond to the investor. For these joint ventures there is no quoted market price to measure these investments.(See Note 3.22)


There are no significant restrictions on these joint ventures for the transfer of funds as payment of dividends or others.


At the date of issuance of these financial statements, SQM is not aware of the existence of any significant contingent liabilities associated with the partnerships in joint ventures.


10.2Disclosures of interest in joint ventures


a)Operations conducted in 2018


During the first quarter of 2018, Minera Exar S.A. increased its capital by ThUS$13,000. The entity is a joint venture and contributions were made on January 25, 2018 (ThUS$6,000) and February 14, 2018 (ThUS$7,000) by SQM Potasio S.A. and Lithium Americas Corporation (LAC). Both partners share 50% ownership of the respective company, each contributing the same share in these capital increases.


On March 14, 2018, the company SQM Vitas Plantacote B.V. was closed.


As of the date of the presentation of these financial statements, Minera Exar S.A. has changed its functional currency from the Argentine peso to the United States dollar.


In April 2018, Minera Exar made a new capital increase of ThUS$7,000, which was contributed in equal parts by its partners.


On May 15, 2018, the subsidiary Soquimich European Holdings BV, signed a joint venture agreement with PAVONI & C., SpA in Italy. EUR5.5 million were paid for a 50% share, generating a lower value of EUR2,602,180. The functional currency of the joint venture is the Euro.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 10Joint Ventures (continued)


10.2Disclosures of interest in joint ventures, continued


On December 31, 2018, the conditions were met for Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd. to be recognized as a separate joint venture. In previous years, the Financial Statements for this Company were included in those of SQM Australia Pty.


On December 31, 2018, as part of the investment in Pavoni & C., SpA, the goodwill generated in the purchase of this joint venture was classified, a sum of ThUS$3,206.


In December 2018, SQM S.A. sold the share it held in Minera Exar S.A. generating a pre-tax profit of ThUS$14,507, which was presented in the Consolidated Statement of Income by Function in Other income (losses) (See Note 27.6)


The subsidiary SQM Industrial S.A., has recorded an impairment loss of ThUS$8,802, corresponding to its Sichuan SQM-Migao Chemical Fertilizer Co. Ltd. joint venture. The impairment is disclosed by deducting the value of the aforementioned investment, in the caption “Equity method investments".


b)Operations conducted in 2017


On December 1, 2017, SQM Potasio S.A. recognized the goodwill value generated by the acquisition of 50% of the joint venture Minera Exar S.A. in the amount ThUS$6,205.


On October 6, 2017, a capital contribution of ThUS$13,300 (ThARS230,422,5) was made in mining company EXAR S.A., which is 50% owned by the subsidiary SQM Potasio S.A. The functional currency of EXAR S.A. is the Argentine peso (ARS). This contribution had no impact on the Company's consolidated results.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 10Joint Ventures (continued)


10.3Investment in joint ventures accounted for under the equity method of accounting


         Country of  Share of interest in   Dividends received 
Joint venture  Description of the nature of the relationship  Domicile  incorporation  ownership   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
                ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co. Ltda. (1)  Production and distribution of soluble fertilizers,  Huangjing Road, Dawan Town, Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu Municipality, Sichuan Province  China   50%   -    - 
Coromandel SQM India  Production and distribution of potassium nitrate,  1-2-10,  Sardar Patel Road, Secunderabad – 500003 Andhra Pradesh  India   50%   -    - 
SQM Vitas Fzco.  Production and commercialization of specialty plant and animal nutrition and industrial hygiene,  Jebel ALI Free Zone P,O, Box 18222, Dubai  United Arab Emirates   50%   -    - 
SQM Star Qingdao Corp Nutrition, Co. Ltd.  Production and distribution of nutrient plant solutions with specialties NPK soluble  Longquan Town, Jimo City, Qingdao Municipality, Shangdong Province  China   50%   -    - 
SQM Vitas Holland B.V.  Without information  Herikerbergweg 238, 1101 CM Amsterdam Zuidoost  Holland   50%   -    - 
Pavoni & C.,Spa  Production of specialized fertilizers and other products for distribution in Italy and other countries  Corso Italia 172, 95129 Catania (CT), Sicily  Italy   50%   -    - 
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd.  development and operation of the Mt Holland Lithium project, which will include the construction of a lithium extraction and refining mine  L18, 109 St. Georges Tce Perth WA 6000 PO Box Z5200 St Georges Tce Perth WA 6831  Australia   50%   -    - 


(1)December 31, 2018, these joint ventures are classified as Non-current assets or groups of assets classified as held for sale. See Note 33.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 10Joint Ventures (continued)


10.3Investment in joint ventures accounted for under the equity method of accounting, continued


The companies described in the following table are related to the following joint ventures:


(1)SQM Vitas Fzco.
(2)Pavoni & C Spa.
(3)SQM Vitas Holland B.V.


      Domicile  Country of
  Share of interest in
   Dividends received 
SQM Vitas Brazil Agroindustria (1)  Production and commercialization of specialty plant and animal nutrition and industrial hygiene,  Via Cndeias, Km, 01 Sem Numero, Lote 4, Bairro Cia Norte, Candeias, Bahia,  Brazil   49.99%   -    - 
SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C (1),  Production and commercialization of specialty plant and animal nutrition and industrial hygiene  Av, Juan de Arona 187, Torre B, Oficina 301-II, San Isidro, Lima  Peru   50%   -    - 
Arpa Speciali S.R.L. (2)  Production of specialty fertilizers and other products for distribution in Italy and other countries.  Mantova (MN) via Cremona 27 Int. 25  Italy   50.48%   -    - 
SQM Vitas Plantacote B.V. (3)  Production and commercialization of controlled-released fertilizers  Herikerbergweg 238, 1101 CM Amsterdam Zuidoost  Holland   50%   -    - 


Joint Venture Final reporting period date Accounting method
Coromandel SQM India December 31, 2018 Equity method
SQM Vitas Fzco. December 31, 2018 Equity method
SQM Star Qingdao Corp Nutrition Co., Ltd. December 31, 2018 Equity method
SQM Vitas Brazil Agroindustria December 31, 2018 Equity method
SQM Vitas Perú S.A.C. December 31, 2018 Equity method
SQM Vitas Holland B.V. December 31, 2018 Equity method
Pavoni & C. Spa. December 31, 2018 Equity method
Arpa Speciali S.R.L. December 31, 2018 Equity method
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd. December 31, 2018 Equity method


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 10Joint Ventures (continued)


10.3Investment in joint ventures accounted for under the equity method of accounting, continued:


Joint Venture  Equity-accounted investees   Share in profit (loss) of associates and
joint ventures accounted for using the
equity method
   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co. Ltd. (1)   1,992    11,444    (650)   (535)
Coromandel SQM India   1,729    1,633    174    165 
SQM Vitas Fzco.   20,202    19,478    1,781    1,502 
SQM Star Qingdao Corp. Nutrition Co. Ltd.   3,168    2,980    188    361 
SQM Vitas Holland   1,345    1,429    (14)   (18)
Minera Exar S.A. (1)   -    33,065    (206)   (27)
Pavoni & C., Spa   7,084    -    (39)   - 
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd.   53    -    36    - 
Total   35,573    70,029    1,270    1,448 
Joint Venture  Share on other comprehensive
income of associates and joint
ventures accounted for using the
equity method, net of tax
   Share on total other comprehensive
income of associates and joint
ventures accounted for using the
equity method
   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co. Ltd. (1)   -    -    (650)   (535)
Coromandel SQM India   -    -    174    165 
SQM Vitas Fzco.   -    (5)   1,781    1,497 
SQM Star Qingdao Corp. Nutrition Co. Ltd.   1    -    189    361 
SQM Vitas Holland   -    -    (14)   (18)
Minera Exar S.A. (1)   (1)   -    (206)   (27)
Pavoni & C., Spa   -    -    (40)   - 
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd.   -    -    53    - 
Total   -    (5)   1,287    1,443 


(1)As of December 31, 2018, the table below does not present investments in joint ventures transferred to the item non-current assets or groups of assets classified as held for sale. For more information, see Note 33.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 10Joint Ventures (continued)


10.3Investment in joint ventures accounted for under the equity method of accounting, continued:


Joint Venture  Equity-accounted investees   Share in profit (loss) of associates and
joint ventures accounted for using the
equity method
   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM Vitas Brazil Agroindustria(1)   12,405    11,003    2,879    1,753 
SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C (1)   5,188    5,961    (550)   (216)
SQM Vitas Plantacote B.V. (2)   -    669    -    (1)
Arpa Speciali S.R.L. (3)   122    -    (88)   - 
Total   17,715    17,633    2,241    1,536 
Joint Venture  Share in other comprehensive
income of associates and joint
ventures accounted for using the
equity method, net of tax
   Share in total other comprehensive
income of associates and joint
ventures accounted for using the
equity method
   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM Vitas Brazil Agroindustria(1)   (661)   (51)   779    826 
SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C (1)   -    -    (275)   (108)
SQM Vitas Plantacote B.V. (2)   -    -    -    (1)
Arpa Speciali S.R.L. (3)   -    -    -    - 
Total   (661)   (51)   504    717 


The following companies are subsidiaries of


(1)SQM Vitas Fzco.
(2)SQM Vitas Holland
(3)Pavoni & C. SPA


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 10Joint Ventures (continued)


10.4Assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses from joint ventures:


   Assets   Liabilities       Gain (loss) from
Joint Venture  Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current   Revenue   operations   income   income 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co. Ltd.   28,699    6,098    13,281    -    12    (1,372)   -    (1,372)
Coromandel SQM India   5,656    852    3,050    -    11,605    348    -    348 
SQM Vitas Fzco.   25,489    17,592    2,678    -    16,583    3,561    1    3,562 
SQM Star Qingdao Corp. Nutrition Co. Ltd.   7,754    114    1,533    -    13,004    377    -    377 
SQM Vitas Brazil Agroindustria   36,648    7,566    31,808    -    82,625    2,879    (1,322)   1,557 
SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C   22,365    7,785    18,996    5,966    28,619    (550)   -    (550)
SQM Vitas Holland B.V.   2,692    -    1    -    -    (28)   -    (28)
SQM Vitas Plantacote B.V.   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Pavoni & C. Spa   10,062    6,490    8,098    698    15,461    (79)   -    (79)
Arpa Speciali S.R.L.   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd.   239    100    233    -    -    106    -    106 
Total   139,604    46,597    79,678    6,664    167,909    5,242    (1,321)   3,921 


   Assets   Liabilities       Gain (loss) from
Joint Venture  Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current   Revenue   operations   income   income 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co. Ltda.   31,461    6,656    15,228    -    13,326    (1,070)   -    (1,070)
Coromandel SQM India   6,659    862    4,205    53    10,381    332    -    332 
SQM Vitas Fzco.   23,699    17,479    2,221    -    15,518    3,003    (9)   2,994 
SQM Star Qingdao Corp. Nutrition Co. Ltd.   6,941    171    1,152    -    12,631    721    -    721 
SQM Vitas Brazil Agroindustria   30,303    8,453    27,752    -    60,131    1,753    (101)   1,652 
SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C   20,933    8,534    17,380    6,126    35,299    (216)   -    (216)
SQM Vitas Holland B.V.   2,190    669    -    -    -    (36)   -    (36)
SQM Vitas Plantacote B.V.   679    -    10    -    -    (1)   -    (1)
Minera Exar S.A.   19,277    73,114    38,670    -    -    (53)   -    (53)
Total   142,142    115,938    106,618    6,179    147,286    4,433    (110)   4,323 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 10Joint Ventures (continued)


10.5Other Joint Venture disclosures:


   Cash and cash equivalents   Other current financial liabilities   Other non-current financial liabilities 
   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$$ 
Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co. Ltd.   106    6,198    -    -    -    - 
Coromandel SQM India   308    1,118    -    -    -    - 
SQM Vitas Fzco.   19,312    15,307    -    -    -    - 
SQM Star Qingdao Corp. Nutrition Co. Ltd.   4,543    3,675    -    -    -    - 
SQM Vitas Brazil Agroindustria   1,869    5,139    13,380    7,342    -    - 
SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C.   371    687    3,819    2,215    801    1,372 
SQM Vitas Holland B.V   2,692    2,190    -    -    -    - 
SQM Vitas Plantacote B.V   -    679    -    -    -    - 
Minera Exar S.A.   -    9,189    -    -    -    - 
Pavoni &C., Spa   407    -    5,464    -    -    - 
Arpa Speciali S.R.L.   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd.   156    -    -    -    -    - 
Total   29,764    44,182    22,663    9,557    801    1,372 
   Interest expense                 
   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co. Ltd.   (948)   (696)   (1)   (25)   97    303 
Coromandel SQM India   445    -    (9)   (16)   (38)   (485)
SQM Vitas Fzco.   (509)   (553)   (8)   (19)   -    - 
SQM Star Qingdao Corp. Nutrition Co. Ltd.   (67)   (68)   -    -    (187)   (174)
SQM Vitas Brazil Agroindustria   (408)   (453)   (886)   (1,253)   (117)   (283)
SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C,   (347)   (375)   (425)   (432)   (230)   (214)
SQM Vitas Holland B.V   -    -    -    -    -    - 
SQM Vitas Plantacote B.V   -    -    -    (1)   -    - 
Minera Exar S.A.   -    (523)   -    (32)   -    (620)
Pavoni & C., Spa   (542)   -    (335)   -    -    - 
Arpa Speciali S.R.L.   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd.   (16)   -    (5)   -    (46)   - 
Total   (2,392)   (2,668)   (1,669)   (1,778)   (521)   (1,473)


The basis of preparation of the financial information of joint ventures corresponds to the amounts included in the financial statements in conformity with the entity’s IFRS.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.



Note 11Cash and cash equivalents


11.1Types of cash and cash equivalents


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, cash and cash equivalents are detailed as follows:




   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Cash on hand   75    60 
Cash in banks   101,662    50,137 
Other demand deposits   746    1,530 
Total cash   102,483    51,727 


b)Cash equivalents


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Short-term deposits, classified as cash equivalents   187,666    290,914 
Short-term investments, classified as cash equivalents   265,917    287,797 
Total cash equivalents   453,583    578,711 
Total cash and cash equivalents   556,066    630,438 


11.2Short-term investments, classified as cash equivalents


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the short-term investments classified as cash and cash equivalents relate to mutual funds (investment liquidity funds) for investments in:


Institution  12/31/2018
Legg Mason - Western Asset Institutional Cash Reserves   132,108    144,464 
JP Morgan US dollar Liquidity Fund Institutional   133,809    143,333 
Total   265,917    287,797 


Short-term investments are highly liquid fund manager accounts that are basically invested in short-term fixed rate notes in the U.S. market.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 11Cash and cash equivalents (continued)


11.3Information on cash and cash equivalents by currency


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, information on cash and cash equivalents by currency is detailed as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
Original currency  ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Chilean Peso (*)   157,500    579 
US Dollar   353,037    612,727 
Euro   4,739    9,782 
Mexican Peso   1,242    258 
South African Rand   5,843    4,074 
Japanese Yen   1,786    1,773 
Peruvian Sol   7    8 
Brazilian Real   -    38 
Chinese Yuan   2,305    1,143 
Dírham United Arab Emirates   1    - 
Indian rupee   3    - 
Argentine Peso   2    1 
Pound Sterling   3    55 
Australian dollar   29,598    - 
Total   556,066    630,438 


(*)The Company maintains financial derivative policies which allow to minimize the risk of the variation in Chilean pesos exchange rate.


11.4Amount restricted (unavailable) cash balances


Cash on hand and in current bank accounts are available resources, and their carrying value is equal to their fair value.


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, restricted cash balances are presented in Note 14.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 11Cash and cash equivalents (continued)


11.5Short-term deposits, classified as cash equivalents


The detail at the end of each period is as follows:



Receiver of the deposit

  Type of deposit  Original Currency  Interest rate   Placement date  Expiration date 




Interest accrued


Scotiabank  Fixed term  Ch$   2.50   10/18/2018  1/16/2019   14,606    90    14,696 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  Ch$   2.55   11/6/2018  1/9/2019   19,632    92    19,724 
Scotiabank  Fixed term  Ch$   2.55   11/30/2018  1/3/2019   14,393    38    14,431 
Scotiabank  Fixed term  Ch$   2.55   12/3/2018  1/3/2019   11,515    27    11,542 
Itau-Corpbanca  Fixed term  Ch$   2.50   12/3/2018  1/3/2019   14,393    34    14,427 
Itau-Corpbanca  Fixed term  Ch$   2.50   12/7/2018  1/9/2019   14,393    29    14,422 
Itau-Corpbanca  Fixed term  Ch$   2.50   12/10/2018  1/9/2019   12,954    23    12,977 
Scotiabank  Fixed term  Ch$   2.35   12/10/2018  1/9/2019   12,954    21    12,975 
Itau-Corpbanca  Fixed term  US$   3.06   12/11/2018  1/11/2019   1,300    2    1,302 
Banco Estado  Fixed term  US$   2.75   12/12/2018  1/15/2019   1,000    1    1,001 
Itau-Corpbanca  Fixed term  Ch$   2.50   12/14/2018  1/9/2019   14,392    20    14,412 
Scotiabank  Fixed term  Ch$   2.65   12/17/2018  1/17/2019   14,393    18    14,411 
Scotiabank  Fixed term  Ch$   2.60   12/17/2018  1/17/2019   10,892    13    10,905 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  US$   2.93   12/17/2018  1/31/2019   1,400    2    1,402 
Itau-Corpbanca  Fixed term  US$   3.30   12/17/2018  1/31/2019   1,400    2    1,402 
Itau-Corpbanca  Fixed term  US$   3.40   12/17/2018  1/31/2019   3,000    4    3,004 
Banco de Chile  Fixed term  US$   3.06   12/17/2018  1/31/2019   1,700    2    1,702 
Scotiabank Sud Americano  Fixed term  US$   2.95   12/17/2018  1/31/2019   1,500    2    1,502 
Banco de Chile  Fixed term  US$   3.26   12/19/2018  1/31/2019   800    1    801 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  US$   3.42   12/26/2018  2/26/2019   2,800    1    2,801 
Banco de Chile  Fixed term  US$   3.26   12/26/2018  2/26/2019   2,800    1    2,801 
Scotiabank Sud Americano (*)  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/27/2018  1/7/2019   1,439    1    1,440 
Scotiabank Sud Americano (*)  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/27/2018  1/14/2019   2,879    1    2,880 
Scotiabank Sud Americano (*)  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/27/2018  1/21/2019   1,439    1    1,440 
Banco Estado  Fixed term  US$   3.15   12/28/2018  1/28/2019   2,000    1    2,001 
Banco Estado  Fixed term  US$   3.15   12/28/2018  1/28/2019   600    -    600 
Banco de Chile  Fixed term  US$   3.16   12/28/2018  1/28/2019   2,000    1    2,001 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  US$   2.53   12/28/2018  1/8/2019   1,000    -    1,000 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  US$   3.08   12/28/2018  1/28/2019   2,500    1    2,501 
Banco Santander- Santiago  Fixed term  Ch$   0.20   12/28/2018  1/4/2019   432    -    432 
BBVA Banco Francés  Fixed term  US$   -   12/31/2018  1/21/2019   81    3    84 
Nedbank  On demand  US$   -   12/31/2018  1/1/2019   647    -    647 
Total                    187,234    432    187,666 


(*) Corresponds to monthly rate..

El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 11Cash and cash equivalents (continued)


11.5Short-term deposits, classified as cash equivalents, continued



Receiver of the deposit

  Type of deposit  Original Currency  Interest rate   Placement date  Expiration date 




Interest accrued


Scotiabank Sud Americano  Fixed term  Ch$   0.24   11/21/2017  1/02/2018   8,943    30    8,973 
Banco Itau Chile  Fixed term  Ch$   0.24   11/28/2017  1/02/2018   15,652    41    15,693 
Banco Itau Chile  Fixed term  Ch$   0.24   11/28/2017  1/02/2018   15,652    41    15,693 
Banco BBVA Chile  Fixed term  Ch$   0.23   11/28/2017  1/02/2018   15,652    40    15,692 
Banco BBVA Chile  Fixed term  Ch$   0.23   11/28/2017  1/02/2018   15,652    40    15,692 
Banco Itau Chile  Fixed term  Ch$   0.25   11/29/2017  2/27/2018   18,857    50    18,907 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/12/2017  1/11/2018   15,982    26    16,008 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/12/2017  1/11/2018   8,524    14    8,538 
Banco Itau Chile  Fixed term  Ch$   0.24   12/12/2017  1/11/2018   15,982    24    16,006 
Banco Itau Chile  Fixed term  Ch$   0.24   12/12/2017  1/11/2018   7,458    11    7,469 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/14/2017  1/16/2018   19,780    29    19,809 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/14/2017  1/16/2018   15,665    23    15,688 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/14/2017  1/16/2018   11,488    17    11,505 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/15/2017  1/16/2018   15,568    22    15,590 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/15/2017  1/16/2018   15,568    22    15,590 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  Ch$   0.26   12/15/2017  1/16/2018   15,568    22    15,590 
Banco BBVA Chile  Fixed term  Ch$   0.24   12/29/2017  1/10/2018   4,107    1    4,108 
Banco BBVA Chile  Fixed term  Ch$   0.24   12/29/2017  1/10/2018   2,765    -    2,765 
Banco Santander - Santiago  Fixed term  US$   0.28   12/27/2017  1/18/2018   700    -    700 
Banco Santander - Santiago  Fixed term  US$   0.4   12/15/2017  2/13/2018   15,000    27    15,027 
Banco Santander - Santiago  Fixed term  US$   0.4   12/15/2017  2/13/2018   14,000    25    14,025 
Corpbanca  Fixed term  Ch$   0.22   12/28/2017  1/04/2018   1,301    -    1,301 
Scotiabank Sud Americano  Fixed term  Ch$   0.21   12/29/2017  1/05/2018   976    -    976 
Scotiabank Sud Americano  Fixed term  Ch$   0.21   12/29/2017  1/05/2018   569    -    569 
Banco Santander - Santiago  Fixed term  US$   2.45   12/06/2017  1/05/2018   3,500    6    3,506 
Scotiabank Sud Americano  Fixed term  US$   3.40   12/15/2017  1/16/2018   2,000    3    2,003 
Banco BBVA Chile  Fixed term  US$   2.80   12/26/2017  1/26/2018   2,200    1    2,201 
Banco Crédito e Inversiones  Fixed term  US$   2.3   12/27/2017  1/04/2018   2,300    1    2,301 
Banco Santander - Santiago  Fixed term  US$   2.88   12/27/2017  1/04/2018   2,300    1    2,301 
Banco BBVA Chile  Fixed term  US$   2.80   12/27/2017  1/04/2018   1,400    -    1,400 
BBVA Banco Francés  Fixed term  US$   0.19   12/11/2017  1/31/2018   163    -    163 
Nedbank  On demand  US$   -   12/01/2017  1/31/2018   3,686    -    3,686 
ABN Amro Bank  Fixed term  US$   -   12/31/2017  1/02/2018   1,439    -    1,439 
Total                    290,397    517    290,914 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 11Cash and cash equivalents (continued)


11.6Other information


Net Debt reconciliation


This section sets out an analysis of net debt and the movements in net debt for each of the periods presented.


Net debt


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Cash and cash equivalents   556,066    630,438 
Other current financial assets   312,721    366,979 
Other non-current financial hedge assets   13,425    8,910 
Borrowings - repayable within one year (including overdraft)   (23,585)   (220,328)
Borrowings - repayable after one year   (1,330,382)   (1,031,507)
Net debt   (471,755)   (245,508)
Cash and liquid investments   882,212    1,006,327 
Gross debt - fixed interest rates   (1,353,967)   (1,251,835)
Net debt   (471,755)   (245,508)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 12Inventories


The composition of inventory at each period-end is as follows:


Type of inventory 






Raw material reserves   6,764    9,364 
Supplies for production reserves   26,840    22,257 
Products-in-progress reserves   423,621    456,333 
Finished product reserves   456,449    414,120 
Total   913,674    902,074 


As of December 31, 2018, the Company has inventory of caliche ore (in piles or undergoing leaching process) available for processing valued at ThUS$347,100 and ThUS$333,194 as of December 31, 2017, (included in work in progress).


Inventory reserves recognized as of December 31, 2018 amount to ThUS$105,282, and ThUS$96,284 as of December 31, 2017. For finished and in-process products, the provisions constituted include the provision associated with the lower value of stock (considers lower realizable value, uncertain future use, reprocessing costs, etc.), inventory differences and potential errors in the determination of inventories (e.g., errors in topography, grade, humidity, etc.), see Note 3.18.


For inventories of raw materials, supplies, materials and parts, lower value provisions have been associated with the proportion of obsolete, defective or slow-moving materials and potential differences.


The breakdown of inventory reserves is detailed as follows:


Type of inventory 






Raw material reserves   1,838    93 
Products-in-progress reserves   82,673    80,249 
Finished product reserves   20,771    15,942 
Total   105,282    96,284 


The Company has not delivered inventory as collateral for the periods indicated above.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 12Inventories (continued)


As of December 31, 2018 and, 2017, movements in provisions are detailed as follows:


  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
Conciliation  ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Beginning balance   96,284    81,295 
Increase in Lower Value (1)   7,845    19,515 
Additional Provision Differences of Inventory. (2)   3,176    573 
Increase / Decrease eventual differences and others (3)   2,436    (178)
Provision Used   (4,459)   (4,921)
Total changes   8,998    14,989 
Final balance   105,282    96,284 


(1)There are three types of Lower Value Provisions: Economic Realizable Lower Value, Potential Inventory with Uncertain Future Use and Reprocessing Costs of Off-Specification Products.
(2)Provisions for Inventory Differences generated when physical differences are detected when taking inventory, which exceed the tolerance levels for this process. At least two annual inventories are taken in the production sites and in the port in Chile (“zero sum” systems have immediate potential adjustments).
(3)This algorithm corresponds to diverse provision percentages based on the complexity in the measurement and rotation of stock, as well as standard differences based on previous profit and loss, as is the case with provisions in Commercial Offices.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 13Related party disclosures


13.1Related party disclosures


Balances pending at period-end are not guaranteed, accrue no interest and are settled in cash. No guarantees have been delivered or received for trade and other receivables due from related parties or trade and other payables due to related parties.


13.2Relationships between the parent and the entity


Pursuant to Article 99 of Law No. 18,045 of the Securities Market (the "Securities Market Law"), the Commission for Financial Market (the "CMF") may determine that a company does not have a controller in accordance with the distribution and dispersion of its ownership. On November 30, 2018, the CMF issued the ordinary letter No. 32.131 whereby it determined that Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A., Potasios de Chile S.A. and Inversiones Global Mining (Chile) Limitada (the "Pampa Group"), do not exert decisive power over the management of the Company since it does not have a predominance in the ownership that allows it to make management decisions. Therefore, the CMF has determined not to consider Grupo Pampa the controller of the Company and that the Company does not have a controller given its current ownership structure.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 13Related party disclosures (continued)


13.3Detailed identification of the link between the Parent and subsidiary


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the detail of entities that are related parties of the SQM S.A. Group is as follows:


Tax ID No.  Name  Country of origin  Functional currency  Nature
Foreign  Nitratos Naturais Do Chile Ltda.  Brazil  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  Nitrate Corporation Of Chile Ltd.  United Kingdom  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM North America Corp.  United States  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Europe N.V.  Belgium  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  Soquimich S.R.L. Argentina  Argentina  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  Soquimich European Holding B.V.  The Netherlands  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Corporation N.V.  The Netherlands  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQI Corporation N.V.  The Netherlands  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Comercial De México S.A. de C.V.  Mexico  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  North American Trading Company  United States  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  Administración y Servicios Santiago S.A. de C.V.  Mexico  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Peru S.A.  Peru  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Ecuador S.A.  Ecuador  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Nitratos Mexico S.A. de C.V.  Mexico  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQMC Holding Corporation L.L.P.  United States  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Investment Corporation N.V.  The Netherlands  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Brasil Limitada  Brazil  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM France S.A.  France  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Japan Co.  Ltd.  Japan  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  Royal Seed Trading Corporation A.V.V.  Aruba  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Oceania Pty Limited  Australia  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  Rs Agro-Chemical Trading Corporation A.V.V.  Aruba  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Indonesia S.A.  Indonesia  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Virginia L.L.C.  United States  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Italia SRL  Italy  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  Comercial Caiman Internacional S.A.  Panama  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Africa Pty Ltd,  South Africa  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Colombia SAS  Colombia  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Internacional N.V.  Belgium  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM (Shanghai) Chemicals Co. Ltd.  China  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Lithium Specialties LLC  United States  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Iberian S.A.  Spain  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Beijing Commercial Co. Ltd.  China  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Thailand Limited  Thailand  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  SQM Australia PTY  Australia  Australian dollar  Subsidiary
Foreign  SACAL S.A.  Argentina  Argentine peso  Subsidiary
96,801,610-5  Comercial Hydro  S.A.  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
96,651,060-9  SQM Potasio S.A.  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
96,592,190-7  SQM Nitratos S.A.  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
96,592,180-K  Ajay SQM Chile S.A.  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
86,630,200-6  SQMC Internacional Ltda.  Chile  Chilean peso  Subsidiary
79,947,100-0  SQM Industrial S.A.  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
79,906,120-1  Isapre Norte Grande Ltda.  Chile  Chilean peso  Subsidiary
79,876,080-7  Almacenes y Depósitos Ltda.  Chile  Chilean peso  Subsidiary
79,770,780-5  Servicios Integrales de Tránsitos y Transferencias S.A.  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
79,768,170-9  Soquimich Comercial S.A.  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
79,626,800-K  SQM Salar S.A.  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
78,053,910-0  Proinsa Ltda.  Chile  Chilean peso  Subsidiary


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 13Related party disclosures (continued)


13.3Detailed identification of the link between the Parent and subsidiary, continued


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the detail of entities that are related parties of the SQM S.A.: Group is as follows:


Tax ID No,  Name  Country of origin  Functional currency  Nature
76,534,490-5  Sociedad Prestadora de Servicios de Salud Cruz del Norte S.A.  Chile  Chilean peso  Subsidiary
76,425,380-9  Exploraciones Mineras S.A.  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
76,064,419-6  Comercial Agrorama Ltda.  Chile  Chilean peso  Subsidiary
76,145,229-0  Agrorama S.A.  Chile  Chilean peso  Subsidiary
76,359,919-1  Orcoma Estudios SPA  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
76,360,575-2  Orcoma SPA  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
76,686,311-9  SQM MaG SpA  Chile  US$  Subsidiary
Foreign  Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL  Arab Emirates  Arab Emirates dirham  Associate
Foreign  Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi AS  Turkey  US$  Associate
Foreign  Ajay North America  United States  US$  Associate
Foreign  Ajay Europe SARL  France  Euro  Associate
Foreign  SQM Eastmed Turkey  Turkey  Euro  Associate
Foreign  Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd. (1)  Thailand  Thai baht  Associate
Foreign  Kore Potash Ltd.  Australia  US$  Associate
Foreign  Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co Ltda.  China  US$  Joint venture
Foreign  Coromandel SQM India  India  Indian rupee  Joint venture
Foreign  SQM Vitas Fzco.  Arab Emirates  Arab Emirates dirham  Joint venture
Foreign  SQM Star Qingdao Corp Nutrition Co., Ltd.  China  US$  Joint venture
Foreign  SQM Vitas Holland B.V.  Dutch Antilles  Euro  Joint venture
Foreign  Minera Exar S.A. (2)  Argentina  US$  Joint control
Foreign  Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd.  Australia  Australian dollar  Joint venture
Foreign  Pavoni & C, SPA  Italy  Euro  Joint venture
96,511,530-7  Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera  Chile  US$  Other related parties
96,529,340-k  Norte Grande S.A.  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
79,049,778-9  Callegari Agricola S.A.  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
Foreign  SQM Vitas Brazil Agroindustria (3)  Brazil  US$  Other related parties
Foreign  SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C. (3)  Peru  US$  Other related parties
Foreign  Terra Tarsa B.V. (4)  Holland  Euro  Other related parties
Foreign  Plantacote N.V (4)  Belgium  Euro  Other related parties
Foreign  Doktolab Tarim Arastima San. Tic As (4)  Turkey  Turkish Lira  Other related parties
Foreign  Terra Tarsa Ukraine LLC (4)  Ukraine  Ukrainian Grivna  Other related parties
Foreign  Terra Tarsa Don LLC (4)  Russian Federation  Russian ruble  Other related parties
Foreign  Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries  WLL  Oman  United Arab Emirates dirham  Other related parties
Foreign  Internacional Technical and Trading Agencies CO WLL (5)  Jordan  United Arab Emirates dirham  Other related parties
Foreign  Arpa Speciali S.R.L (6)  Italy  Euro  Other related parties


(1) During the month of November 2018, the stake held in Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd. was sold.

(2) During the month of December 2018, the stake held in Minera Exar S.A.

(3) These Companies are subsidiaries of the SQM Vitas Fzco joint venture.

(4) These Companies are subsidiaries of the associate Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi AS.

(5) These Companies are subsidiaries of the joint venture Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL

(6) These companies are subsidiaries of the joint venture Pavoni & C, SPA


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 13Related party disclosures (continued)


13.3Detailed identification of the link between the Parent and subsidiary, continued


TAX ID No.  Name  Country of Origin  Functional currency  Relationship
N/A  Ara Dos Primera del Salar de Pampa Blanca, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Ara Tres Primera del Salar de Pampa Blanca, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Ara Cuatro Primera del Salar de Pampa Blanca, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Ara Cinco Primera del Salar de Pampa Blanca, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Curicó Dos Primera del Salar de Pampa Alta, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Curicó Tres Primera del Sector de Pampa Alta, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Evelyn Veinticuatro Primera de Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Filomena Tres Primera de Oficina Filomena, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Filomena Cuatro Primera de Oficina Filomena, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Francis Cuatro Primera de Pampa Blanca, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Francis Cuatro Segunda del Salar de Pampa Blanca, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Francis Cuatro Tercera de Pampa Blanca, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Francis Cuatro Cuarta de Pampa Blanca, Sierra Gorda(*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Francis Cuatro Quinta de Pampa Blanca, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Francis Primera del Salar de Pampa Blanca de Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Francis Segunda del Salar de Pampa Blanca de Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Francis Tercera del Salar de Pampa Blanca de Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Ivon Primera de Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Ivon Décima Segunda de Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Ivon Sexta de Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Julia Primera de Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Lorena Trigésimo Quinta de Sierra Gorda(*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Perseverancia Primera de Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Tamara 40 Primera del Sector S.E. OF. Concepción, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Tamara Tercera de Oficina Concepción, Sierra Gorda (*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties
N/A  Tamara 40 Segunda del Sector S.E. OF Concepción, Sierra Gorda(*)  Chile  Chilean peso  Other related parties


(*) Correspond to Mining Contractual Societies


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 13Related party disclosures (continued)


13.4Detail of related parties and related party transactions


Transactions between the Parent and its subsidiaries, associated businesses, joint ventures and other related parties are part of the Company's common transactions. Their conditions are those customary for this type of transactions in respect of terms and market prices. In addition, these have been eliminated in consolidation and are not detailed in this note.


Maturity terms for each case vary by virtue of the transaction giving rise to them.


As of December 31, 2018 and 2017, the detail of significant transactions with related parties is as follows:


Tax ID No,  Company  Nature  Country of origin  Transaction 






Foreign  Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi As  Associate  Turkey  Sale of products   16,726    17,538 
Foreign  Ajay Europe S.A.R.L.  Associate  France  Sale of products   19,470    15,706 
Foreign  Ajay Europe S.A.R.L.  Associate  France  Dividends   811    969 
Foreign  Ajay North America LLC.  Associate  United States  Sale of products   16,810    13,206 
Foreign  Ajay North America LLC.  Associate  United States  Dividends   2,807    1,123 
Foreign  Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL  Associate  United Arab Emirates  Sale of products   5,811    4,351 
Foreign  Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL  Associate  United Arab Emirates  Dividends   5,641    - 
Foreign  Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd. (1)  Associate  Thailand  Sale of products   4,960    5,102 
Foreign  Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd. (1)  Associate  Thailand  Dividends   362    - 
77.557.430-5  Sales de Magnesio Ltda.  Associate  Chile  Sale of products   -    45 
Foreign  Kowa Company Ltd. (3)  Other related parties  Japan  Sale of products   -    132,495 
Foreign  SQM Vitas Brasil Agroindustria  Joint control or significant influence  Brazil  Sale of products   44,827    31,137 
Foreign  SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C.  Joint control or significant influence  Peru  Sale of products   17,204    23,058 
Foreign  SQM Vitas Fzco.  Joint venture  United Arab Emirates  Sale of products   -    85 
Foreign  Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co Ltda.  Joint venture  China  Sale of services   -    252 
Foreign  Coromandel SQM India  Joint venture  India  Sale of products   7,696    8,011 
Foreign  SQM Star Qingdao Corp Nutrition Co., Ltd.  Joint venture  China  Sale of products   -    200 
79.049.778-9  Callegari Agrícola S.A.  Other related parties  Chile  Sale of products   -    210 
Foreign  Minera Exar S.A. (2)  Joint venture  Argentina  Loans   -    11,000 
Foreign  Terra Tarsa Ukraine LLC  Associate  Turkey  Sale of services   1,674    1,218 
Foreign  Terra Tarsa Don LLC  Associate  Russian Federation  Sale of products   187    423 
Foreing  Plantacote N.V.  Associate  Belgium  Sale of products   4,554    2,108 
Foreing  SQM eastmed Turkey  Associate  Turkey  Sale of products   30    - 
Foreing  Pavoni & C., Spa  Joint venture  Italy  Sale of products   201    - 
Foreing  Arpa Speciali S.R.L  Other related parties  Italy  Sale of products   207    - 
Total               149,978    268,237 


(1)As of November 2018, the ownership interest in Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd. sold.

(2)(2) During the month of December 2018, the stake held in Minera Exar S.A..

(3)As of December 31, 2018, Kowa Company Ltd. is not considered a related party.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 13Related party disclosures (continued)


13.5Trade receivables due from related parties, current:


Transactions between the Company, its subsidiaries, joint ventures and other related parties are considered customary transactions. These transactions are carried out under arm’s length conditions, or those that are normally in effect for this type of transaction in terms of time frames and market prices. In addition, they have been eliminated upon consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.


          12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
Tax ID N°  Company  Nature   Country of origin  Currency  ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Foreign  Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd.(1)  Associate  Thailand  US$   -    1,204 
Foreign  Ajay Europe S.A.R.L.  Associate  France  Euro   3,756    4,689 
Foreign  Ajay North America LLC.  Associate  United States  US$   2,079    2,005 
Foreign  Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL  Associate  United Arab Emirates  Arab Emirates dirham   857    73 
Foreign  Kowa Company Ltd.(1)  Jointly controlled entity  Japan  US$   -    5,008 
96.511.530-7  Soc.de Inversiones Pampa Calichera  Jointly controlled entity  Chile  US$   6    6 
Foreign  SQM Vitas Brasil Agroindustria  Joint venture  Brazil  US$   15,818    17,293 
Foreign  SQM Vitas Peru S.A.C.  Joint venture  Peru  US$   12,768    13,766 
Foreign  Coromandel SQM India  Joint venture  India  Indian rupee   2,025    3,804 
Foreign  SQM Vitas Fzco.  Joint venture  United Arab Emirates  Emirates dirham   105    - 
Foreign  SQM Star Qingdao Corp Nutrition Co., Ltd.  Joint venture  China  US$   248    50 
Foreign  Plantacote N.V.  Associate  Belgium  Euro   312    190 
Foreign  Terra Tarsa Don LLC  Associate  Russian Federation  Russian ruble   41    44 
Foreign  Minera Exar S.A. (2)  Joint venture  Argentina  US$   -    11,000 
Foreign  SQM Eastmed Turkey  Associate  Turkey  Euro   30    - 
Foreing  SQM Pavoni & C. SPA  Joint venture  Italy  Euro   12    - 
Foreign  Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi As  Joint venture  Turkey  US$   6,497    - 
Total               44,554    59,132 


(1) As of November 2018, the ownership interest in Charlee SQM Thailand Co. Ltd. sold.

(2) During the month of December 2018, the stake held in Minera Exar S.A..

The accounts receivable presented are net of provision (provision for 2018 ThUS$ 10,966 and 2017 for ThUS $ 14,125, see Note 14.2)


13.6Trade payables due to related parties, current:


Tax ID
  Company  Nature  Country of origin  Currency  12/31/2018
Foreign  Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi AS  Associate  Turkey  YTL   -    11 
Foreign  Terra Tarsa Ukraine LLC  Other related parties  Ukraine  Ukrainian Grivna   -    7 
Foreign  SQM Star Qingdao Corp Nutrition Co,, Ltd.  Joint venture  China  US$   -    725 
Foreign  Sichuan SQM Migao Chemical Fertilizers Co Ltda.  Joint venture  China  US$   -    584 
Foreign  SQM Vitas Fzco.  Joint venture  United Arab Emirates  Arab Emirates dirham   -    38 
Foreign  Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd  Associate  Australia  Australian dollar   9    - 
Current Total               9    1,365 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments


Financial instruments in accordance with IAS 39 are detailed as follows:


14.1Types of other financial assets


Description of other financial assets 






Financial assets at amortized cost (1)   291,790    360,941 
Derivative financial instruments          
-    - For hedging   18,238    - 
-    Held for trading at fair value through profit or loss (2)   2,693    6,038 
Total other current financial assets   312,721    366,979 
Investments classified as available for sale at fair value through profit or loss   -    9,179 
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income   3,631    - 
Derivative financial instruments          
-    For hedging   13,425    8,910 
Financial assets at amortized cost (3)   75    24,790 
Total other non-current financial assets   17,131    42,879 


(1)Corresponds to term deposits whose maturity date is greater than 90 days and less than 360 days from the investment date constituted in the following financial institutions::


(2)Correspond to forwards and options that were not classified as hedging instruments (See detail in Note 14.3).


(3)SQM Potassium S.A., contributed ThUS$24,745 to Western Australia Lithium (WAL). As of December 31, 2017, this had not been legally incorporated as a Company and the funds remained in trust pending transfer to WAL.


Institution  12/31/2018



Banco Santander   23,124    163,269 
Banco de Crédito e Inversiones   145,834    71,748 
Banco Itaú-Corpbanca   70,719    77,527 
Banco Security   27,215    28,592 
Scotiabank Sud Americano   24,898    13,764 
Banco Chile   -    4,834 
Banco BBVA Chile   -    1,207 
Total   291,790    360,941 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments, (continued)


14.2Trade and other receivables


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   Current   Non-current   Total   Current   Non-current   Total 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$$   ThUS$ 
Trade receivables   429,150    -    429,150    412,321    -    412,321 
Prepayments   16,147    -    16,147    16,177    -    16,177 
Other receivables   19,558    2,275    21,833    18,377    1,912    20,289 
Total trade and other receivables   464,855    2,275    467,130    446,875    1,912    448,787 


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   Assets before
   Allowance for
doubtful trade
   Assets for trade
receivables, net
   Assets before

Allowance for

doubtful trade

   Assets for trade
receivables, net
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Receivables related to credit operations, current   445,670    (16,520)   429,150    427,400    (15,079)   412,321 
Trade receivables, current   445,670    (16,520)   429,150    427,400    (15,079)   412,321 
Prepayments, current   16,990    (843)   16,147    16,877    (700)   16,177 
Other receivables, current   23,863    (4,305)   19,558    23,409    (5,032)   18,377 
Current trade and other receivables   40,853    (5,148)   35,705    40,286    (5,732)   34,554 
Other receivables, non-current   2,275    -    2,275    1,912    -    1,912 
Non-current receivables   2,275    -    2,275    1,912    -    1,912 
Total trade and other receivables   488,798    (21,668)   467,130    469,598    (20,811)   448,787 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments, (continued)


14.2Trade and other receivables, continued


Portfolio stratification, continued


The Company’s policy is to require guarantees (such as letters of credit, guarantee clauses and others) and/or maintaining insurance policies for certain accounts as deemed necessary by management.


Uncollateralized portfolio


As of December 31, 2018 the detail of the uncollateralized portfolio is as follows:


   Total uncollateralized portfolio 
Past due
  Number of
customers non-
   Gross non-
portfolio ThUS$
   Number of
portfolio ThUS$
Current   1,429    403,805    136    668 
1-30 days   1,284    17,899    390    596 
31-60 days   940    8,063    154    118 
61-90 days   661    2,147    41    75 
91-120 days   498    1,210    27    47 
121-150 days   85    385    16    29 
151-180 days   49    177    21    176 
181-210 days   14    1,289    41    231 
211-250 days   12    107    101    242 
>250 days   1,756    7,258    305    1,148 
Total   6,728    442,340    1,232    3,330 


As of December 31, 2017 the detail of the uncollateralized portfolio is as follows:


   Total uncollateralized portfolio 
Past due
  Number of
customers non-

Gross non-

portfolio ThUS$

   Number of
portfolio ThUS$
Current   3,039    344,802    23    706 
1-30 days   1,598    41,510    376    924 
31-60 days   824    8,813    130    272 
61-90 days   756    3,740    50    119 
91-120 days   548    7,367    22    54 
121-150 days   182    2,914    22    56 
151-180 days   443    5,602    45    75 
181-210 days   365    4,470    27    45 
211-250 days   682    112    29    138 
>250 days   1,837    3,050    350    2,631 
Total   10,274    422,380    1,074    5,020 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments, (continued)


14.2Trade and other receivables, continued


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, movements in provisions are as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Provision Impairment Accounts receivable at the beginning of the Period   34,936    31,616 
Adjustment to Starting Balance through New Model Calculations (IFRS 9)   2,301    - 
Increase / (decrease) impairment of accounts receivable for the period to profit and loss   (2,967)   8,037 
Use of Provision Applied to Accounts Receivable   (1,636)   (4,717)
Impairment of Accounts Receivable Provision at the Star of the Period (1)+(2)   32,634    34,936 
(1) Trade and Other Receivables Provision   21,668    20,811 
(2) Current Related Party Receivables Provision   10,966    14,125 
Recovery of Insurance   827    126 
Impairment of Accounts Receivable Provision   32,634    34,936 
Renegotiated Provision   2,056    2,580 
Non-renegotiated Provision   30,578    32,356 


Credit risk concentration.


Credit risk concentration with respect to trade receivables is reduced due to the great number of entities in the Company’s client base and their distribution throughout the world.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.3Hedging assets and liabilities


The balance represents derivative instruments measured at fair value which have been classified as hedges from exchange and interest rate risks related to the total obligations associated with bonds in Chilean pesos and UF in Chilean pesos. As of December 31, 2017, the notional amount of cash flows in Cross Currency Swap contracts agreed upon in US dollars amounted to ThUS$ 461,659, and as of December 31, 2017 such contracts amounted to ThUS$ 266,335.


Hedging assets with
underlying debt
instruments (Fwds)

Effect on profit or
loss for the period




Hedging reserve in

gross equity

   Deferred tax
hedging reserve
in equity
reserve in
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
December 31, 2018   13,516    (3,004)   8,256    -    8,256 


Hedging liabilities with
underlying debt
instruments (CCS)

Effect on profit or
loss for the period


   Hedging reserve in
gross equity
   Deferred tax
hedging reserve
in equity
reserve in
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
December 31, 2018   (17,318)   16,636    1,541    -    1,541 


Hedging assets with
underlying investments

instruments (CCS)

   Effect on profit or
loss for the period
   Hedging reserve in
gross equity
   Deferred tax
hedging reserve
in equity
reserve in
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
December 31, 2018   18,146    19,911    (1,765)   -    (1,765)


Hedging assets with
underlying debt
instruments (Fwds)

Effect on profit or
loss for the period


   Hedging reserve in
gross equity
   Deferred tax
hedging reserve
in equity
reserve in
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
December 31, 2017   8,910    5,641    2,170    -    2,170 


Hedging liabilities with
underlying debt
instruments (CCS)

Effect on profit or
loss for the period


   Hedging reserve in
gross equity
   Deferred tax
hedging reserve in

reserve in


   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
December 31, 2017   17,128    33,696    41    -    41 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.3Hedging assets and liabilities, continued


Hedging liabilities with
underlying investments

instruments (CCS)

   Effect on profit or loss
for the period Derivative
   Hedging reserve in
gross equity
   Deferred tax
hedging reserve
in equity
reserve in
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
December 31, 2017   (20,159)   (20,256)   97    -    97 


The balances in the “effect on profit or loss” column consider the interim effects of the contracts in force As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017.


Derivative contract maturities are detailed as follows:



Contract amount


   Currency  Maturity date
H   155,214   UF  01/05/2023
O   58,748   UF  02/01/2022
P   134,228   UF  01/15/2028


The Company uses cross currency swap derivative instruments to hedge the possible financial risk associated with the volatility of the exchange rate associated with Chilean pesos and UF. The objective is to hedge the exchange rate financial risks associated with bonds payable. Hedges are documented and tested to measure their effectiveness.


Based on a comparison of critical terms, hedging is highly effective, given that the hedged amount is consistent with obligations maintained for bonds denominated in Chilean pesos and UF. Likewise, hedging contracts are denominated in the same currencies and have the same expiration dates of bond principal and interest payments.


Hedge Accounting


The Company classifies derivative instruments as hedging that may include derivative or embedded derivatives either as fair value hedge derivative instruments, cash flow hedge derivative instruments, or hedge derivative instruments for net investment in a business abroad.


a) Fair value hedge


Changes in fair values of derivative instruments classified as fair value hedge derivative instruments are accounted for in gains and losses immediately along with any change in the fair value of the hedged item that is attributable to the risk being hedged.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.3Hedging assets and liabilities, continued


b) Cash flow hedges


Cash flow hedges cover exposure to the cash flow variations attributable to a risk associated with a specific transaction that is very likely to be executed, which may have material effects on the results of the Company.


The Company documents the relationship between hedge instruments and the hedged item along with the objectives of its risk management and strategy to carry out different hedging transactions. In addition, upon commencement of the period hedged and then on a quarterly basis, the Company documents whether hedge instruments have been efficient and met the objective of hedging market fluctuations. For this purpose, we use the effectiveness test.


The hedge instruments are classified as effective or not effective on the basis of the effectiveness test results. At present, hedges are classified as effective on the basis of the effectiveness tests. This note includes the detail of fair values of derivatives classified as hedging instruments.


14.4Financial liabilities


Other current and non-current financial liabilities


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the detail is as follows:


   31/12/2018   31/12/2017 
   Current   Non-current   Total   Current   Non-current   Total 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Liabilities at amortized cost                              
-   Bank borrowings   300    68,870    69,170    163,568    -    163,568 
-   Obligations with the public (bonds)   15,145    1,249,479    1,264,624    13,494    1,031,507    1,045,001 
Derivative financial instruments                              
-   - For hedging   5,285    12,033    17,318    37,287    -    37,287 
-   Held for trading at fair value through profit or loss                              
Hedging liabilities   2,855    -    2,855    5,979    -    5,979 
Total   23,585    1,330,382    1,353,967    220,328    1,031,507    1,251,835 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.



Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


Current and non-current bank borrowings


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the detail is as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Long-term bank borrowings   68,870    - 
Short-term bank borrowings   -    163,568 
Current portion of long-term loans   300    - 
Short-term borrowings and current portion of long-term borrowings   69,170    163,568 
Total bank borrowings   69,170    163,568 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


a)Bank borrowings, current:


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the detail of this caption is as follows:


Debtor  Creditor   Currency or
         Effective    Nominal 
Tax ID No  Company  Country  Tax ID No,  Financial institution  Country  index  Repayment  Vencimiento  rate   rate 
93,007,000-9  SQM.S.A.  Chile  0-E  Scotiabank Cayman  USA  US$  Upon maturity  05/29/2023   3.60%   3.98%
Foreign  Nitratos Naturais do Chile Lim  Brazil  0-E  Banco ITAU Brasil  Brasil  BRL  Upon maturity  01/31/2019   5.17%   5.17%
Foreign  SQM Brasil Limitada  Brazil  0-E  Banco ITAU Brasil  Brasil  BRL  Upon maturity  01/31/2019   5.5%   5.5%


      12/31/2018   12/31/2018 
Debtor  Creditor  Nominal amounts   Current amounts 
Company  Financial institution 

Up to 90



90 days to
1 year






Up to 90



90 days to
1 year





   Total ThUS$ 
SQM S.A.  Scotiabank Cayman   -    -    -    -    248    248    -    248 
Nitratos Naturais do Chile Lim  Banco ITAU Brasil      -      -      -    11      -    11       -    11 
SQM Brasil Limitada  Banco ITAU Brasil   -    -    -    41    -    41    -    41 
Total      -    -    -    52    248    300    -    300 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


Debtor   Creditor   Currency or
    Effective     Nominal  
Tax ID No   Company   Country   Tax ID No,   Financial institution   Country    index    Repayment    rate     rate  
93,007,000-9   SQM.S.A.   CHILE   97,018,000-1   Scotiabank Sud Americano   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.63 %     1.63 %
93,007,000-9   SQM.S.A.   CHILE   97,018,000-1   Scotiabank Sud Americano   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.73 %     1.73 %
93,007,000-9   SQM.S.A.   CHILE   97,018,000-1   Scotiabank Sud Americano   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.73 %     1.73 %
93,007,000-9   SQM S.A.   CHILE   97,018,000-1   Banco Estado   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.64 %     1.64 %
93,007,000-9   SQM S.A.   CHILE   97,018,000-1   Banco Estado   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.67 %     1.67 %
93,007,000-9   SQM S.A.   CHILE   97,018,000-1   Banco Estado   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.67 %     1.67 %
79,626,800-K   SQM Salar S.A.   CHILE   97,018,000-1   Banco Estado   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.91 %     1.91 %
79,626,800-K   SQM Salar S.A.   CHILE   97,018,000-1   Scotiabank Sud Americano   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.94 %     1.94 %
79,947,100-0   SQM Industrial S.A.   CHILE   97,030,000-7   Banco Estado   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.74 %     1.74 %
79,947,100-0   SQM Industrial S.A.   CHILE   97,030,000-7   Banco Estado   CHILE   US$   Upon maturity     1.65 %     1.65 %


   12/31/2017   12/31/2017 
Debtor  Creditor  Nominal amounts   Current amounts 
Company  Financial institution 

Up to 90



90 days to
1 year






Up to 90



90 days to
1 year





   Total ThUS$ 
SQM,S.A.  Scotiabank Sud Americano   -    20,000    20,000    -    20,137    20,137    -    20,137 
SQM,S.A.  Scotiabank Sud Americano   -    17,000    17,000    -    17,140    17,140    -    17,140 
SQM,S.A.  Scotiabank Sud Americano   -    3,000    3,000    -    3,025    3,025      -    3,025 
SQM,S.A.  Banco Estado   15,000    -    15,000    15,011    -    15,011    -    15,011 
SQM,S.A.  Banco Estado   15,000    -    15,000    15,011    -    15,011    -    15,011 
SQM,S.A.  Banco Estado   15,000    -    15,000    15,011    -    15,011    -    15,011 
SQM Salar S.A.  Banco Estado   -    20,000    20,000    -    20,071    20,071    -    20,071 
SQM Salar S.A.  Scotiabank Sud Americano   -    20,000    20,000    -    20,072    20,072    -    20,072 
SQM Industrial S.A.  Banco Estado   -    20,000    20,000    -    20,064    20,064    -    20,064 
SQM Industrial S.A.  Banco Estado   18,000    -    18,000    18,026    -    18,026    -    18,026 
Total      63,000    100,000    163,000    63,059    100,509    163,568    -    163,568 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


b)Unsecured obligations, current:


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the detail of current unsecured interest-bearing obligations is composed of promissory notes and bonds, as follows:




Tax ID No.  Company  Country  Number of
registration or
ID of the
   Series  Maturity
  Currency or
adjustment index
  Payment of
  Repayment  Effective
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   MMUS$250  4/21/2019  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   0.95%   5,50%
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   MMUS$250  1/28/2019  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   2,75%   4,38%
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   MMUS$300  4/03/2019  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   1,77%   3,63%
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   564   H  1/05/2019  UF  Semiannual  Semiannual   1,90%   4,90%
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   699   O  2/01/2019  UF  Semiannual  Upon maturity   2,60%   3,80%
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   563   P  1/15/2019  UF  Semiannual  Upon maturity   3,07%   3,25%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  Chile   700   Q  6/01/2019  UF  Semiannual  Upon maturity   3,34%   3,45%


      12/31/2018   12/31/2018 
      Nominal maturities   Current maturities 
      Up to 90
   91 days to
1 year
   Total   Up to 90
   91 days to
1 year
   Subtotal   Bond
Company  Country  Series  ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  ThUS$250,000   2,674    -    2,674    2,674    -    2,674    (386)   2,288 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  ThUS$250,000   -    4,648    4,648    -    4,648    4,648    (433)   4,215 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  ThUS$300,000   2,658    -    2,658    2,658    -    2,658    (614)   2,044 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  H   -    3,756    3,756    -    3,756    3,756    (139)   3,617 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  O   -    934    934    -    934    934    (67)   867 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  P   -    1,784    1,784    -    1,784    1,784    (12)   1,772 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  Q   342    -    342    342    -    342    -    342 
Total         5,674    11,122    16,796    5,674    11,122    16,796    (1,651)   15,145 


Effective rates of bonds in Chilean pesos and UF are expressed and calculated in U.S. dollars based on the flows agreed in Cross Currency Swap Agreements.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


Tax ID No.  Company  Country  Number of
registration or
ID of the
   Series  Maturity
  Currency or
adjustment index
  Payment of
  Repayment  Effective
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   ThUS$250,000  04/21/2018  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   1.47%   5.50%
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   ThUS$250,000  01/28/2018  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   3.17%   4.38%
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   ThUS$300,000  04/03/2018  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   2.12%   3.63%
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   564   H  01/05/2018  UF  Semiannual  Semiannual   2.18%   4.90%
93,007,000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   699   O  02/01/2018  UF  Semiannual  Upon maturity   2.80%   3.80%


      12/31/2017   12/31/2017 
      Nominal maturities   Current maturities 
      Up to 90
   91 days to
1 year
   Total   Up to 90
   91 days to
1 year
   Subtotal   Bond
Company  Country   Series  ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  ThUS$250,000   -    -    -    -    2,674    2,674    (385)   2,289 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  ThUS$250,000      -       -      -    4,648    -    4,648    (433)   4,215 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  ThUS$300,000   -    -    -    -    2,658    2,658    (615)   2,043 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  H   -    -    -    4,127    -    4,127    (139)   3,988 
SQM S.A.  CHILE  O   -    -    -    1,026    -    1,026    (67)   959 
Total         -    -    -    9,801    5,332    15,133    (1,639)   13,494 


Effective rates of bonds in Chilean pesos and UF are expressed and calculated in U.S. dollars based on the flows agreed in Cross Currency Swap Agreements.

El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


c)Classes of interest-bearing loans, non-current


The following table shows the details of bank loans that accrue non-current interest as of December 31, 2018. As of December 31, there were no loans:


Debtor  Creditor              
Tax ID
  Country  Chilean
Tax ID
Financial institution



  Type of
93,007,000-9  SQM.S.A.  Chile  0-E  Scotiabank Cayman  USA  USD  Maturity   3.98%   3.98%


      12/31/2018  12/31/2018 
Creditor  Creditor  Nominal non-current maturities  Non-current maturities 
Company  Financial institution 

1 and 2


2 and 3
3 and 4




1 and 2


2 and 3
   Between 3
and 4

Costs of


   Total ThUS$ 
SQM S.A.  Scotiabank Cayman        -    70,000    70,000      -    -    70,000    70,000    (1,130)   68,870 
Total     -   -    70,000    70,000    -    -    70,000    70,000    (1,130)   68,870 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


d)Non-current unsecured interest-bearing bonds


The breakdown of non-current unsecured interest-bearing bonds as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 is detailed as follows:


Tax ID No.  Company  Country  Number of
registration or
ID of the
   Series  Maturity

Currency or


of interest
  Repayment  Effective
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   ThUS$250,000  04/21/2020  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   5.50%   5.50%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   ThUS$250,000  01/28/2025  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   4.38%   4.38%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   ThUS$300,000  04/03/2023  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   3.63%   3.63%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   564   H  01/05/2030  UF  Semiannual  Semiannual   4.90%   4.90%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   699   O  02/01/2033  UF  Semiannual  Upon maturity   3.80%   5.50%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   563   P  01/15/2028  UF  Semiannual  Upon maturity   3.25%   3.25%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   700   Q  06/01/2038  UF  Semiannual  Upon maturity   3.45%   3.45%


Nominal non-current maturities



Non-current maturities



Over 1
year to 2


Over 2
years to


Over 3
Years to


Over 4
to 5


Over 5


Over 1
year to


Over 2
years to


Over 3
Years to


Over 4
Years to


Over 5

   Subtotal   Bond
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
MUS$250   250,000    -    -    -    -    250,000    250,000    -    -    -    -    250,000    (131)   249,869 
MUS$250   -      -    -      -    250,000    250,000    -    -    -      -    250,000    250,000    (2,202)   247,798 
MUS$300   -    -    300,000    -    -    300,000    -    -    300,000    -    -    300,000    (2,006)   297,994 
H   -    -    -    -    158,704    158,704    -    -    -    -    158,704    158,704    (1,392)   157,312 
O   -    -    -    -    59,514    59,514    -    -    -    -    59,514    59,514    (878)   58,636 
P   -    -    -    -    119,028    119,028    -    -    -    -    119,028    119,028    (101)   118,927 
Q   -    -    -    -    119,028    119,028    -    -    -    -    119,028    119,028    (85)   118,943 
Total   250,000    -    300,000    -    706,274    1,256,274    250,000    -    300,000    -    706,274    1,256,274    (6,795)   1,249,479 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


d)Non-current unsecured interest-bearing bonds, continued


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the breakdown of unsecured interest-bearing liabilities, non-current is as follows:


Tax ID No,  Company  Country  Number of
registration or
ID of the
   Series  Maturity
  Currency or
of interest
  Repayment  Effective
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   MMUS$250  04/21/2020  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   5.50%   5.50%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   MMUS$250  01/28/2025  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   4.38%   4.38%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   -   MMUS$300  04/03/2023  US$  Semiannual  Upon maturity   3.63%   3.63%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   564   H  01/05/2030  UF  Semiannual  Semiannual   4.90%   6.01%
93.007.000-9  SQM S.A.  CHILE   699   O  01/02/2033  UF  Semiannual  Upon maturity   3.80%   3.80%


Nominal non-current maturities



Non-current maturities



Over 1
year to 2


Over 2
years to


Over 3
Years to


Over 4
Years to


Over 5


Over 1

year to


Over 2
years to


Over 3
Years to


Over 4
Years to


Over 5

   Subtotal   Bond
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
MUS$250   250,000    -    -    -    -    250,000    250,000    -    -    -    -    250,000    (517)   249,483 
MUS$250   -      -      -      -    250,000    250,000    -      -      -      -    250,000    250,000    (2,636)   247,364 
MUS$300   -    -    -    -    300,000    300,000    -    -    -    -    300,000    300,000    (2,618)   297,382 
H   -    -    -    -    174,367    174,367    -    -    -    -    174,367    174,367    (1,532)   172,835 
O   -    -    -    -    65,388    65,388    -    -    -    -    65,388    65,388    (945)   64,443 
Total   250,000    -    -    -    789,755    1,039,755    250,000    -    -    -    789,755    1,039,755    (8,248)   1,031,507 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


e)Additional information




On December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, short term bonds of ThUS$15,145 and ThUS$13,494 respectively were classified as short-term, consisting of the current portion due plus accrued interest to date; debt is presented net of bond issuance costs. The non-current portion consisted of ThUS$1,249,479 on December 31, 2018 and ThUS$1,031,507 on December 31, 2017, corresponding to the issuance series H bonds second issue single series bonds (ThUS$250), series M bonds, series O bonds, third issue single series bonds (ThUS$300) and fourth issue single series bonds (ThUS$250) ), series P bonds and series Q bonds , net of bond issuance costs


As of December 31, 2018 and, 2017, the details of each issuance are as follows:


Series “C” bonds


On January 24, 2006, the Company placed Series C bonds for UF 3,000,000 (ThUS$101,918) at an annual rate of 4.00%.


