Tim Tacl discusses building trust in the real estate industry.
Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-tim-tacl-co-founder-sr-loan-officer-at-dnvr-lending/
In this episode, Tim emphasizes the significance of not simply being a “menu taker” when working with clients. Instead, he encourages listeners to fully engage and comprehend the needs of their clients. He acknowledges that everybody has experienced situations where they believe they are listening to someone, whether it’s a partner, friend, or client, but they consistently miss the mark with their feedback because they’re not truly listening. Tim suggests that this same issue can arise when working with clients. Even if loan officers are delivering what the client is asking for, they may still not be satisfied because loan officers are overlooking something that they are not explicitly stating.
To overcome this, Tim advises taking a moment to strip down the client’s needs and uncover what they are truly seeking. It may not solely be about the product or service itself, but also about the level of service, guidance, or value that the client desires. By genuinely listening to the client and understanding their underlying needs, professionals can better meet their expectations and provide a more fulfilling experience.
When clients express dissatisfaction despite receiving what they requested, it is likely because they have unexpressed desires. The podcast host emphasizes the importance of truly listening to clients and comprehending their needs. He provides an example of how clients may express a desire for a specific service or rate, but there may be underlying factors that they are not articulating. The host suggests taking a moment to delve deeper into the request and uncover what the client is truly seeking. It could be about service, value, or guiding them through the process. By understanding the complete picture and addressing the underlying needs, professionals can provide a superior experience for their clients.
In this interview, the importance of trust in building relationships with clients and referral partners is emphasized. Mike Saunders and Tim discuss how trust played a role in their own experiences and how it continues to be a key factor in their current roles.
One aspect of trust that is highlighted is trusting personal instincts. The guest shares how he had to trust his friend who encouraged him to make a career transition. Despite not being able to see all the steps in front of him, he trusted that taking one step at a time and continuously learning and improving would lead him in the right direction. This lesson has now come full circle, as he now asks his clients and borrowers to trust him in guiding them through the process of buying houses.
Tim said: “When you get a borrower, don’t be a menu taker. Dive in. What are their needs? Because, I mean, we’ve all been there. We’re listening, whether it’s your partner, your friend, or client. And you’re listening, you try to give feedback and you keep missing the mark, but you’re not listening. So, we try to listen to what our clients want. They’re saying, I want this and this and you’re delivering that and they’re still not happy. Well, it’s probably because you’re missing something that they’re not saying. So, take a couple of seconds, strip it down, and find out what they’re looking for.”
About Tim Tacl
After earning his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the United States Naval Academy in 2009, Tim Tacl served for six years as an Officer in the US Navy. He left the military service in 2015 and started his civilian career working on the Strategic Partnership team with Vail Resorts. After working and learning about corporate marketing, partnership contracts, and client relations for a ski season, Tim was ready to find a career that re-aligned with his core value of service to others and giving back to the community around him. Surprisingly, he found that residential lending offered him just that.
After six years working for a traditional correspondent lender, Tim again felt that something was lacking and that there had to be a way to give back in a bigger way to not only his clients but his community as well. This led him and his two co-founders, Abby McDaniel and Jerre Allyn, to create DNVR Lending. His goal and vision for DNVR Lending is to offer clients the best rates in the market while not compromising on the superior client experience, he has built a reputation for providing.
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