Washington, D.C.

                                   FORM U-6B-2

                           Certificate of Notification

                                    Filed by

                              ALABAMA POWER COMPANY
                                 (the "Company")

         This certificate is notice that the above named company has issued,
renewed or guaranteed the security or securities described herein which issue,
renewal or guaranty was exempted from the provisions of Section 6(a) of the Act
and was neither the subject of a declaration or application on Form U-1 nor
included within the exemption provided by Rule U-48.

Item 1.  Type of security or securities.

         Bank Notes, Commercial Paper and Extendible Commercial Notes.

Item 2.  Issue, renewal or guaranty.

         Not applicable

Item 3.  Principal amount of each security.

         Bank Notes - None issued during the quarter. Outstanding at December
         31, 2004 - $0.

         Commercial Paper - Various amounts ranging from $3,000,000 to
         $35,000,000. Outstanding balance at December 31, 2004 - $0.

         Extendible Commercial Notes - None issued during the quarter.
         Outstanding at December 31, 2004 - $0.

Item 4.  Rate of interest per annum of each security.

         Bank Notes - None issued during quarter.

         Commercial Paper - Rates ranging from 1.75% to 2.00%.

         Extendible Commercial Notes - None issued during quarter.

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Item 5. Date of issue, renewal or guaranty of each security.

         No Bank Notes or Extendible Commercial Notes during the quarter.
         Commercial Paper was issued on various dates within the quarter ended
         December 31, 2004.

Item 6. If renewal of security, give date of original issue.

         Not Applicable.

Item 7.  Date of maturity of each security.

         Commercial Paper - Various dates until November 18, 2004.

Item 8.  Name of person to whom each security was issued, renewed or guaranteed.

         Commercial Paper - Bank of America, First Boston, Merrill Lynch &
         Southern Company Funding Corp.

Item 9. Collateral given with each security, if any.

         Not applicable.

Item 10. Consideration received for each security.

         Not applicable.

Item 11. Application of proceeds of each security.

         Proceeds used for general corporate purposes, including working

Item 12. Indicate by a check after the applicable statement below whether the
         issue, renewal or guaranty of each security was exempt from the
         provisions of Section 6(a) because of:

         a.       the provisions contained in the first sentence of Section

         b.       the provisions contained in the fourth sentence of Section

         c.       the provisions contained in any rule of the Commission other
                  than Rule U-48 X .

Item 13. Not Applicable.

Item 14. Not Applicable.

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Item 15. If the security or securities are exempt from the provisions of Section
         6(a) because of any rule of the Commission other than Rule U-48,
         designate the rule under which exemption is claimed.

         Rule 52.

Date:  January 21, 2005                            ALABAMA POWER COMPANY

                                                   By: /s/Wayne Boston
                                                         Wayne Boston
                                                      Assistant Secretary