On July 5, 2017, the Series C bond was prepaid.


As of December 31, 2018, and December 31 2017, the Company has made the following payments with a charge to the Series C bonds:


Payments made  12/31/2017 
Principal payment   57,290 
Interest payment   1,515 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued

Serie “H” bonds

On January 13, 2009, the Company placed two bond series in the domestic market. The first was Series H for UF 4,000,000 (ThUS$139,216) at an annual interest rate of 4.9%, with a term of 21 years and payment of the principal beginning in 2019.

As of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017, the Company has made the following payments with a charge to the Series H bonds:


Payments made 






Payments of interest, Series H bonds   8,325    7,691 

Single series bonds, second issue ThUS$250,000

On April 21, 2010, the Company informed the CMF of its placement in international markets of an unsecured bond of ThUS$250,000 with a maturity of 10 years beginning on the aforementioned date with an annual interest rate of 5.5% and destined to refinance long-term liabilities.

As of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017, the detail of payments charged to the line of single series bonds, second issue is as follows:

Payments made 






Interest payment   13,750    13,750 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


Series “M” and “O” bonds


On April 4, 2012, the Company placed two bond series in the domestic market. Series M for UF 1,000,000 (ThUS$46,601) was placed at a term of 5 years with a single payment at the maturity of the term and an annual interest rate of 3.3%. On February 1, 2017, the M bond was canceled.


Payments made 



Principal payment Series M bonds   40,726 
Payment of interest, Series M bonds   667 


Series O for UF 1,500,000 (ThUS$69,901) was placed at a term of 21 years with a single payment at the maturity of the term and an annual interest rate of 3.80%.


As of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017 the Company has made the following payments with a charge to the Series O bonds:


Payments made 






Payment of interest, Series O bonds   2,457    2,301 


Single series bonds, third issue ThUS$300,000


On April 3, 2013, the Company issued a non-guaranteed bond in the United States with a value of US$300 million. The bond is for a 10-year term with an annual coupon rate of 3.625% and an annual yield of 3.716%. This rate equates to a difference of 180 basis points to comparable US Treasury bonds, The funds raised will be used to refinance long term liabilities and finance general corporate objectives.


As of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017, the following payments have been made with a debit to the line of single-series bonds, third issue:


Payments made 






Payment of interest   10,875    10,875 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


Single series bonds, fourth issuance ThUS$250,000


On October 23, 2014, the Company informed the CMF that Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. had agreed to issue and place unsecured bonds of ThUS$250,000 in international markets. These mature in 2025 and have annual interest rate of 4.375%, equivalent to a spread of 215 basis points on comparable US Treasury bonds, which were offered to investors at a price of 99.410% with respect to capital. The aforementioned agreement was agreed on October 23, 2014 and the issuance and placement of such bonds was performed in conformity with the provisions of Rule 144A of the US Securities Act of 1933 and these bonds will not be publicly offered in Chile.


As of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017, the following payments have been made.


Payments made 






Payment of interest   10,938    10,938 


Series “P” bonds


On April 5, 2018, the Company informed the Financial Markets Commission that it had authorized the placement on the stock market of the Series “P” bond with a value of UF 3 million, with a charge to the 10 year Bonds Line registered in the FMC Securities Registry dated December 31, 2008 under number 563.


The Bonds (i) mature on January 15, 2028; (ii) will accrue on the unpaid principal, expressed in UF, at an annual interest rate of 3.25% from January 15, 2018; and (iii) can be called early by the Company as of the date of placement, that is, as of April 5, 2018.


Payments made 



Payment of interest   2,027 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.4Financial liabilities, continued


Series Q Bonds


On October 31, 2018, the issuance of Series Q bonds (the "Bonds") was authorized in the general stock market for the sum of UF 3,000,000, which were issued with a charge to the 30-year Bonds Line registered in the Securities Registry of your Commission on February 14, 2012 under number 700.


The Bonds (i) mature on the first day of June 2038; (ii) will earn an interest rate of 3.45% per annum on the outstanding capital, expressed in Unidades de Fomento, as of June 1, 2018; and (iii) may be redeemed early by the Company as of the placement date, that is, as of November 8, 2018.


On November 8, 2018, all the Series Q Bonds have been placed and sold to Euroamerica S.A. for a total amount of $83,567,623,842, which was paid in full and in cash by Euroamerica S.A. to the Company.


The funds obtained from the aforementioned placement will be used approximately 90% to finance the expansion program of lithium, potassium nitrate and iodine plants in Chile; the remainder will be used for the investment plan of the Company and its subsidiaries, and to finance working capital.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator


Payments made 



Payment of interest   319 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.5Trade and other payables


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   Current   Non-current   Total   Current   Non-current   Total 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Accounts payable   163,373    -    163,373    195,858    -    195,858 
Other accounts payable   378    -    378    422    -    422 
Total   163,751    -    163,751    196,280    -    196,280 


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the balance of current and past due suppliers is as follows:


Suppliers current on all payments


   Amounts according to payment periods as of 12/31/2018 
   Up to 30   31 - 60   61 - 90   91 - 120   121 - 365  

366 and


Type of Supplier  Days   days   Days   days   days   days   ThUS$ 
Goods   48,969    1,919    912    25    278    2    52,105 
Services   37,376    314    157    107    19    35    38,008 
Others   54,978    161    20    -    -    3    55,162 
Total   141,323    2,394    1,089    132    297    40    145,275 


   Amounts according to payment periods as of 12/31/2017 
   Up to 30   31 - 60   61 - 90   91 - 120   121 - 365  

366 and


Type of Supplier  days   days   days   days   days   days   ThUS$ 
Goods   72,567    -    -    -    -    -    72,567 
Services   36,855    -    -    -    -    3    36,858 
Others   45,104    -    -    -    -    -    45,104 
Total   154,526    -    -    -    -    3    154,529 


Suppliers past due on payments


   Amounts according to payment periods as of 12/31/2018 
   Up to 30   31 - 60   61 - 90   91 - 120   121 - 365  

366 and


Type of Supplier  days   days   days   days   days   days   ThUS$ 
Goods   1,533    209    210    255    175    287    2,669 
Services   12,229    838    109    111    309    141    13,737 
Others   1,039    385    92    6    60    110    1,692 
Total   14,801    1,432    411    372    544    538    18,098 


   Amounts according to payment periods as of 12/31/2017 
   Up to 30   31 - 60   61 - 90   91 - 120   121 - 365  

366 and


Type of Supplier  days   days   days   days   days   days   ThUS$ 
Goods   16,693    448    3,965    1,784    1,602    42    24,534 
Services   11,704    1,913    547    681    1,325    17    16,187 
Others   479    9    13    20    46    41    608 
Total   28,876    2,370    4,525    2,485    2,973    100    41,329 


Purchase commitments held by the Company are recognized as liabilities when the goods and services are received by the Company, As of December 31, 2018, the Company has purchase orders amounting to ThUS$59,919 (ThUS$41,601 as of December 31, 2017).


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.6Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss


This balance relates to derivative instruments measured at their fair value, which have generated balances against the Company. The detail of this type of instrument is as follows:


Financial liabilities at fair value with

an impact on profit or loss


Effect on

profit or loss

as of



Effect on profit

or loss as of


   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Derivative instruments (IRS)   91    -    -    - 
Total   91    -    -    - 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.7Financial asset and liability categories


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 there are no balances corresponding to derivative instruments measured at their fair value,


a)Financial Assets


   12/31/2018       12/31/2017 
   Current   Non-current   Total   Current   Non-current   Total 
Description of financial assets 


















Cash and cash equivalent   556,066    -    556,066    630,438    -    630,438 
Trade receivables due from related parties   44,554    -    44,554    59,132    -    59,132 
Financial assets measured at amortized cost   291,790    75    291,865    360,941    45    360,986 
Loans and receivables measured at amortized cost   464,855    2,275    467,130    446,875    1,912    448,787 
Total financial assets measured at amortized cost   1,357,265    2,350    1,359,615    1,497,386    1,957    1,499,343 
Derivative financial instruments                              
For hedging purposes   18,238    13,425    31,663    -    8,910    8,910 
Held for trading at fair value through profit or loss   2,693    -    2,693    6,038    -    6,038 
Financial assets classified as available for sale at fair value through equity   -    3,631    3,631    -    33,924    33,924 
Total financial assets at fair value   20,931    17,056    37,987    6,038    42,834    48,872 
Total financial assets   1,378,196    19,406    1,397,602    1,503,424    44,791    1,548,215 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.7Financial asset and liability categories (continued)


b)Financial liabilities


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   Current   Non- Current   Total   Current   Non- Current   Total 
Description of financial liabilities  ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Accounts payable to related entities   9    -    9    1,365    -    1,365 
Derivative financial instruments                              
For hedging purposes   5,285    12,033    17,318    37,287    -    37,287 
Held for trading at fair value through profit or loss   2,855    -    2,855    5,979    -    5,979 
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss   8,149    12,033    20,182    44,631    -    44,631 
Liabilities at amortized cost                              
Bank loans   300    68,870    69,170    163,568    -    163,568 
Obligations to the public   15,145    1,249,479    1,264,624    13,494    1,031,507    1,045,001 
Financial liabilities at amortized cost (trade and other payables)   163,751    -    163,751    196,280    -    196,280 
Total financial liabilities at amortized cost   179,196    1,318,349    1,497,545    373,342    1,031,507    1,404,849 
Total financial liabilities   187,345    1,330,382    1,517,727    417,973    1,031,507    1,449,480 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.8Fair value measurement of assets and liabilities


Financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value consist of Options and Forwards hedging the mismatch in the balance sheet and cash flows, Cross Currency Swaps (CCS) to hedge bonds issued in local currency ($/UF), and Interest Rate Swaps (IRS) to hedge LIBOR rate debt issued.


The value of the Company’s assets and liabilities recognized by CCS contracts is calculated as the difference between the present value of discounted cash flows of the asset (pesos/UF) and liability (US$) parts of the derivative. In the case of the IRS, the asset value recognized is calculated as the difference between the discounted cash flows of the asset (variable rate) and liability (fixed rate) parts of the derivative. Forwards are calculated as the difference between the strike price of the contract and the spot price plus the forwards points at the date of the contract. Options: the value recognized is calculated using the Black-Scholes method.


In the case of CCS, the entry data used for the valuation models are UF, peso, USD and basis swap rates. In the case of fair value calculations for IRS, the FRA (Forward Rate Agreement) rate and ICVS 23 Curve (Bloomberg: cash/deposits rates, futures, swaps). In the case of forwards, the forwards curve for the currency in question is used. Finally, with options, the spot price, risk-free rate and volatility of exchange rate are used, all in accordance with the currencies used in each valuation. The financial information used as entry data for the Company’s valuation models is obtained from Bloomberg, the well-known financial software company. Conversely, the fair value provided by the counterparties of derivatives contracts is used only as a control and not for valuation.


The effects on profit or loss of movements in these amounts may be recognized in the caption Finance costs, foreign currency translation gain (loss) or cash flow hedges in the statement of comprehensive income, depending on each particular case.


The fair value measurement of debt is only performed to determine the present market value of secured and unsecured long-term obligations; bonds denominated in local currency (Ch$/UF) and foreign currency (US$), credits denominated in foreign currency (US$), which is classified under Level 2 in the fair value hierarchy established by IFRS.


The value of the Company’s reported liabilities is calculated as the present value of discounted cash flows at market rates at the time of valuation, taking into account the maturity date and exchange rate. The entry data used for the model includes the UF and peso rates, which are obtained using Bloomberg, the well-known financial software company and the ‘Asociación de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras’ (ABIF) (Association of Banks and Financial Institutions’).


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.8Fair value measurement of assets and liabilities, continued


Fair value hierarchy


The fair value hierarchy is detailed as follows:


a)Level 1: using quoted prices (unadjusted) only in active markets,


b)Level 2: when in any phase in the valuation process inputs other than quoted prices have been used in Level 1 that are observable directly in markets.


c)Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data.


The valuation technique used for determining fair value of our hedging instruments is that indicated in Level 2.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.8Fair value measurement of assets and liabilities, continued




Amount at




Fair value


   Fair value   Measurement Methodology 
   12/31/2018   12/31/2018   12/31/2018   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Financial Assets                              
Cash and cash equivalents   556,066    556,066    -    -    556,066    - 
Trade and other receivables, current   464,855    464,855    -    -    464,855    - 
Trade receivables due from related parties, current   44,554    44,554    -    -    44,554    - 
Other current financial assets:   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Time deposits   291,790    291,790    -    -    291,790    - 
- Derivative instruments   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Forwards   -    -    2,637    -    2,637    - 
- Options   -    -    56    -    56    - 
- Hedging assets   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Investment hedge swaps   -    -    18,238    -    18,238    - 
Non-current accounts receivable   424    424    -    -    -    - 
Other non-current financial assets:   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Other   95    95    -    -    95    - 
- Actions   -    -    3,611    -    -    - 
- Hedging assets - Swaps   -    -    13,425    -    13,425    - 
Other current financial liabilities   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Bank loans   300    300    -    -    300    - 
- Derivative instruments   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Forwards   -    -    2,723    -    2,723    - 
- Options   -    -    132    -    132    - 
- Hedging liabilities - Swaps   -    -    5,285    -    5,285    - 
- Unsecured obligations   15,145    15,145    -    -    15,145    - 
Trade and other payables, current and non current   163,751    163,751    -    -    163,751    - 
Trade payables due to related parties, current   9    9    -    -    9    - 
Other non-current financial liabilities:   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Bank loans   68,870    71,826    -    -    71,826    - 
- Unsecured obligations   1,249,479    1,357,640    -    -    1,357,640    - 
- Non-current hedging liabilities   -    -    12,033    -    12,033    - 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.8Fair value measurement of assets and liabilities, continued




Amount at




Fair value


   Fair value   Measurement Methodology 
   12/31/2017   12/31/2017   12/31/2017   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Financial Assets                              
Cash and cash equivalents   630,438    630,438    -    -    630,438    - 
Trade and other receivables, current   446,875    446,875    -    -    446,875    - 
Trade receivables due from related parties, current   59,132    59,132    -    -    59,132    - 
Other current financial assets:   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Time deposits   360,941    360,941    -    -    360,941    - 
- Derivative instruments   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Forwards   -    -    2,744    -    2,744    - 
- Options   -    -    110    -    110    - 
- Hedging assets   -    -    3,184    -    3,184    - 
- Investment hedge swaps   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Non-current accounts receivable   1,912    1,912    -    -    1,912    - 
Other non-current financial assets:   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Other   24,811    24,811    -    -    24,811    - 
- Actions   -    -    9,159    9,159    -    - 
- Hedging assets - Swaps   -    -    8,909    -    8,909    - 
Other current financial liabilities   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Bank loans   163,568    163,568    -    -    163,568    - 
- Derivative instruments   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Forwards   -    -    5,534    -    5,534    - 
- Options   -    -    445    -    445    - 
- Hedging liabilities - Swaps   -    -    37,287    -    37,287    - 
- Unsecured obligations   13,494    13,494    -    -    13,494    - 
Trade and other payables, current and non current   196,280    196,280    -    -    196,280    - 
Trade payables due to related parties, current   1,365    1,365    -    -    1,365    - 
Other non-current financial liabilities:   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Bank loans   -    -    -    -    -    - 
- Unsecured obligations   1,031,507    1,131,639    -    -    1,131,639    - 
- Non-current hedging liabilities   -         -    -    -    - 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


14.9Financial assets pledged as a guarantee


On November 4, 2004, Isapre Norte Grande maintains a guarantee equivalent to the total amount owed to its members and healthcare providers, which is managed and maintained by Banco de Chile.


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, assets pledged as guarantees are as follows:


Restricted cash 






Isapre Norte Grande Ltda,   712    771 
Total   712    771 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.10Estimated fair value of financial instruments and financial derivatives


As required by IFRS 7, the following information is presented for the disclosure of the estimated fair value of financial assets and liabilities.


Although inputs represent Management's best estimate, they are subjective and involve significant estimates related to the current economic and market conditions, as well as risk features.


Methodologies and assumptions used depend on the risk terms and characteristics of instruments and include the following as a summary:


-Cash equivalent approximates fair value due to the short-term maturities of these instruments.


-The fair value of trade receivables, current is considered to be equal to the carrying amount due to the maturity of such accounts at short-term.


-The fair value of other current financial liabilities is considered to be equal to their carrying values.


-For interest-bearing liabilities with original maturity of more than a year, fair values are calculated by discounting contractual cash flows at their original current market rates with similar terms.


-The fair value of debt is considered in Level 2.


-For forward and swap contracts, fair value is determined using quoted market prices of financial instruments with similar characteristics.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.10Estimated fair value of financial instruments and financial derivatives, continued


The detail of the Company’s instruments at carrying value and estimated fair value is as follows:


    12/31/2018     12/31/2017  
    Carrying value     Fair value     Carrying value     Fair value  
    ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$     ThUS$  
Cash and cash equivalents   556,066    556,066    630,438    630,438 
Current trade and other receivables   464,855    464,855    446,875    446,875 
Receivables due from related parties, current   44,554    44,554    59,132    59,132 
Other financial assets, current:                    
- Time deposits   291,790    291,790    360,941    360,941 
- Derivative instruments   2,693    2,693    6,038    6,038 
- Hedging assets   18,238    18,238    -    - 
Total other current financial assets   312,721    312,721    366,979    366,979 
Non-Current Trade Receivables   424    424    1,912    1,912 
Other non-current financial assets:   17,131    17,131    42,879    42,879 
Total other non-current financial assets:   17,131    17,131    42,879    42,879 
Other financial liabilities, current:                    
- Bank loans   300    300    163,568    163,568 
- Derivative instruments   2,855    2,855    5,979    5,979 
- Hedging liabilities   5,285    5,285    37,287    37,287 
- Unsecured obligations   15,145    15,145    13,494    13,494 
Other financial liabilities, current   23,585    23,585    220,328    220,328 
Current and non-current accounts payable   163,751    163,751    196,280    196,280 
Payables due to related parties, non-current   9    9    1,365    1,365 
Other non-current financial liabilities:                    
- Bank loans   68,870    71,826    -    - 
- Unsecured obligations   1,249,479    1,404,614    1,031,507    1,131,639 
- Non-current hedging liabilities   12,033    2,657    -    - 
Other non-current financial liabilities:   1,330,382    1,479,097    1,031,507    1,131,639 


All the fair value estimates are included in levels 1 and 2.


Note 14Financial instruments (continued)


14.11Nature and scope of risks arising from financing instruments


As indicated in paragraphs 33 to 42 of IFRS 7 the disclosure of information associated with the nature and scope of risks arising from financial instruments is presented in Note 5 - Financial Risk Management.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 15Intangible assets and goodwill




   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Intangible assets other than goodwill   188,283    113,787 
Goodwill (1)   34,718    37,972 
Total   223,001    151,759 


15.2Disclosures on intangible assets and goodwill


Intangible assets relate to goodwill, water rights, trademarks, industrial patents, rights of way, software, and mining claims which correspond to exploitation rights acquired from third-parties.


Balances and movements in the main classes of intangible assets as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 are detailed as follows:


Intangible assets and goodwill  Useful life 

Gross amount












Net Value


Software  Finite   28,833    (25,455)   -    3,378 
Intellectual property rights, patents and other industrial property rights, service  Finite   1,254    (1,096)   (7)   151 
Mining property, water rights and rights of way.  Indefinite   184,849    (88)   (1,729)   183,032 
Customer-related intangible assets  Indefinite   1,778    -    (205)   1,573 
Other intangible assets  Indefinite   149    -    -    149 
Intangible assets other than goodwill      216,863    (26,639)   (1,941)   188,283 
Goodwill  Indefinite   37,972    -    (3,254)   34,718 
Total intangible assets and goodwill      254,835    (26,639)   (5,195)   223,001 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 15Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)


15.2Disclosures on intangible assets and goodwill, continued


Intangible assets and goodwill  Useful life 

Gross amount







Net Value


Software  Finite   25,060    (19,769)   5,291 
Intellectual property rights, patents and other industrial property rights, service  Finite   1,250    (1,061)   189 
Mining property, water rights and rights of way  Indefinite   106,358    -    106,358 
Customer-related intangible assets  Indefinite   1,778    -    1,778 
Other intangible assets  Indefinite   171    -    171 
Intangible assets other than goodwill      134,617    (20,830)   113,787 
Goodwill  Indefinite   37,972    -    37,972 
Total intangible assets and goodwill      172,589    (20,830)   151,759 


a)Estimated useful lives or amortization rates used for finite identifiable intangible assets


Finite useful life measures the length of, or number of production or similar units constituting that useful life.


The estimated useful life for software is 2-6 years, for other assets with a finite useful life, the useful life over which they are amortized corresponds to the periods defined by the contracts or rights from which they originate.


Intellectual property rights, patents and other industrial property rights, service and exploitation rights, mainly relate to water rights and have a finite useful life to the extent to which they are subject to a fixed-term contract or otherwise they are considered to be indefinite.


The company owns mining claims granted by Corfo, which correspond to assets subject to restitution. For this reason they are considered assets with a finite useful life and their useful life is assigned until the year 2030 when the contract ends.


b)Method used to assess identifiable intangible assets with indefinite useful life


The recoverable value of the cash-generating unit has been determined based on a calculation of value-in-use using cash flow projections for a period of 5 years, plus perpetuity. The present value of future cash flows generated by these assets was calculated given a variation in sales volumes, market prices and costs, discounted at a WACC rate of 8.04%.


This group of intangible assets includes water rights acquired in Chile, and mining concessions held by the company in Chile and Australia, and these rights are recorded at acquisition cost.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 15Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)


15.2Disclosures on intangible assets and goodwill, continued


c)Minimum and maximum amortization lives or rates of intangible assets:


Estimated useful lives or amortization rate  Minimum life or rate  Maximum life or rate
Mining property, water rights and rights of way  Indefinite  Indefinite
Intangible assets other than goodwill  Indefinite  Indefinite
Intellectual property rights, patents and other industrial property rights, service and exploitation rights  1 year  16 years
Trademarks  1 year  5 years
Software  2 years  6 years


The following table shows the movements in goodwill as of December 31, 2018:












Transferred to

available for sale




   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM Industrial S.A.   3,214    -    (3,214)   -    - 
SQM S.A.   22,255    -    -    -    22,255 
SQM Investment Corporation   86    -    -    -    86 
Soquimich Comercial S.A.   320    -    (40)   -    280 
Soquimich European Holding   11,373    -    -    -    11,373 
SQM Potasio S.A.   724    -    -    -    724 
Total   37,972    -    (3,254)   -    34,718 


d)Information to be disclosed on assets generated internally


The Company has no intangible assets generated internally.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 15Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)


15.2Disclosures on intangible assets and goodwill, continued


e)Movements in identifiable intangible assets as of December 31, 2018:


Movements in identifiable intangible assets, gross  Trademarks   Software   Intellectual property rights,
patents and other industrial
property rights, service,
rights of way
   Intellectual property rights,
patents and other industrial
property rights, service,
rights of way
   Goodwill   Identifiable
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening Balance   25,060    1,250    106,358    1,778    171    37,972    172,589 
Additions   1,159    5    77,201    -    11    -    78,376 
Other increases / decreases for foreign currency exchange rates   (5)   (1)   (4)   -    -    -    (10)
Other increases (decreases)   2,619    -    1,294    -    (33)   -    3,880 
Total increases (decreases)   3,773    4    78,491    1,778    (22)   -    82,246 
Final balance   28,833    1,254    184,849    1,778    149    37,972    254,835 


Accumulated amortization

Movements in Identifiable intangible assets

  IT programs   Intellectual property rights,
patents and other industrial
property rights, service. Finite
   Mining property, water rights
and rights of way Indefinite

related intangible

   Goodwill   Identifiable
intangible assets
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening Balance   (19,769)   (1,061)   -    -    -    -    (20,830)
Other increases / decreases for foreign currency exchange rates   4    -    -    -    -    -    4 
(-) Impairment losses recognized in profit or loss for the year   -    (7)   (1,729)   (205)   -    (3,254)   (5,195)
Amortization   (2,880)   (35)   (88)   -    -    -    (3,003)
Other increases (decreases)   (2,810)   -    -    -    -    -    (2,810)
Total increases (decreases)   (5,686)   (42)   (1,817)   (205)   -    (3,254)   (11,004)
Final balance   (25,455)   (1,103)   (1,817)   (205)   -    (3,254)   (31,834)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 15Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)


15.2Disclosures on intangible assets and goodwill, continued


f)Movements in identifiable intangible assets as of December 31, 2018, continued


Net value

Movements in Identifiable intangible assets

  IT programs   Intellectual property rights,
patents and other industrial
property rights, service.
   Mining property, water rights
and rights of way Indefinite
   Goodwill   Identifiable
intangible assets
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening Balance   5,291    189    106,358    1,778    171    37,972    151,759 
Additions   1,159    5    77,201    -    11    -    78,376 
Amortization   (2,880)   (35)   (88)   -    -    -    (3,003)
Impairment losses recognized in profit or loss for the year   -    (7)   (1,729)   (205)   -    (3,254)   (5,195)
Other increases / decreases for foreign currency exchange rates   (1)   (1)   (4)   -    -    -    (6)
Other increases (decreases)   (191)   -    1,294    -    (33)   -    1,070 
Total increases (decreases)   (1,913)   (38)   76,674    (205)   (22)   (3,254)   71,242 
Final balance   3,378    151    183,032    1,573    149    34,718    223,001 


g)Movements in identifiable intangible assets as of December 31, 2017:


Gross value

Movements in Identifiable intangible assets

  IT programs   Intellectual property rights,
patents and other industrial
property rights, service.
   Mining property, water rights
and rights of way Indefinite
   Goodwill   Identifiable
intangible assets
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening Balance   23,280    1,483    106,436    2,942    -    37,972    172,113 
Additions   939    8    -    -    171    -    1,118 
Increases (decreases) for transfers   -    -    (205)   -    -    -    (205)
Other increases (decreases)   841    (241)   127    (1,164)   -    -    (437)
Total increases (decreases)   1,780    (233)   (78)   (1,164)   171    -    476 
Final balance   25,060    1,250    106,358    1,778    171    37,972    172,589 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 15Intangible assets and goodwill (continued)


15.2Disclosures on intangible assets and goodwill, continued


g)Movements in identifiable intangible assets as of December 31, 2017:


Movements in identifiable
intangible assets,
  Software   Intellectual
patents and
service, rights
of way
water rights
and rights
of way.
   Goodwill   Identifiable
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$       ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance   (16,234)   (1,023)   -    -    -    -    (17,257)
Additions   -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Amortization   (2,653)   (38)   -    -    -    -    (2,691)
Other increases (decreases)   (882)   -    -    -    -    -    (882)
Total Increases (decreases)   (3,535)   (38)   -    -    -    -    (3,573)
Final balance   (19,769)   (1,061)   -         -    -    (20,830)


Movements in identifiable
intangible assets,
  Software   Intellectual
patents and
service, rights
of way
water rights
and rights
of way.
   Goodwill   Identifiable
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$       ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance   7,046    460    106,436    2,942    -    37,972    154,856 
Additions   939    8    -    -    171    -    1,118 
Increases (decreases) for transfers   -    -    (205)   -    -    -    (205)
Amortization   (2,653)   (38)   -    -    -    -    (2,691)
Impairment   -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Increases (decreases) for transfers   -    -    -         -    -    - 
Other increases (decreases)   (41)   (241)   127    (1,164)   -    -    (1,319)
Total Increases (decreases)   (1,755)   (271)   (78)   (1,164)   171    -    (3,097)
Final balance   5,291    189    106,358    1,778    171    37,972    151,759 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 16Property, plant and equipment


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the detail of property, plant and equipment is as follows:


16.1 Types of property, plant and equipment

Description of types of property, plant and equipment 






Property, plant and equipment, net          
Land   24,695    24,900 
Buildings   238,808    230,319 
Other property, plant and equipment   28,175    24,862 
Transport equipment   2,892    3,257 
Supplies and accessories   4,722    1,872 
Office equipment   513    487 
Network and communication equipment   692    1,050 
Mining assets   11,501    16,237 
IT equipment   4,980    3,401 
Energy generating assets   6,117    7,861 
Constructions in progress   207,830    165,054 
Machinery, plant and equipment (1)   923,898    950,054 
Total   1,454,823    1,429,354 
Property, plant and equipment, gross          
Land   24,695    24,900 
Buildings   648,719    610,264 
Other property, plant and equipment   245,731    244,831 
Transport equipment   11,668    11,195 
Supplies and accessories   24,456    19,498 
Office equipment   11,377    11,105 
Network and communication equipment   7,505    7,356 
Mining assets   132,309    129,028 
IT equipment   29,955    27,038 
Energy generating assets   36,930    36,643 
Constructions in progress   207,830    165,054 
Machinery, plant and equipment   3,068,862    2,938,287 
Total   4,450,037    4,225,199 
Accumulated depreciation and value impairment of property, plant and equipment, total          
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of buildings   (409,911)   (379,945)
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of other property, plant and equipment   (217,556)   (219,969)
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of transport equipment   (8,776)   (7,938)
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of supplies and accessories   (19,734)   (17,626)
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of office equipment   (10,864)   (10,618)
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of network and communication equipment   (6,813)   (6,306)
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of mining assets   (120,808)   (112,791)
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of IT equipment   (24,975)   (23,637)
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of energy generating assets   (30,813)   (28,782)
Accumulated depreciation and impairment of machinery, plant and equipment   (2,144,964)   (1,988,233)
Total   (2,995,214)   (2,795,845)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 16Property, plant and equipment, (continued)


16.1Types of property, plant and equipment, continued


(1)The detail of machinery, plant and equipment is as follows:


Description of classes of property, plant and equipment 






Property, plant and equipment, net          
Pumps   34,145    33,614 
Conveyor belt   22,082    24,832 
Crystallizer   27,112    15,519 
Plant equipment   188,934    186,885 
Water tanks   14,876    11,296 
Filter   29,300    18,572 
Facilities/electrical equipment   96,179    105,600 
Other machinery, plant and equipment   71,964    72,812 
Piping   98,498    113,641 
Pond   250,045    275,731 
Well   42,903    46,802 
Parts   47,860    44,750 
Total   923,898    950,054 


* The net balance of other machinery, plant and equipment includes capitalized site closure expenses of ThUS$12,967 as of December 31 , 2018 and ThUS$14,104 as of December 31, 2017.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 16Property, plant and equipment (continued)


16.2Reconciliation of changes in property, plant and equipment by type:


Reconciliation of changes in property, plant and equipment by class as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017:


Reconciliation of changes in property, plant
and equipment by class as of December 31,
2018, gross amount
  Land   Buildings   Other
property, plant
and equipment
   Supplies and
   Network and
   Mining assets   IT equipment   Energy
   Assets under
   Machinery, plant
and equipment
   Property, plant
and equipment
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance   24,900    610,264    244,831    11,195    19,498    11,105    7,356    129,028    27,038    36,643    165,054    2,938,287    4,225,199 
Additions   -    28    833    -    41    15    -    -    489    -    263,290    1,448    266,144 
Disposals   -    (38)   (7,811)   (51)   -    -    -    -    (10)   -    (6,582)   (1,666)   (16,158)
Increase (decrease) in foreign currency translation difference   (64)   (134)   (8)   (3)   (19)   (6)   -    -    (11)   -    -    (153)   (398)
Reclassifications   -    38,746    10,330    529    4,889    268    150    3,281    2,100    75    (184,095)   123,726    (1)
Other increases (decreases) (*)   -    (147)   (2,444)   (2)   47    (5)   (1)   -    349    212    (29,837)   7,220    (24,608)
Decreases for classification as held for sale (1)   (141)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (141)
Total changes   (205)   38,455    900    473    4,958    272    149    3,281    2,917    287    42,776    130,575    224,838 
Closing balance   24,695    648,719    245,731    11,668    24,456    11,377    7,505    132,309    29,955    36,930    207,830    3,068,862    4,450,037 

Reconciliation of changes in property, plant and
equipment by class as of December 31, 2018,
accumulated depreciation
  Land   Buildings   Other
property, plant
and equipment
   Supplies and
   Network and
   Mining assets   IT equipment   Energy
   Assets under
   Machinery, plant
and equipment
   Property, plant
and equipment
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance   -    (379,945)   (219,969)   (7,938)   (17,626)   (10,618)   (6,306)   (112,791)   (23,637)   (28,782)   -    (1,988,233)   (2,795,845)
Disposals   -    38    7,737    8    -    -    -    -    10    -    -    1,722    9,515 
Depreciation expense   -    (29,829)   (7,415)   (880)   (2,056)   (271)   (483)   (8,017)   (1,374)   (2,026)   -    (158,900)   (211,251)
Impairment   -    (437)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (12)   -    (941)   (1,390)
Increase (decrease) in foreign currency translation difference   -    41    4    1    12    3    -    -    (1)   -    -    61    121 
Reclassifications   -    106    (483)   -    (87)   (17)   (28)   -    90    1    -    419    1 
Other increases (decreases) (*)   -    115    2,570    33    23    39    4    -    (63)   6    -    908    3,635 
Decreases for classification as held for sale (1)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Total changes   -    (29,966)   2,413    (838)   (2,108)   (246)   (507)   (8,017)   (1,338)   (2,031)   -    (156,731)   (199,369)
Closing balance   -    (409,911)   (217,556)   (8,776)   (19,734)   (10,864)   (6,813)   (120,808)   (24,975)   (30,813)   -    (2,144,964)   (2,995,214)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 16Property, plant and equipment (continued)


16.2Reconciliation of changes in property, plant and equipment by type, continued:


Reconciliation of changes in property,
plant and equipment by class as of
December 31, 2018, net amount
  Land   Buildings   Other
property, plant
and equipment
   Supplies and
   Network and
   Mining assets   IT equipment   Energy
   Assets under
   Machinery, plant
and equipment
   Property, plant
and equipment
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance   24,900    230,319    24,862    3,257    1,872    487    1,050    16,237    3,401    7,861    165,054    950,054    1,429,354 
Additions   -    28    833    -    41    15    -    -    489    -    263,290    1,448    266,144 
Disposals   -    -    (74)   (43)   -    -    -    -    -    -    (6,582)   56    (6,643)
Depreciation expense   -    (29,829)   (7,415)   (880)   (2,056)   (271)   (483)   (8,017)   (1,374)   (2,026)   -    (158,900)   (211,251)
Impairment   -    (437)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (12)   -    (941)   (1,390)
Increase (decrease) in foreign currency translation difference   (64)   (93)   (4)   (2)   (7)   (3)   -    -    (12)   -    -    (92)   (277)
Reclassifications   -    38,852    9,847    529    4,802    251    122    3,281    2,190    76    (184,095)   124,145    - 
Other increases (decreases) (*)   -    (32)   126    31    70    34    3    -    286    218    (29,837)   8,128    (20,973)
Decreases for classification as held for sale (1)   (141)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (141)
Total changes   (205)   8,489    3,313    (365)   2,850    26    (358)   (4,736)   1,579    (1,744)   42,776    (26,156)   25,469 
Closing balance   24,695    238,808    28,175    2,892    4,722    513    692    11,501    4,980    6,117    207,830    923,898    1,454,823 


(*) The net balance of other increases (decreases) corresponds to all those items that are reclassified to or from property, plant and equipment. They can have the following origin:1) work in progress which is expensed to profit or loss, forming part of operating costs or other expenses per function, as appropriate; 2) the variation representing the purchase and use of materials and spare parts; 3) projects corresponding mainly to exploration expenditures and ground studies that are reclassified to the item other non-current financial assets; 4) software that is reclassified to Intangibles.


