Charleston, SC, April 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rosa Díaz, a first-time author and passionate advocate against domestic violence, shares her personal experiences, spiritual insights, and a powerful guidebook for those seeking to overcome life’s challenges with faith and resilience.
"I am thrilled to introduce my book, Remember... I Am With You," said Díaz. "It is a story about a personal encounter with God’s mercy and grace as He heals me, using His love as the glue to make me whole again. Remember, we are not alone in our struggles. We all share an imperfect human nature and have a common need for a Savior.”
The lessons taught in Remember… I AM With You provides a real-life avenue of growth. Its words beckon to the courage within each reader who chooses to pick up this book; the courage just waiting to be discovered and unleashed.
If you’ve been waiting for a sign to change your life and transform your future, this book is the call to action you’ve been waiting for. Each page turn sheds a heavy burden off your shoulders and invites you to don a mantle of newfound strength and purpose in His light.
Through Remember… I AM With You, readers will discover the power of healing, the joy of belonging, and the peace that comes from knowing you are never alone. God is always with you.
Remember… I AM With You is available for purchase online at and Barnes and
For more information about the author, please visit any of her social media platforms-
Author contact info:
Facebook: Rosa Díaz -Author
Instagram: Rosa Díaz-Author
MoreThan1Victim contact info:
Facebook: morethan1victim
Instagram: morethan1victim
Our mission is to create awareness and fuel the urgency for a new approach to address Domestic Violence. We must recognize that everyone involved is a victim and promote individual accountability. Our proactive action offers equal support to all and is the driving force for lasting change.
About the Author:
Rosa Díaz, a first-time author from Douglas, Arizona, credits God as the inspiration behind her book, Remember… I AM With You. Her writing journey led to personal healing and a newfound purpose: advocating against domestic violence. As the founder of morethan1victim, Díaz promotes awareness, individual accountability, and equitable support for all victims. Her philosophy, #minus1victim, reflects her commitment to using life lessons for positive change and social advocacy. Her book intertwines her personal experiences with spiritual insights, offering readers a powerful guide to overcoming life's challenges with faith and resilience.
Media Contact: Rosa Díaz;
Available for interviews: Author, Rosa Díaz

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing