OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement

[_]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule

[_]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[_]  Definitive Additional Materials

[_]  Soliciting material pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                              ORALABS HOLDING CORP.
                  (Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[_]  No fee required

[_]  $125.00 per Exchange Act Rules O-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2) or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A

[X]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11

1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:   


2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:   

3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
     to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined): Per share price based upon
     average of the final bid and ask price (i.e., $2.66) as of the close of
     trading on August 8, 2005

4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:   
     21,364,085 TIMES 2.66 = $56,828,466.10

5)   Total fee paid:   $6,688.71 ($56,828,466.10 TIMES 0.00011770)

[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1) Amount previously paid:
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement Number:

3) Filing party:

4) Date filed:

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                              ORALABS HOLDING CORP.
                              18685 E. Plaza Drive
                             Parker, Colorado 80134
                            Telephone (303) 783-9499

Dear Stockholder:                                     ___________________, 2005

         You are cordially  invited to attend the annual meeting of shareholders
of OraLabs  Holding Corp.  ("OraLabs"  or the  "Company") to be held at 18685 E.
Plaza  Drive,  Parker,  Colorado on September  30, 2005 at 10:00 a.m.,  Mountain

         At the meeting you will be asked to consider  and vote upon the matters
described in the  accompanying  notice and Proxy  Statement.  Whether or not you
plan to attend the annual meeting,  please sign and date the enclosed Proxy card
and return it promptly in the enclosed postage-prepaid envelope.


                                         Your Board of Directors

         The proposed  transactions have not been approved or disapproved by the
Securities and Exchange Commission or any state securities regulator nor has the
Commission or any state securities  regulator passed upon the fairness or merits
of the proposed transactions or upon the accuracy or adequacy of the information
contained in this document. Any representation to the contrary is unlawful.

     This Proxy Statement and Proxy are being mailed to OraLabs' shareholders on
or about _____________________, 2005.

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                              ORALABS HOLDING CORP.
                              18685 E. Plaza Drive
                             Parker, Colorado 80134
                            Telephone (303) 783-9499


                               September 30, 2005

         At the annual  meeting you will be asked to consider  and vote upon the
following matters:

1.   Approval of the Stock Exchange Agreement ("Exchange  Agreement"),  dated as
     of February 23, 2005 and amended as of June 20, 2005, by and among OraLabs,
     NVC Lighting Investment  Holdings Limited ("NVC"),  and Mr. Chang-Jiang Wu,
     Mr.  Yong-Hong  Hu, and Mr. Gang Du  (collectively  referred to as the "NVC
     Shareholders"), and the share issuances described therein. The transactions
     contemplated by the Exchange Agreement include: (i) the issuance by OraLabs
     of shares  representing  approximately 94% of the fully diluted outstanding
     common stock of OraLabs  (after giving effect to the  redemption  and stock
     issuances  described  in (ii) and (iii) below) in exchange for the transfer
     to OraLabs of all of the ownership  interests in NVC,  which is held by the
     NVC Shareholders; (ii) the redemption of all of the common stock of OraLabs
     held by its President, Gary H. Schlatter, individually, in exchange for the
     transfer to Mr. Schlatter of all of the common stock held by OraLabs in its
     wholly-owned  subsidiary,  OraLabs, Inc. (the "Redemption  Proposal");  and
     (iii) the  adoption  of the 2005  Director  Stock  Plan (a copy of which is
     attached as Annex 4 to the  accompanying  Proxy Statement) and the issuance
     under  that Plan to each of the three  present  non-employee  directors  of
     100,000  shares of common  stock.  The  effect of these  transactions  will
     include  that after the  Closing,  the  business  previously  engaged in by
     OraLabs will no longer be conducted by OraLabs,  and instead,  OraLabs will
     only conduct the business of NVC which will become a subsidiary of OraLabs.

2.   Election of the individuals designated by NVC as directors of OraLabs.

3.   Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of OraLabs to change its name to
     "NVC Lighting  Corporation" and to increase the authorized number of shares
     of common stock to 200,000,000 shares.

4.   Approval  of the "2005 Stock  Option,  SAR and Stock Bonus Plan" (a copy of
     which is attached as Schedule 3 to the Stock  Exchange  Agreement  attached
     hereto as Annex 1 to the accompanying Proxy Statement) of OraLabs that will
     cover 5,000,000 shares of common stock.

5.   Ratification of the appointment of Murrell,  Hall,  McIntosh & Co., PLLP as
     our independent registerd public accounting firm for fiscal year 2005.

6.   To transact such other  business as may properly come before the meeting or
     any adjournments or postponements thereof.

         In light of the actual  conflicting  interest of Mr.  Schlatter  in the
transactions,  the Board of Directors formed a Special  Committee  consisting of
Michael I. Friess and Robert C. Gust to evaluate the Exchange  Agreement  and to
negotiate it on behalf of OraLabs.  The Board of  Directors,  considering  among
other things,  the  recommendation  of the Special  Committee,  has approved the
Exchange Agreement and determined it to be advisable.  Approval of the Board was
unanimous except that Mr. Schlatter  abstained from the vote. As the two members
of the Special Committee and the other non-employee director are each to receive
shares of OraLabs common stock at the Closing,  the Special  Committee  retained
the services of Capitalink, L.C., the Special Committee's financial advisor, who
provided its written opinion that as of August 10, 2005, based on and subject to
the  limitations,  assumptions  and  qualifications  stated in its opinion,  the
completion of the transactions contemplated by the Exchange Agreement is fair to
OraLabs' nonaffiliated public shareholders from a financial point of view.


         The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of  business on August 30,
2005 as the record date for  determining  all  shareholders  entitled to receive
notice of the annual  meeting and to vote at such meeting or any  adjournment(s)
thereof. A quorum of shareholders is necessary to hold a valid meeting. A quorum
will be present if shares  representing  a majority  of the voting  power of the
outstanding  shares are  represented by  shareholders  present at the meeting in
person or by  proxy.  The  approval  of the  Redemption  Proposal  requires  the
affirmative  vote of the  holders of at least the  majority of the shares of our
common stock  entitled to vote as of the record date.  The approval of the other
proposals  require the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of
the shares of our common stock present at the meeting in person or by proxy.

         The  Board  of   Directors   appreciates   and   welcomes   stockholder
participation in OraLabs' affairs.  Whether or not you plan to attend the annual
meeting,  please vote by  completing,  signing and dating the enclosed Proxy and
returning it promptly to OraLabs in the enclosed self-addressed, postage-prepaid
envelope.  If you attend the  meeting,  you may revoke  your Proxy and vote your
shares in person.

         Shareholders  of  OraLabs  who do not  vote in  favor  of the  proposed
transactions  will have the right to dissent and to seek  appraisal  of the fair
value of their shares if the transactions are completed and they comply with the
procedures under Colorado law explained in the accompanying Proxy Statement.

         The  transactions  are described in the  accompanying  Proxy Statement,
which you are urged to read carefully. A copy of the Stock Exchange Agreement is
attached as Annex 1 to the accompanying Proxy Statement.

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors

                                     Michael I. Friess, Secretary

Parker, Colorado

_____________________, 2005


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
SUMMARY TERM SHEET................................................................................................1
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE PROPOSED TRANSACTIONS.............................................................4
     Reasons for Engaging in the Transaction......................................................................7
     Recommendation of the Special Committee and Board of Directors...............................................8
     Opinion of Capitalink, L.C...................................................................................8
     OraLabs' Position as to the Fairness of the Proposed Transactions............................................8
     Interests of our Directors in the Proposed Transactions......................................................9
     Election of Directors, Approval of the Name Change and Increase in Authorized Shares.........................9
     Approval of the 2005 Stock Option, SAR and Stock Bonus Plan..................................................9
     Plans for OraLabs After Closing of the Proposed Transactions.................................................9
     Conditions to the Exchange Agreement.........................................................................9
     Termination of the Exchange Agreement.......................................................................10
     Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal.............................................................................10
NVC BUSINESS.....................................................................................................10
     PRC Green Lights Program....................................................................................14
     Research and Development....................................................................................15
     Sales, Marketing and Distribution...........................................................................15
     Backlog and Material Customers..............................................................................16
     Intellectual Property.......................................................................................17
     Legal Proceedings...........................................................................................18
     Risk Factors................................................................................................18
     NVC Management..............................................................................................23
     Executive Compensation......................................................................................25
     Summary Compensation Table..................................................................................25
     Option Grants...............................................................................................25
SUMMARY HISTORICAL FINANCIAL DATA FOR ORALABS....................................................................25
SUMMARY HISTORICAL FINANCIAL DATA FOR NVC........................................................................26
PRO FORMA COMBINED SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL FINANCIAL DATA..........................................................28
NVC'S MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OR PLAN OF OPERATIONS.................................................29
     Significant Accounting Estimates and Policies...............................................................29
     Comparison of Three Months Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004....................................................29
     Comparison of Years Ended December 31, 2004 and 2003........................................................31
     Comparison of Years Ended December 31, 2003 and 2002........................................................32
     New Accounting Pronouncements...............................................................................33
INFORMATION CONCERNING THE ANNUAL MEETING........................................................................34
     Time, Place and Date........................................................................................34
     Purpose of the Annual Meeting...............................................................................35
     Record Date; Voting at the Meeting; Quorum..................................................................35
     Required Vote...............................................................................................35
     Voting and Revocation of Proxies............................................................................35
     Action to be Taken at the Annual Meeting....................................................................35
     Proxy Solicitation..........................................................................................36
PROPOSAL ONE.....................................................................................................36
SPECIAL FACTORS..................................................................................................36
     Background of the Proposed Transactions.....................................................................36



     Special Committee...........................................................................................39
     OraLabs Board of Directors..................................................................................40
     Benefits and Detriments of the Proposed Transactions to OraLabs' Nonaffiliated Shareholders.................41
     Opinion of Financial Advisor to the Special Committee.......................................................41
     Interests of Certain Persons in the Proposed Transactions...................................................50
     NASDAQ Listing..............................................................................................50
MARKET FOR THE COMMON STOCK......................................................................................51
SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT...................................................52
     Change in Control...........................................................................................53
CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS: ORALABS..........................................................54
CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS: NVC..............................................................54
COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 16(a) OF THE EXCHANGE ACT................................................................54
EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION...........................................................................................55
     Redemption Treatment for Dissenters.........................................................................55
     Constructive Ownership of Stock and Other Issues............................................................56
     Section 302 Tests...........................................................................................56
     Backup Withholding..........................................................................................57
     Fees and Expenses...........................................................................................57
THE EXCHANGE AGREEMENT...........................................................................................58
     The Stock Exchange..........................................................................................58
     Conditions to the Closing of the Exchange Agreement.........................................................59
     Representations and Warranties..............................................................................60
     Termination of the Exchange Agreement.......................................................................61
     Fees and Expenses...........................................................................................62
DISSENTERS' RIGHTS OF APPRAISAL..................................................................................62
     Do you have the right to exercise dissenter rights?.........................................................62
     How to exercise dissenter rights............................................................................62
     Right to Dissent............................................................................................63
     Before the Annual Meeting...................................................................................63
     Procedure for Exercise of Dissenters' Rights................................................................63
     After the Annual Meeting....................................................................................63
     Notice from Us..............................................................................................63
     Demand for Payment and Delivery of Share Certificate........................................................64
     Delivery of Payment.........................................................................................64
     How to Dispute Payment Amount...............................................................................65
     Judicial Appraisal of Shares................................................................................65
PROPOSAL TWO.....................................................................................................66
PROPOSAL THREE...................................................................................................66
PROPOSAL FOUR....................................................................................................67
PROPOSAL FIVE....................................................................................................68
CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS........................................................68
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.............................................................................................69
WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION..............................................................................69
STOCKHOLDER MEETINGS AND PROPOSALS...............................................................................69
AVAILABLE INFORMATION............................................................................................70
SOLICITATION AND EXPENSES........................................................................................70
NVC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS...........................................................................................
PRO FORMA UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS....................................................


August 11, 2005

                               SUMMARY TERM SHEET

         The  following   summarizes   the  principal   terms  of  the  proposed
transactions   under  which  OraLabs  Holding  Corp.,  a  Colorado   corporation
("OraLabs"  or  the  "Company")  will  acquire  the  business  of  NVC  Lighting
Investment Holdings Limited ("NVC") as a wholly-owned  subsidiary of OraLabs. At
the same  Closing,  the  ownership  of OraLabs,  Inc.,  the  OraLabs'  operating
subsidiary (the "Subsidiary") that conducts the Company's current business, will
be transferred to the current  President of the Company in  consideration of the
redemption by OraLabs of all of the stock in OraLabs owned by him  individually.
This  Summary  Term Sheet does not  contain all of the  information  that may be
important for you to consider when  evaluating  the merits of the  transactions.
You are encouraged to read this Proxy  Statement,  including the annexes and the
documents that have been incorporated by reference into this Proxy Statement, in
their entirety  before voting.  Section  references are included below to direct
you to a more complete  description of the topics discussed in this Summary Term

     o    You are being asked to approve the Stock Exchange  Agreement  dated as
          of  February  23,  2005 and  amended  June  20,  2005  (the  "Exchange
          Agreement"), which provides among other things for (i) the acquisition
          by OraLabs of all of the ownership  interests in NVC in  consideration
          for the issuance to the NVC Shareholders of  approximately  94% of the
          total fully diluted  outstanding common stock of OraLabs (assuming the
          redemption and stock issuances  described below), (ii) the transfer by
          OraLabs to its  President  of all of the common stock owned by OraLabs
          in its  Subsidiary in  consideration  for the redemption of all of the
          OraLabs  common  stock  owned  by  the  President   individually  (the
          "Redemption  Proposal"),  and (iii) the approval of the 2005  Director
          Stock  Plan and the  issuance  under  that  plan to each of the  three
          non-employee  directors of OraLabs of 100,000 shares of OraLabs common
          stock.  Closing  under the Exchange  Agreement  also requires that the
          shareholders  approve  the  change in the name of the  Company  to NVC
          Lighting Corporation,  the increase in the number of authorized shares
          of common  stock to  200,000,000,  and the  approval of the 2005 Stock
          Option, SAR and Stock Bonus Plan. You will not receive any securities,
          money  or any  other  consideration  as  part  of the  Closing  of the
          transactions,  and  the  interest  held by the  nonaffiliated  OraLabs
          shareholders, which is currently about 952,665 shares or 20.30% of the
          OraLabs  outstanding  common  stock,  will be  diminished to represent
          approximately 4.2% of the outstanding  common stock upon Closing.  The
          total number of shares  outstanding  upon closing of the  transactions
          will  be  approximately   22,727,500,   which  could  increase  by  an
          approximate  2,191,667  shares if employee options are exercised prior
          to closing. See "The Exchange Agreement - The Stock Exchange".

     o    In order to approve and adopt the proposals,  a quorum of shareholders
          must be present in person or by proxy at the meeting and the proposals
          must be  approved  by a  majority  of shares  entitled  to vote  (with
          respect to the  Redemption  Proposal)  and by a majority of the shares
          present at the meeting  with respect to the other  proposals.  Gary H.
          Schlatter,  the President of the Company and the owner individually of
          approximately  77.34% of the outstanding common stock, intends to vote
          in favor of all of the matters to be conducted at the annual meeting.

     o    Upon Closing our current  shareholders will no longer have an interest
          in the business currently conducted by us. Instead, the public company
          will be engaging  only in the business of NVC through its ownership of
          NVC as a wholly-owned subsidiary.

     o    The common stock of OraLabs is presently  listed for public trading on
          the  NASDAQ  small cap  market.  Prior to the  Annual  Meeting  of the
          Shareholders,  OraLabs intends to submit a new listing  application to
          NASDAQ for  continued  listing on NASDAQ which is required  because of
          the  change  in  the  assets  and  business  of  OraLabs.  One  of the
          conditions to continued  listing will be that the minimum bid price of
          the common  stock must not be less than $4.00 per share,  which cannot
          be assured.  OraLabs believes that it will meet the other requirements
          for listing on NASDAQ,  but there is no assurance that will occur.  In
          the event that OraLabs does not meet NASDAQ listing  requirements upon
          the closing of the  transaction  with NVC, the common stock of OraLabs
          is  expected  to be publicly  traded on the NASD  Electronic  Bulletin
          Board  over-the-counter  market  (OTC-BB)  until it meets the  listing
          requirements of NASDAQ.

     o    The proposed  transactions  involve  actual or potential  conflicts of
          interest because Mr. Schlatter will acquire sole ownership of OraLabs,
          Inc. upon Closing and because all of the other  directors will receive
          100,000  shares each of OraLabs  common  stock as part of the Closing.
          The Board formed a Special Committee,  consisting of Michael I. Friess
          and Robert C. Gust, for the purposes of  considering,  negotiating and
          making a  recommendation  regarding  the  proposed  transactions.  See
          "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions".

     o    In  March  2005,  we  retained  the  services  of   Capitalink,   L.C.
          ("Capitalink") as the financial advisor to the Special  Committee,  to
          give an opinion as to the fairness of the proposed transactions to our
          nonaffiliated shareholders. See "Special Factors".

     o    On August 10,  2005,  Capitalink  rendered  its opinion to the Special
          Committee  that,  as of that  date  and  subject  to the  assumptions,
          qualifications   and  limitations  set  forth  in  its  opinion,   the
          transactions  contemplated by the Exchange Agreement were fair, from a
          financial  point of view, to the holders of OraLabs common stock other
          than  OraLabs'  officers  and  directors  and  their  affiliates.  The
          complete  Capitalink  opinion is attached to this Proxy  Statement  as
          Annex 2. Any summary of Capitalink's opinion in this Proxy Statement ,
          is  qualified  by  reference  to the full text of the Opinion  that is
          attached  as Annex 2 and  which we urge you to read  carefully  in its
          entirety.  The Opinion was directed to our Special  Committee and does
          not  constitute  a  recommendation  as to how any holder of our common
          stock should vote on the proposed transactions. See "Special Factors -
          Opinion of Financial Advisor to the Special Committee".

     o    The Special Committee determined that the transactions are fair to and
          in the best  interests  of our  common  shareholders,  other  than our
          officers,  directors and their affiliates,  and has recommended to our
          Board that the transactions should be completed under the terms of the
          Exchange  Agreement.  See  "Special  Factors -  Recommendation  of the
          Special Committee.

     o    Acting on the  recommendation of the Special  Committee,  our Board of
          Directors (with Mr. Schlatter abstaining) has approved and adopted the
          Exchange  Agreement and authorized the  transactions  contemplated  in
          that document,  and recommends that you vote for approval and adoption
          of the Exchange  Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated in that
          document. See "Special Factors - OraLabs Board of Directors".

     o    The  Exchange  Agreement  may be  terminated  at any time  before  the
          completion of the  transactions  by the mutual written  consent of its
          parties or by any party in certain instances described in the Exchange
          Agreement. See "Termination of the Exchange Agreement".


     o    If you choose not to vote in favor of the Exchange  Agreement  and the
          transactions contemplated by that document,  Colorado law entitles you
          to a judicial  appraisal  of the fair  value of your  shares of common
          stock. There are procedural  requirements that you will have to follow
          if you  decide to  pursue a  judicial  appraisal,  and  merely  voting
          against  the  Exchange  Agreement  will  not  preserve  your  right of
          appraisal  under  Colorado  law.  Unless such  expenses  are  assessed
          against  us by the court,  we will not pay any legal fees or  expenses
          that you  might  incur in this  regard.  See  "Dissenters'  Rights  of



Q:   What are the proposed transactions?

A:   The business of OraLabs will change to that being conducted by NVC. OraLabs
     will  accomplish  this by acquiring  from the NVC  Shareholders  all of the
     ownership  interests in NVC in exchange for issuing to the NVC Shareholders
     the  number  of  shares  that will  equal  approximately  94% of all of the
     outstanding common stock of OraLabs upon the conclusion of the Closing.  At
     the  Closing  and  immediately  after  OraLabs'  acquisition  of  NVC  as a
     wholly-owned subsidiary,  OraLabs will redeem all of the common stock owned
     individually  by Gary H. Schlatter in exchange for the conveyance to him of
     all of the shares owned by OraLabs in its  operating  subsidiary,  OraLabs,
     Inc. As a condition to  completion  of the Closing,  the name of the public
     company will change from OraLabs to NVC Lighting Corporation, the number of
     shares of  authorized  common  stock of the Company  will be  increased  to
     200,000,000,  and the proposed  2005 Stock Plan,  SAR and Stock Bonus Plan,
     2005 Director  Stock Plan and issuance under that plan of 100,000 shares of
     common stock each to the current non-employee directors of the Company will
     be approved.  After the transactions  close,  OraLabs will be controlled by
     the former shareholders of NVC.

Q:   What happens to my stock  ownership in OraLabs after the  transactions  are

A:   Nonaffiliated  shareholders of OraLabs,  other than those  shareholders who
     dissent and seek  appraisal of the fair value of their shares,  will retain
     their current stock that consists in total of approximately 952,665 shares.
     Including the 300,000  shares to be issued to the  non-employee  directors,
     there will be a total of 411,000  shares owned by the present  directors or
     their  affiliates upon completion of the Closing.  The ownership in OraLabs
     of all nonaffiliated  shareholders,  which is currently about 20.30% of all
     of the fully-diluted issued and outstanding stock, will be reduced to about
     4.2% upon  completion of the Closing.  The principals of NVC will be issued
     approximately  21,364,085  shares,  which  will  comprise  94% of the total
     number of outstanding shares of approximately 22,727,750.  These figures do
     not include the  possible  exercise by  employees  of OraLabs of any of the
     131,500  employee  options  currently  outstanding.  As a  result  of these
     transactions,  the nonaffiliated  shareholders who own approximately 20.30%
     of the Company  that is  conducting  the current  business of OraLabs  will
     instead  own about  4.2% of the  Company  that will then only  conduct  the
     business  presently  conducted  by NVC. See "The  Exchange  Agreement - The
     Stock Exchange".

Q:   Will OraLabs be a public company after Closing of the transactions?

A:   Yes.  After the  Closing,  OraLabs  will  continue  to be a public  company
     registered  under Section 12(g) under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
     as amended (the  "Exchange  Act"),  and will  continue to be subject to the
     annual, quarterly and other reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, the
     other  requirements  of the Exchange Act and the  requirements of the rules
     and regulations thereunder.

Q:   When do you expect the transactions to close?

A:   We are working to complete the transactions as quickly as possible.  If the
     Exchange  Agreement  and proposed  transactions  are approved and the other
     conditions to Closing are satisfied, we expect to complete the transactions
     on or before  September 30, 2005.  However,  there can be no assurance that
     the transactions will close by that time, or at all.


Q:   What business is conducted by NVC?

A:   NVC is a leading designer, manufacturer, assembler and marketer of lighting
     fixtures and related  products in The People's  Republic of China  ("PRC").
     Its broad product lines are used in residential,  commercial and industrial
     remodeling and in new construction.  Its principal  lighting products use a
     variety  of light  sources in line and low  voltage  and are  designed  for
     reliable and flexible  function,  energy  efficient  operation,  attractive
     appearance,  and simple installation and servicing.  NVC is also engaged in
     the marketing,  design and manufacture of other  incandescent,  fluorescent
     and High Intensity Discharge ("HID") lighting products with applications in
     the commercial lighting market.

     Approximately  91% of the  Company's  sales  in its  financial  year  ended
     December 31, 2004, were made in the PRC, with  approximately  8% in Europe,
     0.2% in the Middle  East,  and 0.2% in Hong Kong.  NVC's  sales are made to
     electrical  distributors  and  lighting  showrooms  as well  as to  certain
     wholesale lighting outlets.  Such distributors  wholesale and/or retail NVC
     lighting  products for use in remodeling of existing  structures and in new
     residential, commercial and institutional construction projects.

Q:   Are there risks involved in closing the transactions with NVC?

A:   Yes. After the transactions  close,  the Company's  success will be totally
     dependent upon the success of NVC and its subsidiaries and affiliates.  The
     success of NVC will depend upon numerous  factors,  including the continued
     demand for high quality  lighting  fixtures and related products in the PRC
     and Europe,  expansion of the production  facilities of NVC and acquisition
     of additional equipment, and the expected growth in marketing into existing
     and new foreign markets. There are no assurances that NVC's operations will
     be profitable after the Closing of the  transactions,  notwithstanding  its
     profitable   history  during  the  past  three  years  (see  "NVC  Business
     Risk Factors").

Q:   What vote of shareholders is required to approve the transactions?

A:   A quorum of  shareholders  is necessary to hold a valid  meeting.  A quorum
     will be present if shares  representing  a majority of the voting  power of
     the  outstanding  shares of common stock are  represented  by  shareholders
     present in person at the meeting or by proxy. Approval of the redemption of
     shares and conveyance of ownership of the Company's  operating  subsidiary,
     OraLabs,  Inc., to Gary H. Schlatter  requires the  affirmative  vote of at
     least the majority of shares of common stock of OraLabs entitled to vote as
     of the record  date.  The  remaining  transactions  that are proposed to be
     completed  require  only the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the voting
     power of the  outstanding  shares of OraLabs' common stock that are present
     in person or by proxy at the meeting. Mr. Schlatter,  who individually owns
     about 77.34% of the outstanding common stock of OraLabs, intends to vote in
     favor of all of the proposed  transactions,  which vote would be sufficient
     to  meet  the  quorum   requirements   and  approve  all  of  the  proposed

Q:   What are the income tax consequences of the transactions to me?

A:   The transactions will not be taxable to the public shareholders of OraLabs,
     except to the extent that  shareholders  request an  appraisal  of the fair
     value of their  shares.  In that event,  the payment to those  shareholders
     will be taxable.  To review a brief  description  of the federal income tax
     consequences  to those  shareholders,  see  "Material  Federal  Income  Tax
     Consequences of the Proposed Transactions".

Q:   What conflicts of interest does the Board of Directors have in recommending
     approval of the proposed transactions?

A:   Mr. Schlatter has an actual conflict of interest in that upon completion of
     the proposed transactions,  he will become the sole owner of OraLabs, Inc.,
     which he intends to  continue  to operate as a private  company.  The three
     remaining  directors,  who are not  employees  of the  Company,  will  each
     receive 100,000 shares of OraLabs common stock as part of the Closing.  The
     Board of Directors formed a Special Committee consisting of Messrs.  Friess
     and Gust, who  negotiated the Exchange  Agreement with NVC, hired their own
     legal counsel,  and obtained a fairness  opinion from an independent  third
     party.  To review the factors  considered by the Special  Committee and the
     Board of  Directors  in  approving  the  Exchange  Agreement,  see "Special


Q:   How was the fairness opinion obtained?

A:   The  Special  Committee  formed  by the  Board of  Directors  independently
     selected and retained a financial  advisor to assist in this  process.  The
     committee  received an opinion  from its  financial  advisor,  on which the
     Special  Committee  relied,  stating  that  based  on  and  subject  to the
     limitations,  assumptions and qualifications  stated in that opinion, as of
     August 10, 2005,  the completion of the proposed  transactions  was fair to
     the nonaffiliated OraLabs shareholders from a financial point of view.

Q:   What rights do I have if I oppose the proposed transactions?

A:   Shareholders  who oppose the  proposed  transactions  may  dissent and seek
     judicial  appraisal  of the fair  value of their  shares,  but only if they
     comply  with  all  of  the  procedures  under  Colorado  law  explained  in
     "Dissenters'  Rights of Appraisal" and in Annex 3 to this Proxy  Statement.
     It is a condition to the  obligation  of OraLabs to close the  transactions
     that  holders of not more than 100,000  shares of the OraLabs  common stock
     exercise their dissenters' rights.


         The  following   summarizes  the  material   aspects  of  the  proposed
transactions and highlights  selected  information  contained  elsewhere in this
Proxy  Statement.  This summary may not contain all of the  information  that is
important  to  you,  and is  qualified  in its  entirety  by the  more  detailed
information  contained elsewhere in this Proxy Statement,  including the annexes
to it,  and in the  documents  incorporated  by  reference.  To  understand  the
proposed  transactions fully and for a more complete description of the proposed
transactions,  you should carefully read this entire Proxy Statement,  including
the annexes to it and the documents incorporated by reference.

         The annual  meeting of  shareholders  of OraLabs  will be held at 10:00
a.m.  Mountain Time on September  30, 2005 at the principal  offices of OraLabs,
18685 E. Plaza Drive, Parker,  Colorado.  Only OraLabs shareholders of record at
the close of business on the record date,  August 30, 2005,  will be entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the annual  meeting.  On the record date,  there were
___________  shares of common  stock  outstanding  and  entitled to one vote per
share at the annual meeting.  Our shares are held by  approximately  ___________
shareholders  of record,  although  there is an additional  number of beneficial
owners of our common stock.

         Shareholders  will be asked to consider  approval of the Stock Exchange
Agreement ("Exchange Agreement"), dated as of February 23, 2005 and amended June
20,  2005,  by and among  OraLabs,  NVC  Lighting  Investment  Holdings  Limited
("NVC"), and Mr. Chang-Jiang Wu, Mr. Yong-Hong Hu, and Mr. Gang Du (collectively
referred to as the "NVC Shareholders") (see "Proposal One"). Among other things,
the transactions contemplated by the Exchange Agreement include (i) the issuance
by  OraLabs  of  shares  representing  approximately  94% of the  fully  diluted
outstanding  common stock of OraLabs  (after giving effect to the redemption and
share issuances  described below) in exchange for the transfer to OraLabs of all
of the ownership  interests in NVC, which is held by the NVC Shareholders,  (ii)
the redemption of all of the common stock of OraLabs held by its President, Gary
H. Schlatter, individually, in exchange for the transfer to Mr. Schlatter of all
of the common  stock held by OraLabs in its  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  OraLabs,
Inc.,  and (iii) approval of the 2005 Director Stock Plan and the issuance under
that plan of 100,000  shares of common  stock to each of the three  non-employee
directors of OraLabs.  The effect of these  transactions will include that after
the  Closing,  the business  previously  engaged in by OraLabs will no longer be
conducted by OraLabs, which instead will conduct only the business of NVC.


         There are a number of factors  that you should  consider in  connection
with deciding how to vote your shares. They include:

     o    the background of the transaction;

     o    the factors considered by the Special Committee and the Board of

     o    the opinion of the financial advisor to the Special Committee;

     o    the recommendation of the Special Committee to the Board of Directors;

     o    the purpose and effect of the proposed transactions; and

     o    the conflict of interests of certain persons in the proposed

         These factors, in addition to several other factors to be considered in
connection  with  the  proposed  transactions,   are  described  in  this  Proxy
Statement.  For a detailed  discussion  of each of these  factors,  see "Special

Reasons for Engaging in the  Transaction  (See "Special  Factors - Background of
the Proposed Transactions")

         The Company's operating subsidiary,  OraLabs, Inc. has been in business
since 1990 and became  public via a reverse  merger in 1997.  Prior to  becoming
public,  the sole owner of the  subsidiary was Gary H.  Schlatter,  who believed
that by taking the  Company  public,  the  Company  could use  public  shares to
facilitate its growth and that being public would facilitate providing ownership
interests to employees  and others with an interest in the  Company's  business.
Those  goals were not met.  Historically,  the  trading  volume of shares of the
public  company has been  extremely  low and the stock  price has  remained at a
level substantially below that which would attract the interest of investors and
other  members  of  the  financial  community.  In  addition,  there  have  been
significant  increases in the costs of being a public company arising out of the
Sarbanes-Oxley  legislation  and related  rules of the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission ("SEC") and the National  Association of Securities Dealers ("NASD").
As noted  in the  discussion  below of the  factors  considered  by the  Special
Committee  (see  "Special  Factors"),  the  Special  Committee  believed  that a
reorganization with a company such as NVC that has substantially  larger amounts
of revenues and which has historically  obtained  significant net earnings would
be beneficial to the nonaffiliated shareholders of OraLabs.


Recommendation  of the Special  Committee  and Board of Directors  (See "Special
Factors - Recommendation of the Special Committee")

         The Special  Committee  of our Board of  Directors,  consisting  of two
non-employee  directors,  was  formed to  consider  and  evaluate  the  proposed
transactions.   The  Special  Committee  approved  the  Exchange  Agreement  and
determined that the proposed  transactions  are in the best interests of OraLabs
and its nonaffiliated  shareholders.  The Special  Committee  recommended to our
Board that the Board determine that the proposed  transactions are advisable and
in the best interest of OraLabs and our nonaffiliated  shareholders and that the
completion  of  the  proposed   transactions   is  fair  to  our   nonaffiliated
shareholders.  The Special Committee also recommended that the Board approve the
Exchange  Agreement  and  that  the  Board  determine  to  submit  the  proposed
transactions to our  shareholders  and recommend that our  shareholders  vote to
adopt the Exchange  Agreement.  Even though our  non-employee  directors will be
receiving  shares  at the  Closing,  our  Board  determined  that  the  proposed
transactions  are advisable and in the best interests of and fair to OraLabs and
our  nonaffiliated  shareholders.  Accordingly,  our Board approved the Exchange
Agreement  and  recommends  that you vote FOR the proposal to adopt the Exchange
Agreement and approve the proposed transactions.

Opinion of  Capitalink,  L.C. (See "Opinion of Financial  Advisor to the Special
Committee" and Annex 2)

         In connection  with the proposed  transactions,  the Special  Committee
considered the opinion of the Special Committee's financial advisor, Capitalink,
L.C.,  as to the  fairness of the  proposed  transactions  to our  nonaffiliated
shareholders from a financial point of view. Capitalink delivered its opinion to
the Special Committee on that, as of August 10, 2005 and based on and subject to
the  assumptions,  limitations  and  qualifications  stated in the opinion,  the
consideration to be received by our nonaffiliated  shareholders  pursuant to the
Exchange  Agreement  was fair to those  shareholders  from a financial  point of
view. The opinion was provided for the information of the Special  Committee and
does not  constitute a  recommendation  to any  stockholder  with respect to any
matter  relating to the proposed  transactions.  The full opinion of Capitalink,
L.C. is attached as Annex 2.

OraLabs' Position as to the Fairness of the Proposed  Transactions (See "Special
Factors - OraLabs Board of Directors")

         We believe the proposed  transactions  to be fair to our  nonaffiliated
shareholders.  In reaching this determination we considered a number of factors,
including that:

     o    the financial  performance  of OraLabs as measured by its net earnings
          (loss) has been  negative  or flat since the end of fiscal  year 2001,
          while  on the  other  hand,  the  revenues  and  earnings  of NVC have
          significantly grown since 2003;

     o    OraLabs'  common stock has  historically  traded at low prices that do
          not attract the interest of the  investment  community and at very low
          volumes  so  that  there  has  been  minimal  liquidity  for  OraLabs'
          shareholders  even  though the stock is traded on the NASDAQ  SmallCap

     o    Capitalink delivered an opinion to the Special Committee to the effect
          that  as of  August  10,  2005,  and  based  on  and  subject  to  the
          limitations, assumptions and qualifications contained in that opinion,
          the proposed transactions were fair to the nonaffiliated  shareholders
          of OraLabs from a financial point of view; and

     o    the proposed transactions were approved and recommended by the Special


Interests  of  our  Directors  in  the  Proposed   Transactions   (See  "Certain
Relationships and Related Transactions - OraLabs")

         In  considering  the  recommendation  of our  Board of  Directors  with
respect to the Exchange Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby, you
should be aware that,  in addition to the matters  discussed  above,  all of the
directors have interests in the proposed transactions that are in addition to or
different  from the  interests  of our  shareholders  generally  and  that  such
interests create actual or potential  conflicts of interest.  Mr. Schlatter will
acquire sole ownership of our operating subsidiary,  OraLabs,  Inc., in exchange
for the redemption by OraLabs of all of the shares of OraLabs that Mr. Schlatter
owns  individually.  Mr. Schlatter will retain a beneficial  interest in some of
the 100,000 shares that The Schlatter Family  Partnership  owns in OraLabs.  The
remaining three directors, none of whom are employees, will each receive 100,000
shares of the Company as part of the transactions to occur at Closing.

Election of Directors,  Approval of the Name Change,  and Increase in Authorized
Shares (See "Proposal Two and Proposal Three")

         Immediately  upon completion of the Closing,  all of the members of the
Company's  Board of  Directors  and officers  will resign and the three  current
owners and a  non-executive  director of NVC will be elected as the four members
of the Board of  Directors,  who will appoint such  officers as they  determine.
Upon approval of the proposed transactions,  the name of the Company will change
to "NVC Lighting Corporation" or such similar name as determined by the Board of
Directors.  The name change is  intended  to convey more  clearly a sense of the
Company's business after the proposed transactions are closed. In addition,  the
shareholders  will be asked to approve  the  increase in the number of shares of
common  stock  authorized  to be  issued  by  the  Company  from  25,000,000  to
200,000,000.  Upon Closing,  there will be issued and outstanding  approximately
22,727,700  shares of common  stock,  which may increase by up to an  additional
number of approximately 2,192,000 shares to the extent that outstanding employee
options  are  exercised  prior to Closing  (which  will cause an increase in the
number of shares to be issued to the NVC  principals and their  designees),  and
the remaining  authorized  shares may be issued as the Board of Directors and/or
officers of the Company determine from time to time.

Approval  of the 2005 Stock  Option,  SAR and Stock  Bonus  Plan (See  "Proposal

         The  shareholders  will be asked to approve at the annual  meeting  the
proposed 2005 Stock Option, SAR and Stock Bonus Plan.  Adoption of the Plan will
permit the Company to issue securities to employees,  consultants and others who
have an interest in the Company.

Plans for OraLabs After Closing of the Proposed Transactions

         After the Closing, the business of OraLabs,  Inc., the public company's
current subsidiary,  will continue to be operated as a private company that will
be wholly owned by Mr. Schlatter.  The OraLabs shareholders will have no further
interest in the operations of OraLabs, Inc.

Conditions to the Exchange  Agreement (See "The Exchange  Agreement - Conditions
to the Closing of the Exchange Agreement")

         Certain  conditions must be satisfied  before the parties are obligated
to close the transactions under the Exchange Agreement, including the following:

          o    the Exchange  Agreement and all of the transactions  contemplated
               thereby must be approved by the shareholders of OraLabs;


          o    OraLabs must receive letters from NVC's independent  auditors and
               attorneys that are satisfactory to OraLabs and confirm the status
               of  certain   financial  and  legal  matters  relating  to  NVC's
               performance under the Exchange Agreement;

          o    There  must  be  no  legal  action  that  prevents  or  restrains
               completion of the proposed transactions;

          o    the number of OraLabs  shares that are the subject of dissenters'
               rights exercised by OraLabs'  shareholders  cannot exceed 100,000
               shares; and

          o    if continued listing of the public company's shares on the NASDAQ
               SmallCap   Market  is  not  approved  by  the  NASD  for  reasons
               attributable to OraLabs, NVC may seek to renegotiate the relative
               shareholdings  to be owned upon  completion  of the  transactions
               between the NVC shareholders and the OraLabs shareholders.

In addition, other conditions, including the lack of any material adverse change
in the condition of the parties and compliance with representations,  warranties
and  covenants,  must be satisfied by the parties  before the other  parties are
obligated to complete the proposed transactions.

Termination of the Exchange Agreement (See "The Exchange Agreement - Termination
of the Exchange Agreement")

         Either party may terminate  the Exchange  Agreement if Closing does not
occur by  September  30,  2005,  unless  such  date is  extended  by the  mutual
agreement of the parties,  or if there is a legal  prohibition or restraint that
occurs or is  threatened  with  respect to the  proposed  Closing,  or if NVC or
OraLabs breaches any of its representations,  warranties or agreements under the
Exchange Agreement.  The parties may agree at any time (including any time after
the annual  meeting but before  consummation  of the proposed  transactions)  to
terminate the Exchange Agreement.

Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal (See "Dissenters Rights of Appraisal")

         Any stockholder who does not wish to approve the Exchange Agreement has
the right  under  Colorado  law to have his,  her or its shares  appraised  by a
Colorado state district court.  This "right of appraisal" is subject to a number
of  restrictions  and technical  requirements.  Generally,  in order to exercise
appraisal rights, among other things, you must not vote in favor of the Exchange
Agreement or the transactions  contemplated  thereby and you must make a written
demand for  appraisal  in  compliance  with  Colorado law before the vote on the
Exchange  Agreement.  Merely  voting  against the  Exchange  Agreement  will not
preserve  your right of  appraisal  under  Colorado  law.  Annex 3 to this Proxy
Statement  contains the Colorado  statutes  relating to your right of appraisal.
Failure to follow all of the steps  required by the statutes  will result in the
loss of your right of appraisal.

                                  NVC BUSINESS

         The  principal  business  of  NVC  is  the  design,  manufacturing  and
distribution  of an extensive  line of lighting  fixtures  and related  lighting
products through its 97% owned subsidiary,  NVC Industrial  Development  Company
Limited  ("NVC  Industrial").  NVC  Industrial  has  operations  in The People's
Republic of China (the "PRC"),  Europe,  Russia,  the Middle East and Hong Kong.
NVC  Industrial  was  registered  as  a  limited  liability  Sino-foreign  joint
investment enterprise on January 28, 2003 in Huizhou,  Guangdong Province in the
PRC,  with a  registered  capital of  $1,282,051  (HK$10,000,000)  and a defined
period of existence of 15 years to January 27, 2018.


         NVC Lighting  Investment  Holdings  Limited ("NVC") was incorporated in
the Hong Kong  Special  Administrative  Region  in the PRC as a private  limited
liability  company  on June 11,  2004.  As a result  of the  reorganization  and
restructuring  of  NVC,  NVC  Lighting  Company  Limited  ("NVC  Lighting"),   a
predecessor of NVC Industrial,  ceased  operations on April 30, 2003 and, on the
same date,  certain  net assets  were  distributed  totaling  $1,767,655  to the
registered  equity holders of NVC Lighting,  who in turn injected the net assets
and business into NVC Industrial as part of their capital  contribution  in NVC.
NVC  Lighting  was  originally  registered  as a limited  liability  company  on
November  13,  1998 in  Huizhou,  Guangdong  Province  in the PRC with a defined
period of existence of 6 years and 49 days to December 31, 2004. On May 1, 2003,
the business  operations of NVC Lighting were transferred to NVC Industrial.  On
June 13, 2004,  NVC acquired 97% of the  outstanding  registered  capital of NVC
Industrial  which  became a  subsidiary  of NVC and  which was  registered  as a
Sino-foreign joint investment enterprise ("FIE").

         These  two  transactions  were  treated  as a  recapitalization  of  an
existing  business in accordance with the  requirements of Financial  Accounting
Standards Opinion No. 141, BUSINESS COMBINATION,  EXHIBIT D. The effect of these
recapitalizations  was rolled back to December 31, 2002 for financial  reporting

         NVC and its subsidiary,  NVC Industrial,  are hereinafter  collectively
referred to as NVC.


         NVC is a leading  designer,  manufacturer,  assembler  and  marketer of
lighting  fixtures and related  products in the PRC. Its broad product lines are
used  in   residential,   commercial  and  industrial   remodeling  and  in  new
construction.  Its principal lighting products use a variety of light sources in
line and low voltage and are designed for reliable and flexible function, energy
efficient  operation,   attractive  appearance,   and  simple  installation  and
servicing. NVC is also engaged in the marketing, design and manufacture of other
incandescent, fluorescent and High Intensity Discharge ("HID") lighting products
with applications in the commercial lighting market.

         Approximately  91% of the Company's  sales in its financial  year ended
December 31, 2004, were made in the PRC, with  approximately 8% in Europe,  0.2%
in the Middle  East,  and 0.2% in Hong  Kong.  The  Company's  sales are made to
electrical  distributors and lighting  showrooms as well as to certain wholesale
lighting  outlets.  Such  distributors  wholesale  and/or  retail  NVC  lighting
products for use in remodeling of existing  structures  and in new  residential,
commercial and institutional construction projects.

         The Company's  primary  means of  distribution  is through  independent
exclusive  distributors  of its lighting  products  located  throughout the PRC,
Europe,  the Middle East, and Russia.  NVC has established  itself as a lighting
supplier  by  providing  high  quality  and  well-designed  products,  excellent
customer service,  timely delivery,  technical advice and product training.  The
exclusive  distributors  maintain their own inventory of NVC lighting  products,
and, in turn, sell to electrical contractors,  builders and at the retail level.
Sales to  distributors  are made through the  Company's  sales staff and through
manufacturers' agents who may also sell other non-competing electrical products.
NVC also has a national accounts sales force that focuses on department  stores,
specialty retail,  supermarkets and commercial accounts.  NVC works closely with
these national accounts to provide custom solutions to their lighting needs and,
in turn,  to have the  Company's  lighting  products  specified  for their major
renovations or store expansions.



         NVC produces a wide variety of lighting  fixtures and related  products
for residential, commercial and industrial applications.

         The  principal  lighting  products  of NVC  are  (i)  lighting  control
products, such as electronic transformers, electronic ballasts, and control gear
for high pressure discharge lamps, and (ii) electrical light sources, such as an
incandescent lamp series,  fluorescent lamp series, high pressure discharge lamp
series, and LED series.

         The lighting  product lines of NVC are also designed for home lighting,
commercial lighting, and outdoor lighting.

         The home lighting  product lines  comprise  modern  chandelier  series,
ceiling light series,  dining room light series, wall light series, mirror light
series, floor light series, and cabinet light series.

         The  commercial  lighting  product  lines of NVC consist of a downlight
series,  track lighting  series,  ceiling spot light and flexible  ceiling track
lighting light  systems,  cable system,  multiple spot light series,  decorative
fluorescent  luminaries series,  reflector downlight series, metal hydride light
series, and fluorescent lamp stand series.

         The outdoor  lighting  systems of NVC are  comprised  of a  fiber-optic
series,  ground light series,  embedded light series,  underwater  light system,
flood light series, road light series, and work light series.

          The  following  table  reflects,  in  general,  the number and type of
products  produced by NVC during its fiscal years ended December 31, 2002, 2003,
and 2004:

   PRODUCTS (UNITS)                                                  2002                2003              2004
   ----------------                                                  ----                ----              ----

   Electronic transformers                                      1,543,245           2,670,824         3,604,321
   Energy-saving lamps                                          1,003,704           1,298,946         1,796,134
   Energy-saving tubes                                            444,257           1,037,578         1,486,036
   Ceiling lamps                                                  148,524             353,193         5,759,874
   Multiple lights                                                157,462             345,234           673,726
   Decorative fluorescent luminaries                              219,047             246,570         3,573,192
   Metal halide lights                                             77,470              80,505           171,070
   Other items                                                  1,386,823           2,007,646        15,216,966
            Total                                              11,408,644          18,710,308        32,281,319

The following products of NVC are currently the most popular with its customers:

1.       ELECTRONIC  TRANSFORMERS-  Electronic  transformers  are accessories to
         lights  and  light  sources  in  lengthening  lighting  life,  and  are
         extensively used in household  lighting and commercial  lighting.  They
         are  simple  and  safe to use,  are  small  and  light,  retard  rising
         temperatures, use low power consumption, and are long lasting.

2.       ENERGY-SAVING  LAMPS  (Also  known  as  "compact  fluorescent  lamps")-
         Compared to incandescent  lamps,  compact  fluorescent  lamps transform
         electricity  into light with cost savings of nearly 80%.  They are more
         durable,  distribute  colors more  evenly,  and are used for indoor and
         outdoor lighting such as shopping malls and museums.  Small fluorescent
         lamps are often used as an alternative to incandescent lighting because
         their lamp life is about 10 times longer than incandescent lamps and is
         3 to 4 times more efficient.


3.       CONTROL  GEAR SERIES-  These high  quality  products are the top ranked
         brand in the PRC in halogen light electronic  transformers.  NVC offers
         the following electronic  transformer series products:  (a) common type
         electronic transformer; (b) full function (with over-voltage, overload,
         and  short-circuit  protection)  electronic  transformer;  (c) dimmable
         electronic transformer.

4.       MULTIPLE  SPOTLIGHTS- Multiple spotlights can be installed in different
         ways with adjustable light direction.  They are compatible with various
         lamps, and have a high color rendering index and narrow beam angle.

5.       SPOTLIGHTS- The spotlight series consist  primarily of rack spotlights,
         ceiling spotlights and flexible track systems.  They provide options to
         conform to different and varying space  requirements  due to adjustable
         light direction and flexible track designs.

6.       REFLECTOR-DOWN  LIGHTS-  They are fixed to the ceiling,  usually  fully
         recessed,   re-distributing  light  by  reflectors  to  meet  different
         lighting  requirement.  Various styled  reflectors made of high quality
         aluminum prevent  oxidization,  provide base lighting or point lighting
         for indoors use, such as shopping  malls,  business  halls,  exhibition
         halls, hotels, meeting halls, homes, etc.

7.       METAL HALIDE  LIGHTS- The main features of a metal hydride light is its
         durability, high color renderings,  UV-prevention,  high efficiency and
         energy  saving,  a wide  range of  wattages  and ease of  repair.  They
         provide highly efficient  multi-angled and long-lasting  lighting,  and
         reduce maintenance  expenses.  These lamps are similar to mercury vapor
         lamps but use metal  halide  additives  inside  the arc tube along with
         mercury and argon. These additives enable lamps to produce more visible
         light per watt with improved color rendition. Because of the good color
         rendition and high lumen  output,  these lamps are very good for sports
         arenas, stadiums and similar facilities.

8.       DECORATIVE  FLUORESCENT  LUMINAIRES-  Decorative fluorescent lights are
         used  primarily  in  office  ceiling   lighting.   They  improve  light
         efficiency  and  control  glare  through  reflecting  covers.  The high
         quality  diffuser used in the  luminaires is imported from Japan with a
         high transmission rate of 75%. Fluorescent lamps are popular because of
         their   relatively   high   efficacy,    diffuse   light   distribution
         characteristics,  and long operating life. A fluorescent  lamp consists
         of a glass  tube  filled  with argon or  argon-krypton  gas and a small
         amount of  mercury,  coated on the inside  with  phosphors  and with an
         electrode at both ends.

9.       CEILING SPOTLIGHTS- They are fixed with an electronic transformer,  and
         are energy saving,  quiet and retard rising  temperature.  They provide
         even, soft and comfortable basic light for household uses or decorative
         lighting for commercial purposes.

10.      PENDANT  LIGHTS- Pendant lights are installed to the ceiling with glass
         and other  types of shades to provide  decorative  soft  lighting.  The
         holding cables are placed in lines, chains and frames.  Shades are made
         of  crystal,  glass,  acrylic and metals with  various  shapes  through
         electro-plating and painting.  They are usually used in dining halls or


11.      FLOOD  LIGHTS-  Flood  lights  are  used at  sports  grounds,  harbors,
         buildings,  and studios.  They are  resistant  to dramatic  temperature
         changes,  are not easy to break,  prevent  dust and water  damage,  are
         hydromechanical  compliant, have wind resistance capabilities,  and are
         safe and long lasting.

12.      ROAD  LIGHTS-  Road lights are strong and durable  with  various  color
         options. They are sealed to prevent dust and water damage. The diffuser
         is of high  diffusion,  durable at high  temperature,  and resistant to
         color changes.

13.      ELECTRONIC BALLASTS- NVC supplies the following electronic ballasts:

         PRODUCTS                                               USE
         a.) One-for-one, one-for-two lit-box           Used in outdoor lit-box and advertising board
             use electronic ballast
         b.) One-for-one, one-for two PLC               Used with PLC in reflector down lights and wall lights 
             use electronic ballast
         d.) One-for-one, one-for-two, one-for-three    Used  in  decorative fluorescent luminaries and 
             fluorescent lamp use electronic ballast    fluorescent stands

         In nearly every full-size fluorescent lighting application,  electronic
ballasts can be used in place of conventional magnetic "core-and-coil" ballasts.
Electronic  ballasts  improve  fluorescent  system  efficacy by  converting  the
standard 60 Hz input frequency to a higher  frequency,  usually 25,000 to 40,000
Hz. Lamps operating at these higher frequencies produce about the same amount of
light,  while  consuming 12% to 25% less power.  Other  advantages of electronic
ballasts include less audible noise, less weight, virtually no lamp flicker, and
dimming capabilities (with specific ballast models).

         NVC stresses  internal quality control and has obtained  recognition in
the PRC, having been issued ISO9001:2000  certifications,  and has been selected
as a AAA  business  in the PRC's  Quality  and Service  Reputation  System.  Its
products comply with 3C, TUV, CE, EMC and other international standards.

         NVC owns  the  "NVC"  trademark,  and  variations  thereof,  which  are
material to the Company's  business.  NVC  considers its other  trademarks to be
valuable, but not material to its overall business.

PRC Green Lights Program

         NVC is a voluntary  participant  in the China Green Lights Program (the
"Program")  which  is  sponsored  and  jointly  funded  by  the  United  Nations
Development Program and the Global Environment Facility-Enditem.  The Program is
similar  to  the  Green  Lights  Program  sponsored  by the  U.S.  Environmental
Protection Agency ("EPA")  regarding energy savings and pollution  prevention by
encouraging  companies and  individual  residential  consumers to install energy
efficient lighting technologies.  NVC strives to manufacture  cost-effective and
energy  efficient  lighting to help its customers  reduce  costs,  and to reduce
pollution and radiation and preserve national resources. In the PRC, electricity
is primarily  generated by thermal power plants using coal. By reducing the need
for electrical power consumption,  the Project has reduced the emission of green
house  gases,  including  the emission of carbon  dioxide and  nitrogen  oxides,
resulting in less smog, acid rain and reduced climate changes.

         The China Center for the Certification of Energy Conservation  Products
("CECP")  is  the  government  agency  in the  PRC  responsible  for  developing
voluntary  standards  and labeling  programs for  consumer  products,  including
energy-efficient   lighting,   for  sale  in  the  PRC,  and  has  significantly
contributed to the Program.

         According to the National  Development and Reform Commission  ("NDRC"),
the PRC has saved 45 billion  kilowatt-hours  of electricity since the launch of
the Program in 1996. The Director of the Environmental and Resource Conservation
Department of the NDRC recently stated at an  international  conference on green
lighting  that China will further  promote green  lighting  during the next five
years to relieve the electricity supply crunch in the PRC.



         NVC designs and assembles a majority of its lighting products in-house.
However,  NVC  out-sources  most of its component  manufacturing  to a number of
independent  manufacturers/suppliers  who are  located  in the  PRC and  abroad.
Tools,  dies and molds are manufactured by outside sources  according to designs
and  specifications  set by NVC.  Tooling is  consigned to  independent  tooling
shops, largely near NVC manufacturing facilities, which fabricate and finish the
components of its products.  NVC inspects the components  and assembles,  tests,
packages, stores and ships the finished products.

         NVC out sources  manufacturing of various  components to minimize fixed
costs and capital  requirements  and allowing it the  flexibility  to respond to
market needs.  NVC believes its utilization of  subcontractors  with specialized
skills is the most efficient method of manufacturing  certain components used in
its  lighting  products.   NVC  further  believes  that  alternate  tool  making
specialists  and  fabricators  are  generally  and readily  available.  NVC uses
multiple  subcontractors for certain  components to facilitate  availability and
smooth stable  supplies.  In addition,  NVC purchases raw materials  used in the
manufacturing of its components to control the quality of the raw materials used
by the  subcontractors  and to  receive  more  competitive  prices  for  the raw
materials.  Currently,  NVC also contracts for the assembly of certain  products
with third parties whose facilities are located in the PRC.

         The  principal  manufacturing  plant of NVC is located  in  Xiaojinkou,
Huizhou,  Guangdong  Province in the PRC.  It has  approximately  23,871  square
meters,  and has 25 automated  production lines for the manufacture and assembly
of its lighting  products.  Phase I of the  construction  of the new  production
facilities at NVC  Industrial  Park in Ruhu  District,  Huizhou is scheduled for
completion in September 2005, subject to weather conditions.  The new production
facilities at NVC Industrial Park will have  approximately  17,280 square meters
and will significantly expand the production capabilities of NVC by adding up to
33 new automated production lines.

Research and Development

         NVC spent  approximately  $29,352,  $1,984, and $11,823 on research and
development  and testing of new products and  development of related  tooling in
the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003, and 2002, respectively. These are not a
complete  reflection  of the  actual  research  and  development  cost of NVC as
certain  research and  development  costs were booked into other  categories  of

         Approximately  70% of the  lighting  technologies  utilized by NVC were
developed  within NVC. NVC built and equipped a research and development  center
at a cost of approximately $600,000 during 2005.

Sales, Marketing and Distribution

         PRC  domestic  sales  revenues  of NVC  lighting  products  constituted
approximately  91% of its total  sales for the fiscal  year ended  December  31,
2004, and 88% for the 2003 fiscal year.

         Sales revenues  generated  amounted to  $55,898,746  for the year ended
December 31, 2004 compared to $31,051,991 for the year ended 2003 , representing
an increase of $24,846,755 or 80% year-on-year.  The principal markets of NVC in
the PRC are in Beijing, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Guangdong Province.


         NVC has 238  marketing  representatives  located  at 33  sales  offices
located in medium to large size cities throughout the PRC. NVC has more than 400
franchisees  that operate  approximately  2,500 stores in the PRC, and marketing
and distribution  representatives in Britain,  Germany, Russia, the Middle East,
and the Asia-Pacific area.

         As of December 31, 2004, NVC entered into distribution  agreements with
58 distributors who agreed to be exclusive distributors of NVC lighting products
and agreed to generate  specified minimum sales volume over a 10 year period. In
accordance with the terms and conditions of the form of  Distribution  Agreement
(the "Agreement"), NVC paid $120,773 to each exclusive distributor. The costs of
these  Agreements  are amortized on a  straight-line  basis over the life of the

         During the years ended  December 31, 2004 and 2003,  NVC advertised its
lighting products at a cost of $1,895,600 and $1,167,949, respectively.

         During the years  ended  December  31,  2004,  and 2003,  NVC  incurred
freight distribution costs of $1,184,014 and $524,371, respectively.

         Inventories are maintained at production and distribution facilities of
NVC located in the PRC and at distribution facilities near Xiaojingkou District.
Most  orders are shipped  from stock  inventory  within 48 hours of receipt.  At
December 31, 2004,  NVC has  inventories  of raw  materials of  $3,533,273,  and
finished goods of $3,537,988, totaling $7,071,261.

Backlog and Material Customers

         NVC has no material long-term supply contracts. NVC is not dependent on
any single customer or group of customers,  and for the years ended December 31,
2004 and 2003, no single  customer  accounted  for sales in an aggregate  amount
equal to 10% or more of its consolidated sales revenues.


         NVC is not aware of any published  statistics or data that identify the
overall  market for its products.  Nevertheless,  NVC believes that it is one of
the largest  privately-held  manufacturers of lighting  products in the PRC. NVC
estimates that there are more than 1,000 lighting product  producers in the PRC.
NVC  competes  not only  with  manufacturers  in its own  fields,  but also with
manufacturers of a variety of other lighting  products.  A number of competitors
are divisions or subsidiaries  of much larger  multi-national  companies,  which
have substantially greater resources than NVC.

         NVC  believes  that its  most  significant  competitors  in the PRC are
Phillips  Electronics China, GE Lighting Engineering Group CE, Foshan Electrical
Lighting Co., Limited, Zhejiang Yangguang Group Stocks Co., Limited, Huizhou TCL
Lightening Co. Limited,  Audi and GE Lightings  (Guangzhou) Co.,  Limited,,  and
Guangdong Dongsong Sanzioung Electrical Appliance Co., Limited,.

         There is wide price variance in  competitive  products and NVC believes
that its lines of lighting  products can be described  as  moderately  priced in
order to be attractive to the high-volume  commercial and  residential  markets.
However,  lighting  fixtures are often  purchased in small  quantities and, as a
result,  product  features  may  be  more  important  to a  purchaser  in  small
quantities  than  cost.  NVC  believes  that its  growth  has been  attributable
principally to the quality design and construction of its products,  the quality
of its distribution network,  sales force and its reputation for prompt delivery
and service.


Intellectual Property

         As of June 30, 2005,  NVC owned a number of PRC patents and had several
patent  applications  on file. NVC also has  corresponding  foreign  patents and
registered trademarks in thirty other countries worldwide. There is no assurance
that any patents will be issued with respect to pending or future  applications.
As NVC develops  products for new markets and uses, it normally seeks  available
patent  protection.  NVC believes that its patents are  important,  but does not
consider itself materially  dependent upon any single patent or group of related


         NVC employed approximately 1,195 employees as of December 31, 2004.

         As of December 31, 2004, NVC had 13 senior level management  personnel,
48 middle  management  staff, 163  administrative  staff, 638  manufacturing and
assembling personnel,  59 engineering and technical staff, and 274 marketing and
sales representatives.

         NVC does not have any unions or other labor organizations. NVC believes
that its relations with its employees are good.

         The  production  facilities  of NVC include an  employee  entertainment
center, a library, dining hall, and dormitories.

         NVC provides health  benefits and retirement  benefits to its employees
as required by PRC labor laws and its social security  system.  During the years
ended  December  31, 2004 and 2003,  NVC  incurred  pension  costs of $7,566 and
$13,983, respectively.

         NVC  provides a variety of training  programs  for its  management  and
employee personnel,  including production  processes,  quality control,  safety,
product knowledge, and marketing.


         The  manufacturing,  warehousing  and  business  operations  of NVC are
primarily  conducted in three short-term leased properties located in Xiaojinkou
Town,  Huizhou,  and Guangdong  Province in the PRC. The expiration dates of the
leases are between September 2005 and September 2006.  Leasing costs amounted to
$193,883  and  $118,183  for  the  years  ended  December  31,  2004  and  2003,
respectively.   One  leased   property  is  comprised  of  three  buildings  for
manufacturing  of  approximately  8,333  square  meters,  and one  dormitory  of
approximately   800  square   meters.   A  second  leased   property  has  three
manufacturing  facilities  of  approximately  9,000  square  meters,  with three
dormitories of approximately  4,000 square meters.  The third leased property is
comprised of three buildings of approximately 6,538 square meters.

         NVC is  presently  building  new  additional  production  and  assembly
facilities  at NVC  Industrial  Park also  located  in Ruhu  District,  Huizhou,
Guangdong  Province,  in the PRC. The new NVC Industrial  Park will include four
production  plants,  three  dormitories for staff and employees,  and one office
building which is being built on a site area of 189,000  square meters.  Phase I
of the  construction  of the NVC Industrial  Park is expected to be completed in
September 2005, subject to weather conditions.  Additional production facilities
are planned for Phase II of the NVC  Industrial  Park. At December 31, 2004, NVC
had  paid  $1,304,348  for the land  use  rights  to NVC  Industrial  Park,  and
$1,374,015 for the construction  costs and for design fees. The estimated unpaid
balance for the completion of the  construction of the facilities is $5,663,073,
which will be due during the year ending December 31, 2005 and is included as an
outstanding commitment in NVC's financial statements.


         NVC built a research and  development  center  during 2005 at a cost of
approximately $600,000,  which research facility comprises 600 square meters and
is located in Ruhu District.

         There is no private ownership of land in the PRC and all land ownership
is held by the PRC government, its agencies and collectives. Land use rights for
industrial use are obtained from the  government for periods  ranging from 40 to
50 years, and are typically  renewable.  Land use rights can be transferred upon
approval  by  the  land  administrative  authorities  of  the  PRC  (State  Land
Administration Bureau) upon payment of the required land transfer fees.

Legal Proceedings

         Currently,  NVC is  not a  party  to  any  litigation  or  other  legal
proceeding  that NVC believes  could  reasonably  be expected to have a material
adverse effect on its business, results of operation or financial condition. NVC
may receive  claims of and become  subject to consumer  protection,  employment,
labor, product liability and other commercial  litigation related to the conduct
of its business.  Such  litigation  could be costly and time consuming and could
divert the  management and key personnel  from their  business  operations.  The
uncertainty  of  litigation  increases  these  risks.  In  connection  with such
litigation,  NVC may be subject to  significant  damages or  equitable  remedies
relating to the operation of its business and the sale of its products. Any such
litigation may materially harm its business, results of operations and financial


         DILUTION  TO  EXISTING  SHAREHOLDERS.  As a result  of  completing  the
transactions  contemplated  by the  Exchange  Agreement,  the  ownership  by the
nonaffiliated  shareholders of OraLabs will be significantly  diluted from 20.3%
before   completion  of  the  transactions  to  4.2%  after  completion  of  the
transactions. Although a third-party advisor rendered its opinion to the Special
Committee  of  the  Board  that,  as of  August  10,  2005  and  subject  to the
assumptions,  qualifications  and  limitations  set  forth in its  opinion,  the
transactions  contemplated by the Exchange Agreement were fair, from a financial
point of view, to the  nonaffiliated  shareholders  of OraLabs,  there can be no
assurance  as to the future  performance  of NVC or of the  common  stock of the
Company.  See  "Special  Factors-Opinion  of  Financial  Advisor to the  Special
Committee".  In addition,  if the shareholders approve the proposed amendment to
the  Company's  Articles of  Incorporation  to increase the number of authorized
shares to 200,000,000,  there will be a substantial  number of shares  available
for issuance by the Company without the approval of shareholders that could have
the effect of further diluting the interests of the nonaffiliated  shareholders.
OraLabs  also has the right to issue up to 1,000,000  shares of preferred  stock
without shareholder approval.

         NO ASSURANCE OF NASDAQ LISTING.  The continued listing of the Company's
common  stock  on  NASDAQ  is  not  a  condition  of  closing  the  transactions
contemplated by the Exchange Agreement.  The Company will be obligated to file a
new listing  application  with  NASDAQ and there  cannot be  assurance  that the
Company  will  meet  all of the  requirements  for  listing,  including  without
limitation the  requirement  that the minimum bid price of the common stock must
not be less than $4.00 per share.  OraLabs  believes that it will meet the other
requirements  for listing on NASDAQ,  but there is no assurance that will occur.
In the event that OraLabs  does not meet NASDAQ  listing  requirements  upon the
closing of the transaction  with NVC, the common stock of OraLabs is expected to
be publicly traded on the NASD Electronic Bulletin Board over-the-counter market
(OTC-BB) until it meets the listing requirements of NASDAQ, if ever.


         NEW  PROJECTS.  The  new  property  development  projects  that  NVC is
financing to expand its manufacturing and assembly  facilities at NVC Industrial
Park will be subject to the many risks inherent in the rapid expansion of a high
growth  business  enterprise,   including  unanticipated  design,  construction,
regulatory and operating  problems,  and significant  risks commonly  associated
with implementing a marketing  strategy in ever changing and expanding  markets.
There can be no  assurance  that any of the  projects  will  become  operational
within the estimated  time frames and  projected  budgets at the time NVC enters
into a particular agreement, or at all. In addition, NVC may develop projects as
joint  ventures in an effort to reduce its  financial  commitment  to individual
projects.  There can be no assurance that the significant  expenditures required
to expand its plant will  ultimately  result in the  establishment  of increased
profitable operations.

         When NVC expansion projects become operational, NVC will be required to
recruit  and train  personnel,  expand its  management  information  systems and
control expenses.  If NVC does not successfully address its increased management
needs or if NVC is  otherwise  unable  to  manage  its  growth  effectively  and
efficiently, its operating results could be materially and adversely affected.

         UNCERTAINTY OF MARKET ACCEPTANCE. NVC is currently selling its lighting
products  and  electrical  accessories  principally  in cities along the coastal
region in China.  Achieving  market  acceptance and penetration of NVC products,
particularly  in new markets,  will require  substantial  marketing  efforts and
substantial  expenditures.  There is  substantial  risk that new markets may not
accept or be as receptive to NVC lighting  products.  Market  acceptance  of NVC
current and proposed new lighting  products will depend, in large part, upon its
ability to inform potential  customers that the distinctive  characteristics  of
its lighting  products make them superior to  competitors'  products and justify
their  pricing.  There can be no assurance  that NVC's  current and proposed new
lighting  products  will be accepted by  consumers or that any of its current or
proposed new lighting products will be able to compete effectively against other
similar high quality products.  Lack of market acceptance and market penetration
of NVC lighting products would have a material adverse effect on NVC.

         CHANGING CONSUMER PREFERENCES. In common with other companies marketing
lighting products, NVC is also subject to ever changing consumer preferences and
cost concerns.  NVC believes that the energy  efficiency and green light aspects
of its lighting products make its products reasonably priced.

         PRODUCTION  CAPACITY.  There is no  assurance  that NVC will be able to
increase  its  production  capacity to a level  sufficient  to meet  anticipated
increased  customers'  demands for its lighting  products  commensurate with its
extensive distribution, marketing and promotional efforts. NVC plans to purchase
advanced plant  machineries for its new production  facilities at NVC Industrial
Park  and to  upgrade  existing  plant  machineries,  which it  believes  should
increase its  production  capacity to meet  consumers'  demands for its lighting
products. There is no assurance,  however, that NVC's contemplated  improvements
to its plants and  machineries  will increase  production  capacity to the level
anticipated  or that  production  can be increased at a rate  sufficient to meet
anticipated  increased demands for its lighting  products.  There can also be no
assurance that the lighting  products mix which NVC anticipates will be achieved
and which it has used in determining its capital  expenditure  requirements  for
plants and machineries  will prove to be accurate,  making  uncertain the future
capacity  of its plants and  machineries.  Failure  to meet  possible  increased
demands for its  lighting  products,  on a timely  basis,  could have a material
adverse effect on its business, operations and finances.

         SALES  FORCE.  NVC has  hired  additional  sales  personnel  and  sales
facilitators during 2004 and will continue its recruiting drive to enable NVC to
expand and  penetrate  into other  cities and areas that it  currently  does not
cover.  There is no assurance that recruiting  additional sales people and sales
facilitators  will result in  increased  sales  revenues and sales  volume.  NVC
anticipates  using  additional  independent  exclusive  distributors to sell and
distribute its lighting products in new continuous expansion of its markets. NVC
cannot predict whether it will be able to obtain and maintain satisfactory sales
and distribution  arrangements with exclusive distributors and the failure to do
so  could  have a  material  adverse  effect  on its  business,  operations  and


increase at the current growth rate, there is no assurance that NVC will be able
to  deliver  increased  product  volumes  on a timely,  efficient  basis or on a
consistent basis, especially with increased product volumes, and a failure to do
so  could  have a  material  adverse  effect  on its  business,  operations  and

Nearly all of NVC local sales are  concentrated  in the coastal region of China.
Accordingly,  NVC is  susceptible  to  fluctuations  in its  business  caused by
adverse  economic  conditions  in the  coastal  region  of China.  NVC  lighting
products are priced higher than other non-premium quality products. Although NVC
believes that the quality,  durability,  and efficiency of its lighting products
more than compensate for the price differential,  there can be no assurance that
consumers will be willing to pay more for such products in unfavorable  economic
conditions,  or at all. Difficult economic  conditions in other geographic areas
into which NVC may expand may also adversely affect its business, operations and

         LACK  OF  INSURANCE.  NVC  may  encounter  the  risk  of  liability  in
connection with the sale of its electrical  lighting  products should the use of
such products  cause injury,  illness or death.  Such risks may be  particularly
great  in a  company  undergoing  rapid  and  significant  growth.  NVC does not
currently  maintain any product liability  insurance.  There can be no assurance
that any  insurance  will be  sufficient  to cover  potential  claims  or that a
satisfactory  level of coverage (if such  insurance is  subsequently  desired by
NVC) will be  available  in the future at a  reasonable  cost.  A  partially  or
completely  uninsured successful claim against NVC could have a material adverse
effect on its business, operations and finances.

         LIMITED TRADEMARK PROTECTION.  NVC has registered its trademark and the
use of its trade  name  "NVC"  nationally  in the PRC.  The  trademark  has been
registered with the Trademark  Bureau of the State  Administration  for Industry
and Commerce with respect to its lighting  products.  NVC believes its trademark
is  important  to the  establishment  of consumer  recognition  of its  lighting
products.  However,  there can be no  assurance  as to the  breadth or degree of
protection  that the  trademark  may offer NVC, that NVC will have the financial
resources to defend the trademark against any infringement, or that such defense
will be successful.  Moreover,  any events or conditions that negatively  impact
its trademark could have a material  adverse effect on its business,  operations
and finances.

covering certain series of lighting products and expects to rely on know-how and
the  confidentiality  of its formulae and production  processes for its lighting
products in producing a competitive product line. There is no assurance that any
of these  factors can be  maintained  or that they will afford NVC a  meaningful
competitive advantage.

         DEPENDENCE ON EXECUTIVES.  NVC is highly  dependent on the services and
entrepreneurial skills and expertise of Mr. Wu Chang Jiang, Mr. Hu Yong Hong and
Mr. Du Gang,  and the loss of any of their vital  services would have a material
and  adverse  impact  on  the  operations  of  NVC.  They  have  been  primarily
responsible  for the development of NVC and the development and marketing of its
products.  NVC has not applied for key-man life  insurance on the lives of these
executives, but intends to do so in due course after the closing of the Exchange


         EXPANSION  RISKS.  NVC anticipates  that the construction of Phase I of
the new production  facilities at NVC Industrial  Park will be followed by Phase
II of  the  new  production  facilities  at NVC  Industrial  Park  resulting  in
additional  capital  expenditures  and exerting  continued  pressure on its cash
flow.  NVC's cost estimates and projected  completion dates for the construction
of the new  production  facilities  may  change or modify  significantly  as the
projects  progressed.   Additionally,   the  projects  will  entail  significant
construction   risks,   including  shortages  of  materials  or  skilled  labor,
unforeseen  environmental or engineering  problems,  weather  interferences  and
unanticipated cost increases, any of which, could have a material adverse effect
on the construction  project and could delay its scheduled openings.  A delay in
scheduled openings will delay and inhibit NVC growth and production  capability.
There is no  assurance  that NVC will be able to sell any or all of its lighting
products that its  newly-constructed  production  facilities could produce,  and
there is no assurance  that NVC will be able to source  sufficient raw materials
and components to allow it to utilize such additional  production capacity.  The
new projects that NVC will finance,  develop,  and expand its  manufacturing and
assembly  facilities  at NVC  Industrial  Park will be subject to the many risks
inherent in the rapid expansion of a high growth business enterprise,  including
unanticipated design,  construction,  regulatory and operating problems, and the
significant risks commonly  associated with implementing a marketing strategy in
ever changing and expanding  markets.  There can be no assurance that any of the
projects will become  operational within the estimated time frames and projected
budgets  at the time NVC  enters  into a  particular  agreement,  or at all.  In
addition,  NVC may develop projects as joint ventures in an effort to reduce its
financial commitment to individual projects. When the Company's future expansion
projects  become  operational,  it will be  required  to  recruit  and train new
personnel, expand its management information systems and control expenses. If it
does not successfully address its increased management needs or NVC is otherwise
is unable to manage its  growth  effectively,  its  operating  results  could be
materially and adversely affected.

         CUSTOMER  CREDITWORTHINESS.  The Company's  ability to collect payments
from its customers could be impaired if their creditworthiness deteriorates.

         PROPERTY  INSURANCE.  NVC carries a relatively small amount of property
insurance.  As a result, any uninsured loss or damage to its properties or other
assets  could  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on its  personnel,  financial
condition and operations.

         TERRORIST ATTACKS AND MILITARY CONFLICT.  Riots,  terrorist attacks and
threats,  escalation of military activity in response to such attacks or acts of
war may  negatively  affect NVC  business,  financial  condition  and results of
operations.  The Company's business is affected by general economic  conditions,
fluctuations in consumer  confidence and spending,  and market liquidity,  which
can  decline as a result of numerous  factors  outside of its  control,  such as
terrorist attacks and acts of war. Future riots,  terrorist  attacks,  rumors or
threats of war, actual conflicts involving the PRC or its allies, or military or
trade  disruptions  affecting its customers may materially and adversely  affect
its operations.

         GOVERNMENT  REGULATION.  NVC is subject to regulations and laws enacted
by the State  Council,  and by provincial,  county and local  authorities in the
jurisdictions in which its lighting products are manufactured or sold, regarding
the manufacturing,  storage,  and distribution of its lighting  products.  NVC's
facilities are subject to periodic  inspection by national,  provincial,  county
and  local  authorities.  NVC  believes  that  it is  currently  in  substantial
compliance  with all material  existing  governmental  laws and  regulations and
maintains  all  material  permits  and  licenses  relating  to  its  operations.
Nevertheless,  there  can  be no  assurance  that  NVC  will  continue  to be in
substantial compliance with current laws and regulations, or whether NVC will be
able to comply  with any future  laws and  regulations.  To the extent  that new
regulations are adopted, NVC will be required to conform its activities in order
to comply with such  regulations.  Failure by NVC to comply with applicable laws
and  regulations   could  subject  NVC  to  civil  remedies,   including  fines,
injunctions, recalls or seizures, as well as potential criminal sanctions, which
could  have a  material  and  adverse  effect on its  business,  operations  and


         PRC EXCHANGE RATE. Effective  July 21, 2005, the People's Bank of China
announced that the Renminbi  ("Rmb")  exchange rate regime is reformed by moving
from a fixed rate of exchange based upon the U.S.  dollar to a managed  floating
exchange  rate  regime  based  upon  market  supply  and  demand  of a basket of
currencies.  As of July 26, 2005, the exchange rate against the Rmb was adjusted
to 8.11 Rmb per U.S. dollar which represents an adjustment of approximately  two
percent. It is expected that the revaluation of the RMB and the exchange rate of
the RMB will be changed very gradually in the future.

         FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE.  The PRC currency,  "Renminbi" or "Yuan", is
not a freely  convertible  currency,  which could limit NVC's  ability to obtain
sufficient  foreign  currency to support its business  operations in the future.
NVC relies on the PRC government's foreign currency conversion  policies,  which
may change at any time,  in regard to its currency  exchange  needs.  Export for
export sales, NVC receives all of its revenues in Renminbi,  which is not freely
convertible into other foreign currencies.  In the PRC, the government exercises
strict  control over  Renminbi  reserves  through,  among other  things,  direct
regulation  of the  conversion of Renminbi  into other  foreign  currencies  and
restrictions on foreign imports.  Although foreign currencies which are required
for "current account" transactions can be bought freely at authorized PRC banks,
the proper  procedural  requirements  prescribed  by PRC law must be met. At the
same time,  PRC  companies  are also  required  to sell their  foreign  exchange
earnings to  authorized  PRC banks and the  purchase of foreign  currencies  for
capital  account   transactions   still  requires  prior  approval  of  the  PRC
government.  Such regulation by the PRC government on foreign currency  exchange
restricts  certain of the Company's  business  operations and a change in any of
these government  policies,  or any other,  could further  negatively impact its
operations.  Fluctuations in the "unofficial" exchange rate between Renminbi and
the United States dollar in the future could  adversely  affect NVC's  operating
results.  The  functional  currency of NVC in the PRC is "Renminbi" and recently
the PRC altered its policy of tying that currency to the United  States  Dollar.
Instead,  the PRC will be  undertaking a managed  floating  exchange rate regime
based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies.  Any
significant fluctuations in exchange rates may adversely affect NVC payments and
results of its  operations  as well as the value of its assets and  liabilities.
Exchange  fluctuations  may adversely  affect the  comparability of year-to-year
results.  Although  NVC may use  hedging  techniques  in the  future  (which  it
currently does not use), NVC may not be able to completely eliminate the effects
of foreign currencies fluctuations.  Thus, exchange rate fluctuations could have
a material adverse impact on its operating results and stock prices.

         PRC SAFE  REGULATION.  The  State  Administration  of Foreign  Exchange
("SAFE") in the PRC has issued public  notices that require  citizens of the PRC
that directly or indirectly establish or control overseas companies to submit an
application to the State  Administration of Foreign Exchange Control on Overseas
Investment Procedures for its approval.

         Without such approval,  a citizen of the PRC may not use his PRC assets
or equity as  consideration  to acquire the equity of an overseas  enterprise or
other property rights.  Applications to SAFE for foreign  exchange  registration
regarding  mergers  and  acquisitions  of a PRC  enterprise  through an overseas
enterprise  that is  approved,  will be subject to  supervision  and inquiry and
proof of capital  verification,  and foreign  exchange  registration for foreign
investment  from  the  receipt  of  foreign  exchange  for  equity,   transfers;
registration  of  loans  to  shareholders  remittance  and  reinvestment  of the
profits, and assignments of equity.

         NVC nor its subsidiaries  have filed any  applications  with SAFE. As a
result, NVC may be subject to enforcement  actions by SAFE, and any penalties or
other  remedial  actions are uncertain  because the SAFE notices do not identify
any specific penalties for non-compliance. Remedial action for violation of SAFE
requirements may be to restrict the ability of NVC's  subsidiaries to repatriate
and  distribute  their  profits to OraLabs in the United  States.  However,  the
results of  non-compliance  are  uncertain,  and there is no assurance that such
penalties and other unknown  remedial  measures will not have a material adverse
impact upon OraLabs' financial condition and results of operations.

         PAYMENT  OF  DIVIDENDS.  In order to pay  dividends,  a  conversion  of
Renminbi into US dollars is required.  Under current PRC law, the  conversion of
Renminbi into foreign currency generally requires government consent. Government
authorities  may impose  restrictions  that could have a negative  impact in the
future on the  conversion  process  and upon the ability of NVC to meet its cash
needs,  and  to pay  dividends.  However,  a  subsidiary  of  NVC  is  presently
classified as a  wholly-owned  foreign  enterprise  ("WFOE") in the PRC that has
verifiable  foreign  investment in the PRC,  funding having been made through an
official PRC banking  channel.  Because this  subsidiary  of NVC  qualifies  for
treatment as a WFOE, the subsidiary can convert Renminbi,  declare dividends and
its funds can be  repatriated to OraLabs in the United States under current laws
and regulations in the PRC, subject to limitations and  restrictions  imposed by
PRC laws, such as the SAFE notices issued by the State Administration of Foreign
Exchange. See ___ "PRC SAFE Regulation",  above. However, the PRC laws governing
foreign currency  exchange are evolving,  and changes in such laws may adversely
affect the ability to convert  Renminbi,  declare dividends and repatriate funds
to the United States

         TIMELY  INFORMATION.  As NVC  Industrial is based in the PRC,  OraLab's
shareholders  may have more difficulty in obtaining  information  about NVC on a
routine basis than would shareholders of a U.S.-based company. Substantially all
of NVC Industrial's  manufacturing and distribution  operations will continue to
be  conducted  in the PRC and  shareholders  may have  difficulty  in  obtaining
information about NVC from sources other than NVC itself.  Information available
from  newspapers,  trade  journals,  or local,  regional or national  regulatory
agencies  such as  issuance of  construction  permits  and  contract  awards for
development projects will not be readily available to shareholders. Shareholders
of OraLabs will be dependent  upon its  management  for reports of NVC progress,
development and activities.


         OTHER  REGULATION.   NVC  Industrial's  business  will  be  subject  to
regulation  and/or  licensing by the PRC and by provincial,  local and municipal
regulation.  . Compliance with such regulations and licensing can be expected to
be a time-consuming, and expensive process. Compliance with foreign country laws
and regulations  affecting foreign  investment,  business  operations,  currency
exchange, repatriation of profits, and taxation, will increase investment risks.

         CONTRACTUAL  ARRANGEMENTS.  In order  to  comply  with  PRC  regulatory
requirements,  NVC will operate as a Sino-foreign  joint  investment  enterprise
("FIE) in the PRC.


         The  following  persons  are  directors  and  officers  of NVC  who are
expected to become the directors and officers of OraLabs as described below:

         NAME                AGE     PROPOSED POSITIONS
         --------------      ---     ------------------------------------------
         Du Gang             40      Chairman of the Board,
                                     Executive Vice  President - Operations

         Wu Chang Jiang      40      Chief Executive Officer and

         Hu Yong Hong        39      Director, Senior Vice President-Marketing,

         Mu Yu               32      Vice President-Manufacturing

         Li Zhao Rong        38      Vice President,
                                     Chief Financial Officer and

         Tracy Wan Hung      46      Non-executive director

         The  following is a brief  description  of each director and officer of

         Mr.  Du Gang was  appointed  Chairman  of the  Board of NVC on June 11,
2004. He has been the Chairman of the Board of NVC Industrial  Development  Co.,
Limited  since  January  2003.  From October 1998 to March 2003,  Mr. Du was the
Chairman of the Board, Party Commissioner and General Manager of Desai Audio and
Visual  Technology  Co.,  Limited  and prior to that,  from July 1988 to October
1998, he was Workshop  Director and Vice General  Manager of Baihui  Electronics
Co.,  Limited.  Mr. Du  graduated  from  South  China  Science  and  Engineering
University  with a degree in  microelectronics,  and  received a MBA degree from
Asia Macao Public University and the Guangdong Economic  Administration  Cadre's

         Mr. Wu Chang Jiang was appointed Chief  Executive  Officer and Director
of NVC on June 11,  2004.  He has been the  General  Manager  of NVC  Industrial
Development Co., Limited,  a subsidiary of NVC, since January 28, 2003 and was a
director and General  Manager from January 1999 to December 2002 of NVC Lighting
Company Limited, the predecessor of NVC Industrial until it ceased operations in
April 2003.


         From  October  1989 to August  1992,  Mr. Wu was  employed  by  Shaanxi
Liaoyuan Mechanics Factory in its Foreign Trade Division and from September 1992
to December  1993,  he was employed as Quality  Controller  by  Guangzhou  Yayao
Electrical Equipment  Manufacturer.  Mr. Wu was appointed the General Manager of
Dongguan Winsource Industries Co., Limited from August 1995 until December 1996.
Mr. Wu graduated  from Northwest  Industrial  University in 1988 with a major in
Mechanics Engineer, and also graduated with a degree in Industrial Foreign Trade
from Beijing Aerospace University in 1989.

         Mr. Hu Yong Hong was appointed Deputy Chairman of NVC on June 11, 2004.
From 1998 to 2000, he was Vice General Manager of NVC Lighting Co.,  Limited and
has been the Deputy Chairman of NVC Industrial  Development  Co.,  Limited since
March 2003.  From September  1988 to July 1998, he was the Marketing  Manager of
Chengdu  Rainbow  Electrical  Machinery  Group.  Mr. Hu  graduated  from Sichuan
University in 1988 majoring in semiconductors.

         Mr. Mu Yu has been  President  -  Manufacturing  of NVC since  June 11,
2004. Mr. Mu began his employment with NVC Lighting Co., Limited in 1999 and was
responsible for product structure design. He was appointed  Engineering  Manager
in 2001, and was appointed a Director responsible for manufacturing in 2002. Mr.
Mu  graduated  from  Guizhou  Engineering  University  in 1995  with a degree in
manufacturing, and he received a MBA degree in 2003 from Tsinghua University.

         Mr. Li Zhao Rong was  appointed the Chief  Financial  Officer of NVC on
June  11,  2004.  Mr.  Li  joined  NVC  Lighting  Co.,  Limited  in 1999 and was
responsible  for  financial  services.  He was  appointed  Financial  Manager in
September  2001,  and in  December  2002 he was  appointed  as  Chief  Financial
Officer.  Prior to joining  NVC  Lighting  Co.,  Limited,  he was the  financial
officer and accountant  Chongqing Tongli Engineering  Company from February 1994
to February 1999. Mr. Li graduated  from Chongqing  Administration  Institute in
1994 with an accounting degree.

         Ms. Wan Hung was appointed a non-executive  Director of NVC on June 18,
2004. Ms. Wan Hung graduated from Shanxi Finance University in 1983 and obtained
her Government Financial Auditor's qualification in 1993. She has over ten years
experience  in  accounting  in the PRC  and 9 years  of  public  accounting  and
investment\corporate finance consulting experience in Hong Kong and China. Prior
to establishing BCG Capital, Inc., ("BCG"), she was a lecturer in Accounting and
Finance at the University of Xinjiang from 1983 to 1990 and from 1991 until 1996
when she emigrated to Hong Kong, she was employed as an Accounts  Manager with a
state-owned  enterprise in Xiamen.  Through her corporate finance works, she has
established numerous extensive professional contacts with academics, private and
state-owned corporations,  banks, professional services providers and government
departments in China and overseas. Wan Hung is fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese.
She joined a local firm of Certified  Public  Accountants in 1998 and in January
2002,  she left to establish  BCG.  She is also one of the  founding  members of
Belmont  Consulting Group,  consisting of Belmont Corporate Services Limited and
BCG  Capital  Inc.,  a  consultant  to  NVC.  She  has  extensive   professional
accounting,  taxation and corporate  finance  experiences in China and Hong Kong
and is therefore well versed in addressing  the many  accounting and tax issues,
raising capital and bridging the expectation gaps between China and Hong Kong as
well as the United States.




         The following table sets forth information  concerning all compensation
paid (in United  States  Dollars)  to NVC  Holdings'  executive  officers in all
capacities  for 2002,  2003 and 2004.  None of the executive  officers  received
total  annual  salary and bonus  payments  in excess of  $100,000  during  these
periods.  The Board of Directors will set the executive  officers'  salaries and
bonus in due course after the closing of the Exchange Agreement with OraLabs.

                                                                              LONG TERM COMPENSATION
                                      ANNUAL COMPENSATION                      AWARDS                 PAYOUTS
NAME AND PRINCIPAL                                   OTHER  ANNUAL   RESTRICTED   UNDERLYING                        ALL OTHER
Wu Chang Jiang            2004  $ 43,478       --              --             --                --             --              --
(CEO)                     2003  $ 42,657       --              --             --                --             --              --
                          2002  $ 35,699       --              --             --                --             --              --
Li Zhao Rong              2004  $ 28,986       --              --             --                --             --              --
(CFO and Director)        2003  $ 11,594       --              --             --                --             --              --
                          2002  $  4,348       --              --             --                --             --              --
Hu Yong Hong (Deputy      2004  $ 43,478       --              --             --                --             --              --
Chairman)                 2003  $ 42,377       --              --             --                --             --              --
                          2002  $ 31,860       --              --             --                --             --              --
Du Gang                   2004  $ 43,478       --              --             --                --             --              --
(Chairman)                2003  $ 36,232       --              --             --                --             --              --
                          2002  $      0       --              --             --                --             --              --

Tracy Wan Hung            2004  $      0       --              --             --                --             --              --
(Director)                2003  $      0       --              --             --                --             --              --
                          2002  $      0       --              --             --                --             --            ----

         NVC does not  presently  maintain any equity  incentive or stock option
plan.  Accordingly,  NVC has not granted options to any officers or staff of NVC
to purchase any of its equity  interests to any person,  and no stock options or
warrants are issued or outstanding.


Set forth below are highlights  from OraLabs  Holding Corp.  audited  historical
consolidated  financial  statements  and related notes as of and for each of the
years  ended  December  31,  2002  through  2004  and  the  unaudited  financial
statements for the three months ended March 31, 2005 and 2004.  OraLabs  Holding
Corp's consolidated financial statements as of, and for the years ended December
31, 2002 through 2004 were audited by Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman, PC.

You should read the following  information  together with OraLabs  Holding Corp.
consolidated  financial  statements,  the notes related  thereto and the section
entitled  "Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and
Results of Operations" contained in OraLabs Holding Corp's annual report on Form
10-KSB for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004 and quarterly  report on form
10-QSB for the quarter ended March 31, 2005,  which are enclosed with this proxy
statement and have been filed with the SEC.


                                                        Three Months Ended
                                                                March 31,                   Years Ended December 31
                                                   -----------------------------        -----------------------------------
                                                       2005              2004           2004            2003           2002
                                                       ----              ----           ----            ----           ----
                                                   (In Thousands - except per                (In Thousands - except
                                                         share amounts)                        per share amounts)

Statement of Operations Data:
   Revenues                                        $   3,581           $   3,780     $   13,131      $   14,068     $   14,149
   Expenses                                        $   3,597           $   3,823     $   13,696      $   14,067     $   13,717

Net (Loss)/ Profit                                 $     (16)          $     (43)    $     (565)     $        1     $      432
Net (Loss)/Profit available to Common              $     (16)          $     (43)    $     (565)     $        1     $      432

Loss per Common Share                              $    0.00           $  (0.01)     $   (0.12)      $     0.00     $     0.05

Balance Sheet Data:
   Cash and Cash Equivalents                       $   1,186           $   2,331     $      866      $    2,561     $    2,678
   Current Assets                                  $   6,176           $   7,398     $    6,059      $    7,539     $    7,051
   Total Assets                                    $   8,045           $   8,522     $    7,773      $    8,405     $    8,319
   Current Liabilities                             $   1,647           $   1,764     $    1,357      $    1,611     $    1,544
   Non-current Liabilities                         $      11           $      73     $       12      $       66     $       48
   Total Liabilities                               $   1,657           $   1,837     $    1,369      $    1,677     $    1,593
   Shareholders' Equity                            $   6,388           $   6,685     $    6,404      $    6,728     $    6,726


         The following table sets forth selected consolidated financial data for
NVC and its subsidiaries as of and for each of the two years in the period ended
December 31, 2004, and as of for the three months ended March 31, 2005 and 2004.

The  financial  information  for NVC as of and for each of the two  years in the
period ended December 31, 2004 has been derived from the consolidated  financial
statements  of  NVC  which  have  been  audited  by its  independent  registered
certified public accountants, Murrell, Hall, McIntosh & Co., PLLP. The financial
information for NVC as of and for the three months ended March 31, 2005 and 2004
has been derived from the  unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements of NVC
which, in the opinion of NVCs' management, include all adjustments necessary for
fair  presentation  of NVC's financial  position and results of operations.  All
such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature. The results of operations for
the three months ended March, 2005 are not necessarily indicative of the results
that may be achieved for the full year, and cannot be used to indicate financial
performance for the entire year. The following  financial  information should be
read in  conjunction  with  "Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial
Condition or Plan of Operation" and the  "Consolidated  Financial  Statements of
NVC and the Notes thereto".


                           Three Months Ended March 31         Years Ended December 31
                           ---------------------------  ---------------------------------------
                                2005          2004          2004          2003          2002
                            ------------  -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

Sales and other revenues    $12,391,758   $ 7,210,433   $55,394,520   $30,598,374   $18,097,301
Expense                      11,151,231     6,289,408    48,289,493    27,398,561    16,828,087
Net Income                    1,240,527       921,025     7,105,027     3,199,813     1,269,214
Net Income Available to
Common Shareholders           1,240,527       921,025     7,105,027     3,199,813     1,269,214

Cash and Cash Equivalents     2,260,342     3,381,451     3,769,718     5,661,466       551,726
Current Assets               12,564,513     4,940,648    13,800,623     8,306,920     8,194,020
Total Assets                 23,123,400    15,376,008    21,861,667    14,125,391     8,875,936
Current Liabilities          18,247,590    12,784,651    18,264,752    12,372,830     6,212,539
Non-current liabilities         121,943        82,828        83,576          --           1,812
Total Liabilities            18,369,533    12,867,479    18,348,328    12,372,830     6,214,351
Shareholders' Equity          4,753,867     2,508,529     3,513,339     1,752,561     2,661,585



         The  following  selected  unaudited  pro forma  condensed  consolidated
financial  data were  prepared  as a  recapitalization  of NVC.  Our  historical
condensed  consolidated  statement of  operations  is combined with NVC Lighting
Investment Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries'  historical consolidated statement
of operations  data for the three months ended March 31, 2005 and the year ended
December 31, 2004,  giving effect to the  redemption of 3,629,350  shares of the
Company's  common stock in exchange for the transfer to Gary H. Schlatter of all
the Company's stock that it owns in its wholly-owned subsidiary,  OraLabs, Inc.,
as if it had occurred on January 1, 2004 and January 1, 2005, respectively.  The
condensed combined Balance Sheet at March 31, 2005 assumes that the transactions
occurred on January 1,2005.

         The selected unaudited pro forma condensed  consolidated financial data
is  based on  estimates  and  assumptions  that  are  preliminary.  The data are
presented for informational purposes only and is not intended to represent or be
indicative of the consolidated  results of operations or financial  condition of
OraLabs  and NVC  that  would  have  been  reported  had the  transactions  been
completed as of the dates presented,  and should not be taken as  representative
of future  consolidated  results of operations or financial condition of OraLabs
and NVC.

         This selected unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial data
should be read in conjunction with the summary selected historical  consolidated
financial  data and the unaudited  pro forma  condensed  consolidated  financial
statements and  accompanying  notes contained  elsewhere in this proxy statement
and the separate historical  consolidated  financial statements and accompanying
notes of  OraLabs  Holdings,  Inc.  incorporated  by  reference  into this proxy
statement and the historical  consolidated financial statements and accompanying
notes of NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries  contained in
this proxy  statement.  See the section below entitled  "Where You Can Find More

                                                                             Three months        
                                                                                 ended               Year Ended   
                                                                            March 31, 2005       December 31, 2004
                                                                           ------------------    -------------------
   Sales and other revenues                                                      $ 12,391,758      $55,394,520
   Expense                                                                         11,151,231       48,289,493
   Net Income                                                                       1,140,527        7,105,027
   Net income Available to Common Stockholders                                      1,140,527        7,105,027

   Cash and Cash Equivalents                                                       2,260,342
   Current Assets                                                                 12,564,513
   Total Assets                                                                   23,123,400
   Current Liabilities                                                            18,247,590
   Non-current liabilities                                                           121,943
   Total Liabilities                                                              18,369,533
   Shareholders' Equity                                                            4,653,867



Significant Accounting Estimates and Policies

         The discussion  and analysis of our financial  condition and results of
operations is based upon our consolidated  financial  statements which have been
prepared in accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the
United States. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make
estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities,
revenue  and  expenses,   and  related   disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and
liabilities.  On an on-going  basis,  we evaluate our  estimates  including  the
allowance  for  doubtful   accounts,   the  saleability  and  recoverability  of
inventory,  income taxes and contingencies.  We base our estimates on historical
experience  and on various  other  assumptions  that we believe to be reasonable
under  the  circumstances,  the  results  of which  form our  basis  for  making
judgments  about the  carrying  values of assets  and  liabilities  that are not
readily  apparent  from other  sources.  Actual  results  may differ  from these
estimates under different assumptions or conditions.

         We must make estimates of the collectability of accounts receivable. We
analyze  historical  write-offs,  changes in our  internal  credit  policies and
customer  concentrations  when  evaluating  the  adequacy of our  allowance  for
doubtful  accounts.  Differences may result in the amount and timing of expenses
for any period if we make different judgments or use difference estimates.

         As  part  of  the  process  of  preparing  our  consolidated  financial
statements,  we are required to estimate our income taxes. This process involves
estimating  our  current  tax  exposure   together  with   assessing   temporary
differences  resulting from differing  treatment of items for tax and accounting
purposes.  These differences  result in deferred tax assets and liabilities.  We
must then assess the  likelihood  that our deferred tax assets will be recovered
from future taxable  income,  and, to the extent we believe that recovery is not
likely, we must establish a valuation allowance. To the extent that we establish
a valuation  allowance or increase this allowance in a period, we must include a
tax provision or reduce our tax benefit in the statements of operations.  We use
our judgment to determine our  provision or benefit for income  taxes,  deferred
tax assets and liabilities and any valuation  allowance recorded against our net
deferred  tax  assets.  We  believe,  based on a  number  of  factors  including
historical  operating losses,  that we will not realize the future benefits of a
significant  portion of our net  deferred  tax  assets  and we have  accordingly
provided a full valuation  allowance  against our deferred tax assets.  However,
various factors may cause those assumptions to change in the near term.

         We cannot predict what future laws and regulations might be passed that
could have a material effect on our results of operations.  We assess the impact
of significant changes in laws and regulations on a regular basis and update the
assumptions and estimates used to prepare our financial  statements when we deem
it necessary.

Comparison of Three Months Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004

         The following table sets forth certain operating  information regarding
NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries.

                                                                             For the Three            For the Three
                                                                              Months Ended             Months Ended
                                                                            March 31, 2005           March 31, 2004
                                                                          -----------------   ---------------------
                                                                             (unaudited)             (unaudited)
           Revenues                                                       $     12,391,758    $           7,210,433
           Cost of goods sold                                             $      8,466,060    $           4,743,099
           Distribution expenses                                          $      1,830,962    $           1,008,529
           General and administrative                                     $        639,710    $             681,697
           Depreciation                                                   $        101,944    $              35,995
           Other Income                                                   $        178,528    $             191,227
           Net Income                                                     $      1,240,527    $             921,025


         Net income  increased by 35% from  $921,025 in 2004 to  $1,240,527  for
2005.  This  increase in net income is  attributable  primarily to the following
factors:  (1) a 72%  increase  in  sales;  (2) a 57%  increase  in gross  profit

         Revenues.  Sales  revenues  increased by  $5,181,325  or 72% quarter on
quarter to  $12,391,758  for the three months  ending March 31, 2005 compared to
$7,210,433  for the  three  months  ending  March 31,  2004.  The  increase  was
attributable to changes in sales mix with lighting  products  accounting for 95%
(2004: 94%) and electrical accessories accounting for 5% (2004: 6%).

         Cost of Goods Sold. Cost of goods sold increased 78% or $3,722,961 from
$4,743,099  for the three  months  ending March 31, 2004 to  $8,466,060  for the
three  months  ending March 31, 2005.  This  increase is due  primarily to a 72%
increase in sales volume.

         Distribution  Expenses.  Distribution  expenses  for the  three  months
ending March 31, 2005 were  $1,830,962,  an increase of $822,433 or 82% from the
quarter ending March 31, 2004 distribution expenses of $1,008,529. The principal
reasons for the increase were substantial increases in sales volume.

         General  and  Administrative   Expenses.   General  and  administrative
expenses for the three months ending March 31, 2005 were $639,710, a decrease of
$41,987  or (6%)  from the  three  months  ending  March 31,  2004  general  and
administrative expenses of $681,697.

         Depreciation Expense.  Depreciation expense for the three months ending
March 31, 2005 was  $101,944  and  $35,995,  respectively,  for the three months
ending  March  31,  2004,  an  increase  of  $65,949  from  the  prior  period's
depreciation expense.

         Other Income.  Other income  decreased by $12,699 or (7%) from $191,227
in the three months ending March 31, 2004 to $178,528 in the three months ending
March 31, 2005.

         Liquidity and Capital Resources

         Operating  Activities.  Net cash flows provided by operating activities
for the three months ended March 31, 2005 was $1,372,170  compared with net cash
flows provided by operating  activities of $1,279,688 for the three months ended
March 31,  2004.  This  increase  in cash flows from  operating  activities  was
attributable primarily to an increase in advances from customers of $649,097.

         Working Capital - At March 31, 2005, the Company had a  working capital
deficit of $5,683,077.  The principal  reason for the working capital deficit is
that the on-going  construction costs of the new manufacturing plants of NVC are
being  temporarily  classified  as  accounts  payable,  rather  than the cost of


As  of  December  31,  2004,  NVC  had  the  following  outstanding  contractual
obligations by year

                                                                          Due in         Due in         2007 and
                                                          Total            2005           2006         Thereafter
                                                       -------------    -----------    ------------    ------------
Operating lease agreements                               $  166,667       $166,667        $141,304           $   -
Commitments on construction of plant                     $5,688,435         25,362                               -
Commitments for advertising                              $   21,739         21,739                               -
Commitments under software license agreement             $   15,296         15,296                               -
Commitments to purchase equipment                        $   16,908         16,908                               -
Commitments under consultancy agreement                  $  135,266        135,266                               -
                                                       -------------    -----------    ------------    ------------
                                                         $6,044,311       $381,238        $141,304           $   -
                                                       =============    ===========    ============    ============

Comparison of Years Ended December 31, 2004 and 2003

         The following table sets forth certain operating  information regarding
NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries.

                                                      Year Ended                             Year Ended
                                                   December 31, 2004                      December 31, 2003
                                                   -----------------                      -----------------
Revenues                                              $55,394,520                            $30,598,374
Cost of goods sold                                    $38,539,315                            $21,104,524
Distribution expenses                                 $ 6,146,591                            $ 4,010,321
General and administrative                            $ 3,976,993                            $ 2,273,943
Depreciation                                          $   119,008                            $    95,570
Other Income                                          $   677,398                            $   160,496
Net Income                                            $ 7,105,027                            $ 3,199,813

         Net income  increased by 122% from $3,199,813 in 2003 to $7,105,027 for
2004.  This  increase in net income is  attributable  primarily to the following
factors:  (1) a 45%  increase  in  sales;  (2) a 77%  increase  in gross  profit

         Revenues.  Sales revenues  increased by $24,796,146 or 81% year-on-year
to  $55,394,520  for the year  ended  December  31,  2004  compared  to the same
corresponding  period of $30,598,374 in the 2003 were attributable to changes in
sales mix with lighting products  accounting for 90% (2003: 100%) and electrical
accessories accounting for 10% (2003: 0%).

         Cost of Goods Sold.  Cost of goods sold  increased  83% or  $17,434,791
from  $21,104,524 in 2003 to $38,539,315 in 2004. This increase is due primarily
to a 45% increase in sales volume.


         Distribution  Expenses.   Distribution  expenses  for  the  year  ended
December 31, 2004 were  $6,146,591,  an increase of  $2,136,270  or 53% from the
prior year's distribution expenses of $4,010,321.  The principal reasons for the
increase were substantial increases in sales volume.

         General  and  Administrative   Expenses.   General  and  administrative
expenses  for the year ended  December 31, 2004 were  $3,976,993,  a increase of
$1,703,050 or 75% from the prior year's general and  administrative  expenses of

         Depreciation Expense.  Depreciation expense for the year ended December
31, 2004 was $119,008 and $95,570, respectively, for the year ended December 31,
2003, an increase of $23,438 from the prior years depreciation expense.

         Other Income.  Other income increased by $516,902 or 322% from $160,496
in 2003 to $677,398 in 2004.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         Operating  Activities.  Net cash flows provided by operating activities
for the year ended December 31, 2004 was $8,010,536 compared with net cash flows
provided by operating  activities of $9,084,864  for the year ended December 31,
2003.  This decrease in cash flows from operating  activities  was  attributable
primarily to an increase in inventories of $5,156,081.

         Working  Capital - At  December  31,  2004,  the Company  had a working
capital  deficit of  $4,464,129.  The principal  reason for the working  capital
deficit is that the on-going  construction costs of the new manufacturing plants
of NVC are being  temporarily  classified as accounts  payable,  rather than the
cost of properties.

Comparison of Years Ended December 31, 2003 and 2002

         The following table sets forth certain operating  information regarding
NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited and Subsidiaries.

                                                    Year Ended                             Year Ended
                                                December 31, 2003                      December 31, 2002
                                                -----------------                      -----------------
Revenues                                            $30,598,374                            $18,097,301
Cost of goods sold                                  $21,104,524                            $12,327,867
Distribution expenses                               $ 4,010,321                            $ 2,588,749
General and administrative                          $ 2,273,943                            $ 1,176,638
Depreciation                                        $    95,570                            $    59,924
Other Income (expense)                              $   160,496                            $   (46,746)
Provision for income taxes                          $         0                            $  (628,163)
Net Income                                          $ 3,199,813                            $ 1,269,214

         Net income  increased by 152% from $1,269,214 in 2002 to $3,199,813 for
2003.  This  increase in net income is  attributable  primarily to the following
factors:  (1) a 69% increase in sales;  (2) a $628,163  reduction in  enterprise
income taxes

         Revenues.  Sales revenues  increased by $12,501,073 or 69% year-on-year
to  $30,598,374  for the year  ended  December  31,  2003  compared  to the same
corresponding  period of $18,097,301 in the 2002 were attributable to increasing
market share due to effect of marketing and distribution efforts.


         Cost of Goods Sold. Cost of goods sold increased 71% or $8,776,657 from
$12,327,867 in 2002 to $21,104,524 in 2003.  This increase is due primarily to a
69% increase in sales volume.

         Distribution  Expenses.   Distribution  expenses  for  the  year  ended
December 31, 2003 were  $4,010,321,  an increase of  $1,421,572  or 55% from the
prior year's distribution expenses of $2,588,749.  The principal reasons for the
increase were substantial increases in sales volume.

         General  and  Administrative   Expenses.   General  and  administrative
expenses  for the year ended  December 31, 2003 were  $2,273,943,  a increase of
$1,097,305 or 93% from the prior year's general and  administrative  expenses of
$1,176,638.  This increase was due primarily to  increasing  the  administrative
department to handle current and future growth.

         Depreciation Expense. Depreciation expense for the years ended December
31, 2003 and 2002 was $95,570 and $59,924,  respectively, an increase of $35,646
in  2003.  This  was  due  to  additions  to  office  furniture  and  equipment.
Depreciation  related to  manufacturing  equipment is included as a component of
manufacturing  overhead and is included in the carrying cost of inventory  until
the inventory is sold at which time it is included in cost of goods sold.

         Other Income  (expense).  Other income (expense)  increased by $207,242
from an expense of $(46,746) in 2003 to income of $160,496 in 2003.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         Operating  Activities.  Net cash flows provided by operating activities
for the year ended December 31, 2003 was $9,084,864 compared with net cash flows
(used in)  provided by operating  activities  of  $$(98,500)  for the year ended
December 31, 2002.  This increase in cash flows from  operating  activities  was
attributable  primarily  to net income in 2003 of  $3,199,813  combined  with an
increase in accounts payable and accrued expenses of $4,103,971.

         Working  Capital - At  December  31,  2003,  the  Company had a working
capital  deficit of  $4,065,910.  The principal  reason for the working  capital
deficit is that the on-going  construction costs of the new manufacturing plants
of NVC are being  temporarily  classified as accounts  payable,  rather than the
cost of properties.

New Accounting Pronouncements

         In April 2003,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 149,  "Amendment  of Statement
133 on  Derivative  Instruments  and Hedging  Activities  (SFAS 149)".  SFAS 149
amends and clarifies certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts,
and for hedging  activities  under SFAS 133.  SFAS 149 is effective  for certain
contracts  entered  into or  modified by the Company  after June 30,  2003.  The
adoption of SFAS 149 had no impact on the Company's financial position,  results
of operations, or cash flows.

         In May 2003, the FASB issued SFAS No. 150,  "Accounting for Instruments
with Characteristics of Both Debt and Equity" (SFAS 150). Statement 150 requires
liability classification for three types of instruments: 1) Mandatory redeemable
shares that obligate the company to deliver cash or other assets to shareholders
on fixed or determinable dates; 2) Freestanding  written put options and forward
purchase  contracts  on a  company's  own shares  that  obligate  the company to
deliver cash or other assets,  and 3) Contracts that obligate a company to issue
its own shares in amounts that are  unrelated  to, or inversely  related to, the
value of the shares.  The  adoption  of SFAS 150 had no impact on the  Company's
financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.

         In November 2004,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 151  "Inventory  Costs - an
amendment of ARB No. 43,  Chapter 4".  Statement  No. 151 requires  that certain
abnormal costs associated with the  manufacturing,  freight,  and handling costs
associated  with  inventory  be charged to current  operations  in the period in
which they are incurred. The adoption of SFAS 151 had no impact on the Company's
financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.


         In  December  2004,  the  FASB  issued  a  revision  of  SFAS  No.  123
"Share-Based  Payment".  The statement  establishes standards for the accounting
for transactions in which an entity  exchanges its equity  investments for goods
and  services.  It  also  addresses  transactions  in  which  an  entity  incurs
liabilities  in exchange for goods or services  that are based on the fair value
of the  entity's  equity  instruments  or that may be settled by the issuance of
those equity instruments.  The statement does not change the accounting guidance
for share-based payments with parties other than employees.

         The statement  requires a public entity to measure the cost of employee
service  received in exchange  for an award of equity  instruments  based on the
grant-date fair value of the award (with limited  exception).  That cost will be
recognized  over the period  during  which an  employee  is  required to provide
service in exchange for the award (usually the vesting period).  A public entity
will initially measure the cost of employee services received in exchange for an
award of liability instrument based on its current fair value; the fair value of
that award will be remeasured  subsequently  at each  reporting date through the
settlement date.  Changes in fair value during the requisite service period will
be recognized as compensation over that period.

         The  grant-date  for fair value of employee  share  options and similar
instruments  will be estimated  using option-  pricing  models  adjusted for the
unique characteristics of these instruments.

         The statement is effective for the quarter beginning January 1, 2006.

         In  December   2004,  the  FASB  issued  SFAS  No.  153  "Exchanges  of
Nonmonetary  Assets-amendment  of APB Opinion No. 29".  Statement 153 eliminates
the  exception  to fair value for  exchanges  of similar  productive  assets and
replaces it with a general exception for exchange  transactions that do not have
commercial substance, defined as transactions that are not expected to result in
significant changes in the cash flows of the reporting entity. This statement is
effective for exchanges of nonmonetary assets occurring after June 15, 2005.


Time, Place and Date

         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
by the Board of Directors of proxies  from OraLabs  shareholders  for use at the
annual  meeting  of  shareholders  to be held at 10:00  a.m.,  Mountain  Time on
September  30,  2005,  at  OraLab's  offices  at 18685 E. Plaza  Drive,  Parker,
Colorado 80134, or at any adjournment or postponement  thereof,  pursuant to the
enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders.


Purpose of the Annual Meeting

         At the annual  meeting,  the  shareholders of  OraLabs will be asked to
consider  and  vote  upon  the  approval  of  the  Exchange  Agreement  and  the
transactions  contemplated thereby. A copy of the Exchange Agreement is attached
to this Proxy  Statement as Annex 1. Based on the factors  described below under
"Special   Factors--Recommendation   of  the  Special  Committee  and  Board  of
Directors" and on the unanimous  recommendation  of its Special  Committee,  the
Board of Directors of OraLabs  recommends that  shareholders vote "FOR" approval
of the Exchange Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby.

Record Date; Voting at the Meeting; Quorum

         The Board has fixed the close of  business  on August  30,  2005 as the
record date for the annual meeting.  Only shareholders of record as of the close
of  business on the record date will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the
annual  meeting.  As of the close of  business on the record  date,  OraLabs had
outstanding  ______________  shares  of its  common  stock,  held of  record  by
approximately  _________  registered  holders,  although OraLabs believes it has
other  beneficial  owners of its common  stock.  Holders of the common stock are
entitled  to one vote per  share.  The  presence  in  person  or by proxy of the
holders  of not less than a  majority  of the  voting  power of the  outstanding
common stock entitled to vote at the annual meeting constitutes a quorum. Broker
non-votes  and  shares  present  or  represented  but as to which a  stockholder
abstains from voting will be included in  determining  whether there is a quorum
at the annual meeting.

Required Vote

         Under  Colorado  law  and  the  Company's  governing   documents,   the
transaction concerning the conveyance to Mr. Schlatter of all of OraLabs' shares
in its wholly-owned  subsidiary in exchange for the redemption by OraLabs of all
of the shares of common  stock in OraLabs  owned by Mr.  Schlatter  requires the
affirmative  vote of the  majority of all of the shares  entitled to vote on the
matter.  The remaining proposed  transactions  require the affirmative vote of a
majority of the voting power of the outstanding  shares of OraLabs' common stock
that are present in person or by proxy at the annual meeting.  Gary H. Schlatter
currently  owns  3,629,350  shares of common stock of OraLabs in his  individual
capacity,  representing approximately 77.34% of our outstanding shares of common
stock as of the  record  date.  Mr.  Schlatter  intends  to vote in favor of the
proposed transactions,  which would satisfy both the quorum and affirmative vote
requirements.  As Mr. Schlatter owns more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting
power,  OraLabs is  considered  a  "Controlled  Company"  for  purposes  of Rule
4350(c)(5) promulgated by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

Voting and Revocation of Proxies

         The  enclosed  proxy  is  solicited  on  behalf  of  OraLabs'  Board of
Directors.  The giving of a proxy does not  preclude the right to vote in person
should  any  stockholder  giving  the  proxy  so  desire.  Shareholders  have an
unconditional  right to revoke  their  proxy at any time prior to its  exercise,
either by filing with OraLabs' secretary at OraLabs' principal executive offices
a written  revocation or a duly executed proxy bearing a later date or by voting
in person at the  annual  meeting.  Attendance  at the  annual  meeting  without
casting a ballot  will not, by itself,  constitute  revocation  of a proxy.  Any
written  notice  revoking a proxy  should be sent to Corporate  Stock  Transfer,
Inc., 3200 Cherry Creek So. Drive, Suite 430, Denver, CO 80209.


Action to be Taken at the Annual Meeting

         All  shares  of common  stock  represented  at the  annual  meeting  by
properly  executed  proxies  received prior to or at the annual meeting,  unless
previously  revoked,  will be voted at the annual meeting in accordance with the
instructions on the proxies. Unless contrary instructions are indicated, proxies
will be voted FOR the approval of the Exchange  Agreement  and the  transactions
contemplated  thereby.  As explained below in the section entitled  "Dissenters'
Rights of Appraisal," a vote in favor of the Exchange  Agreement  means that the
stockholder  owning  those  shares  will not have the right to dissent  and seek
judicial appraisal of the fair value of such stockholder's shares.  OraLabs does
not know of any matters, other than as described in the Notice of Annual Meeting
of  Shareholders,  which are to come  before  the annual  meeting.  If any other
matters are  properly  presented at the annual  meeting for action,  the persons
named in the  enclosed  proxy card and  acting  thereunder  generally  will have
discretion  to vote on such  matters in  accordance  with  their best  judgment.
Pursuant to our bylaws,  an  adjournment of the annual meeting may be made by an
announcement  made  at  the  annual  meeting  prior  to  adjournment.  We do not
anticipate an adjournment of the meeting.

Proxy Solicitation

         OraLabs  is  requesting  that  banks,  brokers  and  other  custodians,
nominees  and  fiduciaries  forward  copies  of  the  proxy  material  to  their
principals  and request  authority  for the  execution  of proxies.  OraLabs may
reimburse such persons for their  expenses in so doing.  No person is authorized
to give any information or make any  representation  not contained in this proxy
statement,  and if given or made, such information or representation  should not
be relied upon as having been authorized.  OraLabs  shareholders should not send
any certificates representing shares of common stock with their proxy card.


                                 SPECIAL FACTORS

Background of the Proposed Transactions

         OraLabs,  Inc.,  the operating  subsidiary  ("Subsidiary")  of OraLabs,
began its business in 1990.  Gary H.  Schlatter,  President of OraLabs,  was the
sole  owner of the  Subsidiary  until  1997.  In 1997,  Mr.  Schlatter  made the
decision that it would be beneficial  for the  Subsidiary to operate as a public
company because of his beliefs that it would  facilitate the use of public stock
to finance the growth of OraLabs, that he would have a mechanism such as a stock
option plan to facilitate giving his employees an ownership  interest in OraLabs
with the  opportunity to profit by a rising stock price,  and that he would have
some  liquidity  with respect to his  ownership  of the  Company.  In that year,
OraLabs,  Inc. completed a reverse merger under which it became the wholly-owned
operating  subsidiary  of a public  company  whose  name was  changed to OraLabs
Holding Corp.

         After several  years of being public,  Mr.  Schlatter  determined  that
operating  the  Subsidiary  as part of a  public  company  did not  achieve  the
benefits that he sought. As part of investigating transactions from time to time
for  which  Mr.  Schlatter  sought to use  public  stock as part of the  payment
consideration,  Mr. Schlatter found that due to his  overwhelming  percentage of
stock owned,  third parties were treating  OraLabs as if it were still a private
company without any premium for the fact that it was public.  Mr.  Schlatter did
not obtain the interest of the investment  community in OraLabs and as a result,
the price of its stock drifted lower and the volume of shares traded remained so
low that there was very little liquidity.


         In  early  2001,  one of the  non-employee  directors  of  OraLabs  was
presented  with a proposal  concerning a company that was interested in becoming
public through a reverse  merger.  The business of that company was unrelated to
the Subsidiary's  business. The non-employee directors of OraLabs considered the
proposal and  discussed  with Mr.  Schlatter  whether he would be  interested in
pursuing the  transaction  under which his shares in OraLabs  would be exchanged
for  OraLabs'  shares  in  the  Subsidiary,  contingent  upon  the  simultaneous
acquisition by OraLabs of the other company. Mr. Schlatter said that he would be
interested in considering that type of transaction.  The non-employee  directors
of OraLabs  continued  discussions  with Mr. Schlatter as well as with the other
company,  which  resulted  in  the  other  company's  tender  to  OraLabs  of  a
non-binding  letter of intent concerning the  transactions.  The Board (with Mr.
Schlatter  abstaining)  authorized  the  execution of the letter of intent,  but
despite  the  efforts of the  non-employee  directors  during the next couple of
months to move the transaction toward the preparation of a definitive agreement,
the other company changed its mind about proceeding with the transaction and the
discussions between the parties terminated.

         As a result  of Mr.  Schlatter's  consideration  of that  proposal  and
because of the concurrence by the  non-employee  directors with Mr.  Schlatter's
belief  that the  operations  of the  Subsidiary  as a public  company  were not
providing material benefits to the OraLabs'  shareholders,  OraLabs continued to
be  receptive  to  reorganization  transactions  with third  parties  that could
enhance the public shareholders'  value. The non-employee  directors sought such
transactions by directly contacting business associates who could have knowledge
of such  opportunities  as well as by placing  ads from time to time in the Wall
Street Journal.

         In May 2001,  OraLabs  received a letter of intent from another company
that followed some very preliminary  discussions with the non-employee directors
of OraLabs.  However,  the non-employee  directors  believed that execution of a
letter of intent was premature.  Mr. Friess, one of the non-employee  directors,
was  authorized  to continue  discussions  with the company and determine in his
discretion whether or not to recommend that a letter of intent be executed.  Mr.
Friess  ultimately  concluded  that it was not in the  interest  of  OraLabs  to
proceed with that transaction, and negotiations terminated.

         No material discussions about proposed  transactions  occurred for some
time after that. In the Spring of 2002, the directors took note of the fact that
the costs of operating as a public company,  which were  significant in relation
to the size of  OraLabs  and which  included  both the legal  fees  involved  in
OraLabs' public  reporting and compliance as well as the auditing fees, could be
expected to  substantially  increase as the result of pending  legislation  that
ultimately  was  adopted  as the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act.  At that  time the  Board
appointed  Messrs.  Friess and Gust as an independent  committee to evaluate any
proposals  that may be  presented  to the  Company  with  respect to a corporate

         In the late  Spring and  Summer of 2002,  a  proposed  transaction  was
reviewed by the  independent  committee.  A Memorandum  of  Understanding  and a
Non-disclosure   Agreement   were   executed  by  Mr.   Friess  based  upon  the
recommendation  of the independent  committee and the authorization of the Board
of Directors.  The Memorandum was subject to customary conditions as well as the
agreement that it was  nonbinding and that an acceptable  agreement was required
to be reached  between  OraLabs and Mr.  Schlatter  concerning the  transaction.
After the execution of the Memorandum of  Understanding,  the Special  Committee
retained  separate  counsel  to assist  it in the  negotiation  of a  definitive
agreement. However, as a result of various issues that arose between OraLabs and
the other company during the course of negotiating the definitive agreement, the
negotiations  became  protracted to the extent that OraLabs' Board of Directors,
upon the recommendation of the Special Committee, terminated the negotiations in
the early Fall of 2002.


         In late 2002,  Mr. Friess,  acting on behalf of the Special  Committee,
advised the OraLabs Board of Directors  that he had had  discussions  during the
past several weeks with two separate  companies who are interested in pursuing a
reorganization with OraLabs.  He presented  information about both companies and
their  proposed  transactions,  and the Board of Directors  recommended  that he
proceed with one of the company's proposal. In early 2003, the Special Committee
and Mr.  Schlatter  each  retained  separate  legal  counsel  to  assist  in the
negotiations of a definitive agreement. Mr. Friess also made preliminary contact
with companies  engaged in the business of providing  fairness  opinions so that
one could be chosen if a definitive  agreement were  executed.  At and about the
same  time,   negotiations   continued   concerning  a   definitive   agreement,
specifically  including  the effect,  if any,  that  OraLabs' loss of its NASDAQ
listing might have upon the  transaction.  This  discussion  was prompted by the
price of OraLabs'  common  stock  falling  below one dollar and the value of the
public float of the  Company's  common stock  falling  below the NASDAQ  listing
requirement.  (During the period  from  August 2002 to late 2003,  the NASD sent
several  notices to OraLabs that its common stock was subject to delisting  from
the NASDAQ SmallCap Market, but since the reverse split of the common stock that
occurred in December 2003,  the Company  believes that it has been in compliance
with the NASDAQ listing requirements.)

         During the next several months,  issues arose that caused  revisions to
be made in the proposed terms of the definitive  agreement,  mostly  relating to
the  financial   performance  of  the  other  company.   The  Special  Committee
recommended to the Board that various terms of the definitive  agreement  should
be  renegotiated  to take account of those  issues.  Finally,  in October  2003,
because all  conditions to the execution and delivery of a definitive  agreement
still were not satisfied, the Board of Directors, upon the recommendation of the
Special Committee, terminated the negotiations between the parties.

         Commencing in late 2003 and continuing  sporadically throughout 2004, a
representative of various  companies  located in China presented  information to
the  non-employee  directors  about  companies  that OraLabs might  consider for
purposes of a corporate reorganization.  As information was presented to OraLabs
from time to time  about  the  companies,  the  directors  requested  additional
information  when they believed it was  appropriate  to pursue  investigating  a
company,  but  none  of  these  discussions  proceeded  beyond  the  preliminary
investigation  level. In October 2004, a financial summary and brief description
of  NVC  was  presented  to  OraLabs.   Based  on  that  information,   the  NVC
representative met with two of the non-employee directors in Colorado to discuss
NVC in more detail. In late October 2004, the  representative of NVC submitted a
term  sheet for a  reorganization  effecting  NVC and  OraLabs.  During the next
couple  of  weeks,  the  Special  Committee  requested  additional   information
concerning  NVC.  At the same  time,  Mr.  Schlatter  was in China on  unrelated
business. OraLabs took advantage of Mr. Schlatter's presence in China to arrange
a meeting between him and  representatives of NVC, which occurred on November 9,
2004. At that meeting,  Mr. Schlatter visited the NVC showroom and manufacturing
facility and met with a director of NVC's  auditing  firm.  He also met with the
General Manager and Board Chairman of NVC's wholly-owned  operating  subsidiary.
During the November 9 meeting, the NVC representatives gave an oral presentation
of NVC's business and provided Mr. Schlatter with sales catalogues that included
information  on NVC's  product  lines.  In addition to viewing the  showroom and
manufacturing  facility, Mr. Schlatter attended the groundbreaking  ceremony for
construction  of an additional  NVC  facility.  When Mr.  Schlatter  returned to
Colorado in mid-November  2004, he presented the results of his meeting with NVC
to the other OraLabs directors.  In early December 2004, NVC, through its United
States counsel presented a first draft of a letter of intent that was revised in
certain  respects  based  upon  the  comments  from  the  OraLabs   non-employee

         The OraLabs  Board of  Directors  met on December 9, 2004 to review the
redraft  of a letter  of  intent.  At that  meeting,  the Board  reiterated  the
appointment of Messrs.  Friess and Gust as the Special Committee of the Board of
Directors.  At that meeting,  the Board  determined  that the Special  Committee
should  continue  to  negotiate  the  draft  letter  of  intent  until it became
satisfied  with a version to  recommend  to the OraLabs  Board,  and the Special
Committee was authorized to retain separate  counsel,  to negotiate a Definitive
Agreement  and to  obtain  a  fairness  opinion  with  respect  to any  proposed
transaction.  Negotiations  continued  for a couple of weeks and on December 27,
2004, the Special Committee  recommended to the OraLabs Board that it enter into
a letter of intent and authorize the officers of OraLabs, with the assistance of
the Special Committee to negotiate the terms of a Definitive  Agreement with NVC
based upon the terms of an executed letter of intent.  On February 18, 2005, the
Special Committee  recommended to the OraLabs Board that it enter into the Stock
Exchange  Agreement  in  substantially  the form that is  attached to this Proxy
Statement and that the officers of OraLabs,  with the  assistance of counsel and
the Special Committee conduct appropriate due diligence in order to proceed with
the Closing of the contemplated  transactions.  The Special Committee authorized
Michael Friess to proceed with obtaining bids from  investment  banking firms in
connection  with  obtaining  an  opinion  that  the  terms  of the  contemplated
transactions  are  fair  from a  financial  point  of view to the  nonaffiliated
shareholders of OraLabs.


         As directed by the Special Committee, Michael Friess obtained bids from
two investment banking firms regarding  rendering the fairness opinion as to the
terms of the  transactions  described  in the Exchange  Agreement.  He discussed
those  proposals  with Mr.  Gust,  and the  Special  Committee  determined  that
Capitalink,  LC  ("Capitalink")  submitted  the best  terms  for  rendering  the
opinion,  along with an impressive list of transactions on which it had rendered
previous fairness  opinions.  Capitalink is a nationally  recognized  investment
banking and advisory firm.  Capitalink,  as part of its  investment  banking and
financial advisory business, is regularly engaged in the valuation of businesses
and their  securities  in  connection  with  mergers,  acquisitions  and private
placements.  The engagement  letter with Capitalink  provided for a fixed fee in
the amount of $60,000,  with one-half  payable at commencement of the engagement
and the other half payable upon  completion of the engagement and closing of the
transactions contemplated by the Exchange Agreement. The fee was payable without
regard to the conclusions  reached in the opinion.  Under the engagement letter,
the Company also agreed to reimburse Capitalink for its reasonable and customary
out-of-pocket  expenses related to the work, and to indemnify Capitalink against
certain  losses or claims.  Capitalink  has  consented  to the  inclusion of the
description  of its engagement in this Proxy and has also approved the inclusion
of the opinion as an annex to this Proxy.



         In  recommending  approval of the Exchange  Agreement  and the proposed
transactions  to the full OraLabs  Board of  Directors  on August 11, 2005,  the
Special Committee  considered a number of factors.  The material  factors,  both
negative and positive are summarized below.

         The material  positive factors  considered  include:  the nonaffiliated
shareholders  of OraLabs will own an interest in NVC, a much larger company that
has exhibited recent growth that exceeds the financial  results of OraLabs;  the
larger size of NVC may result in more exposure to the financial marketplace than
is the case with OraLabs,  possibly  enhancing the liquidity of an investment in
the Company over that which has  historically  been the case with  OraLabs;  the
presentation  and opinion of  Capitalink  as to the  fairness,  from a financial
point of view, of the transaction to the nonaffiliated shareholders; OraLabs has
not  generated  net income since fiscal year 2002;  and OraLabs has not received
material  benefits of being a public  company,  while it has borne the financial
and personnel burden of operating as a public company.

         The  material  potential  negative  factors  considered  include:   the
ownership  of the  nonaffiliated  shareholders  in the  public  company  will be
significantly   diluted  from  their  current  20.30%   ownership   interest  to
approximately  a 4.2%  interest in NVC; all of the  directors of OraLabs have an
interest in closing the  transactions,  in that Mr.  Schlatter will acquire sole
ownership of OraLabs,  Inc. and the three  non-employee  directors  will each be
issued  100,000  shares of common stock at closing;  shareholders  of the public
company  will have no further  interest or  opportunity  to  participate  in any
growth of OraLabs,  Inc., should it occur after the closing, while Mr. Schlatter
will receive all of such  benefits as the sole owner of OraLabs,  Inc.;  and the
transaction  will be taxable to  shareholders  who  exercise  their  dissenters'


         The foregoing  discussion of the information and factors  considered by
the Special  Committee is not meant to be exhaustive,  but includes all material
factors,  both  positive and negative,  considered  by the Special  Committee to
support its decision to recommend the approval of the Exchange  Agreement and to
determine that the transactions contemplated thereby are in the best interest of
OraLabs and fair to OraLabs' nonaffiliated  shareholders.  The Special Committee
did not  assign  relative  weights  or other  quantifiable  values  to the above
factors.  Rather, the Special Committee viewed its position and  recommendations
as being based on the totality of the information presented to and considered by
them, and that on balance,  the positive factors  discussed above outweighed the
negative factors discussed above. The Special Committee  believes that the terms
of the Exchange  Agreement are fair, in part, based on the opinion of Capitalink
as  to  the  fairness,   from  a  financial  point  of  view,  of  the  proposed
transactions.  The Special  Committee also believes the process that followed in
approving the Exchange Agreement was procedurally fair because, even though some
additional compensation will be paid to the members of the Special Committee and
the other  non-employee  director at Closing,  the  Special  Committee  retained
independent  legal and financial  advisors that assisted it in its evaluation of
the Exchange Agreement.


         The Board  formed the Special  Committee to act solely on behalf of the
nonaffiliated   shareholders   of  OraLabs  for  purposes  of  considering   and
negotiating  the Exchange  Agreement and related  matters.  The Board  appointed
Messrs. Friess and Gust to the Special Committee. Mr. Friess has been a director
of  OraLabs  since  1997 and Mr.  Gust has been a  director  since  2000.  After
formation of the Special Committee, the Special Committee retained Capitalink as
its  financial  advisor  and  Capitalink  provided  its  opinion to the  Special
Committee  as to the  fairness  from a financial  point of view of the  proposed
transactions  to  OraLabs'  nonaffiliated  shareholders  as of August  10,  2005
subject to the limitations, assumptions and qualifications stated therein.

         The  Board  reviewed  each  of the  factors  presented  by the  Special
Committee as described above and considered the Special  Committee's process and
actions  in  arriving  at its  recommendation  to the  Board.  In  reaching  its
determination,  the Board  considered  the Special  Committee's  determinations,
recommendations,  approval of the Exchange  Agreement,  and determination of the
Exchange Agreement's  advisability.  It also carefully considered the report and
fairness opinion delivered by Capitalink to the Special Committee.

         OraLabs  is  undertaking  the  transaction  with NVC at this  time as a
result of the Special  Committee's  consideration  of the factors outlined above
relating to the limitations on OraLabs'  growth as a public company,  its recent
financial performance, the long-standing concerns of the entire Board (including
the Special  Committee)  regarding the continuing  low price of OraLabs'  common
stock, and the weakness in the market for its stock. OraLabs is also undertaking
the transaction at this time because it is straining its financial and personnel
resources  to:  (1)  continue  to comply  on a timely  basis  with its  periodic
reporting requirements under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and (2) comply
with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. In this regard, OraLabs
estimates  that the  annual  expenses  it pays in  connection  with  its  public
reporting  responsibilities  exceeds approximately  $200,000.00.  These expenses
include fees of an outside accountant, annual audit and quarterly review fees of
its independent auditor, legal fees, and filing costs.


         The Board  believes  that  sufficient  procedural  safeguards to ensure
fairness of the transaction  and to permit the Special  Committee to effectively
represent  the interests of the holders of OraLabs'  nonaffiliated  shareholders
were present. The Board recognized that the members of the Special Committee, as
well as the third non-employee director, will benefit by the issuance to each of
them of 100,000  shares of OraLabs  common  stock.  The Board  believes that the
issuances of the stock are reasonable and  appropriate  under the  circumstances
because the directors  have routinely been very active in analyzing and pursuing
prospective transactions involving the Company,  including the transactions with
NVC,  but the Company did not  adequately  adjust the level of  compensation  to
reflect that degree of service.  Those 300,000 shares will be registered under a
Registration  Statement on Form S-8 to be filed by OraLabs prior to Closing. The
Board otherwise believes that the procedural safeguards of the Special Committee
are sufficient  because the Special  Committee  retained  independent  financial
advisors and legal counsel and the fact that the Special Committee,  even though
consisting  of  directors  of  OraLabs,  is a  mechanism  well-recognized  under
corporate law to provide for fairness in transactions of this type. The Exchange
Agreement was approved by the two members of the Special Committee as well as by
the third non-employee  director.  Mr. Schlatter  abstained from voting upon the
approval  of the  Exchange  Agreement  because of his  conflict  relating to his
acquisition  of  ownership  of OraLabs,  Inc.  OraLabs does not believe that any
material federal or state regulatory approvals,  filings or notices are required
by  OraLabs  in  connection  with the  proposed  transactions,  other  than such
clearances, approvals, filings or notices required pursuant to federal and state
securities laws.

         The Board believes that the proposed  transactions are advisable and is
fair to and in the best interests of OraLabs and its nonaffiliated  shareholders
and,  based  upon  the  analysis  and the  opinion  of the  Special  Committee's
financial  advisor as set forth above (which the Board expressly  adopts) and on
the   recommendation   of  the  Special   Committee,   recommends   to  OraLabs'
nonaffiliated shareholders that they vote FOR approval of the proposed agreement

Benefits and Detriments of the Proposed  Transactions to OraLabs'  Nonaffiliated

         OraLabs believes that the primary benefit of the proposed  transactions
to its nonaffiliated shareholders is the possibility of a future increase in the
value of their  investments in the public company as a result of their ownership
in a company  whose  business is  significantly  larger than that of OraLabs and
whose prospects for growth may exceed that which is expected of OraLabs' current
business. In addition,  the shareholders may have the opportunity to cash out of
their  shareholdings by exercise of dissenter's rights. The primary detriment of
the proposed  transactions to OraLabs'  nonaffiliated  shareholders is that they
will cease to participate in any future earnings of OraLabs,  Inc. or to benefit
from any increase in its value.  In addition,  those  shareholders  who exercise
dissenters'  rights will owe taxes upon the payment  that they  receive from the
Company for the shares.

Opinion of Financial Advisor to the Special Committee

         The  Special  Committee  engaged  Capitalink,  L.C.  ("Capitalink")  to
provide   financial   advisory  services  to  the  Special  Committee  with  its
consideration  of the transactions  contemplated by the Exchange  Agreement (the
"Transaction").  Pursuant to its  engagement,  Capitalink made a presentation to
the Special Committee on August 10, 2005. Capitalink  subsequently delivered its
written  opinion to the Special  Committee,  which stated that, as of August 10,
2005, and based upon and subject to the assumptions  made,  matters  considered,
and  limitations on its review as set forth in the opinion,  the  Transaction is
fair,  from  a  financial   point  of  view,  to  the  Company's   nonaffiliated
shareholders.  The full text of the written opinion of Capitalink is attached as
Annex 2 and is incorporated by reference into this proxy statement.


     o    You are  urged to read the  Capitalink  opinion  carefully  and in its
          entirety  for  a  description  of  the   assumptions   made,   matters
          considered,   procedures   followed  and  limitations  on  the  review
          undertaken by Capitalink in rendering its opinion.

     o    The Capitalink opinion is not intended to be, and does not constitute,
          a  recommendation  to you as to how you should proceed with respect to
          the Transaction.

     o    Capitalink  was not requested to opine as to, and the opinion does not
          in any manner  address,  the  relative  merits of the  Transaction  as
          compared to any alternative business strategy that might exist for the
          Company, the Company's underlying business decision to proceed with or
          effect the Transaction, and other alternatives to the Transaction that
          might exist for the Company.

         In arriving at its opinion,  Capitalink took into account an assessment
of general economic,  market and financial conditions, as well as its experience
in connection with similar transactions and securities valuations generally.  In
so doing, among other things, Capitalink:

     o    Reviewed the Exchange Agreement.

     o    Reviewed publicly available financial  information and other data with
          respect to OraLabs, including the Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the
          year ended December 31, 2004, the Quarterly  Report on Form 10-QSB for
          the three months ended March 31, 2005, the Current Reports on Form 8-K
          filed December 28, 2004, February 23, 2005 and June 20, 2005.

     o    Reviewed  financial  information  and other data with  respect to NVC,
          including  the  audited  financial  report for the three  years  ended
          December 31, 2004, and  management-prepared  financial  statements for
          the three months ended March 31, 2005.

     o    Reviewed  the   Transaction's   pro  forma  impact  on  the  Company's
          nonaffiliated shareholders' ownership interest in OraLabs.

     o    Considered  the  historical  financial  results and present  financial
          condition of OraLabs and NVC.

     o    Reviewed certain publicly available information concerning the trading
          of, and the market for,  the common stock of OraLabs,  the  Comparable
          Companies (as hereinafter defined), and a general market index.

     o    Reviewed  and  compared the OraLabs  nonaffiliated  shareholders'  (i)
          aggregate  pre-announcement market value, and (ii) aggregate indicated
          value on a pre-Transaction  basis to the  nonaffiliated  shareholders'
          aggregate indicated value on a Post-Transaction basis.

     o    Reviewed and analyzed certain financial  characteristics  of companies
          that were  deemed to have  characteristics  comparable  to OraLabs and

     o    Reviewed  and analyzed  certain  financial  characteristics  of target
          companies in transactions where such target company was deemed to have
          characteristics comparable to those of OraLabs and NVC.

     o    Reviewed  and  analyzed  the control  premiums  paid in certain  other

     o    Reviewed and discussed with representatives of OraLabs and NVC certain
          financial  and  operating  information  furnished  by them,  including
          financial  analyses  with  respect to their  respective  business  and


         Capitalink  also performed such other analyses and  examinations  as it
deemed  appropriate and held discussions with Company  management in relation to
certain financial and operating information  furnished to Capitalink,  including
financial analyses with respect to its business and operations.

         In  arriving  at its  opinion,  Capitalink  relied upon and assumed the
accuracy and completeness of all of the financial and other information that was
used without assuming any responsibility for any independent verification of any
such information.  Further, Capitalink relied upon the assurances of OraLabs and
NVC management that management was not aware of any facts or circumstances  that
would make any such  information  inaccurate or misleading.  With respect to the
financial  information and projections  utilized,  Capitalink  assumed that such
information  has  been  reasonably  prepared  on a  basis  reflecting  the  best
currently available estimates and judgments,  and that such information provides
a  reasonable  basis upon which it could make an  analysis  and form an opinion.
Capitalink  did not make a physical  inspection of the properties and facilities
of OraLabs and NVC and did not make or obtain any  evaluations  or appraisals of
the assets and liabilities  (contingent or otherwise).  In addition,  Capitalink
did not attempt to confirm whether OraLabs and NVC had good title to its assets.
Capitalink  assumed that the  Transaction  will be  consummated in a manner that
complies in all respects with the applicable  provisions of the Exchange Act and
all other  applicable  federal  and state  statues,  rules and  regulations.  In
addition,   Capitalink  assumed  that  the  Transaction  will  comply  with  all
applicable non-U.S. laws, regulations and statutes.  Capitalink assumes that the
Transaction  will be consummated  substantially in accordance with the terms set
forth in the Exchange  Agreement,  without any further amendments  thereto,  and
that any amendments, revisions or waivers thereto will not be detrimental to the
nonaffiliated shareholders of the Company.

         Capitalink's  opinion is  necessarily  based upon market,  economic and
other  conditions  as they existed on, and could be evaluated as of,  August 10,
2005.  Accordingly,  although  subsequent  developments  may affect its opinion,
Capitalink  has not assumed any  obligation  to update,  review or reaffirm  its

         In connection with rendering its opinion,  Capitalink performed certain
financial,  comparative  and other  analyses as  summarized  below.  Each of the
analyses  conducted  by  Capitalink  was  carried  out to  provide  a  different
perspective  on the  Transaction,  and to enhance  the total mix of  information
available.  Capitalink  did not form a conclusion  as to whether any  individual
analysis, considered in isolation,  supported or failed to support an opinion as
to the  fairness,  from a financial  point of view,  of the  Transaction  to the
Company's  nonaffiliated  shareholders.  Further,  the  summary of  Capitalink's
analyses  described  below  is  not  a  complete  description  of  the  analyses
underlying  Capitalink's  opinion.  The  preparation of a fairness  opinion is a
complex process involving various  determinations as to the most appropriate and
relevant  methods of financial  analysis and the application of those methods to
the particular  circumstances and, therefore,  a fairness opinion is not readily
susceptible  to partial  analysis  or summary  description.  In  arriving at its
opinion,  Capitalink  made  qualitative  judgments  as to the  relevance of each
analysis and factor that it considered.  In addition,  Capitalink may have given
various  analyses more or less weight than other  analyses,  and may have deemed
various  assumptions more or less probable than other  assumptions,  so that the
range of valuations  resulting  from any  particular  analysis  described  above
should  not be  taken to be  Capitalink's  view of the  value  of the  Company's
assets.  The  estimates  contained  in  Capitalink's  analyses and the ranges of
valuations resulting from any particular analysis are not necessarily indicative
of actual values or actual future results,  which may be  significantly  more or
less favorable than suggested by such analyses.  In addition,  analyses relating
to the value of businesses or assets  neither  purports to be appraisals  nor do
they  necessarily  reflect the prices at which businesses or assets may actually
be sold. Accordingly, Capitalink's analyses and estimates are inherently subject
to  substantial  uncertainty.  Capitalink  believes  that its  analyses  must be
considered as a whole and that selecting portions of its analyses or the factors
it considered, without considering all analyses and factors collectively,  could
create an incomplete and misleading view of the process  underlying the analyses
performed by Capitalink in connection with the preparation of its opinion.


         The analyses  performed  were prepared  solely as part of  Capitalink's
analysis of the fairness,  from a financial point of view, of the Transaction to
the  Company's  nonaffiliated  shareholders,  and were  provided  to the Special
Committee in connection with the delivery of Capitalink's  opinion.  The opinion
of Capitalink was just one of the many factors taken into account by the Special
Committee  in making its  determination  to approve the  Transaction,  including
those described elsewhere in this Statement.

         The  financial  review and analyses  include  information  presented in
tabular format. To fully understand  Capitalink's financial review and analyses,
the tables must be read together with the text  presented.  The tables alone are
not a complete  description of the financial review and analyses and considering
the tables alone could create a misleading  or incomplete  view of  Capitalink's
financial review and analyses.


         Based upon a review of the historical and projected  financial data and
certain  other  qualitative  data for the OraLabs and NVC,  Capitalink  utilized
several  valuation  methodologies and analyses to determine ranges of values for
both companies.  Capitalink  utilized the comparable  company and the comparable
transaction  analyses (all of which are discussed in more detail  hereafter) for
the valuation of OraLabs and the comparable  company  analysis for the valuation
of NVC.

         Based on the  analysis,  Capitalink  determined  an indicated  value of
between   approximately   $6.4   million  and  $7.6   million  for  OraLabs  and
approximately $65.0 million and $72.0 million for NVC.

         Capitalink noted that the ownership of the  nonaffiliated  shareholders
pre-Transaction is 20.3% and post-Transaction will be 4.2%.

         The nonaffiliated  shareholders' aggregate  pre-Transaction interest in
OraLabs amounts to between approximately $1.3 million and $1.5 million, based on
an ownership of approximately 20.3%. The nonaffiliated  shareholders'  aggregate
pre-announcement  market  value is estimated  to be  approximately  $1.5 million
based  on a  24-month  average  share  price  prior to the  announcement  of the
Transaction. The nonaffiliated shareholders' aggregate post-Transaction interest
in NVC is valued at between  approximately $2.7 million and $3.0 million,  based
on an ownership of approximately 4.2%.


         Capitalink  undertook a review of the  Company's  historical  financial
data  in  order  to  understand   and  interpret  its  operating  and  financial
performance and strength. Capitalink reviewed OraLabs' historical financial data
for the five years ended  December 31, 2004 and the three months ended March 31,
2005 and noted the following:

     o    OraLabs derives approximately 70%-80% of its revenue from its lip balm
          business  and  believes  that it  will  continue  to be the  Company's
          primary business.

     o    Revenue was  relatively  stable  over the review  period with a low of
          approximately  $12.9 million in the latest twelve month ("LTM") period
          ended March 31, 2005 to a high of $15.4  million in fiscal year ("FY")
          2001.  Over the  review  period,  the  Company  experienced  declining
          revenue with a compound annual growth rate of (1.7%).


     o    The Company's gross profit margin gradually  decreased over the review
          period from  approximately  41.3% in FY2000 to approximately  29.1% in
          FY2004. Gross margin increased somewhat to approximately 29.7% for the
          LTM  period  ended  March  31,  2005  as a  result  of  the  Company's
          investment  in a highly  automated  facility  in  FY2004  that  made a
          positive  impact  on  labor  costs.  OraLabs  expects  continued  cost
          improvements  in operations  resulting in  incremental  improvement in
          gross margins.

     o    Earnings  before  interest,   taxes,   depreciation  and  amortization
          ("EBITDA")  decreased from approximately $2.4 million to approximately
          $(0.2)  million for the LTM period  ended  March 31,  2005  reflecting
          decreasing economies of scale resulting from decreasing sales over the
          review period.


         Capitalink  undertook a review of NVC's  historical  financial  data in
order to understand  and interpret its operating and financial  performance  and
strength.  Capitalink  reviewed  NVC's  historical  financial data for the three
fiscal  years ended  December 31, 2004 and the three months ended March 31, 2005
and noted the following:

     o    Financial  results  prior to FY2002 were not  available.  Furthermore,
          financial  results for FY2002 and FY2003 are  pro-forma for a combined
          NVC Lighting and NVC  Industrial as NVC did not legally exist prior to
          its restructuring and reorganization in FY2004.

     o    The  majority of NVC's  revenues and expenses are incurred in the PRC,
          hence it is exposed to the fluctuations of the Chinese  currency,  the
          Renminbi. Capitalink noted that the exchange rate remained stable over
          the review period at approximately  8.28  Renminbi/USD,  hence the USD
          figures in NVC's audited  financial  statements are  representative of
          its historical  Renminbi  performance.  There is no assurance however,
          that  the  Renminbi  will  be  stable  in  the  future,  exposing  any
          non-Chinese investor to currency risks. The Renminbi has been recently
          devalued and stood at a rate of  approximately  $8.10  Renminbi/USD on
          August 9, 2005.

     o    Revenue   increased   significantly   over  the  review   period  from
          approximately  $18.1 million in FY2002 to approximately  $61.1 million
          for the LTM  period  ending  March 31,  2005,  representing  an annual
          compound  growth rate of  approximately  71.7%.  Gross  margin  stayed
          relatively stable during the review period at approximately 31%.

     o    NVC's earnings  before  interest and taxes ("EBIT")  margin  increased
          slightly from approximately 10.7% in FY2002 to approximately 11.8% for
          the LTM period  ended March 31, 2005  resulting  in a compound  annual
          growth rate of approximately 79.2%.

     o    NVC's net income has  increased  from  approximately  $1.3  million in
          FY2002 to  approximately  $7.4 million for the LTM period ending March
          31, 2005  representing  an  increase in net margin from  approximately
          7.0%  to   approximately   12.2%,   or  an  annual  compound  rate  of
          approximately 119.3%.  Capitalink noted that the income tax rate for a
          joint  venture  in  China  is  currently   27%,   however  NVC  enjoys
          preferential  tax rate of half of the  official  income  tax rate from
          2004 through 2006.

     o    As of  March  31,  2005,  NVC had no debt and had  approximately  $2.4
          million in cash and equivalents. NVC is committed to pay approximately
          $5.7 million by the end of FY2005 for the  construction of new factory
          premises in Huizhou.


     o    A potential  cause for concern is NVC's  negative  working  capital of
          ($5.7  million) as of March 31, 2005,  decreasing  from  approximately
          $2.4  million as of December  31,  2002.  The  primary  drivers of the
          decreasing working capital during the review period were as follows:

     o    An  increase  in  accounts  payable  with a  simultaneous  decrease in
          accounts receivable;

     o    NVC invested  approximately  $6.4 million in its new factory  premises
          and purchases of fixed assets;

     o    The above mentioned  distribution  agreements cost NVC in excess of $4
          million during the past three years; and

     o    Distributions  to NVC's  owners  totaled  approximately  $4 million in
          FY2003 and approximately $5.5 million in FY2004.


         NVC  operates,  manufactures  and sells the majority  (over 90%) of its
products in the PRC.  Despite the  considerable  growth potential of the country
and its low cost base,  PRC remains a risky  environment.  Capitalink  noted the
following significant risk factors:

     o    Foreign exchange regulations;

     o    Political and legal risk;

     o    Lack of accounting transparency;

     o    Limitations and restrictions on dividend repatriation;

     o    Geographic concentration.


         Capitalink  reviewed the daily closing  market price and trading volume
of the  Company's  common stock since the  announcement  of the  Transaction  on
December 28, 2004, over the twenty-four  month period prior to the announcement,
and over the twelve-month period prior to the announcement. Capitalink noted the

     o    The Company's stock had limited liquidity prior to the announcement of
          the   Transaction   with  the  median   number  of  shares  traded  at
          approximately   400  and  1,320   over  the   twenty-four   month  and
          twelve-month period, respectively.  Since the announcement, the median
          number of shares traded was 7,645.

     o    Over the twelve months prior to the  announcement of the  Transaction,
          the Company's average share price was  approximately  $1.77 and ranged
          from a high of $3.74 to a low of $1.03.

     o    The  Company's  common  stock  outperformed  the general  market index
          (Russell 3000) and underperformed the comparable  companies index over
          the twelve-month period prior to the announcement.



         A selected comparable company analysis reviews the trading multiples of
publicly  traded  companies  that are  similar to the  Company  with  respect to
business and revenue model,  operating sector, product and service offerings and
target customer base.

         Capitalink  located five  companies  that it deemed  comparable  to the
Company  with  respect  to  their  industry  sector  and  operating  model  (the
"Comparable  Companies").  All  of  the  Comparable  Companies  manufacture  and
distribute  personal care products,  with the exception of Natural Health Trends
Corp ("BHIP") that  outsources  its  manufacturing  to third  parties.  They are
classified  under SIC codes 5122  (Drugs,  Proprietaries,  and  Sundries),  2844
(Toilet  Preparations)  and  2833  (Medicinals  and  Botanicals).   All  of  the
Comparable  Companies are  substantially  larger than OraLabs,  with LTM revenue
ranging  from  approximately  $62.9  million to  approximately  $346.3  million,
compared with approximately $12.9 million for OraLabs. As of August 5, 2005, the
enterprise value for the Comparable  Companies ranged from  approximately  $38.1
million to  approximately  $284.1  million,  compared with  approximately  $11.4
million for OraLabs.

         Capitalink  noted  that  all  of  the  Comparable  Companies  are  more
profitable than OraLabs,  with LTM EBITDA margin ranging from approximately 2.1%
to approximately 17.5%, compared with approximately (1.7)% for OraLabs.

         All of the Comparable  Companies have exhibited  greater revenue growth
than OraLabs,  with last fiscal year revenue growth  ranging from  approximately
9.1% to approximately 112.9%, compared with approximately (6.7)% for OraLabs.

         Capitalink generated the following multiples worth noting:

     o    The enterprise value to LTM revenue multiple ranged from 0.47 times to
          1.10 times, with a mean of 0.76 times.

     o    The enterprise value to FY2005 revenue multiple ranged from 0.81 times
          to 1.10 times, with a mean of 0.93 times.

         Capitalink  selected an  appropriate  multiple range for the Company by
examining the range provided by the Comparable Companies and taking into account
certain  company-specific  factors.  Capitalink expects the Company's  valuation
multiples to be below the average of the  Comparable  Companies due to its lower
EBITDA margins, negative revenue growth and smaller size.

         Based on the above  factors,  Capitalink  applied a  selected  multiple
range and applied it to the  Company's LTM and 2005 revenue to determine a range
of indicated enterprise values.  Capitalink then added net cash of approximately
$1.2  million to derive a range of equity  values to obtain an equity value on a
marketable   minority   basis  of  between   approximately   $6.2   million  and
approximately $7.6 million.

         An  analysis   of  publicly   traded   comparable   companies   is  not
mathematical;  rather it involves complex consideration and judgments concerning
differences  in  financial  and  operating  characteristics  of  the  Comparable
Companies  and other  factors  that  could  affect  the  public  trading  of the
Comparable Companies.



         A  comparable  transaction  analysis  is based on a review  of  merger,
acquisition and asset purchase transactions  involving target companies that are
in related  industries  to the  Company.  The  comparable  transaction  analysis
generally provides the widest range of value due to the varying importance of an
acquisition  to a buyer  (i.e.,  a  strategic  buyer  willing to pay more than a
financial  buyer) in addition to the potential  differences  in the  transaction
process (i.e., competitiveness among potential buyers).

         Capitalink  located  five  transactions  announced  since  January 2003
involving  target  companies in related  industries to OraLabs (the  "Comparable
Transactions")  and for which  detailed  financial  information  was  available.
Target  companies were all involved in personal care product  manufacturing  and

         Based on the information  disclosed with respect to the targets in each
of  the  Comparable  Transactions,  Capitalink  calculated  and  compared  total
enterprise value as a multiple of LTM revenue and LTM EBITDA.

         A review of the analysis  indicates  mean and median  enterprise  value
multiples  to LTM revenue of 1.26 times and 1.23 times,  respectively,  and mean
and median  enterprise value multiples to LTM EBITDA of 8.2 times and 8.3 times,

         Capitalink  expects  the Company to be valued  substantially  below the
mean of the Comparable  Transactions  multiples due to its  significantly  lower
profitability and smaller size.

         Based on the above  factors,  Capitalink  applied a  selected  multiple
range and  applied  it to the  Company's  LTM  revenue to  determine  a range of
indicated  enterprise  values.  Capitalink then added net cash of  approximately
$1.2  million  to obtain  an  equity  value  range on a  marketable  controlling
interest  basis of between  approximately  $8.3 million and  approximately  $9.6

         Capitalink  applied a  minority  discount  of 22% in order to obtain an
equity  value range for the Company on a  marketable  minority  basis of between
approximately $6.5 million and approximately $7.5 million. The selected minority
discount is based on a premiums paid  analysis  involving  transactions  where a
controlling interest was acquired in a public company by a minority shareholder.

         None  of the  target  companies  in the  Comparable  Transactions  have
characteristics identical to the Company. Accordingly, an analysis of comparable
business   combinations  is  not   mathematical;   rather  it  involves  complex
considerations and judgments  concerning  differences in financial and operating
characteristics of the target companies in the Comparable Transactions and other
factors that could affect the respective acquisition values.


         A selected comparable company analysis reviews the trading multiples of
publicly  traded  companies that are similar to NVC with respect to business and
revenue  model,  operating  sector,  product  and service  offerings  and target
customer base.

         Capitalink used two tiers of comparable companies for valuing NVC:

     o    Companies that design, manufacture and/or distribute lighting products
          regardless of their  geographical  location or on which exchange their
          common stock is trading  ("Tier 1 Comparable  Companies"  or "Lighting
          Companies"); and


     o    Manufacturing  companies that are located and doing business in China,
          their common stock is traded on a U.S.  exchange and they have similar
          revenue  and  margins to NVC  ("Tier 2  Comparable  Companies"  or "US
          Traded China Based Companies").

         Capitalink  located  seven Tier 1 Comparable  Companies and four Tier 2
Comparable  Companies and noted that two of the Tier 2 Comparable Companies were
publicly held shell  companies that acquired the business  operations of another
company recently.

         As of August 5, 2005,  almost  all of the Tier 1 and Tier 2  Comparable
Companies are larger than NVC, with LTM revenue ranging from approximately $18.6
million to approximately $277.1 million for the Tier 1 Comparable Companies, and
from approximately $52.2 million to approximately  $249.2 million for the Tier 2
Comparable Companies, compared with approximately $61.1 million for NVC.

         Capitalink  noted that NVC is  somewhat  less  profitable  on an EBITDA
level than the mean of the Tier 1 Comparable  Companies and more profitable than
the mean of the Tier 2 Comparable Companies, with LTM EBITDA margin ranging from
approximately 8.0% to approximately  32.9% for the Tier 1 Comparable  Companies,
and from  approximately  6.2% to  approximately  13.6% for the Tier 2 Comparable
Companies, compared with approximately 13.1% for NVC.

         NVC  exhibited  greater  revenue  growth  than  both  Tier 1 and Tier 2
Comparable  Companies,  with  last  fiscal  year  revenue  growth  ranging  from
approximately 6.4% to approximately  20.6% for the Tier 1 Comparable  Companies,
and from  approximately  9.5% to  approximately  74.9% for the Tier 2 Comparable
Companies,  compared with approximately 80.8% for NVC. Capitalink noted that the
growth rates of the Tier 2 Comparable  Companies are generally higher than those
of the Tier 1 Comparable Companies, reflecting the growth of the PRC's economy.

         Capitalink generated the following multiples worth noting:

     o    The enterprise value to LTM revenue multiple ranged from 0.37 times to
          1.73  times,  with a mean of 1.05  times  for  the  Tier 1  Comparable
          Companies,  and from  0.69  times to 1.87  times,  with a mean of 1.27
          times for the Tier 2 Comparable Companies.

     o    The enterprise  value to LTM EBITDA  multiple ranged from 3.2 times to
          11.5  times,  with a mean  of 7.0  times  for  the  Tier 1  Comparable
          Companies,  and from  11.2  times to 17.7  times,  with a mean of 13.5
          times for the Tier 2 Comparable Companies.

     o    Capitalink  noted  that  the  multiples  for  the  Tier  2  Comparable
          Companies  were  generally  higher than those of the Tier 1 Comparable
          Companies, reflecting the growth of the PRC's economy.

         Capitalink selected an appropriate  multiple range for NVC by examining
the range provided by the Comparable  Companies and taking into account  certain
company and  geographic-specific  factors.  Capitalink  expects NVC's  valuation
multiples to be above the mean of the Tier 1 Comparable  Companies and below the
mean of the Tier 2 Comparable Companies based on the following factors:

     o    From  an  operational  perspective,  NVC  is  similar  to  the  Tier 1
          Comparable  Companies and  therefore  they served as the basis for the

     o    Tier  2  Comparable   Companies  are  different  from  an  operational
          perspective, however they are useful in understanding the valuation of
          Chinese companies in light of their growth characteristics;

     o    NVC has  similar  profitability  to both Tier 1 and Tier 2  Comparable

     o    NVC is smaller than most Tier 1 and Tier 2 Comparable Companies;


     o    NVC  has  exhibited  substantially  greater  growth  than  the  Tier 1
          Comparable  Companies  and  somewhat  greater  growth  than the Tier 2
          Comparable Companies;

     o    NVC has the  lowest  leverage  of both  Tier 1 and  Tier 2  Comparable
          Companies,  however, except for General Steel Holdings, it is the only
          company with a negative working capital in the comparable universe.

         Based on the above  factors,  Capitalink  applied a  selected  multiple
range and applied it to NVC's LTM revenue and LTM EBITDA to determine a range of
indicated  enterprise  values.  Capitalink then added net cash of  approximately
$2.2 million to obtain an equity value on a marketable minority basis of between
approximately $65.0 million and approximately $72.0 million.

         An  analysis   of  publicly   traded   comparable   companies   is  not
mathematical;  rather it involves complex consideration and judgments concerning
differences  in  financial  and  operating  characteristics  of  the  Comparable
Companies  and other  factors  that  could  affect  the  public  trading  of the
Comparable Companies.

         Based on the  information  and  analyses  set forth  above,  Capitalink
delivered  its written  opinion to Special  Committee,  which stated that, as of
August  10,  2005,  based  upon and  subject to the  assumptions  made,  matters
considered,  and  limitations  on its  review  as set forth in the  opinion  the
Transaction  is  fair,  from  a  financial  point  of  view,  to  the  Company's
nonaffiliated  shareholders.  Capitalink is an investment  banking firm that, as
part of its investment banking business,  regularly is engaged in the evaluation
of businesses  and their  securities in connection  with mergers,  acquisitions,
corporate  restructurings,  private  placements,  and for  other  purposes.  The
Company  determined to use the services of Capitalink because it is a recognized
investment  banking firm that has  substantial  experience  in similar  matters.
Capitalink has received a fee in connection with the preparation and issuance of
its opinion.  In addition,  the Company has agreed to indemnify  Capitalink  for
certain  liabilities  that  may  arise  out of  the  rendering  of the  opinion.
Capitalink  does not  beneficially  own any  interest in the Company and has not
provided any other services.

Interests of Certain Persons in the Proposed Transactions

         In  considering  the  recommendation  of the Special  Committee and the
Board of  Directors  with respect to the  proposed  transactions,  you should be
aware that all  members  of the Board  have  interests  that  present  actual or
potential conflicts of interest in connection with the transactions. The Special
Committee  and the Board were aware of these  potential  or actual  conflicts of
interest  and  considered  them with  other  matters  described  under  "Special
Factors-Recommendation  of the Special  Committee and Board of Directors".  Upon
Closing,  Mr. Schlatter will own all of the outstanding stock of OraLabs,  Inc.,
the operating  subsidiary of the public company,  and therefore will participate
in all of its future earnings and any increase in value.  Upon Closing,  none of
the current  directors  of OraLabs  will be an officer or director of the public
company,  but the directors  other than Mr.  Schlatter will each receive 100,000
shares of common  stock of  OraLabs at the time of the  Closing of the  proposed
transactions.  An affiliate of Mr. Schlatter,  The Schlatter Family Partnership,
owns  100,000  shares of OraLabs  common  stock,  which will not be  redeemed by
OraLabs as part of the Closing.

NASDAQ Listing

         OraLabs  common  stock is  currently  listed for  trading on the NASDAQ
SmallCap  Market.  Continued  listing on the SmallCap  Market  after  Closing is
conditional  upon  OraLabs  obtaining  approval  from the NASD to such  listing.
Because  the current  business of OraLabs  will no longer be operated by OraLabs
after Closing, and the business of NVC will then be the only business of OraLabs
continued  listing is conditional  upon OraLabs  compliance with NASD rules that
for all practical  purposes are  applicable to making a new  application  to the
NASD for NASDAQ listing. One of those requirements is that the minimum bid price
of the common stock must not be less than $4.00 per share.


         If the common stock of the Company is delisted from the NASDAQ SmallCap
Market,  the  Company  would  remain a public  company but trading of the common
stock would be displayed  instead on the OTC  Bulletin  Board until such time as
OraLabs complies with the listing qualifications for the NASDAQ SmallCap Market.
Stocks  displayed  on  the  OTC  Bulletin  Board  have  less  visibility  in the
investment  community than stocks that are listed on the NASDAQ SmallCap Market.
Because the volume of  OraLabs'  stock  traded  each day on the NASDAQ  SmallCap
Market  has  historically  been  very  low,  OraLabs  cannot  predict  whether a
delisting of the common stock from NASDAQ and display of trading of the stock on
the OTC Bulletin Board would  materially  cause the stock price to be reduced or
liquidity  for the  stock to be more  significantly  impaired.  NVC has  advised
OraLabs  that it is  committed  to seeking  the  listing on the NASDAQ  SmallCap
Market as soon as it can, should delisting occur. Under the Exchange  Agreement,
NVC has the  right  to  seek  to  renegotiate  prior  to  Closing  the  relative
percentages  of ownership of OraLabs  common stock between the NVC  Shareholders
and the then public shareholders if delisting from the NASDAQ SmallCap Market is
attributable  to conduct of OraLabs.  However,  OraLabs and NVC have agreed that
the decline of OraLabs' stock price is not conduct  considered  attributable  to
OraLabs for that purpose.

                           MARKET FOR THE COMMON STOCK

         The common  stock of the Company  trades on the NASDAQ Small Cap Market
under the symbol OLAB.  The  following  sets forth the range of high and low bid
information  for the Company's  common stock for fiscal years 2003 and 2004, and
for the first two quarters of fiscal year 2005.  The source of such  information
is as reported by NASDAQ. All of the following prices and numbers of shares have
been adjusted to give effect to the  one-for-two  reverse stock split adopted by
the Company on December 16, 2003.

                                      Reported High Bid    Reported Low Bid
                                      -----------------    ----------------
First quarter, fiscal 2003                  $1.76               $1.16
Second quarter, fiscal 2003                 $1.56               $1.04
Third quarter, fiscal 2003                  $1.98               $1.06
Fourth quarter, fiscal 2003                 $1.96               $1.50
First quarter, fiscal 2004                  $2.80               $1.50
Second quarter, fiscal 2004                 $2.28               $1.47
Third quarter, fiscal 2004                  $2.03               $1.36
Fourth quarter, fiscal 2004                 $5.20               $1.03
First quarter, fiscal 2005                  $3.64               $1.96
Second quarter, fiscal 2005                 $2.87               $1.25

The  quotations  reflect  inter-dealer  prices,  without  adjustment  for retail
mark-up,   markdown  or  commission  and  may  not  necessarily  present  actual

As of July 29, 2005, there were  approximately  874 record holders of the common
stock of the Company.  The Company has not paid any cash dividends and it is not
intended that any cash dividends will be paid in the foreseeable future.



The following table sets forth, as of July 29, 2005,  information  regarding the
beneficial ownership of Common Stock (i) by each Director,(ii) by each Executive
Officer listed in the Summary  Compensation  table below, (iii) by all Directors
and  current  Executive  Officers as a group  (five  persons),  and (iv) by each
person  or group  known by the  Company  to own  beneficially  in excess of five
percent (5%) of the Common Stock:

      Name and Address                     Amount and Nature of
   of Beneficial Owner(6)                  Beneficial Ownership           
   ----------------------                  --------------------                          Percent of Class 
  Gary H. Schlatter                         3,729,350 shares (1)                                         
  18685 East Plaza Drive                                                                     79.47%      
  Parker, Colorado 80134                                                                                 
  Allen R. Goldstone                            6,250 shares (2)                                         
  5353 Manhattan Circle                                                                            *     
  Suite 101                                                                                              
  Boulder, Colorado 80303                                                                                
  Michael I. Friess                             6,250 shares (3)                                         
  5353 Manhattan Circle                                                                            *     
  Suite 101                                                                                              
  Boulder, Colorado 80303                                                                                
  Robert C. Gust                               17,250 shares (4)                                         
  7N551 Cloverfield Circle                                                                         *     
  St. Charles, IL 60175                                                                                  
  Emile Jordan                                                                                           
  18685 East Plaza Drive                                                                                 
  Parker, CO 80134                             38,125 shares (5)                                         
  All directors and executive                3,797,225 shares (1), (2), (3), (4),(5)         79.94%
    officers as a group (five persons)

*        Less than one percent

(1) Includes 100,000 shares held by The Schlatter Family  Partnership,  of which
Gary H.  Schlatter  and his spouse are the  general  partners.  Mr.  Schlatter's
spouse may be deemed the beneficial owner of some or all of the shares. Does not
include 30,500 shares that Mr.  Schlatter's  spouse, an employee of the Company,
has the right to acquire on April 4, 2005, or within sixty (60) days thereafter,
pursuant to outstanding options.

(2) Includes  6,250 shares that he has the right to acquire on July 29, 2005, or
within sixty (60) days thereafter, pursuant to outstanding options.

(3)  Includes  6,250 shares that he has the right to acquire on July 29, 2005 or
within sixty (60) days thereafter, pursuant to outstanding options.

(4)  Includes  6,250 shares that he has the right to acquire on July 29, 2005 or
within sixty (60) days thereafter, pursuant to outstanding options.

(5) Includes  38,125 shares that he has the right to acquire on July 29, 2005 or
within sixty (60) days thereafter, pursuant to outstanding options.


(6) Unless otherwise noted, the stockholders  identified in this table have sole
voting and  investment  power.  The sole  person  known to the Company to be the
beneficial  owner of more than  five  percent  (5%) of the class of  outstanding
stock is Gary H. Schlatter,  whose address is c/o OraLabs  Holding Corp.,  18685
East Plaza Drive, Parker, Colorado 80134.

Change in Control

         Upon  closing  of  the   transactions   contemplated  by  the  Exchange
Agreement, there will be a change in control of the Company. Gary Schlatter will
no longer have any interest in the Company except for the interests described in
Note 1 to the above  table.  Instead,  the  Company  will be  controlled  by the
principals of NVC as described in more detail in the following table.

         The following table sets forth certain  information  regarding  OraLabs
common stock beneficially owned after giving effect to the closing, for (i) each
stockholder  known  to  be  the  beneficial  owner  of  5% or  more  of  OraLabs
outstanding  common stock, (ii) each executive  officer and director,  and (iii)
all executive  officers and directors as a group.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,
each person in the table has sole voting and  investment  power with  respect to
the shares  shown.  The table  assumes a total of  22,727,750  shares of OraLabs
common stock outstanding after the closing:

             NAME AND ADDRESS                                           AMOUNT AND NATURE OF 
------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------
Wu Chang Jiang
128 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
The People's Republic of China              Common Stock                     6,666,807                29.3

Hu Yong Hong
128 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
The People's Republic of China              Common Stock                     6,666,807                29.3

Du Gang
128 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
The People's Republic of China              Common Stock                     6,666,807                29.3

Li Zhao Rong
128 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
The People's Republic of China              Common Stock                         0                      0

Tracy Wan Hung (1)
128 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
The People's Republic of China              Common Stock                       654,559                  0.3

All Directors and Officers as a group       Common Stock                    20,654,980                 90.9
 (6 persons)   

(1)  Ms.  Hung will hold the  shares of common  stock of  OraLabs in the name of
     Belmonth  Capital Group Limited,  a financial  consulting firm owned by Ms.



         Gary H. Schlatter,  through an affiliated  entity,  is the owner of the
property  leased  by  OraLabs  (the  Company's  subsidiary)  that  serves as the
Company's headquarters, manufacturing facility and warehouse facility. The lease
expires on September 30, 2006.  Prior to the Company's  relocation in 2004,  Mr.
Schlatter  individually  and an affiliated  entity  respectively  leased the two
facilities from which the Company conducted its business. Total rent paid by the
Company  for rent of those  facilities  in 2004 was  $83,690.  Rent  paid to Mr.
Schlatter's  affiliated  entity in 2004 after the relocation  was $446,088.  The
Company  believes that its rental rate is comparable to that which would be paid
to unaffiliated parties, and the Company believes that if the leases were not to
be renewed,  the Company  could obtain  alternative  space.  Upon closing of the
Exchange  Agreement,  Gary H.  Schlatter will acquire sole ownership of OraLabs,
Inc. the operating  subsidiary of the public company,  in consideration  for the
redemption  by the Company of the  3,629,350  shares of the Company owned by Mr.
Schlatter  in his  individual  capacity.  In  addition,  each of the other three
directors,  all of whom are non-employee directors,  will receive 100,000 shares
of the  Company's  common  stock  under the 2005  Director  Stock Plan for which
approval by the shareholders is requested at the annual meeting.


         NVC was incorporated in the Hong Kong Special  Administrative Region in
the PRC as a private limited liability company on June 11, 2004. Pursuant to the
reorganization  and  restructuring  of NVC, NVC Lighting  Company  Limited ("NVC
Lighting")  ceased  operations on April 30, 2003 and, on the same date,  certain
net  assets  were  distributed  totaling  $1,767,655  to the  registered  equity
holders,  including  Messrs.  Wu Chang-Jiang,  Hu Yong-Hong and Du Gang, who are
directors of NVC. On May 1, 2003,  the business  operations of NVC Lighting were
transferred to NVC Industrial Development Company Limited ("NVC Industrial"). On
June 13, 2004,  NVC acquired 97% of the  outstanding  registered  capital of NVC
Industrial and 100% of the registered  capital of NVC Lighting.  On November 17,
2004 NVC Lighting was officially wound up.

As of  December  31,  2004,  and as of March  31,  2005,  NVC had the  following
balances due to its directors:

                NAME                      AT DECEMBER 31, 2004        AT MARCH 31, 2005          SECURITY HELD
                ----                      --------------------        -----------------          -------------
Wu Chang-Jiang                                 $ 190,228                   195,327                    none
Hu Yong-Hong                                   $ 190,228                   145,564                    none
Du Gang                                        $ 190,228                   130,199                    none

The amounts due to the directors  arose from their advances of funds to NVC that
were  applied  toward the payments due to the  independent  distributors  of the
products  of NVC.  The  amounts  due to the  directors  from NVC are  unsecured,
interest free and have no fixed repayment terms.


         Section 16(a) of the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  requires our
directors,  executive  officers and holders of more than 10% of our common stock
to file with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  reports  regarding  their
ownership and changes in ownership of our securities.  The Company believes that
during  fiscal  year 2004,  its  directors,  executive  officers  and 10% owners
complied  with  all  Section  16(a)  filing   requirements  with  the  following
exceptions:  directors Friess,  Goldstone and Gust each filed a late report with
respect to options awarded to each of them in June 2004 under the Company's 1997
Non-employee Directors Option Plan.


         Our Board of  Directors  amended  its Code of Ethics  that was filed as
Exhibit 14.1 to the Company's  Form 10-KSB/A for calendar year 2004. The amended
Code of Ethics was filed as an exhibit attached to Form 8-K filed by the Company
on August ___, 2005.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

         The  Company  hereby  incorporates  by  reference,  Item  10  (entitled
"Executive  Compensation")  of the Company's Form 10-KSB/A filed for fiscal year
2004, a copy of which is included with this Proxy Statement.

         For a discussion of certain compensation matters relating to directors,
executive   officers  and  certain   shareholders   of  NVC,   please  see  "NVC
Business-Executive Compensation".


The  following  discussion  is a summary  of the  material  federal  income  tax
consequences expected to result to shareholders who exercise dissenters' rights.
Except  for those  shareholders  there  will be no tax  consequences  to OraLabs
shareholders from completion of the proposed transactions. This summary does not
purport to be a complete  analysis of all  potential tax effects of the proposed
transactions.  For  example,  the summary  does not  consider  the effect of any
applicable state,  local or foreign tax laws. In addition,  the summary does not
address  all  aspects  of federal  income  taxation  that may affect  particular
shareholders in light of their particular  circumstances and is not intended for
shareholders (including insurance companies, tax-exempt organizations, financial
institutions or broker-dealers, shareholders who hold their common stock as part
of a hedge, straddle or conversion transaction,  shareholders who acquired their
common stock  pursuant to the exercise of an employee  stock option or otherwise
as  compensation,  and  shareholders  who are not  citizens or  residents of the
United States or that are foreign corporations,  foreign partnerships or foreign
estates  or trusts as to the  United  States)  that may be  subject  to  special
federal income tax rules not discussed  below.  The following  summary also does
not address tax consequences to OraLabs Holding Corp., OraLabs, Inc., NVC or the
NVC Shareholders.

         This summary is based on the current provisions of the Code, applicable
Treasury  Regulations,   judicial  authority  and  administrative   rulings  and
practice.  No ruling from the IRS has been or will be sought nor will an opinion
of counsel be obtained with respect to any aspect of the transactions  described
herein.  Accordingly,  there can be no assurance that the IRS will not challenge
the tax  consequences  expressed  in this  discussion  or that a court would not
sustain this type of challenge.  Future legislative,  judicial or administrative
changes or interpretations  could alter or modify the statements and conclusions
set forth herein, and any such changes or  interpretations  could be retroactive
and  could  affect  the  tax  consequences  of  the  proposed   transactions  to
shareholders.  We cannot  predict at this time whether any current  proposed tax
legislation  will be  enacted  or,  if  enacted,  whether  any  tax law  changes
contained therein would affect the tax consequences of the proposed transactions
to shareholders.  It is therefore possible that the federal income tax treatment
may differ from that described below.

         State and local tax laws may also  impose  income or other  taxes  upon
shareholders who exercise  dissenters'  rights.  State and local income tax laws
vary from state to state and this discussion does not address state or local tax

Redemption Treatment for Dissenters

         For  federal  income  tax  purposes,  OraLabs  will be deemed to be the
source of cash consideration for payments in satisfaction of dissenters' rights.
Therefore,  to the extent that cash received by a  stockholder  is from OraLabs,
the receipt of cash in satisfaction  of dissenters'  rights will be treated as a
redemption of common stock taxable for federal income tax purposes as determined
under section 302 of the Code.  Section  302(d) of the Code provides that if the
receipt of  redemption  payments has the effect of a  distribution  of property,
then cash distributed will be treated as a dividend taxable under section 301 of
the Code as  ordinary  income to a  stockholder  receiving  such cash  payments,
generally to the extent of the stockholder's share of undistributed  accumulated
earnings  and profits of the company.  The  remainder,  if any,  will be treated
first as a recovery  of basis in a  stockholder's  common  stock,  and second as
capital gain arising from the sale or exchange of property. The determination of
whether or not the receipt of cash payments has the effect of a distribution  of
a dividend will depend on each  stockholder's  particular  circumstances  and is
made by applying the dividend equivalency tests of section 302 of the Code.


         Under section 302 of the Code, a  stockholder  receiving a cash payment
as a  redemption  will not be treated as having  received a dividend  equivalent
distribution if the  transaction:  it results in a "complete  redemption" of the
stockholder's  equity  interest in the company;  it results in a  "substantially
disproportionate"  redemption  with  respect to the  stockholder;  or it is "not
essentially  equivalent to a dividend" with respect to the stockholder.  Each of
these section 302 tests is explained more fully below.

Constructive Ownership of Stock and Other Issues

         In applying each of the section 302 tests,  shareholders must take into
account not only shares that they  actually own but also shares they are treated
as owning  under the  constructive  ownership  rules of section 318 of the Code.
Pursuant to the constructive ownership rules, a stockholder is treated as owning
any shares that are owned, actually and in some cases constructively, by certain
related  individuals and entities as well as shares that the stockholder has the
right to acquire by  exercise  of an option or by  conversion  or  exchange of a
security.  Due to the factual nature of the section 302 tests  described  below,
shareholders  should  consult  their  tax  advisors  to  determine  whether  the
conversion of their shares and receipt of a payment  pursuant to the exercise of
dissenters'  rights  will be  deemed  dividend  equivalent  in their  particular

Section 302 Tests

         One of  the  following  tests  must  be  satisfied  in  order  for  the
distribution  not to be treated as the  equivalent  of a  dividend  for  federal
income tax purposes.

         Complete  Termination Test. The distribution will result in a "complete
redemption" of the  stockholder's  equity interest in the company only if all of
the common stock that is actually  owned by the  stockholder is sold pursuant to
the proposed  transactions and the shares that are  constructively  owned by the
stockholder  are sold or,  with  respect  to  shares  owned by  certain  related
individuals,  the  stockholder  effectively  waives,  in accordance with section
302(c) of the Code, attribution of shares which otherwise would be considered as
constructively  owned  by the  stockholder.  Certain  restrictions  apply to the
waiver of attribution of shares.  Shareholders  wishing to satisfy the "complete
redemption"  test  through  waiver of the  constructive  ownership  rules should
consult their tax advisors.

         Substantially  Disproportionate Test. The distribution will result in a
"substantially  disproportionate" redemption with respect to the stockholder if,
among other things, the stockholder owns actually and  constructively  less than
50% of the  total  combined  voting  power of all  classes  of stock  after  the
redemption,  and the  percentage  of the then  outstanding  voting  common stock
actually  and  constructively  owned by the  stockholder  immediately  after the
purchase is less than 80% of the percentage of the previously outstanding voting
common stock actually and  constructively  owned by the stockholder  immediately
before the purchase.


         Not Essentially Equivalent to a Dividend Test. The distribution will be
treated as "not  essentially  equivalent  to a dividend" if the reduction in the
stockholder's   proportionate   interest  actually  and   constructively   owned
constitutes  a  "meaningful   reduction"  given  the  stockholder's   particular
circumstances.  Whether the receipt of a cash payment  will be "not  essentially
equivalent to a dividend" will depend upon the  stockholder's  particular  facts
and  circumstances.  Shareholders  should  consult  their tax advisors as to the
application of this test in their particular circumstances.

         If a  stockholder  receives only cash payments and satisfies any of the
section 302 tests described above, the stockholder will be treated as if it sold
its common stock and will recognize  capital gain or loss as described above. If
a stockholder does not satisfy any of the section 302 tests described above, the
purchase  of a  stockholder's  common  stock  will not be  treated  as a sale or
exchange  under  section  302 of the Code.  Instead,  the amount  received  by a
stockholder in the redemption will be treated as a dividend  distribution  under
section 301 of the Code,  taxable at ordinary  income tax rates,  to the extent,
first, of the  stockholder's  applicable  share of OraLabs' current earnings and
profits,  as defined for U.S. federal income tax purposes,  and, second,  of the
U.S. stockholder's applicable share of OraLabs' current earnings and profits, as
defined for U.S.  federal income tax purposes.  To the extent the amount exceeds
the  stockholder's  applicable  share of current and  accumulated  earnings  and
profits, the excess first will be treated as a tax free return of capital to the
extent of the stockholder's  basis in its common stock and any remainder will be
treated as capital gain, which may be long term capital gain as described above.
The  determination  of whether a corporation has earnings and profits is complex
and  the  legal  standards  to be  applied  are  subject  to  uncertainties  and
ambiguities.  Additionally,  the amount of current  earnings  and profits can be
determined  only at the end of the  taxable  year.  Accordingly,  it is  unclear
whether  OraLabs  will have  sufficient  current and  accumulated  earnings  and
profits to cover the amount of any payment made to  shareholders.  To the extent
that a redemption  is treated as the receipt by the  stockholder  of a dividend,
the  stockholder's  tax basis in the redeemed shares will be added to any shares
of common  stock  retained  or sold by the  stockholder,  and may be lost if the
stockholder does not actually retain any stock ownership in OraLabs.

Backup Withholding

         A stockholder who receives  payment for his, her or its common stock by
exercise of dissenters' rights may be subject to backup withholding equal to the
fourth  lowest tax rate under section 1(c) of the Code with respect to the gross
proceeds  received unless such  stockholder (1) is a corporation or other exempt
recipient  and, when  required,  establishes  this exemption or (2) provides its
correct  taxpayer  identification  number,  certifies  that it is not  currently
subject  to  backup   withholding   and  otherwise   complies  with   applicable
requirements of the backup withholding rules. A stockholder who does not provide
OraLabs  with its  correct  taxpayer  identification  number  may be  subject to
penalties  imposed by the IRS.  Any amount  withheld  under  these rules will be
credited against the  stockholder's  federal income tax liability.  OraLabs will
report to  shareholders  and to the IRS the  amount of any  reportable  payments
arising  from  exercise  of  dissenters'  rights and any amount  withheld.  Each
stockholder  should  consult his, her or its own tax advisor with respect to the
particular  tax  consequences  to  it  of  the  transactions  described  herein,
including the applicability and effect of state, local and foreign tax law.

Fees and Expenses

         Whether or not the proposed  transactions are  consummated,  all of the
fees and expenses  incurred in  connection  therewith  will be paid by the party
(either  OraLabs or NVC)  incurring  such fees and expenses.  Estimated fees and
expenses  (rounded  to the  nearest  thousand,  except for the SEC  filing  fee)
incurred or to be paid by OraLabs in connection  with the proposed  transactions
are as follows:


DESCRIPTION                                                 DOLLAR AMOUNT
---------------------------------------------------------   --------------
Special Committee's Financial Advisor's Fees and Expenses    $ 60,000.00

Special Committee's Legal and Accounting Fees and Expenses     20,000.00

OraLabs' Legal and Accounting Fees and Expenses               110,000.00

Printing and Mailing Fees and Expenses                          5,000.00

SEC Filing Fees                                                 7,000.00

TOTAL                                                        $202,000,00

                             THE EXCHANGE AGREEMENT

         The  following is a summary of the material  provisions of the Exchange
Agreement, a copy of which is attached as Annex 1 to this Proxy Statement.  This
summary  is  qualified  in its  entirety  by  reference  to the full text of the
Exchange Agreement.
The Stock Exchange

         The  Exchange  Agreement  provides  that at its  Closing,  a series  of
transactions will become effective. If the Exchange Agreement is approved at the
annual  meeting by the  shareholders  of OraLabs,  and the other  conditions  to
Closing  are  satisfied,   it  is  anticipated   that  we  will  consummate  the
transactions in the fall of this year. However,  there can be no assurance as to
the timing of the Closing or that the consummation of the proposed  transactions
will occur. Upon the completion of the Closing, the following  transactions will
have occurred:

     o    the 3,629,350  shares of OraLabs  common stock owned  individually  by
          Gary H.  Schlatter  will have been  redeemed by OraLabs and all of the
          shares owned by OraLabs of its wholly-owned subsidiary, OraLabs, Inc.,
          will be owned by Mr. Schlatter;

     o    OraLabs will be the 100% owner of NVC, and the three NVC  Shareholders
          (and/or their  designees) will be the owners of  approximately  94% of
          all of the issued and outstanding common stock of OraLabs;

     o    the  authorized  number of  shares of  OraLabs  common  stock  will be

     o    the name of the public  company will be changed  from OraLabs  Holding
          Corp. to NVC Lighting Corporation;

     o    the 2005 Stock  Option,  SAR and Stock Bonus Plan  covering  5,000,000
          shares of common stock will be approved,  the 2005 Director Stock Plan
          will be approved  and 300,000  shares will have been issued  under the
          latter Plan to the non-employee directors of OraLabs;

     o    the  current  directors  of the  public  company  will  resign  and be
          replaced  by Mr.  Chang-Jiang  Wu, Mr.  Yong-Hong  Hu, Mr. Gang Du and
          Tracy Hung Wan;

     o    the current officers of the public company will resign and be replaced
          by officers chosen by the new directors; and

     o    dissenting  shareholders  who do not  vote  to  approve  the  Exchange
          Agreement and who otherwise strictly comply with the provisions of the
          Colorado Business Corporation Act regarding statutory appraisal rights
          will have the right to seek a  determination  of the fair value of the
          shares  of  common  stock  and  payment  in cash  therefor  in lieu of
          remaining as  shareholders  of the public  company  (see  "Dissenters'
          Rights of Appraisal").


         This  paragraph  explains  the  approximate  number  of  shares  to  be
outstanding upon completion of the Closing.  The  nonaffiliated  shareholders of
OraLabs  currently  own  approximately  952,665  shares.  Those  shares  will be
retained by them.  Affiliates  of OraLabs own 111,000  shares and an  additional
300,000  shares  will be  issued to the  non-employee  directors,  resulting  in
affiliate  ownership of 411,000 shares. The total of the 411,000 shares plus the
952,665 shares (1,363,665 total shares) will equal 6% of the outstanding  shares
upon  completion  of the  Closing.  Therefore,  the  principals  of NVC or their
designees  will be  issued  21,364,085  shares,  or 94% of the  total  number of
22,727,750 shares to be outstanding.  These figures do not take into account the
possible  exercise  of up to  131,500  options  that may be  exercised  prior to
Closing by  employees  of OraLabs.  To the extent that any of those  options are
exercised,  additional  shares would be issued to the principals of NVC or their
designees  so that they retain  their 94%  ownership.  If all of the options are
exercised,  an additional  2,060,167 shares will be issued to the NVC principals
or their designees.

Conditions to the Closing of the Exchange Agreement

         The respective  obligations of OraLabs, NVC and the NVC Shareholders to
consummate  the  transactions  under the Exchange  Agreement  are subject to the
fulfillment or waiver at or prior to Closing of certain conditions including the

     o    the  Exchange  Agreement  and  all  of the  transactions  contemplated
          thereby must be approved by the shareholders of OraLabs;

     o    OraLabs must receive a comfort letter from NVC's independent auditors,
          within  ten  days  prior  to  the  proposed   Closing  date,  that  is
          satisfactory to OraLabs' counsel;

     o    OraLabs must receive a legal  opinion from an attorney  authorized  to
          practice in China as to the legal effect of certain matters, including
          that the exchange of the stock owned by the NVC Shareholders for stock
          in OraLabs is legally binding upon them;

     o    there must be no legal action that prevents or restrains completion of
          the proposed transactions;

     o    the  number of OraLabs  shares  that are the  subject  of  dissenters'
          rights  exercised  by  OraLabs'  shareholders  cannot  exceed  100,000

     o    if  continued  listing  of the public  company's  shares on the NASDAQ
          SmallCap  Market is not approved by the NASD for reasons  attributable
          to OraLabs, NVC may seek to renegotiate the relative  shareholdings to
          be  owned  upon  completion  of  the  transactions   between  the  NVC
          shareholders and the OraLabs shareholders; and

     o    the absence of any material  adverse change in the condition of either
          OraLabs or NVC.


Representations and Warranties

         The Exchange Agreement contains  representations  and warranties by the
parties. These include, among other things, the following:

     o    their respective organization and qualification to do business;

     o    their  authority to enter into and consummate  the Exchange  Agreement
          and the transactions contemplated thereby;

     o    the  absence of a conflict  between  the  Exchange  Agreement  and the
          transactions  contemplated  thereby,  with  laws  applicable  to,  and
          material agreements of, the respective parties;

     o    the  consents  and  filings  required  with  respect  to the  Exchange
          Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby;

     o    the accuracy of the information  provided by the parties for inclusion
          in this  Proxy  Statement  and in filings to be made with the SEC with
          respect thereto;

     o    the absence of undisclosed  liabilities and changes in the business of
          the parties;

     o    the status of litigation;

     o    compliance  with respect to taxes,  employee  plans and  environmental

     o    title to properties; and

     o    the lack of brokers retained by the parties.


         The parties have agreed to operate,  and to cause their subsidiaries to
operate,  their respective  businesses in the ordinary and usual course prior to
Closing of the Exchange Agreement. Specifically, the parties have agreed to:

     o    conduct their  businesses in the ordinary and usual course of business
          and consistent with past practice;

     o    conduct  the  business of NVC after  Closing as it had been  conducted
          prior to Closing;

     o    cause the OraLabs  common stock to continue to be listed on the NASDAQ
          SmallCap  Market upon  completion  of the Closing  and/or submit a new
          NASDAQ SmallCap Market listing  application if necessary (if continued
          listing  is not  approved  by the NASD  for  reasons  attributable  to
          OraLabs,  then  NVC  reserves  its  right to seek to  renegotiate  the
          relative shareholdings between the NVC Shareholders and OraLabs);

     o    not make any  change in their  organizational  documents,  borrow  any
          funds  outside of the ordinary  course of business or pay any material
          obligation  or  liability  not  otherwise  in the  ordinary  course of
          business; and


     o    not issue,  deliver or agree to issue or deliver  any stock,  bonds or
          other corporate securities.


         NVC,   the  NVC   Shareholders,   and   OraLabs   agreed   to   certain
indemnification  obligations  under  the  Exchange  Agreement.  NVC  and the NVC
Shareholders  have agreed to indemnify OraLabs and its  representatives  against
any  loss  that  may be  incurred  and  which  arises  out of or is based on any
inaccuracy or misrepresentation  made by NVC in the Exchange Agreement.  OraLabs
agreed  to  indemnify  NVC  and  its   representatives,   as  well  as  the  NVC
Shareholders,  against  any loss that they may incur  arising out of or based on
any  inaccuracy  or  misrepresentation   made  by  OraLabs  under  the  Exchange
Agreement.  OraLabs  also  agree to cause  its  subsidiary,  OraLabs,  Inc.,  to
indemnify the public company from any loss that may exist  immediately  prior to
the Closing or that may be asserted  after the  Closing  regarding  any claim or
liability  arising from the  operations  of OraLabs or any other matter prior to
the  Closing.  The  obligations  of  OraLabs,  Inc.  will  be  under  a form  of
indemnification  agreement  that  is  attached  as  Exhibit  1 to  the  Exchange
Agreement that is attached to this Proxy Statement as Annex 1.

         Furthermore,  OraLabs,  Inc. agreed to reimburse the public company for
the amount,  up to $20,000,  that the public  company may be obligated to pay to
dissenters  who are paid the fair value of their shares under  Colorado law (see
Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal).  The public company will permit OraLabs,  Inc.
to actively  participate  in the process of  determining  the amount  payable to
dissenters  and it is agreed that no offer amount or settlement  will be made by
it for payments to  dissenters  without the prior  written  approval of OraLabs,
Inc., which will not be unreasonably  withheld.  In the event that OraLabs, Inc.
makes payments to the public company in  satisfaction  of this  obligation,  the
public  company will issue shares of its common  stock to OraLabs,  Inc.  which,
when  multiplied  by the  average of the closing bid and ask price of the common
stock of OraLabs as of the close of trading on the date that payment is received
by  OraLabs,  equals the amount paid by OraLabs,  Inc. to  reimburse  the public
company.  In that event,  the  Company  agreed to use its  diligent,  good-faith
efforts to register those shares as soon as possible thereafter, but the cost of
filing  fees paid to the SEC or under  Blue Sky laws will be the  obligation  of
OraLabs, Inc.

Termination of the Exchange Agreement

         The Exchange Agreement may be terminated and the transactions abandoned
at any time prior to completion of the Closing  (notwithstanding any approval of
the Exchange Agreement by the shareholders of OraLabs);

     o    by written consent of the parties;

     o    by any party if the  Closing  does not occur by  September  30,  2005,
          which may be extended by mutual  agreement of the parties for a period
          not to exceed 45 days if Closing does not occur or the Proxy Statement
          has not been cleared by the SEC by September 30, 2005;

     o    by either party if the other failed to comply in any material  respect
          with any of its  covenants  or  agreements  contained  in the Exchange
          Agreement  or if any of the  representations  or  warranties  shall be
          inaccurate  in any material  respect,  or if there shall have been any
          change  after the date of the  latest  balance  sheets in the  assets,
          properties,  business or financial  condition of the party which could
          have a materially adverse effect on the value of the party's business;


     o    by either party if there shall be any actual or  threatened  action or
          proceeding  before any court or any  governmental  body which seeks to
          restrain,  prohibit or invalidate the transactions contemplated by the
          Exchange Agreement and which, in the judgment of the other party, made
          in good faith and based on the advice of its legal  counsel,  makes it
          inadvisable  to  proceed  with the  transactions  contemplated  by the
          Exchange  Agreement;  or any of the  transactions  contemplated by the
          Exchange  Agreement are disapproved by any regulatory  authority whose
          approval  is  required  to  consummate  such  transactions  or in  the
          judgment of such Board of  Directors,  made in good faith and based on
          the advice of counsel,  there is substantial  likelihood that any such
          approval  will  not be  obtained  or  will  be  obtained  only  upon a
          condition or conditions  which would be unduly  burdensome,  making it
          inadvisable to proceed under the Exchange Agreement.

Fees and Expenses

         All  costs  and  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with the  Exchange
Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated  thereby will be paid by the party
incurring such expenses,  including  without  limitation its attorneys fees, and
there are no other payments due from one party to the other in connection with a


         At any time prior to Closing,  the Exchange Agreement may be amended by
a writing signed by all of the parties thereto, with respect to any of the terms
contained in the Exchange  Agreement,  and any term or condition of the Exchange
Agreement  may be  waived  or the  time  for  performance  of any  such  term or
condition may be extended by a writing signed by the party for whose benefit the
provision is intended.

                         DISSENTERS' RIGHTS OF APPRAISAL

         The following is a summary of dissenters'  rights  available to OraLabs
shareholders,  which  summary  is not  intended  to be a complete  statement  of
applicable Colorado law and is qualified in its entirety by reference to Article
113, Title 7 of the Colorado Business Corporation Act, which is set forth in its
entirety  as Annex 3 attached  hereto.  If you wish to exercise  your  statutory
right to dissent  from the proposed  transactions,  you should read the detailed
explanation of your dissenter  rights and the procedure that must be followed to
exercise those rights set forth below.

Do you have the right to exercise dissenter rights?

         To  exercise  dissenter  rights  under  Colorado  law,  you must be the
shareholder  of record of the shares of common  stock as to which the  dissenter
rights  are to be  exercised  on the  record  date  established  for the  annual
meeting,  and on the date that the  written  demand  and  notice  for  appraisal
described below is made, and the shareholder must continuously hold those shares
through the effective time of the proposed transactions.

How to exercise dissenter rights.

         To exercise dissenter rights, you must:

     o    cause the  Company to  receive  before the vote is taken at the annual
          meeting,  a written  notice of the  shareholder's  intention to demand
          payment for the shareholder's shares if the proposed  transactions are
          effectuated; and


     o    not vote the shares in favor of the proposed transactions.

         If the  transactions  are  approved by the  shareholders  at the annual
meeting,  you will then  receive  written  notice  from us giving  you  detailed
instructions  of the  procedure to be followed to perfect your demand to receive
payment for your shares.

Right to Dissent.

         You are entitled to dissent from the proposed  transactions  and obtain
payment of the fair value of your shares if and when the  proposed  transactions
are  effectuated.  Under Article 113 of the Colorado  Business  Corporation  Act
("CBCA"),  a shareholder  entitled to dissent and obtain  payment for the shares
may not challenge the corporate  action creating the right to dissent unless the
action  is  unlawful  or  fraudulent  with  respect  to the  shareholder  or the

         Under  CBCA  Section  7-113-103(1),  a record  shareholder  may  assert
dissenters'  rights as to fewer  than all the  shares  registered  in the record
shareholder's name only if the record  shareholder  dissents with respect to all
shares  beneficially  owned by any one  person and  causes  the  corporation  to
receive  written  notice  which  states such  dissent and the name,  address and
federal taxpayer  identification  number, if any, of each person on whose behalf
the record shareholder asserts dissenters' rights.

         CBCA Section  7-113-103(2)  provides that a beneficial  shareholder may
assert dissenters' rights as to the shares held on the beneficial  shareholder's
behalf only if the beneficial  shareholder causes the corporation to receive the
record shareholder's  written consent to the dissent not later than the time the
beneficial shareholder asserts dissenters' rights and the beneficial shareholder
dissents  with  respect  to all  shares  beneficially  owned  by the  beneficial

         We will require that, when a record  shareholder  dissents with respect
to the  shares  held by any  one or  more  beneficial  shareholders,  each  such
beneficial  shareholder  must certify to us that the beneficial  shareholder and
the record  shareholder or record  shareholders of all shares owned beneficially
by the beneficial shareholder have asserted, or will timely assert,  dissenters'
rights as to all such shares as to which there is no  limitation  on the ability
to exercise dissenters' rights.

Before the Annual Meeting

     PROCEDURE  FOR  EXERCISE  OF  DISSENTERS'  RIGHTS.  If you  wish to  assert
dissenters' rights you must:

     o    cause  us to  receive  before  the  vote  is  taken  on  the  proposed
          transactions   at  the   annual   meeting,   written   notice  of  the
          shareholder's intention to demand payment for the shareholder's shares
          if the proposed transactions are effectuated; and

     o    not  vote  the  shares  in  favor  of  the  proposed  transactions.  A

After the Annual Meeting

         NOTICE FROM US. If the proposed transactions are approved at the annual
meeting,  we will send written  notice to dissenters  who are entitled to demand
payment for their shares.  The notice required by us will be given no later than
10 days after the effective time of the proposed transactions and will:


     o    state that the proposed  transactions  were  authorized  and state the
          effective time or proposed effective date of the transactions;

     o    set forth an address at which we will receive  payment demands and the
          address of a place where certificates must be deposited;

     o    inform holders of uncertificated shares to what extent transfer of the
          shares will be restricted after the payment demand is received;

     o    supply a form demanding  payment,  which form will request a dissenter
          to state an address to which payment is to be made;

     o    set  the  date by  which  we  must  receive  the  payment  demand  and
          certificates  for  shares,  which  date  will not be less than 30 days
          after the date the notice is given;

     o    state that if a record shareholder dissents with respect to the shares
          held by any one or more beneficial shareholders,  each such beneficial
          shareholder must certify to us that the beneficial shareholder and the
          record  shareholder  or the record  shareholders  of all shares  owned
          beneficially  by the beneficial  shareholder  have  asserted,  or will
          timely  assert,  dissenters'  rights as to all such shares as to which
          there is no limitation on the ability to exercise  dissenters' rights;

     o    be accompanied by a copy of CBCA Article 113.

is given a dissenters'  notice and who wishes to assert dissenters' rights must,
in accordance with the terms of the dissenters' notice,

     o    cause us to receive a payment  demand (which may be the payment demand
          form supplied by us and duly completed,  or other acceptable  writing)

     o    deposit the shareholder's stock certificates.

         A  shareholder  who demands  payment in  accordance  with the foregoing
retains all rights of a  shareholder,  except the right to  transfer  the shares
until the effective time of the proposed transactions, and has only the right to
receive  payment for the shares after the  effective  time. A demand for payment
and deposit of  certificates  is  irrevocable  except that if the effective time
does not occur  within 60 days after the date set by us by which we must receive
the payment demand,  we will return the deposited  certificates  and release the
transfer  restrictions  imposed.  If the effective time occurs more than 60 days
after the date set by us by which we must  receive the payment  demand,  then we
shall send a new dissenters'  notice.  A SHAREHOLDER WHO DOES NOT DEMAND PAYMENT

         DELIVERY OF PAYMENT. At the effective time or upon receipt of a payment
demand,  whichever is later,  we will pay each  dissenter  who complied with the
notice requirements  referenced in the preceding paragraph,  our estimate of the
fair value of the  dissenter's  shares plus accrued  interest.  Payment shall be
accompanied  by an audited  balance  sheet as of the end our most recent  fiscal
year or, if that is not available, our balance sheet as of the end of the fiscal
year not ending more than  sixteen  months  before the date of  payment,  and an
audited income  statement for that year, and an audited  statement of changes in
shareholders'  equity  for that year and an audited  statement  of cash flow for
that year, as well as the latest available financial statements, if any, for the
interim period,  which interim financial  statements will be unaudited.  Payment
will also be accompanied by a statement of our estimate of the fair value of the
shares and an  explanation  of how the  interest  was  calculated,  along with a
statement of the dissenter's  right to demand payment and a copy of CBCA Article


         HOW TO  DISPUTE  PAYMENT  AMOUNT.  If a  dissenter  disagrees  with our
payment  or  offer,  such  dissenter  may give  notice to us in  writing  of the
dissenter's  estimate of fair value of the dissenter's  shares and of the amount
of interest due and may demand payment of such  estimate,  less any payment made
prior  thereto,  or reject our offer and demand payment of the fair value of the
shares and interest due if: (a) the  dissenter  believes that the amount paid or
offered is less than the fair value of the shares or that the  interest  due was
incorrectly  calculated,  (b) we fail to make  payment  within 60 days after the
date set by us by which we must  receive  the payment  demand,  or (c) we do not
return  deposited  certificates in the event the effective time is 60 days after
the  date  set by us by  which  the  payment  demand  must  be  received  by the
shareholder asserting dissenters' rights. A DISSENTER WAIVES THE RIGHT TO DEMAND

         JUDICIAL  APPRAISAL  OF  SHARES.  If a  demand  for  payment  made by a
dissenter  as set  forth  above is  unresolved,  we may,  within  60 days  after
receiving  the payment  demand,  commence a  proceeding  and petition a court to
determine  the fair  value of the  shares  and  accrued  interest.  If we do not
commence the proceeding  within the 60 day period, we must pay to each dissenter
whose  demand  remains  unresolved  the amount  demanded.  We must  commence the
proceeding  described  above in the  District  Court of the  County of  Douglas,
Colorado. We must make all dissenters whose demands remain unresolved parties to
the  proceeding as in an action  against  their shares,  and all parties must be
served  with a copy of the  petition.  Service  on each  dissenter  shall  be by
registered or certified mail, to the address stated in such dissenter's  payment
demand,  or if no such address is stated in the payment  demand,  at the address
shown  on the  corporation's  current  record  of  shareholders  for the  record
shareholder holding the dissenter's shares, or as provided by law.  Jurisdiction
in which the  proceeding  is  commenced  is plenary and  exclusive.  One or more
persons may be  appointed  by the court as  appraisers  to receive  evidence and
recommend a decision on the question of fair value. The appraisers will have the
powers described in the court order appointing them, or in any amendment to such
order.  The parties to the  proceeding  will be  entitled to the same  discovery
rights as parties in other civil proceedings. Each dissenter made a party to the
proceeding  is entitled to judgment  for the amount,  if any, by which the court
finds the fair value of the  dissenter's  shares,  plus  interest,  exceeds  the
amount  paid by us, or for the fair value,  plus  interest,  of the  dissenter's
shares for which we elected to withhold payment.

         The court in an appraisal  proceeding  will  determine all costs of the
proceeding,  including the  reasonable  compensation  and expenses of appraisers
appointed by the court.  The court will assess the costs against us, except that
the court may assess costs against all or some of the dissenters,  in the amount
the court finds  equitable,  to the extent the court  finds that the  dissenters
acted arbitrarily,  vexatiously,  or not in good faith in demanding payment. The
court may also  assess the fees and  expenses  of counsel  and  experts  for the
respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable:  (a) against us and in
favor of any dissenters if the court finds that we did not substantially  comply
with the procedures for exercise of dissenters' rights set forth in CBCA Article
113; or (b) against either us or one or more  dissenters,  in favor of any other
party,  if the court finds that the party against whom the fees and expenses are
assessed acted  arbitrarily,  vexatiously,  or not in good faith with respect to
the rights provided by CBCA Article 113. If the court finds that the services of
counsel  for any  dissenter  were of  substantial  benefit  to other  dissenters
similarly situated,  and that the fees for those services should not be assessed
against us, the court may award to such counsel  reasonable  fees to be paid out
of the amounts awarded to the dissenters who were benefited.


         It is the  intention of the persons named in the  accompanying  form of
proxy to vote such  proxy  "For"  approval  of the  Exchange  Agreement  and the
transactions by which the Company will acquire all of the ownership interests in
NVC in exchange for the issuance of shares to the NVC  Shareholders,  redeem all
of the shares of OraLabs owned by Mr. Schlatter individually in exchange for the
transfer to him of all of the shares of OraLabs,  Inc. owned by the Company, and
issue 100,000 shares of OraLabs  common stock to each of the three  non-employee
directors under the 2005 Director Stock Plan, unless  shareholders  specifically
indicate  in their  proxies  that they  desire to vote  against or abstain  from
voting  for  such  transactions.  Approval  requires  an  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of  the  shares  entitled  to  vote  with  respect  to the  first  two
transactions  and a  majority  of the  shares  present in person or by proxy and
entitled to vote at the annual  meeting with  respect to the third  transaction.
Management  recommends that the shareholders vote "For" approval of the Exchange
Agreement and those transactions.


         OraLabs'  Board of  Directors  consists of Messrs.  Schlatter,  Friess,
Goldstone and Gust, who will all resign effective upon completion of the Closing
of the proposed  transactions.  There are four nominees for directors,  three of
whom  are  principals  and  shareholders  of NVC  Lighting  Investment  Holdings
Limited.  Each  director to be elected  will hold  office  until the next annual
meeting  of  shareholders  and  until his  successor  is  elected,  or until the
director's death, resignation or removal.

         The nominees for the Board of Directors of OraLabs are as follows:

         NAME                  AGE       PROPOSED POSITIONS
         -----                 ---       -------------------
         Du Gang               40        Chairman of the Board

         Wu Chang Jiang        40        Director and Chief Executive Officer

         Hu Yong Hong          39        Deputy Chairman of the Board

         Tracy Wan Hung        46        Director

         See "NVC Business-NVC Management" for information about the nominees.

         It is the  intention of the persons named in the  accompanying  form of
proxy to vote such proxy "For" the election of the persons listed above,  unless
shareholders  specifically  indicate in their  proxies  that they desire to vote
against or abstain from voting for the electing of any such  director to office.
Each  nominee must be approved by receiving  the highest  number of  affirmative
votes of the shares  present in person or by proxy and  entitled  to vote at the
annual  meeting.  Our management  recommends  that  shareholders  vote "For" the
election of the nominees.


         Management  requests  stockholder  approval  to amend the  Articles  of
Incorporation  to change  the name of  OraLabs to NVC  Lighting  Corporation  or
similar subject to availability and approval by the Colorado Secretary of State.
This change is recommended to reflect the new business direction of OraLabs upon
completion  of the  proposed  transactions.  In the event that  Closing does not
occur, the name of OraLabs will not be changed.


         Management  requests  stockholder  approval  to amend the  Articles  of
Incorporation to increase the number of common shares authorized to 200,000,000.
This  increase  will be to provide for enough  shares to complete  the  proposed
transactions  and will make additional  shares available for issuance by OraLabs
as may be desired from time to time.

         Our Articles of Incorporation  currently  authorize  25,000,000  common
shares,  $0.001 par value, of which 4,693,015  shares are outstanding as of July
29, 2005. Upon issuance of the shares to the NVC Shareholders or their designees
and 300,000 shares to the non-employee  directors, as well as shares that may be
issued upon exercise of employee options, the total number of shares then issued
and outstanding could be as many as approximately 25,000,000.  NVC believes that
it should have a total of 200,000,000  shares  authorized  under the Articles of
Incorporation  so  that it will  have  flexibility  when  it  comes  to  issuing
additional   shares  of  common  stock.  The  issuance  of  shares  to  the  NVC
Shareholders or their designees and 300,000 shares to the non-employee directors
will  substantially  dilute the holdings of the  nonaffiliated  shareholders  of
OraLabs.  Those  shareholders will own only approximately 4.2% of the issued and
outstanding shares of common stock upon completion of the proposed  transactions
(without  giving effect to the exercise of any employee  options),  whereas they
own approximately 20.30% of the common shares currently issued and outstanding.

         In the  event  that the  proposed  transactions  are not  completed  at
Closing,  the  increase in  authorized  shares of common stock will not be given
effect.  NVC has no current plans,  proposals or arrangements for the use of the
increase  in  authorized  common  shares  other than to  complete  the  proposed
transactions  described  in this Proxy  Statement.  The  issuance of  additional
shares  will  further   dilute  the  interests  of  the  current   nonaffiliated
shareholders.  The Articles of Incorporation also authorize a class of preferred
stock,  although  none  have  been  issued.  No  changes  will  be  made to that

         It is the  intention of the persons named in the  accompanying  form of
proxy to vote such proxy "For" the  amendment  changing  the name of OraLabs and
increasing the number of authorized  shares,  unless  shareholders  specifically
indicate  in their  proxies  that they  desire to vote  against or abstain  from
voting for the amendment. Our management recommends that shareholders vote "For"
the  amendment  changing  the name of  OraLabs  and  increasing  the  number  of
authorized  shares.  Amending the Articles of  Incorporation  to change OraLabs'
name and to increase  authorized  shares must be approved by an affirmative vote
of a majority of the shares present in person or by proxy at the annual meeting.


         The  shareholders  will be asked to  approve  the  proposed  2005 Stock
Option SAR and Stock Bonus Plan (a copy of the plan is attached as Schedule 3 to
the Stock  Exchange  Agreement  attached  as Annex 1 to this  Proxy  Statement).
Adoption of the plan will permit the Company to issue  securities  to employees,
consultants  and others who have an  interest  in the Company or who the Company
wishes to provide services to the Company,  including service as a member of the
Board of Directors.

It is the  intention of the persons named in the  accompanying  form of Proxy to
vote such proxy  "For"  approval of the plan  unless  shareholders  specifically
indicate  in their  proxies  that they  desire to vote  against or abstain  from
voting for approval of the plan. Our  management  recommends  that  shareholders
vote  "For"  the  approval  of the  plan.  Approval  of  the  plan  requires  an
affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares  present in person or by proxy and
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.



         The Board of Directors has selected Murrell, Hall, McIntosh & Co., PLLP
as the  independent  auditors to audit the books and accounts of the Company for
the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman, P.C.
has served as the independent auditors since December 29, 1998. A representative
of Murrell,  Hall, McIntosh & Co., PLLP is expected to attend the Annual Meeting
and will be available to respond to appropriate  questions.  The following table
presents fees for professional audit services rendered by Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner
& Hottman P.C.  ("EKS&H") for the audit of our annual  financial  statements for
the years ended  December 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003, and the reviews of the
financial  statements  included in each of our quarterly  reports on Form 10-QSB
during the fiscal years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003:

                                       2004                      2003
Audit Fees                           $65,500                   $62,000
Audit-Related Fees                      $0                        $0
Tax Fees                                $0                        $0
All Other Fees                          $0                        $0

         Audit  Fees are  fees  incurred  in  connection  with the  audit of the
Company's  consolidated annual financial  statements and the review of financial
statements in the Company's quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB. All Other Fees are
incurred for services other than those described above. The Audit Committee will
pre-approve  the  performance by EKS&H of any services other than those relating
to the audit or  review  of the  Company's  financial  statements,  but no other
services are anticipated at this time.

         In the event that the other proposed  transactions are not completed at
Closing,  it is intended  that Ehrhardt  Keefe  Steiner & Hottman,  P.C. will be
retained as OraLabs' independent auditors.

         It is the  intention of the persons named in the  accompanying  form of
proxy  to vote  such  proxy  "For"  the  ratification  of the  selection  of the
auditors,  unless shareholders  specifically indicate in their proxies that they
desire  to vote  against  or  abstain  from  voting  for the  ratification.  Our
management  recommends  that  shareholders  vote "For" the  ratification  of the
appointment of the auditors.  Adoption of this  ratification must be approved by
an affirmative  vote of the majority of the shares present at the annual meeting
in person or by proxy.


         This Proxy Statement  contains and  incorporates  by reference  certain
forward-looking statements and information relating to OraLabs that are based on
the  beliefs  of  management  as well  as  assumptions  made by and  information
currently  available to OraLabs.  Forward-looking  statements include statements
concerning plans, objectives,  goals, strategies,  future events or performance,
and underlying  assumptions and other  statements that are other than statements
of  historical  facts,  including  statements  regarding  the  completion of the
proposed transactions to be considered by the OraLabs shareholders at the Annual
Meeting.  When  used  in  this  document,  the  words  "anticipate,"  "believe,"
"estimate,"   "expect,"  "plan,"  "intend,"  "project,"  "predict,"  "may,"  and
"should"  and similar  expressions  are  intended  to  identify  forward-looking
statements.  Such  statements  reflect a current view of OraLabs with respect to
future  events,  including the closing upon the proposed  transactions,  and are
subject to numerous risks,  uncertainties  and  assumptions.  Many factors could
cause  the  actual  results,  performance  or  achievements  of  OraLabs  to  be
materially  different from any future results,  performance or achievements that
may be  expressed  or  implied  by such  forward-looking  statements,  including
without  limitation the failure for any reason of the proposed  transactions  to
close,  the  failure of OraLabs to  maintain  its NASDAQ  listing for its common
stock,  competition,  problems  accompanying the management of manufacturing and
growth,  dependence on key personnel,  government  regulation,  dependence  upon
significant  distributors and retailers,  dependence upon third-party  suppliers
and no assurances of proprietary protection.


         Should  one or more of these  risks or  uncertainties  materialize,  or
should  underlying   assumptions  prove  incorrect,   actual  results  may  vary
materially  from  those  described  in  this  Proxy  Statement  as  anticipated,
believed, estimated,  expected, planned or intended. OraLabs does not intend, or
assume any  obligation,  to update these  forward-looking  statements to reflect
actual results,  changes in assumptions or changes in the factors affecting such
forward-looking statements.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

         OraLabs hereby  incorporates  by reference its  Consolidated  Financial
Statements and Independent Auditors' Report dated December 31, 2004, in OraLabs'
Form  10-KSB/A  filed for the  fiscal  year ended  December  31,  2004,  and its
unaudited  financial  statements  in its Form 10-QSB filed for the quarter ended
March 31, 2005. NVC's Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2004,
including the Report of its Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm, NVC's
Consolidated  Financial Statements as of March 31, 2005, and Pro Forma Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements follow the final text of this Proxy.


         The SEC allows OraLabs to "incorporate by reference"  information  into
this  Proxy  Statement,   which  means  that  OraLabs  can  disclose   important
information by referring you to another  document filed separately with the SEC.
The following  documents  previously  filed by OraLabs with the SEC are included
with this Proxy Statement for your convenient  review,  and are  incorporated by
reference in this Proxy Statement and are deemed a part hereof:

         Form 10-KSB/A  filed by OraLabs for the fiscal year ended  December 31,
2004; Form 10-QSB filed by OraLabs for the quarter ended March 31, 2005.

         Any statement contained in a document  incorporated by reference herein
shall be deemed to be modified or superceded for all purposes to the extent that
a  statement  contained  in this  Proxy  Statement  modifies  or  replaces  such
statement. The forward-looking statements made in the incorporated documents are
not protected by the safe harbor for forward-looking statements.


         OraLabs  postponed its annual  meeting of  shareholders  that regularly
occurs in late May to the newly scheduled date to avoid incurring the expense of
notifying the shareholders for two separate  meetings.  Regardless of whether or
not the transactions contemplated by the Exchange Agreement are consummated,  it
is intended that the next annual meeting of shareholders of OraLabs will be held
in May 2006.  Shareholders of OraLabs wishing to include  proposals in the proxy
material  relating to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of OraLabs in 2006 must
submit the same in  writing  so as to be  received  at the  principal  executive
office  of  OraLabs  (to  the   attention  of  the   Secretary)   on  or  before
______________________  for such proposal to be considered  for inclusion in the
proxy  statement  for such  meeting.  Such  proposals  must  also meet the other
requirements of the rules of the Securities and Exchange  Commission relating to
stockholder proposals.

         Shareholders  who wish to submit any items of business to be  addressed
at an annual meeting of shareholders  (rather than include the item in the proxy
material)  must make the  submission  in a timely manner as provided in OraLabs'
Amended and Restated Bylaws.  The Bylaws provide that only timely submissions of
business  items will be  considered  as proper  business at the  meeting.  To be
timely,  a stockholder's  written  submission must be delivered to or mailed and
received at, the principal  business offices of OraLabs at least sixty (60) days
in  advance  of  the  date  that  OraLabs'  proxy   statement  was  released  to
shareholders   in  connection   with  the  previous  year's  annual  meeting  of
shareholders.  As this  proxy  statement  for the 2005  annual  meeting is being
released on approximately  _____________,  2005, the deadline for submissions of
business items for the 2006 annual meeting will be _________________. The Bylaws
also specify what must be included in the written  notice of submission in order
for the submission to be considered  timely and to be considered proper business
to be conducted at the annual meeting.


                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

         No  person  is  authorized  to give  any  information  or to  make  any
representations,  other than as contained in this Proxy Statement, in connection
with the Exchange  Agreement or the transactions  contemplated  thereby,  and if
given or made,  such  information or  representations  may not be relied upon as
having been  authorized by OraLabs or NVC. The delivery of this Proxy  Statement
shall not, under any  circumstances,  create any implication that there has been
no change in the  information  set forth  herein or in the affairs of OraLabs or
NVC since the date hereof.

         OraLabs is currently  subject to the  information  requirements  of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and in accordance  therewith files
periodic  reports,  proxy statements and other information with the SEC relating
to its business,  financial  and other  matters.  Copies of such reports,  proxy
statements and other  information,  and the exhibits thereto,  may be copied (at
prescribed  rates) at the Public  Reference  Room  maintained by the SEC at Room
1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Judiciary Plaza,  Washington,  D.C. 20549. You may
obtain  information on the operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the
SEC   at   1-800-SEC-0330.   The   SEC   also   maintains   an   Internet   site
(HTTP://WWW.SEC.GOV)  that contains reports,  proxy and information  statements,
and other information filed  electronically  with the SEC by OraLabs.  A copy of
the OraLabs Annual Report for fiscal year 2004 accompanies this Proxy Statement.

                            SOLICITATION AND EXPENSES

OraLabs  will bear the cost of the  Annual  Meeting  and the cost of  soliciting
proxies,  including  the cost of mailing  the proxy  materials.  In  addition to
solicitation by mail, Directors,  officers and regular employees of OraLabs (who
will not be  specifically  compensated for such services) may solicit proxies by
telephone or  otherwise.  Arrangements  will be made with  brokerage  houses and
other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward proxies and proxy material
to their  principals  and  OraLabs  will reimb  S:\GERI\WPDOCS\5671\37\PROXY  TO
BIZWIRE.DOC 65 August 11, 2005 urse them for their expenses.


                                AND SUBSIDIARIES

                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2004


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

     ACCOUNTING FIRM............................................1
Consolidated Balance Sheet, December 31, 2004...................2
Consolidated Statements of Operations,

     For the Years Ended December 31, 2004 and 2003.............3

Consolidated Statements of Members' Equity,
     For the Years Ended December 31, 2004 and 2003.............4
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows,
     For the Years Ended December 31, 2004 and 2003.............5
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements..................7




We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of NVC Lighting
Investment Holdings Limited and subsidiaries (the "Company") as of December 31,
2004 and the related consolidated statements of operations, statements of
members' equity and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003.
These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated
financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audit in accordance with standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). The Company is not required to have,
nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial
reporting. Our audit included consideration of internal control over financial
reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting.
Accordingly, we express no such opinion. Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to in the first
paragraph above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position
of NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited and subsidiaries as of December 31,
2004 and the results of their operations and cash flows for the years ended
December 31, 2004 and 2003, in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America.


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 9, 2005



                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                                DECEMBER 31, 2004
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)



   Cash and equivalents                                              $ 3,769,718
   Accounts receivable -
      Trade, net of allowance for bad debts of $217,970                1,709,861
      Other                                                              516,837
   Inventories                                                         7,071,261
   Advances to suppliers                                                 232,327
   Deposit and prepayments                                               500,619

      Total current assets                                            13,800,623

INVESTMENT - LONG TERM BANK DEPOSIT                                      157,005


   Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation                       1,026,806
   Construction-in-progress                                            2,678,363


   Distribution agreements, net of accumulated amortization
       of $994,366                                                     4,198,870




   Accounts payable and accrued expenses                             $14,688,301
   Advances from customers                                               847,533
   Amounts due to directors                                              570,686
   Other taxes payable                                                 2,158,232
      Total current liabilities                                       18,264,752

MINORITY INTEREST                                                         83,576


   Registered capital                                                  1,410,256
   Capital reserve                                                       725,284
   Retained earnings                                                   1,377,799


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2003
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)

                                               2004               2003
                                               ----               ----

SALES                                       $ 55,394,520    $ 30,598,374
COST OF GOODS SOLD                            38,539,315      21,104,524
                                            ------------    ------------
    GROSS PROFIT                              16,855,205       9,493,850
                                            ------------    ------------


   Selling expenses                            6,146,591       4,010,321
   Administrative expenses                     3,976,993       2,273,943

    Depreciation and amortization expense        119,008          95,570
                                            ------------    ------------
      Total operating expenses                10,242,592       6,379,834
                                            ------------    ------------
INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                         6,612,613       3,114,016
                                            ------------    ------------

   Other revenues                                677,809         153,521
   Interest income (expense)                        (411)          6,975
                                            ------------    ------------
TOTAL OTHER INCOME                               677,398         160,496
                                            ------------    ------------
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                     7,290,011       3,274,512
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                          --              --
                                            ------------    ------------
NET INCOME BEFORE MINORITY INTERESTS           7,290,011       3,274,512
MINORITY INTERESTS IN EARNINGS                  (184,984)        (74,699)
                                            ------------    ------------
NET INCOME                                  $  7,105,027    $  3,199,813
                                            ============    ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2003
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)

                                     REGISTERED      CAPITAL         RETAINED       MINORITY    TOTAL MEMBERS'
                                      CAPITAL        RESERVE         EARNINGS       INTERESTS       EQUITY
Balance at December 31, 2002         $ 1,410,256   $   230,464    $ 1,020,865    $    38,462    $ 2,700,047
Net income for the year ended
  December 31, 2003                         --            --        3,199,813         74,699      3,274,512
Transfer from/(to) capital reserve          --         460,911       (474,093)        13,182           --
Distribution to members:

  Distribution of net assets                --        (265,148)    (1,502,507)          --       (1,767,655)
  Dividend paid                             --            --       (2,328,000)       (72,000)    (2,400,000)
                                     -----------   -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------

Balance at December 31, 2003           1,410,256       426,227        (83,922)        54,343      1,806,904
Net income for the year ended
  December 31, 2004                         --            --        7,105,027        184,984      7,290,011
Transfer from/(to) capital reserve          --         299,057       (308,306)         9,249           --
Distribution to members:
  Dividend paid                             --            --       (5,335,000)      (165,000)    (5,500,000)
                                     -----------   -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------

Balance at December 31, 2004         $ 1,410,256   $   725,284    $ 1,377,799    $    83,576    $ 3,596,915
                                     ===========   ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2003
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)

                                                               2004            2003
                                                              -----            ----


 Net income                                                 $ 7,105,027    $ 3,199,813
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
    by provided by operating activities -

      Amortization of distribution agreements                   504,228        325,081
      Depreciation                                              256,023        200,543
      Minority interests in earnings                            184,984         74,699
 Changes in assets and liabilities:
   (Increase) decrease in -

      Accounts receivable, trade                               (647,526)       440,281
      Other receivables                                         348,132       (542,374)
      Inventories                                            (5,213,224)        57,143
      Advances to suppliers                                    (195,010)         4,895
      Prepayments                                              (500,619)          --
      Amount due from a related company                          46,845        (46,845)
   Increase in -
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses                   4,724,169      4,103,971
      Advances from customers                                   293,005        301,823
      Tax payable                                             1,104,502        965,834
                                                            -----------    -----------
      Net cash provided by operating activities               8,010,536      9,084,864
                                                            -----------    -----------

   Construction-in-progress                                  (2,368,460)      (309,903)
   Intangible assets                                         (1,811,594)    (1,570,048)
   Purchases of fixed assets                                   (593,157)      (356,850)
                                                            -----------    -----------
      Net cash (used in) investing activities                (4,773,211)    (2,236,801)
                                                            -----------    -----------
   Advances from directors                                      374,969        671,222
   Repayments of long-term debts                                 (4,042)        (9,545)
   Dividends paid                                            (5,500,000)    (2,400,000)
                                                            -----------    -----------
      Net cash (used in) financing activities                (5,129,073)    (1,738,323)
                                                            -----------    -----------
NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH                              (1,891,748)     5,109,740

 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR                 5,661,466        551,726
                                                            -----------    -----------
 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR                     $ 3,769,718    $ 5,661,466
                                                            ===========    ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                 FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2003
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)

                                                                2004            2003
                                                                ----            ----


  Distribution of net assets                                $          -   $   1,767,655
                                                             ============   =============
  Interest paid                                             $      1,938   $       1,864
                                                             ============   =============
  Income taxes paid                                         $          -   $           -
                                                             ============   =============


Pursuant to the reorganization of the Company, NVC Lighting Company Limited
ceased operations on April 30, 2003, and distributed certain net assets totaling
$1,767,655 to its members. On May 1, 2003, the business operations of NVC
Lighting were transferred to NVC Industrial Development Company Limited.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)



     NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited ("NVC Holdings") was incorporated
     in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in The People's Republic of
     China ("PRC"), as a private limited liability company on June 11, 2004 with
     an authorized capital of $10,256,410 (HK$80,000,000) divided into
     80,000,000 ordinary shares of par value $0.12 (HK$1.00) each.

     Pursuant to the reorganization and restructuring of the Company, NVC
     Lighting Company Limited ("NVC Lighting") ceased operations on April 30,
     2003 and, on the same date, certain net assets were distributed totaling
     $1,767,655 to the registered equity holders. On May 1, 2003, the business
     operations of NVC Lighting were transferred to NVC Industrial Development
     Company Limited ("NVC Industrial").

     On June 13, 2004 NVC Holdings acquired 97% of the outstanding registered
     capital of NVC Industrial and 100% of the registered capital of NVC

     The above two transactions were treated as recapitalization of the existing
     business in accordance with the requirements of Financial Accounting
     Standards Opinion No. 141, BUSINESS COMBINATION, EXHIBIT D. The effect of
     these recapitalizations was rolled back to December 31, 2002 for financial
     reporting purposes.

     NVC Holdings and its two subsidiaries, NVC Industrial and NVC Lighting are
     hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Company" or "NVC Group".

     NVC Industrial Development Company Limited was registered as a limited
     liability Sino-foreign joint investment enterprise on January 28, 2003 in
     Huizhou, Guangdong Province, in the PRC with a registered capital of
     $1,282,051 (HK$10,000,000) and a defined period of existence of 15 years to
     January 27, 2018

     NVC Lighting Company Limited was registered as a limited liability company
     on November 13, 1998 in Huizhou, Guangdong Province in the PRC with a
     registered capital of $120,773 (Rmb.1,000,000) and a defined period of
     existence of 6 years to November 12, 2004. The registered capital was held
     by Wu Chang-jiang as to 45% or $54,347 (Rmb.450,000), Hu Yong-hong as to
     27.5% or $33,213 (Rmb.275,000) and Du Gang as to 27.5% or $33,213
     (Rmb.275,000) in trust for and on behalf of NVC Holdings. On May 1, 2003,
     the business operations of NVC Lighting were transferred to NVC Industrial
     Development Company Limited ("NVC Industrial").


     The principal activities of the Company are investment holdings,
     manufacturing and distribution of lighting products. The principal
     activities of the Company's subsidiaries, NVC Industrial and NVC Lighting,
     are manufacturing and distribution of lighting products. NVC Group's has
     operations in The People's Republic of China, Europe, the Middle East and
     Hong Kong.


                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     As a result of the restructuring and re-organization of the NVC Group,
     certain of the NVC Lighting's assets and liabilities together with the
     business then in existence as of April 30, 2003, were distributed in kind
     to the three registered equity holders on record in proportion to their
     relative equity holdings as of that date. Pursuant to the Tax Clearance
     Certificate issued by the Huizhou Municipal Government Tax Authority on May
     6, 2003, NVC Lighting ceased its operations and all of its tax liabilities
     were cleared with the local tax authority.


     The Company's consolidated financial statements include the accounts of NVC
     Lighting Investment Holdings Limited, its 97% owned subsidiary, NVC
     Industrial Development Company Limited and its 100% owned subsidiary, NVC
     Lighting Company Limited, after elimination of all material intercompany
     accounts, transactions, and profits. The consolidated financial statements
     are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in
     the United States of America. The consolidated financial statements are
     prepared under the historical cost convention. This basis of accounting
     differs from that used in the preparation of NVC Holdings' statutory
     financial statements which are prepared in accordance with generally
     accepted accounting principles and the relevant Hong Kong Companies
     Ordinance applicable to enterprises in the Hong Kong Special Administrative
     Region, and NVC Industrial and NVC Lighting's statutory financial
     statements which are prepared in accordance with generally accepted
     accounting principles and the relevant financial regulations applicable to
     enterprises in the PRC.

     Although the reorganized Company did not legally exist as of the date of
     the pro-forma consolidated financial statements, the directors
     considered that it is more meaningful and appropriate to present
     pro-forma consolidated statements of operations and consolidated
     statements of cash flow for the year ended December 31, 2003. The
     pro-forma consolidated financial statements have been prepared using the
     predecessor's historical costs since the reorganizations were all 
     related parties. Under this basis, NVC Holdings has been treated as
     the holding company of its subsidiaries, NVC Industrial and NVC
     Lighting, for the financial years presented rather than from the
     respective dates of their acquisitions as a result of the Company's
     reorganization and restructuring.


     The following is a summary of significant accounting policies:

     CONSOLIDATION POLICY - All significant inter-company transactions and
     balances within the Company are eliminated on consolidation.

     CASH AND EQUIVALENTS - The Company considers all highly liquid debt
     instruments purchased with maturity period of three months or less to be
     cash equivalents. The carrying amounts reported in the accompanying
     consolidated balance sheet for cash and cash equivalents approximate their
     fair value.


                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - Provision is made against accounts receivable to the
     extent, which they are considered to be doubtful. Accounts receivable, all
     of which are unsecured, are shown in the balance sheet and are stated net
     of such provision. As of December 31, 2004, provision for doubtful accounts
     amounted to $217,970. Accounts receivable are charged against the allowance
     for bad debts at such time as they are determined to uncollectible.

     INVENTORIES - Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. The
     cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchases, costs of conversion
     and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present
     location and condition. The costs of conversion of inventories include
     fixed and variable production overheads, taking into account the stage of
     completion. The cost of inventories is determined using the weighted
     average method.

     Market value represents the estimated selling price in the ordinary course
     of business less the estimated costs necessary to complete the sale.

     CONSTRUCTION-IN-PROGRESS - All facilities purchased for installation,
     self-made or subcontracted are accounted for as construction-in-progress.
     Construction-in-progress is recorded at acquisition cost, including cost of
     facilities, and installation expenses. Upon completion and readiness for
     use of the project, the cost of construction-in-progress is to be
     transferred to fixed assets.

     LONG-LIVED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION - The Company recognizes impairment
     losses on long-lived assets used in operations when impairment indicators
     are present and the undiscounted cash flows estimated to be generated by
     these assets are less than their carrying values. As of December 31, 2004,
     the Company had no impaired long-lived assets.

     The cost of property, plant and equipment less anticipated salvage values
     is being depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful
     lives of the related assets. Estimated useful lives used for computing
     depreciation are as follows:

         Plant and machinery                5 years
         Molds                              5 years
         Furniture and fixtures             5 years
         Motor vehicles                     5 years
         Office equipment                   3 years

     DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENTS - The Company has entered into a number of
     distribution agreements with distributors, whereby the distributor agrees
     to be an exclusive distributor of NVC lighting products and has guaranteed
     to generate specified sales volumes over a 10 year period. Each of these
     distributors was paid $120,773 for entering into this agreement. The cost
     of this distribution agreement is being amortized on a straight-line basis
     over the life of the agreement. As prescribed by the EMERGING ISSUES TASK
     CUSTOMER, the Company has reduced sales by the amortization for 2004 and
     2003 totaling $504,228 and $325,081, respectively. The estimated
     amortization related to these distribution agreements over the next five
     years and thereafter is as follows:


                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


-----------------------                     ------------
 2006                                       $  519,324
 2007                                          519,324
 2008                                          519,324
 2009                                          519,324
Thereafter                                   1,602,250

Total                                       $4,198,870

     ADVANCES FROM CUSTOMERS - Revenue from the sale of goods or services is
     recognized when goods are delivered or services are rendered. Receipts in
     advance for goods to be delivered or services to be rendered in the
     subsequent year are carried forward as advances from customers.

     REVENUE RECOGNITION - Revenue from the sale of goods and services is
     recognized on the transfer of risks and rewards of ownership, which
     generally coincides with the time when the goods are delivered to customers
     and the title has passed and services have been rendered and invoiced.
     Other income is recognized when it is earned. Sales to all customers are
     final. As prescribed by the EMERGING ISSUES TASK FORCE ISSUE 01-09:
     has reduced sales by the amortization for 2004 and 2003 totaling $504,228
     and $325,081, respectively.

     Other income consists primarily of sales of scrap materials.

     SELLING EXPENSES - Included in selling expenses are advertising, sales
     commissions, outgoing freight, and sales salaries and related expenses.
     Advertising costs are charged to expense as they are incurred and totaled
     $1,895,600 and $1,167,949 for 2004 and 2003 respectively. Freight out
     totaled $1,184,014 and $524,371 for 2004 and 2003, respectively.

     FOREIGN CURRENCIES - The financial position and results of operations of
     the Company are determined using the local currencies (Hong Kong Renminbi
     or PRC "Renminbi" or "Yuan") as the functional currencies. Foreign currency
     transactions during the year are converted at the average rate of exchange
     during the reporting period. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
     foreign currencies at the balance sheet dates are translated at the market
     rates of exchange ruling at those dates. All exchange differences are dealt
     with in the statements of operations. The Company's principal country of
     operations is in the PRC.

     The registered equity capital and fixed assets denominated in the
     functional currency are translated at the historical rate of exchange at
     the time of capital contribution and purchases of fixed assets and exchange
     differences arising from translating equity capital, reserves and fixed
     assets at exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date are dealt with as
     an exchange fluctuation reserve.

     RETIREMENT BENEFIT COSTS - According to the PRC regulations on pensions,
     the Company contributes to a defined contribution retirement plan organized
     by municipal government in the province in which the Company was
     registered; all qualified employees are eligible to participate in the
     plan. Contributions to the plan are calculated at 18% of the employees'
     salaries above a fixed threshold amount and the employees contribute 8%
     while the Company contributes the balance contribution of 10%. The Company
     has no other material obligation for the payment of retirement benefits
     beyond the annual contributions under this plan.


                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     For the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, the Company's pension cost
     charged to the statements of operations amounted to $7,566 and $13,983,

     CAPITAL RESERVE - Capital reserve represents that amount of reserve
     appropriated from the net distributable profit after income tax in each
     year when a net profit after operations is generated. In accordance with
     the provisions of the Company's Memorandum and Articles of Association, the
     Company is required to appropriate 5% to 15% of the net distributable
     profit after enterprises income tax to capital reserve. Two-third of the
     capital reserve is set aside for possible use for general reserve and
     one-third is for staff welfare.

     Management believes it has accrued sufficient funds to cover all
     anticipated staff welfare payments as of December 31, 2004 and 2003 and
     that this reserve is not impaired at this date. The Company shall not be
     required to appropriate any amount to capital reserve when the balance
     standing in capital reserve is equal to or exceeds 50% of the registered

     TAXATION - Taxation on overseas profits has been calculated on the
     estimated assessable profits for the year at the rates of taxation
     prevailing in the country in which the Company operates.

     Provision for the PRC enterprise income tax is calculated at the prevailing
     rate based on the estimated assessable profits less available tax relief
     for losses brought forward.


     Under the Provisional Regulations of the PRC Concerning Income Tax on
     Enterprises promulgated by the State Council and which came into effect on
     January 1, 1994, income tax is payable by enterprises at a rate of 33% of
     their taxable income. Preferential tax treatment may, however, be granted
     pursuant to any law or regulations from time to time promulgated by the
     State Council.

     No enterprise taxes were accrued for 2004 or 2003 as the Company was
     granted a full tax exemption for these years. During the next three years,
     the Company has been granted a reduction in the tax rates to 50% of the
     applicable statutory enterprise tax rates.


     The Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning
     Value Added Tax promulgated by the State Council came into effect on
     January 1, 1994. Under these regulations and the Implementing Rules of the
     Provisional Regulations of the PRC Concerning Value Added Tax, value added
     tax is imposed on goods sold in or imported into the PRC and on processing,
     repair and replacement services provided within the PRC.

     Value added tax payable in the PRC is charged on an aggregated basis at a
     rate of 13% or 17% (depending on the type of goods involved) on the full
     price collected for the goods sold or, in the case of taxable services
     provided, at a rate of 17% on the charges for the taxable services
     provided, but excluding, in respect of both goods and services, any amount
     paid in respect of value added tax included in the price or charges, and
     less any deductible value added tax already paid by the taxpayer on
     purchases of goods and services in the same financial year.


                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS - The carrying amounts of certain
     financial instruments, including cash, accounts receivable, other
     receivables, accounts payable, accrued expenses, and other payables
     approximate their fair values as at December 31, 2004 because of the
     relatively short-term maturity of these instruments.

     USE OF ESTIMATES - The preparation of financial statements in accordance
     with generally accepted accounting principles require management to make
     estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts of assets and
     liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date
     of the financial statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses
     during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those

     RECENT ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS - In May 2003, the Financial Accounting
     Standards Board issued SFAS No. 150 ACCOUNTING FOR CERTAIN FINANCIAL
     standard establishes standards for how an issuer classifies and measures
     certain financial instruments with characteristics of both liabilities and
     equity. As of December 31, 2004, the Company had no financial instruments
     with these characteristics.

     In April 2003, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No.
     ACTIVITIES. This statement amends and clarifies financial accounting and
     reporting for derivative instruments and for hedging activities under FASB
     of December 31, 2004, the Company had no derivative or hedging activities.

     In November 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 151, INVENTORY COSTS - AN
     AMENDMENT OF ARB NO. 43, CHAPTER 4. SFAS No. 151 requires that certain
     abnormal costs associated with the manufacturing, freight, and handling
     costs associated with inventory be charged to current operations in the
     period in which they are incurred. The adoption of SFAS 151 had no impact
     on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.

     In December 2004, the FASB issued a revision of SFAS No. 123, SHARE-BASED
     PAYMENT. The statement establishes standards for the accounting for
     transactions in which an entity exchanges its equity investments for goods
     and services. It also addresses transactions in which an entity incurs
     liabilities in exchange for goods or services that are based on the fair
     value of the entity's equity instruments or that may be settled by the
     issuance of those equity instruments. The statement does not change the
     accounting guidance for share-based payments with parties other than

     The statement requires a public entity to measure the cost of employee
     service received in exchange for an award of equity instruments based on
     the grant-date fair value of the award (with limited exception). That cost
     will be recognized over the period during which an employee is required to
     provide service in exchange for the award (usually the vesting period). A
     public entity will initially measure the cost of employee services received
     in exchange for an award of liability instrument based on its current fair
     value; the fair value of that award will be remeasured subsequently at each
     reporting date through the settlement date. Changes in fair value during
     the requisite service period will be recognized as compensation over that


                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     The grant-date for fair value of employee share options and similar
     instruments will be estimated using option-pricing models adjusted for the
     unique characteristics of these instruments.

     The statement is effective for the quarter beginning January 1, 2006.

     In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 153, EXCHANGES OF NONMONETARY
     ASSETS-AMENDMENT OF APB OPINION NO. 29. SFAS No. 153 eliminates the
     exception to fair value for exchanges of similar productive assets and
     replaces it with a general exception for exchange transactions that do not
     have commercial substance, defined as transactions that are not expected to
     result in significant changes in the cash flows of the reporting entity.
     This statement is effective for exchanges of nonmonetary assets occurring
     after June 15, 2005.

     Management believes adoption of these new statements will not have any
     significant effect on the Company's financial condition or results of


     Substantially all of the Company's bank accounts are in banks located in
     the PRC which are not protected by the FDIC insurance or other insurance.

     The Company provides credit in the normal course of business. The Company
     performs ongoing credit evaluations of its customers and clients and
     maintains allowances for doubtful accounts based on factors surrounding the
     credit risk of specific customers and clients, historical trends, and other
     information. The Company had no single customer that represented 10% or
     more of sales in either 2004 or 2003.

     During 2003 the Company had four suppliers representing 12%, 15%, 12% and
     10% respectively of materials purchases. During 2004 the Company had no
     suppliers representing 10% or more of purchases.

     The Company is self insured for all risks and carries no liability or
     property insurance coverage of any kind.


     As of December 31, 2004, the Company had pledged $157,005 in long-term bank
     deposits to banks to secure a motor vehicle loan. The long-term deposits
     mature in 2008.


     Inventories consist of the following as of December 31, 2004:

     Raw materials                                    $3,533,273
     Finished goods                                    3,537,988


                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     As of December 31, 2004, the Company had the following balances due to its


     WU Chang-jiang                       $     (190,229)  
     HU Yong-hong                               (190,229)  
     DU Gang                                    (190,228)  
                                          $     (570,686)

     The amounts due to the Directors from the Company are unsecured, interest
     free and have no fixed repayment terms.


     Property, plant and equipment, stated at cost less accumulated
     depreciation, consist of the following as of December 31, 2004:

      Plant and machinery                          $      315,250
      Molds                                               796,046
      Furniture and fixtures                               50,821
      Motor vehicles                                      280,477
      Office equipment                                    297,082
      Less: Accumulated depreciation                      (712,870)
                                                   $    1,026,806

     Depreciation taken on property and equipment for 2004 and 2003 totaled
     $256,023 and $200,543, respectively, of which $137,015 and $104,973 were
     included as a component of cost of goods sold for 2004 and 2003,


     Construction-in-progress represents construction cost and design fee of
     $2,678,363 (Rmb.22,176,846) in respect of the construction of the new
     factory premises in Huizhou. The balance of the outstanding construction
     contracts totaling $5,663,073, at December 31, 2004, is anticipated to be
     paid during the year ending December 31, 2005.

     Construction-in-progress includes the purchase of land use right of
     $1,304,348 (Rmb.10,800,000) the land use right certificate applied from
     Economic Union at Ru Hu Town, Huizhou during the year.

                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     Other taxes payable consist of the following as of December 31, 2004:

           Value added tax                  $   1,865,748
           City construction tax                  155,462
           Education surcharge                     66,626
           Others                                  70,396

                                            $   2,158,232


     Minority interest represents the proportionate share (3%) of equity of NVC
     Industrial. At December 31, 2004, the Company owned 97% of NVC Industrial's
     registered capital stock.

12.      INCOME TAX

     Enterprise income tax ("EIT") in the PRC is provided on the basis of the
     statutory profit for financial reporting purposes, adjusted for income and
     expense items, which are not assessable or deductible for income tax
     purposes. Enterprise income tax has been provided in NVC Lighting's
     financial statements at the rate of 33% on the estimated assessable income
     derived during the year.

     No provision for EIT has been made in the financial statements of NVC
     Industrial for the year ended December 31 2004 as NVC Industrial has been
     approved to be recognized as a joint foreign investment enterprise and is
     therefore exempted from EIT for two years starting from the first year of
     profitable operation followed by a 50% reduction for the next three years.

     There have been no substantial differences between financial and tax
     reporting of income and expenses, which would give rise to deferred taxes.

     Reconciliations between the expected rate and the effective rate for 2004
and 2003 are as follows:

                                           YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                           2004             2003
                                           ----             ----

         Statutory tax rate                 33%              33%
         Benefit of tax holiday            (33%)            (33%)
                                           -----            -----

         Effective tax rate                   0%              0%
                                           =====            =====


                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     As of December 31, 2004, the Company has future commitments for
     construction-in-progress of $5,663,073, to pay supervision of construction
     sites of $25,362, and to pay future advertising costs totaling $189,209.

     Minimum future rental payments under non-cancelable operating leases having
     remaining terms in excess of one year as of December 31, 2004 for each of
     the next five years and in the aggregate are:

         December 31, 2005              $     166,667
         December 31, 2006                    141,304
                                        $     307,971

     Rent expense for 2004 and 2003 was $193,883 and $118,183 respectively.



                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                              AS OF MARCH 31, 2005


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


               Consolidated Balance Sheet, March 31, 2005....................1
               Consolidated Statements of Operations,

                  For the Three Months  Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004........2

               Consolidated Statement of Members' Equity,
                  For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2005 .................3
               Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows,
                  For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004.........4
               Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements................6



                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                                 MARCH 31, 2005
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)



    Cash and equivalents                                          $    2,260,342
    Accounts receivable -
       Trade, net of allowance for bad debts of $111,509               1,222,913
       Employees and other                                               357,836
    Inventories                                                        8,316,264
    Advances to suppliers                                                127,875
    Deposit and prepayments                                              279,283
       Total current assets                                           12,564,513

    Long Term Bank Deposit                                               104,670


    Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation                      1,029,650
    Construction-in-progress                                           5,058,632

    Distribution agreements, net of accumulated amortization
        of $1,109,099                                                  4,084,137
      Computer software                                                  281,798

                                                                  $   23,123,400



    Accounts payable and accrued expenses                         $   14,941,103
    Advances from customers                                            1,496,630
    Amounts due to directors                                             471,090
    Other taxes payable                                                1,338,767
       Total current liabilities                                      18,247,590

 MINORITY INTEREST                                                       121,943

    Registered capital                                                 1,410,257
    Capital reserve                                                      725,284
    Retained earnings                                                  2,618,326

                                                                  $   23,123,400

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



               FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2005 AND 2004
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)

                                                                  2005               2004
                                                                  ----               ----

  SALES                                                     $   12,391,758    $     7,210,433
  COST OF GOODS SOLD                                             8,466,060          4,743,099
                                                             --------------    ---------------
     GROSS PROFIT                                                3,925,698          2,467,334
                                                             --------------    ---------------


     Selling expenses                                            1,830,962          1,008,529
     Administrative expenses                                       639,710            681,697

      Depreciation and amortization expense                        101,944             35,995
                                                             --------------    ---------------
        Total operating expenses                                 2,572,616          1,726,221
                                                             --------------    ---------------
  INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                                         1,353,082            741,113
                                                             --------------    ---------------


     Other revenues                                                178,744            184,290
     Interest income (expense)                              (          216)             6,937
                                                             --------------    ---------------
  TOTAL OTHER INCOME                                               178,528            191,227
                                                             --------------    ---------------
  INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES                                     1,531,610            932,340
  PROVISION (BENEFIT) FOR INCOME TAXES                             252,716    (        17,170 )
                                                             --------------    ---------------
  NET INCOME BEFORE MINORITY INTERESTS                           1,278,894            949,510
  MINORITY INTERESTS IN EARNINGS                            (       38,367)   (        28,485)
                                                             --------------    ---------------
  NET INCOME                                                $    1,240,527    $       921,025
                                                             ==============    ===============

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2005
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)

                                          REGISTERED       CAPITAL           RETAINED       MINORITY          MEMBERS'
                                            CAPITAL        RESERVE           EARNINGS       INTERESTS         EQUITY
                                            -------        -------           --------       ---------         ------

 Balance at December 31, 2004            $   1,410,257  $    725,284    $    1,377,799    $    83,576    $   3,596,916

 Net income for the three months ended
 March 31, 2005                                      -             -         1,240,527         38,367        1,278,894
                                          -------------  ------------    --------------    -----------    -------------
                                          -------------  ------------    --------------    -----------    -------------
 Balance at March 31, 2005               $   1,410,257  $    725,284    $    2,618,326    $   121,943    $   4,875,810
                                          =============  ============    ==============    ===========    =============

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



               FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2005 AND 2004
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


                                                                           2005                  2004
                                                                           ----                  ----

  Net income                                                        $    1,240,527       $      921,025
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
     by provided by operating activities -

       Amortization of distribution agreements                             129,831              114,735
       Depreciation                                                        101,944               35,995
       Minority interests in earnings                                       38,367               28,485
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
    (Increase) decrease in -

       Accounts receivable                                                 645,949              276,203
       Long Term Bank Deposit                                               52,335                    -
       Inventories                                                  (    1,245,003)      (      484,342)
       Advances to suppliers                                               104,452       (        2,289)
       Prepayments                                                         221,336                    -
       Amount due from a related company                                         -               46,845
    Increase (decrease) in -
       Accounts payable and accrued expenses                               252,800              484,499
       Advances from customers                                             649,097       (       15,684)
       Tax payable                                                  (      819,465)      (      125,784)
                                                                     --------------       --------------
       Net cash provided by operating activities                         1,372,170            1,279,688
                                                                     --------------       --------------


    Construction-in-progress                                        (    2,380,269)      (    1,217,889)
    Acquisition of  intangible assets                               (      296,897)      (    1,811,596)
    Purchases of fixed assets                                       (      104,788)      (      127,071)
                                                                     --------------       --------------
       Net cash (used in) investing activities                      (    2,781,954)      (    3,156,556)
                                                                     --------------       --------------
    Repayment of  advances from directors                           (       99,592)      (      526,282)
    Repayments of long-term debts                                                -              123,135
    Dividends paid                                                               -                    -
                                                                     --------------       --------------
       Net cash (used in) financing activities                      (       99,592)      (      403,147)
                                                                     --------------       --------------
 NET DECREASE IN CASH                                               (    1,509,376)      (    2,280,015)

  CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                         3,769,718            5,661,466
                                                                     --------------       --------------
  CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD                          $    2,260,342       $    3,381,451
                                                                     ==============       ==============

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



               FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2005 AND 2004
                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)

                                                                        2005           2004
                                                                        ----           ----
  Interest paid                                                   $        216   $           -
  Income taxes paid                                               $          -   $           -

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)



     NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited ("NVC Holdings") was incorporated
     in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in The People's Republic of
     China ("PRC"), as a private limited liability company on June 11, 2004 with
     an authorized capital of $10,256,410 (HK$80,000,000) divided into
     80,000,000 ordinary shares of par value $0.12 (HK$1.00) each.

     Pursuant to the reorganization and restructuring of the Company, NVC
     Lighting Company Limited ("NVC Lighting") ceased operations on April 30,
     2003 and, on the same date, certain net assets were distributed totaling
     $1,767,655 to the registered equity holders. On May 1, 2003, the business
     operations of NVC Lighting were transferred to NVC Industrial Development
     Company Limited ("NVC Industrial").

     On June 13, 2004 NVC Holdings acquired 97% of the outstanding registered
     capital of NVC Industrial and 100% of the registered capital of NVC

     The above two transactions were treated as recapitalization of the existing
     business in accordance with the requirements of Financial Accounting
     Standards Opinion No. 141, BUSINESS COMBINATION, EXHIBIT D. The effect of
     these recapitalizations was rolled back to December 31, 2002 for financial
     reporting purposes.

     NVC Holdings and its two subsidiaries, NVC Industrial and NVC Lighting are
     hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Company" or "NVC Group".

     NVC Industrial Development Company Limited was registered as a limited
     liability Sino-foreign joint investment enterprise on January 28, 2003 in
     Huizhou, Guangdong Province, in the PRC with a registered capital of
     $1,282,051 (HK$10,000,000) and a defined period of existence of 15 years to
     January 27, 2018

     NVC Lighting Company Limited was registered as a limited liability company
     on November 13, 1998 in Huizhou, Guangdong Province in the PRC with a
     registered capital of $120,773 (Rmb.1,000,000) and a defined period of
     existence of 6 years. The registered capital was held by Wu Chang-jiang as
     to 45% or $54,347 (Rmb.450,000), Hu Yong-hong as to 27.5% or $33,213
     (Rmb.275,000) and Du Gang as to 27.5% or $33,213 (Rmb.275,000) in trust for
     and on behalf of NVC Holdings.


     The principal activities of the Company are investment holdings,
     manufacturing and distribution of lighting products. The principal
     activities of the Company's subsidiaries, NVC Industrial and NVC Lighting,
     are manufacturing and distribution of lighting products. NVC Group's has
     operations in The People's Republic of China, Europe, the Middle East and
     Hong Kong.



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     As a result of the restructuring and re-organization of the NVC Group,
     certain of the NVC Lighting's assets and liabilities together with the
     business then in existence as of April 30, 2003, were distributed in kind
     to the three registered equity holders on record in proportion to their
     relative equity holdings as of that date. Pursuant to the Tax Clearance
     Certificate issued by the Huizhou Municipal Government Tax Authority on May
     6, 2003, NVC Lighting ceased its operations and all of its tax liabilities
     were cleared with the local tax authority.


     The Company's consolidated financial statements include the accounts of NVC
     Lighting Investment Holdings Limited, its 97% owned subsidiary, NVC
     Industrial Development Company Limited and its 100% owned subsidiary, NVC
     Lighting Company Limited, after elimination of all material intercompany
     accounts, transactions, and profits.. The consolidated financial statements
     are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in
     the United States of America. The consolidated financial statements are
     prepared under the historical cost convention. This basis of accounting
     differs from that used in the preparation of NVC Holdings' statutory
     financial statements which are prepared in accordance with generally
     accepted accounting principles and the relevant Hong Kong Companies
     Ordinance applicable to enterprises in the Hong Kong Special Administrative
     Region, and NVC Industrial and NVC Lighting's statutory financial
     statements which are prepared in accordance with generally accepted
     accounting principles and the relevant financial regulations applicable to
     enterprises in the PRC.


     The following is a summary of significant accounting policies:

     CONSOLIDATION POLICY - All significant inter-company transactions and
     balances within the Company are eliminated on consolidation.

     CASH AND EQUIVALENTS - The Company considers all highly liquid debt
     instruments purchased with maturity period of three months or less to be
     cash equivalents. The carrying amounts reported in the accompanying
     consolidated balance sheet for cash and cash equivalents approximate their
     fair value.



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - Provision is made against accounts receivable to the
     extent, which they are considered to be doubtful. Accounts receivable, all
     of which are unsecured, are shown in the balance sheet are stated net of
     such provision. As of March 31, 2005, provision for doubtful accounts
     amounted to $111,509. Accounts receivable are charged against the allowance
     for bad debts at such time as they are determined to be uncollectible.

     INVENTORIES - Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. The
     cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchases, costs of conversion
     and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present
     location and condition. The costs of conversion of inventories include
     fixed and variable production overheads, taking into account the stage of
     completion. The cost of inventories is determined using the weighted
     average method.

     Market value represents the estimated selling price in the ordinary course
     of business less the estimated costs necessary to complete the sale.

     CONSTRUCTION-IN-PROGRESS - All facilities purchased for installation,
     self-made or subcontracted are accounted for as construction-in-progress.
     Construction-in-progress is recorded at acquisition cost, including cost of
     facilities, and installation expenses. Upon completion and readiness for
     use of the project, the cost of construction-in-progress is to be
     transferred to fixed assets.

     LONG-LIVED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION - The Company recognizes impairment
     losses on long-lived assets used in operations when impairment indicators
     are present and the undiscounted cash flows estimated to be generated by
     these assets are less than their carrying values. As of March 31, 2005, the
     Company had no impaired long-lived assets.

     The cost of property, plant and equipment less anticipated salvage values
     is being depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful
     lives of the related assets. Estimated useful lives used for computing
     depreciation are as follows:

         Plant and machinery                5 years
         Molds                              5 years
         Furniture and fixtures             5 years
         Motor vehicles                     5 years
         Office equipment                   3 years

     DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENTS - The Company has entered into a number of
     distribution agreements with distributors, whereby the distributor agrees
     to be an exclusive distributor of NVC lighting products and has guaranteed
     to generate specified sales volumes over a 10 year period. Each of these
     distributors was paid $120,773 for entering into this agreement. The cost
     of this distribution agreement is being amortized on a straight-line basis
     over the life of the agreement. As prescribed by the EMERGING ISSUES TASK
     CUSTOMER, the Company has reduced sales by the amortization for the three
     months ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 totaling $129,831 and $114,735,
     respectively. The estimated amortization related to these distribution
     agreements over the next five years and thereafter are as follows:



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                AMORTIZATION 
              -----------------------                ------------ 

                         2005                         $  519,324
                         2006                            519,324
                         2007                            519,324
                         2008                            519,324
                         2009                            519,324
                         Thereafter                    1,487,517

                           Total                      $4,084,137

     COMPUTER SOFTWARE The Company is currently in the process of installing new
     business software. As of March 31, 2005 the Company had invested $281,798
     in software related to this new installation. When it is fully implemented,
     the Company will amortize the cost over five years.

     ADVANCES FROM CUSTOMERS - Revenue from the sale of goods or services is
     recognized when goods are delivered or services are rendered. Receipts in
     advance for goods to be delivered or services to be rendered in the
     subsequent year are carried forward as advances from customers.

     REVENUE RECOGNITION - Revenue from the sale of goods and services is
     recognized on the transfer of risks and rewards of ownership, which
     generally coincides with the time when the goods are delivered to customers
     and the title has passed and services have been rendered and invoiced.
     Other income is recognized when it is earned. Sales to all customers are
     final. As prescribed by the EMERGING ISSUES TASK FORCE ISSUE 01-09:
     has reduced sales by the amortization for the three months ended December
     31, 2004 and 2003 totaling $129,831 and $114,735, respectively.

     Other income consists primarily of sales of scrap materials.

     SELLING EXPENSES - Included in selling expenses are advertising, sales
     commissions, outgoing freight, and sales salaries and related expenses.
     Advertising costs are charged to expense as they are incurred and totaled
     $500,800 and $190,376 for the three months ended March 31, 2005 and 2004
     respectively. Freight out totaled $292,095 and $175,752 for the three
     months ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 respectively.

     FOREIGN CURRENCIES - The financial position and results of operations of
     the Company are determined using the local currencies (Hong Kong Renminbi
     or PRC "Renminbi" or "Yuan") as the functional currencies. Foreign currency
     transactions during the year are converted at the average rate of exchange
     during the reporting period. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
     foreign currencies at the balance sheet dates are translated at the market
     rates of exchange ruling at those dates. All exchange differences are dealt
     with in the statements of operations. The Company's principal country of
     operations is in the PRC.

     The registered equity capital and fixed assets denominated in the
     functional currency are translated at the historical rate of exchange at
     the time of capital contribution and purchases of fixed assets and exchange
     differences arising from translating equity capital, reserves and fixed
     assets at exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date are dealt with as
     an exchange fluctuation reserve.



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)

     RETIREMENT BENEFIT COSTS - According to the PRC regulations on pensions,
     the Company contributes to a defined contribution retirement plan organized
     by municipal government in the province in which the Company was
     registered; all qualified employees are eligible to participate in the
     plan. Contributions to the plan are calculated at 18% of the employees'
     salaries above a fixed threshold amount and the employees contribute 8%
     while the Company contributes the balance contribution of 10%. The Company
     has no other material obligation for the payment of retirement benefits
     beyond the annual contributions under this plan.

     For the three months ended March 31, 2005 and 2004, the Company's pension
     cost charged to the statements of operations under the scheme amounted to
     $5,006 and $0, respectively.

     CAPITAL RESERVE - Capital reserve represents that amount of reserve
     appropriated from the net distributable profit after income tax in each
     year when a net profit after operations is generated. In accordance with
     the provisions of the Company's Memorandum and Articles of Association, the
     Company is required to appropriate 5% to 15% of the net distributable
     profit after enterprise income tax to capital reserve. Two-third of the
     capital reserve is set aside for possible use for general reserve and
     one-third is for staff welfare.

     Management believes it has accrued sufficient funds to cover all
     anticipated staff welfare payments as of March 31, 2005 and that this
     reserve is not impaired at this date. The Company shall not be required to
     appropriate any amount to capital reserve when the balance standing in
     capital reserve is equal to or exceeds 50% of the registered capital.

     TAXATION - Taxation on overseas profits has been calculated on the
     estimated assessable profits for the year at the rates of taxation
     prevailing in the country in which the Company operates.

     Provision for the PRC enterprise income tax is calculated at the prevailing
     rate based on the estimated assessable profits less available tax relief
     for losses brought forward.


     Under the Provisional Regulations of the PRC Concerning Income Tax on
     Enterprises promulgated by the State Council and which came into effect on
     January 1, 1994, income tax is payable by enterprises at a rate of 33% of
     their taxable income. Preferential tax treatment may, however, be granted
     pursuant to any law or regulations from time to time promulgated by the
     State Council.

     We accrued $252,716 in enterprise taxes for the three months ended March
     31, 2005 as the Company's two years of complete tax exemption has passed
     and it is now subject to tax at 50% of the normal 33% statutory rate.



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     The Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning
     Value Added Tax promulgated by the State Council came into effect on
     January 1, 1994. Under these regulations and the Implementing Rules of the
     Provisional Regulations of the PRC Concerning Value Added Tax, value added
     tax is imposed on goods sold in or imported into the PRC and on processing,
     repair and replacement services provided within the PRC.

     Value added tax payable in the PRC is charged on an aggregated basis at a
     rate of 13% or 17% (depending on the type of goods involved) on the full
     price collected for the goods sold or, in the case of taxable services
     provided, at a rate of 17% on the charges for the taxable services
     provided, but excluding, in respect of both goods and services, any amount
     paid in respect of value added tax included in the price or charges, and
     less any deductible value added tax already paid by the taxpayer on
     purchases of goods and services in the same financial year.



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS - The carrying amounts of certain
     financial instruments, including cash, accounts receivable, other
     receivables, accounts payable, accrued expenses, and other payables
     approximate their fair values as at March 31, 2005 because of the
     relatively short-term maturity of these instruments.

     USE OF ESTIMATES - The preparation of financial statements in accordance
     with generally accepted accounting principles require management to make
     estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts of assets and
     liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date
     of the financial statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses
     during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those

     RECENT ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS - In May 2003, the Financial Accounting
     Standards Board issued SFAS No. 150 ACCOUNTING FOR CERTAIN FINANCIAL
     standard establishes standards for how an issuer classifies and measures
     certain financial instruments with characteristics of both liabilities and
     equity. As of March 31, 2005, the Company had no financial instruments with
     these characteristics.

     In April 2003, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No.
     ACTIVITIES. This statement amends and clarifies financial accounting and
     reporting for derivative instruments and for hedging activities under FASB
     of March 31, 2005, the Company had no derivative or hedging activities.

     In November 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 151, INVENTORY COSTS - AN
     AMENDMENT OF ARB NO. 43, CHAPTER 4. SFAS No. 151 requires that certain
     abnormal costs associated with the manufacturing, freight, and handling
     costs associated with inventory be charged to current operations in the
     period in which they are incurred. The adoption of SFAS 151 had no impact
     on the Company's financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.

     In December 2004, the FASB issued a revision of SFAS No. 123, SHARE-BASED
     Payment. The statement establishes standards for the accounting for
     transactions in which an entity exchanges its equity investments for goods
     and services. It also addresses transactions in which an entity incurs
     liabilities in exchange for goods or services that are based on the fair
     value of the entity's equity instruments or that may be settled by the
     issuance of those equity instruments. The statement does not change the
     accounting guidance for share-based payments with parties other than

     The statement requires a public entity to measure the cost of employee
     service received in exchange for an award of equity instruments based on
     the grant-date fair value of the award (with limited exception). That cost
     will be recognized over the period during which an employee is required to
     provide service in exchange for the award (usually the vesting period). A
     public entity will initially measure the cost of employee services received
     in exchange for an award of liability instrument based on its current fair
     value; the fair value of that award will be remeasured subsequently at each
     reporting date through the settlement date. Changes in fair value during
     the requisite service period will be recognized as compensation over that



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     The grant-date for fair value of employee share options and similar
     instruments will be estimated using option-pricing models adjusted for the
     unique characteristics of these instruments.

     The statement is effective for the quarter beginning January 1, 2006.

     In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 153, EXCHANGES OF NONMONETARY
     ASSETS-AMENDMENT OF APB OPINION NO. 29. SFAS No. 153 eliminates the
     exception to fair value for exchanges of similar productive assets and
     replaces it with a general exception for exchange transactions that do not
     have commercial substance, defined as transactions that are not expected to
     result in significant changes in the cash flows of the reporting entity.
     This statement is effective for exchanges of nonmonetary assets occurring
     after June 15, 2005.

     Management believes adoption of these new statements will not have any
     significant effect on the Company's financial condition or results of


     Substantially all of the Company's bank accounts are in banks located in
     the PRC which are not protected by the FDIC insurance or other insurance.

     The Company provides credit in the normal course of business. The Company
     performs ongoing credit evaluations of its customers and clients and
     maintains allowances for doubtful accounts based on factors surrounding the
     credit risk of specific customers and clients, historical trends, and other
     information. The Company had no single customer that represented 10% or
     more of sales in either of the three months ended March 31, 2005 and 2004.

     During the three months ended March 31, 2005 the Company had no suppliers
     representing 10% or more of purchases.

     The Company is self insured for all risks and carries no liability or
     property insurance coverage of any kind.


     As of March 31, 2005, the Company had pledged $104,670 in long-term bank
     deposits to banks to secure a motor vehicle loan. The long-term deposits
     mature in 2008.


     Inventories consist of the following as of March 31, 2005:

     Raw materials                           $     3,458,078
     Finished goods                                4,858,186
                                             $     8,316,264



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     As of March 31, 2005, the Company had the following balances due to its

               NAME                                  SECURITY HELD
               ----                                  -------------

  WU Chang-jiang           $        (195,327)                  none
  HU Yong-hong                      (145,564)                  none
  DU Gang                           (130,199)                  none
                              $     (471,090)

     The amounts due to the Directors from the Company are unsecured, interest
     free and have no fixed repayment terms.


     Property, plant and equipment, stated at cost less accumulated
     depreciation, consist of the following as of March 31, 2005:

     Plant and machinery                                   $    290,380
     Molds                                                      833,612
     Furniture and fixtures                                      20,818
     Motor vehicles                                             279,723
     Office equipment                                           322,607
      Less: Accumulated depreciation                      (      717,490)
                                                          $    1,029,650

     Depreciation taken on property and equipment for the three months ended
     March 31, 2005 and 2004 totaled $101,944 and $35,995, respectively.


     Construction-in-progress represents construction cost and design fee of
     $2,678,363 (Rmb.22,176,846) in respect of the construction of the new
     factory premises in Huizhou. The balance of the outstanding construction
     contracts totaling $5,058,632, at March 31, 2005, is anticipated to be paid
     during the year ending December 31, 2005.

     Construction-in-progress includes the purchase of land use right of
     $1,304,348 (Rmb.10,800,000) the land use right certificate applied from
     Economic Union at Ru Hu Town, Huizhou during the year.



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     Other taxes payable consist of the following as of March 31, 2005:

           Value added tax                                   $     792,255
           City construction tax                                   155,462
           Enterprise income tax                                   252,716
           Education surcharge                                      66,627
           Others                                                   71,707
                                                             $   1,338,767


     Minority interest represents the proportionate share (3%) of equity of NVC
     Industrial. At March 31, 2005, the Company owned 97% of NVC Industrial's
     registered capital stock. NVC Industrial Development Company Limited was
     registered as a limited liability Sino-foreign joint investment enterprise
     on January 28, 2003 in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, in the PRC with a
     registered capital of $1,282,051 (HK$10,000,000) and a defined period of
     existence of 15 years to January 27, 2018.


     Enterprise income tax ("EIT") in the PRC is provided on the basis of the
     statutory profit for financial reporting purposes, adjusted for income and
     expense items, which are not assessable or deductible for income tax
     purposes. Enterprise income tax has been provided in NVC Lighting's
     financial statements at the rate of 33% on the estimated assessable income
     derived during the year.

     No provision for EIT has been made in the financial statements of NVC
     Industrial for the year ended December 31 2004 as NVC Industrial has been
     approved to be recognized as a joint foreign investment enterprise and is
     therefore exempted from EIT for two years starting from the first year of
     profitable operation followed by a 50% reduction for the next three years.

     There have been no substantial differences between financial and tax
     reporting of income and expenses, which would give rise to deferred taxes.

     Reconciliations between the expected rate and the effective rate for 2005
     and 2004 are as follows:

                                                  THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                     2005           2004
                                                     ----           ----

         Statutory tax rate                           33%           33%
         Benefit of tax holiday                      (16%)         (33%)
                                                    ------         -----

         Effective tax rate                          17%              0%
                                                    ======         =====



                            (EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS)


     As of March 31, 2005, the Company has future commitments for
     construction-in-progress of $3,822,353, to pay supervision of construction
     sites of $18,116, and to pay future advertising costs totaling $121,575.


                     OraLabs Holding Corp. and Subsidiaries
              Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

On February 23, 2005, as amended on June 20, 2005,  OraLabs  Holding Corp.  (the
"Company") entered into a Stock Exchange Agreement with NVC Lighting Investments
Holdings  Limited,  ("NVC")  a  company  organized  in  the  Hong  Kong  Special
Administrative  Region in the People's Republic of China. The agreement provides
that subject to the meeting of certain  conditions,  including the redemption of
3,629,350  shares of the Company's  common stock in exchange for the transfer to
Gary H. Schlatter of all of the Company's stock that it owns in its wholly-owned
subsidiary,  OraLabs, Inc. In addition,  the Company will issue 300,000 share of
the Company's common stock to the three non-employee  directors,  and will issue
to the NVC  principals or their  designees  approximately  21,364,085  shares of
Common Stock with restrictive  legend for all of the registered  capital of NVC.
After the closing of the Acquisition,  NVC will be a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
the Company and the  ownership of the Company will be  controlled  by the former
shareholders of NVC.