(1) Any property, plant and equipment (disposal group) that, at the closing date of the financial statements, is subject to a commitment for sale or where the sales process has been initiated and where the sale is expected to occur within twelve months of that date, is classified by the Company as non-current assets held for sale.


These assets or disposal groups are valued at the lower of carrying amount or the estimated sales value less the costs to sell and stop being amortized from the moment they are classified as non-current assets held for sale.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 16Property, plant and equipment (continued)


16.2Reconciliation of changes in property, plant and equipment by type, continued:


Reconciliation of changes in property, plant
and equipment by class as of December 31,
2017, gross amount
  Land   Buildings   Other
property, plant
and equipment
   Supplies and
   Network and
   Mining assets   IT equipment   Energy
   Assets under
   Machinery, plant
and equipment
   Property, plant
and equipment
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance   32,702    582,082    253,555    10,819    18,259    17,731    7,522    158,514    20,316    34,812    170,710    2,833,819    4,140,841 
Additions   -    189    541    -    115    42    12    -    899    122    149,133    10,747    161,800 
Disposals   -    (59)   (11,623)   (321)   -    (23)   -    (30,082)   (57)   -    -    (3,374)   (45,539)
Increase (decrease) in foreign currency translation difference   45    103    3    1    -    -    -    -    (2)   -    1    118    269 
Reclassifications   -    23,336    8,255    696    1,044    172    123    596    122    1,709    (135,988)   99,744    (191)
Other increases (decreases) (*)   (7,436)   4,669    (5,900)   -    80    (6,817)   (301)   -    5,760    -    (18,802)   (2,767)   (31,514)
Decreases for classification as held for sale (1)   (411)   (56)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (467)
Total changes   (7,802)   28,182    (8,724)   376    1,239    (6,626)   (166)   (29,486)   6,722    1,831    (5,656)   104,468    84,358 
Closing balance   24,900    610,264    244,831    11,195    19,498    11,105    7,356    129,028    27,038    36,643    165,054    2,938,287    4,225,199 

Reconciliation of changes in property, plant
and equipment by class as of December 31,
2017, accumulated depreciation
  Land   Buildings   Other
property, plant
and equipment
   Supplies and
   Network and
   Mining assets   IT equipment   Energy
   Assets under
   Machinery, plant
and equipment
   Property, plant
and equipment
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance   -    (344,497)   (227,138)   (7,464)   (16,486)   (14,089)   (5,836)   (133,871)   (19,950)   (26,621)   -    (1,812,179)   (2,608,131)
Disposals   -    58    11,622    312    -    3    -    30,083    25    -    -    3,210    45,313 
Depreciation expense   -    (33,306)   (6,759)   (730)   (1,047)   (357)   (665)   (10,638)   (909)   (2,184)   -    (170,565)   (227,160)
Impairment   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (5,205)   (5,205)
Increase (decrease) in foreign currency translation difference   - - -    (35)   (3)   (2)   -    -    -    -    (11)   -    -    (58)   (109)
Reclassifications   -    (62)   38    (32)   (110)   (69)   (25)   -    (46)   26    -    344    64 
Other increases (decreases) (*)   -    (2,102)   2,271    (22)   17    3,894    220    1,635    (2,746)   (3)   -    (3,780)   (616)
Decreases for classification as held for sale (1)   -    (1)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (1)
Total changes   -    (35,448)   7,169    (474)   (1,140)   3,471    (470)   21,080    (3,687)   (2,161)   -    (176,054)   (187,714)
Closing balance   -    (379,945)   (219,969)   (7,938)   (17,626)   (10,618)   (6,306)   (112,791)   (23,637)   (28,782)   -    (1,988,233)   (2,795,845)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 16Property, plant and equipment (continued)


16.2Reconciliation of changes in property, plant and equipment by type, continued:


Reconciliation of changes in property, plant
and equipment by class as of December 31,
2017, net amount
  Land   Buildings   Other
property, plant
and equipment
   Supplies and
   Network and
   Mining assets   IT equipment   Energy
   Assets under
   Machinery, plant
and equipment
   Property, plant
and equipment
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance   32,702    237,585    26,417    3,355    1,773    3,642    1,686    24,643    366    8,191    170,710    1,021,640    1,532,710 
Additions   -    189    541    -    115    42    12    -    899    122    149,133    10,747    161,800 
Disposals   -    (1)   (1)   (9)   -    (20)   -    1    (32)   -    -    (164)   (226)
Depreciation expense   -    (33,306)   (6,759)   (730)   (1,047)   (357)   (665)   (10,638)   (909)   (2,184)   -    (170,565)   (227,160)
Impairment   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (5,205)   (5,205)
Increase (decrease) in foreign currency translation difference   45    68    -    (1)   -    -    -    -    (13)   -    1    60    160 
Reclassifications   -    23,274    8,293    664    934    103    98    596    76    1,735    (135,988)   100,088    (127)
Other increases (decreases) (*)   (7,436)   2,567    (3,629)   (22)   97    (2,923)   (81)   1,635    3,014    (3)   (18,802)   (6,547)   (32,130)
Decreases for classification as held for sale (1)   (411)   (57)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (468)
Total changes   (7,802)   (7,266)   (1,555)   (98)   99    (3,155)   (636)   (8,406)   3,035    (330)   (5,656)   (71,586)   (103,356)
Closing balance   24,900    230,319    24,862    3,257    1,872    487    1,050    16,237    3,401    7,861    165,054    950,054    1,429,354 


(*) The net balance of other increases (decreases) corresponds to all those items that are reclassified to or from property, plant and equipment, They can have the following origin:1) work in progress which is expensed to profit or loss, forming part of operating costs or other expenses per function, as appropriate;. 2) the variation representing the purchase and use of materials and spare parts; 3) projects corresponding mainly to exploration expenditures and ground studies that are reclassified to the item other non-current financial assets; 4) assets for retirement obligations and 5) software that is reclassified to Intangibles.


(1) Any property, plant and equipment (disposal group) that, at the closing date of the financial statements, is subject to a commitment for sale or where the sales process has been initiated and where the sale is expected to occur within twelve months of that date, is classified by the Company as non-current assets held for sale.

These assets or disposal groups are valued at the lower of carrying amount or the estimated sales value less the costs to sell and stop being amortized from the moment they are classified as non-current assets held for sale.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 16Property, plant and equipment (continued)


16.3Detail of property, plant and equipment pledged as guarantee


There are no restrictions in title or guarantees for compliance with obligations that affect property, plant and equipment.


16.4Impairment of assets


As indicated in Note 3.28 to the financial statements, the recoverable amount of property, plant and equipment is measured provided that there is an indication that the asset could be impaired. As of December 31, 2018, impairment of ThUS$1,390 was recorded, while impairment of ThUS$5,205 was recorded as of December 31, 2017.


16.5Additional Information


Capitalized interest


As of December 31, 2018, capitalized interest totaled ThUS$5,021, while for the period January to December 2017, this item totaled ThUS$4,382.


No borrowing costs are capitalized for periods beyond the normal period for acquiring, constructing or installing an asset such as delays, interruptions or temporary suspension of projects due to technical, financial or other problems that render the asset unusable.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 17Other current and non-current non-financial assets


As of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017, the detail of other current and non-current assets is as follows:


Other non-financial  assets, current  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Domestic Value Added Tax   20,209    11,484 
Foreign Value Added Tax   7,211    5,122 
Prepaid mining licenses   1,329    1,205 
Prepaid insurance   1,763    2,446 
Other prepayments   2,988    1,443 
Refund of Value Added Tax to exporters   12,545    941 
Other taxes   2,800    4,027 
Other assets   341    215 
Total   49,186    26,883 


Other non-financial  assets, non-current  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Stain development expenses and prospecting expenses (1)   26,189    17,721 
Guarantee deposits   712    771 
Other assets   639    770 
Total   27,540    19,262 


1)Reconciliation of changes in assets for exploration and mineral resource evaluation, by type.


Movements in assets for the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources as of December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017:


Reconciliation  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance   17,721    23,008 
Additions, other than business combinations   11,298    - 
Reclassifications   1,987    595 
Increase (decrease) due to transfers and other charges   (4,817)   (5,882)
Total changes   8,468    (5,287)
Total   26,189    17,721 


As of the presentation date, no reevaluations of assets for exploration and assessment of mineral resources have been conducted.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 18Employee benefits


18.1Provisions for employee benefits


Classes of benefits and expenses by employee  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Profit sharing and bonuses   20,085    22,421 
Total   20,085    22,421 
Profit sharing and bonuses   8,831    6,487 
Severance indemnity payments   28,233    27,445 
Total   37,064    33,932 


18.2Policies on defined benefit plan


This policy is applied to all benefits received for services provided by the Company's employees.


Short-term benefits for active employees are represented by salaries, social welfare benefits, paid time off, sickness and other types of leave, profit sharing and incentives and non-monetary benefits; e.g., healthcare service, housing, subsidized or free goods or services. These will be paid in a term which does not exceed twelve months.


The Company only provides compensation and benefits to active employees, with the exemption of SQM North America, which applies the definitions under 18.4 below.


SQM maintains incentive programs for its employees based on their personal performance, the Company’s performance and other short-term and long-term indicators.


For each incentive bonus delivered to the Company’s employees, there will be a disbursement in the first quarter of the following year and this will be calculated based on profit for the period at the end of each period applying a factor obtained subsequent to each employee’s appraisal process.


Employee benefits include retention bonuses for the Company’s executives, which are linked to the Company’s share price and are paid in cash. The short-term portion is presented as a provision for current employee benefits and the long-term portion as non-current.


Staff severance indemnities are agreed and payable based on the final salary, calculated in accordance with each year of service to the Company, with certain maximum limits in respect of either the number of years or in monetary terms, In general, this benefit is payable when the employee or worker ceases to provide his/her services to the Company and there are a number of different circumstances through which a person can be eligible for it, as indicated in the respective agreements; e.g., retirement, dismissal, voluntary retirement, incapacity or disability, death, etc.


Law No, 19,728 published on May 14, 2001 which became effective on October 1, 2002 required “Compulsory Unemployment Insurance” in favor of all dependent employees regulated by the Chilean Labor Code. Article 5 of this law established that this insurance is paid through monthly contribution payments by both the employee and the employer.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 18Employee benefits (continued)


18.3Other long-term benefits


The other long-term benefits relate to staff severance indemnities and are recorded at their actuarial value, and an executive compensation plan (see Note 18.6).


Staff severance indemnities at actuarial value  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Staff severance indemnities, Chile   27,562    25,893 
Executive severance plan   8,831    6,487 
Severance for foreigners   671    1,552 
Total other non-current liabilities   37,064    33,932 


The actuarial assessment method has been used to calculate the Company’s obligations with respect to staff severance indemnities, which relate to defined benefit plans consisting of days of remuneration per year served at the time of retirement under conditions agreed in the respective agreements established between the Company and its employees.


Under this benefit plan, the Company retains the obligation to pay staff severance indemnities related to retirement, without establishing a separate fund with specific assets, which is referred to as not funded, The discount interest rate of expected flows to be used was 4,89%.


Benefit payment conditions


The staff severance indemnity benefit relates to remuneration days for years worked for the Company without a limit being imposed in regard of amount of salary or years of service. It applies when employees cease to work for the Company because they are made redundant or in the event of their death. This benefit is applicable up to a maximum age of 65 for men and 60 for women, which are the usual retirement ages according to the Chilean pensions system as established in Decree Law 3,500 of 1980.




The Company’s benefits obligation under IAS 19 Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) is determined as follows:


To determine the Company's total liability, we used computer software to develop a mathematical simulation model using the data for each individual employee.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 18Employee benefits (continued)


18.3Other long-term benefits, continued


This model considered months as discrete time; i.e., the Company determined the age of each person and his/her salary on a monthly basis according to the growth rate. This information on each person was simulated from the beginning of his/her employment contract or when he/she started earning benefits up to the month in which he/she reaches normal retirement age, generating in each period the possible retirement according to the Company’s turnover rate and the mortality rate according to the age reached. When he/she reaches the retirement age, the employee finishes his/her service for the Company and receives a retirement indemnity.


The methodology followed to determine the accrual for all the employees covered by agreements took account of the turnover rates and the mortality rate RV-2009 established by the CMF to calculate pension-related life insurance reserves in Chile according to the Accumulated Benefit Valuation or Accrued Cost of Benefit Method. This methodology is established in IAS 19 on Retirement Benefit Costs.


18.4Post-employment benefit obligations


Our subsidiary SQM North America, together with its employees established a pension plan until 2002 called the “SQM North America Retirement Income Plan”. This obligation is calculated measuring the expected future forecast staff severance indemnity obligation using a net salary gradual rate of restatements for inflation, mortality and turnover assumptions, discounting the resulting amounts at present value using the interest rate defined by the authorities.


Since 2003, SQM North America offers to its employees benefits related to pension plans based on the 401-K system, which do not generate obligations for the Company.


Reconciliation  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Changes in the benefit obligation          
Benefit obligation at the beginning of the year   8,755    8,185 
Service cost   -    2 
Interest cost   319    359 
Actuarial loss   63    556 
Benefits paid   (480)   (347)
Benefit obligation at the end of the year   8,657    8,755 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 18Employee benefits (continued)


18.4Post-employment benefit obligations, continued


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
  ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Changes in the plan assets:        
Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the year   8,751    7,404 
Actual return (loss) in plan assets   133    1,694 
Benefits paid   (480)   (347)
Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year   8,404    8,751 
Financing status   (253)   (4)
Items not yet recognized as net periodic pension cost components:          
Net actuarial loss at the beginning of the year   (2,614)   (3,432)
Amortization during the year   160    219 
Net estimated gain or loss occurred during the year   (568)   599 
Adjustment to recognize the minimum pension obligation   (3,022)   (2,614)


The net periodic pension expense was composed of the following components for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017:


Reconciliation  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Service cost or benefits received during the year   -    2 
Interest cost in benefit obligation   319    359 
Actual return in plan assets   133    1,694 
Amortization of prior year losses   160    219 
Net gain during the year   (568)   599 
Net periodic pension expense   (159)   41 


18.5Staff severance indemnities


As of December 31, 2018 and 2017, severance indemnities calculated at the actuarial value are as follows:








Opening balance   (27,445)   (22,532)
Current cost of service   (1,529)   (934)
Interest cost   (1,658)   (1,488)
Actuarial gain/loss   (1,617)   (1,144)
Exchange rate difference   2,710    (2,284)
Benefits paid during the year   1,306    937 
Balance   (28,233)   (27,445)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 18Employee benefits (continued)


18.5Staff severance indemnities, continued


a)Actuarial assumptions


The liability recorded for staff severance indemnity is valued at the actuarial value method, using the following actuarial assumptions:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017    
Mortality rate   RV - 2014    RV - 2014    
Actual annual interest rate   4.642%   5.114%   
Voluntary retirement rate:             
Men   6.49%   6.49%  annual
Women   6.49%   6.49%  annual
Salary increase   3.00%   3.00%  annual
Retirement age:             
Men   65    65   years
Women   60    60   years


b)Sensitivity analysis of assumptions


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the Company has conducted a sensitivity analysis of the main assumptions of the actuarial calculation, determining the following:


  Effect  + 100 basis points   Effect - 100 basis points 
Sensitivity analysis 12/31/2018  ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Discount rate   (1,807)   2,033 
Employee turnover rate   (237)   265 

  Effect  + 100 basis points   Effect - 100 basis points 
Sensitivity analysis 12/31/2017  ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Discount rate   (1,991)   2,436 
Employee turnover rate   (252)   281 


Sensitivity relates to an increase/decrease of 100 basis points.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 18Employee benefits (continued)


18.6Executive compensation plan


The Company currently has a compensation plan with the purpose of motivating the Company’s executives and encouraging them to remain with the Company, by granting payments based on the change in the price of SQM’s shares. There is a partial payment of the share benefit program in the event of termination of the contract for causes other than the resignation and application of Article 160.


Average Share Price Spread


Plan characteristics


This compensation plan is related to the Company’s performance through the SQM Series B share price (Santiago Stock Exchange).


Plan participants


A total of 37 Company executives are entitled to this plan, provided that they continue to work for the Company through to the end of 2020. The payment dates, if applicable, will be during the first quarter of 2021.




The compensation payable to each executive is calculated by multiplying a) by b):


a)The average price of Series B shares on the Santiago Stock Exchange during the fourth quarter of 2020, at its equivalent amount in dollars (with a maximum amount or limit amount of US$54 per share).


b)By a number equal to the quantity of shares that have been individually assigned to each executive included in the plan.


This compensation plan was approved by the Company’s Board of Directors and its application started on January 1, 2017.


The effect of the plan considers 476,302 shares reflected as a cost of ThUS$3,754 in the results for the period ending December 31, 2018. As of December 31, 2017, the effect of the plan was 533,476 shares, equal to ThUS$6,487 in costs in the profit or loss for 2017.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 19Provisions and other non-financial liabilities


19.1Types of provisions

   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   Current   Non-
   Total   Current   Non-
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Provision for legal complaints (*)   11,862    3,000    14,862    16,419    3,000    19,419 
Provision for dismantling, restoration and rehabilitation cost (**)   -    28,822    28,822    -    26,954    26,954 
Other provisions(***)   94,335    -    94,335    47,026    47    47,073 
Total   106,197    31,822    138,019    63,445    30,001    93,446 


(*) These provisions correspond to legal processes that are pending resolution or that have not yet been disbursed. These provisions are mainly related to litigation involving the subsidiaries located in Chile, Brazil and the United States (see note 22.1).


(**) The commitments related to Sernageomin have been incorporated through the issuance of the guarantee for the restoration of the place where the production sites are located.


(***)See Note 19.2


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 19Provisions and other non-financial liabilities (continued)


19.2Description of other provisions


Current provisions, other short-term provisions  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Rent under Lease contract with Corfo(*)   84,826    32,331 
Provision for additional tax related to foreign loans   471    416 
End of agreement bonus   5,129    4,522 
Directors’ per diem allowance   2,881    2,630 
Provision for subsidiary restructuring   -    6,000 
Miscellaneous provisions   1,028    1,127 
Total   94,335    47,026 
Other long-term provisions          
Investments with negative equity   -    47 
Total   -    47 


(*) Payment Obligations for the lease contract with CORFO: These correspond to obligations assumed in the modification of the Lease Agreement for extraction of mining claims owned by the Chilean Economic Development Agency (CORFO). Part of the obligations include quarterly lease payments to CORFO, based on SQM Salar’s sales for the period of products obtained from the claims leased; another part corresponds to annual contributions that SQM Salar must make, since 2018, to Research and Development and to Communities and Regional Development. 2017 includes US$20.4 million corresponding to the payment that formed part of the agreement reached between SQM Salar and CORFO due to the end of Arbitration. (See Note 22.1)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 19Provisions and other non-financial liabilities (continued)


19.3Other current liabilities


Other liabilities non-financial current


Description of other liabilities  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Tax withholdings   4,782    7,404 
VAT payable   7,345    3,344 
Guarantees received   2,641    2,638 
Accrual for dividend   109,670    110,529 
Monthly tax provisional payments   21,001    11,684 
Deferred income   18,574    5,301 
Withholdings from employees and salaries payable   6,052    6,725 
Accrued vacations (*)   20,070    19,042 
Other current liabilities   4,489    2,137 
Total   194,624    168,804 


(*) Vacation benefit (short-term benefits to employees, current) is in line with the provisions established in Chile’s Labor Code, which indicates that employees with more than a year of service will be entitled to annual vacation for a period of at least fifteen paid business days. The Company provides the benefit of two additional vacation days.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 19Provisions and other non-financial liabilities (continued)


19.4Changes in provisions

Description of items that gave rise to variations as of
   Provision for
restoration and
rehabilitation cost
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Total provisions, initial balance   19,419    26,954    47,073    93,446 
Changes in provisions:                    
Additional provisions   1,000    1,820    96,516    99,336 
Provision used   (5,557)   -    (49,221)   (54,778)
Increase(decrease) in foreign currency exchange   -    -    -    - 
others   -    48    (33)   15 
Total Increase (decreases)   (4,557)   1,868    47,262    44,573 
Total provisions, final balance   14,862    28,822    94,335    138,019 


Description of items that gave rise to variations as of
   Provision for
restoration and
rehabilitation cost
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Total provisions, initial balance   23,867    5,890    21,089    50,846 
Changes in provisions:                    
Additional provisions   6,352    21,064    33,507    60,923 
Provision used   (10,800)   -    (7,538)   (18,338)
Increase(decrease) in foreign currency exchange   -    -    9    9 
Others   -    -    6    6 
Total Increase (decreases)   (4,448)   21,064    25,984    42,600 
Total provisions, final balance   19,419    26,954    47,073    93,446 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 20Disclosures on equity


The detail and movements in the funds of equity accounts are shown in the consolidated statement of changes in equity.


20.1Capital management


The main object of capital management relative to the administration of the Company’s financial debt and equity is to ensure the regular conduct of operations and business continuity in the long term, with the constant intention of maintaining an adequate level of liquidity and in compliance with the financial safeguards established in the debt contracts in force. Within this framework, decisions are made in order to maximize the value of SQM.


Capital management must comply with, among others, the limits contemplated in the Financing Policy approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting, which establish a maximum consolidated indebtedness level of 1.5 times the debt to equity ratio. This limit can be exceeded only if the Company’s management has first obtained express approval at an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.


In addition, capital management must comply with the external capital requirements (or covenants) imposed in its financial obligations, which regulate the indebtedness level to 1.2 times, its strictest level.


In conjunction with the level of indebtedness, it is also important for the Company to maintain a comfortable profile of maturities for its financial obligations, in order to oversee the relation between its short-term financial obligations and the long-term maturities, and the relation they have with the Company’s asset distribution. Consequently, the Company has maintained a liquidity level of 3 times during the last periods.


The Company’s management controls capital management based on the following ratios:


  12/31/2018   12/31/2017   Description (1)  Calculation (1)
Net Financial Debt ThUS$   471,755    245,508   Financial Debt – Financial Resources  Other current Financial Liabilities + Other Non-Current Financial Liabilities – Cash and Cash Equivalents – Other Current Financial Assets – Hedging Assets, non-current
Liquidity   4.32    3.29   Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities  Total Current Assets / Total Current Liabilities
Net Debt / Capitalization   0.18    0.10   Net Financial Debt divided by Total Equity  Net financial debt / Total Equity
ROE   20.7%   19.1%  Profit for the year divided by Total Equity  LTM(2) Profit for the year / Equity
Adjusted EBITDA (ThUS$)   885,652    901,856   Adjusted EBITDA  Profit for the year + Depreciation and Amortization Expenses + Finance Costs + Income Tax – Other income and Share of profit of associates and joint ventures + Other expenses – Finance income – Currency differences
EBITDA (ThUS$)   902,450    885,240   EBITDA  Profit for the year + Depreciation and Amortization Expenses + Finance Costs + Income Tax
ROA   20.31%   21.3%  Adjusted EBITDA – Depreciation divided by  Total Assets net of financial resources less related parties’ investments  (LTM Gross Profit – Administrative Expenses)/ (Total Assets – Cash and Cash Equivalents – Other Current Financial Assets – Other Non-Current Financial Assets – Equity-accounted Investments)
Indebtedness   1.00    0.91   Total Liabilities on Equity  Total Liabilities / Total Equity


(1) Assumes the absolute value of the accounting records

(2) Last 12 months

El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 20Disclosures on equity (continued)


20.1Capital management, continued


The Company’s capital requirements change according to variables such as working capital needs, new investment financing and dividends, among others. The Company manages its capital structure and makes adjustments on the basis of the predominant economic conditions so as to mitigate the risks associated with adverse market conditions and take advantage of the opportunities there may be to improve the liquidity position.


There have been no changes in the capital management objectives or policy within the years reported in this document. No breaches of external requirements of capital imposed (or covenants) have been recorded.


20.2Disclosures on preferred share capital


Issued share capital is divided into 263,196,524 fully paid and subscribed shares composed of 142,819,552 Series "A" shares and 120,376,972 Series “B” shares. All such shares are nominative, have no par value and are fully issued, subscribed and paid.


Series B shares may not exceed 50% of the total issued, subscribed and paid-in shares of the Company and have a limited voting right, in that all of them can only elect one director of the Company, regardless of their equity interest and preferences:


(a)require the calling of an Ordinary or Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting when so requested by Series B shareholders representing at least 5% of the issued shares thereof; and


(b)require the calling of an extraordinary meeting of the board of directors, without the president being able to qualify the need for such a request, when so requested by the director who has been elected by the shareholders of said Series B.


The limitation and preferences of Series B shares have a duration of 50 consecutive and continuous years as of June 3, 1993.


The Series A shares have the preference of being able to exclude the director elected by the Series B shareholders in the voting process in which the president of the board of directors and of the Company must be elected and which follows the one in which the tie that allows such exclusion resulted.


The preference of the Series A shares will have a term of 50 consecutive and continuous years as of June 3, 1993. The form of the titles of the shares, their issuance, exchange, disablement, loss, replacement, assignment and other circumstances thereof shall be governed by the provisions of Law No. 18,046 and its regulations.


At December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the Group does not hold shares of the Parent Company either directly or through its investees.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 20Disclosures on equity (continued)


20.2Disclosures on preferred share capital, continued


Detail of types of capital in preference shares:


Type of capital in preferred shares  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
Description of type of capital in preferred shares  Series A   Series B   Series A   Series B 
Number of authorized shares   142,819,552    120,376,972    142,819,552    120,376,972 
Number of fully subscribed and paid shares   142,819,552    120,376,972    142,819,552    120,376,972 
Number of subscribed, partially paid shares   -    -    -    - 
Par value of shares in ThUS$   0.9435    2.8464    0.9435    2.8464 
Increase (decrease) in the number of current shares   -    -    -    - 
Number of current shares   142,819,552    120,376,972    142,819,552    120,376,972 
Number of shares owned by the entity or its subsidiaries or associates   -    -    -    - 
Number of shares whose issuance is reserved due to the existence of options or agreements to dispose shares   -    -    -    - 
Capital amount in shares ThUS$   134,750    342,636    134,750    342,636 
Amount of premium issuance ThUS$   -    -    -    - 
Amount of reserves ThUS$   -    -    -    - 
Total number of subscribed shares, total   142,819,552    120,376,972    142,819,552    120,376,972 


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the Company has not placed any new issuances of shares on the market.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 20Disclosures on equity (continued)


20.3Disclosures on reserves in equity


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, this caption comprises the following:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Reserve for currency exchange conversion   (26,307)   (24,913)
Reserve for cash flow hedges   7,971    2,248 
Reserve for gains and losses from financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income   (1,111)   2,937 
Reserve for actuarial gains or losses in defined benefit plans   (6,884)   (5,953)
Other reserves   11,332    11,332 
Total other reserves   (14,999)   (14,349)


Reserves for foreign currency translation differences


This balance reflects retained earnings for changes in the exchange rate when converting the financial statements of subsidiaries whose functional currency is that of each company’s origin country and the presentation currency is the US dollar.


Reserve for cash flow hedges


The Company maintains, as hedge instruments, financial derivatives related to obligations with the public issued in UF and Chilean pesos. Changes from the fair value of derivatives designated and classified as hedges are recognized under this classification.


Reserve for gains and losses from financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income


This caption includes investments in shares where the Company has no significant influence and these have accordingly been measured at fair value through equity, In the event that such equity instruments are fully or partially disposed of, the proportional accumulated effect of accumulated fair value will be transferred to profit or loss.


Reserve for actuarial gains or losses in defined benefit plans


For domestic subsidiaries the effects of changes in assumptions are considered, mainly changes in the discount rate.


The subsidiary SQM North America has established pension plans for its retired employees that are calculated by measuring the projected obligation of staff severance indemnities using a net salary progressive rate net of adjustments to inflation, mortality and turnover assumptions, deducting the resulting amounts at present value using a 5.5% interest rate for 2017 and 2016.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 20Disclosures on equity (continued)


20.3Disclosures on reserves in equity, continued


Movements in other reserves and changes in interest were as follows:


   Reserve for cash flow hedges   Reserve for actuarial
gains and losses from
defined benefit plans
   Reserve for gains (losses)
from financial assets
measured at fair value
through other
comprehensive income
   Other reserves   Total reserves 
Movements  Before taxes   Before taxes   Tax   Before
   Before taxes   Reserves   Deferred
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Opening balance as of 1/1/2017   (19,463)   89    (25)   (5,446)   612    4,813    (1,300)   7,832    (12,175)   (713)   (12,888)
Increase (decrease) in reserves   (5,450)   2,159    -    (1,401)        (26)   -    3,500    (1,218)   -    (1,218)
Deferred taxes   -    -    25    -    282    -    (550)   -    -    (243)   (243)
Reclassification of loss in reserves   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Closing balance as of 12/31/2017   (24,913)   2,248    -    (6,847)   894    4,787    (1,850)   11,332    (13,393)   (956)   (14,349)
Increase (decrease) in reserves   (1,394)   5,723    -    (1,329)   -    (5,546)   -    -    (2,546)   -    (2,546)
Deferred taxes   -    -    -    -    398    -    1,498    -    -    1,896    1,896 
Reclassification of loss in reserves   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Closing balance as of 12/31/2018   (26,307)   7,971    -    (8,176)   1,292    (759)   (352)   11,332    (15,939)   940    (14,999)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 20Disclosures on equity (continued)


20.3Disclosures on reserves in equity, continued


Other reserves


This caption corresponds to the legal reserves reported in the individual financial statements of the subsidiaries that are mentioned below and that have been recognized in SQM’s equity through the application of the equity method.


(*) In the case of SQM Iberian S.A., the balance corresponds to the results obtained in the previous financial year which are presented as forming part of other reserves because of local regulations.


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
Subsidiary - Associate  ThUS$   ThUS$ 
SQM Iberian S.A. (*)   9,464    9,464 
SQM Europe NV   1,957    1,957 
Soquimich European holding B.V.   828    828 
Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries WWL   455    455 
Doktor Tarsa Tarim Sanayi AS   305    305 
Total   13,009    13,009 
Corresponds to the acquisition of the subsidiary SQM Iberian S.A., which was already under Company ownership at the acquisition date (IAS 27 R).   (1,677)   (1,677)
Total Other reserves   11,332    11,332 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 20- Disclosures on equity (continued)


20.4Dividend policies


As required by Article 79 of the Chilean Companies Act, unless otherwise decided by unanimous vote of the holders of issued and subscribed shares, we must distribute a cash dividend in an amount equal to at least 30% of our consolidated profit for the year ended as of December 31, unless and except to the extent it has a deficit in retained earnings (losses not absorbed in prior years).


Dividend policy for commercial year 2018.


The Company has defined the following dividend policy:


a)Distribute and pay, as a final dividend (dividendo definitivo) and in favor of the respective shareholders, a percentage of the net income that shall be determined per the following financial parameters:


(i)100% of the 2018 net income, when the following financial parameters are met: (a) that the total sum of cash and cash equivalent, and other current financial assets (“Cash”) divided by the total sum of the current financial liabilities (“Current Financial Liabilities”) is equal to or greater than 2.5 times, and (b) the total sum of the current liabilities and the non-current liabilities (“Total Liabilities”) divided by the total sum of the equity (“Equity”) is equal to or less than 1.1 times.


(ii)80% of the 2018 net income when the following financial parameters are met: (a) that Cash divided by Current Financial Liabilities is equal to or greater than 2.0 times, and (b) the total sum of the Total Liabilities divided by the total Equity is equal to or less than 1.2 times.


(iii)60% of the 2018 net income when the following financial parameters are met: (a) that Cash divided by Current Financial Liabilities is equal to or greater than 1.5 times, and (b) Total Liabilities divided by Equity is equal to or less than 1.3 times.


If none of the foregoing financial parameters are met, the Company shall distribute and pay, as a final dividend, and in favor of the respective shareholders, 50% of the 2018 net income.


b)Distribute and pay, if possible and during 2018, three interim dividends (dividendos provisorios) that will be charged against the aforementioned final dividend. These interim dividends shall likely be paid during the month following the approval of the March, June, and September 2018 interim financial statements, respectively. Its amounts shall be calculated as follows:


(i)For the interim dividends that will be charged to the accumulated net income reflected in the March 2018 interim financial statements, the percentage distributed shall be determined per the financial parameters expressed in letter a) above.


(ii)For the interim dividends that will be charged to the accumulated net income reflected in the June 2018 interim financial statements, the percentage distributed shall be determined per the financial parameters expressed in letter a) above, discounting the total amount of interim dividends previously distributed during 2017.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 20- Disclosures on equity (continued)


20.4Dividend policies, continued


(iii)For the interim dividends that will be charged to the accumulated net income reflected in the September 2018 interim financial statements, the percentage distributed shall be determined per the financial parameters expressed in letter a) above, discounting the total amount of interim dividends previously distributed during 2018.


c)The amount of the interim dividends mentioned above may vary, pursuant to the information available to the Board of Directors on the date on which it agrees to the distribution of said dividends given that the dividend will not materially or negatively affect SQM’s capacity to impact its investments, fulfill its liabilities, or in general, comply with the investment and finance policy approved at the ordinary shareholders’ meeting.


d)At the ordinary shareholders meeting that will be held in 2019, the Board of Directors shall propose a final dividend pursuant to the financial parameters expressed in letter a) above, discounting the total amount of the interim dividends previously distributed during 2018.


e)If there is an excess of net income in 2018, this may be retained and assigned or allocated for financing its own operations, to one or more investment projects of the Company, notwithstanding a future distribution of special dividends (dividendos eventuales) charged to the accumulated net income previously approved at the shareholders’ meeting, or the possible and future capitalization of all or part of the latter.


f)The payment of additional dividends (dividendos adicionales) is not considered.


The dividend policy described above corresponds to the intention of the Board of Directors, and the compliance of it shall depend on the net income that the Company ultimately obtains, as well as the results of periodic projections that could impact the Company, or to the existence of determined conditions that may affect it, as applicable. If the dividend policy exposed by the Board of Directors suffers a substantial change, the Company must communicate it as an essential fact.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 20Disclosures on equity (continued)


20.5Interim and provisional dividends


At the General Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of April 27, 2018, the shareholders agreed to the payment of a final dividend of US$1.62501 per share from the net profit obtained during the 2017 fiscal year, the amount of US$1.20533 per share must be discounted from the final dividend as it had been already paid in a form of interim dividends. The remaining balance of US$0.41968 per share was paid to shareholders on May 10, 2018.


The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 27, 2018 agreed to change the Company’s Dividend Policy for 2017 which was presented to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 28, 2017, by incorporating a special dividend of US$100,000,000, equivalent to US$0.37994 per share which would be paid with a charge to the Company’s retained earnings. This dividend was paid to shareholders on May 10, 2018.


On May 23, 2018, the Company's Board of Directors approved the payment of an interim dividend equivalent to US$ 0.43247 per share, charged to 2018 net income. On August 22, 2018, the Board of Directors approved the payment of an interim dividend equivalent to US$ 0.50864 per share, charged to net income for 2018. This amount was paid in its equivalent in national currency according to the value of the Observed Dollar published in the Official Gazette on August 31, 2018.


On November 21, 2018, the Board of Directors approved the payment of an interim dividend equivalent to US$0.31726 per share, charged to net income for 2018. This amount was paid in its equivalent in national currency according to the value of the Dollar Observed in the Official Journal of November 30, 2018.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 20- Disclosures on equity (continued)


20.5Interim and provisional dividends, continued


The dividends presented as deducted from equity are as follows:








Dividends attributable to owners of the parent   823    55,501 
Provisional dividend   331,199    317,243 
Additional dividend   107,872    - 
Dividend payable   109,669    110,529 
Total   549,563    483,273 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 21Earnings per share


Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing net income attributable to the Company’s shareholders by the weighted average of the number of shares in circulation during that period.


As expressed, earnings per share are detailed as follows:


Basic earnings per share 






Earnings (losses) attributable to owners of the parent   439,830    427,697 








Number of common shares in circulation   263,196,524    263,196,524 

   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
Basic earnings per share (US$ per share)
   1.6711    1.6250 


The Company has not made any operations with a potential dilutive effect that assumes diluted earnings per share are different from the basic earnings per share.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions


In accordance with note 18,1, the Company has only registered a provision for those lawsuits in which there is a probability that the judgments will be unfavorable to the Company. The Company is party to the following lawsuits and other relevant legal actions:


22.1Lawsuits and other relevant events


1. Plaintiff : Nancy Erika Urra Muñoz,
  Defendants : Fresia Flores Zamorano, Duratec-Vinilit S.A. and the Company and their Insurers.
  Date : December 2008.
  Court : 1st Civil Court of Santiago.
  Reason : Labor Accident.
  Status : Judgment favorable for the Company. Dated March 11, 2016. Appeal filed by the plaintiff which has not been pronounced on. Awaiting notification of the sentence, case filed on December 28, 2016
  Nominal value : ThUS$550.
2. Plaintiff : City of Pomona, California USA.
  Defendant : SQM North America Corporation (“SQM NA”).
  Date : December 2010.
  Court : United States District Court Central District of California.
  Reason : Payment of expenses and other amounts related to the treatment of groundwater to allow for its consumption by removing the existing perchlorate in such groundwater that allegedly comes from Chilean fertilizers.
  Status : On May 17, 2018 , district judge Gary Klausner sentenced in favor of SQM NA following the verdict of the jury. On September 14, 2018, the plaintiff filed a motion to appeal, which is pending resolution.
  Nominal value : ThUS$32,000.
3. Plaintiff : City of Lindsay, California USA.
  Defendant : SQM NA and the Company (still not noticed)
  Date : December 2010.
  Court : United States District Court Eastern District of California.
  Reason : Payment of expenses and other amounts related to the treatment of groundwater to allow for its consumption by removing the existing perchlorate in such groundwater that allegedly comes from Chilean fertilizers.
  Status : Filing of the case, processing suspended.
  Nominal value : Not possible to determine.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.1Lawsuits and other relevant events, continued


4. Plaintiff : H&V Van Mele N.V.
  Defendant : NV Euroports, SQM Europe N.V. and its insurance companies.
  Date : July 2013.
  Court : Commercial Court of Dendermonde.
  Reason : Alleged indirect responsibility for the absence of adequate specifications for the SOP–WS by the Belgian distributor.
  Status : Sentencing against NV Euroports and subsidy SQM
      Europe N.V., for EUR 206,675.91. Appeal presented in November 2017.
  Nominal value : ThUS$430.
5. Plaintiff : Carlos Aravena Carrizo et al.
  Defendant : SQM Nitratos S.A. (“SQM Nitratos”)  and its insurers.
  Date : May 2014.
  Court : 18th Civil Court of Santiago.
  Reason : Lawsuit seeking compensation for damages for alleged civil liability under tort as a result of an explosion that occurred during 2010 near Baquedano, causing the death of 6 employees.
  Status : Summons to hear sentence
  Nominal value : ThUS$1,235.
6. Plaintiff : Evt Consulting SpA.
  Defendant : SQM Nitratos.
  Date : October 2014.
  Court : 23th Civil Court of Santiago.
  Reason : Lawsuit seeking compensation for damages related to the termination of the purchase and sale agreement for metallic structures.
  Status : On November 13, 2017, the Santiago Appeals Court sentenced SQM Nitratos S.A. to pay US$304,620. Cassation in form and substance presented before the Supreme Court in December 2017.
  Nominal value : ThUS$835.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.1Lawsuits and other relevant events, continued


7. Plaintiff : SQM Salar S.A. (“SQM Salar”) and the Company.
  Defendant : Seguros Generales Suramericana S.A. (formerly - RSA Seguros Chile S.A.)
  Date : August 29, 2016.
  Court : Arbitration Court – Arbitrator Mr. Gonzalo Fernández.
  Reason : Complaint for forced compliance and collection of indemnification for insurance claim of February 7 and 8, 2013.
  Status : Evidence stage.
  Nominal value : ThUS$20,658.
8. Plaintiff : Tyne and Wear Pension Fund as represented by the Council of the Borough of South Tyneside acting as Lead Plaintiff.
  Defendant : The Company
  Date : January 2016.
  Court : United States District Court – Southern District of New York.
  Reason : Alleged damage to ADS holders of the Company resulting from alleged noncompliance with the securities regulations in the United States by the Company.
  Status : Initial stage of disclosure of background information.
  Nominal value : Not determined.
9. Plaintiff : Ernesto Saldaña González et al.
  Defendant : SQM Salar S.A., SQM Industrial S.A. (“SQM Industrial”) and their insurance companies.
  Date : May 2016.
  Court : 13th Civil Court of Santiago.
  Reason : Lawsuit seeking compensation for damages for alleged civil liability under tort law arising from the accident that occurred in July 2014 in the María Elena location.
  Status : Summons to hear sentence
  Nominal value : ThUS$515.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.1Lawsuits and other relevant events, continued


10. Plaintiff : María Yolanda Achiardi Tapia et al.
  Defendant : SQM Salar and its insurance companies and other 5 defendants
  Date : February 2015.
  Court : 1st Civil Court of Antofagasta.
  Reason : Lawsuit seeking compensation for damages for alleged civil liability under tort law arising from a traffic accident that occurred in April 2011 in the city of Antofagasta.
  Status : Summons to hear sentence.
  Nominal value : ThUS$1,265.
11. Plaintiff : The Company
  Defendants : AES Gener S.A. (“Gener”) and Empresa Eléctrica Cochrane SpA (“Cochrane”).
  Date : May 11, 2017.
  Court : Arbitration award in accordance with the arbitration rules established by the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (“CAM).
  Reason : Request for the interpretation of an electricity supply agreement alleging the right by the plaintiff to receive a collection in conformity with such agreement.
  Instance : Probationary stage.
  Nominal value : Not determined.
12. Plaintiff : Gener and Cochrane.
  Defendant : The Company.
  Date : May 2017.
  Court : Arbitration in accordance with the rules established by the Center for Arbitration and Mediation (CAM).
  Reason : Discrepancy with respect to the amount of an alleged right by the plaintiff to receive a collection in conformity with the agreement entered into by the parties.
  Instance : Probationary stage
  Nominal value : Not determined.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.1Lawsuits and other relevant events, continued


13. Plaintiffs : Transportes Buen Destino
  Defendant : SQM Salar.
  Date : None.
  Court : Arbitration in accordance with the rules established by the Center for Arbitration and Mediation (CAM).
  Reason : Discrepancies generated in the implementation of the following contracts  entered into between TBD and SQM Salar: (i) lithium brine transportation; and (ii) salt transportation.
  Instance : Prior stage. The audience for setting procedure rules is pending.
  Nominal value : Undetermined.
14. Plaintiffs : Castillo, Hernán et al.
  Defendants : Servicios Integrales de Tránsitos y Transferencias S.A. and SQM Industrial S.A.
  Date : September 15, 2017.
  Court : 1st Labor Court of Santiago.
  Reason : Lawsuit to assert labor rights, seeking collection of wages owed and other amounts.
  Instance : On August 24, 2018, a judgment is issued rejecting the application in its entirety. On September 6, 2018, plaintiffs deduct an appeal for nullity before the Santiago Court of Appeals, which is still in branch.
  Nominal value : ThUS$1,940.
15. Plaintiffs : Acosta Tapia, Eloisa del Tránsito and others as successors and assigns of Araya Castillo, Raimundo del Rosario.
  Defendants : SQM Salar.
  Date : January 19, 2018.
  Court : 2nd Labor Court of Santiago.
  Reason: : Lawsuit for damages for pain and suffering as a result of occupational illness.
  Instance : On October 22, the final ruling was issued, wherein the claim was denied. The plaintiff filed an appeal for annulment, which is pending with the Court of Appeals of Santiago
  Nominal value : ThUS$472.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.1Lawsuits and other relevant events, continued


16. Appellants : Asociación Indígena Consejo Pueblos Atacameños and others.
  Appellees : Corfo, the Company, SQM Salar and SQM Potasio S.A.
  Date of appeal : February 15, 2018.
  Court : Santiago Court of Appeals
  Reason : Appeal requesting annulment of modifications to contracts signed by the defendants on January 17, 2018.
  Instance : On September 25, the Court of Appeals of Santiago rejected the appeal for protection. On October 12, the Supreme Court ordered the revision of the appeal filed by the appellants.
  Nominal value : Undetermined.
17. Claimant : The Society.
  Defendant : Office of the Superintendent of the Environment (“SMA”)
  Date : 20 July 2017
  Court : Second Environmental Court of Santiago
  Reason : Motion for review filed by the Company against ruling rejecting the compliance program for the Pampa Hermosa project.
  Instance : On August 21, 2018, the Second Environmental Court of Santiago accepted the Company’s claim and ordered the SMA to take the procedure back to the stage prior to their sentencing that rejected the compliance program. This ruling was appealed with the Supreme Court on August 8, 2018.
  Nominal value : Amount involved: Undetermined.
18. Claimant : Congresspersons Claudia Nathalie Mix Jiménez, Gael Fernanda Yeomans Araya, Camila Ruslay Rojas Valderrama et al.
  Defendant : CORFO. The entity has intervened as an independent third party.
  Date : September 6, 2018.
  Court : Special Magistrate, Mr. Alejandro Madrid Crohare.
  Reason : To render null and void the contract for the Salar de Atacama Project signed between CORFO and SQM Salar.
  Instance : Pending ruling on dilatory pleas and independent third-party status of companies and subsidiaries.
  Nominal value : Undetermined.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.1Lawsuits and other relevant events, continued


The Company and its subsidiaries have been involved and will probably continue to be involved either as plaintiffs or defendants in certain judicial proceedings that have been and will be heard by the arbitration or ordinary courts of justice that will make the final decision. Those proceedings that are regulated by the appropriate legal regulations are intended to exercise or oppose certain actions or exceptions related to certain mining claims either granted or to be granted and that do not or will not affect in an essential manner the development of the Company and its subsidiaries.


Soquimich Comercial S.A. has been involved and will probably continue being involved either as plaintiff or defendant in certain judicial proceedings through which it intends to collect and receive the amounts owed, the total nominal value of which is approximately US$1.2 million.


The Company has made efforts and continues making efforts to obtain payment of certain amounts that are still owed to the Company due to its activities. Such amounts will continue to be required using judicial or non-judicial means by the plaintiffs, and the actions and exercise related to these are currently in full force and effect.


The Company and its subsidiaries have received no legal notice on lawsuits other than those indicated above, which exceed US$0.2 million.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.2Restrictions to management or financial limits


Contracts that subscribed the issuance of bonuses in the local and international market require the Company to comply with the following level of consolidated financial indicators, calculated for the last 12 month period:


To maintain Leverage Ratio not higher than 1.2 times at its strictest level. The Leverage ratio is defined as the Total Liabilities divided by Total Equity.


As of December 31, 2018, the above mentioned financial indicator has the following values:


Indicator  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
Leverage   1.00    0.91 


Bond issue agreements issued abroad require the Company to neither merge nor dispose of the whole or a substantial part of its assets, unless all the following conditions are met: (i) the legal successor company is an entity subject to either Chilean or United States law, and assumes SQM S.A.’s obligations under a complimentary contract, (ii) the Issuer does not fail to comply immediately after the merger or disposal, and (iii) the Issuer delivers a legal opinion stating that the merger or disposal and the complimentary contract meet the requirements described in the original contract.


In addition, SQM S.A. is committed to disclosing financial information on quarterly basis.


The Company and its subsidiaries have complied and are fully complying with all the aforementioned limitations, restrictions and obligations.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.3Environmental contingencies


On June 6, 2016, the “SMA” filed charges against the Company with respect to the Pampa Hermosa project for possible noncompliance with RCA 890/2010.


This relates to charges related to certain variables of the follow-up plan and the implementation of a mitigation measure included in the respective environmental impact assessment. The Company has presented for the approval of SMA a compliance program detailing the actions and commitments it will carry out to address the SMA's objections.


On June 29, 2017, the SMA rejected the compliance program presented by the Company. On July 10, 2017, the Company presented its rebuttals to the charges made by the SMA. On August 21, 2018, the Second Environmental Court accepted the Company’s claim, ordering the SMA to take the procedure back to the stage prior to their resolution rejecting the compliance program presented by the Company.


On December 13, 2017, the First Environmental Court of Antofagasta authorized the SMA to apply the temporary and partial closure of the water extraction wells located in the Salar de Llamara. These wells allow the Company to extract around 124 liters/second of water, which is approximately 15% of the water used in Chile’s First Region. In October 2018, the First Environmental Court of Antofagasta accepted the Company’s claim, leaving the indicated closure without effect, maintaining only the requirement to prepare reports to increase knowledge of ecosystems. In mid-October, the Court denied authorization to SMA to renew the closure measure. In December 2018, the First Environmental Court accepted the Company’s second claim, ratifying the previous decision.


On January 10, 2019, the SMA carried out the sentence of the Second Environmental Court, taking the procedure back to the stage prior to their resolution rejecting the compliance program presented by the Company. On January 14, 2019, the SMA made new observations to the compliance program formulated by the Company. The term granted for the Company to address these observations is currently underway, after which the SMA will issue a new ruling on the proposal.


Through a ruling dated November 28, 2016, which was modified by a ruling dated December 23, 2016, the SMA filed charges against SQM Salar for extracting brine in excess of authorized amounts, progressively impacting the vitality of algarrobo trees, delivering incomplete information, modifying variables and other matters.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.3Environmental contingencies, continued


SQM Salar presented a compliance program that details the actions and commitments that will be undertaken to overcome the objections formulated by the SMA. This program was accepted by SMA ruling dated January 7, 2019, thus suspending the process initiated against SQM Salar. The Atacameño Indigenous Community of Peine, the Indigenous Association Council of Atacameño Peoples and the Atacameño Indigenous Community of Camar have filed against this ruling with the First Environmental Court. In keeping with the monitoring plans established in the current environmental qualification resolution for the operation at the Salar de Atacama, SQM Salar periodically monitors the flora, fauna, hydrogeological and meteorological variables, including 225 monitoring points and 48 continuous measuring points for the brine and water levels in different parts of the salar basin, which it periodically reports to the corresponding authorities. If any of the monitoring points fall below predefined levels, various actions are considered, which are part of the environmental monitoring plan.


On May 20, 2018, 2 of the 225 points were 1 cm below the predefined level for those points. These points are on the route of an outlet sector for a lagoon located on the eastern edge of the Salar de Atacama. Historically flows from the lagoons of the deposit have varied in location and route. That has happened in this case and the flow has moved with regard to the location of the monitoring well in question. Both the levels and the flows from the lagoons have behaved normally and no changes in the ecosystem that is being monitored in the area have been observed.


Following the protocols established for these cases, SQM Salar’s total extraction volume in the Salar de Atacama, has been reduced from a maximum average of 1,500 liters per second per year to 1,250 liters per second per year for a period of six months.


The Company estimates that an average annual decrease of brine extraction of 250 liters per second would have no impact on current and estimated production volumes of lithium carbonate and hydroxide. In the case of potassium chloride, it is estimated that the reduction in brine extraction could imply a reduction in production and sales volumes of approximately 170.000 metric tons on an annual basis.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.4Tax contingency


During 2015, the Company, SQM Salar and SQM Industrial submitted to the Chilean IRS four tax amendments (two by the Company, one by SQM Salar and one by SQM Industrial).


The first two (one for SQM and one for SQM Salar), after being approved by the SII, generated payments for taxes, interests and other charges of US$8.1 million. A provision for such amount was made in the profit or loss for the first quarter of 2015.


Additionally, during August 2015, the Chilean IRS was provided, for its review and approval, with the documentation necessary for amending the annual tax returns of the Company and SQM Industrial. As a result of such amendments, the Company paid an approximate amount of US$1.4 million for taxes, interests and other charges. This amount was recorded in a provision in the profit or loss for the second quarter of 2015.


Finally, during 2016, the last 12 invoices were amended with a payment of approximately US$50,000.


Accordingly, the SQM Group considers terminated the the internal analysis which has been performed. The purpose of the analysis was to identify the expenses incurred by the SQM Group during the fiscal years 2008 to 2014 and which could be a matter of tax rectification.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.4Tax contingency, continued


Because of the aforementioned amendments, the Company, SQM Salar and SQM Industrial might be affected by additional penalties established in the first subparagraph, No. 4 of Article 97 of the Tax Code, for an amount ranging between 50% and 300% of the taxes paid. The Company has not considered it necessary to make any provisions related to this possible additional penalty.


On Friday, August 26, 2016, SQM Salar filed with the Third Tax and Customs Court of the Metropolitan Region a tax claim against tax assessments No. 169, 170, 171 and 172, which seek to expand application of the specific tax on mining activities to include lithium exploitation. The amount involved is approximately US$17.8 million. On November 28, 2018, the Third Tax and Customs Court rejected the claim, and the case is in the Santiago Court of Appeals, based on the appeal filed by SQM Salar.


On March 24, 2017, SQM Salar filed with the Third Tax and Customs Court of the Metropolitan Region a tax claim against tax assessment No. 207 of 2016 and ruling No. 156 of 2016, both issued by the Chilean IRS, which seek to expand application of the specific tax on mining activities to include lithium exploitation for tax years 2015 and 2016. The amount involved is approximately US$14.4 million. On November 28, 2018, the Third Tax and Customs Court accepted SQM Salar’s claim for US$7.0 million corresponding to the overcharge made by the SII and rejected the remainder of the claim. The case is in the Santiago Court of Appeals, based on the appeal filed by SQM Salar.


These amounts are classified as taxes for current assets, non-current, as of December 31, 2017 and the same as of December 31, 2018.


The amount involved is approximately US$32.2 million. The Chilean IRS has not issued an assessment claiming differences in the specific tax on mining activities filed for business years 2016, 2017 and 2018. As of the date of these financial statements, the Company has not made any provisions for these possible differences.


If the Chilean IRS uses criteria similar to that used in previous years, it may issue an assessment in the future for the 2016, 2017 and 2018 financial years. It is reasonable to expect that should these assessments for the period 2016 to the quarter half of 2018 be issued, the value would be approximately US$57 million (without considering potential interest and fines).


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.5Contingencies regarding the Changes to the Contracts with Corfo. Appeal No. 10301-2018, Santiago Court of Appeals:


(a)In January 2018, indigenous communities and various parties presented an appeal for legal protection against Corfo, the Company, SQM Salar and SQM Potasio (the “Companies”), with regard to the amendments to the contract for the project in the Salar de Atacama and the OMA mining property lease contract dated January 17, 2018, both granted as a result of a conciliation process proposed by the arbitration court which took place at the end of arbitration between the parties (the “Amendments”). According to the appellants, the Amendments will deprive, disturb and threaten in an illegal and arbitrary way the constitutional rights of the appellants established in article 19, numbers 8, 21 and 24 of the Political Constitution. The appellants have therefore requested the following: (i) that the acts subject to appeal be declared invalid, vacated or without effect, (ii) that the Amendments be reviewed according to the provisions of Convention 169 (iii) that the counterparts be expressly made liable for the costs, given the clearly illegal and arbitrary nature of what has occurred.


Once informed of the appeal, the Companies requested that it be rejected for the following reasons. Firstly because it is extemporaneous. Secondly, as the matter is one that requires the interpretation and verification of the application or effects of contractual clauses, it goes beyond the scope of this cautionary action. Thirdly it should be challenged on the principle of specialty, because there is a special procedure which would better apply. In terms of substance, the Companies have indicated to the Court that an increase in the lithium quota, authorized through contractual changes adopted through a conciliation process proposed by the Arbitration Judge does not constitute an arbitrary or illegal act and that no indigenous consultation took place as per article 6 of Convention 169 because the Amendments were not legislative or administrative measures likely to directly affect the indigenous peoples. The Companies have sustained that the Amendments are the implementation of a conciliation agreement, that is the jurisdictional equivalent of res judicata, which was proposed by the arbitration judge and does not correspond to the exercise of public powers, as required in article 6 of Convention 169.


On September 25, 2018, the Santiago Court of Appeals rejected the appeal for protection. The appeal for protection is currently pending before the Supreme Court.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.5Contingencies regarding the Changes to the Contracts with Corfo. Appeal No. 10301-2018, Santiago Court of Appeals (continued)


In the event that a ruling is made to leave without effect the Amendments and if there are no appeals by the parties, the contracts prior to the Amendments will once again be valid, although this resolution should not affect the efficiency and validity of the conciliation reached regarding the matters debated in arbitration.


The court has the faculties to adopt the decisions it considers necessary to reestablish the rule of law and ensure the protection of the affected party.


(b) On September 6, 2018, a public law annulment lawsuit was filed by the congresspersons Mss. Claudia Nathalie Mix Jiménez, Gael Fernanda Yeomans Araya and Camila Ruslay Rojas Valderrama and the Citizen Power Party (Partido Poder Ciudadano) to render null and void the contract for the Salar de Atacama Project signed between Corfo and the Companies. The Companies have joined the suit as interested third parties.


In the suit, the plaintiffs request a pretrial measure against Corfo for the signing of agreements and contracts related to the exploitation of lithium. On October 31, 2018, the special magistrate rejected the measure, which was appealed by the plaintiffs.


In the event that the contract for the Salar de Atacama Project is rendered null and void, SQM Salar could be unable to exploit the mining claims in the Salar de Atacama that it has leased from Corfo.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.6Restricted or pledged cash


The subsidiary Isapre Norte Grande Ltda., in compliance with the provisions established by the Chilean Superintendence of Healthcare, which regulates the running of pension-related health institutions, maintains a guarantee in financial instruments delivered in deposits, custody and administration to Banco de Chile.


This guarantee, according to the regulations issued by the Chilean Superintendence of Healthcare is equivalent to the total amount owed to its members and medical providers. Banco de Chile reports the present value of the guarantee to the Chilean Superintendence of Healthcare and Isapre Norte Grande Ltda on a daily basis. As of December 31, 2018, the guarantee amounts to ThUS$712.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.7Securities obtained from third parties


The main security received (exceeding ThUS$100) from third parties to guarantee Soquimich Comercial S.A. their compliance with obligations in contracts of commercial mandates for the distribution and sale of fertilizers amounted to ThUS$9,423 and ThUS$12,103 on December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 respectively; which is detailed as follows:


Grantor  Relationship  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
      ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Ferosor Agrícola S.A.  Unrelated third party   3,598    4,067 
Tattersall Agroinsumos S.A.  Unrelated third party   2,000    2,000 
Contador Frutos S.A.  Unrelated third party   1,587    1,743 
Agrícola Lobert Ltda.  Unrelated third party   -    1,264 
Covepa SPA  Unrelated third party   720    813 
Johannes Epple Davanzo  Unrelated third party   321    363 
Hortofrutícola La Serena  Unrelated third party   294    323 
Juan Luis Gaete Chesta  Unrelated third party   195    262 
Arena Fertilizantes y Semillas  Unrelated third party   216    244 
Vicente Oyarce Castro  Unrelated third party   222    244 
Soc. Agrocom. Julio Polanco  Unrelated third party   144    163 
Bernardo Guzmán Schmidt  Unrelated third party   126    138 
Gilberto Rivas Y Cia. Ltda.  Unrelated third party   -    138 
Lemp Martin Julian  Unrelated third party   -    124 
Comercial Agrosal Ltda.  Unrelated third party   -    116 
Soc.Comercial el Mimbral  Unrelated third party   -    101 
Total      9,423    12,103 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.8Indirect guarantees


Guarantees without pending balance indirectly reflect that the respective guarantees are in force and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors, and have not been used by the respective subsidiary.


