--News Direct--
Krakatoa Resources Ltd (ASX:KTA) chairman Colin Locke tells Proactive the company has significantly expanded exploration at the wholly-owned King Tamba Project in Western Australia by way of a further 6,000 metres of reverse circulation (RC) drilling. KTA recently completed 1,800 metres of RC drilling to test the extent of high-grade lithium in soil anomalies across the Wilsons, Loader and MGM prospects. Thirteen out of the 16 holes drilled intersected thick, continuous pegmatites from 70 metres deep, including a flat-lying blind pegmatite up to 39 metres thick underneath the 4.3% Li2O rock chip at Wilsons prospect.
“Previous drilling covered a mere fraction of the 3-kilometre LCT corridor,” Locke said. “It’s time to take an aggressive approach and carry out comprehensive drill testing of the high-grade anomalous soil zone.”

Contact Details
Proactive Investors
Jonathan Jackson
+61 413 713 744
View source version on newsdirect.com: https://newsdirect.com/news/krakatoa-resources-ups-the-ante-on-king-tamba-with-aggressive-new-drilling-695589023