For  financial   reporting   purposes,   this   transaction  was  treated  as  a
recapitalization of NVC.

The accompanying  condensed  consolidated  financial  statements  illustrate the
effect of the acquisition  (pro forma) on the Company's  financial  position and
results of operations.  The condensed consolidated balance sheet as of March 31,
2005 is based on the historical balance sheets of the Company and NVC as of that
date and  assumes  the  acquisition  took  place  on that  date.  The  condensed
consolidated  statement  of income for the three months ended March 31, 2005 and
the year ended  December  31,  2004 are based on the  historical  statements  of
income  of the  Company  and NVC for  those  periods.  The pro  forma  condensed
consolidated  statement of income assumes the acquisition  took place on January
1, 2004.

The unaudited pro forma condensed  consolidated  financial statements may not be
indicative of the actual results of the acquisition.

The accompanying condensed consolidated pro forma financial statements should be
read in connection with the historical  financial  statements of the Company and

August 11, 2005
                                                  ORALABS HOLDING CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                          PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET
                                                              MARCH 31, 2005
                                                          EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS

                                                       ------------ ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
                     ASSETS                            NVC LIGHTING   ORALABS      COMBINED                          PRO FORMA
                                                        INVESTMENT    HOLDING       BALANCE            PRO FORMA      BALANCE
                                                       HOLDING LTD. CORP. & SUBS.    SHEET            ADJUSTMENTS      SHEET
                                                       ------------ ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
CURRENT ASSETS:                                                                                                               
       Cash and equivalents                              $2,260,342   $1,186,402     $3,446,744 1a&d  $(1,286,402)    $2,260,342
       Accounts receivable                                                                                                      
           Trade, net of allowance for bad debt           1,222,913    1,524,544      2,747,457 1a     (1,524,544)     1,222,913
             of $111,509                                                                                                        
           Other                                            357,836            -        357,836                  -       357,836
       Inventories                                        8,316,264    2,754,660     11,070,924 1a     (2,754,660)     8,316,264
       Deferred tax asset - current                                      285,117        285,117 1a       (285,117)             -
       Income Taxes receivable                                           194,081        194,081 1a       (194,081)             -
       Advances to suppliers                                127,875            -        127,875                  -       127,875
       Deposit and prepayments                              279,283      231,087        510,370 1a       (231,087)       279,283
                                                       ------------ ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
                      Total current assets               12,669,183    6,175,891     18,845,074        (6,275,891)    12,569,183
                                                       ------------ ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
INVESTMENT - LONG TERM BANK DEPOSIT                         104,670            -        104,670                  -       104,670
                                                       ------------ ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT:                                                                                                  
         Fixed assets, net of accumulated                 1,029,650    1,816,881      2,846,531 1a     (1,816,881)     1,029,650
         Construction-in-progress                         5,058,632            -      5,058,632                  -     5,058,632
                                                       ------------ ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
                                                          6,088,282    1,816,881      7,905,163        (1,816,881)     6,088,282
OTHER ASSETS:                                                                                                                   
         Deferred tax asset - long-term                                   52,702         52,702 1a        (52,702)             -
         Distribution agreements, net of accumulated      4,365,935            -      4,365,935                  -     4,365,935
         amortization of $1,109,099                                                                                             
                                                       ------------ ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
                                                        $23,123,400   $8,045,474    $31,168,874       $(8,145,474)   $23,023,400
                                                       ============ ============ ==============      ============= =============
         LIABILITIES AND MEMBERS'/STOCKHOLDERS'                                                                                 
CURRENT LIABILITIES:                                                                                                            
         Accounts payable and accrued expenses          $14,941,103   $1,262,264    $16,203,367 1b    $(1,262,264)   $14,941,103
         Reserve for returns                                             375,938        375,938 1b       (375,938)             -
         Current portion of long-term debt                                 8,437          8,437 1b         (8,437)             -
         Advances from customers                          1,496,630            -      1,496,630                  -     1,496,630
         Amounts due to directors                           471,090            -        471,090                  -       471,090
         Other taxes payable                              1,338,767            -      1,338,767                  -     1,338,767
                                                      ------------- ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
                      Total current liabilities          18,247,590    1,646,639     19,894,229        (1,646,639)    18,247,590
                                                      ------------- ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                                                         
         Long-term debt, less current portion                     -       10,500         10,500 1b        (10,500)             -
         Deferred tax liability long-term                         -            -              -                  -             -
                                                      ------------- ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
                      Total non current liabilities               -       10,500         10,500           (10,500)             -
                                                      ------------- ------------ --------------      ------------- -------------
MINORITY INTEREST                                           121,943            -        121,943                  -       121,943
Members'/Stockholders' Equity                                                                                                  -
         Registered capital                               1,410,256            -      1,410,256 1c     (1,410,256)             -
         Capital reserve                                    725,284            -        725,284 1c       (725,284)             -
         Preferred stock, $.001 par value, 1,000,000                           -              -                  -             -
             authorized; none issued and outstanding                                                                            
         Common stock, $.001 par value; 200,000,000                        4,669          4,669 1d          17,652        22,321
             shares to be authorized; 4,668,615                                                                                 
             outstanding and 22,321,083 pro forma issued                                                                        
         Additional paid-in capital                               -    1,463,044      1,463,044 1c         650,175     2,113,219
         Retained earnings                                2,618,326    4,920,622      7,538,949 1c&d   (5,020,622)     2,518,327
                                                          4,753,867    6,388,335     11,264,145        (6,488,335)     4,775,810
                                                         23,123,400    8,045,474     31,168,874        (8,145,474)    23,023,400
                                                        =========== ============ ==============      ============= =============
Book Value per share                                                         $1.37                                         $0.21

Shares outstanding for purposes of computing book           N/A          4,668,615                                    22,321,083
value per share

1a - OraLabs Holding Corp and Subsidiaries assets are eliminated due to transfer
of stock ownership of subsidiary to OraLabs majority shareholder

1b - OraLabs  Holding Corp and  Subsidiaries  liabilities  are eliminated due to
transfer of stock ownership of subsidiary to OraLabs majority shareholder

1c -  OraLabs  Holding  Corp and  Subsidiaries  equity  reflects  retirement  of
3,629,350  shares in connection  with transfer of stock  ownership of subsidiary
and the issuance of 300,000 shares to OraLabs directors and 20,981,818 shares to
NVC  Lighting  Investments  Holding  shareholders  in  exchange  for 100% of its
registered capital.

1d - To record estimated closing costs of $100,000.

                                          ORALABS HOLDING CORP. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                PRO FORMA INCOME STATEMENT
                                           FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004
                                                  EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS

                                ---------------- ------------------ -------------   ----------------- ------------------
                                 NVC LIGHTING         ORALABS         COMBINED                            PRO FORMA
                                  INVESTMENT          HOLDING          INCOME          PRO FORMA           INCOME
                                 HOLDING LTD.       CORP. & SUBS.     STATEMENT       ADJUSTMENTS         STATEMENT
                                ---------------- ------------------ -------------   ----------------- ------------------
SALES                               $55,394,520       $13,130,579  $68,525,099  1a   $(13,130,579)        $55,394,520
COST OF GOODS SOLD                   38,539,315         9,315,940   47,855,255  1b     (9,315,940)         38,539,315
                                ---------------- ------------------ -------------   ----------------- ------------------
  GROSS PROFIT                       16,855,205         3,814,639   20,669,844         (3,814,639)         16,855,205
                                ---------------- ------------------ -------------   ----------------- ------------------


  Selling & Marketing                 6,146,591         1,325,935    7,472,526  1c     (1,325,935)          6,146,591
  Administrative expenses             3,976,993         3,080,158    7,057,151  1c     (3,080,158)          3,976,993
  Engineering expenses                        -           319,828      319,828  1c       (319,828)                  -
  Depreciation expense                  119,008                 -      119,008                  -             119,008
                                ---------------- ------------------ ------------    ----------------- ------------------
     Total Operating expenses        10,242,592         4,725,921   14,968,513         (4,725,921)         10,242,592
                                ---------------- ------------------ ------------    ----------------- ------------------

INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                6,612,613          (911,282)   5,701,331            911,282          6,612,613
                                ---------------- ------------------ ------------    ----------------- ------------------


  Other revenues                        677,809           110,965      788,774           (110,965)            677,809
  Interest income (expense)                (411)          (35,359)     (35,770)  1d        35,359                (411)

                                ---------------- ------------------ ------------    ---------------- -------------------
TOTAL OTHER INCOME                      677,398            75,606      753,004            (75,606)            677,398
                                ---------------- ------------------ ------------    ---------------- -------------------

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE TAXES            7,290,011          (835,676)   6,454,335            835,676           7,290,011

  Current                                     -           194,648      194,648  1e       (194,648)                  -
  Deferred                                    -            75,920       75,920            (75,920)                  -
                                ---------------- ------------------ ------------    ----------------- ------------------
                                              -           270,568      270,568           (270,568)                  -
                                ---------------- ------------------ ------------    ----------------- ------------------
NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE              7,290,011          (565,108)   6,724,903            565,108           7,290,011
MINORITY INTEREST IN EARNINGS          (184,984)                  -   (184,984)                 -            (184,984)

                                ---------------- ------------------ ------------    ----------------- ------------------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                     7,105,027          (565,108)   6,539,919            565,108           7,105,027
                                ================ ================== ============    ================= ==================

PRO FORMA BASIC EARNINGS PER                          $     (0.12)                                        $      0.32

PRO FORMA SHARES OUTSTANDING          N/A               4,668,615                                           22,321,083

1a    OraLabs  Holding  Corp.  and  Subsidiaries  sales  are  eliminated  due to
      transfer of stock ownership of subsidiary to majority OraLabs shareholder.
1b    OraLabs Holding Corp. and Subsidiaries cost of sales are eliminated due to
      transfer of stock ownership of subsidiary to majority OraLabs shareholder.
1c    OraLabs Holding Corp and  Subsidiaries  operating  expenses are eliminated
      due to transfer  of stock  ownership  of  subsidiary  to majority  OraLabs
1d    OraLabs Holding Corp and  Subsidiaries  other income are eliminated due to
      transfer of stock ownership of subsidiary to majority OraLabs shareholder.
1e    OraLabs Holding Corp. and  Subsidiaries  tax benefit are eliminated due to
      transfer of stock ownership of subsidiary to majority OraLabs shareholder.

                           PRO FORMA INCOME STATEMENT
                   FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDING MARCH 31, 2005

                                                 EXPRESSED IN US DOLLARS
                                        -------------- --------------- --------------          -------------- ------------
                                         NVC LIGHTING      ORALABS        COMBINED                              PRO FORMA
                                         INVESTMENT       HOLDING          INCOME                 PRO FORMA      INCOME
                                         HOLDING LTD.    CORP. & SUBS.    STATEMENT              ADJUSTMENTS    STATEMENT
                                        -------------- --------------- --------------          -------------- ------------
SALES                                     $12,391,758      $3,580,849    $15,972,607  1a        $(3,580,849)  $12,391,758
COST OF GOODS SOLD                          8,466,060       2,380,514     10,846,574  1b         (2,380,514)    8,466,060
                                        -------------- --------------- --------------          -------------- ------------
  GROSS PROFIT                              3,925,698       1,200,335      5,126,033             (1,200,335)    3,925,698
                                        -------------- --------------- --------------          -------------- ------------


  Selling & Marketing                       1,830,962         406,462      2,237,424  1c&F         (306,462)    1,930,962
  Administrative expenses                     639,710         735,368      1,375,078  1c           (735,368)      639,710
  Engineering expenses                                         92,872         92,872  1c            (92,872)            -
  Depreciation expense                        101,944                        101,944                       -      101,944
                                        -------------- ---------------
    Total Operating expenses                2,572,616       1,234,702      3,807,318             (1,134,702)    2,672,616
                                        -------------- ---------------
INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                      1,353,082         (34,367)     1,318,715               (65,633)    1,253,082
                                        -------------- ---------------


  Other revenues                              178,744               -        178,744                       -      178,744
  Interest income (expense)                      (216)         11,350         11,134  1d            (11,350)         (216)

                                        -------------- --------------- --------------          -------------- ------------
TOTAL OTHER INCOME                            178,528          11,350        189,878                (11,350)      178,528
                                        -------------- --------------- --------------          -------------- ------------

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE TAXES                  1,531,610         (23,017)     1,508,593                (76,983)    1,431,610

  Current                                   (252,716)           7,365       (245,351)  1e            (7,365)     (252,716)
  Deferred                                          -               -              -                       -            -
                                        -------------- --------------- --------------          -------------- ------------
                                            (252,716)           7,365       (245,351)                (7,365)     (252,716)
                                        -------------- --------------- --------------          -------------- ------------
NET INCOME BEFORE MINORITY INTERESTS        1,278,894         (15,652)     1,263,242                (84,348)    1,178,894
MINORITY INTEREST IN EARNINGS                 (38,367)               -       (38,367)                     -       (38,367)
                                        -------------- --------------- --------------          -------------- ------------

NET INCOME (LOSS)                           1,240,527         (15,652)     1,224,875                (84,348)    1,140,527
                                        ============== =============== ==============          ============== ============

PRO FORMA BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE                         $        -                                         $      0.05

PRO FORMA SHARES OUTSTANDING             N/A                4,668,615                                          22,321,083

1a-OraLabs Holding Corp and Subsidiaries sales are eliminated due to transfer of
stock  ownership  of  subsidiary  to OraLabs  majority  shareholder. 

1b-OraLabs  Holding Corp and  Subsidiaries  cost of sales are  eliminated due to
transfer of stock ownership of subsidiary to OraLabs majority shareholder.

1c-OraLabs  Holding Corp and Subsidiaries  operating expenses are eliminated due
to transfer of stock ownership of subsidiary to OraLabs majority shareholder.

1d-OraLabs  Holding  Corp and  Subsidiaries  other income is  eliminated  due to
transfer of stock ownership of subsidiary to OraLabs majority shareholder.

1e-OraLabs  Holding  Corp and  Subsidiaries  tax benefit are  eliminated  due to
transfer of stock ownership of subsidiary to OraLabs majority shareholder. 

1f-To record estimated closing costs of $100,000.

1g-To record effect of issuance of 300,000 shares of stock to directors. This
stock was valued at $2.18 per share based on daily average of two days before
and two days after the finalization of the stock exchange agreement. Total value
of $654,000. This cost would be both recorded and eliminated as a pro forma
entry since it would be a cost to the old OraLabs shareholders which would be
eliminated in consolidation.

                                     ANNEX 1

                           (Stock Exchange Agreement)


                            STOCK EXCHANGE AGREEMENT

         THIS STOCK EXCHANGE AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as this
"Agreement"), is entered into as of this 23 day of February, 2005, by and among
OraLabs Holding Corp., a Colorado corporation ("OraLabs"); NVC Lighting
Investment Holdings Limited ("NVC"), a company organized in the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region in The People's Republic of China, including its
wholly owned subsidiary, NVC Industrial Development Co., Limited ("NVCI"), a
company organized as a Sino-foreign joint investment enterprise in Huizhou,
Guangdong Province in The People's Republic of China ; and Mr. Chang-Jiang Wu,
Mr. Yong-Hong Wu, and Mr. Du Gang listed on Schedule 1(a) to this Agreement,
being the only shareholders and sole registered capital owners of NVC ( the
"Shareholders"), upon the following premises:


         A. OraLabs is presently a registered public company with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(File No. 000-23039). OraLabs has a subsidiary, OraLabs, Inc., which is its
principal operating company, as well as another subsidiary, O.H. Sub Corp.,
which has never conducted any business. OraLabs.

         B. The Shareholders of NVC own all of the issued and outstanding
registered ordinary shares of NVC (the "NVC Stock") which in turn owns the
entire registered capital of NVCI.

         C. The Shareholders of NVC have agreed to transfer to OraLabs, and
OraLabs has agreed to acquire, and exchange all of their ownership of the
registered ordinary shares of NVC from the Shareholders in exchange for shares
representing ninety percent (90%) of the total fully diluted outstanding common
stock of OraLabs calculated after this stock exchange and after the completion
of the redemption of shares described in Recital D that will be completed
immediately following the stock exchange described in this Recital C, subject to
and pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, which
percentage may increase up to ninety four percent (94%) as described in Section
1.1 of this Agreement.

         D. Immediately following the stock exchange described in Recital C,
OraLabs will redeem all of the shares of common stock of OraLabs owned by Gary
H. Schlatter in his individual name in exchange for the issuance to Gary
Schlatter of all of the common stock of OraLabs, Inc., 100% of which is owned by
OraLabs, and OraLabs will have no tangible assets or liabilities as of the
closing of the stock exchange with NVC.

         E. NVC together with its wholly-owned foreign subsidiary, NVCI, will
become wholly-owned subsidiaries of OraLabs upon closing of the stock exchange.


         NOW THEREFORE, on the stated premises and for and in consideration of
the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth and the mutual
benefits to the parties to be derived herefrom, it is hereby agreed as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                                PLAN OF EXCHANGE

         1.1 THE EXCHANGE. At the Closing (as defined in Section 1.3 below), the
Shareholders hereby agree to assign, transfer, and deliver to OraLabs, free and
clear of all liens, pledges, encumbrances, charges, restrictions, or claims of
any kind, nature, or description, their shares of NVC Stock duly endorsed for
transfer to OraLabs or accompanied by stock powers executed in blank by the
Shareholders, and OraLabs agrees to acquire such shares on such date by issuing
and delivering in exchange therefor solely shares of OraLabs common voting
stock, par value $.001, which will represent 90% of the fully diluted total
issued and outstanding shares of the Common Stock of OraLabs (the "OraLabs
Stock") after the issuance of shares to non-employee directors pursuant to
Section 4.16 and completion of the redemption of shares owned by Gary H.
Schlatter individually, to be issued to the Shareholders and their designees as
listed on Schedule 1(b), in full satisfaction of any right or interest which the
Shareholders held in the NVC Stock. The OraLabs Stock will be issued to the
Shareholders and their designees with a restrictive legend as set forth in
Section 3.3 hereof. Any fractional shares that will result due to such pro rata
distribution will be rounded up to the next highest whole number. As a result of
the exchange of the NVC Stock in exchange for the OraLabs Stock, NVC will become
a wholly-owned subsidiary of OraLabs and the Shareholders of NVC and its
designees will own ninety percent (90%) of the then fully diluted issued and
outstanding common stock of OraLabs. At the Closing, OraLabs will redeem all of
the shares of Common Stock owned by Gary H. Schlatter in his individual name, in
exchange for the issuance of the OraLabs, Inc. common stock described in Recital

         There shall be an adjustment to the number of shares to be issued to
the Shareholders of NVC as described above from 90% to up to 94% in the event
that there is more than $3,380,000 (all references in this Agreement to "$" mean
United States dollars) in NVC net after tax income on a consolidated basis based
upon generally accepted accounting principles in the United States for its
fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, as follows:

         (a)      if the consolidated net after-tax profits of NVC is $7,000,000
                  or more for such fiscal year, then the equity Shareholders of
                  NVC shall be entitled to additional shares of the common stock
                  of OraLabs such that NVC will own 94% of the total outstanding
                  shares of the common stock of OraLabs on a fully diluted basis
                  upon the closing of this Agreement, rather than 90% as
                  provided above; or

         (b)      if the consolidated net after-tax profits of NVC is more that
                  $3,380,000 but less than $7,000,000 then the Shareholders of
                  NVC shall be entitled to additional shares of the common stock
                  of OraLabs of up to an additional 3.99% of the total number of
                  shares to be outstanding on the closing of this Agreement,
                  determined by the proportionate difference in net profits of
                  $3,380,000 and $7,000,000; for example, if the net profits of
                  NVC are $5,190,000 for its fiscal year ended December 31,
                  2004, then the Shareholders of NVC will be entitled to 92% of
                  the total outstanding shares of OraLabs on a fully diluted
                  basis upon the closing of this Agreement, rather than 90% as
                  provided above.


         1.2 ANTI-DILUTION. The number of shares of OraLabs Stock shall be
appropriately adjusted to take into account any stock split, stock dividend,
reverse stock split, recapitalization, or similar change in the OraLabs common
stock, par value $.001, which may occur between the date of the execution of
this Agreement and the date of delivery of such shares.

         1.3 CLOSING. The closing ("Closing") of the transactions contemplated
by this Agreement shall be thirty (30) days after the mailing date (the "Closing
Date") of the Schedule 14A or 14C Proxy Statement or Information Statement to be
sent to the shareholders of OraLabs after it has been approved by the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), unless extended in writing by the
parties. The order of events at the Closing will be as set forth in the

         In the event that the Closing is delayed because the proxy or
information statement remains subject to review by the SEC, the Closing Date
will be extended to accommodate the SEC review process and the time required to
thereafter hold a special meeting of the OraLabs shareholders. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, if this Agreement does not close by June 30, 2005, either party
may terminate this Agreement unless said date is extended under Section 8.1(d).

         1.4 CLOSING EVENTS. At the Closing, each of the respective parties
hereto shall execute, acknowledge, and deliver (or shall cause to be executed,
acknowledged, and delivered) any and all stock certificates, officers'
certificates, opinions, financial statements, schedules, agreements,
resolutions, rulings, or other instruments required by this Agreement to be so
delivered at or prior to the Closing, including the documents and stock
certificates provided in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 herein, together with such other
items as may be reasonably requested by the parties hereto and their respective
legal counsel in order to effectuate or evidence the transactions contemplated
hereby. If agreed to by the parties, the Closing may take place through the
exchange of documents by efax, fax, email and/or express courier.

                                   ARTICLE II

         As an inducement to, and to obtain the reliance of, OraLabs, NVC
represents and warrants as follows, which representations and warranties will
remain accurate at the time of Closing :

         2.1 ORGANIZATION. NVC is a company duly organized, validly existing,
and in good standing under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region in The People's Republic of China ("PRC"). NVC has the power and is duly
authorized, qualified, franchised, and licensed under all applicable laws,
regulations, ordinances, and orders of public authorities to own all of its
properties and assets and to carry on its business in all material respects as
it is now being conducted, including qualification to do business as a foreign
corporation in jurisdictions in which the character and location of the assets
owned by it or the nature of the business transacted by it requires
qualification. The execution and delivery of this Agreement does not, and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement in accordance
with the terms hereof will not, violate any provision of NVC's organizational
documents. NVC has taken all action required by laws, its articles of
organization, certificate of business registration, or otherwise to authorize
the execution and delivery of this Agreement. NVC has full power, authority, and
legal right and has taken all action required by law, and otherwise to
consummate the transactions herein contemplated. NVC owns all of the outstanding
securities of its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, and does not own, beneficially
or of record, any shares of any other corporation. No authorization, approval,
consent, or order of, or registration, declaration, or filing with, any court or
other governmental body is required in connection with the execution and
delivery by NVC of this Agreement and the consummation by NVC of the
transactions contemplated hereby.


         2.2 CAPITALIZATION. The authorized capitalization of NVC consists
solely of 90,999,998 shares of ordinary stock, par value HK$1, of which
11,000,000 ordinary shares are currently issued and outstanding. All issued and
outstanding shares are legally issued, fully paid, and non-assessable and were
not issued in violation of the pre-emptive or other rights of any person. NVC
has not granted any options, warrants, or other convertible securities.


         (a)      Promptly after mutual execution of this Agreement, NVC and its
                  subsidiary, NVCI, will provide to OraLabs their consolidated
                  audited balance sheets at December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the
                  related audited consolidated statements of operations,
                  stockholders' equity and cash flows for the years ended
                  December 31, 2003 and 2002, together with notes to such
                  statements and the opinion of Murrell, Hall, McIntosh & Co.,
                  PLLP and Henny Wee & Co., independent certified public
                  accountants, with respect thereto. All of these consolidated
                  financial statements will be included in the NVC Schedules.

         (b)      All such consolidated financial statements will have been
                  prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
                  principles in the United States. The NVC balance sheets will
                  present fairly as of their date the consolidated financial
                  condition of NVC. NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI,
                  will not have, as of the date of such consolidated balance
                  sheets, except as and to the extent reflected or reserved
                  against therein, any liabilities or obligations (absolute or
                  contingent) which should be reflected in the consolidated
                  balance sheets or the notes thereto, prepared in accordance
                  with generally accepted accounting principles in the United
                  States, and all assets reflected therein will be properly
                  reported and present fairly the value of the assets of NVC and
                  its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, in accordance with such
                  generally accepted accounting principles. The consolidated
                  statements of income, condensed consolidated stockholders'
                  equity, and consolidated cash flows will reflect fairly the
                  information required to be set forth therein by generally
                  accepted accounting principles in the United States.

         (c)      NVC will deliver unaudited balance sheets and the related
                  unaudited statements of income, changes in stockholders'
                  equity and cash flow for the year ended December 31, 2004
                  promptly after execution of this Agreement as well as such
                  statements for each quarter thereafter which shall be
                  delivered to OraLabs not later than 30 days after the end of
                  each quarter, including in each case the notes thereto. Such
                  financial statements and notes will fairly present the
                  financial condition and the results of operations, changes in
                  stockholders' equity, and cash flow of NVC as at the
                  respective dates of and for the periods referred to in such
                  financial statements, all in accordance with generally
                  accepted accounting principles, subject in the case of interim
                  financial statements to normal recurring year-end adjustments
                  (the effect of which will not, individually or in the
                  aggregate, be materially adverse). NVC shall provide such
                  unaudited financial information and pro forma financial
                  information to OraLabs as may be necessary for the Form 8-K
                  current reports, Schedule 14C or proxy statement requirements
                  of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regarding this
                  Agreement and the Closing. NVC will complete and deliver to
                  OraLabs its audit of its consolidated financial statements for
                  its fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, as soon as reasonably
                  possible, but in any event by no later than March 31, 2005.


         (d)      NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, have filed all
                  national, province, and local income tax returns required to
                  be filed by them from inception to the date hereof and all
                  taxes have been paid or are being paid when due. None of such
                  income tax returns have been examined or audited in the PRC.
                  NVC and the Shareholders acknowledge and agree that they are
                  relying solely upon their own analysis of the tax consequences
                  to them and to OraLabs upon completion of the transactions
                  contemplated by this Agreement and are not relying upon
                  OraLabs or any of its officers, directors, attorneys or agents
                  with respect thereto.

         (e)      NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, do not owe any
                  unpaid national, province, county, local, or other taxes
                  (including any deficiencies, interest, or penalties), except
                  for taxes accrued but not yet due and payable, for which NVC
                  and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, may be liable in their
                  own right or as a transferee of the assets of, or as a
                  successor to, any other corporation or entity. Furthermore,
                  except as accruing in the normal course of business, NVC and
                  its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, do not owe any past due
                  accrued and unpaid taxes to the date of this Agreement.

         (f)      The books and records, financial and otherwise, of NVC and its
                  subsidiary, NVCI, are in all material respects complete and
                  correct and have been maintained in accordance with good
                  business and accounting practices.

         (g)      NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, have good and
                  marketable title to their assets and, except as set forth in
                  the NVC Schedules or the consolidated financial statements of
                  NVC or the notes thereto, has no material contingent
                  liabilities, direct or indirect, matured or unmatured.

         (h)      The audited consolidated financial statements of NVC for the
                  year ended December 31, 2004 will show not less than
                  $3,380,000 in net after-tax income on a consolidated basis in
                  accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in
                  the United States.

         2.4 INFORMATION. The information concerning NVC set forth in this
Agreement and in the NVC Schedules is complete and accurate in all material
respects and does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
state a material fact required to make the statements made, in light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. All information
provided by NVC to OraLabs in writing or in any other media form will be in the
English language and will be a complete and accurate translation of the other
language, if any, in which such information was originally prepared.

         2.5 OPTIONS OR WARRANTS. There are no existing options, warrants,
calls, or commitments of any character relating to the authorized and unissued
NVC Stock.

         2.6 ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES OR EVENTS. Except as set forth in this
Agreement or the NVC Schedules, as of the most recent NVC consolidated balance
sheet, when received:

         (a)      except in the normal course of business, there will not be (i)
                  any material adverse change in the business, operations,
                  properties, assets, or condition of NVC and its wholly-owned
                  subsidiary, NVCI; or (ii) any damage, destruction, or loss to
                  NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI (whether or not
                  covered by insurance) materially and adversely affecting the
                  business, operations, properties, assets, or condition of NVC
                  and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI;


         (b)      NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, will not have (i)
                  borrowed or agreed to borrow any funds or incurred, or become
                  subject to, any material obligation or liability (absolute or
                  contingent) not otherwise in the ordinary course of business,
                  and except for capital raised by issuance of debt or equity in
                  a private placement or other capital raising transaction
                  deemed advisable by NVC; (ii) paid any material obligation or
                  liability not otherwise in the ordinary course of business
                  (absolute or contingent) other than current liabilities
                  reflected in or shown on the most recent NVC consolidated
                  balance sheet, and current liabilities incurred since that
                  date in the ordinary course of business; (iii) sold or
                  transferred, or agreed to sell or transfer, any of its assets,
                  properties, or rights not otherwise in the ordinary course of
                  business (except assets, properties, or rights not used or
                  useful in its business which, in the aggregate have a value of
                  less than $1,000,000), or canceled, or agreed to cancel, any
                  debts or claims (except debts or claims which in the aggregate
                  are of a value of less than $1,000,000); (iv) made or
                  permitted any amendment or termination of any contract,
                  agreement, or license to which they are a party not otherwise
                  in the ordinary course of business if such amendment or
                  termination is material, considering the business of NVC and
                  its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI; or (v) issued, delivered,
                  or agreed to issue or deliver any stock, bonds or other
                  corporate securities including debentures (whether authorized
                  and unissued or held as treasury stock).

         2.7 TITLE AND RELATED MATTERS. NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary,
NVCI, have good and marketable title to all of their properties, inventory,
interests in properties, and assets, real and personal, which will be reflected
in the most recent NVC consolidated balance sheet or acquired after that date
(except properties, interests in properties, and assets sold or otherwise
disposed of since such date in the ordinary course of business), free and clear
of all liens, pledges, charges, or encumbrances except:

         (a)      as such assets may be affected by laws of the Hong Kong
                  Special Administrative Region and The People's Republic of

         (b)      statutory liens or claims not yet delinquent;

         (c)      such imperfections of title and easements as do not and will
                  not materially detract from or interfere with the present or
                  proposed use of the properties subject thereto or affected
                  thereby or otherwise materially impair present business
                  operations on such properties; and

         (d)      except as set forth in the NVC Schedules, NVC and its
                  wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, own, free and clear of any
                  liens, claims, encumbrances, royalty interests, or other
                  restrictions or limitations of any nature whatsoever, any and
                  all properties it is currently constructing and all
                  procedures, techniques, marketing plans, business plans,
                  methods of management, or other information utilized in
                  connection with NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary's
                  business. Except as set forth in the NVC Schedules, no third
                  party has any right to, and NVC and its wholly-owned
                  subsidiary, NVCI, have not received any notice of infringement
                  of or conflict with asserted rights of others with respect to
                  any product, technology, data, trade secrets, know-how,
                  proprietary techniques, trademarks, service marks, trade
                  names, or copyrights which, singly or in the aggregate, if the
                  subject of an unfavorable decision, ruling, or finding, would
                  have a materially adverse affect on the business, operations,
                  financial condition, income, or business prospects of NVC and
                  its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, or any material portion of
                  its properties, assets, or rights.


         2.8 LITIGATION AND PROCEEDINGS. Except as set forth in the NVC
Schedules, there are no actions, suits, proceedings, or investigations pending
or, to the knowledge of NVC after reasonable investigation, threatened by or
against NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, or affecting NVC and its
wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, or their properties, at law or in equity, before
any court or other governmental agency or instrumentality, domestic or foreign,
or before any arbitrator of any kind. NVC does not have any knowledge of any
default on its part with respect to any judgment, order, writ, injunction,
decree, award, rule, or regulation of any court, arbitrator, or governmental
agency or instrumentality or of any circumstances which, after reasonable
investigation, would result in the discovery of such a default. There is no
claim against NVC or its subsidiary that either is or may be infringing on or
otherwise acting adversely to the rights of any person under or in respect of
any patent, trademark, service mark, trade name, copyright, license, franchise,
permission or other intangible right. Neither NVC nor its subsidiary is
obligated or under any liability to make any payments by way of royalties, fees
or otherwise to any owner or licensor of, or other claimant to, any patent,
trademark, trade name, copyright or other intangible asset with respect to the
use thereof, in connection with the conduct of its business or otherwise.

         2.9  CONTRACTS.

         (a)      NVC has provided, or will provide OraLabs on reasonable
                  request, copies of all material contracts, agreements,
                  franchises, license agreements, or other commitments to which
                  NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, are parties or by
                  which they or any of their assets, products, technology, or
                  properties are bound;

         (b)      All contracts, agreements, franchises, license agreements, and
                  other commitments to which NVC and its wholly-owned
                  subsidiary, NVCI, are parties or by which their properties are
                  bound and which are material to the operations of NVC and its
                  wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, taken as a whole are valid and
                  enforceable by NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, in
                  all respects, except as limited by bankruptcy and insolvency
                  laws and by other laws affecting the rights of creditors
                  generally; and

         (c)      Except as described in the NVC Schedules, NVC and its
                  wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, are not parties to or bound by,
                  and the properties of NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary,
                  NVCI, are not subject to, any contract, agreement, other
                  commitment or instrument; any charter or other corporate
                  restriction; or any judgment, order, writ, injunction, decree,
                  or award which materially and adversely affects, or in the
                  future may (as far as NVC or its wholly-owned subsidiary,
                  NVCI, can now foresee) materially and adversely affect, the
                  business, operations, properties, assets, or condition of NVC
                  and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI.

         2.10 MATERIAL CONTRACT DEFAULTS. NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary,
NVCI, are not in default in any material respect under the terms of any
outstanding contract, agreement, lease, or other commitment which is material to
the business, operations, properties, assets, or condition of NVC and its
wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, and there is no event of default in any material
respect under any such contract, agreement, lease, or other commitment in
respect of which NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, have not taken
adequate steps to prevent such a default from occurring.

         2.11 NO CONFLICT WITH OTHER INSTRUMENTS. The execution of this
Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement will not result in the breach of any term or provision of, or
constitute an event of default under, any material indenture, mortgage, deed of
trust, or other material contract, agreement, or instrument to which NVC and its
wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, are parties or to which any of their properties
or operations are subject.


         2.12 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. NVC and its wholly-owned
subsidiary, NVCI, have complied with all applicable statutes and regulations of
any national, province, county, or other governmental entity or agency thereof,
except to the extent that noncompliance would not materially and adversely
affect the business, operations, properties, assets, or condition of NVC and its
wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, or except to the extent that noncompliance would
not result in the incurrence of any material liability for NVC or its
wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI. Neither NVC nor NVCI is aware of, or has received
notice of, any conditions which may reasonably be expected to interfere with or
adversely affect their business, their assets or the financial condition of
either, or prevent compliance or continued compliance with any environmental

         2.13 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT. The members and owners of NVC shown on
Schedule 1(a) have authorized the execution and delivery of this Agreement by
NVC, have or will have approved the transactions contemplated hereby, and
approved the submission of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby to the members of NVC for their approval with the recommendation that the
reorganization be accepted.

Schedules is a brief description or summary of every material contract,
agreement, or arrangement between NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, and
any predecessor and any person who was at the time of such contract, agreement,
or arrangement an officer, director, or person owning of record, or known by NVC
to own beneficially, 10% or more of the issued and outstanding interests of NVC
and which is to be performed in whole or in part after the date hereof or which
was entered into not more than three years prior to the date hereof. In all of
such transactions, the amount paid or received, whether in cash, in services, or
in kind, is, had been during the full term thereof, and is required to be during
the unexpired portion of the term thereof, no less favorable to NVC and its
wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, than terms available from otherwise unrelated
parties in arm's length transactions. Except as disclosed in the NVC Schedules
or otherwise disclosed herein, no officer, director, or 10% shareholder of NVC
has, or has had since inception of NVC, any material interest, direct or
indirect, in any material transaction with NVC or its wholly-owned subsidiary,
NVCI. There are no commitments by NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI,
whether written or oral, to lend any funds to, borrow any money from, or enter
into any other material transaction with, any such affiliated person.

         2.15 NVC SCHEDULES. NVC will deliver, as soon as practicable but in any
event within 10 days after the date of this Agreement, the following schedules,
which are collectively referred to as the "NVC Schedules" and which consist of
separate schedules dated as of the date of execution of this Agreement and
instruments and data as of such date, all certified by the chief executive
officer of NVC as complete, true, and correct:

         (a)      a schedule containing complete and correct copies of the
                  organizational documents, in the English language, as amended,
                  of NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, in effect as of
                  the date of this Agreement;

         (b)      a schedule containing the consolidated financial statements of
                  NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, identified in
                  paragraph 2.3(c);

         (c)      a schedule containing true and correct copies, in the English
                  language, of all material contracts, agreements, or other
                  instruments to which NVC or its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI,
                  is a party or by which they or their properties are bound,
                  specifically including all contracts, agreements, or
                  arrangements referred to in Section 2.9;


         (d)      a schedule setting forth a description of any material adverse
                  change in the business, operations, property, inventory,
                  assets, or condition of NVC or its wholly-owned subsidiary,
                  NVCI, since the date of the most recent NVC consolidated
                  balance sheet, required to be provided pursuant to section 2.6
                  hereof; and

         (e)      a schedule setting forth any other information, together with
                  any required copies of documents, required to be disclosed in
                  the NVC Schedules by sections 2.1 through 2.15. NVC shall
                  cause the NVC Schedules and the instruments and data delivered
                  to OraLabs hereunder to be updated after the date hereof up to
                  and including the Closing Date.

         2.16 TRADING. NVC agrees to take all necessary precautions to prevent
any trading in OraLabs securities by its officers, directors, employees,
affiliates, agents or others having knowledge of this Agreement. NVC for itself
and on behalf of all of its shareholders, and the Shareholders of NVC, jointly
and severally, hereby agree that until the earlier to occur of (i) the date that
is three months after the termination of this Agreement, or (ii) the date of the
Closing of this Agreement, they will not, without the prior written consent of

         (a)      acquire, offer to acquire, or agree to acquire, directly or
                  indirectly, by purchase or otherwise, any voting securities or
                  direct or indirect rights to acquire any voting securities of
                  OraLabs or any subsidiary thereof, or of any successor to or
                  person in control of OraLabs, or any assets of OraLabs or any
                  subsidiary or division thereof or of any such successor or
                  controlling person;

         (b)      make or in any way participate, directly or indirectly, in any
                  "solicitation" or "proxies" to vote (as such terms are used in
                  the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission), or seek
                  to advise or influence any person or entity with respect to
                  the voting of any voting securities of OraLabs;

         (c)      make any public announcement with respect to, or submit a
                  proposal for, or offer of (with or without conditions) any
                  extraordinary transaction involving OraLabs or its securities
                  or assets;

         (d)      form, join or in any way participate in a "group" as defined
                  in Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1034, as
                  amended (the "Exchange Act"), in connection with any of the
                  foregoing; or

         (e)      otherwise act, alone or in concert with others, to seek to
                  control the management, board of directors, or policies of

                                   ARTICLE III
                             THE SHAREHOLDERS OF NVC

         As an inducement to, and to obtain reliance of OraLabs, the
Shareholders of NVC represent and warrant as follows:


         3.1 OWNERSHIP OF NVC SHARES. The NVC Shareholders hereby represent and
warrant with respect to themselves that they are the legal and beneficial owners
of the percentage of NVC registered capital and ordinary stock set forth on
Schedule 1(a) of this Agreement, free and clear of any claims, charges,
equities, liens, security interests, and encumbrances whatsoever, and the
Shareholders have full rights, powers, and authority to transfer, assign,
convey, and deliver their NVC stock; and delivery of such registered capital at
the closing will convey to OraLabs good and marketable title to such stock free
and clear of any claims, charges, equities, liens, security interests, and
encumbrances whatsoever.

         3.2 KNOWLEDGE OF REPRESENTATIONS. To the best of their knowledge and
belief, the representations of NVC in Article II, above, are true, accurate and

         3.3 RESTRICTED STOCK. The Shareholders understand that the Shares of
OraLabs to be acquired pursuant to this Agreement have not been registered under
the 1933 Act with the SEC in reliance upon the exemption from the registration
requirements thereof afforded by Regulation S and/or other exemptions under the
1933 Act, or with any state securities commission or agency. The Shareholders
agree and acknowledge that OraLabs will issue stop transfer instructions to its
registrar and transfer agent prohibiting the transfer of the Shares of OraLabs
delivered under this Agreement to any U.S. person for a period of one year after
the date of closing of this Agreement. The Shareholders and their designees
understand that the Shares to be issued to them will have the following
restrictive legend or similar legend affixed thereto:

         "These Shares have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933
(the "Act"), and have been issued pursuant to an exemption pursuant to
Regulation S under the Act. Until one year after the date of purchase, no amount
of the Shares may be offered, sold, or transferred to any U.S. Person and no
hedging transactions involving these securities may be conducted during this
period. Offers, sales, or transfers in the U.S. or to a U.S. person (as defined
in Regulation S promulgated under the Act) or for the account and benefit of a
U.S. person are not permitted, except as provided in said Regulation S, unless
the Shares are registered under the Act or an exemption from such registration
under the Act is applicable."

         3.4 CITIZENSHIP AND RESIDENCY. The Shareholders hereby represent and
warrant to OraLabs that they are citizens and residents of The People's Republic
of China, and are not U.S. Persons within the meaning of Rule 902(a) of
Regulation S.

         3.5 RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. The Shareholders and any assigns of the
Shares agree that the Shares of OraLabs acquired by the Shareholders and/or by
them pursuant to this Agreement shall not be voluntarily sold, transferred or
otherwise disposed of in the United States or to any U.S. Person for a minimum
period of one year from the Closing Date of this transaction, except by
registration of such Shares under the 1933 Act and any applicable state
securities laws.

         3.6 NO HEDGING TRANSACTIONS. The Shareholders and any assigns of the
Shares of OraLabs acquired pursuant to this Agreement agree that hedging
transactions involving these Shares shall not be conducted during a period of
one year, unless in compliance with the 1933 Act.

         3.7 TRANSFERS. The Shareholders understand that any disposition of the
Shares of OraLabs in violation of this Agreement shall be null and void. No
transfer of the Shares shall be made by OraLabs' registrar and transfer agent
upon OraLabs' transfer books or records unless there has been compliance with
the terms of this Agreement, including the above provisions. OraLabs will issue
stop transfer instructions to its registrar and transfer agent to the effect
that the Shares of OraLabs may not be transferred for a period of one year after
the Closing Date and may be transferred thereafter only except as provided
herein. The Shareholders agree to indemnify and hold OraLabs and OraLabs, Inc.
harmless from and against liabilities, claims, damages and expenses (including
reasonable attorneys fees) that may result from or arise out of any disposition
thereof in violation of this Agreement.


         3.8 NON-U.S. TRANSACTIONS. In connection with the transaction which is
the subject of this Agreement, the Shareholders acknowledge that offers
respecting the sale of the Shares directed by OraLabs were received outside of
the United States and that the Shareholders have not and are not engaged in or
directed any unsolicited offers to buy the Shares of OraLabs into the United
States or to any U.S. person.

         3.9 RESTRICTIVE LEGEND. Any documents received by the Shareholders
included statements to the effect that the Shares have not been registered under
the 1933 Act and that no sale of such Shares may occur during a period
commencing on the Closing Date and ending one year thereafter unless the Shares
are registered under the 1933 Act or are sold pursuant to an exemption from

         3.10 INVESTMENT INTENT. The Shareholders are purchasing the Shares of
OraLabs only for their own account and not on behalf of any U.S. person, and no
sale by the Shareholders has been pre-arranged with any prospective buyer in the
United States.

         3.11 AGREE TO REGISTER SALES OF SHARES. The Shareholders agree that all
offers and sales of the Shares of OraLabs prior to the expiration of a period
commencing on the date of the closing of this transaction and ending one year
thereafter shall only be made in compliance with the restrictions of Regulation
S, or pursuant to registration of such securities under the 1933 Act or pursuant
to an exemption thereunder, and the terms hereof.

                                   ARTICLE IV

         As an inducement to, and to obtain the reliance of NVC and the
Shareholders, OraLabs represents and warrants as follows:

         4.1 ORGANIZATION. OraLabs is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of Colorado, and has
the corporate power and is duly authorized, qualified, franchised, and licensed
under all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and orders of public
authorities to own all of its properties and assets and to carry on its business
in all material respects as it is now being conducted, and there is no
jurisdiction in which it is not qualified in which the character and location of
the assets owned by it or the nature of the business transacted by it requires
qualification. Included in the OraLabs filings with the SEC are complete and
correct copies of the Certificate of Incorporation and all amendments thereto
and the bylaws of OraLabs, and all amendments thereto, as in effect on the date
hereof. The execution and delivery of this Agreement does not, and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not, violate any
provision of OraLabs's Certificate of Incorporation or bylaws. OraLabs has taken
all action required by law, its Certificate of Incorporation, its bylaws, or
otherwise to authorize the execution and delivery of this Agreement, and OraLabs
has full power, authority, and legal right and has taken all action required by
law, its Certificate of Incorporation, bylaws, or otherwise to consummate the
transactions herein contemplated, subject to satisfaction of the conditions
described in Article VI below.

         4.2 CAPITALIZATION. OraLabs's authorized capitalization includes
100,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $.001, of which no more than
4,580,615 shares (plus shares issued upon exercise of options and the shares to
be issued under Section 4.16 below) will be issued and outstanding immediately
prior to the Closing. All presently issued and outstanding shares are legally
issued, fully paid, and non-assessable and not issued in violation of the
pre-emptive or other rights of any person.


         OraLabs authorized capitalization includes 1,000,000 shares of
preferred stock, $.001 par value, of which no preferred shares are or will be
issued and outstanding at Closing.

         4.3 SUBSIDIARIES. OraLabs does not have any subsidiaries and does not
own, beneficially or of record, any shares of any other corporation, except
OraLabs, Inc. and O.H. Sub Corp.


         (a)      Included in the Form 10-KSB filed with the SEC for the year
                  ended December 31, 2003, are the audited consolidated balance
                  sheets of OraLabs as of December 31, 2003, and the related
                  audited statements of operations, stockholders' equity, and
                  cash flow for the two fiscal years ended December 31, 2003
                  together with the notes to such statements and the opinion of
                  Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman PC, independent certified
                  public accountants, with respect thereto. Included in the Form
                  10-QSB filed with the SEC for the period ended September 30,
                  2004, are the unaudited consolidated balance sheets of OraLabs
                  as of September 30, 2004, and the related unaudited statements
                  of operations, stockholders' equity, and cash flow for the
                  nine-month period ended September 30, 2004, together with the
                  notes to such statements.

         (b)      All such financial statements have been prepared in accordance
                  with generally accepted accounting principles in the United
                  States consistently applied throughout the periods involved.
                  The OraLabs balance sheets present fairly as of their
                  respective dates the financial condition of OraLabs. OraLabs
                  did not have as of the date of any such OraLabs balance sheet,
                  except as and to the extent reflected or reserved against
                  therein, any liabilities or obligations (absolute or
                  contingent) which should be reflected in a balance sheet or
                  the notes thereto prepared in accordance with generally
                  accepted accounting principles, and all assets reflected
                  therein are properly reported and present fairly the value of
                  the assets of OraLabs, in accordance with generally accepted
                  accounting principles. The statements of operations,
                  stockholders' equity, and cash flow reflect fairly the
                  information required to be set forth therein by generally
                  accepted accounting principles.

         (c)      OraLabs has no liabilities with respect to the payment of any
                  federal, state, county, local, or other taxes (including any
                  deficiencies, interest, or penalties), except for taxes
                  accrued but not yet due and payable.

         (d)      OraLabs has filed all federal, state, or local income tax
                  returns required to be filed by it from inception to the date
                  hereof. Included in the OraLabs Schedules are true and correct
                  copies of the federal income tax returns of OraLabs filed
                  since 2001. None of such federal income tax returns have been
                  examined by the Internal Revenue Service. Each of such income
                  tax returns reflects the taxes due for the period covered
                  thereby, except for amounts which, in the aggregate, are
                  immaterial. OraLabs, Inc. acknowledges and agrees that it is
                  relying solely upon its own analysis of the tax consequences
                  to it upon completion of the transactions contemplated by this
                  Agreement and is not relying upon the Shareholders or NVC, or
                  any of its officers, directors, attorneys or agents with
                  respect thereto.


         (e)      The books and records, financial and otherwise, of OraLabs are
                  in all material respects complete and correct and have been
                  maintained in accordance with good business and accounting

         (f)      OraLabs has good and marketable title to its assets and,
                  except as set forth in the OraLabs Schedules or the Financial
                  Statements of OraLabs or the notes thereto, has no material
                  contingent liabilities, direct or indirect, matured or

         4.5 INFORMATION. The information concerning OraLabs set forth in this
Agreement and the OraLabs Schedules are and will be complete and accurate in all
material respects and does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact
or omit to state a material fact required to make the statements made, in light
of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading as of the
Closing date. All outstanding stock options and any other convertible
securities, if any, of OraLabs will be exercised, terminated or cancelled as of
the Closing date.

         4.6 OPTIONS OR WARRANTS. Except as set forth in Schedule 2, there are
no existing options, warrants, calls, or commitments of any character relating
to authorized and unissued stock of OraLabs. All outstanding stock options and
warrants, and any other convertible securities, if any, will be terminated and
cancelled as of the Closing Date.

         4.7 ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES OR EVENTS. Except as described herein,
in any filings made by OraLabs with the SEC, or in the OraLabs Schedules, since
the date of the most recent OraLabs balance sheet:

         (a)      there has not been (i) any material adverse change in the
                  business, operations, properties, assets, or condition of
                  OraLabs (whether or not covered by insurance) materially and
                  adversely affecting the business, operations, properties,
                  assets, or condition of OraLabs;

         (b)      OraLabs has not (i) recently amended its Certificate of
                  Incorporation or bylaws; (ii) declared or made, or agreed to
                  declare or make any payment of dividends or distributions of
                  any assets of any kind whatsoever to stockholders or purchased
                  or redeemed, or agreed to purchase or redeem, any of its
                  capital stock; (iii) waived any rights of value which in the
                  aggregate are extraordinary or material considering the
                  business of OraLabs; (iv) made any material change in its
                  method of management, operation, or accounting; (v) entered
                  into any other material transactions; (vi) made any accrual or
                  arrangement for or payment of bonuses or special compensation
                  of any kind or any severance or termination pay to any present
                  or former officer or employee; or (vii) made any increase in
                  any profit sharing, bonus, deferred compensation, insurance,
                  pension, retirement, or other employee benefit plan, payment,
                  or arrangement, made to, for, or with its officers, directors,
                  or employees;

         (c)      Except as described in Schedule 2, OraLabs has not (i) granted
                  or agreed to grant any options, warrants, or other rights for
                  its stocks, bonds, or other corporate securities calling for
                  the issuance thereof; (ii) borrowed or agreed to borrow any
                  funds or incurred, or become subject to, any material
                  obligation or liability (absolute or contingent) except
                  liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business; (iii)
                  paid or agreed to pay any material obligation or liability
                  (absolute or contingent) other than current liabilities
                  reflected in or shown on the most recent OraLabs balance sheet
                  and current liabilities incurred since that date in the
                  ordinary course of business and professional and other fees
                  and expenses incurred in connection with the preparation of
                  this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
                  contemplated hereby; (iv) made or permitted any amendment or
                  termination of any contract, agreement, or license to which it
                  is a party if such amendment or termination is material,
                  considering the business of OraLabs; or (v) issued, delivered,
                  or agreed to issue or deliver any stock, bonds, or other
                  corporate securities including debentures (whether authorized
                  and unissued or held as treasury stock), except in connection
                  with this Agreement;


         (d)      It is understood and agreed that OraLabs will have no material
                  assets, liabilities or accounts payable upon completion of the
                  Closing; and

         (e)      to the best knowledge of OraLabs, it has not become subject to
                  any law or regulation which materially and adversely affects,
                  or in the future may adversely affect, the business,
                  operations, properties, assets, or condition of OraLabs.

         4.8 TITLE AND RELATED MATTERS. OraLabs has good and marketable title to
all of its properties, interest in properties, and assets, real and personal,
which are reflected in the OraLabs balance sheet or acquired after that date
(except properties, interest in properties, and assets sold or otherwise
disposed of since such date in the ordinary course of business), free and clear
of all liens, pledges, charges, or encumbrances except

         (a)      statutory liens or claims not yet delinquent;

         (b)      such imperfections of title and easements as do not and will
                  not materially detract from or interfere with the present or
                  proposed use of the properties subject thereto or affected
                  thereby or otherwise materially impair present business
                  operations on such properties; and

         (c)      as described in the OraLabs Schedules.

         4.9 LITIGATION AND PROCEEDINGS. Except in the ordinary course of
OraLabs business there are no actions, suits, or proceedings pending or, to the
knowledge of OraLabs, threatened by or against or affecting OraLabs, at law or
in equity, before any court or other governmental agency or instrumentality,
domestic or foreign, or before any arbitrator of any kind. OraLabs does not have
any knowledge of any default on its part with respect to any judgment, order,
writs, injunction, decree, award, rule, or regulation of any court, arbitrator,
or governmental agency or instrumentality.

         4.10 CONTRACTS. OraLabs is not a party to any material contract,
agreement, or other commitment, except as described in any filing by OraLabs
with the SEC.

         4.11 NO CONFLICT WITH OTHER INSTRUMENTS. The consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement will not result in the breach of any
term or provision of, or constitute a default under, any indenture, mortgage,
deed of trust, or other material agreement or instrument to which OraLabs is a
party or to which it or any of its assets or operations are subject.

         4.12 GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATIONS. OraLabs has all licenses, franchises,
permits, and other government authorizations, that are legally required to
enable it to conduct its business operations in all material respects as
conducted on the date hereof. Except for compliance with federal and state
securities or corporation laws, as hereinafter provided, no authorization,
approval, consent, or order of, or registration, declaration, or filing with,
any court or other governmental body is required in connection with the
execution and delivery by OraLabs of this Agreement and the consummation by
OraLabs of the transactions contemplated hereby.


         4.13 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. To the best of its
knowledge, OraLabs has complied with all applicable statutes and regulations of
any federal, state, or other applicable governmental entity or agency thereof,
except to the extent that noncompliance would not materially and adversely
affect the business, operations, properties, assets, or conditions of OraLabs or
except to the extent that noncompliance would not result in the incurrence of
any material liability. This compliance includes, but is not limited to, the
filing of all reports to date with the SEC and state securities authorities.