   Debtor      Balances as of the closing
date of the financial
Creditor of the guarantee  Name  Relationship  Type of






Australian and New Zealand Bank  SQM North America Corp  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Australian and New Zealand Bank  SQM Europe N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Generale Bank  SQM North America Corp  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Generale Bank  SQM Europe N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Kredietbank  SQM North America Corp  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Kredietbank  SQM Europe N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Banks and financial institutions  SQM Investment Corp. N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Banks and financial institutions  SQM Europe N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Banks and financial institutions  SQM North America Corp  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Banks and financial institutions  Nitratos Naturais do Chile Ltda.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Banks and financial institutions  SQM México S.A. de C.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Banks and financial institutions  SQM Brasil Ltda.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
“BNP”  SQM Investment Corp. N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Sociedad Nacional de Mineria A.G.  SQM Potasio S.A.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Scotiabank & Trust (Cayman) Ltd.  Royal Seed Trading A.V.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Scotiabank & Trust (Cayman) Ltd.  Royal Seed Trading A.V.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Bank of America  Royal Seed Trading A.V.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Export Development Canada  Royal Seed Trading A.V.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.  Royal Seed Trading A.V.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
JP Morgan Chase Bank  SQM Industrial S.A.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
The Bank of Nova Scotia  SQM Investment Corp. N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 22Contingencies and restrictions (continued)


22.8Indirect guarantees, continued


   Debtor      Pending balances as of the
closing date of the financial
Creditor of the guarantee  Name  Relationship  Type of






Credit Suisse International  SQM Investment Corp. N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Morgan Stanley Capital Services  SQM Investment Corp. N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.  SQM Investment Corp. N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
HSBC  SQM Investment Corp. N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 
Deutsche Bank AG  SQM Investment Corp. N.V.  Subsidiary  Guarantee   -    - 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.

Note 23Lawsuits and complaints


Lawsuits and complaints


During 2015, the Chilean IRS filed several lawsuits and complaints against a number of individuals related to the so-called “SQM Case”, which were associated with the irregular financing of politicians. Amongst those affected by these legal claims were the legal representatives of the Company then the CEO, Patricio de Sominihac T. and the Vice President of Corporate Services, Ricardo Ramos R. today Chief Executive Officer Those lawsuits and complaints related to alleged tax crimes associated with a possible undue decrease in the taxable net income of the Company and two of its subsidiaries over the last seven years by recording as expenses varios invoices and fee receipts, which could be considered as ideologically false. Similar legal actions were also filed against the taxpayers who provided the tax documents that allowed the alleged commission of the related illicit acts.


Actions performed by the Authority and Termination of research in Chile


The Public Ministry and the Chilean IRS (Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII) have performed a number of actions within the framework of the so-called “SQM Case”, where the Company and its executives have provided their cooperation. Several of the Company’s executives have granted access to their computers and made several statements at the request of the Prosecutors responsible for the investigation. Additionally, SQM has provided physical and digital copies of its accounting records and its subsidiaries’ accounting records. SQM has also provided the Public Ministry with its email files and all the documentation that has been requested by the authority.


On August 17, 2018, the Eighth Guarantee Court declared the definitive dismissal of the Company, SQM Salar and SQM Nitratos with respect to the case in which their criminal liability was being investigated.


On January 15, 2019, the MP communicated to the Eighth Criminal Court its decision not to continue with the criminal investigation against Messrs. Patricio de Solminihac T, Ricardo Ramos R. and Enrique Olivares C.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 23Lawsuits and complaints, (continued)


Shearman & Sterling and Ad-Hoc Committee


On February 26, 2015, the Board of Directors of SQM established an ad-hoc committee comprised of three directors (the “Ad-hoc Committee”), which was authorized to conduct an investigation on the matters described in the preceding paragraph and to request any external advisory services it deemed necessary. The original members of the Ad-hoc Committee were José María Eyzaguirre B., Juan Antonio Guzmán M., and Wolf von Appen B.


The Ad-hoc Committee hired its own legal counsel in Chile and the United States as well as forensic accountants in the United States to support its internal investigation. The U.S. attorneys hired by the Ad-hoc Committee were mainly charged with reviewing the important facts and analyzing them in the context of the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”). However, the Ad-hoc Committee’s factual conclusions were shared with both Chilean authorities and U.S. authorities.


On December 15, 2015, the Ad-hoc Committee presented the conclusions of its investigation to the Board of Directors. In addition to discussing the facts related to the referenced payments, the Ad-hoc Committee concluded that, for the purposes of the FCPA:


a.payments were identified that had been authorized by the former CEO of SQM for which the Company did not find sufficient supporting documentation;
b.no evidence was identified that demonstrated that such payments were made in order to prompt a public official to act or abstain from acting in order to help SQM obtain economic benefits;
c.in relation to the cost centers managed by the former CEO of SQM, it was concluded that the Company's books did not accurately reflect the transactions in question but that these transactions were determined to be quantitatively immaterial in comparison to SQM's equity, sales, expenses and profits during that period; and that.
d.SQM's internal controls were insufficient to supervise the expenses within the cost center managed by the former CEO of SQM and relied on the proper use of resources by Patricio Contesse G. himself.


After the Ad-hoc Committee presented its conclusions to the Board of Directors, the Company voluntarily shared these conclusions with the Chilean and U.S. Authorities (including the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and the U.S. Department of Justice (the “DOJ”) and has since collaborated by handing over documents and additional information requested by these authorities regarding this investigation.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.




Note 23Lawsuits and complaints, (continued)


Investigation by the Department of Justice and the Securities Exchange Commission and Agreements


The Company reported on the investigation by Shearman & Sterling for North American regulatory entities (DOJ and Securities and Exchange Commission, the “SEC”), in accordance with the regulations in force in the United States of America. The results of this investigation were given to these regulatory entities, which have opened investigations to determine the existence of possible noncompliance with the FCPA or Internal control standards.


On January 13, 2017, the Company and the DOJ reached agreement on the terms of a Deferred Prosecution Agreement (the “DPA”) that would resolve the DOJ’s inquiry, based on alleged violations of the books and records and internal controls provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Among other terms, the DPA calls for the Company to pay a monetary penalty of US$15,487,500, and engage a compliance monitor for a term of two (2) years. Upon successful completion of the three (3) year term of the DPA, all charges against the Company would be dismissed. On the same date, the SEC agreed to resolve its inquiry through an administrative cease and desist order, arising out of the alleged violations of the same accounting provisions of the FCPA. Among other terms, the SEC order calls for the Company to pay an additional monetary penalty of US$15 million. These penalties were reflected in the 2016 financial statements.


In accordance with the terms of the Deferred Prosecution Agreement (the “DPA”) with the DOJ, the Company has accepted that the DOJ formulates (i) a charge for infractions for the lack of implementation of effective internal accounting systems and internal accounting controls and (ii) a charge for infractions for failure to adequately maintain books, records and accounting sections in relation to the events investigated. Under the DPA, the DOJ has agreed not to pursue such charges against the Company for a period of 3 years and release the Company from liability after such period, inasmuch as within that period the Company complies with the terms of the DPA. These include payment of a fine of US$15,487,500 and acceptance of an external monitor for a period of 24 months (the “Monitor”) that will assess the Company’s compliance program, and continue to report on the Company independently for an additional year.


In relation to the agreement with the SEC, the Company has agreed to (i) pay a fine of 15 million dollars and (ii) maintain the Monitor for the aforementioned period.


The SEC has issued a Cease and Desist Order that does not identify other breaches of United States regulations.


The aforementioned amounts, approximately US$30.5 million, were reflected in the Company’s profit and loss during the fourth quarter of 2016 in the Other Expenses by function line.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 24Sanction proceedings


On April 03, 2018, the National Directorate of the “Dirección Nacional del Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería” (National Geology and Mining Service) filed charges against SQM Industrial for the alleged violation of Article 40 letter c) of Law No. 20,551 that regulates the closure of mining works and facilities for Pampa Blanca, located in the district of Sierra Gorda. On April 26, 2018, SQM Industrial gave its deposition. According to current regulations, the National Geology and Mining Service can impose fines of up to 10 UTMs (monthly tax units) for each day of infringement, with a total maximum of 10,000 UTMs per month.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment


25.1Disclosures of disbursements related to the environment


The Company is continuously concerned with protecting the environment both in its production processes and with respect to products manufactured. This commitment is supported by the principles indicated in the Company’s Sustainable Development Policy. The Company is currently operating under an Environmental Management System (EMS) that has allowed it to strengthen its environmental performance through the effective application of the Company’s Sustainable Development Policy.


Operations that use caliche as a raw material are carried out in desert areas with climatic conditions that are favorable for drying solids and evaporating liquids using solar energy. Operations involving the open-pit extraction of minerals, due to their low waste-to-mineral ratio, generate remaining deposits that slightly alter the environment.


Many of the Company’s products are shipped in bulk at the Port of Tocopilla. In 2007, the city of Tocopilla was declared a zone saturated with MP10 Particles mainly due to the emissions from the electric power plants that operate in that city. In October 2010, the Decontamination Plan for Tocopilla was put in place. Accordingly, the Company has committed to taking several measures to mitigate the effects derived from bulk product movements in the port. These measures have been timely implemented since 2007.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued


25.1Disclosures of disbursements related to the environment, continued


The Company carries out environmental follow-up and monitoring plans based on specialized scientific studies. Within this context, the Company entered into a contract with the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) aimed at researching the activities of flamingo groups that live in the Salar de Atacama (Atacama Saltpeter Deposit) lagoons. Such research includes a population count of the birds, as well as breeding research. Environmental monitoring activities carried out by the Company at the Salar de Atacama and other systems in which it operates are supported by a number of studies that have integrated diverse scientific efforts from prestigious research centers, including Dictuc from the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Santiago and the School of Agricultural Science of the Universidad de Chile.


Furthermore, within the framework of the environmental studies which the Company is conducting, the Company performs significant activities in relation to the recording of Pre-Columbian and historical cultural heritage, as well as the protection of heritage sites, in accordance with current Chilean laws. These activities have been especially performed in the areas surrounding Maria Elena and the Nueva Victoria plant. This effort is being accompanied by cultural initiatives within the community and the organization of exhibits in local and regional museums.


As emphasized in its Sustainable Development Policy, the Company strives to maintain positive relationships with the communities surrounding the locations in which it carries out its operations, as well as to participate in communities’ development by supporting joint projects and activities which help to improve the quality of life for residents. For this purpose, the Company has focused its efforts on activities involving the rescue of historical heritage, education and culture, as well as development.


In order to do so, it acts both individually and in conjunction with private and public entities.


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment


The cumulative disbursements which the Company had incurred as of December 31, 2018 for the concept of investments in production processes, verification and control of compliance with ordinances and laws related to industrial processes and facilities amounted to ThUS$19,439 and are detailed as follows:


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment, continued


Accumulated expenses as of 12/31/2018


Parent Company or


  Project Name  Reason for Disbursement  Asset /

Description of Asset

or Expense





Exact or

Estimated Date

of Disbursement

Miscellaneous  Environment - Operating Area  Not classified  Expense  Not classified   9,002   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I005500 - Standardization of SO2 plants  Environmental processing  Assets  Not classified   27   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I007300 - Compliance with Iodine Gas Exposure Standard  Environmental processing  Assets  Not classified   59   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I013800 - Increase height of Absorber Tower  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   124   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I017200 - CEDAM at Puquíos (ponds) at Llamara  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   25   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I017400 - Development of Pintados and surrounding area.  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   5   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I018300 - Cultural Heritage Baseline Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Mina Oeste N.V.  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   117   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I018700 - Penalization Process for Salar de Llamara  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   992   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I019400 - EIA Expansion of TEA and Seawater Impulsion  Environmental processing  Assets  Not classified   1,914   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I017600 - Regularization of Substances Decree  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   121   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J007000 - Environmental Impact Statement  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   30   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J010200 - NK CS (KNO3-NaNO3 salt production at NPT2 plant)  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   100   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-I015600 - Recovery of Reject Water from Osmosis Plant, NV Iodine Plant  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   130   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J012200 - Environmental Impact Statement and Regularization of CS Ponds  Tramitación Ambiental  Assets  Not classified   131   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-M002000 - Recovery of Potable Water at María Elena  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   161   12/31/2018


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment, continued


Accumulated expenses as of 12/31/2018


Parent Company or


  Project Name  Reason for Disbursement 

Asset /


Description of Asset

or Expense





Exact or

Estimated Date
of Disbursement

SQM Industrial S.A.  04-I025000 - Re-drilling of Well 2PL-2 and Maintenance of Access Road to Wells  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   18   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-P006500 - Installation, electrical wiring  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   3   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-I017700 -  Basic engineering and Environmental Impact Assessment for TEA industrial area and seawater impulsion N.V  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   561   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J013500 -  Handling of Equipment associated with PCBs  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   127   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T003400 - 2016 Port maintenance Capex  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   28   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T001900 - Storage Warehouse Cover  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   25   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T001800 - Mechanization of Shipment from Ca  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   50   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T003200 - Mechanization of Shipment from Ca  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   218   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T003600 - Improved Port SQM Bulk Storage  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   33   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T004200 - Encapsulation and Collectors Yards 8 and 9  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   795   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T004500 - Belt 5 Extension and Overhaul  Environmental processing  Assets  Not classified   200   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T005000 - Ground leveling and paving of warehouse  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   210   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T006400 - Pollution Control and Management Equipment  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   246   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T006200 - Storage Facilities Yard 6  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   299   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T006100 - Closure of Storage Facilities Yard 9  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   443   12/31/2018


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment, continued


Parent Company or


  Project Name  Reason for Disbursement 

Asset /


Description of Asset

or Expense





Exact or

Estimated Date

of Disbursement

SQM Salar S.A.  19-L012200 - Installation of flow meters per environmental standard  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   74   12/31/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L012100 – Regularization of weather station  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   39   12/31/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-C003900 - Extension of Carbonate 120,000 TPA Plant  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   776   12/31/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L014700 - Industrial Waste Management  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   120   12/31/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L014900 - Sludge Drying Project  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   180   12/31/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L018400 - EIA, PSA, Hydrogeology and Conservation  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   1,824   12/31/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L018700 - 5th Update of environmental modeling  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   76   12/31/2018
SQM Nitratos S.A  12-I012700 - Mine Site Workshop Water Recovery Plant  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   156   12/31/2018
Total               19,439    


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment, continued


Future expenses as of 12/31/2018


Parent Company or

  Project Name  Reason for Disbursement 

Asset /



Description of Asset
or Expense





Exact or

Estimated Date
of Disbursement

Miscellaneous  Environment - Operating Area  Not classified  Expense  Not classified   10,204   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I012200 - Repair or replacement of well  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   76   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I013800 - Increase height of Absorber Tower  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   15   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I007200 - Environmental Follow-up Plan for Salar de Llamara for 2015-2016  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   90   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I017400 - Development of Pintados and surrounding area.  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   116   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I018700 - Penalization Process for Salar de Llamara  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   528   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I019400 - EIA Expansion of TEA and Seawater Impulsion  Environmental processing  Assets  Not classified   536   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I017600 - Regularización Decreto Sustanc  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   485   1/23/2019
SIT S.A.  03-T004200 - Encapsulation and Collectors Yards 8 and 9  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   321   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T004500 - Belt 5 Extension and Overhaul  Tramitación Ambiental  Assets  Not classified   141   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T006200 - Warehouses, yard 6  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   1,147   1/12/2019
SIT S.A.  03-T006400 - Pollution Control Equipment and Maintenance  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   144   1/13/2019
SIT S.A.  03-T006100 - Warehouses, yard 9  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   490   1/18/2019
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L012100 – Regularization of weather station  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   13   12/31/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L018000 - Regularize TT lighting  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   74   1/16/2019
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L018700 - Fifth environmental model update  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   27   12/31/2018


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment, continued


Future expenses as of 12/31/2018


Parent Company or


  Project Name  Reason for Disbursement 

Asset /



Description of Asset
or Expense





Exact or
Estimated Date
of Disbursement

SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J010200 - NK CS (KNO3-NaNO3 salt production at NPT2 plant)  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   3   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-I017700 -  Basic engineering and Environmental Impact Assessment for TEA industrial area and seawater impulsion N.V  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   452   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J010700 - Recovery Water Intake from Rivers  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   120   1/1/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J012200 - Environmental Impact Statement and Regularization of CS Ponds  Environmental processing  Assets  Not classified   187   1/2/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-M002000 - Recovery of Potable Water at María Elena  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   264   1/6/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J013500 -  Handling of Equipment associated with PCBs  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   34   1/10/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J013300 - Increase solid waste management in Dual Plant (Delkor Filter)  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   68   1/14/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-P006500 - Installation, electrical wiring  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   104   1/17/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J015200 - Implementation Economizers  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Assets  Not classified   276   1/21/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-I025000 - Re-drilling of Well 2PL-2 and Ma  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   242   1/24/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J014200 - Commitments with Environmental Qualification Resolutions  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   70   1/25/2019
            Total   16,227    


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment, continued


Future expenses as of 12/31/2017


Parent Company or


  Project Name  Reason for Disbursement 

Asset /



Description of Asset

or Expense





Exact or

Estimated Date

of Disbursement

Miscellaneous  Environment - Operating Area  Not classified  Expense  Not classified   9,552   12/31/2017
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-IQWZ00 - Normalization TK NV liquid fuels  Environmental processing  Asset  Not classified   37   4/1/2014
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-PPZU00 - Standardize and Certify Plant Fuel Tanks  Environmental processing  Asset  Not classified   48   7/1/2011
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J007000 - Environmental Impact Statement  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   151   12/31/2017
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-P003600 - Opening of NPT IV Project (NK engineering studies)  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   181   12/31/2017
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-I012400 - Acquisition of Power Generator to Back up the Injection System at Puquios in Salar de Llamara  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   34   12/31/2016
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J004300 - Energy efficiency study  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   56   12/31/2017
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J010200 - NK CS (KNO3-NaNO3 salt production at NPT2 plant)  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   1   4/30/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-I015600 - Recovery of Reject Water from Osmosis Plant, NV Iodine Plant  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   12   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I005500 - Standardization of SO2 plants  Environmental processing  Asset  Not classified   81   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I007100 - Environmental Follow-up Plan for Pampa del Tamarugal for 2015-2016  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   2   1/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I007200 - Environmental Follow-up Plan for Salar de Llamara for 2015-2016  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   2   1/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I013800 - Increase height of Absorber Tower  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   62   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I007300 - Compliance with Iodine Gas Exposure Standard  Environmental processing  Asset  Not classified   961   12/31/2017


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment, continued


Accumulated expenses as of 12/31/2017, continued


Parent Company or

  Project Name  Reason for Disbursement 

Asset /



Description of Asset

or Expense





Exact or

Estimated Date

of Disbursement

SQM S.A.  01-I012200 - Repair or replacement of well  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   41   12/31/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L008100 - EIS Salar 2015  Environmental processing  Expense  Not classified   488   12/31/2017
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L012200 - Installation of flow meters per environmental standard  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   240   6/1/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-C002300 - Extension of LIOH 7,000 TPA Plant  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   230   12/31/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L012100 – Renovation of equipment with certification required for Environmental Assessment Resolution  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   13   6/1/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T003400 - 2016 Port maintenance Capex  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   42   3/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T001900 - Storage Warehouse Cover  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   37   3/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T001800 - Mechanization of Shipment from Ca  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   982   5/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T003200 - Mechanization of Shipment from Ca  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   1,296   5/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T004200 - Encapsulation and Collectors Yards 8 and 9  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   58   8/30/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T004500 - Belt 5 Extension and Overhaul  Environmental processing  Asset  Not classified   180   8/30/2018
Total               14,787    


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment, continued


Future expenses as of 12/31/2017, continued


Parent Company or

  Project Name  Reason for Disbursement 

Asset /



Description of Asset

or Expense





Exact or

Estimated Date

of Disbursement

Miscellaneous  Environment - Operating Area  Not classified  Expense  Not classified   10,450   12/31/2018
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-J010200 - NK CS (KNO3-NaNO3 salt production at NPT2 plant)  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   140   4/30/2019
SQM Industrial S.A.  04-I015600 - Recovery of Reject Water from Osmosis Plant, NV Iodine Plant  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   130   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I005500 - Standardization of SO2 plants  Environmental processing  Asset  Not classified   37   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I012200 - Repair or replacement of well  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   76   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I013800 - Increase height of Absorber Tower  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   111   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I017200 - CEDAM at Puquíos (ponds) at Llamara  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   260   12/31/2018
SQM S.A.  01-I017400 - Development of Pintados and surrounding area  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Expense  Not classified   124   12/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T001900 - Storage Warehouse Cover  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   10   3/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T001800 - Mechanization of Shipment from Ca  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   103   5/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T003200 - Mechanization of Shipment from Ca  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   254   5/31/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T004200 - Encapsulation and Collectors Yards 8 and 9  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   854   8/30/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T004500 - Belt 5 Extension and Overhaul  Environmental processing  Asset  Not classified   336   8/30/2018
SIT S.A.  03-T005000 - Ground leveling and paving of warehouse  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   210   9/30/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-L012100 – Renovation of equipment with certification required for Environmental Assessment Resolution  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   52   6/1/2018


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.2Detail of information on disbursements related to the environment, continued


Future expenses as of 12/31/2017, continued


Parent Company or

  Project Name  Reason for Disbursement 

Asset /



Description of Asset

or Expense





Exact or

Estimated Date

of Disbursement

SQM Salar S.A.  19-L012200 - Installation of flow meters per environmental standard  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   10   6/1/2018
SQM Salar S.A.  19-C002300 - Extension of LIOH 7,000 TPA Plant  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   28   12/31/2018
SQM Nitratos S.A  12-I012700 - Mine Site Workshop Water Recovery Plant  Sustainability: Environment and Risk Prevention  Asset  Not classified   160   12/31/2018
Total               13,345    


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.3Description of each project, indicating whether these are in process or have been finished




I0055: In the SO2 plant, the gas/liquid ratio is deficient, preventing the absorption of SO2; producing a loss of free iodine through inadequate stripping of kerosene and prilling air. This also causes the ducts and furnaces to be blocked (unplanned shutdowns), a very polluted environment for people (aberration in health and hygiene), excessive acid rain (corrosion of facilities) and a high sulfur and sodium metabisulfite consumption factor. By changing the gas extractors to increase air flows and the SO2 absorption towers for prilling, the diameter of the ducts will be increased. This will ensure that the gas/liquid ratio is increased and sustained. In order to decrease SO2, emissions, a scrubber unit (tower, pump, gas extractor and piping) needs to be installed following the same concept as was developed at the ME Iodine SO2 plant.


I0073: The system for capturing iodine gases is operating very inefficiently. The iodine steam levels are between 150% and 4,900% above the levels allowed for jobs at iodine plants and warehouses as established in Article 61 of Supreme Decree No, 594/1999, approving Basic Sanitary and Environmental Conditions in Workplaces. This project is in progress.


I0122: The project consists of repairing and/or replacing the environmental follow-up wells that need to be deepened. It also includes implementing improvements in mine shaft type wells to avoid risk conditions. The priority wells are Nos. 8 and 10-S-1 in Pampa del Tamarugal and PO-5 in Salar de Llamara.


I0138: This project is to increase the height of each SO2 absorber tower (regular and stand-by towers) by 2,5 meters. The towers’ additional height will allow the height of the packing to be increased by 2,5, thereby improving the efficiency of the SO2 absorption. The main activities are: Basic and detailed engineering; supply of the bodies of the absorber towers (frp), liquid distributors, tower brine pump pad, tri-pack packing type, polyethylene pipes and fitting; gas measurement service; metallic structure manufacturing and installation services; and project start-up.


I0172: The commitments of the Pampa Hermosa project for the Salar de Llamara include the Tamarugos Environmental Management Plan (PMAT), which contemplates an Environmental Education Program that includes the design, construction and start-up of an Environmental Education Center (CEDAM) at Puquios de Llamara. Conceptual design, detailed design, construction and start-up are necessary for the CEDAM, which will be subject to approval by the authorities so its duration and costs are subject to the approval of third parties.



El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.3Description of each project, indicating whether these are in process or have been finished, continued




I0174: One of the commitments of the Pampa Hermosa project involves developing the former Pintados station. The development proposal was presented to the authorities and once approved, it needs to be implemented (parking, footpath, shader and information panels). One of the commitments for the Nueva Victoria and Pampa Hermosa mining area projects is to prepare a storage place in Humberstone for storing the archaeological materials that are recovered. This is part of the archaeological compensation measures involved in these projects. A proposal needs to be developed and subsequently developed for the Humberstone deposit, which is subject to approval by the authorities so its duration and costs are subject to the approval of third parties.


I0183: A heritage baseline will be taken for the eastern mine sector, required for the EIS


I0187: The project involves the implementation of measures that were committed to during the penalty process, including urgent and transitory measures. Actions to be implemented include monthly biotic monitoring, quarterly landscape monitoring, metagenomic analysis, study accrediting the nonexistence of environmental effects in puquios (aquatic biota) and study accrediting the implementation of adequate water quality control of water injected into the system, both accredited by a center for excellence in a state or state-recognized university.


I0194: Tender and awarding of environmental permits, implement archeology, biota, human environment campaigns, etc,, develop marine studies, prepare reports and enter study into the assessment system, monitor and respond to addenda until the system is approved. Prepare and submit claims to third parties associated with the request for rights of way.


I0176: The project involves an initial diagnosis in the different sites to identify deviations and actions to be implemented for adaptation, for subsequent preparation of the Adaptation Program that will be presented to the Seremi de Salud. This diagnosis will be used to define the activities to be developed, and these may require minor or major structural modifications that require prior environmental assessment (DIA/EIA).


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.3Description of each project, indicating whether these are in process or have been finished, continued


SQM Industrial S.A.


I0156: The project will enable the recovery of reject water from the osmosis plant to be used in the leach pile area, increasing the efficiency of water use.


J0070: This project relates to the preparation and processing of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), with the purpose of obtaining the environmental authorization (RCA) for the yards. The information to be presented includes the air quality baseline, so a PM 2.5 and gas monitoring station has been installed to complement the existing stations at ME. This project is in progress.


J0102: It is proposed to build a new PTS plant that is integrated into the NPT 2 crystallization process. The engineering design of this plant considers the reuse of the equipment already acquired for the NK PV plant. The plant includes a new raw materials yard, a grinder stage (sizer), a wet mill, a dissolution stage with reactors and thickener and a filtration and centrifuge unit for discarded salt. The crystallization from the NPT1 and NPT2 plants will be reused, as well as the refining plant at the NPT2 plant.


J0122: The project consists of entering the Coya Sur wells into the environmental impact assessment system (SEIA) and processing the permits for these wells with the General Directorate of Water Resources (DGA).


P0036: The project consists of enabling the reuse of the crystallization plant and all of its facilities associated with the production of nitrate salts.


J0135: This project consists of dealing with all the oils and components that contain 50ppm or more of PCB by 2025 at the latest. The activities to be undertaken will be to deal with all those elements with oil that have previously been identified as having more than 50ppm of PCB.


M0020: The project consists of concluding the system of the drinking water network, in addition to renewing several sections of the network, due to the deterioration of original pipes. It also intends to acquire equipment to better address water seepage in town and problems in the sewage chambers. Sewage water management requires a single backfill for final sludge disposal, in keeping with current legislation.


I0177: The project involves completing the development of basic engineering, implementing the Environmental Impact Study for Tente en el Aire, obtain legal and sectorial permits for project implementation in a second stage



El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.3Description of each project, indicating whether these are in process or have been finished, continued


SQM Industrial S.A.


P0065: The project involves installation of a transformer, posts and ditch solution collection tank. In addition to improvements in the ditch sector, heavy machinery will be used to safely position low-suction pumps.


I0250: The project consists of re-drilling well 2Pl-2, which implies the detention of the extraction well, extraction of current casing and its re-drilling, with the relevant development work and pump tests. Road maintenance works imply leveling roads, filling damaged areas and compacting this fill.


J0107: The project looks to renovate and automate the operation of pump stations at the three water intakes, by incorporating automatic valves and smart controls for pumps. In addition, water intake pipe sections, cut-off valves, check valves, drains and vents should be renewed. Due to the water conditions and length of pipes, these face the risk of failure due to overpressure, corrosion and material wear. Maintenance and repair works must also be undertaken on pumps at each water intake as a result of wear and corrosion due to the characteristics of river water.


J0133: The project consists of increasing the centrifuge filter capacity at the Anhydrous Sulfate Plant: Industrial test. If favorable, install belts to remove discarded material to the storage yard.


J0152: The project involves the installation of heat collection equipment for gas emanating from boilers and implementation of associated structural improvements.


J0142: The project involves implementing environmental measures associated with the CS Update DIA (heritage sign, pavement of ME road) and the DIA for NK PV (controlled disturbance plan).




T0018: The project consists of the installation of an underground conveyor belt running outside of the storage boxes in yards Nos. 8 and 9, connected to belt 5 and subsequently to the shipment system. While this is an operating improvement, the project has an environmental component as the project involves the implementation and purchase of belt covers as an internal emissions control measure to improve compliance with the Tocopilla EDP. This project is in progress


T0019: This project consists of the installation of covers (ceiling and side cover) in the 4 new storage boxes, which will be built in the area of current yards Nos. 8 and 9. While this is an operating improvement, the project has an environmental component as the project involves the building of a warehouse as an emissions control measure to improve compliance with the Tocopilla EDP and reduce dust emissions. This project has been completed.


T0032: The project consists of the installation of an underground conveyor belt running outside of the storage boxes in Yard No. 6, with feeding points of access directly connected to belt 6 and subsequently to the shipment system. While this is an operating improvement, the project has an environmental component as it includes the implementation of conveyor belt No. 6 from Yard No. 6, which is an action to control emissions as per the commitments within the Tocopilla EDP. This project is at the start-up stage.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.4Description of each project, indicating whether these are in process or have been finished, continued




T0034: The project seeks to make all the investments associated with maintaining the port’s operating capacity, guaranteeing high equipment availability for shipment purposes. While this is an operating improvement, the project also has an environmental component. The project consists of the replenishment and/or replacement of the impaired wind barrier membranes in Yard No. 3, which is an action to control emissions, as committed to in the Tocopilla EDP. This project has been completed.


T0036: The project involves the installation of rainwater collection channels in the storage warehouses and engineering that studies the possibility of storing multiple products in a single silo and the possibility of installing vibrating floors that enable free runoff of the product, thereby preventing the risks of manual operation and the effect that this provokes in shipments.


T0042: In order to comply with Article 13 of Supreme Decree No. 70/2010 Tocopilla EDP must incorporate dust collectors on the TV-1 and TV-2 hoppers in yard Nos.8 and 9.


T0045: The conveyor belts in yard numbers 8 and 9 will be completed by being connected to conveyor belt no. 5 and thus forming part of the shipment system. This involves the extension, connection and overhaul of conveyor belt no. 5, together with the connection to pan feeder 3 and the corresponding improvements to become an integral part of the shipment system. This will be done in compliance with the environmental regulations established in the Tocopilla Decontamination Plan. Atmospheric Decontamination Plan for the City of Tocopilla and surrounding area Supreme Decree No. 70/2010, Art.13 II.3.