         4.14 APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT. The board of directors of OraLabs has
authorized the execution and delivery of this Agreement by OraLabs and has
approved this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

         4.15 CONTINUITY OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. Except for the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, OraLabs has no commitment or present intention
to liquidate OraLabs, Inc. or sell or otherwise dispose of a material portion of
its business or assets following the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby.

         4.16 MATERIAL TRANSACTIONS OF AFFILIATIONS. Except as disclosed herein
and in the OraLabs Schedules, there exists no material contract, agreement, or
arrangement between OraLabs and any person who was at the time of such contract,
agreement, or arrangement an officer, director, or person owning of record or
known by OraLabs to own beneficially, 10% or more of the issued and outstanding
common stock of OraLabs and which is to be performed in whole or in part after
the date hereof or was entered into not more than three years prior to the date
hereof. Neither any officer, director, nor 10% shareholder of OraLabs has, or
has had during the last preceding full fiscal year, any known interest in any
material transaction with OraLabs which was material to the business of OraLabs.
OraLabs has no commitment, whether written or oral, to lend any funds to, borrow
any money from, or enter into any other material transaction with any such
affiliated person. Notwithstanding the foregoing, on or before the date of
Closing, OraLabs intends to issue 100,000 shares to each of the non-employee
directors of OraLabs, which will be issued under a registration statement on
Form S-8.

         4.17 TRANSACTIONS. OraLabs agrees to take all necessary precautions to
prevent any improper transactions in OraLabs securities by its officers,
directors, employees, affiliates, agents or others having knowledge of this
Agreement. OraLabs agrees that until the earlier to occur of (i) the date that
is the termination of this Agreement, or (ii) the date of the Closing of this
Agreement, OraLabs will take such precautions to prevent the officers and
directors of OraLabs, as well as their respective affiliates, from:

         (a)      acquiring directly or indirectly, by purchase or otherwise,
                  any voting securities or direct or indirect rights to acquire
                  any voting securities of OraLabs or any subsidiary thereof, or
                  of any successor to or person in control of OraLabs, or any
                  assets of OraLabs or any subsidiary or division thereof or of
                  any such successor or controlling person, except as provided
                  in this Agreement and under the option plans for employees and
                  for non-employee directors;

         (b)      making or in any way participating, directly or indirectly,
                  except with respect to the proxy and shareholder meeting
                  contemplated by this Agreement, in any "solicitation" or
                  "proxies" to vote (as such terms are used in the rules of the
                  Securities and Exchange Commission);


         (c)      making any public announcement with respect to, or submitting
                  a proposal for, or offer of (with or without conditions) any
                  extraordinary transaction involving OraLabs or its securities
                  or assets, except as contemplated by this Agreement; or

         (d)      forming, joining or in any way participating in a "group" as
                  defined in Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of
                  1034, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), in connection with any
                  of the foregoing.

         4.18 ORALABS SCHEDULES. OraLabs has delivered to NVC, or will deliver
as soon as practicable at NVC's request but in any event within ten (10) days
after the date of this Agreement, the following schedules, which are
collectively referred to as the "OraLabs Schedules," which are dated the date of
this Agreement, all certified by an officer to be complete, true, and accurate:

         (a)      a schedule containing complete and accurate copies of the
                  Certificate of Incorporation and bylaws, as amended, of
                  OraLabs as in effect as of the date of this Agreement; except
                  to the extent these documents are available to NVC on EDGAR
                  Online as part of filings made by OraLabs with the SEC;

         (b)      a schedule containing any filings by OraLabs with the SEC, not
                  available on EDGAR;

         (c)      a schedule containing a copy of the federal income tax returns
                  of OraLabs identified in paragraph 4.4(d);

         (d)      a schedule setting forth the description of any material
                  adverse change in the business, operations, property, assets,
                  or condition of OraLabs since the date of the most recent
                  OraLabs balance sheet, required to be provided pursuant to
                  section 4.7 hereof; and

         (e)      a schedule setting forth any other information, together with
                  any required copies of documents, required to be disclosed in
                  the OraLabs Schedules by sections 4.1 through 4.17; except to
                  the extent these documents are available to NVC on EDGAR
                  Online as part of filings made by OraLabs with the SEC.

         4.19.    OraLabs shall cause the OraLabs Schedules and the instruments
                  and data delivered to NVC hereunder to be updated after the
                  date hereof up to and including the Closing Date.

                                    ARTICLE V
                                SPECIAL COVENANTS

         5.1 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF ORALABS. As soon as practicable following
the execution of this Agreement, and prior to the Closing, OraLabs shall cause
to have approved the following proposals by the written consent of the holders
of a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock of OraLabs, which
approval shall then be subject to the filing of a Proxy Statement or an
Information Statement with the SEC and the passage of at least 30 days after the
mailing of the Proxy Statement or Information Statement without objecting action
taken by any shareholder.

         (a)      the election of Mr. Chang-Jiang Wu and Mr. Yong-Hong Wu as
                  directors of OraLabs effective at the time of the Closing;

         (b)      the amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of OraLabs
                  to change its name to "NVC Lighting Corporation.," or such
                  other name to be determined by NVC (the "New Name"), and to
                  increase the authorized number of shares of OraLabs from
                  100,000,000 to 200,000,000 shares;


         (c)      the approval of the "2005 Stock Option, SAR and Stock Bonus
                  Plan" of OraLabs covering 5,000,000 shares of common stock,
                  attached as Schedule 3 hereto;

         (d)      the approval of this Agreement and the transactions
                  contemplated herein, including without limitation the
                  redemption by OraLabs of the common stock owned by Gary
                  Schlatter as described in Recital D above; and

         (e)      to take such other actions as the shareholders of OraLabs may
                  determine are necessary or appropriate.

         5.2 ACCESS TO PROPERTIES AND RECORDS. OraLabs and NVC will each afford
to the officers and authorized representatives of the other full access to the
properties, books, and records of OraLabs or NVC and its wholly-owned
subsidiary, NVCI, as the case may be, in order that each may have full
opportunity to make such reasonable investigation as it shall desire to make of
the affairs of the other, and each will furnish the other with such additional
financial and operating data and other information as to the business and
properties of OraLabs or NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, as the case
may be, as the other shall from time to time reasonably request.

         5.3 DELIVERY OF BOOKS AND RECORDS. At the Closing, OraLabs shall
deliver to Stephen A. Zrenda, Jr., Esq., legal counsel of NVC, the originals of
the corporate minute books, books of account, contracts, records, and all other
books or documents of OraLabs now in the possession or control of OraLabs or its
representatives and agents.

The consummation of this Agreement and the transactions herein contemplated,
including the issuance of the OraLabs Stock to the Shareholders of NVC as
contemplated hereby, constitutes the offer and sale of securities under the
Securities Act of 1933 and any applicable state statutes. Such transactions
shall be consummated in reliance on Regulation S and other exemptions from the
registration requirements of such statutes which depend, inter alia, upon the
circumstances under which the NVC Shareholders acquire such securities. In
connection with reliance upon exemptions from the registration requirements for
such transactions, at the Closing, NVC shall cause to be delivered, and the
Shareholders shall deliver to OraLabs, letters of representation in the form
attached hereto as Schedule 4.

         5.5 APPROVAL OF CERTAIN SHAREHOLDERS. OraLabs hereby represents that
holders of in excess of 50% of the issued and outstanding stock of OraLabs have
or will have timely agreed to vote in favor of the matters in Section 5.1,
subject to completion of due diligence and the material accuracy of the
representations and warranties in this Agreement, and subject to fiduciary
obligations, if any. OraLabs will obtain a written agreement from these
shareholders, subject to these conditions within ten (10) days of this
Agreement, not to exceed ten (10) persons.

         5.6 THIRD PARTY CONSENTS AND CERTIFICATES. OraLabs and NVC agree to
cooperate with each other in order to obtain any required third party consents
to this Agreement and the transactions herein and therein contemplated.



         (a)      From and after the date of this Agreement until the Closing
                  Date and except as set forth in the OraLabs or NVC Schedules
                  or as permitted or contemplated by this Agreement, OraLabs and
                  NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, respectively, will
                  each: (i) carry on its business in substantially the same
                  manner as it has heretofore; (ii) maintain and keep its
                  properties in states of good repair and condition as at
                  present, except for depreciation due to ordinary wear and tear
                  and damage due to casualty; (iii) maintain in full force and
                  effect insurance comparable in amount and in scope of coverage
                  to that now maintained by it; (iv) perform in all material
                  respects all of its obligation under material contracts,
                  leases, and instruments relating to or affecting its assets,
                  properties, and business; (v) use its best efforts to maintain
                  and preserve its business organization intact, to retain its
                  key employees, and to maintain its relationship with its
                  material suppliers and customers; and (vi) fully comply with
                  and perform in all material respects all obligations and
                  duties imposed on it by all federal and state laws and all
                  rules, regulations, and orders imposed by federal or state
                  governmental authorities.

         (b)      From and after the date of this Agreement until the Closing
                  Date, neither OraLabs nor NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary,
                  NVCI, will: (i) make any change in their organizational
                  documents, Certificate of Incorporation or bylaws; (ii) take
                  any action described in section 2.6 in the case of NVC and its
                  wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, or in section 4.7, in the case
                  of OraLabs (all except as permitted therein or as disclosed in
                  the applicable party's schedules); or (iii) enter into or
                  amend any contract, agreement, or other instrument of any of
                  the types described in such party's schedules, except that a
                  party may enter into or amend any contract, agreement, or
                  other instrument in the ordinary course of business involving
                  the sale of goods or services.

         5.8  SALES UNDER RULES 144 OR 145, IF APPLICABLE.

         (a)      OraLabs will use its best efforts to at all times to comply
                  with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
                  of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), including timely
                  filing all periodic reports required under the provisions of
                  the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") and
                  the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         (b)      Upon being informed in writing by any person holding
                  restricted stock of OraLabs as of the date of this Agreement
                  that such person intends to sell any shares under Rule 144 or
                  Rule 145 promulgated under the Securities Act (including any
                  rule adopted in substitution or replacement thereof), OraLabs
                  will certify in writing to such person that it has filed all
                  of the reports required to be filed by it under the Exchange
                  Act to enable such person to sell such person's restricted
                  stock under Rule 144 or 145, as may be applicable in the
                  circumstances, or will inform such person in writing that it
                  has not filed any such report or reports.

         (c)      If any certificate representing any such restricted stock is
                  presented to OraLabs's transfer agent for registration of
                  transfer in connection with any sale theretofore made under
                  Rule 144 or 145, provided such certificate is duly endorsed
                  for transfer by the appropriate person(s) or accompanied by a
                  separate stock power duly executed by the appropriate
                  person(s) in each case with reasonable assurances that such
                  endorsements are genuine and effective, and is accompanied by
                  an opinion of counsel satisfactory to OraLabs and its counsel
                  that such transfer has complied with the requirements of Rule
                  144 or 145, as the cases may be, OraLabs will promptly
                  instruct its transfer agent to register such transfer and to
                  issue one or more new certificates representing such shares to
                  the transferee and, if appropriate under the provisions of
                  Rule 144 or 145, as the case may be, free of any stop transfer
                  order or restrictive legend. The provisions of this Section
                  5.9 shall survive the Closing and the consummation of the
                  transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The
                  indemnification provided for in this paragraph and in the
                  indemnification agreement shall, subject to the provisions of
                  Section 9.10, survive the Closing and consummation of the
                  transactions contemplated hereby and termination of this


         (d)      After the Closing, OraLabs will take such other actions as may
                  be necessary to facilitate sales of the shares described in
                  Section 4.16 above.

         5.9  INDEMNIFICATION.

         (a)      NVC and the Shareholders hereby agree to indemnify OraLabs and
                  each of the officers, agents and directors of OraLabs as of
                  the date of execution of this Agreement against any loss,
                  liability, claim, damage, or expense (including, but not
                  limited to, any and all expense whatsoever reasonably incurred
                  in investigating, preparing, or defending against any
                  litigation, commenced or threatened, or any claim whatsoever),
                  to which it or they may become subject arising out of or based
                  on any inaccuracy appearing in or misrepresentation made under
                  Article II of this Agreement. The indemnification provided for
                  in this paragraph shall, subject to the provisions of Section
                  9.10, survive the Closing and consummation of the transactions
                  contemplated hereby and termination of this Agreement.

         (b)      OraLabs hereby agrees to indemnify NVC and each of the
                  officers, agents and directors of NVC as of the date of
                  execution of this Agreement and the Shareholders against any
                  loss, liability, claim, damage, or expense (including, but not
                  limited to, any and all expense whatsoever reasonably incurred
                  in investigating, preparing, or defending against any
                  litigation, commenced or threatened, or any claim whatsoever),
                  to which it or they may become subject arising out of or based
                  on any inaccuracy appearing in or misrepresentation made under
                  Article IV of this Agreement. The indemnification provided for
                  in this paragraph shall, subject to the provisions of Section
                  9.10, survive the Closing and consummation of the transactions
                  contemplated hereby and termination of this Agreement.

         (c)      OraLabs agrees to cause OraLabs, Inc. to enter into an
                  indemnification agreement (in the form attached hereto as
                  Exhibit 1) with OraLabs at the Closing to the satisfaction of
                  NVC and the Shareholders to indemnify OraLabs from any
                  liabilities of any kind or nature, direct or indirect, known
                  or unknown, contingent or otherwise, that may exist
                  immediately prior to the Closing or that may be asserted after
                  the Closing Date regarding any claim or liability arising from
                  the operations of OraLabs or any other matter prior to the

         5.10 FAIRNESS OPINION. OraLabs will seek to obtain a fairness opinion
from an appropriate source that the terms of this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby are fair to the shareholders of OraLabs from a financial


         5.11 STAND-STILL AGREEMENT. From and after the date hereof and up to
and including the Closing of this Agreement, the parties agree not to directly
or through intermediaries solicit, entertain or otherwise discuss with any
person or entity any other similar transaction. The obligations of OraLabs under
this paragraph are subject to all applicable fiduciary obligations.

         5.12 DISSENTERS. As used in this paragraph, OraLabs, Inc. will be
referred to as the Subsidiary. After Closing, if there are any dissenting
shares, the Subsidiary will reimburse OraLabs for the total amount, up to
$20,000.00, in cash and within 30 days of receipt of written notification to the
Subsidiary by OraLabs that payment to holders of dissenters shares of up to the
fair value of such shares as determined under applicable Colorado law has been
made. At the option of the Subsidiary, OraLabs will permit the Subsidiary (and
its representatives) to actively participate in the process of determining the
amount payable to dissenters, and no offer amount or settlement will be made by
OraLabs for payments to dissenters without the prior written approval of the
Subsidiary which will not be unreasonably withheld. In consideration for making
those payments, it is agreed that OraLabs will issue to the Subsidiary, on the
next business day following the receipt by OraLabs of each reimbursement
payment, that number of shares which, when multiplied by the average of the
closing bid and ask price of the common stock of OraLabs as of the close of
trading on the date that payment is received by OraLabs , equals the amount paid
by the Subsidiary to reimburse OraLabs . The parties agree that the shares of
OraLabs issuable to the Subsidiary will be restricted securities but that
OraLabs will thereafter use its diligent, good-faith efforts to register those
shares as soon as possible thereafter, and the cost of filing fees paid to the
SEC or under Blue Sky Laws will be paid by the Subsidiary. Applicable Blue Sky
laws will be complied with so as to permit sales and resales of those shares
that are registered under the Registration Statement within the state of
Colorado and any other states chosen by OraLabs.

to execute and deliver or cause to be executed and delivered at the Closing and
at such other times and places as shall be reasonably agreed, such additional
instruments as it may reasonably request for the purpose of fully effecting the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         5.14 CONTINUED OPERATIONS. After Closing, OraLabs, directly or
indirectly through its subsidiary, NVC, will continue to actively conduct the
business of NVC as it had been conducted prior to Closing.

         5.15 NASDAQ LISTING. NVC will use its best efforts to cause the OraLabs
common stock to continue to be listed on the NASDAQ SmallCap Market upon
completion of the Closing and/or to submit a new NASDAQ SmallCap Market listing
application if necessary. If continued listing on NASDAQ SmallCap Market is not
approved by the NASD for reasons attributable to OraLabs, NVC reserves its right
to re-negotiate the relative shareholdings between the Shareholders and members
or OraLabs.

                                   ARTICLE VI

         The obligations of OraLabs under this Agreement are subject to the
satisfaction, at or before the Closing Date, of the following conditions, and if
OraLabs shall not consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement by
reason of the failure of any of such conditions to be met, OraLabs will have no
liability to NVC or its Shareholders:

         6.1 ACCURACY OF REPRESENTATIONS. The representations and warranties
made by NVC and the Shareholders in this Agreement were true when made and shall
be true at the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if such
representations and warranties were made at and as of the Closing Date (except
for changes therein permitted by this Agreement), and NVC and the Shareholders
shall have performed or complied with all covenants and conditions required by
this Agreement to be performed or complied with by NVC and the Shareholders
prior to or at the Closing. OraLabs shall be furnished with a certificate,
signed by a duly authorized officer of NVC and dated the Closing Date, to the
foregoing effect.


         6.2 OFFICER'S CERTIFICATES. OraLabs shall have been furnished with a
certificate dated the Closing Date and signed by a duly authorized officer of
NVC to the effect that no litigation, proceeding, investigation, or inquiry is
pending or, to the best knowledge of NVC threatened, which might result in an
action to enjoin or prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement, or, to the extent not disclosed in the NVC Schedules, by or
against NVC which might result in any material adverse change in any of the
assets, properties, business, or operations of NVC and its wholly-owned
subsidiary, NVCI.

         6.3 NO MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE. Prior to the Closing Date, there shall
not have occurred any material adverse change in the financial condition,
business, or operations of NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI, nor shall
any event have occurred which, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice,
may cause or create any material adverse change in the financial condition,
business, or operations of NVC and its wholly-owned subsidiary, NVCI.

         6.4 OFFICER AND DIRECTOR QUESTIONNAIRES. OraLabs shall have received
officer and director questionnaires completed and signed by each executive
officer and director of NVC in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
OraLabs and its counsel which shall contain information for use by OraLabs in
reporting the transaction contemplated hereby on Form 8-K and in Schedule 14A or
14C to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

         6.5  OTHER ITEMS.

         (a)      OraLabs shall have received a members' list of NVC containing
                  the name, address, and number of shares held by each NVC
                  shareholder as of the date of Closing certified by an
                  executive officer of NVC as being true, complete, and

         (b)      OraLabs shall have received such further documents,
                  certificates, or instruments relating to the transactions
                  contemplated hereby as OraLabs may reasonably request.

         6.6 FAIRNESS OPINION. The Board of Directors of OraLabs shall have
received a fairness opinion satisfactory to it that remains in effect as of the
time of Closing.

         6.7 PERFORMANCE. Each of the covenants and agreements of NVC and the
Shareholders to be performed or complied with on or before Closing pursuant to
the terms of this Agreement shall have been duly performed and complied with.

         6.8 NO GOVERNMENTAL ACTION. No governmental agency or body shall have
taken any action or made any request of OraLabs, NVC or the Shareholders, as a
result of which OraLabs deems it inadvisable to proceed with the transaction,
including without limitation that the SEC has not objected to the use of the
Proxy Statement or Information Statement at the meeting of the shareholders of
OraLabs and has not otherwise objected to the completion of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.


         6.9 CONSENTS. All consents to the consummation of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement that are required in order to prevent a breach of
or a default under the terms of any instrument to which NVC or the Shareholders
is a party or is bound shall have been obtained.

         6.10 APPROVAL BY ORALABS SHAREHOLDERS. The transactions contemplated by
this Agreement shall have been approved at a shareholder meeting of OraLabs at
which a quorum of the shareholders is present by person or by proxy, and such
approval shall have been given by a majority of the shares voted at the meeting.

         6.11 DUE DILIGENCE. OraLabs must be satisfied in its sole and absolute
discretion with the results of its due diligence investigation of NVC. Failure
to notify NVC within 30 days following mutual execution of this Agreement, that
OraLabs is not satisfied with the results of its due diligence investigation of
NVC, shall constitute a waiver of this paragraph.

         6.12 ACCOUNTANT'S LETTER. OraLabs shall have received a "comfort"
letter from NVC's independent auditors, Murrell, Hall, McIntosh & Co., PLLP
covering the period from December 31, 2004 until that day which is no more than
ten days prior to the date of Closing, in a form reasonably satisfactory to
counsel for OraLabs.

         6.13. LEGAL OPINION. OraLabs shall have received a legal opinion from
an attorney authorized to practice in the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region in The People's Republic of China, that (i) NVC is a company duly
organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region in The People's Republic of China ("PRC");
(ii) NVC has the power and is duly authorized, qualified, franchised, and
licensed under all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and orders of
public authorities to own all of its properties and assets and to carry on its
business in all material respects as it is now being conducted, including
qualification to do business as a foreign corporation in jurisdictions in which
the character and location of the assets owned by it or the nature of the
business transacted by it requires qualification; (iii) the execution and
delivery of this Agreement does not, and the consummation of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement in accordance with the terms hereof will not,
violate any provision of NVC's organizational documents; (iv) NVC has taken all
action required by laws, its articles of organization, certificate of business
registration, or otherwise to authorize the execution and delivery of this
Agreement; (v) NVC has full power, authority, and legal right and has taken all
action required by law, and otherwise to consummate the transactions herein
contemplated; and (vi) no authorization, approval, consent, or order of, or
registration, declaration, or filing with, any court or other governmental body
is required in connection with the execution and delivery by NVC of this
Agreement and the consummation by NVC of the transactions contemplated hereby,
and specifically that the exchange of the NVC Stock for the OraLabs Stock
requires no such consents and will be legally binding upon NVC.

         6.14 NUMBER OF DISSENTERS. The number of shares that shall be the
subject of dissenters' rights exercised by any of the shareholders of OraLabs
shall not exceed 100,000.

         Any of the above conditions can be waived by OraLabs in the exercise of
its sole discretion.


                                   ARTICLE VII
                            NVC AND THE SHAREHOLDERS

         The obligations of NVC and the Shareholders under this Agreement are
subject to the satisfaction, at or before the Closing Date, of the following
conditions, and if NVC and the Shareholders shall not consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement by reason of the failure of any of
such conditions to be met, they will have no liability to OraLabs:

         7.1 ACCURACY OF REPRESENTATIONS. The representations and warranties
made by OraLabs in this Agreement were true when made and shall be true as of
the Closing Date (except for changes therein permitted by this Agreement) with
the same force and effect as if such representations and warranties were made at
and as of the Closing Date, and OraLabs shall have performed and complied with
all covenants and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or
complied with by OraLabs prior to or at the Closing. NVC shall have been
furnished with a certificate, signed by a duly authorized executive officer of
OraLabs and dated the Closing Date, to the foregoing effect.

         7.2 STOCKHOLDER APPROVAL. The stockholders of OraLabs shall have
approved this Agreement, the transactions contemplated hereby, and the other
matters described in Section 5.1.

         7.3 OFFICER'S CERTIFICATE. NVC shall have been furnished with a
certificate dated the Closing Date and signed by a duly authorized executive
officer of OraLabs to the effect that no litigation, proceeding, investigation,
or inquiry is pending or, to the best knowledge of OraLabs threatened, which
might result in an action to enjoin or prevent the consummation of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         7.4 NO MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE. Prior to the Closing Date, there shall
not have occurred any material adverse change in the financial condition,
business, or operations of OraLabs nor shall any event have occurred which, with
the lapse of time or the giving of notice, may cause or create any material
adverse change in the financial condition, business, or operations of OraLabs.

         7.5 GOOD STANDING. OraLabs shall have received a certificate of good
standing from the Secretary of State of the State of Colorado or other
appropriate office, dated as of a date within ten days prior to the Closing Date
certifying that OraLabs is in good standing as a corporation in the State of
Colorado and has filed all tax returns required to have been filed by it to date
and has paid all taxes reported as due thereon.

         7.6  OTHER ITEMS.

         (a)      NVC shall have received a shareholders' list of OraLabs from
                  its transfer agent, current at least within ten (10) days
                  prior to Closing, containing the name, address and number of
                  shares held by each such OraLabs shareholder, certified by a
                  representative of the transfer agent as being true, complete
                  and accurate.

         (b)      NVC shall have received such further documents, certificates,
                  or instruments relating to the transactions contemplated
                  hereby as NVC may reasonably request.

         7.7 PERFORMANCE. Each of the covenants and agreements of OraLabs to be
performed or complied with on or before Closing pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement shall have been duly performed and complied with.

         7.8 NO GOVERNMENTAL ACTION. No governmental agency or body shall have
taken any action or made any request of NVC, the Shareholders or OraLabs, as a
result of which NVC deems it inadvisable to proceed with the transaction,
including without limitation that the SEC has not objected to the use of the
Proxy Statement or Information Statement at the meeting of the shareholders of
OraLabs and has not otherwise objected to the completion of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.


         7.9 CONSENTS. All consents to the consummation of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement that are required in order to prevent a breach of
or a default under the terms of any instrument to which OraLabs is a party or is
bound shall have been obtained.

         7.10 APPROVAL BY ORALABS SHAREHOLDERS. The transactions contemplated by
this Agreement shall have been approved at a shareholder meeting of OraLabs at
which a quorum of the shareholders is present by person or by proxy, and such
approval shall have been given by a majority of the shares voted at the meeting.

         7.11 DUE DILIGENCE. NVC must be satisfied in its sole and absolute
discretion with the results of its due diligence investigation of OraLabs.
Failure to notify OraLabs within 30 days following mutual execution of this
Agreement, that NVC is not satisfied with the results of its due diligence
investigation of OraLabs, shall constitute a waiver of this paragraph.

         Any of the above conditions can be waived by NVC or the Shareholders in
their sole and absolute discretion.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
         8.1  TERMINATION.

         (a)      This Agreement may be terminated by the board of directors of
                  OraLabs or by the owners of NVC, shown on Schedule 1A attached
                  hereto, at any time prior to the Closing Date if: (i) there
                  shall be any actual or threatened action or proceeding before
                  any court or any governmental body which shall seek to
                  restrain, prohibit, or invalidate the transactions
                  contemplated by this Agreement and which, in the judgment of
                  such board of directors, made in good faith and based on the
                  advice of its legal counsel, makes it inadvisable to proceed
                  with the exchange contemplated by this Agreement; or (ii) any
                  of the transactions contemplated hereby are disapproved by any
                  regulatory authority whose approval is required to consummate
                  such transactions or in the judgment of such board of
                  directors, made in good faith and based on the advice of
                  counsel, there is substantial likelihood that any such
                  approval will not be obtained or will be obtained only on a
                  condition or conditions which would be unduly burdensome,
                  making it inadvisable to proceed with the exchange.. In the
                  event of termination pursuant to this paragraph (a) of section
                  8.1, no obligation, right, or liability shall arise hereunder,
                  and each party shall bear all of the expenses incurred by it
                  in connection with the negotiation, drafting, and execution of
                  this Agreement and the transactions herein contemplated,
                  subject to Section 9.4.

         (b)      This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the
                  Closing by action of the board of directors of OraLabs if NVC
                  shall fail to comply in any material respect with any of its
                  covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement or if any
                  of the representations or warranties of NVC contained herein
                  shall be inaccurate in any material respect, or if there shall
                  have been any change after the date of the latest balance
                  sheets of NVC, in the assets, properties, business, or
                  financial condition of NVC, which could have a materially
                  adverse affect on the value of the business of NVC, except any
                  changes disclosed in the NVC Schedules, dated as of the date
                  of execution of this Agreement. If this Agreement is
                  terminated pursuant to this paragraph (b) of section 8.1, this
                  Agreement shall be of no further force or effect, and no
                  obligation, right, or liability shall arise hereunder, except
                  that NVC shall bear its own costs in connection with the
                  negotiation, preparation, and execution of this Agreement,
                  subject to Section 9.4.


         (c)      This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the
                  Closing by action of the owners of NVC, shown on Schedule 1A
                  attached hereto, if OraLabs shall fail to comply in any
                  material respect with any of its covenants or agreements
                  contained in this Agreement or if any of the representations
                  or warranties of OraLabs contained herein shall be inaccurate
                  in any material respect. If this Agreement is terminated
                  pursuant to this paragraph (c) of section 8.1, this Agreement
                  shall be of no further force or effect, and no obligation,
                  right, or liability shall arise hereunder, except that OraLabs
                  shall bear its own costs incurred in connection with the
                  negotiation, preparation, and execution of this Agreement,
                  subject to Section 9.4.

         (d)      This Agreement may be terminated by either party if the
                  transactions shall not have been consummated by June 30, 2005,
                  which date will be extended to July 31, 2005 if the Proxy
                  Statement or Information Statement has not then been cleared
                  by the SEC or if such Statement was not cleared by the SEC by
                  June 30, 2005, in either of which events such date may be
                  extended at the written election of either party for a period
                  not to exceed sixty days, or which date may in any case be
                  extended by mutual agreement of the parties in writing.
                  Provided, however, that the right to terminate the Agreement
                  under this paragraph will not be available to a party whose
                  action or failure to act has contributed to the failure of the
                  transactions to be consummated on or before such date and such
                  action or failure to act constitutes a material breach of this

         (e)      This Agreement may be terminated by either party if within 30
                  days after mutual execution of this Agreement, such party
                  gives written notice to the other that it is not satisfied, in
                  its sole and absolute discretion, with the results of its due
                  diligence investigation of the other party.

                                   ARTICLE IX

         9.1 BROKERS. OraLabs and NVC agree that there were no finders or
brokers involved in bringing the parties together or who were instrumental in
the negotiation, execution, or consummation of this Agreement. OraLabs and NVC
each agree to indemnify the other against any claim by any third person for any
commission, brokerage, or finders' fee arising from the transactions
contemplated hereby based on any alleged agreement or understanding between the
indemnifying party and such third person, whether express or implied from the
actions of the indemnifying party.

         9.2 GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by, enforced, and
construed under and in accordance with the laws of the United States of America
and, with respect to matters of state law, with the internal laws of the State
of Colorado without giving effect to its choice of law rules. Except as stated
at the end of this paragraph, any dispute, controversy or claim arising under or
in any way related to this Agreement or the breach thereof shall only be
submitted to and settled by binding arbitration before a single arbitrator by
the American Arbitration Association in accordance with the Association's
commercial rules then in effect. The arbitration (or legal proceedings described
at the end of this paragraph) will only be conducted in Denver, Colorado, which
the parties agree is the exclusive venue for the proceedings. Judgment upon the
award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having
jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator may award reasonable attorneys fees to the
prevailing party, or if the arbitrator believes that more than one party has
prevailed in separate aspects of the arbitration, the arbitrator may award
attorneys fees as it deems appropriate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either
party may institute litigation in connection with seeking to enforce rights
under Section 9.5 below.


         9.3 NOTICES. Any notices or other communications required or permitted
hereunder shall only be sufficiently given if in writing and hand delivered to
it, sent by overnight delivery by a courier service of United States and
international recognition (such as Federal Express, DHL or UPS) that provides
international delivery, expenses prepaid, or by facsimile addressed as follows:

If to OraLabs, to:         OraLabs Holding Corp.
                           c/o Michael Friess, Authorized Director
                           5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 101 Boulder, CO  80303
                           Telephone:  (303) 499-6000 x18
                           Facsimile:  (303) 499-6666

With copies to:            Douglas B. Koff, Esq.
                           Koff, Corn & Berger, P.C.
                           303 E. 17th Street, Suite 940
                           Denver, Colorado 80203-1262
                           Telephone: 303.861.1166
                           Facsimile: 303.861.0601

If to NVC, or any one or more
Shareholder, to:  NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited
                           c/o Mr. Chang-Jiang Wu and Ms. Tracy Yun Hung
                           Suite A-C, 20/F Neich Tower
                           128 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
                           Hong Kong, The People's Republic of China
                           Telephone: 011.852.2517.6226
                           Facsimile: 011.852.2548.7788

With copies to:            Stephen A. Zrenda, Jr., Esq.
                           Stephen A. Zrenda, Jr., P.C.
                           100 N. Broadway Avenue, Suite 2440
                           Oklahoma City, OK 73102-8608
                           Telephone: 405.235.2111
                           Facsimile: 915.975.8003

                           Tracy Wan
                           Belmont Capital Group Limited
                           Suite A-C, 20/F Neich Tower
                           128 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
                           Hong Kong, The People's Republic of China
                           Telephone:  011.852.2517.6226
                           Facsimile:  011.852.2548.7788


or such other addresses as shall be furnished in writing by any party in the
manner for giving notices hereunder. Each notice or other communication shall
only be effective and deemed to have been received (i) if given by facsimile,
one business day after such facsimile is transmitted to the facsimile number
specified above, and confirmation of delivery by the sender's machine is given,
(ii) if given by hand delivery, the date of delivery as evidenced by a written
receipt, or (iii) if given by a courier service, the third business day
following the business day of deposit with such service, with shipping charges
for the most expedited delivery prepaid or prearranged. As used herein, a
"business day" means Mondays through Fridays, excluding days (at the location
where the notice is to be delivered) that are national bank holidays. Notice to
NVC shall be deemed to be notice to all Shareholders for all purposes.

         9.4 ATTORNEYS' FEES. In the event that any party institutes any
arbitration proceeding or a litigation proceeding under Section 9.5 to interpret
or enforce this Agreement or to secure relief from any default hereunder or
breach hereof, the breaching party or parties shall reimburse the nonbreaching
party or parties for all costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred
in connection therewith and in enforcing or collecting any judgment rendered

         9.5 CONFIDENTIALITY. OraLabs on the one hand, and NVC and the
Shareholders on the other hand, agree that for a period of five (5) years from
and after the date of this Agreement (regardless of whether the transactions
contemplated hereby are consummated), each will hold, and will cause its
directors, officers, employees, affiliates, consultants and advisers
(collectively, "Representatives") to hold, in confidence all documents and
information furnished to it (the "Receiving Party") by or on behalf of the other
party (the "Disclosing Party") either before or after such date, in connection
with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the "Confidential
Material"). Each party agrees that it will use the Confidential Material solely
for the purpose of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (including
without limitation descriptions or attachments of Confidential Material in any
press releases and public filings that OraLabs determines are necessary or
advisable to comply with applicable securities laws or as required by law) and
it will not use the Confidential Material in any way detrimental to the other
party. In the event that either party is requested in any proceeding to disclose
any Confidential Material, such party shall give the other party prompt notice
of such request so that the other party may seek an appropriate protective
order. If, in the absence of a protective order, a party is nonetheless
compelled to disclose Confidential Material, such party may disclose such
information without liability hereunder; provided, however, that such party will
give the other party written notice of the information to be disclosed as far in
advance of its disclosure as is practicable and, upon the request of and at the
expense of such other party, such party will use commercially reasonable efforts
to obtain assurances that confidential treatment will be accorded to such
information. The term "Confidential Material" shall not include information that
was or becomes generally available on a non-confidential basis provided that the
source of such information was not bound by a confidentiality agreement. Without
granting any right or license, the Disclosing Party agrees that the foregoing
shall not apply to any information that the Receiving Party can document: (i) is
(through no improper action or inaction by the Receiving Party or any affiliate,
agent, consultant or employee) generally available to the public, or (ii) was in
its possession or known by it prior to receipt from the Disclosing Party, or
(iii) was rightfully disclosed to it by a third party without restriction,
provided the Receiving Party complies with any restrictions imposed by the third
party, or (iv) was independently developed without use of any Confidential
Material of the Disclosing Party by employees of the Receiving Party who have
had no access to such information. The parties agree that because money damages
may not be a sufficient remedy for any breach of the foregoing covenants and
agreements, the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to specific performance and
injunctive and other equitable relief as a remedy for any such breach of this
Agreement in addition to all monetary remedies available at law or in equity.


         9.6 EXPENSES OF STOCK EXCHANGE. OraLabs and NVC agree that they will
each bear their own costs and expenses in negotiating and closing the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including but not limited to,
attorneys' fees, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement.

         9.7 SCHEDULES; KNOWLEDGE. Each party is presumed to have full knowledge
of all information set forth in the other party's schedules (or substitutes
therefor as expressly provided in this Agreement) delivered pursuant to this

         9.8 THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This contract is solely between OraLabs,
NVC and the Shareholders and, except as specifically provided, no director,
officer, stockholder, member, employee, agent, independent contractor, or any
other person or entity shall be deemed to be a third party beneficiary of this

         9.9 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement represents the entire agreement
between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, including this
Agreement alone fully and completely expresses the agreement of the parties
relating to the subject matter hereof. There are no other courses of dealing,
understandings, agreements, representations, or warranties, written or oral,
except as set forth herein. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision
of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other
provision. Captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only and
shall not be deemed to explain, limit or amplify the provisions of this

         9.10 SURVIVAL; TERMINATION. All representations, agreements, warranties
and indemnities in this Agreement shall survive only for a period of one year
following the Closing Date or termination of this Agreement (except that the
provisions of Section 9.5 survive for a period of five years after the date of
this Agreement), notwithstanding any investigation by or on behalf of any party,
and will be null and void unless arbitration (or litigation under Section 9.5)
is brought with respect thereto within one month after the expiration of
survival. In addition, all other provisions of this Agreement which by their
terms are to be performed after the Closing Date will survive for a period of
one year following the Closing Date.

         9.11 COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in multiple
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken
together shall be but a single instrument.

         9.12 AMENDMENT OR WAIVER. Every right and remedy provided herein shall
be cumulative with every other right and remedy, whether conferred herein, at
law, or in equity, and may be enforced concurrently herewith, and no waiver by
any party of the performance of any obligation by the other shall be construed
as a waiver of the same or any other default then, theretofore, or thereafter
occurring or existing. At any time prior to the Closing Date, this Agreement may
be amended by a writing signed by all parties hereto, with respect to any of the
terms contained herein, and any term or condition of this Agreement may be
waived or the time for performance hereof may be extended by a writing signed by
the party or parties for whose benefit the provision is intended.

         9.13 ASSIGNABILITY. This Agreement shall not be assignable by either
party without the prior written consent of the other party, which may be
withheld in the other party's exercise of its sole discretion. This Agreement
shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the permitted successors and
assigns of the parties.

         9.14 DRAFTS. The submittal of drafts and redrafts of this Agreement or
of any other instrument(s) between the parties does not impose any legal
obligation upon any party, which will arise only at such time as the parties
choose in the exercise of their sole discretions to execute this Agreement.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the corporate parties hereto have caused this
Agreement to be executed by their respective officers, hereunto duly authorized,
as of the date first above-written.

                                                     ORALABS HOLDING CORP.

ATTEST:                                     By: Michael I. Friess,            
                                                Michael I. Friess,            
                                                authorized director
                                            NVC LIGHTING INVESTMENT
                                            HOLDINGS LIMITED

                                            By: Chang-Jiang Wu                
                                                 Chang-Jiang Wu, President

NVC Shareholders:                            
                                             Chang-Jiang Wu

                                             Yong-Hong Wu

                                             Du Gang

         The signature of the undersigned is to evidence its obligation to
comply with the provisions of Sections 5.9(c) and 5.12 applicable to it:

                                            ORALABS, INC., 
                                            a Colorado corporation

                                            Gary H. Schlatter, President

The signature of the undersigned is solely for the purpose of evidencing his
obligation to comply with the provisions of Recital D and Section 1.1 applicable
to him, and the undersigned makes no other representations, warranties or
indemnities of any kind:

                                            GARY H. SCHLATTER, Individually

                                            Gary H. Schlatter


                                  Schedule 1(a)


                            STOCK EXCHANGE AGREEMENT

                             Dated February 23, 2005

         The following persons are the sole members and owners of the ordinary
shares of NVC, which are all of the outstanding securities of NVC:

                  NAME                         PERCENT OF OWNERSHIP

         1. Chang-Jiang Wu                            33.34%

         2. Yong-Hong Hu                              33.33%

         3. Gang Du                                   33.33%

                                  Schedule 1(b)


                            STOCK EXCHANGE AGREEMENT

                             Dated February 23, 2005

         The common shares of common stock of OraLabs to be issued under the
terms of the Stock Exchange Agreement shall be issued as follows:

          NAME                                                 NUMBER OF SHARES

 1.       Chang-Jiang Wu
          Suites A-C, 20th Floor Neich Tower                   ________________
          128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai
          Hong Kong, The People's Republic of China

 2.       Yong-Hong Hu                                         ________________
          Suites A-C, 20th Floor Neich Tower
          128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai
          Hong Kong, The People's Republic of China

 3.       Gang Du                                              ________________
          Suites A-C, 20th Floor Neich Tower
          128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai 
          Hong Kong, The People's Republic
          of China

 4.       Belmont Capital Group Limited                        ________________
          Suite A-C, 20/F Neich Tower
          128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai
          Hong Kong, The People's Republic of China

 5.       Tao Niu                                              ________________
          Suites A-C, 20th Floor Neich Tower
          128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai 
          Hong Kong, The People's Republic
          of China

 6.       China Venture Partners                               ________________
          RR3 Box 3087
          East Stroudbury, PA 18301

                                   Schedule 2
                (OraLabs Options and Commitments per Section 4.6)

         Options under the incentive stock option plan for employees and under
the Non-Employee Directors' Option Plan as described in OraLabs' Form 10-KSB/A
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003.

                                   Schedule 3
             (Proposed 2005 Stock Option, SAR and Stock Bonus Plan)

                              ORALABS HOLDING INC.
                   2005 STOCK OPTION, SAR AND STOCK BONUS PLAN

                                    ARTICLE 1

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

1.1 PURPOSE. The purpose of the OraLabs Holding Inc. 2005 Stock Option, SAR and
Stock Bonus Plan (the "Plan") shall be to attract, retain and motivate
directors, officers, employees and independent consultants (the "Participants")
of OraLabs, Inc. (the "Company") and its subsidiaries, if any, by way of
granting (i) non-qualified stock options ("Stock Options"), (ii) non-qualified
stock options with stock appreciation rights attached ("Stock Option SARs"),
(iii) incentive stock options ("ISO Options"), (iv) ISO Options with stock
appreciation rights attached ("ISO Option SARs"), and (v) stock bonuses. For the
purpose of this Plan, Stock Option SARs and ISO Option SARs are sometimes
collectively herein called "SARs;" and Stock Options and ISO Options are
sometimes collectively herein called "Options." The ISO Options to be granted
under the Plan are intended to be qualified pursuant to Section 422 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); and the Stock Options to
be granted are intended to be "non-qualified stock options" as described in
Sections 83 and 421 of the Code. Furthermore, under the Plan, the terms "parent"
and "subsidiary" shall have the same meaning as set forth in Subsections (e) and
(f) of Section 425 of the Code unless the context herein clearly indicates to
the contrary.

1.2 GENERAL. The terms and provisions of this Article I shall be applicable to
Stock Options, SARs and ISO Options unless the context herein clearly indicates
to the contrary.

1.3 ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN. The Plan shall be administered by the Stock Plan
Committee (the "Committee") appointed by the Board of Directors (the "Board") of
the Company and consisting of at least two (2) members from the Board. The
initial members of the Stock Option Committee shall be
_______________________________ and _________________________. The member(s) of
the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Committee shall have
the power where consistent with the general purpose and intent of the Plan to
(i) modify the requirements of the Plan to conform with the law or to meet
special circumstances not anticipated or covered in the Plan, (ii) suspend or
discontinue the Plan, (iii) establish policies and (iv) adopt rules and
regulations and prescribe forms for carrying out the purposes and provisions of
the Plan including the form of any "stock option agreements" ("Stock Option
Agreements"). Unless otherwise provided in the Plan, the Committee shall have
the authority to interpret and construe the Plan, and determine all questions
arising under the Plan and any agreement made pursuant to the Plan. Any
interpretation, decision or determination made by the Committee shall be final,
binding and conclusive. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum,
and an act of the majority of the members present at any meeting at which a
quorum is present shall be the act of the Committee.


1.4 SHARES SUBJECT TO THE PLAN. Shares of stock ("Stock") covered by Stock
Options, SARs, ISO Options and stock bonuses shall consist of 2,000,000 shares
of the Common Stock, $.001 par value, of the Company. Either authorized and
unissued shares or treasury shares may be delivered pursuant to the Plan. If any
Option for shares of Stock, granted to a Participant lapses, or is otherwise
terminated, the Committee may grant Stock Options, SARs, ISO Options and stock
bonuses for such shares of Stock to other Participants. However, neither Stock
Options, SARs nor ISO Options shall be granted again for shares of Stock which
have been subject to SARs which are surrendered in exchange for cash or shares
of Stock issued pursuant to the exercise of SARs as provided in Article II

1.5 PARTICIPATION IN THE PLAN. The Committee shall determine from time to time
those Participants who are to be granted Stock Options, SARs, ISO Options and
stock bonuses and the number of shares of Stock covered thereby. Directors who
are not employees of the Company or of a subsidiary shall not be eligible to
participate in the in ISO Options or ISO in Option SARs. During any period that
the Committee is comprised of less than three Directors each of whom is a
Disinterested Director, the maximum number of shares of Stock for which
employee-Directors may be granted options in any calendar year shall not exceed
10 percent (10%) of the aggregate number of shares of Stock with respect to
which Options may be granted under the Plan.

1.6 DETERMINATION OF FAIR MARKET VALUE. As used in the Plan, "fair market value"
shall mean on any particular day (i) if the Stock is listed or admitted for
trading on any national securities exchange or the National Market System of the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System, the
last sale price, or if no sale occurred, the mean between the closing high bid
and low asked quotations, for such day of the Stock on the principal securities
exchange on which shares of Stock are listed, (ii) if Stock is not traded on any
national securities exchange but is quoted on the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc., Automated Quotation System, or any similar system of
automated dissemination of quotations or securities prices in common use, the
mean between the closing high bid and low asked quotations for such day of the
Stock on such system, (iii) if neither clause (i) nor (ii) is applicable, the
mean between the high bid and low asked quotations for the Stock as reported by
the National Quotation Bureau, Incorporated if at least two securities dealers
have inserted both bid and asked quotations for shares of the Stock on at least
five (5) of the ten (10) preceding days, (iv) in lieu of the above, if actual
transactions in the shares of Stock are reported on a consolidated transaction
reporting system, the last sale price of the shares of Stock on such system or,
(v) if none of the conditions set forth above is met, the fair market value of
shares of Stock as determined by the Board. Provided, for purposes of
determining "fair market value" of the Common Stock of the Company, such value
shall be determined without regard to any restriction other than a restriction
which will never lapse.

1.7 ADJUSTMENTS UPON CHANGES IN CAPITALIZATION. The aggregate number of shares
of Stock under Stock Options and ISO Options granted under the Plan, the Option
Price and the ISO Price and the total number of shares of Stock which may be
purchased by a Participant on exercise of a Stock Option and an ISO Option shall
be approximately adjusted by the Committee to reflect any recapitalization,
stock split, merger, consolidation, reorganization, combination, liquidation,
stock dividend or similar transaction involving the Company except that a
dissolution or liquidation of the Company or a merger or consolidation in which
the Company is not the surviving or the resulting corporation, shall cause the
Plan and any Stock Option, SAR or ISO Option granted thereunder, to terminate
upon the effective date of such dissolution, liquidation, merger or
consolidation. Provided, that for the purposes of this Section 1.7, if any
merger, consolidation or combination occurs in which the Company is not the
surviving corporation and is the result of a mere change in the identity, form
or place of organization of the Company accomplished in accordance with Section
368(a)(1)(F) of the Code, then, such event will not cause a termination.
Appropriate adjustment may also be made by the Committee in the terms of a SAR
to reflect any of the foregoing changes.

1.8 AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE PLAN. The Plan shall terminate at midnight,
February____, 2008, but prior thereto may be altered, changed, modified, amended
or terminated by written amendment approved by the Board. Provided, that no
action of the Board may, without the approval of the shareholders, increase the
aggregate number of shares of Stock which may be purchased under Stock Options,
SARs or ISO Options or stock bonuses granted under the Plan; withdraw the
administration of the Plan from the Committee; amend or alter the Option Price
or ISO Price, as applicable; change the manner of computing the spread upon the
exercise of a SAR or amend the Plan in any manner which would impair the
applicability of Rule 16b-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, to the Plan. Except as provided in this Article I, no amendment,
modification or termination of the Plan shall in any manner adversely affect any
Stock Option, SAR or ISO Option theretofore granted under the Plan without the
consent of the affected Participant.

1.9 EFFECTIVE DATE. The Plan shall be effective February ____, 2005, subject to
approval by the holders of a majority of the Common Stock of the Company
entitled to vote at a meeting called for such purpose. The Plan will terminate
at midnight on February ____, 2008.

1.10 SECURITIES LAW REQUIREMENTS. The Company shall have no obligation or
liability to issue any Stock hereunder unless the issuance of such shares would
comply with any applicable federal or state securities laws or any other
applicable law or regulations thereunder, including but not limited to the
effectiveness of a Form S-8 registration statement filed with the U.S.
Securities Exchange Commission.

1.11 SEPARATE CERTIFICATES. Separate certificates representing the Common Stock
of the Company to be delivered to a Participant upon the exercise of any Stock
Option, SAR, or ISO Option will be issued to such Participant.


         (A) PAYMENT FOR STOCK. Payment for shares of Stock purchased under this
Plan shall be made in full and in cash or check made payable to the Company.
Provided, payment for shares of Stock purchased under this Plan may also be made
in Common Stock of the Company or a combination of cash and Common Stock of the
Company in the event that the purchase of shares is pursuant to the exercise of
rights under an SAR attached to the Option and which is exercisable on the date
of exercise of the Option. In the event that Common Stock of the Company is
utilized in consideration for the purchase of Stock upon the exercise of a Stock
Option or an ISO Option, then, such Common Stock shall be valued at the "fair
market value" as defined in Section 1.6 of the Plan.

         (B) In the alternative, the Committee is authorized to agree to accept
an assignment of the proceeds from the sale of the Common Stock to be issued to
a Participant for the payment of the option price, if daily executed by a
Participant so notarized in sub form deemed necessary and appropriate by The
Company in its sole description and acknowledged by the broker-dealer retained
by the Participant for a resale of The Common Stock of The Company.
Participant may exercise an Option without payment of the Option Price or ISO
Price in the event that the exercise is pursuant to rights under an SAR attached
to the Option and which is exercisable on the date of exercise of the Option. In
the event an Option with an SAR attached is exercised without payment of the
Option Price or ISO Price, the Participant shall be entitled to receive either
(i) a cash payment from the Company equal to the excess of the total fair market
value of the shares of Stock on such date as determined with respect to which
the Option is being exercised over the total cash Option Price or ISO Price of
such shares of Stock as set forth in the Option or (ii) that number of whole
shares of Stock as is determined by dividing (A) an amount equal to the fair
market value per share of Stock on the date of exercise into (B) an amount equal
to the excess of the total fair market value of the shares of Stock on such date
with respect to which the Option is being exercised over the total cash Option
Price or ISO Price of such shares of Stock as set forth in the Option, and
fractional shares will be rounded to the next lowest number and the Participant
will receive cash in lieu thereof.

1.13 INCURRENCE OF DISABILITY AND RETIREMENT. A Participant shall be deemed to
have terminated employment or consulting and incurred a disability
("Disability") if such Participant suffers a physical or mental condition which,
in the judgment of the Committee, totally and permanently prevents a Participant
from engaging in any substantial gainful employment or consulting with the
Company or a subsidiary. A Participant shall be deemed to have terminated
employment as an employee or a consultant due to retirement ("Retirement") if
such Participant ceases to be an employee or a consultant of the Company or its
subsidiary, without cause, after attaining the age of 65.

authorized to grant Stock Options, SARs and ISO Options to Participants, the
grant thereof and Stock Option Agreements relating thereto will be made
separately and totally independent of each other. Except as it relates to the
total number of shares of Stock which may be issued under the Plan, the grant or
exercise of a Stock Option or SARs shall in no manner affect the grant and
exercise of any ISO Options. Similarly, the grant and exercise of any ISO Option
shall in no manner affect the grant and exercise of any Stock Option or SARs.

and/or SAR granted under this Plan shall be evidenced by the minutes of a
meeting of the Committee or by the written consent of the Committee and by a
written Stock Option Agreement effective on the date of grant and executed by
the Company and the Participant. Each Option granted hereunder shall contain
such terms, restrictions and conditions as the Committee may determine, which
terms, restrictions and conditions may or may not be the same in each case.

1.16 USE OF PROCEEDS. The proceeds received by the Company from the sale of
Stock pursuant to the exercise of Options granted under the Plan shall be added
to the Company's general funds and used for general corporate purposes.

1.17 NON-TRANSFERABILITY OF OPTIONS. Except as otherwise herein provided, any
Option or SAR granted shall not be transferable otherwise than by will or the
laws of descent and distribution, and the Option may be exercised, during the
lifetime of the Participant, only by him or her. More particularly (but without
limiting the generality of the foregoing), the Option and/or SAR may not be
assigned, transferred (except as provided above), pledged or hypothecated in any
way, shall not be assignable by operation of law and shall not be subject to
execution, attachment, or similar process. Any attempted assignment, transfer,
pledge, hypothecation, or other disposition of the Option and/or SAR contrary to
the provisions hereof shall be null and void and without effect.

and/or SAR by the Participant by will or the laws of descent and distribution
shall be effective to bind the Company unless the Company shall have been
furnished with written notice and an unauthenticated copy of the will and/or
such other evidence as the Committee may deem necessary to establish the
validity of the transfer and the acceptance by the successor to the Option
and/or SAR of the terms and conditions of such Option and/or SAR.

1.19 CHANGES IN EMPLOYMENT. So long as the Participant shall continue to be an
employee or consultant of the Company or any one of its subsidiaries, any Option
granted to him shall not be affected by any change of duties or position.
Nothing in the Plan or in any Stock Option Agreement which relates to the Plan
shall confer upon any Participant any right to continue in the employ as an
employee or consultant of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries, or
interfere in any way with the right of the Company or any of its subsidiaries to
terminate his employment or consulting arrangement at any time.