T0050: The loose earth soil around the storage warehouse in yard 17 is uneven, which creates operational difficulties and poses a risk both for the warehouse and operationally. The area of land to be paved measures 2100 m2. A hazardous waste patio is also to be built.


T0062: A 35 x 110 m hangar will be installed on yard 6 to stockpile bulk product that also permits loading and unloading from trucks and front loaders as well as proper stacking. The warehouse in yard 6 will be expanded into boxes 5 and 6 in order to stockpile bulk product.


T0064: Purchase of Sentinal sweeper - Purchase critical operating equipment.


T0061: The project involves the construction of the second part of the yard storage facility 9 (1500 square meters).


SQM Salar.


C0023: A new plant extension is to be built with the capacity for 7,000 TPA of product. This project is in progress.


L0121: Change of the weather station equipment to comply with the standard.


L0147: This project involves the elimination of these unauthorized industrial waste storage points. This work will be undertaken by an external company that separates, organizes and packages different types of industrial waste according to the environmental authorization and legislation in force. The waste can then be removed from the same points for final disposal off site.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 25Environment (continued)


25.3Description of each project, indicating whether these are in process or have been finished, continued


SQM Salar.


L0180: Normalization of lighting and electrical circuits at ground transportation facilities in Salar Atacama.


C0039: The project involves increasing the Lithium Carbonate production capacity from 70,000 TPA to 120,000 TPA.


L0149: This project includes building a dehydrating plant at SQM Salar's current facilities to be used for treatment, storage, transport and final disposal of sludge generated by the different sewage treatment plants and providing the solutions necessary to comply with DS No. 04/09, Regulation for Managing Sludge at Sewage Treatment Plants.


L0184: The project involves advising for the Environmental Monitoring Plan, as well as improved environmental monitoring.


L0187: The project involves this 5th update to numeric modeling, which would provide compliance with the commitments undertaken during the environmental qualification process for the project “Changes and Improvements to Mining Operations in the Salar de Atacama”.


SQM Nitratos S.A.


I0127: By installing a reverse osmosis system or a process that enables the recovery of industrial water and that reduces the hardness of the water for cleaning the equipment, we can reuse this water to wash equipment again, thereby reducing the damage to the electrical systems of the equipment as a result of corrosion.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 26Mineral resource exploration and evaluation expenditure


Given the nature of operations of the Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and Subsidiaries and the type of exploration it undertakes, disbursements for exploration can be found in 4 stages: Implementation, economically feasible, not economically feasible and in exploitation:


1.Implementation: Disbursements for prospecting under implementation and therefore prior to determination of economic feasibility, are classified in the caption of Non-Current Assets, found in Works in Progress for Properties, Plant and Equipment, which include, exploration of caliche, and brine from the Salar de Atacama (these processes are generally developed over a one-year period), both totaling ThUS$8,355 in this caption, as of December 31, 2018, and ThUS$8,942 as of December 31, 2017. For Mt Holland, exploration disbursements fall under Other Non-Current Non-Financial Assets and correspond to ThUS$11,298 as of December 31, 2018. As of December 31, 2017 there were no disbursements for this concept.


2.Economically feasible: Prospecting disbursements corresponding to caliche exploration, wherein the study concluded that its economic feasibility is viable, are classified under Non-Current Assets in Other Non-current Financial Assets. The balance as of December 31, 2018, is ThUS$5,099 and as of December 31, 2017, it is ThUS$12,530.


For the exploration of the Salar de Atacama, the associated assets correspond to wells that can be used both in monitoring and exploitation of the Salar. Therefore, once the studies are concluded, these are classified as Non-current Assets in Properties, Plants and Equipment, assigning them a technical useful life of 10 years.


3.Not economically feasible: Prospecting disbursements, once finalized and concluded to be not economically feasible, will be charged to profit and loss. As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, there is no existing disbursement for this item.


4.In Exploitation: Caliche exploration disbursements that are found in this area are amortized based on the material exploited. The portion that is exploited in the following 12 months is presented as current assets in the inventories. As of December 31, 2018, the amount is ThUS$2,028 and the balance as of December 31, 2017 for this concept is ThUS$521. The portion that will be amortized in the following years is classified as non-current assets under Other Non-current Assets. As of December 31, 2018, there is a balance of ThUS$9,791 for this concept, and as of December 31, 2017, the balance is ThUS$5,191.


Disbursements corresponding to metal exploration are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 27Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income by function of expenses, included according to their nature


27.1Revenue from operating activities


The Group derives revenues from the sale of goods (which are recognised at one point in time) and from the provision of services (which are recognised over time) and are distributed among the following geographical areas and main product and service lines:Geographic areas:


Geographic areas 

Specialty plant



Iodine and



Lithium and








Chile   111,595    1,052    700    25,593    4,575    45,834    189,349 
Latin America and the Caribbean   77,737    6,390    3,596    80,192    12,097    177    180,189 
Europe   200,229    112,080    103,430    46,068    17,384    473    479,664 
North America   240,995    83,587    68,254    50,685    27,347    647    471,515 
Asia and Others   151,194    121,863    558,821    64,936    46,865    1,407    945,086 
Total   781,750    324,972    734,801    267,474    108,268    48,538    2,265,803 


Geographic areas 

Specialty plant



Iodine and



Lithium and








Chile   91,243    1,054    802    20,001    2,522    45,942    161,564 
Latin America and the Caribbean   71,335    5,756    3,109    142,610    9,180    155    232,145 
Europe   177,997    81,557    88,443    72,405    28,346    305    449,053 
North America   235,963    67,491    42,918    69,105    25,824    553    441,854 
Asia and Others   120,713    96,265    509,301    75,205    69,706    1,517    872,707 
Total   697,251    252,123    644,573    379,326    135,578    48,472    2,157,323 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Nota 27Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income by function of expenses, included according to their nature


27.1Revenue from operating activities, continued


b) Main product lines:


   2018   2017 
  ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Products and Services        
Specialty plant nutrition   781,750    697,251 
Sodium Nitrates   17,688    18,555 
Potassium nitrate and sodium potassium nitrate   527,945    474,451 
Specialty Blends   145,512    121,263 
Other specialty fertilizers   90,605    82,982 
Iodine and derivatives   324,972    252,123 
Lithium and derivatives   734,801    644,573 
Potassium   267,474    379,326 
Industrial chemicals   108,268    135,578 
Other   48,538    48,472 
Commodities   18,582    11,822 
Other ordinary income Of. Commercial   24,465    32,784 
Income from services rendered and others Other          
Income from the provision of services   4,017    3,795 
Income from leasing properties   1,474    71 
Total   2,265,803    2,157,323 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Nota 27Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income by function of expenses, included according to their nature


27.2Cost of sales


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Raw materials and consumables used   (260,863)   (227,620)
Classes of employee benefit expenses   (203,569)   (172,084)
Depreciation expense   (212,582)   (232,275)
Amortization expense   (7,194)   (8,153)
Operating leases   (75,395)   (80,160)
Investment plan expenses   (13,384)   (17,180)
Contractors   (78,825)   (72,348)
Mining concessions   (8,168)   (7,802)
Operations transport   (64,352)   (69,052)
Freight and product transport costs   (43,510)   (55,383)
Purchase of products from third parties   (239,781)   (208,147)
Insurance   (9,816)   (10,255)
CORFO rights   (182,954)   (46,274)
Export costs   (84,816)   (83,057)
Variation in inventory   11,600    (90,998)
Other expenses, by nature   (9,915)   (14,034)
Total   (1,483,524)   (1,394,822)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 27Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income by function of expenses, included according to their nature (continued)


27.3Other income


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Discounts obtained from suppliers   705    345 
Fines charged to suppliers   698    199 
Taxes recovered   685    1,278 
Amounts recovered from insurance   443    154 
Overestimate of provisions for third-party obligations   375    586 
Other operating income   1,847    4,543 
Options on mining claims   16,095    2,607 
Easements, pipelines and roads   10,806    4,656 
Reimbursement mining licenses and notary expenses   394    1,196 
Shares obtained in junior mining companies through options   -    2,263 
Total   32,048    17,827 


27.4Administrative expenses


   12/31/2018   13/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Employee benefit expenses by nature          
Remuneration and benefits to employees   (63,880)   (51,761)
Marketing costs   (3,078)   (2,539)
Amortization expenses   (15)   (8)
Entertainment expenses   (4,805)   (4,781)
Advisory services   (12,848)   (14,348)
Leases   (4,556)   (4,097)
Insurance   (1,758)   (1,767)
Office expenses   (8,165)   (5,357)
Contractors   (5,730)   (4,805)
Other expenses, by nature   (13,291)   (11,708)
Total   (118,126)   (101,171)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 27Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income by function of expenses, included according to their nature (continued)


27.5Other expenses by function


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Classes of Employee Benefit Expenses          
Depreciation and amortization expense          
Depreciation of assets not in use   (59)   (90)
Subtotal   (59)   (90)
Impairment losses (reversals of impairment losses) recognized in profit (loss) for the year          
Amortization expense intangible   (1,649)   - 
Subtotal   (1,649)   - 
Other expenses, by nature          
Legal expenses   (15,139)   (25,176)
VAT and other unrecoverable taxes   (1,187)   (1,295)
Fines paid   (965)   (1,112)
Investment plan expenses   (13,419)   (10,006)
Donations not accepted as tax credit   (4,502)   (5,527)
Restructuring of joint ventures   6,000    (6,000)
Other operating expenses   (7,636)   (4,394)
Subtotal   (35,199)   (53,510)
Total   (36,907)   (53,600)


27.6Other income (expenses)


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Adjust previous year application method of participation   (664)   500 
Impairment of interests in joint ventures (1)   (8,802)   - 
Sales of investments (2)   13,748    - 
Others   2,122    43 
Total   6,404    543 


(1)See Note 10.2.

(2)During the month of December 2018, SQM S.A. sold its interest in Minera Exar S.A. generating a pre-tax profit of ThUS$14,507.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 27Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income by function of expenses, included according to their nature (continued)


27.7Impairment of gains and reversal of impairment losses


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Impairment of investments in associates   2,967    (8,038)
Total   2,967    (8,038)


This table corresponds to the summary required by the CMF and considers notes 26.2, 26.4 and 26.5.


27.8Summary of expenses by nature


   2018   2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Raw materials and consumables   (260,863)   (227,620)
Classes of Employee Benefit Expenses          
Personnel expenses   (267,449)   (223,845)
Depreciation and amortization expense          
Depreciation expense   (212,641)   (232,365)
Amortization expense   (8,858)   (8,161)
Operating leases   (79,951)   (84,257)
Legal expenses   (15,139)   (25,176)
Investment plan expenses   (26,803)   (27,186)
Contractors   (86,313)   (78,920)
Mining concessions   (8,168)   (7,802)
Operation transport   (64,352)   (69,052)
Freight and product transport costs   (43,510)   (55,383)
Purchase of products from third parties   (239,781)   (208,147)
Office expenses   (17,981)   (15,612)
CORFO rights   (182,954)   (46,274)
Export costs   (84,816)   (83,057)
Representation expenses   (4,805)   (4,781)
Restructuring of joint ventures   6,000    (6,000)
Consultant and advisor services   (12,848)   (14,348)
Variation in inventory   11,600    (90,998)
Other expenses, by nature   (38,925)   (40,609)
Other expenses by nature   (1,638,557)   (1,549,593)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 27Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income by function of expenses, included according to their nature (continued)


27.9Finance expenses


   January to December 
   2018   2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Interest expense from bank borrowings and overdrafts   (1,707)   (1,650)
Interest expense from bonds   (55,887)   (49,373)
Interest expense from loans   (3,093)   (2,002)
Capitalized interest expenses   5,021    4,382 
Financial expenses for site closure   (960)   - 
Other finance costs   (3,288)   (1,481)
Total   (59,914)   (50,124)

El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 28Reportable segments


28.1Reportable segments


General information:


The amount of each item presented in each operating segment is equal to that reported to the highest authority that makes decisions regarding the operation, in order to decide on the allocation of resources to the defined segments and to assess its performance.


These operating segments mentioned are consistent with the way the Company is managed and how results will be reported by the Company. These segments reflect separate operating results that are regularly reviewed by the executive responsible for operational decisions in order to make decisions about the resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance (See Note 25.2).


The performance of each segment is measured based on net income and revenues.


Factors used to identify segments on which a report should be presented:


The segments covered in the report are strategic business units that offer different products and services. These are managed separately because each business requires different technology and marketing strategies.


Description of the types of products and services from which each reportable segment obtains its income from ordinary activities


The operating segments, which obtain income from ordinary activities, generate expenses and have its operating results reviewed on a regular basis by the highest authority who makes decisions regarding operations, relate to the following groups of products:


1.Specialty plant nutrients
2.Iodine and its derivatives
3.Lithium and its derivatives
4.Industrial chemicals
6.Other products and services


Description of income sources for all the other segments


Information regarding assets, liabilities, profits and expenses that cannot be assigned to the segments indicated above, due to the nature of production processes, is included under the "Unallocated amounts” category of the disclosed information.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 28Reportable segments (continued)


28.1Reportable segments, continued


Basis of accounting for transactions between reportable segments


Description of the nature of the differences between measurements of results of reportable segments and the result of the entity before the expense or income tax expense of incomes and discontinued operations


The information reported in the segments is extracted from the Company’s consolidated financial statements and therefore there is no need to prepare reconciliations between the data mentioned above and those reported in the respective segments, according to what is stated in paragraph 28 of IFRS 8, "Operating Segments".


For the allocation of inventory valuation costs, we identify the direct expenses (can be directly allocated to products) and the common expenses (belong to coproduction processes, for example common leaching expenses for production of Iodine and Nitrates). Direct costs are directly allocated to the product and the common costs are distributed according to percentages that consider different variables in their determination, such as margins, rotation of inventories, revenue, production and etc.


The allocation of other common costs that are not included in the inventory valuation process, but go straight to the cost of sales, use similar criteria: the costs associated with a product or sales in particular are assigned to that particular product or sales, and the common costs associated with different products or business lines are allocated according to the sales.


Description of the nature of the differences between measurements of assets of reportable segments and the Company´s assets


Assets are not shown classified by segments, as this information is not readily available. Some of these assets are not separable by the type of activity by which they are affected since this information is not used by management in decision-making with respect to resources to be allocated to each defined segment. All assets are disclosed in the "unallocated amounts" category.


Description of the nature of the differences between measurements of liabilities of reportable segments and the Company’s liabilities


Liabilities are not shown classified by segments, as this information is not readily available. Some of these liabilities are not separable by the type of activity by which they are affected, since this information is not used by management in decision-making regarding resources to be allocated to each defined segment. All liabilities are disclosed in the "unallocated amounts" category.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 28Reportable segments (continued)


28.2Reportable segment disclosures:







Iodine and its



Lithium and its







products and














Operating segment items  ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Revenue   781,750    324,972    734,801    108,268    267,474    48,538    2,265,803    2,265,803         2,265,803 
Revenues from transactions with other operating segments of the same entity   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Revenues from external customers and transactions with other operating segments of the same entity   781,750    324,972    734,801    108,268    267,474    48,538    2,265,803    2,265,803         2,265,803 
Costs of sales   (613,267)   (217,464)   (316,875)   (72,964)   (217,386)   (45,568)   (1,483,524)   (1,483,524)        (1,483,524)
Administrative expenses   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (118,126)   (118,126)
Interest expense   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (59,914)   (59,914)
Depreciation and amortization expense   (73,073)   (45,280)   (44,837)   (16,041)   (41,891)   (377)   (221,499)   (221,499)        (221,499)
The entity’s interest in the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for by the equity method   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    6,351    6,351 
Income tax expense, continuing operations   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (178,975)   (178,975)
Other items other than significant cash                                                  
Income (loss) before taxes   168,483    107,508    417,926    35,304    50,088    2,970    782,279    782,279    (161,241)   621,038 
Net income (loss) from continuing operations   168,483    107,508    417,926    35,304    50,088    2,970    782,279    782,279    (340,216)   442,063 
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations                                                  
Net income (loss)   168,483    107,508    417,926    35,304    50,088    2,970    782,279    782,279    (340,216)   442,063 
Assets   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    4,268,094    4,268,094 
Equity-accounted investees   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    111,549    111,549 
Incorporation of non-current assets other than financial instruments, deferred tax assets, net defined benefit assets and rights arising from insurance contracts                                           (15,028)   (15,028)
Increase of non-current assets   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -           
Liabilities   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    2,130,291    2,130,291 
Impairment loss recognized in profit or loss   (2,227)   (1,171)   (243)   (79)   (3,006)   (553)   (7,279)   (7,279)   2,985    (4,294)
Reversal of impairment losses recognized in profit or loss for the period   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    508,159    508,159 
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (187,004)   (187,004)
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (387,313)   (387,313)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.



Note 28Reportable segments (continued)


28.2Reportable segment disclosures, continued


   Iodine and its
   Lithium and its
   Potassium   Other
products and
Operating segment items  ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Revenue   697,251    252,123    644,573    135,578    379,326    48,472    2,157,323    2,157,323    -    2,157,323 
Revenues from transactions with other operating segments of the same entity   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Revenues from external customers and transactions with other operating segments of the same entity   697,251    252,123    644,573    135,578    379,326    48,472    2,157,323    2,157,323    -    2,157,323 
Costs of sales   (555,356)   (199,808)   (189,242)   (91,753)   (313,690)   (44,973)   (1,394,822)   (1,394,822)   -    (1,394,822)
Administrative expenses   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (101,171)   (101,171)
Interest expense   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (50,124)   (50,124)
Depreciation and amortization expense   (73,702)   (44,252)   (18,036)   (16,050)   (88,130)   (356)   (240,526)   (240,526)   -    (240,526)
The entity’s interest in the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for by the equity method   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    14,452    14,452 
Income tax expense, continuing operations   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (166,173)   (166,173)
Other items other than significant cash                                                  
Income (loss) before taxes   141,895    52,315    455,331    43,825    65,636    3,499    762,501    762,501    (167,911)   594,590 
Net income (loss) from continuing operations   141,895    52,315    455,331    43,825    65,636    3,499    762,501    762,501    (334,084)   428,417 
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations                                                  
Net income (loss)   141,895    52,315    455,331    43,825    65,636    3,499    762,501    762,501    (334,084)   428,417 
Assets   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    4,296,236    4,296,236 
Equity-accounted investees   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    152,630    152,630 
Incorporation of non-current assets other than financial instruments, deferred tax assets, net defined benefit assets and rights arising from insurance contracts                                           -    - 
Increase of non-current assets   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Liabilities   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    2,048,768    2,048,768 
Impairment loss recognized in profit or loss   (15,025)   335    1,112    (3,546)   (240)   (219)   (17,583)   (17,583)   (14,316)   (31,899)
Reversal of impairment losses recognized in profit or loss for the period   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    703,997    703,997 
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (248,067)   (248,067)
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (357,645)   (357,645)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 28Reportable segments (continued)


28.3Statement of comprehensive income classified by reportable segments based on groups of products


Items in the statement of 
comprehensive income
  Specialty plant
   Iodine and its
   Lithium and its
   Other products
and services
   Corporate Unit
   Total segments and
Corporate unit
Revenue   781,750    324,972    734,801    108,268    267,474    48,538    -    2,265,803 
Cost of sales   (613,267)   (217,464)   (316,875)   (72,964)   (217,386)   (45,568)   -    (1,483,524)
Gross profit   168,483    107,508    417,926    35,304    50,088    2,970    -    782,279 
Other incomes by function   -    -    -    -    -    -    32,048    32,048 
Administrative expenses   -    -    -    -    -    -    (118,126)   (118,126)
Other expenses by function   -    -    -    -    -    -    (36,907)   (36,907)
Deterioro de valor de ganancias y revisión de pérdidas por deterioro de valor (pérdidas por deterioro de valor) determinado de acuerdo con la NIIF 9   -    -    -    -    -    -    2,967    2,967 
Other gains (losses)   -    -    -    -    -    -    6,404    6,404 
Financial income   -    -    -    -    -    -    22,533    22,533 
Financial costs   -    -    -    -    -    -    (59,914)   (59,914)
interest in the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for by the equity method   -    -    -    -    -    -    6,351    6,351 
Exchange differences   -    -    -    -    -    -    (16,597)   (16,597)
Profit (loss) before taxes   168,483    107,508    417,926    35,304    50,088    2,970    (161,241)   621,038 
Income tax expense   -    -    -    -    -    -    (178,975)   (178,975)
Profit (loss) from continuing operations   168,483    107,508    417,926    35,304    50,088    2,970    (340,216)   442,063 
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Profit (loss)   168,483    107,508    417,926    35,304    50,088    2,970    (340,216)   442,063 
Profit (loss), attributable to                                        
Profit (loss) attributable to the controller´s owners   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    439,830 
Profit (loss) attributable to the non-controllers   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    2,233 
Profit (loss)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    442,063 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 28Reportable segments (continued)


28.3Statement of comprehensive income classified by reportable segments based on groups of products, continued


Items in the statement of 
comprehensive income
  Specialty plant
   Iodine and its
   Lithium and its
   Other products
 and services
   Corporate Unit 
   Total segments and
Corporate unit
Revenue   697,251    252,123    644,573    135,578    379,326    48,472    -    2,157,323 
Cost of sales   (555,356)   (199,808)   (189,242)   (91,753)   (313,690)   (44,973)   -    (1,394,822)
Gross profit   141,895    52,315    455,331    43,825    65,636    3,499    -    762,501 
Other incomes by function   -    -    -    -    -    -    17,827    17,827 
Administrative expenses   -    -    -    -    -    -    (101,171)   (101,171)
Other expenses by function   -    -    -    -    -    -    (53,600)   (53,600)
Other gains (losses)   -    -    -    -    -    -    543    543 
Financial income   -    -    -    -    -    -    13,499    13,499 
Financial costs   -    -    -    -    -    -    (50,124)   (50,124)
Deterioro de valor de ganancias y revisión de pérdidas por deterioro de valor (pérdidas por deterioro de valor) determinado de acuerdo con la NIIF 9   -    -    -    -    -    -    (8,038)   (8,038)
interest in the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for by the equity method   -    -    -    -    -    -    14,452    14,452 
Exchange differences   -    -    -    -    -    -    (1,299)   (1,299)
Profit (loss) before taxes   141,895    52,315    455,331    43,825    65,636    3,499    (167,911)   594,590 
Income tax expense   -    -    -    -    -    -    (166,173)   (166,173)
Profit (loss) from continuing operations   141,895    52,315    455,331    43,825    65,636    3,499    (334,084)   428,417 
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Profit (loss)   141,895    52,315    455,331    43,825    65,636    3,499    (334,084)   428,417 
Profit (loss), attributable to   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Profit (loss) attributable to the controller´s owners   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    427,697 
Profit (loss) attributable to the non-controllers   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    720 
Profit (loss)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    428,417 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 28Reportable segments (continued)


28.4Revenue from transactions with other Company’s operating segments



Items in the statement of 
comprehensive income
  Specialty plant
   Iodine and its
   Lithium and its
products and
   Total segments
and Corporate
Revenue   781,750    324,972    734,801    108,268    267,474    48,538    2,265,803 


Items in the statement of 
comprehensive income
  Specialty plant
   Iodine and its
   Lithium and its
products and
   Total segments
and Corporate
Revenue   697,251    252,123    644,573    135,578    379,326    48,472    2,157,323 


28.5Disclosures on geographical areas


As indicated in paragraph 33 of IFRS 8, the entity discloses geographical information on its revenue from operating activities with external customers and from non-current assets that are not financial instruments, deferred income tax assets, assets related to post-employment benefits or rights derived from insurance contracts.


28.6Disclosures on main customers


With respect to the degree of dependency of the Company on its customers, in accordance with paragraph N° 34 of IFRS N° 8, the Company has no external customers who individually represent 10% or more of its revenue. Credit risk concentrations with respect to trade and other accounts receivable are limited due to the significant number of entities in the Company’s portfolio and its worldwide distribution.


The Company’s policy requires guarantees (such as letters of credit, guarantee clauses and others) and/or to maintain insurance policies for certain accounts as deemed necessary by the Company's Management.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 28Reportable segments (continued)


28.7Segments by geographical areas as of December 31, 2018 and 2017


Items  Chile
   Latin America and
the Caribbean
   North America
   Asia and others
Revenue   189,349    180,189    479,664    471,515    945,086    2,265,803 
Investment accounted for under the equity method   (6,588)   -    61,256    16,115    40,766    111,549 
Intangible assets other than goodwill   110,544    -    386    152    77,201    188,283 
Goodwill   22,535    86    11,373    724    -    34,718 
Property, plant and equipment, net   1,445,349    347    4,451    3,098    1,578    1,454,823 
Investment property   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Other non-current assets   17,111    23    -    (892)   11,298    27,540 
Non-current assets that are not financial instruments   1,588,951    456    77,466    19,197    130,843    1,816,913 


Items  Chile
   Latin America and
the Caribbean
   North America
   Asia and others
Revenue   140,764    228,759    1,048,556    441,377    297,867    2,157,323 
Investment accounted for under the equity method   (5,513)   33,065    33,318    15,193    76,567    152,630 
Intangible assets other than goodwill   113,152    -    453    182    -    113,787 
Goodwill   23,731    6,290    11,374    724    2,058    44,177 
Property, plant and equipment, net   1,421,141    313    3,857    2,469    1,574    1,429,354 
Investment property   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Other non-current assets   19,234    28    -    -    -    19,262 
Non-current assets that are not financial instruments   1,571,745    39,696    49,002    18,568    80,199    1,759,210 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 28Reportable segments (continued)


28.8Property, plant and equipment classified by geographical areas


The company's main production facilities are located near their mines and extraction facilities in northern Chile. The following table presents the main production facilities as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017:


    Location       Products
-   Pedro de Valdivia   :   Production of iodine and nitrate salts
-   María Elena   :   Production of iodine and nitrate salts
-   Coya Sur   :   Production of nitrate salts
-   Nueva Victoria   :   Production of iodine and nitrate salts
-   Salar de Atacama   :   Potassium chloride, lithium chloride, boric acid and potassium sulfate
-   Salar del Carmen   :   Production of lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide
-   Tocopilla   :   Port facilities


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 29Borrowing costs


The cost of interest is recognized as an expense in the year in which it is incurred, except for interest that is directly related to the acquisition and construction of tangible property, plant and equipment assets and that complies with the requirements of IAS 23. As of December 31, 2018, total interest expenses incurred amount to ThUS$59,914 (ThUS$50,124 as of December 31, 2017).


The Company capitalizes all interest costs directly related to the construction or to the acquisition of property, plant and equipment, which require a substantial time to be suitable for use.


29.1Costs of capitalized interest, property, plant and equipment


The cost of capitalized interest is determined by applying the average or weighted average of all financing costs incurred by the Company to the monthly end balances of works-in-progress meeting the requirements of IAS 23.


The rates and costs for capitalized interest of property, plant and equipment are detailed as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
Capitalization rate of costs for capitalized interest, property, plant and equipment   4%   4%
Amount of costs for interest capitalized in ThUS$   5,021    4,382 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 30Effect of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates


a)Foreign currency exchange differences recognized in profit or loss except for financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss:








Conversion foreign exchange gains (losses) recognized in the result of the year.   (16,597)   (1,299)
Conversion foreign exchange reserves attributable to the owners of the controlling entity.   (961)   (5,450)
Conversion foreign exchange reserves attributable to the non-controlling entity.   168    4 


b)Reserves for foreign currency exchange differences:


As of December 31, 2018 and 2017, foreign currency exchange differences are detailed as follows:










Changes in equity generated by conversion of equity value:          
Comercial Hydro S.A.   1,004    1,004 
SQMC Internacional Ltda.   (17)   (2)
Proinsa Ltda.   (11)   (7)
Comercial Agrorama Ltda.   (21)   (44)
Isapre Norte Grande Ltda.   (1)   (74)
Almacenes y Depósitos Ltda.   113    97 
Sacal S.A.   (3)   - 
Sociedad Prestadora de Servicios de Salud Cruz del Norte S.A.   (10)   - 
Agrorama S.A.   132    (98)
Doktor Tarsa   (13,811)   (14,447)
SQM Vitas Fzco   (2,682)   (1,779)
Ajay Europe   (1,270)   (831)
SQM Eastmed Turkey   (113)   (92)
Charlee SQM (Thailand) Co. Ltd.   -    (285)
Coromandel SQM India   (393)   (234)
SQM Italia SRL   (213)   (154)
SQM Oceanía Pty Ltd.   (634)   (634)
SQM Indonesia S.A.   (124)   (124)
Abu Dhabi Fertillizers Industries WWL.   (435)   (435)
SQM Vitas Holland   (170)   (101)
SQM Thailand Limited   (68)   (68)
SQM Europe   (1,983)   (1,550)
Minera Exar S.A.   -    (5,209)
SQM Australia Pty Ltd.   (4,222)   154 
Pavoni & C. Spa   70    - 
Terra Tarsa BV   (82)   - 
Plantacote NV   (34)   - 
Doktolab Tarim Arastirma San.   (29)   - 
Kore Potash PLC (a)   (1,206)   - 
SQM Colombia SAS   (94)   - 
Total   (26,307)   (24,913)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 30Effect of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates (continued)


c)Functional and presentation currency


The functional currency of these companies corresponds to the currency of the country of origin of each entity, and its presentation currency is the U.S. dollar.


d)Reasons to use one presentation currency and a different functional currency
 -The total revenues of these subsidiaries are associated with the local currency.
 -The commercialization cost structure of these companies is affected by the local currency.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 31Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates


Assets held in foreign currency subject to fluctuations in exchange rates are detailed as follows:


Class of assets











Current assets:             
Cash and cash equivalents  ARS   2    1 
Cash and cash equivalents  BRL   -    38 
Cash and cash equivalents  CLP   157,500    579 
Cash and cash equivalents  CNY   2,305    1,143 
Cash and cash equivalents  EUR   4,738    9,782 
Cash and cash equivalents  GBP   -    55 
Cash and cash equivalents  AUD   29,598    - 
Cash and cash equivalents  MXN   1,242    258 
Cash and cash equivalents  PEN   1    8 
Cash and cash equivalents  THB   1    - 
Cash and cash equivalents  YEN   1,786    1,773 
Cash and cash equivalents  ZAR   5,219    4,074 
Subtotal cash and cash equivalents      202,392    17,711 
Other current financial assets  CLP   20,931    39,126 
Subtotal other current financial assets      20,931    39,126 
Other current non-financial assets  BRL   -    1 
Other current non-financial assets  ARS   2    - 
Other current non-financial assets  AUD   102    - 
Other current non-financial assets  COP   -    30 
Other current non-financial assets  CLF   47    46 
Other current non-financial assets  CLP   20,276    12,172 
Other current non-financial assets  CNY   8    12 
Other current non-financial assets  EUR   3,153    235 
Other current non-financial assets  MXN   3,274    1,429 
Other current non-financial assets  THB   19    279 
Other current non-financial assets  PEN   -    20 
Other current non-financial assets  YEN   21    18 
Other current non-financial assets  ZAR   1,547    2,941 
Subtotal other current non-financial assets      28,449    17,183 
Trade and other receivables  ARS   -    6 
Trade and other receivables  BRL   20    23 
Trade and other receivables  CLF   453    427 
Trade and other receivables  CLP   71,730    85,837 
Trade and other receivables  CNY   11,361    10,426 
Trade and other receivables  EUR   31,426    49,627 
Trade and other receivables  GBP   -    90 
Trade and other receivables  MXN   452    195 
Trade and other receivables  AED   15,841    546 
Trade and other receivables  THB   2,970    791 
Trade and other receivables  YEN   76,267    41,582 
Trade and other receivables  ZAR   571    23,825 
Subtotal trade and other receivables      211,091    213,375 
Receivables from related parties  EUR   105    58 
Receivables from related parties  THB   -    74 
Subtotal receivables from related parties      105    132 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 31Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates (continued)