1.20 SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS. No Participant shall have a right as a shareholder with
respect to any shares of Stock subject to an Option prior to the purchase of
such shares of Stock by exercise of the Option.

liquidation of the Company or any merger consolidation or combination in which
the Company is not the surviving corporation occurs, the Participant shall have
the right immediately prior to such dissolution, liquidation, merger,
consolidation or combination, as the case may be, to exercise, in whole or in
part, his then remaining Options whether or not then exercisable, but limited to
that number of shares that can be acquired without causing the Participant to
have an "excess parachute payment" as determined under Section 280G of the Code
determined by taking into account all of Participant's "parachute payments"
determined under Section 280G of the Code. Provided, the foregoing
notwithstanding, after the Participant has been afforded the opportunity to
exercise his then remaining Options as provided in this Section 1.21, and to the
extent such Options are not timely exercised as provided in this Section 1.21,
then, the terms and provisions of this Plan and any Stock Option Agreement will
thereafter continue in effect, and the Participant will be entitled to exercise
any such remaining and unexercised Options in accordance with the terms and
provisions of this Plan and such Stock Option Agreement as such Options
thereafter become exercisable. Provided further, that for the purposes of this
Section 1.21, if any merger, consolidation or combination occurs in which the
Company is not the surviving corporation and is the result of a mere change in
the identity, form, or place of organization of the Company accomplished in
accordance with Section 368(a)(1)(F) of the Code, then, such event shall not
cause an acceleration of the exercisability of any such Options granted

1.22 ASSUMPTION OF OUTSTANDING OPTIONS AND SARS. To the extent permitted by the
then applicable provisions of the Code, any successor to the Company succeeding
to, or assigned the business of, the Company as the result of or in connection
with a corporate merger, consolidation, combination, reorganization or
liquidation transaction shall assume Options and SARs outstanding under the Plan
or issue new Options and/or SARs in place of outstanding Options and/or SARs
under the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE II



         (A) GRANT AND TERMS FOR STOCK OPTIONS. Stock Options shall be granted
by the Committee on the following terms and conditions: No Stock Option shall be
exercisable within three months from the date of grant (except as specifically
provided in Subsection 2.l(c) hereof, with regard to the death or Disability of
a Participant), nor more than five years after the date of grant. Subject to
such limitation, the Committee shall have the discretion to fix the period (the
"Option Period") during which any Stock Option may be exercised. Stock Options
granted shall not be transferable except by will or by the laws of descent and
distribution, Stock Options shall be exercisable only by the Participant while
actively employed as an employee or a consultant by the Company or a subsidiary,
except that (i) any such Stock Option granted and which is otherwise
exercisable, may be exercised by the personal representative of a deceased
Participant within 12 months after the death of such Participant (but not beyond
the Option Period of such Stock Option), (ii) if a Participant terminates his
employment as an employee or a consultant with the Company or a subsidiary on
account of Retirement, such Participant may exercise any Stock Option which is
otherwise exercisable at any time within three months of such date of
termination and (iii) if a Participant terminates his employment as an employee
or a consultant with the Company or a subsidiary on account of incurring a
Disability, such Participant may exercise any Stock Option which is otherwise
exercisable at any time within 12 months of such date of termination. If a
Participant should die during the applicable three-month or 12-month period
following the date of such Participant's Retirement or termination on account of
Disability, the rights of the personal representative of such deceased
Participant as such relate to any Stock Options granted to such deceased
Participant shall be governed in accordance with Subsection 2.1(a)(i) of this
Article II.

         (B) OPTION PRICE. The option price ("Option Price") for shares of Stock
subject to a Stock Option shall be determined by the Committee, but in no event
shall the Option Price of an ISO be less than 100% of the "fair market value" of
the Stock on the date of grant and in no event shall the Option Price of Stock
Options be less than 85% of the "fair market value" of the Stock on the date of

discretion, may permit (i) a Participant who terminates employment as an
employee or a consultant due to Retirement, (ii) a Participant who terminates
employment as an employee or a consultant due to a Disability, (iii) the
personal representative of a deceased Participant, or (iv) any other Participant
who terminates employment as an employee or a consultant upon the occurrence of
special circumstances (as determined by the Committee) to exercise and purchase
(within three months of such date of termination of employment or consulting
arrangement, or 12 months in the case of a deceased or disabled Participant; all
or any part of the shares subject to Stock Option on the date of the
Participant's Retirement, Disability, death, or as the Committee otherwise so
determines, notwithstanding that all installments, if any, with respect to such
Stock Option, had not accrued on such date. Provided, such discretionary
authority of the Committee shall not be exercised with respect to any Stock
Option (or portion thereof) if the applicable six-month waiting period for
exercise had not expired except in the event of the death or disability of the
Participant when the personal representative of the deceased Participant or the
disabled Participant may, with the consent of the Committee, exercise such Stock
Option notwithstanding the fact that the applicable six-month waiting period had
not yet expired.

         (D) NUMBER OF STOCK OPTIONS GRANTED. Participants may be granted more
than one Stock Option. In making any such determination, the Committee shall
obtain the advice and recommendation of the officers of the Company or a
subsidiary which have supervisory authority over such Participants. The granting
of a Stock Option under the Plan shall not affect any outstanding Stock Option
previously granted to a Participant under the Plan.

         (E) NOTICE OF EXERCISE OF STOCK OPTION. Upon exercise of a stock
option, a Participant shall give written notice to the Secretary of the Company,
or other officer designated by the Committee, at the Company's main office in
Spain. No Stock shall be issued to any Participant until the Company receives
full payment for the Stock purchased, if applicable, and any required state and
federal withholding taxes.

                                   ARTICLE III



         (A) GRANT AND TERMS OF SARS. The Committee, when comprised of three or
more Directors all of whom are Disinterested Directors, may grant SARs to
Participants in connection with Stock Options or ISO Options granted under the
Plan. SARs shall not be exercisable (i) at such time that the Committee is
comprised of less than three Disinterested Directors or is not comprised solely
of Disinterested Directors, (ii) earlier than six months from the date of grant
except as specifically provided in Subsection 3.l(b) hereof in the case of the
death or Disability of a Participant, and (iii) shall terminate at such time as
the Committee determines and shall be exercised only upon surrender of the
related Stock Option or ISO Option and only to the extent that the related Stock
Option or ISO Option (or the portion thereof as to which the SAR is exercisable)
is exercised. SARs may be exercised only by the Participant while actively
employed as an employee or a consultant by the Company or a subsidiary except
that (i) any SARs previously granted to a Participant which are otherwise
exercisable may be exercised, with the approval of the Committee, by the
personal representative of a deceased Participant, even if such death should
occur within six months of the date of grant (but not beyond the expiration date
of such SAR), and (ii) if a Participant terminates his employment as an employee
or a consultant with the Company or a subsidiary, as the case may be, on account
of Retirement or incurring a Disability, such Participant may exercise any SARs
which are otherwise exercisable, with the approval of the Committee, anytime
within three months of the date of the termination by Retirement or within 12
months of termination by Disability. If a Participant should die during the
applicable three-month period following the date of such Participant's
Retirement or during the applicable 12 month period following the date of
termination on account of Disability, the rights of the personal representative
of such deceased Participant as such relate to any SARs granted to such deceased
Participant shall be governed in accordance with (i) of the second sentence of
this Subsection 3.l(a) of this Article III. The applicable SAR shall (i)
terminate upon the termination of the underlying Stock Option or ISO Option, as
the case may be, (ii) only be transferable at the same time and under the same
conditions as the underlying Stock Option or ISO Option is transferable, (iii)
only be exercised when the underlying Stock Option or ISO Option is exercised,
and (iv) may be exercised only if there is a positive spread between the Option
Price or ISO Price, as applicable and the "fair market value" of the Stock for
which the SAR is exercised.

discretion, may permit (i) a Participant who terminates employment as an
employee or a consultant with the Company or a subsidiary due to Retirement,
(ii) a Participant who terminates employment as an employee or a consultant with
the Company or a subsidiary due to a Disability, (iii) the personal
representative of such deceased Participant, or (iv) any other Participant who
terminates employment as an employee or a consultant with the Company or a
subsidiary upon the occurrence of special circumstances (as determined by the
Committee) to exercise (within three months of such date of termination of such
employment or 12 months in the case of a disabled or deceased Participant) all
or any part of any such SARs previously granted to such Participant as of the
date of such Participant's Retirement, Disability, death, or as the Committee
otherwise so determines, notwithstanding that all installments, if any with
respect to such SARs, had not accrued on such date. Provided, such discretionary
authority of the Committee may not be exercised with respect to any SAR (or
portion thereof if the applicable six-month waiting period for exercise had not
expired as of such date, except (i) in the event of the Disability of the
Participant or (ii) the death of the Participant, when such disabled Participant
or the personal representative of such deceased Participant may, with the
consent of the Committee, exercise such SARs notwithstanding the fact that the
applicable six-month waiting period had not yet expired.

         (C) FORM OF PAYMENT OF SARS. The Participant may request the method and
combination of payment upon the exercise of a SAR; however, the Committee has
the final authority to determine whether the value of the SAR shall be paid in
cash or shares of Stock or both. Upon exercise of a SAR, the holder is entitled
to receive the excess amount of the "fair market value" of the Stock (as of the
date of exercise) for which the SAR is exercised over the Option Price or ISO
Price, as applicable, under the related Stock Option or ISO Option, as the case
may be. All applicable federal and state withholding taxes will be paid by the
Participant to the Company upon the exercise of a SAR since the excess amount
described above will be required to be included within taxable income in
accordance with Sections 61 and 83 of the Code.

         (D) DISINTERESTED DIRECTORS. As used in this Article III,
"Disinterested Directors" shall have the same meaning as the term "disinterested
person" set forth in Rule 16b-3(d) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, and shall mean a Director who is not at the time he exercises
discretion in administering the Plan eligible, and has not at any time within
one year prior thereto been eligible for selection as a person to whom stock may
be allocated or to whom stock options or stock appreciation rights may be
granted pursuant to the Plan or any other plan of the Company or its affiliates
entitling the participants therein to acquire stock, stock options or stock
appreciation rights of the Company or any of its affiliates; provided, however,
that in the event that the definition of "disinterested person" contained in
Rule 16b-3 is amended, the term "Disinterested Person" as it is defined herein
shall automatically be deemed amended so as to the have the same meaning as the
amended term "disinterested person" under Rule 16b-3.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                             GRANTING OF ISO OPTIONS

4.1 GENERAL. With respect to ISO Options granted on or after the effective date
of the Plan the following provisions in this Article IV shall apply to the
exclusion of any inconsistent provision in any other Article in this Plan since
the ISO Options to be granted under the Plan are intended to qualify as
"incentive stock options" as defined in Section 422 of the Code.

4.2 GRANT AND TERMS OF ISO OPTIONS. ISO Options may be granted only to employees
of the Company and any of its subsidiaries. No ISO Options shall be granted to
any person who is not eligible to receive "incentive stock options" as provided
in Section 422 of the Code. No ISO Options shall be granted to any management
employee if, immediately before the grant of an ISO Option, such employee owns
more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the
Company or its subsidiaries (as determined in accordance with the stock
attribution rules contained in Section 425(d) of the Code). Provided, the
preceding sentence shall not apply if, at the time the ISO Option is granted,
the ISO Price is at least 110% of the "fair market value" of the Stock subject
to the ISO Option, and such ISO Option by its terms is not exercisable after the
expiration of five years from the date such ISO Option is granted.

         (A) ISO OPTION PRICE. The option price for shares of Stock subject to
an ISO Option ("ISO Price") shall be determined by the Committee, but in no
event shall such ISO Price be less than the fair market value of the Stock on
the date of grant.

         (B) ANNUAL ISO OPTION LIMITATION. The aggregate "fair market value"
(determined as of the time the ISO Option is granted) of the Stock with respect
to which ISO Options are exercisable for the first time by any Participant
during in any calendar year (under all "incentive stock option" plans qualified
under Section 422 of the Code sponsored by the Company and its subsidiary
corporations) shall not exceed $100,000.

         (C) TERMS OF ISO OPTIONS. ISO Options shall be granted on the following
terms and conditions: No ISO Option shall be exercisable within six months from
the date of grant (except as specifically provided in Subsection 4.2(d) hereof
with regard to the Disability or death of a Participant), nor more than 10 years
after the date of grant. The Committee shall have the discretion to fix the
period (the "ISO Period") during which any ISO Option may be exercised. ISO
Options granted shall not be transferable except by will or by the laws of
descent and distribution. ISO Options shall be exercisable only by the
Participant while actively employed by the Company or a subsidiary, except that
(i) any such ISO Option granted and which is otherwise exercisable, may be
exercised by the personal representative of a deceased Participant within 12
months after the death of such Participant (but not beyond the expiration date
of such ISO Option), (ii) if a Participant terminates his employment as an
employee with the Company or a subsidiary on account of Retirement, such
Participant may exercise any ISO Option which is otherwise exercisable at any
time within three months of such date of termination and (iii) if a Participant
terminates his employment with the Company or a subsidiary on account of
incurring a Disability, such Participant may exercise any ISO Option which is
otherwise exercisable at any time within 12 months of such date of termination.
If a Participant should die during the applicable three-month or 12 month period
following the date of such Participant's Retirement or Disability, then in such
event, the rights of the personal representative of such deceased Participant as
such relate to any ISO Options granted to such deceased Participant shall be
governed in accordance with Subsection 4.1(c) of this Article IV.

discretion, may permit (i) a Participant who terminates employment as an
employee with the Company or a subsidiary due to Retirement, (ii) a Participant
who terminates employment as an employee with the Company or a subsidiary due to
a Disability, (iii) the personal representative of a deceased Participant, or
(iv) any other Participant who terminates employment as an employee with the
Company or a subsidiary upon the occurrence of special circumstances (as
determined by the Committee) to exercise and purchase (within three months of
such date of termination of employment as an employee or 12 months in the case
of a disabled or deceased Participant) all or any part of the shares of Stock
subject to ISO Option on the date of the Participant's Retirement, Disability,
death, or as the Committee otherwise so determines, notwithstanding that all
installments, if any, had not accrued on such date. Provided, such discretionary
authority of the Committee may not be exercised with respect to any ISO Option
(or portion thereof if the applicable six-month waiting period for exercise had
not expired as of such date except in the event of the Disability of the
Participant or death of the Participant, when the disabled Participant or the
personal representative of such deceased Participant, may, with the consent of
the Committee, exercise such ISO Option notwithstanding the fact that the
applicable six-month waiting period had not yet expired.

         (E) NUMBER OF ISO OPTIONS GRANTED. Subject to the applicable
limitations contained in the Plan with respect to ISO Options, Participants may
be granted more than one ISO Option. In making any such determination, the
Committee shall obtain the advice and recommendation of the officers of the
Company or a subsidiary which have supervisory authority over such Participants.
The granting of an ISO Option under the Plan shall not affect any outstanding
ISO Option previously granted to a Participant under the Plan.

         (F) NOTICE TO EXERCISE ISO OPTION. Upon exercise of an ISO Option, a
Participant shall give written notice to the Secretary of the Company, or other
officer designated by the Committee, at the Company's principal executive

                                    ARTICLE V

                            OPTIONS NOT QUALIFYING AS
                             INCENTIVE STOCK OPTIONS

5.1 NON-QUALIFYING OPTIONS. With respect to all or any portion of any option
granted under the Plan not qualifying as an "incentive stock option" under
Section 422 of the Code, such option shall be considered as a Stock Option
granted under this Plan for all purposes.

                                  OraLabs, Inc.

                                           _____________________, President

                                  Date Plan adopted and
                                  approved by the Board of
                                  Directors: February ___,

                                  Date Plan adopted and
approved by the Stockholders:
                                  February ____, 2005.

                                   Schedule 4
                   (Letters of Representation per Section 5.4)

                                    EXHIBIT 1
                       (form of indemnification agreement)

                            INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT

         This Agreement is made and entered into this ___ day of February, 2005,
by and between NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited ("NVC") and OraLabs,
Inc. (the "Company"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of OraLabs Holding Corp.

         WHEREAS, NVC and OraLabs have entered into a Stock Exchange Agreement
dated February ____, 2005, in which all of the issued and outstanding stock of
NVC was acquired by OraLabs in exchange for 90% to 94% of the total issued and
outstanding shares of Common Stock of OraLabs on a fully diluted basis (the
"Exchange Agreement").

         WHEREAS, Section 5.9(c) and Section 5.12 of the Exchange Agreement
provide for the indemnification of OraLabs by the Company after the closing of
the Exchange Agreement.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, it is hereby agreed
as follows:

         1. The Company hereby agrees to indemnify OraLabs from any liabilities
of any kind or nature, direct or indirect, known or unknown, contingent or
otherwise, that exist immediately prior to the closing of the Exchange Agreement
or that may be asserted after the closing date of the Exchange Agreement
regarding any claim or liability arising from the operations of OraLabs or its
subsidiaries or any other matter arising prior to the closing date of the
Exchange Agreement, including attorneys' fees and costs in defending any such

         2. The Company further agrees to indemnify OraLabs consistent with the
terms of Section 5.12 of the Exchange Agreement regarding payments to the
holders of dissenters' shares, such terms being hereby incorporated herein by

         3. Any notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder
shall be sufficiently given if personally delivered to it or sent by registered
mail or certified mail, postage prepaid, or by prepaid telegram addressed as

If to the Company:                  OraLabs, Inc.
                                    c/o Mr. Gary H. Schlatter, President
                                    18685 East Plaza Drive
                                    Parker, Colorado 80134
                                    Telephone: 303.783.9499
                                    Facsimile: 303.499.6666

With copies to:            Charles H. Jacobs
                                    Lohf Shaiman Jacobs Hyman & Feiger PC
                                    900 Cherry Tower
                                    950 S Cherry Street
                                    Denver, CO  80246-2666
                                    Telephone: 303.753.9000
                                    Facsimile: 303.753.9997

If to OraLabs or NVC:      NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited
                                    c/o Mr. Chang-Jiang Wu and
                                    Ms. Tracy Yun Hung
                                    Suite A-C, 20/F Neich Tower
                                    128 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
                                    Hong Kong, The People's Republic of China
                                    Telephone: 011.852.2517.6226
                                    Facsimile: 011.852.2548.7788

With copies to:            Stephen A. Zrenda, Jr., Esq.
                                    Stephen A. Zrenda, Jr., P.C.
                                    100 N. Broadway Avenue, Suite 2440
                                    Oklahoma City, OK 73102-8608
                                    Telephone: 405.235.2111
                                    Facsimile: 915.975.8003
                                    Email: ZRENDAESQ@AOL.COM

and                                 Belmont Capital Group Limited
                                    Tracy Yun Hung
                                    Suite A-C, 20th Floor Neich Tower
                                    128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai
                                    Hong Kong, The Peoples Republic of China
                                    Telephone: 011.852.2517.6226
                                    Facsimile: 011.852.2548.7788

or such other addresses as shall be furnished in writing by any party in the
manner for giving notices hereunder. Each notice or other communication shall
only be effective and deemed to have been received (i) if given by facsimile,
one business day after such facsimile is transmitted to the facsimile number
specified above, and confirmation of delivery by the sender's machine is given,
(ii) if given by hand delivery, the date of delivery as evidenced by a written
receipt, or (iii) if given by a courier service, the third business day
following the business day of deposit with such service, with shipping charges
for the most expedited delivery prepaid or prearranged. As used herein, a
"business day" means Mondays through Fridays, excluding days (at the location
where the notice is to be delivered) that are national bank holidays.

         4. The parties agree that facsimile copies of this Agreement and any
signature thereon shall be as legally binding and enforceable as the original or
copy original of this Agreement or any signatures thereof.

         5. The parties agree that this Agreement shall be construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado and that exclusive
jurisdiction and venue for any controversy, claim or suit arising out of or
connected with this Agreement shall be in the courts located in Denver,

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
date first written above.

NVC:                                 NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited


The Company:                         OraLabs, Inc.


                               FIRST AMENDMENT TO
                            STOCK EXCHANGE AGREEMENT
                          DATED AS OF FEBRUARY 23, 2005

         This First Amendment ("Amendment") is dated for referenced purposes
only June 20, 2005, and is by and between ORALABS HOLDING CORP., a Colorado
Messrs. Chang-Jiang Wu, Yong-Hong Hu and Gang Du (the "Shareholders").

         WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Stock Exchange Agreement dated as
of February 23, 2005, as amended by a Letter Agreement dated March 21, 2005
(collectively, the "Original Agreement"); and

         WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend the Original Agreement as set forth

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and for other good
and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is
acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

         1. Except as modified by this Amendment, all provisions of the Original
Agreement remain in effect. Capitalized terms used in this Amendment that are
not otherwise defined herein, have the same meanings as set forth in the
Original Agreement. In the event of a conflict between any provision of this
Amendment and any provision of the Original Agreement, the provision of this
Amendment will prevail.

         2. NVC has delivered to OraLabs its Consolidated Financial Statements
as of December 31, 2004 ("Financial Statements"), including the Report of
Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. The Consolidated Statement of
Operations included in the Financial Statements shows Net Income for the year
ended December 31, 2004, in the amount of $7,105,027.00.

         3. The parties acknowledge that under Section 1.1 of the Original
Agreement, the percentage of shares of OraLabs to be issued to the Shareholders
at Closing is 94 percent to the extent that there is more than $7,000,000 of net
after tax profits on a consolidated basis for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2004. Accordingly, the parties agree that, unless there is subsequently any
restatement of or other revision or adjustment to the Financial Statements that
reduces to below $7,000,000.00 the amount of consolidated net after tax profits
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, then the number of shares to be
issued to the Shareholders will equal 94 percent of the fully diluted, total
issued and outstanding shares of common stock of OraLabs upon completion of the
Closing. The fully diluted, total issued and outstanding shares of common stock
of OraLabs will include the shares currently outstanding plus shares to be
issued at or before Closing as provided in the Original Agreement or otherwise.

         4. As a result of delays in delivery of the audited NVC Financial
Statements and OraLabs has yet not delivered a fairness opinion from an
appropriate source that the terms of this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby are fair to the shareholders of OraLabs from a financial
standpoint, the parties wish to confirm certain time periods in the Original
Agreement to reflect existing circumstances. Accordingly, the following
provisions of the Original Agreement are modified:

         o The first sentence of Section 8.1(d) will read as follows: "This
Agreement may be terminated by either party if the transaction shall not have
been consummated or cleared by the SEC on or before September 30, 2005, which
date may be extended for a period not to exceed 45 days if the Proxy Statement
or Information Statement shall has been cleared by the SEC on or before
September 30, 2005, and which date may only be extended by mutual agreement of
the parties in writing."

         o The final sentence of Section 1.3 will read as follows:
"Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this Agreement does not close by September
30, 2005, either party may terminate this Agreement unless that date is extended
under Section 8.1(d)."

         o The NVC financial statements for the first quarter of 2005, which
were required to be delivered by April 30, 2005 in accordance with the
provisions of Section 2.3(c), must be delivered by June 30, 2005.

         o Under the Letter Agreement, OraLabs was given ten business days after
receipt of all requested due diligence information within which to advise NVC of
its satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the results of its due diligence
investigation, and the right to terminate the Agreement if it is not satisfied
with such results. Additional due diligence information was delivered to OraLabs
on May 5, 2005, after the April 11, 2005 deadline in the Letter Agreement.
OraLabs has advised NVC that it will be presenting follow-up questions with
respect to the supplied due diligence materials. Accordingly, the parties agree
that OraLabs will continue to have ten business days after it receives the
responses to its follow-up due diligence requests within which to advise NVC of
its satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the results of the due diligence
information, and the right to terminate the Agreement if it is dissatisfied.

         5. This Amendment may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall be but a
single instrument. Facsimile and electronic signatures shall be accepted as

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the
date first written above.


By: /s/ Michael L. Friess                      By: /s/ Chang-Jiang Wu
    ---------------------                          -----------------------
    Michael L. Friess, Authorized Director         Chang-Jiang Wu, President

                                                   /s/ Chang-Jiang Wu
                                                   Chang-Jiang Wu, Shareholder

                                                   /s/ Yong-Hong Hu
                                                   Yong-Hong Hu, Shareholder

                                                   /s/ Chung Du
                                                   Chung Du, Shareholder


                                     ANNEX 2

                             (Opinion of Capitalink)

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

August 10, 2005

Independent Committee of the Board of Directors
OraLabs Holding Corp.
18685 East Plaza Drive
Parker, CO 80134


Pursuant to the Stock Exchange Agreement ("Exchange Agreement"), dated as of
February 23, 2005 and amended as of June 20, 2005, by and among OraLabs Holding
Corp. ("OraLabs" or the "Company"), NVC Lighting Investment Holdings Limited
("NVC"), and Mr. Chang-Jiang Wu, Mr. Yong-Hong Hu, and Mr. Gang Du (collectively
referred to as the "NVC Shareholders"), the following transactions are
contemplated: (i) the issuance by OraLabs of shares representing approximately
94% of the fully diluted outstanding common stock of OraLabs (after giving
effect to the redemption and stock issuances described in (ii) and (iii) below)
in exchange for the transfer to OraLabs of all of the ownership interests in
NVC, which is held by the NVC Shareholders; (ii) the redemption of all of the
common stock of OraLabs held by its President, Gary H. Schlatter, individually,
in exchange for the transfer to Mr. Schlatter of all of the common stock held by
OraLabs in its wholly-owned subsidiary, OraLabs, Inc.; and (iii) the adoption of
the 2005 Director Stock Plan and the issuance under that Plan to each of the
three non-employee directors of 100,000 shares of common stock (the items set
forth in (i), (ii) and (iii) above are hereinafter, the "Transaction"). We have
been retained by the Independent Committee of the Board of Directors to render
an opinion as to whether, on the date of such opinion, the Transaction is fair,
from a financial point of view, to the Company's nonaffiliated shareholders.

We were not asked to consider, and our opinion does not address, the relative
merits of the Transaction as compared to any alternative business strategy that
might exist for the Company. We were not engaged to seek alternatives to the
Transaction that might exist for the Company.

In arriving at our opinion, we took into account an assessment of general
economic, market and financial conditions as well as our experience in
connection with similar transactions and securities valuations generally and,
among other things:

     o    Reviewed the Exchange Agreement.

     o    Reviewed publicly available financial information and other data with
          respect to OraLabs, including the Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the
          year ended December 31, 2004, the Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for
          the three months ended March 31, 2005, the Current Reports on Form 8-K
          filed December 28, 2004, February 23, 2005 and June 20, 2005.

Independent Committee of the Board of Directors
OraLabs Holding Corp.
August 10, 2005
Page 2

     o    Reviewed financial information and other data with respect to NVC,
          including the audited financial report for the three years ended
          December 31, 2004, and management-prepared financial statements for
          the three months ended March 31, 2005.
     o    Reviewed the Transaction's pro forma impact on the Company's
          nonaffiliated shareholders' ownership interest in OraLabs.
     o    Considered the historical financial results and present financial
          condition of OraLabs and NVC.
     o    Reviewed certain publicly available information concerning the trading
          of, and the market for, the common stock of OraLabs, the Comparable
          Companies (as hereinafter defined), and a general market index.
     o    Reviewed and compared the OraLabs nonaffiliated shareholders' (i)
          aggregate pre-announcement market value, and (ii) aggregate indicated
          value on a pre-Transaction basis to the nonaffiliated shareholders'
          aggregate indicated value on a Post-Transaction basis.
     o    Reviewed and analyzed certain financial characteristics of companies
          that were deemed to have characteristics comparable to OraLabs and
     o    Reviewed and analyzed certain financial characteristics of target
          companies in transactions where such target company was deemed to have
          characteristics comparable to those of OraLabs and NVC.
     o    Reviewed and analyzed the control premiums paid in certain other
     o    Reviewed and discussed with representatives of OraLabs and NVC certain
          financial and operating information furnished by them, including
          financial analyses with respect to their respective business and
     o    Performed such other analyses and examinations as were deemed

In arriving at our opinion we have relied upon and assumed the accuracy and
completeness of all of the financial and other information that was used by us
without assuming any responsibility for any independent verification of any such
information and we further relied upon the assurances of management of the
Company and NVC that they are not aware of any facts or circumstances that would
make any such information inaccurate or misleading. With respect to the
financial information utilized, we assumed that such information has been
reasonably prepared on a basis reflecting the best currently available estimates
and judgments, and that such information provides a reasonable basis upon which
we could make our analyses and form an opinion. We have not made a physical
inspection of the properties and facilities of the Company or NVC and have not
made or obtained any evaluations or appraisals of the assets and liabilities
(contingent or otherwise) of the Company and NVC. We have not attempted to
confirm if the Company and NVC have good title to its respective assets.

We assumed that the Transaction will be consummated in a manner that complies in
all respects with the applicable provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and all other
applicable federal and state statues, rules and regulations. In addition, we
assumed that the Transaction will comply with all applicable non-U.S. laws,
regulations and statutes. Further, based upon discussions with Company
management, it is assumed that the Transaction will not be a taxable event to
the Company's shareholders. We further assumed that the Transaction will be
consummated substantially in accordance with the terms set forth in the
Agreement, without any further amendments thereto, and without waiver by the
Company of any of the conditions to any obligations or in the alternative that
any such amendments, revisions or waivers thereto will not be detrimental to the
Company or the Company's nonaffiliated shareholders.


Independent Committee of the Board of Directors
OraLabs Holding Corp.
August 10, 2005
Page 3

Our opinion is necessarily based upon market, economic and other conditions, as
they exist on, and could be evaluated as of August 10, 2005. Accordingly,
although subsequent developments may affect our opinion, we do not assume any
obligation to update, review or reaffirm our opinion.

Our opinion is for the use and benefit of the Independent Committee of the Board
of Directors in connection with its consideration of the Transaction and is not
intended to be and does not constitute a recommendation to any shareholder of
the Company as to how such shareholder should vote with respect to the
Transaction. Further, we do not express any opinion as to the underlying
valuation or future performance of the Company or NVC or the price at which
either the Company's or NVC's common stock would trade at any time in the

Based upon and subject to the foregoing, it is our opinion that, as of the date
of this letter, the Transaction is fair, from a financial point of view, to the
Company's nonaffiliated shareholders.

In connection with our services, we have previously received a retainer and will
receive the balance of our fee upon the rendering of this opinion. Neither
Capitalink nor its principals beneficially own any interest in the Company or
NVC. Capitalink has not provided any services to the Company within the past two
years. In addition, the Company has agreed to indemnify us for certain
liabilities that may arise out of the rendering this opinion.

Our opinion is for the use and benefit of the Independent Committee of the Board
of Directors and is rendered in connection with its consideration of the
Transaction and may not be used by the Company for any other purpose or
reproduced, disseminated, quoted or referred to by the Company at any time, in
any manner or for any purpose, without the prior written consent of Capitalink,
except that this opinion may be reproduced in full in, and references to the
opinion and to Capitalink and its relationship with the Company may be included
in filings made by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission if
required by Securities and Exchange Commission rules, and in any proxy statement
or similar disclosure document disseminated to shareholders if required by the
Securities and Exchange Commission rules.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Capitalink, L.C.

 Capitalink, L.C.

                                     ANNEX 3

             (Colorado Statutes re: Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal)

Article 113. Dissenters' Rights

ss. 7-113-101. Definitions

For purposes of this article:

(1) "Beneficial shareholder" means the beneficial owner of shares held in a
voting trust or by a nominee as the record shareholder.

(2) "Corporation" means the issuer of the shares held by a dissenter before the
corporate action, or the surviving or acquiring domestic or foreign corporation,
by merger or share exchange of that issuer.

(3) "Dissenter" means a shareholder who is entitled to dissent from corporate
action under section 7-113-102 and who exercises that right at the time and in
the manner required by part 2 of this article.

(4) "Fair value", with respect to a dissenter's shares, means the value of the
shares immediately before the effective date of the corporate action to which
the dissenter objects, excluding any appreciation or depreciation in
anticipation of the corporate action except to the extent that exclusion would
be inequitable.

(5) "Interest" means interest from the effective date of the corporate action
until the date of payment, at the average rate currently paid by the corporation
on its principal bank loans or, if none, at the legal rate as specified in
section 5-12-101, C.R.S.

(6) "Record shareholder" means the person in whose name shares are registered in
the records of a corporation or the beneficial owner of shares that are
registered in the name of a nominee to the extent such owner is recognized by
the corporation as the shareholder as provided in section 7-107-204.

(7) "Shareholder" means either a record shareholder or a beneficial shareholder.

ss. 7-113-102. Right to dissent
(1) A shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, is entitled to dissent and
obtain payment of the fair value of the shareholder's shares in the event of any
of the following corporate actions:

(a) Consummation of a plan of merger to which the corporation is a party if:

(I) Approval by the shareholders of that corporation is required for the merger
by section 7-111-103 or 7-111-104 or by the articles of incorporation; or

(II) The corporation is a subsidiary that is merged with its parent corporation
under section 7-111-104;

(b) Consummation of a plan of share exchange to which the corporation is a party
as the corporation whose shares will be acquired;

(c) Consummation of a sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of all, or
substantially all, of the property of the corporation for which a shareholder
vote is required under section 7-112-102(1); and

(d) Consummation of a sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of all, or
substantially all, of the property of an entity controlled by the corporation if
the shareholders of the corporation were entitled to vote upon the consent of
the corporation to the disposition pursuant to section 7-112-102(2).

(1.3) A shareholder is not entitled to dissent and obtain payment, under
subsection (1) of this section, of the fair value of the shares of any class or
series of shares which either were listed on a national securities exchange
registered under the federal "Securities Exchange Act of 1934", as amended,
[FN1] or on the national market system of the national association of securities
dealers automated quotation system, or were held of record by more than two
thousand shareholders, at the time of:

(a) The record date fixed under section 7-107-107 to determine the shareholders
entitled to receive notice of the shareholders' meeting at which the corporate
action is submitted to a vote;

(b) The record date fixed under section 7-107-104 to determine shareholders
entitled to sign writings consenting to the corporate action; or

(c) The effective date of the corporate action if the corporate action is
authorized other than by a vote of shareholders.

(1.8) The limitation set forth in subsection (1.3) of this section shall not
apply if the shareholder will receive for the shareholder's shares, pursuant to
the corporate action, anything except:

(a) Shares of the corporation surviving the consummation of the plan of merger
or share exchange;

(b) Shares of any other corporation which at the effective date of the plan of
merger or share exchange either will be listed on a national securities exchange
registered under the federal "Securities Exchange Act of 1934", as amended, or
on the national market system of the national association of securities dealers
automated quotation system, or will be held of record by more than two thousand

(c) Cash in lieu of fractional shares; or

(d) Any combination of the foregoing described shares or cash in lieu of
fractional shares.

(2.5) A shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, is entitled to dissent and
obtain payment of the fair value of the shareholder's shares in the event of a
reverse split that reduces the number of shares owned by the shareholder to a
fraction of a share or to scrip if the fractional share or scrip so created is
to be acquired for cash or the scrip is to be voided under section 7-106-104.

(3) A shareholder is entitled to dissent and obtain payment of the fair value of
the shareholder's shares in the event of any corporate action to the extent
provided by the bylaws or a resolution of the board of directors.

(4) A shareholder entitled to dissent and obtain payment for the shareholder's
shares under this article may not challenge the corporate action creating such
entitlement unless the action is unlawful or fraudulent with respect to the
shareholder or the corporation.

ss. 7-113-103. Dissent by nominees and beneficial owners

(1) A record shareholder may assert dissenters' rights as to fewer than all the
shares registered in the record shareholder's name only if the record
shareholder dissents with respect to all shares beneficially owned by any one
person and causes the corporation to receive written notice which states such
dissent and the name, address, and federal taxpayer identification number, if
any, of each person on whose behalf the record shareholder asserts dissenters'
rights. The rights of a record shareholder under this subsection (1) are
determined as if the shares as to which the record shareholder dissents and the
other shares of the record shareholder were registered in the names of different

(2) A beneficial shareholder may assert dissenters' rights as to the shares held
on the beneficial shareholder's behalf only if:

(a) The beneficial shareholder causes the corporation to receive the record
shareholder's written consent to the dissent not later than the time the
beneficial shareholder asserts dissenters' rights; and

(b) The beneficial shareholder dissents with respect to all shares beneficially
owned by the beneficial shareholder.

(3) The corporation may require that, when a record shareholder dissents with
respect to the shares held by any one or more beneficial shareholders, each such
beneficial shareholder must certify to the corporation that the beneficial
shareholder and the record shareholder or record shareholders of all shares
owned beneficially by the beneficial shareholder have asserted, or will timely
assert, dissenters' rights as to all such shares as to which there is no
limitation on the ability to exercise dissenters' rights. Any such requirement
shall be stated in the dissenters' notice given pursuant to section 7-113- 203.

ss. 7-113-201. Notice of dissenters' rights

(1) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section
7-113-102 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting, the notice of the
meeting shall be given to all shareholders, whether or not entitled to vote. The
notice shall state that shareholders are or may be entitled to assert
dissenters' rights under this article and shall be accompanied by a copy of this
article and the materials, if any, that, under articles 101 to 117 of this
title, are required to be given to shareholders entitled to vote on the proposed
action at the meeting. Failure to give notice as provided by this subsection (1)
shall not affect any action taken at the shareholders' meeting for which the
notice was to have been given, but any shareholder who was entitled to dissent
but who was not given such notice shall not be precluded from demanding payment
for the shareholder's shares under this article by reason of the shareholder's
failure to comply with the provisions of section 7-113-202(1).

(2) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section
7-113-102 is authorized without a meeting of shareholders pursuant to section
7-107-104, any written or oral solicitation of a shareholder to execute a
writing consenting to such action contemplated in section 7-107- 104 shall be
accompanied or preceded by a written notice stating that shareholders are or may
be entitled to assert dissenters' rights under this article, by a copy of this
article, and by the materials, if any, that, under articles 101 to 117 of this
title, would have been required to be given to shareholders entitled to vote on
the proposed action if the proposed action were submitted to a vote at a
shareholders' meeting. Failure to give notice as provided by this subsection (2)
shall not affect any action taken pursuant to section 7-107-104 for which the
notice was to have been given, but any shareholder who was entitled to dissent
but who was not given such notice shall not be precluded from demanding payment
for the shareholder's shares under this article by reason of the shareholder's
failure to comply with the provisions of section 7-113-202(2).

ss. 7-113-202. Notice of intent to demand payment

(1) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section
7-113-102 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting and if notice of
dissenters' rights has been given to such shareholder in connection with the
action pursuant to section 7-113-201(1), a shareholder who wishes to assert
dissenters' rights shall:

(a) Cause the corporation to receive, before the vote is taken, written notice
of the shareholder's intention to demand payment for the shareholder's shares if
the proposed corporate action is effectuated; and

(b) Not vote the shares in favor of the proposed corporate action.

(2) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section
7-113-102 is authorized without a meeting of shareholders pursuant to section
7-107-104 and if notice of dissenters' rights has been given to such shareholder
in connection with the action pursuant to section 7-113-201(2), a shareholder
who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall not execute a writing consenting
to the proposed corporate action.

(3) A shareholder who does not satisfy the requirements of subsection (1) or (2)
of this section is not entitled to demand payment for the shareholder's shares
under this article.

ss. 7-113-203. Dissenters' notice

(1) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section
7-113-102 is authorized, the corporation shall give a written dissenters' notice
to all shareholders who are entitled to demand payment for their shares under
this article.

(2) The dissenters' notice required by subsection (1) of this section shall be
given no later than ten days after the effective date of the corporate action
creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 and shall:

(a) State that the corporate action was authorized and state the effective date
or proposed effective date of the corporate action;

(b) State an address at which the corporation will receive payment demands and
the address of a place where certificates for certificated shares must be

(c) Inform holders of uncertificated shares to what extent transfer of the
shares will be restricted after the payment demand is received;

(d) Supply a form for demanding payment, which form shall request a dissenter to
state an address to which payment is to be made;

(e) Set the date by which the corporation must receive the payment demand and
certificates for certificated shares, which date shall not be less than thirty
days after the date the notice required by subsection (1) of this section is

(f) State the requirement contemplated in section 7-113-103(3), if such
requirement is imposed; and

(g) Be accompanied by a copy of this article.

ss. 7-113-204. Procedure to demand payment

(1) A shareholder who is given a dissenters' notice pursuant to section 7-
113-203 and who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall, in accordance with
the terms of the dissenters' notice:

(a) Cause the corporation to receive a payment demand, which may be the payment
demand form contemplated in section 7-113-203(2)(d), duly completed, or may be
stated in another writing; and

(b) Deposit the shareholder's certificates for certificated shares.

(2) A shareholder who demands payment in accordance with subsection (1) of this
section retains all rights of a shareholder, except the right to transfer the
shares, until the effective date of the proposed corporate action giving rise to
the shareholder's exercise of dissenters' rights and has only the right to
receive payment for the shares after the effective date of such corporate

(3) Except as provided in section 7-113-207 or 7-113-209(1)(b), the demand for
payment and deposit of certificates are irrevocable.

(4) A shareholder who does not demand payment and deposit the shareholder's
share certificates as required by the date or dates set in the dissenters'
notice is not entitled to payment for the shares under this article.

ss. 7-113-205. Uncertificated shares

(1) Upon receipt of a demand for payment under section 7-113-204 from a
shareholder holding uncertificated shares, and in lieu of the deposit of
certificates representing the shares, the corporation may restrict the transfer

(2) In all other respects, the provisions of section 7-113-204 shall be
applicable to shareholders who own uncertificated shares.

ss. 7-113-206. Payment

(1) Except as provided in section 7-113-208, upon the effective date of the
corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 or upon
receipt of a payment demand pursuant to section 7-113-204, whichever is later,
the corporation shall pay each dissenter who complied with section 7- 113-204,
at the address stated in the payment demand, or if no such address is stated in
the payment demand, at the address shown on the corporation's current record of
shareholders for the record shareholder holding the dissenter's shares, the
amount the corporation estimates to be the fair value of the dissenter's shares,
plus accrued interest.

(2) The payment made pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall be
accompanied by:

(a) The corporation's balance sheet as of the end of its most recent fiscal year
or, if that is not available, the corporation's balance sheet as of the end of a
fiscal year ending not more than sixteen months before the date of payment, an
income statement for that year, and, if the corporation customarily provides
such statements to shareholders, a statement of changes in shareholders' equity
for that year and a statement of cash flow for that year, which balance sheet
and statements shall have been audited if the corporation customarily provides
audited financial statements to shareholders, as well as the latest available
financial statements, if any, for the interim or full-year period, which
financial statements need not be audited;

(b) A statement of the corporation's estimate of the fair value of the shares;

(c) An explanation of how the interest was calculated;

(d) A statement of the dissenter's right to demand payment under section 7-
113-209; and

(e) A copy of this article.

ss. 7-113-207. Failure to take action

(1) If the effective date of the corporate action creating dissenters' rights
under section 7-113-102 does not occur within sixty days after the date set by
the corporation by which the corporation must receive the payment demand as
provided in section 7-113-203, the corporation shall return the deposited
certificates and release the transfer restrictions imposed on uncertificated

(2) If the effective date of the corporate action creating dissenters' rights
under section 7-113-102 occurs more than sixty days after the date set by the
corporation by which the corporation must receive the payment demand as provided
in section 7-113-203, then the corporation shall send a new dissenters' notice,
as provided in section 7-113-203, and the provisions of sections 7-113-204 to
7-113-209 shall again be applicable.

ss. 7-113-208. Special provisions relating to shares acquired after announcement
of proposed corporate action

(1) The corporation may, in or with the dissenters' notice given pursuant to
section 7-113-203, state the date of the first announcement to news media or to
shareholders of the terms of the proposed corporate action creating dissenters'
rights under section 7-113-102 and state that the dissenter shall certify in
writing, in or with the dissenter's payment demand under section 7-113-204,
whether or not the dissenter (or the person on whose behalf dissenters' rights
are asserted) acquired beneficial ownership of the shares before that date. With
respect to any dissenter who does not so certify in writing, in or with the
payment demand, that the dissenter or the person on whose behalf the dissenter
asserts dissenters' rights acquired beneficial ownership of the shares before
such date, the corporation may, in lieu of making the payment provided in
section 7-113-206, offer to make such payment if the dissenter agrees to accept
it in full satisfaction of the demand.

(2) An offer to make payment under subsection (1) of this section shall include
or be accompanied by the information required by section 7-113-206(2).

ss. 7-113-209. Procedure if dissenter is dissatisfied with payment or offer

(1) A dissenter may give notice to the corporation in writing of the dissenter's
estimate of the fair value of the dissenter's shares and of the amount of
interest due and may demand payment of such estimate, less any payment made
under section 7-113-206, or reject the corporation's offer under section
7-113-208 and demand payment of the fair value of the shares and interest due,

(a) The dissenter believes that the amount paid under section 7-113-206 or
offered under section 7-113-208 is less than the fair value of the shares or
that the interest due was incorrectly calculated;

(b) The corporation fails to make payment under section 7-113-206 within sixty
days after the date set by the corporation by which the corporation must receive
the payment demand; or

(c) The corporation does not return the deposited certificates or release the
transfer restrictions imposed on uncertificated shares as required by section

(2) A dissenter waives the right to demand payment under this section unless the
dissenter causes the corporation to receive the notice required by subsection
(1) of this section within thirty days after the corporation made or offered
payment for the dissenter's shares.

ss. 7-113-301. Court action

(1) If a demand for payment under section 7-113-209 remains unresolved, the
corporation may, within sixty days after receiving the payment demand, commence
a proceeding and petition the court to determine the fair value of the shares
and accrued interest. If the corporation does not commence the proceeding within
the sixty-day period, it shall pay to each dissenter whose demand remains
unresolved the amount demanded.

(2) The corporation shall commence the proceeding described in subsection (1) of
this section in the district court for the county in this state in which the
street address of the corporation's principal office is located or, if the
corporation has no principal office in this state, in the district court for the
county in which the street address of its registered agent is located, or, if
the corporation has no registered agent, in the district court for the city and
county of Denver. If the corporation is a foreign corporation without a
registered agent, it shall commence the proceeding in the county in which the
domestic corporation merged into, or whose shares were acquired by, the foreign
corporation would have commenced the action if that corporation were subject to
the first sentence of this subsection (2).

(3) The corporation shall make all dissenters, whether or not residents of this
state, whose demands remain unresolved parties to the proceeding commenced under
subsection (2) of this section as in an action against their shares, and all
parties shall be served with a copy of the petition. Service on each dissenter
shall be by registered or certified mail, to the address stated in such
dissenter's payment demand, or if no such address is stated in the payment
demand, at the address shown on the corporation's current record of shareholders
for the record shareholder holding the dissenter's shares, or as provided by

(4) The jurisdiction of the court in which the proceeding is commenced under
subsection (2) of this section is plenary and exclusive. The court may appoint
one or more persons as appraisers to receive evidence and recommend a decision
on the question of fair value. The appraisers have the powers described in the
order appointing them, or in any amendment to such order. The parties to the
proceeding are entitled to the same discovery rights as parties in other civil

(5) Each dissenter made a party to the proceeding commenced under subsection (2)
of this section is entitled to judgment for the amount, if any, by which the
court finds the fair value of the dissenter's shares, plus interest, exceeds the
amount paid by the corporation, or for the fair value, plus interest, of the
dissenter's shares for which the corporation elected to withhold payment under
section 7-113-208.

ss. 7-113-302. Court costs and counsel fees

(1) The court in an appraisal proceeding commenced under section 7-113-301 shall
determine all costs of the proceeding, including the reasonable compensation and
expenses of appraisers appointed by the court. The court shall assess the costs
against the corporation; except that the court may assess costs against all or
some of the dissenters, in amounts the court finds equitable, to the extent the
court finds the dissenters acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith
in demanding payment under section 7-113- 209.

(2) The court may also assess the fees and expenses of counsel and experts for
the respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable:

(a) Against the corporation and in favor of any dissenters if the court finds
the corporation did not substantially comply with part 2 of this article; or

(b) Against either the corporation or one or more dissenters, in favor of any
other party, if the court finds that the party against whom the fees and
expenses are assessed acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not in good faith with
respect to the rights provided by this article.

(3) If the court finds that the services of counsel for any dissenter were of
substantial benefit to other dissenters similarly situated, and that the fees
for those services should not be assessed against the corporation, the court may
award to said counsel reasonable fees to be paid out of the amounts awarded to
the dissenters who were benefitted.

                                     ANNEX 4

                           (2005 Director Stock Plan)

                              ORALABS HOLDING CORP.
                            2005 DIRECTOR STOCK PLAN

1.       PURPOSE.

         (a) The purpose of the 2005 Director Stock Plan (the "Plan") is to
provide a means by which each director of OraLabs Holding Corp. (the "Company")
may be given bonus compensation in the form of stock of the Company.

         (b) The Company, by means of the Plan, seeks to secure and retain the
services of persons capable of serving as directors of the Company and to
provide incentives for such persons to exert maximum efforts for the success of
the Company.


         (a) The Plan shall be administered by the Board of Directors of the
Company (the "Board"). The Board shall have the power where consistent with the
general purpose and intent of the Plan to (i) modify the requirements of the
Plan to conform with the law or to meet special circumstances not anticipated or
covered in the Plan, (ii) suspend or discontinue the Plan, (iii) establish
policies and (iv) adopt rules and regulations and prescribe forms for carrying
out the purposes and provisions of the Plan. Unless otherwise provided in the
Plan, the Board shall have the authority to interpret and construe the Plan, and
determine all questions arising under the Plan. Any interpretation, decision or
determination made by the Board shall be final, binding and conclusive. A
majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum, and an act of the majority of
the members present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act
of the Board.


         (a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph 8 relating to adjustments
upon changes in stock, the stock that may be granted under the Plan shall not
exceed in the aggregate Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) shares of the Company's
common stock.

         (b) The stock subject to the Plan may be any shares that may be
available for issuance by the Company.


         Shares may be issued to any person serving in the capacity of a
director of the Company and may be authorized by the Board for issuance on any
subsequent date.

5.       GRANTS.

         The Board may grant awards of shares of common stock from time to time
as it considers to be warranted or otherwise justified for the purpose of
compensating directors for services provided to the Company. The Board may
impose restrictions upon the transferability of the shares as it deems advisable
or may issue shares without any restrictions upon transferability.


         The Company may seek to obtain from each regulatory commission or
agency having jurisdiction over the Plan such authority as may be required, if
any, to issue and sell shares of stock as may be permitted under the terms of
this Plan.


         (a) Nothing in the Plan or in any instrument executed pursuant thereto
shall confer upon any Director any right to continue in the service of the
Company in any capacity or shall affect any right of the Company, its Board or
stockholders to remove any Director pursuant to the Company's Bylaws and the
provisions of the Colorado Business Corporation Act.

         (b) In connection with stock issued pursuant to the Plan, it shall be a
condition precedent to the Company's obligation to issue or transfer shares to a
Director that such Director make arrangements satisfactory to the Company to
insure that the amount of any federal, state or local withholding tax required
to be withheld with respect to such sale or transfer, or such removal or lapse,
is made available to the Company for timely payment of such tax. The withholding
tax obligation may be satisfied by payment of the amount in cash or by such
other method permitted by law.


         Subject to any required action by the stockholders of the Company, the
number of shares of common stock that have been authorized for issuance under
the Plan but which have not then been issued shall be proportionately adjusted
for any increase or decrease in the number of issued shares of common stock
resulting from a stock split, reverse stock split, stock dividend, combination
or reclassification of the common stock, or any other increase or decrease in
the number of issued shares of common stock effected without receipt of
consideration by Company; provided, however, that conversion of any convertible
securities of the Company shall not be deemed to have been "effected without
receipt of consideration." Such adjustment shall be made by the Board, whose
determination in that respect shall be final, binding and conclusive.


         The Board may at any time amend, alter, suspend or discontinue the
Plan. However, to the extent that shareholder approval is necessary for the Plan
to satisfy the requirements of Section 422 of the Code, Rule 16b-3, or any other
applicable law or regulation, including the requirements of the NASD or an
established stock exchange, such amendment shall not be effective until
shareholder approval is obtained. The Board may in its sole discretion submit
any other amendment to the Plan for shareholder approval.


         The Board may suspend or terminate the Plan at any time. Unless sooner
terminated, the Plan shall terminate on December 31, 2010.


                              ORALABS HOLDING CORP.
                              18685 E. PLAZA DRIVE
                             PARKER, COLORADO 80134


         The  undersigned  stockholder  of  OraLabs  Holding  Corp.,  a Colorado
corporation, (the "Company" or "OraLabs"), hereby appoints Michael I. Friess and
Allen R. Goldstone, and each of them, as proxies, each with the power to appoint
his substitute,  and hereby authorizes each of them to represent, and to vote as
designated in this Proxy,  all of the shares of common stock of the Company held
of record by the undersigned on  ______________,  2005, at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders  of the  Company  to be held at the  Company's  offices at 18685 E.
Plaza  Drive,   Parker,   Colorado  80134,  at  10:00  a.m.,  Mountain  Time  on
______________,  2005, and at all adjournments or postponements thereof upon the
following matters,  as set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
and Proxy Statement, each dated ______________,  2005, copies of which have been
received by the undersigned, hereby revoking any Proxy heretofore given.


         The Board of  Directors  of the Company  recommends a vote "FOR" all of
the matters that are being considered at the meeting.

1. PROPOSAL ONE:  Approval of the Stock Exchange  Agreement and the transactions
by which (a) OraLabs will issue shares to the NVC  shareholders  in exchange for
all of the  ownership  interest in NVC  Lighting  Investment  Holdings  Limited,
immediately followed by (b) the redemption of all of the shares of OraLabs owned
by Gary H. Schlatter,  individually,  in exchange for the issuance to him of all
of the shares of OraLabs,  Inc.  owned by OraLabs,  and (c) the  approval of the
2005 Director Stock Plan and the issuance to the OraLabs non-employee  directors
of 100,000 shares each under that plan:

         /   / FOR                                   /   / AGAINST                              /   / ABSTAIN
2. PROPOSAL TWO: Election of Directors:

--------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------

1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS                                [ ]                   [ ]                     [ ]
   (INSTRUCTIONS:  TO WITHHOLD AUTHORITY TO           FOR ALL                FOR ALL                 WITHHOLD
   VOTE FOR AN INDIVIDUAL NOMINEE, STRIKE A                                  EXCEPT                  AUTHORITY
   LINE THROUGH THE NOMINEE'S NAME IN THE                                                             FOR ALL
--------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------

         NOMINEES:             Du Gang, Wu Chang Jiang, Hu Yong Hong, Tracy Wan Hung


3. PROPOSAL THREE: Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation to change the name
of OraLabs from OraLabs  Holding Corp. to NVC Lighting  Corporation  or similar,
and to increase the number of common shares authorized to 200,000,000:

         /   /FOR         /   /AGAINST                 /   /ABSTAIN

4. PROPOSAL FOUR: Approval of the 2005 Stock Option, SAR and Stock Bonus Plan:

         /   /FOR        /   /AGAINST                  /   /ABSTAIN

5. PROPOSAL FIVE:  Ratify the selection of Murell,  Hall McIntosh & Co., PLLP as
the independent auditors for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005, but if the
other  proposals are not adopted,  then this proposal is to ratify the selection
of Ehrhardt  Keefe Steiner & Hottman,  P.C. as the  independent  auditors of the
Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005.

         /   /FOR        /   /AGAINST                  /   /ABSTAIN

         In their discretion, the proxy holders are authorized to vote upon such
other matters as may properly come before the Annual Meeting of Shareholders and
at any adjournments  thereof. The Board of Directors at present know of no other
business  to be  presented  by or on  behalf  of the  Company  or the  Board  of
Directors at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

-----------------------------------    -----------------------------------  
Signature                              Signature if Held Jointly            
-----------------------------------    -----------------------------------  
Name (Please print)                    Name (Please print)                  
Date: ______________________________   Date:_______________________________