Class of assets











Current tax assets  ARS   2    4 
Current tax assets  CLP   601    1,413 
Current tax assets  EUR   3,500    183 
Current tax assets  ZAR   -    431 
Current tax assets  MXN   843    - 
Current tax assets  PEN   131    201 
Subtotal current tax assets      5,077    2,232 
Subtotal current assets      468,045    289,759 
Non-current assets             
Other non-current financial assets  CLP   20    20 
Other non-current financial assets  YEN   72    42 
Subtotal other non-current financial assets      92    62 
Other non-current non-financial assets  BRL   23    27 
Other non-current non-financial assets  CLP   758    822 
Subtotal other non-current non-financial assets      781    849 
Non-current right receivable  CLF   329    209 
Non-current right receivable  COP   -    47 
Non-current right receivable  CLP   1,807    1,256 
Subtotal non-current rights receivable      2,136    1,512 
Equity-accounted investees  AED   31,023    35,414 
Equity-accounted investees  EUR   14,929    8,144 
Equity-accounted investees  INR   1,729    1,632 
Equity-accounted investees  THB   53    2,491 
Equity-accounted investees  TRY   21,892    21,741 
Subtotal equity-accounted investees      69,626    69,422 
Intangible assets other than goodwill  CLP   85    48 
Subtotal intangible assets other than goodwill      85    48 
Property, plant and equipment  CLP   3,387    3,574 
Subtotal property, plant and equipment      3,387    3,574 
Total non-current assets      76,107    75,467 
Total assets      544,152    365,226 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 31Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates (continued)


Liabilities held in foreign currencies are detailed as follows:

      12/31/2018   12/31/2017 

Class of liability






91 days to 1



91 days to 1






Up to 90 days



91 days to 1





Current liabilities                                 
Other current financial liabilities  CLF   342    6,256    6,598    4,947    -    4,947 
Other current financial liabilities  BRL   52    -    52    -    -    - 
Subtotal other current financial liabilities      394    6,256    6,650    4,947    -    4,947 
Trade and other payables  BRL   34    -    34    37    -    37 
Trade and other payables  THB   65    -    65    91    -    91 
Trade and other payables  CLP   69,789    -    69,789    61,310    4,361    65,671 
Trade and other payables  EUR   36,439         36,439    32,896    -    32,896 
Trade and other payables  GBP   -    -    -    11    -    11 
Trade and other payables  INR   1    -    1    1    -    1 
Trade and other payables  MXN   7    -    7    13    -    13 
Trade and other payables  PEN   -    -    -    3    -    3 
Trade and other payables  ZAR   1,842         1,842    2,541    -    2,541 
Subtotal trade and other payables      108,177    -    108,177    96,903    4,361    101,264 
Other current provisions  ARS   -    13    13    -    12    12 
Other current provisions  BRL   707    -    707    739    -    739 
Other current provisions  CLP   -    64    64    -    80    80 
Other current provisions  EUR   243    -    243    243    -    243 
Subtotal other current provisions      950    77    1,027    982    92    1,074 
Current tax liabilities  CLP   -    31    31    -    326    326 
Current tax liabilities  BRL   -    3    3    -    6    6 
Current tax liabilities  CNY   -    8    8    3    -    3 
Current tax liabilities  EUR   4,548    1,000    5,548    -    644    644 
Current tax liabilities  ZAR   -    201    201    264    -    264 
Current tax liabilities  MXN   -    9    9    3    3,071    3,074 
Subtotal current tax liabilities      4,548    1,252    5,800    270    4,047    4,317 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 31Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates (continued)


      12/31/2018   12/31/2017 

Class of liability






Up to 90




over 90 days

to 1 year






Up to 90




Over 90 days

to 1 year





Other current non-financial liabilities  BRL   3    -    3    15    -    15 
Other current non-financial liabilities  CLP   7,703    6,431    14,134    8,708    1,824    10,532 
Other current non-financial liabilities  CNY   11    40    51    7    -    7 
Other current non-financial liabilities  EUR   1,053    -    1,053    2,955    -    2,955 
Other current non-financial liabilities  MXN   103    46    149    346    34    380 
Other current non-financial liabilities  YEN   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Other current non-financial liabilities  PEN   70    -    70    70    -    70 
Other current non-financial liabilities  ZAR   11    -    11    12    -    12 
Subtotal other current non-financial liabilities      8,954    6,517    15,471    12,113    1,858    13,971 
Total current liabilities      123,023    14,102    137,125    115,215    10,358    125,573 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 31Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates (continued)



Class of liability






1 to 2



2 to 3



3 to 4



4 to 5




Over 5





Non-current liabilities                                 
Other non-current financial liabilities  CLF   -    -    -    -    453,818    453,818 
Subtotal other non-current financial liabilities      -    -    -    -    453,818    453,818 
Non-current provisions for employee benefits  CLP   -    -    -    -    521    521 
Non-current provisions for employee benefits  MXN   -    -    -    -    175    175 
Non-current provisions for employee benefits  YEN   -    -    -    -    171    171 
Subtotal non-current provisions for employee benefits      -    -    -    -    867    867 
Total non-current liabilities      -    -    -    -    454,685    454,685 




Class of liability






1 to 2




2 to 3



3 to 4



4 to 5




Over 5






Non-current liabilities                                 
Other non-current financial liabilities  CLF   -    -    -    -    237,279    237,279 
Subtotal other non-current financial liabilities      -    -    -    -    237,279    237,279 
Non-current provisions for employee benefits  CLP   -    -    -    -    601    601 
Non-current provisions for employee benefits  MXN   -    -    -    -    65    65 
Non-current provisions for employee benefits  YEN   -    -    -    -    626    626 
Subtotal non-current provisions for employee benefits      -    -    -    -    1,292    1,292 
Total non-current liabilities      -    -    -    -    238,571    238,571 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes


Accounts receivable from taxes as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, are as follows:


32.1Current and non-current tax assets


a)Current tax assets


   12/310/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Monthly provisional income tax payments, Chilean companies   21,172    2,802 
Monthly provisional income tax payments, foreign companies   5,199    808 
Corporate tax credits (1)   1,858    456 
Taxes in recovery process   28,881    28,225 
Total   57,110    32,291 


b)Non-current tax assets


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Monthly provisional income tax payments, Chilean companies   6,398    6,398 
Specific tax on mining activities paid (on consignment)   25,781    25,781 
Total   32,179    32,179 


(1)These credits are available for Companies and are related to corporate tax payments in April of the following year. These credits include, among others, credits for training expenses (SENCE), credits for acquisition of fixed assets, donations and credits in Chile for taxes paid abroad.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.2Current tax liabilities


Current tax liabilities  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
1st Category income tax   25,163    45,479 
Foreign company income tax   21,097    28,996 
Article 21 single tax   1,152    927 
Total   47,412    75,402 


Income tax is calculated based on the profit or loss for tax purposes that is applied to the effective tax rate applicable in Chile. As established by Law No.20,780, a progressive income tax rate has been established, which is 27% from 2018.


The royalty is determined by applying the taxable rate to the net operating income obtained. According to the chart in force, the Company currently provisioned 5% for mining royalties that involve operations in the Salar de Atacama and 5.64% for caliche extraction operations.


The income tax rate for the main countries where the Company operates is presented below:



Income tax


Income tax


Spain 25% 25%
Belgium 29.58% 33.99%
Mexico 30% 30%
United States 21% + 6% 34%+6%
South Africa 28% 28%


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes


Assets and liabilities recognized in the statement of financial position are offset if and only if:


1The Company has recognized legally before the tax authority the right to offset the amounts recognized in these entries; and


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes


2Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are derived from income tax related to the same tax authority on:


(i)the same entity or tax subject; or


(ii)different entities or tax subjects who intend either to settle current fiscal assets and liabilities for their net amount, or to exercise tax assets and pay liabilities simultaneously in each of the future periods in which the Company expects to settle or recover significant amounts of deferred tax assets or liabilities.


Recognized deferred income tax assets are the income taxes that are to be recovered in future periods, related to:


a)deductible temporary differences.
b)the offsetting of losses obtained in prior periods and not yet subject to tax deduction; and
c)the offsetting of unused credits from prior periods.


The Company recognizes a deferred tax asset when there is certainty that these can be offset with tax income from subsequent periods, losses or fiscal credits not yet used, but solely as long as it is more likely than not that there will be tax earnings in the future against which to charge these losses or unused fiscal credits.


Recognized deferred tax liabilities refer to the amounts of income taxes payable in future periods related to taxable temporary differences.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


d.1)Income tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2018 are detailed as follows:


   Net liability position 
Description of deferred tax assets and liabilities  Assets   Liabilities 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Unrealized loss   75,832    - 
Property, plant and equipment and capitalized interest   -    (196,843)
Facility closure provision   4,280    - 
Manufacturing expenses   -    (103,760)
Staff severance indemnities ,unemployment insurance   -    (5,679)
Vacation accrual   5,155    - 
Inventory provision   28,155    - 
Materials provision   6,239    - 
Forwards   2,169    - 
Employee benefits   3,309    - 
Research and development expenses   -    (2,216)
Accounts receivable   4,188    - 
Provision for legal complaints and expenses   4,013    - 
Loan approval expenses   -    (2,337)
Junior mining companies (valued based on stock price)   -    (976)
Royalty   -    (3,278)
Tax loss benefit   1,124    - 
Other   5,005    - 
Foreign items (other)   259    - 
Balances to date   139,728    (315,089)
Net balance   -    (175,361)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


d.2)Income tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2017 are detailed as follows


   Net liability position 
Description of deferred tax assets and liabilities  Assets   Liabilities 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Unrealized loss   68,544    - 
Property, plant and equipment and capitalized interest   -    (211,374)
Facility closure provision   3,469    - 
Manufacturing expenses   -    (102,748)
Staff severance indemnities ,unemployment   -    (6,792)
Vacation accrual   4,887    - 
Inventory provision   25,172    - 
Materials provision   7,107    - 
Forwards   624    - 
Employee benefits   2,317    - 
Research and development expenses   -    (3,501)
Accounts receivable   4,253    - 
Provision for legal complaints and expenses   5,243    - 
Loan approval expenses   -    (2,670)
Junior mining companies (valued based on stock price)   -    (2,474)
Royalty   -    (4,084)
Tax loss benefit   1,437    - 
Other   5,002    - 
Foreign items (other)   305    - 
Balances to date   128,360    (333,643)
Net balance   -    (205,283)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


d.3)Reconciliation of changes in deferred tax liabilities (assets) as of December 31, 2018



Deferred tax


(asset) at

beginning of


Deferred tax



recognized in

profit (loss)

for the year



taxes related

to items



directly to



Total increases

(decreases) in

deferred tax
liabilities (assets)


Deferred tax

(asset) at end
of period

   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Unrealized loss   (68,544)   (7,288)   -    (7,288)   (75,832)
Property, plant and equipment and capitalized interest   211,374    (14,531)   -    (14,531)   196,843 
Facility closure provision   (3,469)   (811)   -    (811)   (4,280)
Manufacturing expenses   102,748    1,012    -    1,012    103,760 
Individual savings plans, unemployment insurance   6,792    (667)   (446)   (1,113)   5,679 
Vacation accrual   (4,887)   (268)   -    (268)   (5,155)
Inventory provision   (25,172)   (2,983)   -    (2,983)   (28,155)
Materials provision   (7,107)   868    -    868    (6,239)
Forwards   (624)   (1,545)   -    (1,545)   (2,169)
Employee benefits   (2,317)   (992)   -    (992)   (3,309)
Research and development expenses   3,501    (1,285)   -    (1,285)   2,216 
Accounts receivable   (4,253)   686    (621)   65    (4,188)
Provision for legal complaints and expenses   (5,243)   1,230    -    1,230    (4,013)
Loan approval expenses   2,670    (333)   -    (333)   2,337 
Junior mining companies (valued based on stock price)   2,474    -    (1,498)   (1,498)   976 
Royalty   4,084    (795)   (11)   (806)   3,278 
Tax loss benefit   (1,437)   313    -    313    (1,124)
Other   (5,002)   (64)   61    (3)   (5,005)
Foreign items (other)   (305)   46    -    46    (259)
Total temporary differences, unused losses and unused tax credits   205,283    (27,407)   (2,515)   (29,922)   175,361 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


d.4)Reconciliation of changes in deferred tax liabilities (assets) as of December 31, 2017



Deferred tax


(asset) at

beginning of



Deferred tax



recognized in

profit (loss)
for the year



taxes related

to items



directly to



Total increases

(decreases) in

deferred tax

liabilities (assets)


Deferred tax

(asset) at end 
of period

   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Unrealized loss   (86,156)   17,612    -    17,612    (68,544)
Property, plant and equipment and capitalized interest   225,124    (13,750)   -    (13,750)   211,374 
Facility closure provision   (1,589)   (1,880)   -    (1,880)   (3,469)
Manufacturing expenses   110,630    (7,882)   -    (7,882)   102,748 
Individual savings plans, unemployment insurance   5,214    1,876    (298)   1,578    6,792 
Vacation accrual   (4,061)   (826)   -    (826)   (4,887)
Inventory provision   (20,684)   (4,488)   -    (4,488)   (25,172)
Materials provision   (7,776)   669    -    669    (7,107)
Forwards   (10,206)   9,582    -    9,582    (624)
Employee benefits   (6,783)   4,466    -    4,466    (2,317)
Research and development expenses   4,641    (1,140)   -    (1,140)   3,501 
Accounts receivable   (4,305)   52    -    52    (4,253)
Provision for legal complaints and expenses   (7,686)   2,443    -    2,443    (5,243)
Loan approval expenses   3,115    (445)   -    (445)   2,670 
Junior mining companies (valued based on stock price)   1,300    624    550    1,174    2,474 
Royalty   6,457    (2,389)   16    (2,373)   4,084 
Tax loss benefit   (1,302)   (135)   -    (135)   (1,437)
Other   (266)   (4,736)   -    (4,736)   (5,002)
Foreign items (other)   (212)   (93)   -    (93)   (305)
Total temporary differences, unused losses and unused tax credits   205,455    (440)   268    (172)   205,283 


During the period ended December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, the Company calculated and accounted for taxable income considering a rate of 27% and 25,5% respectively, in conformity with Law No. 20,780, Tax Reform, published in the Official Gazette on September 29, 2014.


The main amendments include a gradual increase in the corporate income tax rate up to 27% starting from 2018.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


d.5)Deferred taxes related to benefits for tax losses


The Company’s tax loss carryforwards were mainly generated by losses in Chile, which in accordance with current Chilean tax regulations have no expiration date.


As of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, tax loss carryforwards are detailed as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Chile   1,125    1,437 
Total   1,125    1,437 


Tax losses as of December 31, 2018 correspond mainly to SQM S.A., Exploraciones Mineras S.A., Comercial Agrorama S.A., Agrorama Ltd. and SIT S.A.


d.6)Unrecognized deferred income tax assets and liabilities


Unrecognized deferred tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 are as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
   Assets (liabilities)   Assets (liabilities) 
Tax losses (NOLs)   32    37 
Doubtful accounts impairment   47    48 
Inventory impairment   947    1,347 
Pensions plan   62    1 
Accrued vacations   19    19 
Depreciation   (127)   (139)
Other   (28)   (36)
Balances to date   952    1,277 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


d.7)Movements in deferred tax assets and liabilities


Movements in deferred tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017 are detailed as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
   Liabilities (assets)   Liabilities (assets) 
Deferred tax assets and liabilities, net opening balance   (205,283)   (205,455)
Increase (decrease) in deferred taxes in profit or loss   27,407    440 
Increase (decrease) in deferred taxes in equity   2,515    (268)
Balances to date   (175,361)   (205,283)


d.8)Disclosures on income tax expense (income)


The Company recognizes current and deferred taxes as income or expenses, and they are included in profit or loss, unless they arise from:


(a)a transaction or event recognized in the same period or in a different period, outside profit or loss either in other comprehensive income or directly in equity; or


(b)a business combination


Current and deferred tax expenses (income) are detailed as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
   Income (expenses)   Income (expenses) 
Current income tax expense          
Current income tax expense   (207,959)   (182,567)
Adjustments to prior year current income tax   1,577    15,954 
Current income tax expense, net, total   (206,382)   (166,613)
Deferred tax expense          
Deferred tax expense (income) relating to the creation and reversal of temporary differences   27,407    440 
Deferred tax expense, net, total   27,407    440 
Tax expense (income)   (178,975)   (166,173)


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


Tax expenses (income) for foreign and domestic parties are detailed as follows:


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 

Income (expenses)


Income (expenses)

Current income tax expense by foreign and domestic parties, net          
Current income tax expense, foreign parties, net   (7,516)   (14,396)
Current income tax expense, domestic, net   (198,866)   (152,217)
Current income tax expense, net, total   (206,382)   (166,613)
Deferred tax expense by foreign and domestic parties, net          
Deferred tax expense, foreign parties, net   (1,885)   (154)
Deferred tax expense, domestic, net   29,292    594 
Deferred tax expense, net, total   27,407    440 
Income tax expense   (178,975)   (166,173)


d.9)Equity interest in taxation attributable to equity-accounted investees


The Company does not recognize any deferred tax liability in all cases of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, branches and associated companies or interest in joint ventures, because as indicated in the standard, the following two conditions are jointly met:


(a)the parent, investor or interest holder is able to control the time for reversal of the temporary difference; and


(b)It is more likely than not that the temporary difference will not be reversed in the foreseeable future.


In addition, the Company does not recognize deferred income tax assets for all deductible temporary differences from investments in subsidiaries, branches and associated companies or interests in joint ventures because it is unlikely that they will meet the following requirements:


(a)Temporary differences are reversed in a foreseeable future; and


(b)The Company has tax earnings, against which temporary differences can be used.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


d.10)Disclosures on the tax effects of other comprehensive income components:


Income tax related to other income and expense components with
a charge or credit to net equity

Amount before

taxes (expense)

income for
income taxes

Amount after


   12/31/2018   12/31/2018   12/31/2018 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Gain (loss) from defined benefit plans   (1,327)   396    (931)
Cash flow hedge   5,723    -    5,723 
Reserve for gains (losses) from financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income   (5,546)   1,498    (4,048)
Total   (1,150)   1,894    (744)


Income tax related to other income and expense components with

a charge or credit to net equity


Amount before

taxes (expense)




income for

income taxes


Amount after


   12/31/2017   12/31/2017   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Gain (loss) from defined benefit plans   (1,401)   282    (1,119)
Cash flow hedge   2,184    -    2,184 
Reserve for gains (losses) from financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income   (26)   (550)   (576)
Total   757    (268)   489 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


d.11)Explanation of the relationship between expense (income) for tax purposes and accounting income.


Based on IAS 12, paragraph 81, letter “c”, the company has estimated that the method that reveals the most significant information for users of the financial statements is the numeric conciliation between the tax expense (income) and the result of multiplying the accounting profit by the current rate in Chile. The aforementioned election is based on the fact that the main office and subsidiaries established in Chile generate a large part of the Company’s tax expense (income).


Reconciliation of numbers in income tax expenses (income) and the result of multiplying financial gain by the rate prevailing in Chile,


   12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Consolidated income before taxes   621,038    594,590 
Income tax rate in force in Chile   27%   25.5%
Tax expense using the legal rate   (167,680)   (151,620)
Effect of royalty tax payments.   (4,919)   (3,372)
Tax effect of revenue from regular activities exempt from taxation   1,446    2,886 
Tax rate effect of non-tax-deductible expenses for determining taxable profit (loss)   (4,566)   (4,764)
Tax effect of tax rates borne abroad   (8,714)   (8,061)
IRS provision surplus   3,517    - 
Fines affected by Article 21   (718)   (1,517)
Other tax effects from reconciliation between accounting gains and tax expenses   2,659    275 
Tax expense using the effective rate   (178,975)   (166,173)


d.12)Tax periods potentially subject to verification:


The Group’s Companies are potentially subject to income tax audits by tax authorities in each country. These audits are limited to a number of interim tax periods, which, in general, when they elapse, give rise to the expiration of these inspections.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 32Income tax and deferred taxes (continued)


32.3Income tax and deferred taxes, continued


Tax audits, due to their nature, are often complex and may require several years. Below, we provide a summary of tax periods that are potentially subject to verification, in accordance with the tax regulations in force in the country of origin:




According to article 200 of Decree Law No 830, the taxes will be reviewed for any deficiencies in terms of payment and to generate any taxes that might arise. There is a 3-year prescriptive period for such review, dating from the expiration of the legal deadline when payment should have been made. This prescriptive period can be extended to 6 years for the revision of taxes subject to declaration, when such declaration has not been filed or has been presented with maliciously false information.


United States


In the United States, the tax authority may review tax returns for up to 3 years from the expiration date of the tax return. In the event that an omission or error is detected in the tax return of sales or cost of sales, the review can be extended for a period of up to 6 years.


As a result of the audit performed by the tax authority, SQM North America Corp., a subsidiary of the Company, paid in November 2018, for income tax and interest between 2013 and 2015, approximately US$3.8 million. On top of this, SQM North America Corp would have to pay an additional US$0.4 million in state taxes for the same period. These charges are already provisioned in the financial statements.




In Mexico, the tax authority can review tax returns up to 5 years from the expiration date of the tax return.




In Spain, the tax authority can review tax returns up to 4 years from the expiration date of the tax return.




In Belgium, the tax authority may review tax returns for up to 3 years from the expiration date of the tax return if no tax losses exist. In the event of detecting an omission or error in the tax return, the review can be extended for a period of up to 5 years.


South Africa:


In South Africa, the tax authority may review tax returns for up to 3 years from the expiration date of the tax return. In the event that an omission or error in the tax return is detected, the review can be extended for a period of up to 5 years.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 33Assets held for sale


The non-current assets held for sale and the components of the disposal groups classified as held for sale are presented in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position under the item “Non-current assets or groups of assets classified as held for sale”.


The following table shows the movements in assets held for sale:


Assets held for sale  12/31/2018   12/31/2017 
   ThUS$   ThUS$ 
Terrenos Soquimich Comercial S.A.   1,430    1,480 
Facilities and fixtures at Soquimich Comercial S.A.   -    109 
Total assets held for sale   1,430    1,589 


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 34Events occurred after the reporting date


34.1Authorization of the financial statements


The consolidated financial statements of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. and subsidiaries, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards for the period ended December 31, 2018, were approved and authorized for issuance by the Company´s Board of Directors on February 27, 2019.


34.2Disclosures on events occurring after the reporting date


On January 7, 2019, the Superintendency of the Environment (SMA) accepted the compliance program presented by SQM Salar, thus suspending the process initiated against SQM Salar. On January 30, 2019, the Atacameño Indigenous Community of Peine filed against this ruling with the First Environmental Court. More details in note 22.3.


On January 23, 2019 Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (SQM) (NYSE SQM, Santiago Stock Exchange SQM-B, SOM-A) informs that today the Board of Directors of SQM approved the following SOM Board Protocol for the presentation and use of sensitive information:






(a)       On July 26, 2017, the Board of Directors of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (respectively the "Board of Directors" and "the Company") approved a list of the main competitors, suppliers and customers of the Company, where Tianqi Lithium Corporation ('Tianqi") was included as a competitor of the Company.


(b)       In May 2018, Tianqi and Nutrien Ltd. announced that Tianqi agreed to acquire from Nutrien Ltd. the amount of 62,556,568 Series A shares of the Company, which corresponds to approximately 24% of the total shares issued by the Company.


(c)       On August 27, 2018, Tianqi and the Chilean National Economic Prosecutor Office (the "FNE") signed an out-of-court settlement (the "Agreement"), pursuant to which the FNE sought to implement behavioral measures in order to (i) maintain the competitive conditions of the lithium market, (ii) mitigate the risks described in the Agreement and (iii) limit the possibility of accessing certain information related to the Company and its subsidiaries, which is defined as sensitive under the Agreement (the "Sensitive lnformation") by Tianqi (the "Purpose").


(d)       The Antitrust Court (the 'TDLC") approved the Agreement by resolution of October 4, 2018, which was finalized on October 30, 2018. In Agreement approval process, the Company expressed its concerns to the TDLC regarding the measures described in the Agreement as (i) not effectively resolving the risks that Tianqi and the FNE wanted to mitigate, (ii) not being correctly oriented to avoid the access to Sensitive lnformation that, could damage the Company and the correct functioning of the market when in the possession of a competitor, and (iii) contradicting Law 18,046 on Corporations (the "Corporations Act") and other regulatory bodies applicable to the Company.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 34Events occurred after the reporting date (continued)


34.2Disclosures on events occurring after the reporting date (continued)


(e)On December 5, 2018, the Company learned that Inversiones TLC SpA, a subsidiary of Tianqi Lithium Corporation, acquired 62,556,568 Series A shares of the Company, representing approximately 23.77% of the total shares issued by the Company (the "Acquisition"). Before the Acquisition, and after the approval of the Agreement by the TDLC, the Board of Directors had deemed it necessary to adopt measures aimed at achieving the Purpose, avoiding greater points of contact between the Sensitive lnformation and Tianqi, in a complementary manner, and not contradictory with the Agreement.


(f)In consideration of the foregoing, on January 23, 2019, the Board of Directors unanimously resolved to adopt, the following protocol on the presentation and use of information in the Board of Directors, in the committees of the Board of Directors and in the Boards of Directors of Company's subsidiaries (the "Protocol")




Managing of information in the Board of Directors


1.1       The Board of Directors has defined that the directors and senior executives of the Company have the duty and responsibility to cooperate with the fulfillment of the Purpose, subject to compliance with the Corporations Act and other applicable regulations.


1.2       Therefore, in order for the Board of Directors to comply with its purposes and duties according to the Purpose, the Board of Directors agrees to delegate - in accordance with article 40, subsection 2 of the Public Limited Companies Law - all its powers in relation to administration, knowledge and resolution of the matters that refer to the lithium business of the Company, which means knowledge of Sensitive lnformation, in the committee indicated below.


1.3       Directors nominated or elected by a Competitor Shareholder (the "Directors elected by Competitor") have the right to receive Sensitive lnformation that has been dealt with or known in the Board of Directors or in any of its committees. Notwithstanding this, in the event that a Director chosen by Competitor wants to access Sensitive lnformation, he or she must request it in writing from the CEO of the Company. The CEO must inform the Head of the Antitrust Division of the FNE, the event that Sensitive lnformation is being requested by the Director elected by Competitor.


1.4       For the purposes of section 1.3 above, a "Competitor Shareholder" is understood to be one who has been identified as a competitor of the Company in the lithium business, by any of the following persons or entities (i) the shareholder himself, (ii) the Board of Directors, (iii) the FNE, the TDLC or any other antitrust authority that exercises jurisdiction over the Company or said shareholder, or (iv) the Agreement or any other instrument that modifies or replaces it.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 34Events occurred after the reporting date (continued)


34.2Disclosures on events occurring after the reporting date (continued)


2Lithium Committee


2.1       The Board of Directors creates a Lithium Committee (the "Committee"). The Board delegates to the Committee the power to impose, review and manage all Sensitive lnformation; assist and guide senior executives of the Company in the ordinary management of the lithium business, review and recommend necessary policies and strategies related to the lithium business to the Board; and represent the Company, with the authority to evaluate, negotiate and subscribe acts, contracts or operations related to the lithium business and leading to knowledge of Sensitive lnformation.


2.2       The delegation of powers to the Committee does not imply the limitation or revocation of powers granted prior to this date by the Company that have not been specifically limited or revoked and, in addition, may coexist with future delegations of powers made by the Board, without implying a limitation of these, unless specifically agreed otherwise.


2.3       The Committee may be composed of all the directors of the Company who so express during the first meeting of the Board of Directors held after any Shareholders Meeting in which the Board of Directors has been renewed. Upon the request of a Director Elected by Competitor to be part of the Committee, the CEO must communicate this circumstance to the Head of the FN E Antitrust Division. Among the members of the Committee, a chairman must be elected, who will have the deciding vote. As agreed in advance by the shareholders at the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Company, the members of the Committee may be remunerated for their duties related to the Committee,


2.4       The Committee will meet monthly, immediately following the ordinary meetings of the Board of Directors or as often as agreed by the members of the Committee. At the request of the Chairman of the Committee or the CEO, the Committee may meet in an extraordinary manner, by sending an email notice to its members at least 24 hours in advance.


2.5       Necessary information will be available to the members of the Committee, but not the Board. The Company must ensure that such information is of a restricted nature and is only available to the members of the Committee and the executives of the Company who should receive it. With respect to Sensitive lnformation, The Committee is fully empowered to establish all types of remote or online access restrictions, so that such information can only be received by members of the Committee.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 34Events occurred after the reporting date (continued)


34.2Disclosures on events occurring after the reporting date (continued)


3Boards of Directors of Subsidiaries


3.1       The Board of Directors does not contemplate making changes in the manner in which the boards of the Company's subsidiaries are carried out and structured.


3.2       The directors of the Company may attend the meetings of the boards of the Company's subsidiaries with the right to speak, and they will be empowered to impose on the books and records of said subsidiaries. Upon the requirement of a Director Elected by Competitor to participate in the board of a subsidiary, the CEO must inform the Head of the FNE Antitrust Division about such circumstance.


3.3       The Board of Directors agrees to authorize the full exchange of information between its subsidiaries SOM Salar S.A. and SOM Potasios S.A., in order to allow the executives of the Company and the members of the board of both subsidiaries to have consolidated and detailed information of their businesses, for the best management of these and in the best interest of the Company, in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board from time to time.


4Right to lnformation


4.1       The directors of the Company have the right to be fully informed of everything related to the Company at any time in a documented manner, and by the CEO.


4.2       The CEO cannot deny Sensitive lnformation to a director, nor information that has been treated or known in the Committee or in subsidiaries of the Company, unless this is ordered by a competent authority.


5lncidents Report


5.1       Given the risks identified by the FNE with respect to the Acquisition, any director, senior executive or employee of the Company is obliged to inform the CEO and the Compliance Officer of the Company about any breach of this Protocol or the Agreement.


5.2       lt will be the responsibility of each Director Elected by Competitor, to inform the CEO as soon as he becomes aware of having known Sensitive lnformation involuntarily.


5.3       The CEO, after becoming aware of any of the circumstances indicated in sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, must communicate this circumstance to the head of the FNE Antitrust Division, as well as adopt the measures he deems necessary to prevent or mitigate a damage to the Company.


5.4       The communications that under this Protocol are made to the head of the FNE Antitrust Division, do not imply that the Company assumes any type of responsibility or obligations under the Agreement.


5.5       S.S. This Protocol may be modified or rendered ineffective by the Board of Directors, at any time, as it may decide. In this case, it will be communicated according to section 7 below.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2018.


Note 34Events occurred after the reporting date (continued)


34.2Disclosures on events occurring after the reporting date (continued)


6Deferred Term


The term of the present Protocol shall be indefinite starting from the time when the next Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Company is concluded.




The Board of Directors agreed that this Protocol is (i) informed as an essential fact to the Commission for the Financial Markets, (ii) informed to the Head of the FNE Antitrust Division, (iii) informed and distributed to each of the Vice Presidencies and management of the Company and its subsidiaries, and (iv) published immediately on the Company's website www.sqm.com .


On January 7, 2019, the resignation of the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Patricio de Solminihac Tampier, became effective. Likewise, as of January 8, 2019, Mr. Ricardo Ramos Rodríguez has assumed the position of Chief Executive Officer for the Company.


Management is not aware of any other significant events occurring between December 31, 2018 and the date of issuance of these consolidated financial statements, which affect them.


34.3Details of dividends declared after the reporting date


Payment of Provisional Dividend


As of the closing date of the financial statements, there are no dividends declared after the reporting date.


Management is not aware of any other significant events that occurred between December 31, 2018, and the date of issuance of these consolidated financial statements that may significantly affect them.


El Trovador 4285

Las Condes, Santiago, Chile








Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: March 27, 2019 /s/ Gerardo Illanes
  By: Gerardo Illanes


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